Today, many services offer Internet speed testing. It's no secret that high speed Internet connection is the key to comfortable and quality activities online. However, which tester is better to use and which speed test is the most reliable? This question worries many users who control their connection. In this article we will analyze for testing the Internet channels that are distinguished by the greatest reliability and, most importantly, are free.

Checking the Internet connection speed on a computer or smartphone allows you to understand the functionality of the device. Next, we will consider the three most popular, reliable, functional, convenient services in Russian, which will allow you to control the speed of the Internet services provided. For example: Rostelecom, buyfly or any other global provider from both a mobile and a personal computer.

First, let's look at the table of functionality of each service:

Now we will take a closer look at each of the services for checking the quality of Internet services. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the fact that when testing we must not forget about converting megabits to megabytes. Because 1 byte is 8, not 10 bits. This point should be taken into account!

TOP 1: Service

Description: is one of the current ways to measure Internet performance. With millions of requests daily, it remains the leading network performance testing service. According to the developers, their goal is to build the best and fast internet Worldwide. Proven technologies are specifically designed for accurate and unbiased testing, allowing users around the world to evaluate and troubleshoot Internet connection speeds.

Flaws: The main disadvantage of the service is that checking the connection speed for mobile devices in this service is quite difficult. To get started, you will need to download the official application to your smartphone.

TOP 2: Speedtest from

Description: Yandex Internetometer is one of the leading Russian services for checking network connections. Capable of showing data about both traffic and browser.

Description: Allows you to similarly perform a qualitative check of the channel status and a check of functionality. Also, with one click of the mouse, it checks the throughput of the connection line.

Flaws: The disadvantages of the service include the lack of additional technical information provided.


Which of the presented speed tests to use is up to you. All have their advantages and disadvantages. Everyone must determine their needs and preferences. However, we are absolutely sure that the resources presented will help to accurately determine the quality of the Internet signal, which plays an important role in the comfort of working and surfing websites.

Many who have already encountered Internet speed testing services have noticed that the results of these tests quite often differ from the tariff plan (the speed provided by the provider). Most people, without delving into the details and intricacies of how services work, prefer to believe the indicated speed test results, on, perhaps for the first time, an open website. And then the calls to the provider’s technical support with complaints and claims begin. Often, long negotiations with technical support end in nothing - the recommendations of the technical staff are difficult or scary to implement. And, as a result, the client is not satisfied.

We conducted a small test of the most popular services for checking Internet connection speed and decided to find out which of the services should be given the greatest preference, and also tried to find out why such different results show speed measurements. At each site we carried out from 3 to 5 measurements, presenting the best indicators here.

For testing we used a simple system unit with dual-core processor, 2 GB random access memory, installed Windows 7 operating system. are not installed on the computer, the firewall is disabled. All components and modules (including flash player) are updated. Browsers used: Opera, Chrome, Fire Fox, Safari, testing was carried out in each of them. The network card is the most inexpensive, with an interface speed of 100 Mbit/s (Full duplex). The computer was connected with a 3-meter twisted pair cable to a Cisco L2 switch with a 1 Gb/s port (auto) and an external interface (Internet channel) of 2 Gb/s (LACP bonding mode 2).

In total, an analogue of broadband Internet access was obtained at a speed limited by the bandwidth of the computer’s network card - 100 Mbit/s. by Ookla - Global speed test

Speedtest.Net- probably one of the first and most popular services for checking basic network parameters. The test itself is created on the basis of flash technology, which, on the one hand, is beautiful, convenient and visual, on the other hand, it can let you down - the flash player is not installed correctly on your computer, or the browser flash module is not able to fully implement speed testing, and , as a result - errors in measurement.

The web interface of the page looks like a map with the ability to select the server with which you want to test.

When you open the page, the service determines your location. A very useful feature of this service is the ability to select the server with which to test, because the fewer intermediate nodes between your computer and the server, the more accurate the measurement results will be.

Before testing begins, a ping test takes place - the server's response time to your request to it.

Immediately after measuring the ping, the download speed is measured - Download.

After measuring your incoming speed, the service will automatically begin measuring outgoing speed - Upload, the speed at which you can upload and transfer files to the Internet.

Outgoing speed testing - Upload.

After all the tests have been carried out - ping, incoming and outgoing speed, the results will appear on the screen with a suggestion to repeat the test ( TEST AGAIN), or select another server ( NEW SERVER) to check Internet settings.

Test result.

Further, using the service Speedtes.Net, we chose another, most remote server in Kyiv, the data to which will pass through several Data Centers, with this we will show the influence of intermediate nodes on the accuracy of testing measurements.

Selecting a remote server located in Kyiv.

Speed ​​testing with a server located in Kyiv.

Here it is worth paying attention to the increase in ping to 13 ms, which indicates data delays on intermediate servers and routers located between us and Kiev.

Result for by Ookla - 95/95 Mbit/s with our throughput of 100 Mbps this is the most accurate result.

If you need to test with our server located in Torez, go here. - speed test for all devices

Bandwidthplace.Com- just like Speedtest.Net uses flash technology to measure network speed. Here everything is more modest, the choice of servers (button Select Server) for testing is small, only about 15, the location of which indicates that the service is focused on America and Japan. The closest to us was Frankfurt (Germany).

The result of the check, to put it mildly, was no. With our actual channel width of 100 Mbit/s, the service showed only 11 Mbit/s - 10 times lower than our actual speed. Moreover, we were not able to check our outgoing speed using this service. speed testing.

This is due to the remoteness of the server and a large number of intermediate nodes to it. We counted 8 pieces.

Tracing the route to the server -

Result for - 11/-- Mbit/s with our throughput of 100 Mbit/s, this service is not suitable for our region.

2ip.Ru - Network services portal

2ip.Ru- probably one of the first Russian-language services for the Internet. Among them is a speed check service.

Before checking, the service prompts you to enter your speed by tariff plan, for further assessment - declared/actual.

The lack of selection of the nearest server affected the results.

The result of the Internet connection speed is 2ip.Ru.

Despite the fact that the service is aimed at Russian-speaking network users, it itself is located in Germany, so the service is more suitable for the western regions of the CIS countries (Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg...). Due to the fact that between us and the service there is big number nodes, for precise measurements he doesn't fit.

Result for 2ip.Ru - 27/7 Mbit/s

Pr-Cy.Ru - Analysis and verification of network resources

Pr-Cy.Ru- another popular Russian-language service, specializes in website analysis, the speed checking service on it is a pleasant addition to other services.

On the speed test page there is a map that allows you to select your preferred server with the smallest number nodes on the way to it for the most accurate result.

Speed ​​check page - Pr-Cy.Ru.

After pressing the button “Start Internet speed test”, first the server response time (ping) is measured, after which the incoming and then outgoing Internet speed will be automatically checked.

Testing Internet speed on the Pr-Cy.Ru website.

Internet speed test result.

The test result was disappointing, deviations were more than 20%. Most likely, the owners of the Pr-Cy.Ru resource do not prioritize the accuracy of Internet speed measurements and pay more attention to the accuracy of their other services.

Result for Pr-Cy.Ru - 80/20 Mbit/s, in our opinion, a dubious service for our region.

We think this is enough comparative tests. Our goal was to show that speed checking services are nothing more than entertainment and should not be taken more or less seriously. We did not specifically consider other services, such as.

It would seem that there are no problems on your computer or laptop, you paid for the use of Internet services a couple of months in advance, but the page with the necessary information periodically refuses to work, or downloading a movie is like moving a snail.

Most likely your computer has problems with the speed of your Internet connection.

The problem is that most ISPs are a little sugarcoated real numbers during connection. For example, if your contract specifies Internet speeds of 100 Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s, then most likely the true speed will be significantly lower. But don't despair, today you will learn how to check serves in minutes.

What is speedtest

So, it's time to find out the real speed using a special test called speedtest.

Speedtest– a special test designed to check data transmission.

There are a number of sites that allow you to measure Internet connection indicators, incoming and outgoing, and determine the so-called Ping (the time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer until it is received by another computer). Below, we will talk in more detail about several examples of such services.

But, in addition to online services for checking, there is also a built-in method. It allows you to find out the information you need by using the settings on your PC (personal computer).

For example, the Windows 10 operating system is used. There are 2 ways to check in different operating systems.

Method 1

So, to measure the Internet using basic operating system tools you will need:

Right-click on the Internet icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the window that appears, select “Open network and Internet settings.”

Then you need to open the “Configure adapter settings” item.

In the window that opens, select the Internet connection and double-click with the left mouse button.

We are looking for Internet connection speed.

Important! In some Windows versions 10, as well as in operating rooms Windows systems 7.8 this path may look a little different. But the actions are basically the same.

Right-click the Internet icon and click Network and Hardware Center

In the “Connections” column, select your Internet connection.

And what we need is revealed window with speed graph.

Important! This method has a significant drawback. No matter what the computer shows, in reality it can still be significantly lower.

Online services

Some options on your computer may slow down the process of checking your Internet connection speed. Therefore, it is strongly recommended:

  • close all possible programs and all tabs in the browser (except for the required speedtest tab for testing).
  • disable antivirus on your computer
  • right-click on the taskbar to launch “Task Manager” and check the downloads (if any, disable them)
  • check 3 times (this will increase the accuracy of the results)

So, the leader of the nomination is the Speedtest website. net

As soon as you visit the site, the program immediately determines your exact location and indicates your Internet provider.

You can also create here account, which allows you to have access to check histories and their results.

Using the page is not difficult - you just need to click the “Start” button in the very center of the screen. Here we must pay tribute to the site’s interface - it is very simple and easy to use, as they say, nothing superfluous.

As soon as you press the desired button, the service immediately begins scanning and calculates all the necessary data.

And literally in a minute you get the expected result: ping – signal transmission time, receiving time (data about how you receive information from the server to your computer), sending time (sending data to the server).

You can find out more about what Ping is here:

Advice! This site should be used with ad blockers enabled (for example, Adblock). Because without auxiliary utilities, working with this site is not very pleasant, due to the large and annoying amount of advertising.

By the way, speedtest from the same developer exists as an application on the phone, which is installed in the simplest way - using Play Market. This application allows you to check the Internet on your smartphone.

  • nice site interface
  • quick check
  • possibility of creating a personal account
  • ability to track inspection history
  • there is a phone app
  • annoying advertising

Ukrtelecom Speedtest

One of the simplest assistants for checking your Internet connection. Simple and tasteful - no unnecessary information.

One of the advantages is that there is nothing superfluous on the screen. Absolutely White background and clear numbers. All you need to do is click the Start button at the top of the screen.

The check is carried out quickly and more or less accurately.

In a matter of seconds, all the necessary numbers are in front of you: download- download from server to computer, upload- speed of sending from computer to server, ping- time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer to the signal is received on a second computer, jitter- unwanted random deviations of the transmitted signal.

  • user-friendly interface
  • no advertising
  • ease of use
  • high efficiency
  • no registration option
  • there is no way to track previous scan histories

Website from German developers. In my opinion, the interface is not very user-friendly. Despite the fact that it won’t be difficult to complete the check, we see the “Forward” button at the top of the screen. And the verification itself, in fact, happens right here.

But below is the text in full German, which contains information about this speedtest.

This may be confusing, but the site does its main task well - everything you need to check is provided in Russian.

  • high verification speed
  • true numbers
  • the site does not always accurately show your location (it may confuse the city). But this does not affect the IP address, it is reliable
  • most of the information is in German
  • inconvenient interface

Voip Test

This site is entirely English language, which may cause some difficulties. But at the same time, it perfectly performs its key task - checking your Internet connection.

If on previous sites only a special verification page opened before us, then In addition to speedtest, there is a number of other information here.

But this does not affect the verification in any way.. Moreover, using this site you can observe how the indicator arrow moves during the check. Allows you to brighten up the waiting time, although it already takes very little time.

To start working you need to click the “Start” button.

The necessary results appear on the screen at lightning speed.

  • high tempo
  • the date and time of the inspection is indicated


  • the site is entirely in English

Ukrainian Speedtest

A site from Ukrainian developers with convenient and simple functions. But, again, there is unnecessary information.

To start testing, click the “Test” button.


  • ability to track Internet changes during the verification process
  • high tempo


  • extra information on the site
  • advertising (without blocker)

So, we have reviewed some of the most popular internet testing sites and listed their advantages and disadvantages. Now I propose to recall the most important indicators of these resources in the table:

Computer utility

In addition to the built-in method for checking the Internet and online resources, there is also special programs for computer.

One such program is speed-o-meter.

Speed-o-meter shows the current network load. Indicators are updated every second. Using this program, you can determine what speed is used at specific moments when using the Internet.

The program measures the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet connection. The utility provides information in graphs where the necessary incoming and outgoing data are marked different colors. After installation, the program will start automatically when you turn on the PC (personal computer).

To install this program, you need to follow the link below and select the “Download” button.


  • quick installation
  • small consumption resources
  • no advertising
  • ease of use


  • high probability of downloading an infected file

Conclusions and video instructions

So, today we took a look at some of the most popular and high-quality sites for checking the Internet. Now you know that checking the Internet will not be difficult.

There are many others special resources, which allow you to obtain the necessary information. But in general, they are very similar, and use the same methods to check the Internet connection. This article lists the most simple services.

And in addition to online services, there are also special programs for checking the Internet. Such programs can be easily installed on a PC (personal computer).

Hello, site readers IT lessons. Today we will deal with the popular question “ How to correctly measure the speed of an Internet connection?“Everyone is interested to know whether we are getting those megabits per second that we paid for and why sometimes files or sites loadoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssyour your your your yours your your your you you you you you you you your you you you you pay for yourself" and you your your your your your yours and why sometimes files or websites will load very slowly...

In this IT lesson you will need the knowledge gained in the previous two lessons: “” and “”

Of course, you would like to press one button and quickly find out your speed... this is also possible, but the accuracy will be low. In addition, you need to take into account some factors that affect the data transfer speed and the result of its testing.

The lesson is big, if you need to find something specific, you can use the content:

What affects Internet speed?

First, let's look at what can affect the quality of Internet connection speed measurements. And there are many such factors:

  • Speed, with whom you contact when checking your Internet speed (this can also include the speed of access to the site from which you are downloading something)
  • Speed ​​and settings if your computer is connected to local network through him
  • Working on the computer at the time of verification
  • Antiviruses and firewalls running in the background
  • Computer and operating system settings

In most cases, the most important item on this list will be the first item - server speed. Let me give you a few illustrative examples.

Example 1.
If you connect your computer to the local network using a cable (twisted pair), then connection speed with another computer on the same network(in your city) will be very large, for example, 70 Mbit/s .

Example 2.
Now we measure the speed between our computer and some server at the other end of the country. Maybe we'll get about 20 Mbit/s .

Example 3.
Let’s imagine that all 800 regular readers of the IT-lessons website connected to this server at once and began downloading different files. Communication speed with a busy server will decrease and for you it will be, for example, 3 Mbit/s .

Example 4.
Now let's try to download the file from a server in another country, for example, in Australia, we get less 1 Mbps!

Now, I think it’s clear that the measured speed depends on which server you chose for testing: its location, its own maximum speed and its load are affected. That is, you need to understand that:

The speed of all servers (containing sites and files) is different and depends on the capabilities of these servers.

The same applies to other points (for example, the connection speed will differ when connecting to the network directly or through a router, and will also depend on the characteristics of this router).

How to improve verification accuracy

It is advisable to follow these steps if you want to get the most accurate result of checking your Internet connection speed. If approximate measurements are enough for you, you can move on to the next section of the lesson.

  1. Connect network cable directly to the computer(V )
  2. Close all programs, except for the browser (in which there should be one bookmark with this IT lesson)
  3. Stop programs downloading in the background(torrent clients, download managers, etc.), except those you chose to test Internet speed
  4. Temporarily disable your antivirus (don't forget to turn it on later), because... in some cases it may affect online test results.
  5. Launch Task Manager (hold down the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys at the same time) and go to the “Network” tab. Make sure the network is not overloaded (“Network Usage” should be less than 1%). If the network is being actively used, a program or Windows may be updating. In this case, wait until the downloads finish or restart your computer.

Network usage in task manager (green line jump - process of checking Internet connection speed)

In addition, every the measurement must be carried out several times to improve testing accuracy.

How to measure Internet connection speed

There are several ways to measure the speed of your Internet connection. Let's consider them in order of increasing complexity of use.

  1. Online services

Since we are now at the “Beginner” level, we will consider the first method in detail, and for experienced users I will briefly describe the remaining two.

Method 1. Measuring speed using online services

This is the one the easiest way to measure“Press one button and find out everything quickly.” The accuracy is relative, but the simplicity is attractive. 🙂

note that online tests have different accuracy!

I will tell you only about the most popular services.


Let's start with the most popular and most accurate online test to check Internet speed(and it’s free, too). I will dwell on it in more detail and advise all readers of the site to use this method first.

Here's a quick guide:

2. Find the button " Start checking" and press it:

Click the "Start Scan" button

3. At the end of testing, you see three results:

First number indicated by the word “Ping” (read “ping”), means network packet transmission time. The smaller this number, the better quality connections (preferably less than 100 ms).

The second number is the data acquisition speed. This is exactly the figure that providers advertise when connecting (it is for these megabits per second that you pay your honestly earned rubles/hryvnia/dollars/yuan :)).

The third number is the data transfer speed. As you can see, it can be noticeably lower than the receiving speed, but the provider is silent about this (but, in most cases, high outgoing Internet speed is rarely required).

If you want to measure the speed of your Internet connection to a specific city, then select it on the map (all are available big cities planets) and click the “Start scan” button again.

This way, you can check the examples I gave for yourself.

The creator of the “speed test” has another interesting online service that checks Internet connection quality
On the company's main website there are many more interesting opportunities for testing network connections

Other online Internet speed testing services

The principle of operation for all services is the same: press a button, wait, get a number... but the results are different.

2. Add several downloads from different fast file servers, for example this (test archive) and this (Linux distribution)

3. Set it in the settings maximum amount streams(sections for downloading)

4. We monitor the maximum speed file uploads:

The maximum speed achieved is highlighted in the image with a red rectangle.

What speed do you need to download movies?

We have learned how to measure the speed of data transfer over the Internet, now let’s see where this can be applied.

Let's say we want to download average quality movie, which usually takes 1.4 Gigabytes. Let's calculate at different speeds:

  • Speed 100 kbps– about 32 hours (it’s better not to wait for the movie to download using the mobile Internet)
  • Speed 1 Mbit/s– This movie will take 3 hours to load
  • Speed 3 Mbit/s– 1 hour download
  • Speed 15 Mbit/s– less than 15 minutes to download
  • Speed 50 Mbit/s– about 4 minutes
  • Speed 100 Mbit/s– about 2 minutes

Compare with time music downloads(for example, an mp3 file in good quality, about 10 MB in size):

  • Speed 100 kbps– less than 15 minutes of loading
  • Speed 1 Mbit/s– 1.5 minutes loading
  • Speed 3 Mbit/s– 0.5 minutes

At the same time, it is worth remembering that there is a guaranteed speed and a speed not guaranteed by the provider (we dealt with this in the IT lesson).

Bottom line

So, today we learned how to check the speed of the Internet (Internet connection) in three ways. We learned that in addition to speed, we also need to take into account the quality of communication, which is indicated by “ping” (we will deal with this separately). They also clearly assessed what speed would be sufficient to download a movie. Thus, we have completed the topic of units of measurement of information and data transfer speed. What's next?

Have you already guessed? Of course, a test! This time there will be few questions, but I advise you to re-read (including this one). If you're ready, here you go

Copying prohibited, but you can share links.

Services for Internet speed measurements there are many, and they all look the same. It is quite difficult to understand them, but we have done this work. If you want to make sure what you are getting maximum speed, try one of the following sites.

Your Netflix isn't working is good for checking your Netflix bandwidth if you're getting poor quality pictures. But that's all. If you're looking for a service that can help you prove to your ISP that it's not delivering the speed you're paying for, won't provide enough information to know for sure.

But this resource is the simplest of all speed check services. Visit the site and it will automatically check your loading speed. If you want to know the data transfer speed, then you should go to another site. But if you need to quickly check your Internet connection speed, will help you with this.

You want something that everyone uses

Speed ​​Test is the standard for all Internet connection speed measurement services. This is what your ISP will advise you to use when you call to report a problem.

SpeedTest is one of the best. It offers a wide range of strip diagnostic locations around the world, continually improving accuracy. This service automatically calculates the diagnostic point closest to you based on your IP address. It also gives you the opportunity to choose any other point at your discretion.

If you create an account and log into the site, it will track all your checks. SpeedTest conducts over 50 million tests per month, so you can trust it to be trusted.

But there are also disadvantages. It still uses Flash, which doesn't work in all browsers and doesn't offer good solutions for mobile devices. Also, if you connect to the Internet via a modem, its busy graphic design can be annoying to the eye. However, these problems are minor and will not prevent SpeedTest from thriving.

Get the most reliable speed test, no matter what browser or device you're using.


Internet speed can be measured by Yandex, but SpeedOf.Me is better. It uses HTML 5. Thanks to this, it will work on all devices. You can even try it out on your iPad. While other sites connect you to the nearest diagnostic server, SpeedOf.Me searches for the fastest available server on this moment time.

SpeedOf.Me also tests your connection by downloading and transferring sample files from your browser. This allows SpeedOf.Me to create a more accurate picture of the data transfer. It runs multiple checks, sending samples that gradually increase in size until it takes more than eight seconds to download the file. This allows SpeedOf.Me to test a wide range of connection speeds from a slow 10Kbps to 128Mbps.

SpeedOf.Me has only two drawbacks. First, this site looks ugly. It also does not allow you to create a user account. So you will have to save screenshots or take notes.

A service that will show how your speed compares to the speed of other users in your city or region

Before, how to measure internet speed on your computer, pay attention to this service. What if you want to know how your speed compares to other users in your area? will tell you all this. Powered by HTML5, will work on any mobile device or PC. But its main advantage is data collection. aggregates the results of all the tests it runs into a massive database. You can see data by internet providers, cities and territories with the fastest speeds, AND what tests have recently been run in which areas.

The service also allows you to run a data transfer, download, or combined test depending on what information you want to obtain.

SpeedOf.Me remains the best service due to its ability to detect a wide range of bandwidths with exceptional accuracy. And's ability to easily save test results and rank them relative to other users and locations will appeal to many.

Your ISP requires you to use their site

Most of these « Internet meters» to measure Internet speed are good, but lack reliability and accuracy compared to the sites listed above. Do as your ISP tells you, then go to one of the sites above and do your own testing.

Translation of the article “ WHICH SPEED TEST SITE IS RIGHT FOR YOU?” was prepared by the friendly project team