Why do you dream about church? In a dream, this image is distinguished by its diverse symbolism, which helps shed light on future events and explain past actions. Popular dream books offer the most relevant interpretations of what was seen in dreams.

Church according to Miller's dream book

Mr. Miller's dream book states that if a person had to see a church in a dream, it means that something alien, unusual, perhaps even wild awaits him in the near future.

Why do we dream about church in general? There is a possibility of going to prison, but such an outcome does not necessarily have to happen to you, since the prediction can even apply to distant relatives, regardless of your relationship with them.

Did you dream about a church? You will have to show patience, during which you will also have to hide your emotions.

Church in a dream - interpretation of a dream according to Vanga

Why do you dream about the church according to Vanga? The dream book states that the image of the church cannot be characterized by one general description, so her verdict depends on the details that appeared in the vision:

  • I dreamed about a church or church attributes? The image indicates that you will experience great despair. The dream book does not give specific instructions about what these experiences may be associated with.
  • Why do you dream that you entered a church from the main or secret entrance? This is a warning that it is time to reconsider your views on life and perhaps even change your character. The vision speaks of your selfishness - you commit actions without even considering your loved ones.
  • Expect new love, as well as strengthening universal respect, in turn, is possible for those who were present in the church during the service in the dream.
  • If you dreamed that you were trying to light a candle in a church while complete chaos reigned around you or the church building was irretrievably destroyed, it means that God decided to give you the opportunity for spiritual renewal.
  • To dream of a church with boarded up doors and windows, and if there is absolutely no way to get into the building, then overwhelming melancholy and loneliness await you. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid such a fate, according to Vanga’s dream book.
  • If at this time you are on bad terms with a person close to you, for whom you have warm feelings, and in a dream you dreamed that you helped restore a church building, then reconciliation with him will come in the near future.

I dreamed about a church - interpretation according to the Modern Dream Book

Why do you dream about a rural church? If in a dream you happened to not only see her, but also go to work, then in the near future you will make new friends. The character of these people will fit perfectly with yours, which will lead to absolute mutual understanding.

In other words, in terms of friendship, a complete idyll will come for you - there will always be a person nearby whom you can turn to for advice or help in a situation when it is necessary.

Did you dream of an ordinary church, intact and with the right number of domes? Soon you will realize your purpose in this life. New goals and objectives will appear, in the process of solving which you will be able to better understand yourself, your character, and perhaps even discover hidden talents, which will simplify life and make it much more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Interpretation according to women's dream book

For a woman to see a church in a dream means that the time has come for repentance of sins. If earlier this did not interfere with life in any way, now there is a need to visit church or Father in order to express everything that has accumulated in the soul since ancient times.

Why else do you dream about going to church? If it is dark or closed, then you are destined for major misfortunes, which will one way or another be associated with strangers, and in some cases with your working career, if you have one.

Did you dream about a dark church? You will have to attend the funeral of a loved one, which will negatively affect your peace of mind. You will feel depressed and begin to react inadequately to minor factors of irritation, and because of this, people will quickly turn away from you.

Meaning according to Azar's biblical dream book

The dream book does not imply division into specific situations, so if you saw the church in any state, regardless of what exactly happened in the dream, the prediction will be the same.

Why do you dream about church? In the future you will experience longing and a long wait for something good. There is a high probability that in some situation you will find yourself on the losing side.

You can change your destiny - if you dreamed of a church, then immediately go to the temple and listen to the service from beginning to end. You cannot delay this; if you do not comply with the instructions within a week, then big trouble awaits you.

What does the image mean according to the wanderer’s dream book

Why do you dream of a church according to this dream book? The wanderer says that if in a dream there was a church or symbols that are somehow connected with it, then the person will experience an event that will take place in the same place.

With all this, the action itself will certainly be positive. That is, you will not have to atone for your sins or conduct a funeral service for a deceased person - most likely, a wedding or other joyful event will be associated with the church.

There is even a small chance that you will become someone whom the Lord will bless, after which the only important thing will be worship.

Church in a dream - examples of visions

  • Why dream of praying in church - soon you will have to face trouble. Most likely, this misfortune will be associated with romantic relationships, that is, we should expect either betrayal from a loved one, or his betrayal for another reason.
  • Lighting a candle in a dream means the happiness that you will soon be able to experience will be associated with material gain. At the same time, the gifts that you receive will have an absolutely pure history: either you earned them yourself, or they were given by a good person.
  • Confess in church - now you are experiencing anxiety, which is associated with a bad deed committed by you or your friend/relative. Dream Interpretations recommend confessing to real life, and after that you can feel relief.
  • A wedding in a church indicates imminent changes in the working part of your life. If you experienced good emotions during the wedding, it means that you are waiting for a significant promotion at work or the completion of a long-abandoned business, and if the emotions were negative, then you should not expect anything positive in your career.
  • Did you dream of a dead person in a church with whom you somehow interacted? The vision foreshadows trouble associated with death. You may witness someone's death, but this person does not have to be related to you by blood or other relationship.
  • Why do you dream of a destroyed church? This is a bad sign. In the future, you will have to give up some major project that could bring joy and financial benefit. Refusal will not be related to your desires, but to circumstances, so, alas, it is impossible to avoid such a fate.
  • Holy water in a dream indicates that you will have to deal with a lot of alcohol. Fortunately, the prediction does not mean any trouble. On the contrary, there is a high probability that you will celebrate a joyful event.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams of a church, then unborn child will live a long, joyful and happy life. He will grow up to be a kind and bright person, and if his parents give him the name of a saint, then this happiness will be even brighter.
  • Why do you dream about a monastery? In a dream, it means that you need to spend a lot of time, effort, and possibly money to help a loved one.
  • An old church or a destroyed one is an unfavorable sign in a dream. Dream books say that a long period of failure is coming. The disappointment will be major and will bring a number of nervous disorders that will have to be treated with the help of specialists.
  • Crying in a church in a dream means that a person has subtle and kind soul. For some people, this vision serves as a sign from above, indicating a blessing, thanks to which, regardless of the future path of life, a person will be happy.
  • Going to church in light clothes and a headdress foretells mourning in the near future. This event will be connected with the funeral in one way or another. At best, the person being buried before the Lord will turn out to be a stranger to you. If you went to church in a dark robe, it means that there will be a wedding or engagement soon.
  • I dreamed of a beautiful church - a sign that you will have to move or make repairs to the house. In this case, the event will be forced, although it will carry with it a sea of ​​positive emotions. A person close to you will live in your new home with you.
  • The black church is witnessing global changes in the world. But change, no matter how dark the vision may seem, will be good.
  • In a dream, a black church is a sign of the manifestation of psychic abilities - they must be used for good purposes after special training.
  • Did you dream about a golden church? In a dream, she warns of something large-scale and significant for several people at once. There are no clarifications about what the changes will be associated with, and it is also impossible to say for sure whether they will be positive or negative. In any case, the event will not cause death, but with its help many people will be able to understand themselves, which will contribute to changes for the better.
  • Church bells in a dream can be interpreted differently, depending on the details. If the bells in a dream are intact and polished to a shine, it means the future promises material wealth made of real gold. Psychologists and clairvoyants do not recommend selling these jewelry in the future. They must be kept as an amulet against misfortunes.

Why dream that the church bells were damaged, dirty, or were present in insufficient quantities? So in financially losses await you. Depending on how severe the damage was, you can predict the scale of the losses.

Why did you dream about the Church (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Entering a dark church means your plans will not come true.
  • Seeing burning candles in a church in a dream portends great luck, dreams will be able to come true.
  • Dreaming of a fire in a church means a decline in moral values, disappointment in God.
  • I dreamed of a church with gilded domes - a reward for the work done.
  • The church under construction symbolizes new stage in the dreamer's life, changes for the better.

Why did the Church dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Why do you dream about church? Most likely, the image is a reflection of the dreamer’s internal state, his spiritual development.

  • The beautiful decoration of the church, gilded candelabra, neat icons indicate harmony in the soul and orderliness of thoughts.
  • Why do you dream of an abandoned, empty church - the dream eloquently hints at internal disharmony, lack of faith in one's own capabilities.
  • See the ruins of a church– in reality suffer from a lack of vital energy. The dream also signals the need to understand yourself.
  • You dream of a burnt church if a person is very afraid of something. In fact, the fears are unfounded.

Why do you dream about the Church (Romantic dream book)

The decoration of the church appearance will help you understand why you have a dream with this image.

  • Building under construction - for improvement sex life, building relationships with a partner.
  • burning church may dream of family breakdown. You indulge your desires too much, not paying attention to the opinion of your other half.
  • For a man, going to church is a sign of his desire for intimacy with the woman he loves. If you still can't go to church– the problem lies in doubts about your sexual attractiveness.
  • Seeing an unfinished church means doubts about the correct choice of a partner.

We analyze the vision in which the Temple was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

A church building is an architectural structure in which people gather to perform special rituals that are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organic nature. The image of the church reflects a situation of pressure, control and violence on the part of the spiritual ego: submission to social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image means artificially preserved, protecting. a nourishing environment (the illusory world), and at the same time a negative, dictating, oppressive, limiting, programming, forcing one to act according to a rigid algorithm (computer mother).

Why does a woman dream about the Church (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you.
  • This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, portends life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • You are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual revival and renewal.
  • I dreamed about a church in the distance means disappointment in long-awaited events.
  • Why dream of entering a church immersed in darkness - you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a white stone church with golden domes in a dream means the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations.
  • Dreaming of a castle on a church is a bad sign.
  • I dreamed of a church in the distance, foretells disappointment in events.
  • Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means you will have to take part in a funeral.
  • Praying in church in a dream means you need support in your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Chapel (Vanga's Dream Book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • To be present at a church service in a dream- means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • In a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick- this dream means that in reality you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal.
  • To dream that you are entering a church during a service. It's very cramped because a large number of people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which the moon floats bright red. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.
  • Seeing how you help restore old church- in reality, all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

The meaning of the dream about the Church (according to Nostradamus)

  • Why do you dream of a church? - A symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, purity.
  • I dreamed of a snow-white church with golden domes- portends the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity.
  • You saw a destroyed building, which means illness and moral suffering.
  • If you are present at a church service, then in reality you will experience remorse.
  • Why do you dream of building a church in a dream?– your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely.
  • In a dream you saw a church entwined with a snake - a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity because everything human values will be destroyed by evil.
  • You saw a castle on the church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.
  • You saw the church on fire, foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

The meaning of a dream about Icons (interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya)

  • Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom.
  • However, if you have a dream about dying, when the dreamer’s soul visits the other world, then the church is simply a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything that the icon said.
  • If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Church according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • To dream of a rural church means to find truthful friends.
  • To be in church - in times of need you will find help and consolation.
  • Hear singing in church– Your wishes will come true.
  • An illuminated church is a grave misfortune.
  • Why do you dream of a destroyed church - you will recognize the need.
  • Seeing the archbishop is an expectation of protection; talking to him is an expectation of a pleasant event.
  • Dreaming of a Bishop at a church service- Good news.
  • Seeing an Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.
  • To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.
  • Church bells - Something pleasant awaits you.
  • Church utensils in the shop are for sale - you will receive a tempting offer that you should not refuse.

When you have sacred dreams, this is a sign of the manifestation of higher powers. If you are lucky enough to see a church in a dream, it means the time has come to free yourself from everything vain and ordinary and turn your gaze to the secrets of a higher being.

Try to describe the church you saw and remember the details. Was it a large temple with domes or a small chapel? Have you seen icons, candles? The reliability of the interpretation of what the church means in dreams will depend only on you, how detailed you were able to remember your dream.

Colors of dreams

There are many interpretations of dreams about a temple, but all dream books agree on one thing: if you dream about a church, it means support from above is promised, which means you should expect important changes in life.

  • If the church in a dream was in festive decorations, and its doors were open, it means an easy, carefree life ahead.
  • Seeing a church with domes filled with sun in a dream is a sign of well-being, resolution of all conflicts and finding peace of mind.
  • Leaving the temple, moving away from it means getting rid of experiences, throwing off a heavy burden from the soul.
  • Why do you dream of a church destroyed, in disrepair, without domes? If you only see its outlines hidden in the fog, Miller’s dream book warns that severe disappointments may lie ahead.

  • If you dream of an old chapel or a dilapidated temple, this is a symbol of fear for the future, do not worry, your fears are groundless.
  • If you dreamed of a burning church, this is a sign of alarm, a warning about treason or a subconscious premonition of it.

But don't get upset right away. Let us remember what the dream book says: a church in a dream is, first of all, a sign of the attention of higher powers. Try to figure out what this is - a warning about danger or an indication of increased anxiety? Perhaps this is a sign that you need to become more careful and prepare for changes.

A look from the inside - remembering the details

It may happen that you dream of burning candles, quiet chants and you realize that you are inside a temple. To figure out why you dream about the church inside, try to remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Did you attend a service and see the priest? Or, on the contrary, was it dark and quiet in the temple? Do you remember what you felt at the time - joy, fear, surprise? Any detail, the slightest detail can be an important sign.

  • Entering a temple and finding yourself in the dark, under empty arches, is a moment of self-discovery. Miller's dream book draws attention to the fact that if it is dark inside, icons are not visible, you dream of extinguished candles - probably in this moment you are confused and looking for support. Don't worry, she won't keep you waiting.
  • If the church is empty and its doors are closed, the dream book says that at the moment you should rely on your own strength. You can easily cope with any problem.
  • But as soon as you light candles in a dream, the tone of the predictions changes. If you dream of burning candles, prosperity awaits you. It is believed that objects of church utensils dream of profit and good luck.
  • The desire to enter the temple is usually interpreted as a desire to cleanse oneself and repent of sins. You are on the verge of an important decision. You can count on good luck and support from higher powers.

  • If you approach the altar in a dream, Miller’s dream book promises a valuable find and help from loved ones. A very good sign is to kneel before the altar. Such a dream means that a dream will come true, a long-planned dream will come true.
  • If you dream about a priest or a priest, it means that you will soon receive an award, recognition, or be recognized for your merits.
  • If you dream of confession, this means secret anxiety and a search for spiritual consolation. Perhaps the dreamer is worried about grievances or some unfinished business.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream as a priest is a warning, a warning about possible bankruptcy. You should avoid dubious transactions and large expenses.
  • A burning candle means going up the steps spiritual growth. If you dream of lit candles in front of an icon, it means you are ready to forgive and let go of old grievances. Moreover, readiness for change.
  • Light it yourself church candles- means dealing with your problems on your own.

Direct interpretations

Surprisingly, sometimes the answer to why the church is dreaming lies on the surface. If religious people have dreams with religious paraphernalia, this may mean internal discomfort due to the fact that they have not attended church for a long time. You need to immediately go to the temple, pray, put candles in front of the images and calm down.

Direct interpretations of dreams are good because they immediately offer simple solutions and motivate us to act.

  • If you dreamed about a priest, it means there is uncertainty about own strength. The solution is to find a mentor, listen to the advice of friends.
  • To dream of an abandoned church means mental discord, internal “ruin.” This means you need to work on yourself, find inner harmony.
  • To see a church with domes, icons, candles in a dream - the dream book advises you to take it in your hands Holy Bible and engage in spiritual reading.

With all the diversity of interpretation of sacred dreams, all dream books agree that a church in a dream is a positive omen. Believe that your dream promises good changes and support from higher powers - and all this will definitely come true.

Whether a devout person or not, when the Temple of God appears in a dream, the heart trembles.

Such dreams attract special attention, since every detail in them has hidden meaning.

Why do you dream of a church inside? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a church inside - the main interpretation

The science of dream interpretation is quite complex; not everyone can independently understand the symbols and signs that come in a dream. What to do if dreams are bright and colorful, but it is almost impossible to understand why they appear? You need to use dream books - collections of interpretations various dreams.

Why interpret dreams? This helps to get tips and advice, to see internal and external life problems. Why do you dream about the Church inside? The Temple of God itself, which appeared in a dream, carries an important omen, which means that interesting events await the person, what kind of events will be indicated by the dream itself.

In a dream you can see:

An elegant, beautiful Church during the celebration of the Great Holiday - to new achievements in life and to good news;

A destroyed, dilapidated, abandoned Temple - to an internal desire to be lonely, to troubles and ruin;

Entering the Temple means new achievements and a new round in life;

Talking to a priest means getting support from someone important, wise man;

Lighting candles for health means taking care of your health, for repose means getting seriously ill;

Making requests to the saints means seeking support;

To build a Temple is to improve your life, to receive a blessing.

In the old days it was believed that if you dream about the Church– then you need to visit it. If a young girl saw the christening of a child in a dream, it means that she will soon become a mother. If a young couple dreams of their wedding, they are blessed by God and their union will be long-lasting and strong.

If you had a dream that you met a friend in the Temple- he needs your help. It is worth looking closely at all the details of the dream. If you light candles for your health and they go out, it means that your friend will soon leave you. close person. If at the same time you do not feel anxiety in a dream, it means that his departure is destined by fate.

Hear the windows in the Temple opening and closing- to rumors about you and slander. If you entered the Temple, but cannot leave, it means that you are confused in your inner experiences and thoughts. It pays to choose wisely life path and do not harm anyone on it. These are the main interpretations, but there are also interpretations of dreams according to various dream books, which are worth understanding.

Why do you dream about the inside of a church according to Miller’s dream book?

If in a dream you pass by the Temple, This means that colossal changes will soon occur in your life. They will wear negative character, and push you to attend Church, as adversity will come snowball.

If you finally entered the Temple, but it is empty inside, darkness reigns in it- such a dream foreshadows grief about a familiar person. Someone will die soon. If the Temple is abandoned and there have been no services in it for a long time, but you still enter it, it means that you will be in trouble in many matters. Your expectations will not be met, your goals will not be set correctly, and your hopes will be destroyed.

What does the dream book advise you to do when a dream promises a negative outcome of events? It is worth starting to lead a pious life and changing your attitude towards many controversial situations in your life, then they will be easier to resolve. It is worth forgiving the grievances and boldly moving forward.

Why do you dream about the inside of a church according to Vanga’s dream book?

The temple, according to Vanga’s interpretation, is to offend a bright, higher spirit. It symbolizes spiritual development, cleansing from internal blocks and fears. If in a dream you enter the walls of the Temple, it means it’s time to repent. It is worth considering whether you are living correctly, perhaps you are overcome by greed and selfishness.

If in a dream you find yourself in a church service- this means your close and dear people protect you from various failures. If you find yourself in an abandoned Temple, it means that you yourself are subject to asceticism and loneliness. Perhaps it's time to change your vision of life, your perception.

If there are a lot of people in the Temple and everyone is looking at you, This means that the secrets that you have scrupulously hidden will be revealed. Such a dream recommends being the first to reveal all secrets in order to facilitate retribution for them and receive forgiveness.

Why do you dream about the inside of a church according to Freud’s dream book?

The Church in Freud's interpretation is the internal sexual Temple of a person. If he is bright from the inside, then the person is pure in his feelings and motives. If the Temple is abandoned, it means that a person’s sexual energy is not in demand.

If you enter the Temple freely, it means you are comfortable in your relationship and you are faithful to your soulmate, but if it’s hard to enter into it, you don’t want to, it means your sexual thoughts are not pure. There is no spiritual fidelity. Possible sexual dissatisfaction with the partner. And this, in turn, can even threaten physiological problems. It is worth building your sexual Temple only from the pure energy of love.

Why do you dream of a church inside - other dream books

Why do you dream about the Church inside? Nostradamus pointed out that the Temple of God personifies the inner beauty and spiritual purity of a person. If the dream has positive outlines, it means that everything is in order in the person’s spiritual development, but if the dream is clearly negative in nature, painted in dark tones, then most likely both spiritual and physical health the person is not up to par and demands special attention.

    If the Church radiates light and grace inside, it means that the crisis in life will soon end, harmony and the highest spiritual satisfaction will reign in it. If a building is falling apart before our eyes, it means that a person is deteriorating spiritually and he has very little chance of correcting the situation.

    If you dreamed that you were singing in the Temple, it means that you will be tormented by doubts and remorse. If you are building a Temple or improving it, such a dream promises gratitude and reward for righteous deeds.

    If you are tempted by the Devil in a dream, it means that you will lose your spirituality and will not be able to give in to temptations. It will be a risky deal with your conscience that you will lose. Also, such a dream can promise turning to pseudo-magicians and healers for help.

    If you dream that the Temple is burning, it means that there will be conflicts and religious strife. Spirituality and repentance will be destroyed, nothing will remain from past victories, only disappointment.

Loff, in his interpretations, pointed out that the Church appears in a person’s dreams when he is going through a difficult period in life, a period of testing. His future life depends on how calmly he overcomes difficulties. Turning to God in a dream means asking for intercession during life.

Tsvetkov gives several interpretations of dreams about the Church:

If in a dream you pray to a saint, in reality you will become successful, rich, and find peace;

If you see yourself entering the Temple, your conscience will not give you peace;

If the Temple begins to smoke and burn, failures await you in life;

Building the Church means getting advancement in business and career.

Hasse pointed out that the Temple of God, which appeared in a dream, promises a cloudless future for a person. Opening up many possibilities. He also indicated that:

Communicating with God is for his blessing;

Listen to singing - wishes will come true;

To receive communion is to receive punishment for sins;

To enter a collapsed Church means to be in need.

If a person in a dream feels comfortable in the Temple of God, then in reality he will receive rewards for his work and a joyful, cheerful life. If the dream is colored with negative colors and it is difficult to be in the Church, it means that the person will be punished for his lack of spirituality.

Meneghetti points out that seeing the Temple of God in a dream- realize your perfection, your hidden motives for action, secret desires and temptations.

Longo pointed out that if you dream about the Church- that means it’s time to visit it, it’s time to engage in spiritual development. If the Temple inside is abandoned, the spirituality in a person is minimal, there is no connection with nature and family, a teacher or mentor is needed. Otherwise, a person will completely go astray from the intended path.

Sometimes such dreams cause tears of joy, because a person begins to understand that God is blessing him, sometimes - tears of disappointment and pain. Many people forget to go to Church, but this internally oppresses them, and then similar dreams appear. In any case, it is better to receive a warning or good news in advance and be prepared for future events, whatever they may be.

Not only believers can dream about the church. Such a dream indicates a person’s inner desire to fill his spiritual life in the real world. When interpreting a dream, it is important to carefully analyze its plot and connect it with your subconscious. Only with this approach will it be possible to understand why the church is dreaming.

Another important general interpretation of why the plot with the temple appears in a dream is that a person has reached the next stage of development and internal readiness to move to the next stage.

To correctly understand what clues are given to you by dreams in which you see a church, you need to try to remember all the nuances of the dream picture. You should be interested in both the interior decoration and its external condition.

The way a church building is decorated in a dream accentuates your inner state and explains how its spiritual world harmonizes with reality. Evidence of the coherence of thoughts is seen in a dream, the rich decoration of the temple.

We saw icons and iconostases in the church

If in a dream you saw icons and iconostases in a church, then you need to pay attention to the faces of the saints depicted on them. Peace and tranquility on them indicates that in the near future you will experience a happy period that will not be overshadowed by sad events.

Cracked icon in the temple

If you dreamed of a cracked icon in a temple, then this is an unkind sign. It portends that your soul is filled with emptiness and during this period you began to feel meaninglessness very acutely own life. Most likely, this condition is caused by your heartlessness towards the people around you. Such a dream indicates that you are a selfish person and do not listen to the opinions of loved ones.

Going to church in a dream

If in a dream you enter a church and find yourself in pitch darkness or see the room in a state of disrepair, then this indicates a lack of peace of mind. In this state, your plans will remain unfulfilled, and you will not be able to become successful person. Therefore, you urgently need to reconsider your attitude towards life.

Church interior

A good sign is to see in a dream an interior church room in which burning candles are installed. Such a dream indicates that you were able to fully recover from the difficulties experienced in life. This will allow you to start working at full capacity and become a successful person in the near future. All planned plans will soon turn into reality.

I dreamed of a destroyed church

A common dream plot is a destroyed church and the natural question is, why do you dream of such a ruin? A plot in which you see a destroyed church is considered a very bad dream. It indicates the loss of the dreamer’s vital energy, and against the background of this in real life, as a rule, all plans are destroyed. In this situation, you should, first of all, understand your deepest desires in order to compare them with your own real opportunities. True faith, which allows you to strengthen the spiritual component of a person, will help change your life for the better.

If in a dream you saw that a church was being destroyed before your eyes, this indicates that a new stage in life will soon begin, associated with a change in the world around you. After such a dream, it is imperative to think about your own future and simulate life in the current circumstances. Otherwise, you will have to go with the flow, which does not bode well.

Gilded church domes

If you dreamed of beautiful gilded church domes, then this foretells that you will soon successfully complete a task that is important to you. And this will bring you not only significant profit, but moral satisfaction. The larger the church domes seen in the dream, the greater your reward will be.

Dream Interpretation - a church under construction

Seeing a church under construction in a dream is considered a good sign. Such a dream personifies the beginning of a new path. In the intimate sphere, such a dream may indicate that a person will receive complete sexual satisfaction from his partner.

Old Church

If you dreamed of an old church, then this indicates that your future is completely uncertain. After such a dream, you must definitely reconsider your plans and try to redefine yourself on the path of life.

All actions that are displayed in the dream are also important. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to your feelings while in church or on the way to it.

When you see a clearly ordinary temple against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, this symbolizes your spiritual insight. A very important stage awaits you, which will be associated with the accumulation of knowledge. But if you only dreamed of the outlines of a temple, then this foreshadows disappointment in life and emphasizes the lack of faith in your soul.

Festively decorated temple

A festively decorated temple, seen in night dreams, foreshadows a carefree and fun time ahead. Sometimes such a dream occurs before a certain festive event.

Wooden church - interpretation of sleep

I also wonder why you dream of a wooden church? If you dreamed of such a prayer, then this may foreshadow a change in life circumstances, for example, a change of place of residence. But in some cases, such a dream promises a change in environment and social circle, as well as a change in life interests.

Magnificent and luxurious temple

If you dreamed of a magnificent and luxurious temple, then this indicates that you have entered an absolutely safe period in your life and nothing threatens you. At this time, higher powers protect you and provide you with invulnerability against any horses of enemies and enemies.

Why do you dream of a high church?

If the dream focuses on the fact that the church is high, then this is an omen that you will soon take a worthy position in society. You will be respected and appreciated by people close to you, and at the moment your reputation is not in danger.

Burning church - interpretation of dreams

About unfavorable life period foreshadows a church burning in a dream. It will be so difficult for you that only sincere faith will help you survive all the difficulties and bring your bright streak closer to life.

Dreaming about the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church in a dream also symbolizes trials on the dreamer’s path in real life. But in this case, they are more associated with mental suffering and finding oneself in real life.

Pass by the temple

When the plot of a dream is based on the fact that you see a temple, but passed by it, then in reality you are close to making the wrong decision. With wisdom, you can change it by carefully analyzing the current situation.

Come to the closed church

If you dream that you approached a closed church, then this indicates that a loved one has closed his soul to you. You will need to put in a lot of effort and patience to get through to him. But if you don’t succeed, then separation awaits you.

If you see yourself entering a temple in a dream, then this symbolizes your lack of freedom. Also, such a dream may indicate the presence internal fears and phobias. But after this it is important to remember your feelings. If you feel peace of mind and peace of mind, it means that you will find the strength to overcome all your inner fears and become happy man. It is very good if in such a dream you see a priest next to you. When you see yourself entering a small chapel, then in real life you should wait for news. Unfortunately, dream books do not indicate whether the information will be good or bad for you. Therefore, it will be better if you independently analyze your feelings in a dream and draw your own conclusions about this, listening to your intuition. If you entered a gloomy church hall in a dream and realized that you were there completely alone, then there is a presence in your life complete uncertainty. After such a dream, you must realize that your future life depends only on your choice and it must be done correctly.

Come to a church filled with people

If you dreamed that you came to a church filled with people, and at the same time you heard the priest’s prayer, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that in reality you will be drawn into unpleasant conflicts. Try to avoid and solve problems in your environment peacefully.

Why do you dream of praying in a temple?

It is very important to know why you dream that you are praying in a temple, because this is a good sign. It means that in reality you will receive the support of friends in all your endeavors. During this period, you do not need to be afraid of difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goal, because at the right time, your loved ones will always lend a helping hand to you. A dream in which you see yourself at a divine service has a similar interpretation. It is very good if you dream that you are praying in front of beautiful icons or simply standing in front of them. This indicates that using faith and the strength of your own spirit, you can easily overcome any serious obstacles in reality. After such a dream, you will definitely gain confidence that to solve problems you will not have to ask for help from others.

Lighting a candle in a temple - the meaning of sleep

It is very good if in a dream you light a candle and place it near one of the icons in the temple. This is evidence of complete spiritual renewal. It may also indicate that you will find the strength to forgive your offender, which will allow you to open up to new and good things.

Looking for a church in a dream

When you dream that you are looking for a church and finally find it, this indicates that in real life you will have a powerful patron. In most cases, the church seen in a dream is bright and good sign. In addition, you must always remember that if you believe that a dream portends joy, then it will definitely come true. But if the interpretation of the dream is negative, then you should not worry. After all, dreams are warning in nature, which means there is always an opportunity to change the real course of events and avoid possible negative consequences.