It’s quite difficult for modern guys and men to meet the girl they like: attempts to communicate with ladies on the street are often stopped due to haste or fatigue, and “attacks” on the Internet generally frighten them - what if the handsome handsome man in the photo is actually a creepy and rejected sexual maniac? Such is our age of mistrust and fear, nothing can be done!

However, acquaintance, no matter how difficult it may be, is only the first step, followed by another, much more complex and important - the first date. Today we will talk about how to behave on a first date, in particular, what to talk about so that your first date with a beautiful woman does not become your last.

How to learn not to worry before a date?

Of course, only a small number of people have the skills to communicate effectively and can find topics of conversation with any person and in absolutely any situation.

However, even such “supermen” sometimes get lost and confuse their words when they find themselves in front of the girl of their dreams, and excitement and fear of ruining everything further aggravate the situation. What can you do to prevent such trouble as awkward silence or, even worse, absolutely inappropriate phrases, jokes and gestures? What can you do to stop worrying before a date?

In order not to worry during the first date, the most reasonable thing on your part would be to simply prepare for the date in advance, in particular, think about what you will talk about and how you can interest the girl. After all, preparation is The best way overcome anxiety!

First, remember where and how you agreed to spend your first date. Of course, if you decide to dance all night in a club, you don’t need to think about the topics of conversation, since the roar of music and flickering lights will simply not allow you to communicate. However, in most cases, girls prefer to meet a new acquaintance for the first time in a quiet, cozy cafe, where they can calmly talk and get to know each other better.

How to find topics to talk about on a first date?

To avoid letting awkward silence ruin your evening, try starting your search for pre-prepared topics from the place where you are going to meet the girl.

For example, if you decide to go to a Japanese restaurant, search the Internet for some fun facts about it, for example, what Japanese cuisine is like in general, what dishes are the most popular, how long it takes a Japanese chef to learn how to cook rolls correctly, and so on. You can also search interesting information about Japan itself and its culture - rest assured, you can find many interesting facts!

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the conversation is best conducted casually and easily, in the form of stories from life. You should not turn into a boring “nerd” or a “walking encyclopedia”!

Try to connect the facts you find with real stories from your life, weave one into the other. For example, you yourself once traveled to Japan or want to go there, so you collect information about this country. Or maybe one of your friends went there? Remember that you are still talking about yourself, and not just listing abstract facts!

You can also refer to the history of the city and find out what was on the site of that cafe or restaurant some time ago. It will be especially cool if you can find some romantic or simply fascinating story about this.

Perhaps earlier, on the site where the cafe now stands, there was a large square where loving couples often met. You might even be able to find photos from previous years online! Thanks to modern smartphones and tablets, you can easily share these photos with a new friend.

How to tell about yourself?

Among other things, on the first date you should definitely talk about yourself. However, remember that girls are subconsciously looking for strong man someone you can rely on and trust. Therefore, try to talk about some positive facts of your life: victories, achievements, hobbies, travels.

Under no circumstances should you start “going negative”: don’t make a record about how difficult it is for you to live, how you were annoyed at work, how your friends didn’t care about you and how lonely and unhappy you are. The advice may seem strange to you - after all, it seems like it’s already clear to everyone that this shouldn’t be done!

But in Lately There has been a bad tendency among guys to try to play on a girl’s feelings of pity, thinking that this same pity will later develop into falling in love. But think for yourself, will it be pleasant for you to realize that the lady agreed to a second date just out of pity for you?

However, you should not overact when talking about your successes. Don't try to play the role of Superman and don't show off. Communicate calmly, as if accidentally recalling this or that event in your life.

How to get a girl to like you on the first date?

And the most important advice: if you want to conquer a girl on the first date, be sure to be interested in her and her life! Seriously, every person today is focused on raising their importance and worth in the eyes of others. To do this, people strive to stand out through clothing, hairstyles, accessories, gadgets, behavior, voice, gestures, and so on.

Therefore, instead of trying your best to show off, try to pay attention to the girl herself: ask her about what she does, what she loves most, what excites and interests her in modern world. Find out about her interests and hobbies. Ask her to talk about her family and friends, and how she prefers to spend her free time.

Be sure to listen carefully to what the lady is telling you! Try to master the technique of active listening. Lean a little in her direction, nod your head, ask questions, use auxiliary words such as “really?”, “wow!”, “great!” and so on. Try to remember the details of her story - for girls, details are always very important.

A little later you will be able to use this, for example, by “remembering” some story of yours related to her story: “But at the beginning of the date you talked about how one day you went to work and saw such a beautiful white cat on a woman’s hand... So, I was once at a cat show...” Your interlocutor will definitely appreciate your attentiveness!

Our article is coming to an end, so let's summarize everything that has been said today. What to talk about with a girl on the first date? Firstly, remember that any impromptu is good with preparation, so you should always prepare for a date in advance, in particular, think about what you will talk about.

Secondly, make sure that your stories sound relevant and do not look like an empty list of abstract facts. Thirdly, talk about your achievements and victories, and never complain about “ bad life"and everything connected with it. But at the same time, try not to let your story look like bragging! And finally, fourthly, be sincerely interested in your interlocutor and listen to her carefully.

Our self-development portal wishes you only successful first dates, on which you always know what to say and ask, and after which second, third, and so on will certainly follow! And let them pass easily and pleasantly for both you and your girlfriend! Stay with us and you can learn much more about how to attract a girl's attention and how to be happy in a relationship. Also read and.

It is very important to decide for yourself where to go on a first date with a girl. There must be a clear understanding of where to spend it.

Choose a place where YOU like first of all

You must know the very locations and places where you will have a great time with her. YOU should be cool first of all, A your condition will be passed on to the girl. Because everything you feel, she feels.

And she won't be able to refuse

Having a clear idea of ​​where to go on a first date, and what will you do there, you will have self-confidence.

Even when you call her and ask her, for example, to bungee jump, she will feel your passion and emotion in what you say. Because you like it.

Your motivation to go on a date with you will be transmitted to the girl. Both of you will have eagerness and pleasant anticipation before the meeting.

Good places to meet

Deserted beach

I like to have a date with a girl on a deserted beach Volga. There are almost no people there and there is a small beach. I take with me something in advance to lie on.

We hug and lie there with the girl, looking at the waves, at the birds, at the ships. We look at each other, massage, communicate. IN warm weather you can sunbathe together.

Amusement park

My other favorite place for dates - this is a summer park
. It fills me with childhood memories. There are big rides that will leave both of you feeling high.

I'm not saying ride a roller coaster. Attractions will give emotions and drive, will help you get closer, will create some kind of history between you.

I walked in this park as a child, I always liked it and that’s why it’s all the more special for me. If I like it in this park, the girl will like it there a priori.

Riding a trolley in a supermarket

Great place to go on a date - it's riding carts around the supermarket. When I'm with a girl, I sit her down.

We can choose products, or we can just enjoy the trip.

The route through the hypermarket is always spontaneous and funny. It gives you a childlike pleasant feeling of fun.

In one supermarket they already know me well. I got a couple of mild warnings, but that doesn't stop me :)

Go choose groceries together

I had a date with a girl who lives near my house. We went on our first date together to the supermarket to buy cookies. This is also a good reason to see each other.

When you change locations and move with a girl, you create a certain relationship history, a special connection is created. Therefore, it is very important not to sit and get stuck in one place.


Will it’s stupid to go to a cafe, sit opposite each other and eat something b. No one will hug anyone, just talk and food. Always sit next to me.

Play your favorite sport together

There were girls who called me to skydive. They know that I am adventurous and love to challenge fear.

You can invite a girl to play your favorite sport. For example, go for a run together in the evening.

Some people like it rope jumping, skating, swimming or just sitting in a cafe and drink tea together. To each his own.

The place where you like and where you feel comfortable is the best place for a date.

Touch her from the start

Touch the girl more from the start your meeting. This is what you should do on a first date from the very beginning.

If you hug her initially, then she will get used to it and it will be normal for her. She'll think: " Yes, it's okay to hug and touch with this guy. There's nothing wrong with this" Behave naturally, be yourself. This is the very behavior of a man that you need.

How to behave correctly on a first date with a girl:

If you made the mistake of not touching or hugging the girl from the very beginning, then later it will be somehow strange and awkward for both of you. There will be resistance on her part! Therefore, make it easier for yourself to get closer to a girl - touch and hug her from the very beginning. Touch her because you want to, not because she likes it.

If you do everything as I described in the article, then there will be no more questions about how to behave on a first date with a girl.

Top 5 super rules for dating beautiful girl.

Forget about the perfect date

Know that a first date with a girl will never be smooth and perfect. There will always be some element of chance.

There will always be things that happen that are beyond your control. You can't calculate everything in advance. That's why don't worry about perfection.

Let go of expectations: everything will happen by itself

Let things happen. The perfect date is the one that comes naturally. There is no need to make any guesses or expect anything.. Spontaneity is your best friend.

It's normal to not know what to say. Never strive to have the perfect date. Let it turn out the way it turns out.

You experience failure when you want to experience luck. If you do not set such a goal, any negative reactions do not concern you.

When a date is too ideal and smooth, it’s very boring and uninteresting.

Don't buy flowers

I have never bought flowers for a first date with a girl in my life!

If you give flowers on a first date, you're ruining everything for yourself because:

  • it will be harder to touch her;
  • she will act arrogantly in relation to you;
  • it won't be open you;
  • you yourself put her on a pedestal, above yourself.

Understand that on the first date you can just spend time with her and that's enough. No gifts or flowers are needed.

Video of my approach

In the next video, I approached a girl who was initially talking to someone on the phone.

I interrupted her communication and led her along. I didn't wait for her to hang up.

The way a guy touches a girl, whether he touches her confidently or dominantly, is not particularly important. In my video I advise you to pay attention to other subtle points.

By the way, many guys would wait for the girl to finish on the phone. But that’s not interesting. See all the details of my acquaintance in this video.

If she says buy me this, buy me that

You say: “No, don’t wait. I like you! I'm not going to pay for you. I like you, I want you, I can give you a lot of pleasure! But this does not mean that I am your sponsor! I'm honest with you."

And that’s it, she immediately understands: “ Oh, that's what a man is. Everything is clear now.”

She will not demand gifts and other things.

You let her know who you are.

That's all. This is an excellent start to any relationship where everything is built on sincerity.

The beginning of a relationship without lies, where a woman is not trying to suck money out of a man, and the man is not trying to buy a woman.

I'm not ready for my behavior to keep the 22-year-old beauty attracted to me!

What you can talk about with a girl on the first date - detailed article.

: how to hug a girl correctly.

For the first kiss, suck in without words + video of a guy passionately kissing a girl.

The right approach to dating

Advanced guys never say they are going on a “date with a girl.”

The word “date” greatly limits your perception of meeting her.: as if there will be something official like a candlelit dinner, rose petals, fireworks and other heresy. All this will constrain you and interfere with you. Why limit yourself?

Tell yourself: I’m not going on a date, but to “see a girl,” “spend time with a girl,” “enjoy communication with a girl.” You go to meet and “find out whether you are suitable for each other or not.”

Exactly this type of thinking will allow you to be yourself and liberate yourself. You won't feel much responsibility or importance of the meeting.

You are already self-sufficient and there is no reason otherwise.

Men have problems understanding what, who they are now is enough.

There's no reason to be insecure.

You exist - that's enough.

All this knowledge will give you an understanding of how to have the best first date with a girl and get results.

Call a girl and put everything you learned from the article into practice.

You can also get other secrets of seducing women and meeting them by signing up for individual training with me.

According to statistics, first dates become last in more than half of the cases. The reason for this is that men and women go into a meeting with different expectations - which is why nothing fits in between them.

Date or not?

First, let's define the terminology. A first date is not a meeting between two people who have known each other for 10 years and decide that they are in love with each other. This happens: for example, a man and a woman work in the same office, they work for a long time... and suddenly the man, hiding a bouquet of forget-me-nots behind his back, casually says: “Lyudmila Petrovna, are you by any chance busy today after six?” No, a first date is a meeting in person after meeting on the Internet, telephone, correspondence, eye contact (on Skype) and the like. Nowadays, given the wild popularity of dating sites, first dates can happen 3-4 times a week. And for some desperate ones - even every day. So, expectations. It’s good if both have decided that their first meeting is just an acquaintance and non-binding communication. It's a walk down the street or a trip to a cafe, nothing more. However, even in this case, a woman, as a rule, expects much more from such a meeting than a man. This is her first misconception. The word “date” seems to imply a love acquaintance, even if it is not spoken out loud. A man, if he has not stated that he is inviting him on a date, is free to do whatever he wants, simply wanting to see a woman in person and understand whether he likes her, whether he is sexually attracted to her, whether she has a pleasant voice and manners. A woman most often expects courtship from the first meeting.

“Do not offer sex” and other misconceptions

The consequence of the first misconception is the belief that the man is calling her to a meeting with serious intentions. Therefore, she hangs a sign on her chest “Do not offer sex,” despite the fact that she has already talked about it twice on a dating site and wrote it in a letter three times. In 80 percent of cases, such a woman on a date finds out that the man, in fact, just wants to sleep with her, becomes convinced that he doesn’t care who he sleeps with, and sends his new acquaintance to hell. The second stereotype, or rather, the childish naivety of many women, is that a man must be honest from the very first seconds of Internet correspondence. This misconception has an antipode - absolutely honest men do not exist in nature! And everyone deceives for selfish purposes. Oddly enough, there are approximately equal numbers of naive and distrustful ladies. The first ones fall for married men and then get lost in a love triangle, while the second ones bring the percentage of unsuccessful first dates to 99. Or they find a trickster who will deceive in a new way, unknown to female science. These are general trends. All other misconceptions are of a personal nature, associated with the characteristics of a girl’s fantasy. Someone dreams of a simple Soviet worker in an oil apron, and a fashionable dandy in a hat and with a rose in his buttonhole comes to the meeting. Someone is waiting for a rich diplomat on a “beha”, and an unshaven hipster arrives on a trolleybus.

How to behave on a first date?

But let’s say that a woman liked a man in absentia, no matter who he was. How should she behave with him on the first date so as not to scare him off? To do this, you just need to take the position of a man. And it turns out that everything is not so complicated.

1. Dress decently

This does not mean hanging around the wardrobe for 3 hours, trying on 33 dresses and ultimately choosing jeans and a sweater. This means dressing differently than a woman would dress 7 days a week. A lady will not succeed in trying to “be herself” or, conversely, to show off her excesses. If she basically wears torn sneakers or hides her hair under a hat even in the summer, then at least for one evening you can move away from the stereotype, and tell your man about your “kinks” later, when he falls in love. “Let him accept me as I am” is a true statement, but there is no need to abuse it. At the same time, there should be some eroticism in a woman’s outfit and image. Not provocative, of course (seduction on the first date is the topic of another article), but light and exciting. This doesn’t oblige you to anything at all, but men really like it. But I don’t like shorts, shapeless shirts and bad haircuts.

2. Makeup and fragrance

This needs to complement the image, taking into account individual preferences. Women who do not wear makeup or wear perfume on principle can, of course, take a risk and come like this, but they risk, first of all, that no one will treat them to ice cream or accompany them home.

3. Allow a man to take care of you

If you come across a timid man, you can unobtrusively hint him. If a woman doesn’t want to give hints and waits for initiative from a man, then she won’t always get it - it’s a matter of luck. The person you like may turn out to be anything, but he is, first of all, a man. And he likes to fulfill a woman’s desires, her petty whims. If during the first three dates he still doesn’t understand this, it means that everything is in shambles and the woman should change her boyfriend.

4. Ask fewer questions that are too stupid and too serious.

The first category includes questions like “What are you thinking about?”, “How are you?”, “What’s new?” The second contains questions about the man’s personal life, his parents, children and problems at work. For a woman, it is important to know only one thing: whether the man is single or married (in a relationship). But it’s better to ask such things before the first date.

5. Don’t blame your problems on a man.

Whatever they are. Maybe the man will be noble and help, who knows. But most likely he will do it first and last time- just out of the kindness of my heart. There is no point in dumping all your complexes and troubles in a fit of frankness on the first date. But there are women (to be honest, and men) who believe that you need to be extremely sincere right away and load almost stranger with all its difficult fate. In fact, you can “load” gradually, a little at a time, as trust is established and at least some relationships develop.

6. Don't talk about other men.

This point needs to be especially emphasized. Women sometimes make this mistake - they begin to remember out loud the ex-, current, failed, happy husbands of their friends, and so on. It doesn’t matter whether they talk about others well or badly, men don’t like it. On the first date, only the person with whom the date is scheduled has 100% value.

7. Obsessing over children

Second fatal mistake women. Men do not like nervous single mothers who cannot spend a second without their child. Let a child be a fact in a woman’s life, but there is no need to “drag” him on a date. This also includes animals. Men cannot stand crazy cat ladies, dog ladies, poultry ladies and fish ladies, unless, of course, they themselves are such.

8. Show masculine skills

Even if a woman knows aikido techniques, can bend rebar and fly a helicopter, she can casually mention this, but not insist. The same applies to a business woman: a meeting even with a man of equal status is not a business meeting, and it is better to leave the skills of a talented entrepreneur in the office. These were the main wishes for women going on first dates. Of course, many of the points will cause bewilderment and even angry objection. This is normal: try it yourself and write in reviews what works and what doesn’t. Many obvious points are not specifically stated: banal human respect or rules of etiquette. Or, for example, such a basic thing as instinct: first dates are done so that people feel whether there is attraction between them. But now you know how to increase the chances of this attraction with mutual sympathy and how to reduce these chances to zero. With best wishes for SECOND dates and good luck!

Now, knowing what was said above the day before, and letting the girl know from the first minutes of the date that you appreciated her work and you like her, you will already receive advantages from her in your profile.

“I am very pleased to be next to such a charming and elegant lady. Thank you for being with me today, I am very pleased.”

Give her compliments. Not standard. Ours and for her. “You have amazing taste in choosing eau de toilette. What is this? Nina Rcci or Roberto Cavalli? And it doesn’t matter that you don’t understand perfume. What is important is your attention to detail and your pleasantness towards them.

Behavior should be adequate, but with moments of unpredictability and intrigue. This turns on the weaker sex. And of course, do not put a specific woman, if it is not your mother, in the rank of the Goddess of Olympus. She will put on the crown from the first hours of the meeting, oh, you will suffer with her, fulfilling her whims. Your relationship should begin to be built on the same “thickness foundations.”

It will be nice if she notices/finds out that other girls are interested in you, they know how to like you, and they reciprocate. The resource in this situation is the girls around her: waitresses, cashiers, consultants, anyone, the main thing is to get a positive reaction from them towards yourself in front of her.

Note: girls who are at work will more easily express their sympathy for you, since they do not have the right to be rude and ignored due to their job responsibilities. 😉

If it’s not clear why you should do this, ask in the comments and I’ll give you a breakdown.

Sweets in moderation

Another technique that works on an unconscious level, and if you master it to the point of automatism, your success in falling in love will increase significantly. Remember: give her everything, a little less than she wants. I did not make this grand discovery right away. But damn, how great it works! When kissing her, stop first; if you touch her, remove your hand, and do not wait until she removes it herself. You tell a story, create intrigue, and ask her about something distant, let her take the initiative in continuing your story. And try your best in everything.

It’s like they showed you a box of chocolates, and you think that you can eat all of them, but as soon as you’ve eaten a couple of pieces, the box is covered and put away on the sideboard, with the words: “the rest will come later.” And you, remembering the taste of these sweets, look up like a cat. It's the same with your partner.

Communication for both

What to talk about with a girl on a date? This is the top question from a huge number of insecure guys. My friend, I’m really telling you that you can communicate on absolutely any topic, the main thing is that both are in in the right mood. If she is very positive about you, constantly laughs at jokes and smiles at you, you can at least turn on the “delusion generator” - words do not carry any meaning in this situation.

It's not so important what you say, it's important How And at what point.

And you can start to lift her spirits by showing sincere interest in her. Motivate her to talk about herself. And really listen to her and ask questions. There is no more favorite topic for a person than himself. And if you consider that in the world now the majority are only interested in themselves and their problems, then a man’s honest interest in a woman’s personal stories will create the right impression of you.

In the same way, when talking about yourself, don’t spread your tail like a peacock, but don’t hide your real talents and successes too much. There is an opinion that you shouldn’t show off all your advantages on first dates, but hide them for as long as possible. That’s right, with one “but”: if you don’t interest the girl from the start, the finish may not happen. See how simple it is. 😛

ABOUT! I remembered the top anti-successful topics: don’t even think about talking about your life’s failures, problems, and especially about the fact that you have complexes with the opposite sex. This is cruel, very poorly appreciated by partners.

And to conclude the topic: how will you feel that you are comfortable, sexy, and interesting with new girl- the words themselves will flow from you like a river. So get into this state quickly!

The game is our everything

Do you want, as I say, to “irritate” the beauty? Play the game “closer-further” with her. This is the most common technique for shaking emotions. The only thing it doesn't allow is to remain neutral. By the way, it works in both directions, that is, if the girls still “put” on the ban and secretly entered our gazebo and sit “warming” their cute ears. Do you think the guys and I are against it? God forbid!

So, the main idea is that it’s like a contract shower, only not physical, but emotional. “You have great taste in choosing dresses and shoes! Oh, if I were a girl, I would be jealous of you! But here's your handbag... please tell me that it was just given to you as a gift, and you had no other choice but to accept it! Oh, how many emotions you will evoke in her with such a phrase. Plus a carload of questions and new topics for conversation and discussion of her tastes.

“I was hooked by your voice, even on the phone, when we agreed on our date! He is so feminine and exciting... You definitely need to be an actress, a crowd of fans is guaranteed. But your look when we first met... Wow, how it alarmed me! ... It felt like I already owed you two ice creams and a charter flight to Haiti!”

Rave? Yes! But do you really think that she won’t start asking what’s wrong with her look? I would bet against this opinion.

IN general essence: you praise and envy one thing, you deny another, you joke, you find out.

A rough example of the “Stone Age” stage of your life: you protect the girl you like from the attacks of your classmates, but at the same time, during recess, you grab her pencil case and run away so that she can run after you, taking it away. Romance, what... 😆

Touching and kissing

Everything is going well for you, and you want the next stage of rapprochement? And it is right! You can’t imagine what a high percentage of relationship breakdowns are due to a guy’s indecision to move beyond talking. As pick-up artists say, the girl is fading. Not in literally, of course. Since we already know that ladies are not always good at taking initiative, the main “violin of the concert” remains with us.

So, how do you start touching and caressing her? There is nothing simpler and more non-binding than straightening her hair or taking her hand, to check if she is cold or how warm and gentle her hands are, and yours are “frozen” at this time.

Of course there will be “checks” from her on men’s steel “bells”. You respond to her claims with a smile and calmly: I couldn’t resist; I like you; I don’t want to restrain myself from touching you. Friend, if you have created her comfort from your company, and she allows you into her personal space (and this, as we remember, in front is the distance of an outstretched arm, on the side - the width of a palm, and in the back - a distance equal to the height of a person) then no there won't be any problems.

It's the same song with kisses. Start getting closer to her, whisper something in her ear, kiss him on the cheek, and when she turns around, kiss her on the lips. If you see that she herself wants to kiss and is excited, kiss her right away.

She dodges, pretend that nothing happened, and work on her condition. The association with a soldering iron comes to mind, may the ladies forgive me - as long as it’s cold, it won’t do any good.

Never ask permission to kiss her or take her hand. How afraid they are of such questions, and how your shares will fall, according to the principle of the DJIA index after 09/11/2001, it is better to never know.

The bottom line: warm it up for close maneuvers, but don't let it sizzle. 🙄


I know, I’m already tired of reading, so I’m starting to finish. I tried not to repeat myself too much from one of our conversations, where you, so you can see additional points there. Plus, I left a few interesting tips for our next conversations about specifically the first and second dates, so in order not to miss them and I have an incentive not to put off the conversation, join the group on VK and show interest in the topic in the comments , and behind me, as people say, it will not rust. 💡

To organize the information, here is a short summary of how to behave:

  • More original compliments.
  • The game "closer-further".
  • If you want to do something, do it! But first, gain her trust and interest in you.
  • Touch a girl casually, and “mean it” when you see that she wants it herself. You will be desirable to her when you give comfort and emotions in the right proportion.
  • There will be a lot of checks from her.
  • Women feel when they are genuinely liked and relax.

All! It's enough for today. Re-read, accept, understand, try, share your experience and feedback. Happy dating, and remember: a happy family starts with the first impression. All the best to you and your family!

In this article I will tell you how to spend a first date with a girl so that she remembers it for the rest of her life. You'll learn how to have sex on the first date, without flowers or false compliments. There is a lot now on the Internet on this topic, a lot of theoretical information that has not been tested in practice at all, but advice should definitely be given by those people who themselves have tested it in practice. But first, just read one more article on the topic. So let's go.

Many people go on a first date to the cinema, but I wouldn’t recommend this to you, since a first date is a way to get to know each other better, to talk, to tell about yourself, to look a girl in the eyes. I think that those who go to the cinema, in this way compensate for their inability to communicate with a girl. But understand that sooner or later you will have to communicate with her.

By the way, about how to develop sociability, I have several excellent training videos on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking right here. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.

Cinema, they say, is good, because the light is dim, you can kiss, and so on. There’s a damn movie there, firstly, and she will be mostly captivated by it, and secondly, you won’t be able to communicate there because you’re disturbing those around you. Here's to the second date, please. That's what I do now. Before, I didn’t go on second dates at all, because I just didn’t know, I already tried on the first, which is why I now take girls to the movies.

First date with a girl and kiss

A kiss on the first date is not essential, but quite important. Personally, for example, I’m in no hurry to kiss a girl on the lips, but I kiss her everywhere: neck, ears, cheeks, I just run my nose over her face. There is such a joke - you kiss her everywhere except on the lips, and when you feel her reaching out to kiss you on the lips, you pull away and say (joking) that you don’t kiss on the first date))).

Kiss trick - If you've been sitting with her for quite a long time, but don't dare to kiss her, then you can do the following - You tell her - “I feel very good with you now, everything is very cool, but, you know, in reality I Now I’m not doing what I want...” She will absolutely ask - what do you want? At this moment you take her gently and turn her towards you and kiss her on the lips. This is a kind of kick to yourself. That is, if you said “A”, do “B”. Helps great.

In general, there is a moment when it seems that you have already told her everything, asked about everything and seem to have run out of energy. What to do. First of all, don’t be afraid of pauses – pauses in a conversation are normal!!! Secondly – ​​move on to the next stage – start touching!

You sit exclusively next to her on the sofa so that you can comfortably communicate and touch her. If a girl says that she wants to sit opposite you and that she wants to look you in the eye (Which happens rarely), you say that you will sit exactly the way you want. You can turn half a turn to her and you will also look into her eyes. You don't need to start touching right away.

Twenty minutes passed, take her hand. If you need an excuse for this, then tell her first that she has very beautiful fingers, long, thin, like a musician’s, that she has beautiful nails and only after that take her hand. You can start looking at her lines on the palm and say something about them. That this is the line of cleaning and cooking, this line of grazing livestock))), this is the line of cool guys sitting next to you... Then you gradually move higher up the arm, the inner bend of the elbow, the wrist (pinching, stroking).

It is very important to increase kinesthetics gradually, that is, with pauses - you touch it a little, then you just sit and drink tea for about ten minutes, then you touch it again, but more intimately and intensely. In general, you need to constantly combine two streams - speech and kinesthetics. That is, you touch her and talk to her at the same time. Then you move on to the neck, collarbones, back of the head and so on. Here's a look at the video. It's better to see once than to tell several times.

First date with a girl video about how you can excite her

The most important thing you need is to allow yourself to start touching her. I remember how I went on dates before, my hands were just shaking, and with these shaking hands I took the girl’s hand, and she, damn it, also said, “why are your hands shaking.” You understand one thing: there is nothing to worry about - either they will refuse you, or you will take yours. But important point the fact is that if the girl came on a date, it means she liked you one way or another, which means she definitely won’t send you away. Relax. If you do everything gradually, then everything will be a bundle.

Talk. So, you came on your first date with a girl, what to talk about? The main points are as follows: You either tell her something about yourself, then you ask her, then you tell her something about her. Girls are very curious, like children, and when you tell her, “You are a very unusual girl,” and then start telling why, she will listen with interest. (by the way, it can be completely ordinary). You have unusual ones (ears, nose, cheeks, lips), there are several types (ears, noses, cheeks, lips) Aristocratic, peasant..... She will ask which ones she has, but you haven’t decided yet.

The most important thing is that whatever you say to her should be emotional. You can at least tell her about the principle of operation of the synchrophasotron, but your eyes should sparkle. In general, the so-called emotional swing is very important, that is, the girl literally should not expect what you will say in the next moment. Either you tell her something funny, for example a funny joke, then something sad and compassionate, then something serious, then scary, then funny again. Girls literally feed on emotions.

A good topic for instilling trust in oneself is childhood, parents, whom she dressed up as in kindergarten for matinees. Either you talk about yourself, then you ask about her. Also talk about habits, dreams and pastimes.

On ours we talk about the secret “Cocoon” technique, which allows you to use certain phrases to put a girl into a state in which she will unrealistically warm up to you, it will seem to her that she has known you for a hundred years. And for this there will be no need to give flowers and gifts.

In general, flowers and gifts should be given to your beloved girl, the one with whom you have already had sex. Flowers should be given sincerely because you want to please her, and not because it’s the right thing to do and that’s what you saw on TV. Society in general has imposed on us a lot of unnecessary and superfluous bullshit regarding women. So men think that in order to seduce a girl, they need to buy a woman’s attention, not directly, but indirectly, completely forgetting that they, too, are something and that they still need to look for a worthy man.

But watch a video about how you can meet a girl so that she is guaranteed to come on a date with you

In this article, I briefly told you about a first date with a girl, conversation, how to touch, what to do and what not to do. All you have to do is go and meet her. Good luck!