Why did the Child dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

What a child dreams about depends on the details of the dream. A baby can symbolize gushing energy, joy, and carefreeness. But it can also indicate helplessness, anxiety, and minor troubles.

  • Seeing a dead child - to serious problems, disappointment.
  • A baby crawls in a dream - in reality you will be faced with a situation where you need to quickly make a decision.
  • A sleeping baby hints at your shyness and excessive gullibility.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a child talking cheerfully, it means that you will soon receive pleasant news, a gift from fate.
  • A favorable interpretation also applies when you lead your baby by the hand. In reality, you will be able to find a way out of the deadlock situation.

Why did Children dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Why do you dream about a child? Take a close look at the dreaming baby. It is likely that this is your inner child. This is who you are deep down. His appearance, words, behavior indicate your psychological state.

  • Seeing someone whining, sad, lost child means, deep down in your soul, to admit to yourself helplessness. You are worried about some situation, something is haunting you.
  • If you see that you are holding a sick child on your lap, it means that you are cut off from the rhythm of the Universe. You don't feel supported by people or others external forces. Mental loneliness depresses you.

Why do you dream of a Child (Romantic dream book)

  • Very often, a child symbolizes an immature relationship. You or your partner are acting like children, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
  • If you see a baby of the same sex as you, you do not feel affection or warmth from your other half. Confidential conversation will help strengthen relationships.
  • Why do you dream Small child, largely depends on the situation in reality. For a young woman, a dream predicts an early pregnancy. An adult lady can find out about her daughter or son’s intentions to get married.
  • A man who dreams about a child advises him to reconsider his sexual behavior in his relationship with his wife.

Why does a woman dream about a Child (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment.
  • A cheerful, cheerful child can be dreamed of mutual love and many good friends.
  • Why do you dream of a teenager walking alone - a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity.
  • If a woman sees how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most.
  • It is a bad sign to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: the dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Child according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

  • Child - work, dispute, fight, misfortune, troubles, wonder;
  • feed - profit (young) // illness or death (old);
  • sucks the breast - the enemy will cling; a fat child means pleasant worries;
  • a thin, whiny boy or girl in a dream - unpleasant worries;
  • dirty - disease;
  • baby - empty affairs, troubles;
  • cries - to cry about his stupidity;
  • why do you dream of seeing big guys - help;
  • many children - troubles, anxiety;
  • on the shoulders of the husband - a son will be born;
  • the wife has a girl - this is the interpretation of a Child according to the dream book.

If you dream about Children (by Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

  • According to the dream book, to give birth to a child is wealth.
  • If you dreamed about an overweight child, these are worries for the good; thin, whiny - worries for the bad.
  • Seeing a baby is a big hassle.
  • If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit.
  • The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death.
  • To see that a newborn is suckling, there will be poverty that will not come off.
  • What does a child dream about - attack, quarrel, troubles.
  • Seeing a lot of children is alarming.
  • Why do you dream of a child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) - a pregnant woman will give birth to a boy, on a woman’s shoulders - a girl will be born.

Why do you dream of a Child in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a child cry in a dream means poor health and disappointment.
  • Dreaming of a cheerful, clean child portends love and many good friends.
  • A child walking alone in a dream means independence and disregard for unworthy opinions.
  • A woman dreamed of nursing a child - deception from someone she trusts.
  • An unfamiliar child in a dream - new plans will come true, but will require a lot of effort.
  • Seeing your child in a dream means a relationship with him.

The meaning of a dream about Children (Muslim dream book)

  • If you dream of a small child who is known and familiar to him, this means fun.
  • If the child seeing the dream is not known and familiar, then care and sadness will befall him, and an enemy will appear to him, but not a strong one.
  • If you dream of an adult in the form of a child, then he will do something that will bring reproaches on him.
  • Why does a beggar dream of a child - he will achieve pleasures and relaxation, and if a rich man dreams, then some other person will take possession of his property.

Psychological analysis of a dream where the Child dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

  • As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.
  • Why do women of childbearing age dream about a dream involving a child as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them?
  • In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

The meaning of the dream about Guys (according to Nostradamus)

  • A child is a symbol of hope and the future. To see in a dream that a baby has been bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on earth a large number of vampires, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, the dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.
  • See pregnant man– in the future, what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps - this will not happen without intervention dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his baby throughout the world. If you saw a disabled child, then the dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.
  • Why dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then the dream indicates that the earth is in a real threat. Because of environment is very heavily polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.
  • Why do you dream of a child, a healthy and smiling baby - lucky sign. A happy time will come on earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.
  • Seeing a baby running on the ground means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.
  • If a child squeezes a snake or kills it in a dream, it predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.
  • You saw yourself as a child - you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.
  • Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.
  • Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope. Seeing a baby picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment. Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

The meaning of a dream about Children (Russian folk dream book)

  • Child (child) - A symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a baby, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace.
  • a crying baby means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result.
  • Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy.
  • You are feeding a newborn, promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction.
  • Punishing a child means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Child in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of an unfamiliar child - The attitude of someone around you towards you.
  • The baby is crying, dissatisfied - you call negative emotions by your behavior.
  • If you dream of a child - Playing, jumping - the attitude towards you is businesslike, serious.
  • To see a baby who laughs and rejoices - you are treated with love, you evoke positive emotions.
  • According to the dream book, a child is sick or ugly - a negative attitude towards you threatens to develop into an open war.
  • To see a child who is beautiful and strong - you can rely on those around you and count on their unselfish participation and support.
  • If there is a person you know next to your child, then this is the attitude towards you of him and those who are at the same time with them.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Children (allegory of the writer Aesop)

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.” Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.” A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a baby, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in a dream, it appears child.

  • If you dreamed of a crying child, then despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.
  • Why dream of holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.
  • You are feeding a newborn, promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and bring moral and material satisfaction.
  • Punishing a child in a dream means in reality experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will be doing work that you don’t like, this is how the dream book Child that you dream about is interpreted.

Why do you dream about a Child in a dream (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

  • Dreaming of a beautiful, healthy child symbolizes a warning; patient - disappointment and worries.
  • Rocking a child in your arms in a dream portends that you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal.
  • I dreamed of a child in the arms of a pregnant woman - a direct sign indicating the gender of your baby.
  • I dreamed of a large child - surprise.
  • See infant in a dream - well-being.

Why do you dream and how to interpret a Child according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • Child – Success and well-being.
  • Why do you dream of a child - on a man’s shoulders a boy will be born, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.
  • Why do you dream of a child playing - pleasure and fun, with his mother - happy hours.
  • A cute child, according to the dream book, is a pleasant acquaintance.
  • See fallen child- an obstacle in an endeavor.
  • Seeing a child with a wet nurse - a dream portends a long dangerous disease; but if a pregnant woman has a dream, it means that she will give birth to a daughter who will not live long, or that she will soon lose her husband.
  • There is a dream of children running around the house - the dream foreshadows the troubles of business for those who do not have children, and this dream reminds those who have children to take more care of their upbringing; this dream portends pleasure, joy and prosperity.

    Hello! Recently I dreamed that I was driving in the back seat of a car and saw a beautiful smiling child (up to a year, 2-3 months) in something like a small portable crib. This baby is lying, cooing, smiling and reaching out to me...

    I leaned over to him and he hugged me with his arms, then began to coo something, as if he was talking to me. In the dream, I understood him and even answered him (kept up the conversation). I also had the feeling that I had known him for a long time, although he was a stranger and a child unknown to me.

    Then I dreamed of people drowning in the river... it was as if they had suffered a shipwreck... I dived into the river to save them (which is very strange, because in life I swim, but quite poorly and I’m afraid of the depths). I saved my parents (how did they end up there??!!). When I got to land, I saw this baby again, this time he was in someone’s arms (I don’t even know who it was - a woman or a man??).

    At first the baby supposedly didn’t recognize me, then he looked at me again (he remembered with a hum like: it’s you!), began to pull his hands towards me, coo (talk to me) and smile. I didn’t remember what we talked about in the morning, but the smiling face of the baby and the way he stretched his arms remained in my memory for the whole day.

    I couldn’t understand what this dream means, and what does my parents have to do with it too... Please, someone help me with the interpretation of my dream.

    Thank you very much!

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    I dreamed that I walked into the entrance, and there were a lot of strangers there. I walked past - there were a lot of residents. But in the corridor there are beds where emaciated children lie. I was walking with a girl I knew in a dream - I asked her who it was. She replied that these were children with lung cancer in the last stage. She goes to four beds and sits down there. I also come up (I was very afraid), and also sit down with disgust. I talk to them for a while. But then dad comes up and says we have to go. When I say goodbye to them, I start crying... I feel sorry for them, very much. My dad and I leave, but then the dream continues (there I and my friends are cleaning some kind of block of ice)) But I cried all this time - then I woke up. What could this dream mean??

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    help me get clear... the dream began so I ran and warned people that the rain would flood the river... and people stood in a daze, it suddenly became dark, after which water gushed out in a large stream and four children were washed away, at first I froze as if I was also numb, and when I saw that they were drowning, I started pull them out and hand them over to people at outstretched arms, when I handed over the last one, I realized that the fourth was already dead... when I asked for forgiveness that I couldn’t save the fourth, the woman told me that she had the rest alive and it’s good that it was so... the river soon dried up and the sun began to shine

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    mne snilsia strannyj son.byli deti toli v lagere,toli v kamnatah i na nih vnezapno vjehal kto to na britve.ja bojalas tuda idti,stranno ja ze medik.potom kakoj to muzcina kak by mne nameknul,cto ja dolzna.ja zasla i uvidela cto mnogie deti kak by bez soznanija ili ubity.no stoilo mne prikosnutsia,oni nacali ozivat,mnogie zasevelilis...potom ja okazalas v dome,butto my perejehali,no my tam byli ne odni.opiat taki ne to deti,ne to prosto liudi.odnogo podrostka toze nado bylo lecit

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    I dreamed about how I brought a kitten home and fed it. And he turned into a girl of 7-8 years old. She was pale with dark circles under her eyes. My sister and I asked who she was, and she said “I’m dead. Mom didn’t want me to die, and made me an immortal zombie after death.” we began to think about what to do with it. I said “should we bury you?” she replied “yes! please bury me and cover my neck with yogurt, it will attract vampires, I want to become a vampire" O_o

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    I often dream that I forget or lose sight of my niece, she is 11 years old, and somehow we were on vacation from Spain and by chance she was left on the subway platform. Everything worked out and I returned immediately, well, I think within 10 minutes. But after this incident I constantly see this dream that I am leaving her or forgetting her somewhere else, a very traumatic sight. What would that mean? Maybe it's because of the upcoming session at the university and I'm very worried...?

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    my mother dreamed that she gave birth to a healthy, clean girl... she breastfed her and saw milk. Then the whole family ended up in the apartment in which we used to live 20 years ago. This apartment was in a 5-story building, in the dream this house was dilapidated, and people who lived there received other housing, and my mother found something that looked like some kind of piece of iron and joyfully told everyone that they would finally give us an apartment too!

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    I dreamed that I first saved a child (clean and large) from other people, then the child decreases in size, becomes gray and his eyes are closed, I blame the people from whom I saved the child, after which the child’s head falls to the ground, as if the body had decomposed , and a gray worm emerges from its skull. what does this mean?

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    I dream that I have 5 children. In reality there is a son and a daughter. 3 non-existent children dream of being babies. I call their names but I only see one and I’m not holding it in my arms. Dal was walking, my husband and I were driving in a car and we saw a large red and white cow and I said that we need to buy milk for the Children. And then some woman kills me with an ax in the neck on the left.

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    I dreamed that my little son was missing. I was looking for him and couldn’t find him. I called the police, asking for help. I didn’t just cry, but sobbed, because I couldn’t find him. In the end, I never found him. I I’m still worried. What does this mean? Please tell me. Thanks in advance.


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    I dreamed that I became a father and very beautiful twins were born

    I stretched out my hands to one, I wanted to take him in my arms, but he seemed like Satan

    He took my hands and whispered to me something I don’t remember: Why could I have such a dream????????

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    I dreamed of my boss with a child, a girl about five years old. He held her in his arms. He said that this was his granddaughter. He was pleased, smiling. The girl was neat, clean, sitting calmly in his arms. I don’t remember anymore.


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    I dreamed that I was running away with a child in my arms, I ran away, I found something like a house, I think I’ll live there, and then I turn around, and my home-bound friend smiles and I’m glad to see him, I don’t remember who I was running away from, help me decipher.

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    Please help me solve this dream!!! the simple fact is that we don’t have our own housing, and we tried to get on the waiting list for rental living space... the result will be known only in May...

    Thank you in advance!!!

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    I dreamed that my boss was kissing me (and this is not the first time). At first it was just a greeting kiss, and then smoothly everything turned into something else!!! please tell me what this is for???

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    Hello, I dreamed of a boy in a prosperous house, with whom I tried to create a clap with my hands, his and mine, like let’s go) and he says call me son. Actually something like this, tell me?


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    Good morning I dreamed that I had 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl, I walked with them and was happy, then I said that I was slim and beautiful and I wanted to give birth to another one. I have a son and he was in my dream

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    Hello, I dreamed that I saw beautiful children, then I approached some man, handsome but evil, he pushes me, I fall and he also puts his foot on me.

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    I dreamed that I had four children - sons. And the fourth, the most beautiful, and it’s from the man I love in real life(but unfortunately he is married)

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    I dreamed that I had twins, a boy and a girl. And as soon as I gave birth I saw them playing for 2-3 years. Please tell me what this means.

Our dreams are always shrouded in mystery, and sometimes, when we wake up in the morning, we cannot think about anything other than what we dreamed.

After all, everyone knows that our dreams are not just ridiculous, meaningless fantasies or daydreams.

On the contrary, they very often unobtrusively and gently suggest to us something, perhaps very important. And it’s worth learning to correctly decipher these clues and signs.

Many women, and sometimes men too, often dream of small children, babies, and teenagers. These dreams can be very pleasant and, on the contrary, very tense and disturbing, but they always certainly mean something.

However, as every dream book testifies, a child often appears in a dream as a symbol of some changes in the emotional and spiritual sphere, but not at all in everyday life. It’s worth noting right away, before deciphering the dream: children in a dream never mean themselves, that is, children.

If a mother dreamed, for example, that her baby was sick, do not be afraid; this dream does not at all foreshadow any trouble with the child. The meaning needs to be sought much deeper...

What do the dream books say?

Before you try to understand why children dream, you should carefully remember and carefully analyze the dream. And recreate in memory all its details as far as possible.

Most often, women (less often men) see children in their dreams in the following situations and incarnations:

  • Just someone's child.
  • Give birth to a baby.
  • Hold the baby in your arms, cradle it.
  • Death of a child (don't be scared, this doesn't mean anything bad!)
  • Sick or crying baby.
  • Several children, or a whole group.
  • Feeding a baby or newborn.

These situations are the most common in dreams, and you will probably recognize your dream among the above.

So, let's try to understand why a baby, an adult child, boys and girls dream. And what to expect from such dreams?

Whose baby?

1. If in a dream you just saw someone’s child, unfamiliar, not evoking any emotions, then this, as a rule, is a sign that some kind of mental turmoil awaits you. Difficulty making decisions, difficult situations or worries, indecisiveness.

2. But a friend’s child, a neighbor’s toddler, a familiar baby - this means joy, pleasant communication with relatives and friends, fun and a carefree pastime.

3. It is worth remembering what the child was like. If you look clean and healthy, then difficulties and troubles will lead you to a good, new future, don’t doubt it!

4. If you dreamed of a very small toddler, then this means a lot of small squabbles, troubles and fuss. But don’t worry - this will certainly lead to positive, pleasant, good changes in life!

5. It is worth understanding that almost any image of a child in itself in a dream always means something that requires care from you.

You're having a boy! Or a girl?

For example, it is not difficult for a woman to understand why a child is a boy - troubles await you on the personal front, some events that will force you to work hard, show attention and spend your time.

Think in advance - maybe there are some small frictions in your relationship with a man, and you can fix everything on your own right now?

Well, why the child dreams of a girl is also quite understandable:

  • Most likely, you have troubles in your friendship, and perhaps you even have an ill-wisher or an envious person.
  • However, do not rush to draw hasty conclusions, blame someone, label someone as an enemy and get angry - in this case, show wisdom and patience, try to find out the reasons.
  • By the way, such a dream can also mean that the woman who saw a girl in a dream lacks purely feminine natural qualities - tenderness, softness, compliance.

Open any dream book - a baby girl is always a sign for a woman to think, look around and, most importantly, look into herself. Listen to what your feminine intuition tells you, and you yourself will understand in which direction you need to act.

As for men, girls rarely appear in their dreams, but they certainly testify to the same thing. About the lack of gentleness and kindness, perhaps you are too strict with your chosen one and do not show enough love.

But if a man dreams of a newborn boy, then this is for the stronger sex important sign. As for women, any dream book will tell you that a man dreams of a boy in order to hint at a lack of masculine character traits: firmness, perseverance, masculinity.

Tender age

Often women dream of very little things. And such dreams, of course, raise many questions, bewilderment and even fear. You shouldn’t immediately get scared and think that this is about the birth of a child - the meaning of such dreams is different.

1. So, the question is - why do you dream of having a child and what to expect from such a strange, ambiguous dream? If a woman had a dream in which the birth of a child occurred, then this is a good sign.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the birth in the dream was difficult or not, whether a boy or a girl was born - this dream always speaks of joy, a new stage in life, good news. A good period in life awaits you!

2. What could a dream mean in which you are cradling a baby, why do you dream of a child in your arms - is this a good sign or a bad one? If you are holding a baby in your arms, rocking and cradling him, this may not be a very good sign.

But before you understand why the baby is dreaming, remember the details of the dream. If the baby in your arms was crying, unwell or fussy - it doesn’t matter if it’s your newborn or not - this could be a warning.

Take care of your health, be careful in your decisions, do not show excessive emotions - perhaps you are going through a not very favorable period in life. But remember, this is temporary!

3. Another relevant and frequent question among women and girls is why do you dream of an infant who has to be fed in a dream. From a bottle, breastfeeding, or an older baby who is fed with a spoon.

If, say, you are feeding a child in your dream, then this is a wonderful sign. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s your little toddler or a complete stranger – feeding your baby milk, especially breastfeeding, is a clear sign that some important things will soon be completed, and an excellent completion!

Your efforts, as such a dream testifies, will not be in vain and will bear wonderful fruit. A dream in which you had to feed your child milk always speaks of success, recognition - but in the area where you yourself have worked.

Anything you can’t dream about...

Quite often, women have strange and frightening dreams in which dead children appear. This dream can leave a very unpleasant imprint - of course, to see such a sight!

Don’t be scared, because the answer to the question of why a dead child dreams is not scary at all. This may mean difficulties, danger in a relationship with someone. Perhaps deception or disappointment, disappointment.

But nothing truly terrible will happen. Just be careful when communicating with others, don’t build castles in the air and try to be careful in everything.


Dream books say a lot of useful things, they give hints and guides, but don’t forget to use your imagination and mind yourself. Sometimes you can intuitively guess what to expect from a dream.

Absolutely any dream, whether a child appeared in it or not, carries its own emotional connotation - and if the next morning you wake up with a bad, heavy feeling inside, and the dream book, nevertheless, speaks of good things, then you should analyze and think twice. After all, your inner instinct will also tell you whether the dream is a bad one, or, conversely, a good one.

If you had a dream after which you woke up with in a great mood and a strange, inexplicable premonition of something wonderful, and the dream book tells you about approaching difficulties - perhaps you should still listen to your feelings and expect good things.
Author: Vasilina Serova

  • Primary elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Elements - wind, humidity, heat, dryness, cold. Emotions - do not have conscious expression. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, gallbladder, bladder, small intestine, large intestine, stomach. Planets - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus. The baby does not yet have his own developed worldview and behavior rhythms of life. The baby lives unconsciously by the rhythms inherited from the parents and the external rhythms of the earth and the Cosmos, therefore all five planets have a stronger influence on the child, compared to an adult. An adult falls under such dependence on other people’s rhythms only when he is sick and weak, but for a child such dependent, but comfortable feeding with both food and energy is natural and the only possible. In the process of development/growth of a child, sensations are replaced by conscious feelings - emotions and practical reactions to the environment, and the ability for external yang defense and ordinary independent response actions increases. Ideally, an adult’s strict dependence on the planets disappears, but he lives in a rhythm consistent with them - this is a healthy and long life. In practice, in an adult (stage of puberty), disturbances immediately begin - separation from the rhythm of the planets, organs dependent on the planets work in a rhythm that is unnatural for them by nature, which leads to diseases and a secondary unhealthy dependence on the planets, when the organ is dangerously influenced by the planet that governs it due to rhythm mismatch. The internal rhythm of a person cannot be opposed to the global rhythms of the earth and the Cosmos; if this happens, it leads to illness and destruction of the spirit and body. Seeing a cradle or a baby in a dream, according to folk signs many nations - to illness and misfortune. This sign, like a dream of a hero/heroine, was widely used in fiction. A cradle/crib with or without a child relates to the rhythm of life early childhood: a baby without personification with a specific child is a state of excess of internal yin forces with a lack of external manifestations of yang. Seeing an empty cradle with an unknown baby in a dream (he solders the interpretation) is an awakening of the memory of the need to harmonize one’s rhythms of life in the microcosm with the rhythms of the Universe. There is no conscious vision of the problem here yet, but there is a need for changes, memory is trying to find the lost link. The state of an adult in unhappiness is a maximum of external manifestations with complete exhaustion of the internal, which leads to depression. At critical moments in life (illness, loss of meaning in life), a person seeks an opportunity to regain the feeling of the fullness of being in harmony with the Cosmos, and memory gives him a preserved image of such a state from early childhood. Whether the dream is favorable or not depends on the behavior of the dreamer: whether there is a desire for change and strength in the body, but you cannot completely copy the state of infancy, you should not look in the past, but actively seek and develop healthy rhythms of life. It is unfavorable to see a crying (whining) sick child, and even more so to hold it on your knees or in your arms, since this is a complete personification of yourself with childish helplessness, but with rhythms already cut off from the Cosmos. Depending on the emotions prevailing in the dream, we look for organs that have already been damaged. In external terms, the dream foreshadows a breakdown in business and relationships due to the loss of a sense of adequacy of perception. It is necessary to change your attitude towards the world and your place in it. To see your own or a friend’s child in a dream - information about him should be interpreted according to the content of the dream.

Softness in men and durability in women.

Seeing an unfamiliar child in a dream- a sign that your new plans will come true, but will require a lot of effort.

See your child- relationship with him.

Freud's Dream Book

Child- is a general symbol of the genital organs, both male and female.

Taking care of the child- symbolizes your careful attitude to your organs.

Crying baby- symbolizes orgasm.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.