Good day, my dear reader!

This article is aimed at short description 12 routes that you can take in the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. What is it for? the answer is simple, to enjoy it amazing beauty nature of our region. Each route is assessed according to point system and has its own level of complexity, water availability and amenities.

The terms of participation:
Water availability
The presence of drinking water and water sources on tourist routes is assessed on a three-point scale (1 point – complete absence of water, 2 points – partial presence of springs, rivers, glaciers, 3 points – drinking water in abundance).

Landscaping means the presence of well-trodden paths, places for making fires, ranger houses, stops and other small architectural structures. Typically, the level of improvement is assessed on a 4-point scale:

1 point – no improvement.
2 points – formed trails and roads, no stopping places.
3 points – clearings and paths have been cleared good condition, there are comfortable places for tourists to stop.
4 points – the site is fully prepared to receive tourists (prepared trails, drinking water and springs in abundance, fuel for cars, food for horses, places for making a fire, rain shelters, etc.).

Route No. 1 “Guzeripl – Fisht shelter – lane. Belorechensky – per. Circassian – Babuk-Aul cordon – village. Solokh-Aul" View - on foot/horse/bicycle (vehicles may be used in some areas). Security - 2 points. Improvement - 4 points.
Length – 76 km.
The duration of stay on the route is at least 3 days, the optimal duration is 5-6 days.

The route passes on the macroslope of the Caucasus Range, stretches along the Shakhe River basin to the village of Solokh-Aul. Pos. Guzeripl - Armenian shelter. From the village of Guzeripl to the Partizanskaya glade, curious tourists are taken by minibus, then a walk (6 km) follows to the Armenian shelter. This shelter is located on the banks of a stream in a fir forest at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level. Coming out of the forest, the path leading to the next stopping place goes out onto subalpine meadows and along the right bank of the Armyanka River. Then the trail goes around the mountain about which along the way you can hear a colorful story from the guide in the direction to the southwest and rises to the Armenian Pass (elevation 1833 m above sea level). Here you can see an excellent view and see the glaciers of Mount Fisht (by the way, the Fisht stadium in the Olympic Park is named after this place and was supposed to represent the mountain in sports uniform), and from this point you can see the upper reaches of the Belaya River. Further, the path leads into crooked forests and leads out into a clearing to the next stop. Staying at a point near Fisht lasts 2 days, also on the way to the final point of the route, the village of Solokh-Aul, tourists will visit the monument to the “defenders of the Caucasus”, Belorechensky pass (1788m above sea level), Cherkessky pass (1830m above sea level) yew-boxwood grove crossing several small rivers and ending its route in the birthplace of Russian tea, the village of Solo-Aul.

Route No. 2 “Checkpoint “Lago-Naki” - lane. Abadzeshsky - Tsitsa shelter - Vodopadny shelter - Cherkessky lane - Babuk-Aul cordon - Solokh-Aul village" View - walking/horseback/bicycle. Water availability - 1 point. Landscaping - 3 points. Length - 67 km. The recommended time to complete the route is 7 days.

The route starts from the Azishsky pass, which originates not far from the checkpoint of the Reserve. Very close to the ski slopes in Lagonaki, next to which the Utyug rock lies. If we describe everything in detail, then there will be no point in going on this route, but it is worth drawing your attention, dear reader, to the picturesqueness of the 3-day hike, which will proceed like this, near the sources of the river with the beautiful name Tsitsa and to the very foot of Mount Pshekha-Su there is a good marked hiking trail red and white signs, along the route you will meet Lake Psenodakh in the form of a horseshoe (alas, parking is prohibited here but everyone can admire it). Swimming in the lake entails a meeting with strict rangers, so the decision is up to the tourists, then the Maykop pass between Mount Pshekha- Su and the Nagoy-Chuk ridge. Next you have to overcome the Maikop descent, on which you should be careful under your feet, there are 200 meters of crushed stone and a rather steep descent, the trail leads to the next parking lot on the territory of the Absheron forestry surrounded by forest. Day 4 will feature views of the upper and lower glaciers of Mount Fisht and the stunning 200-meter waterfall of the Vodopadisty stream. Here the path turns into a scree and goes into a birch forest littered with stone boulders along which you have to move further, it is worth remembering that in bad weather Passage on the scree is prohibited. On the way to the final point you will have to pass the Chigursan Pass and after another couple of kilometers you will enjoy the beauty of the Cherkessky Pass, so along the way you will meet the koshi booths of local residents in which you can, by agreement, check in and relax. A “fun path” leads to the Babuk-Aul cordon with a bunch of branches that converge into one path that runs at a distance of 11 kilometers, which must be overcome moving from the Cherkessky pass straight to the next stopping place. The seventh day ends with 16 kilometers of walking in the village of Solokhaul.

No. 3 “Through the mountains to the Black Sea through the Fisht shelter”
Type – walking/horse/bicycle

Water availability - 2 points. Improvement - 3 points. The length is 54 km. This is a linear route that runs mainly along the Lagonaki plateau and the Fisht-Oshten massif, starting from the Azishsky pass. On this route you will have to go through the previously described picturesque Cherkasy Pass, visit the Babuk-Aul cordon at the end of the road, and also stop near Fisht and admire the grandeur of the panorama. You will also have the opportunity to visit the Belorechensky pass. The Belorechensky pass has a height of 1782 meters above sea level, it is located between the Fisht mountain range and Belorechenskaya mountain, dividing the valleys of the Belaya and Shakhe rivers. Used to carry the pass beautiful name“Shitlib”, which is translated from Adyghe as “heel of a horse.” During the Great Patriotic War, the defense line passed here, and heavy battles were fought in the mountainous areas in winter. To confirm this, you can find the remains of trenches in the surrounding area. In memory of the events of those days, an obelisk to the soldiers of the defense of the Caucasus was erected at the top of the Belorechensky Pass. The complexity of the route is First level and suits almost everyone. The elevation difference along the route is 1857 meters, but the trail is well developed and the passage does not bring difficulties. The route also ends in the village of Solokhaul, from where you can get to the city by bus.

Route No. 4 “Checkpoint “Lago-Naki” – ridge. Stone Sea - lane. Guzeriplsky - r. Mutny Teplyak - Guzeripl cordon" Type – walking/horseback Length – 48 km. Water availability - 3 points. Improvement - 3 points. The fourth route is not as long in length as the previous ones, but is complex in its own way since it runs along interesting place which is called the Stone Sea ridge. The rock piles of the Stone Sea ridge here are overgrown with centuries-old fir trees. From their gnarled and rough branches hangs light green moss in strands like a spider's web. Pine trees, clinging to the rocks with their roots, constant winds twisted into a spiral. You have to walk carefully. Underfoot there are solid stone gouges, cracks and piles, covered with moss, currant bushes and tall grass. Small cozy clearings framed by rocks look like a lunar landscape, with craters from meteorites. Next follows a difficult passage to the Guzeriplsky pass. The Guzeriplsky pass, having a height of one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five meters, is located between a sufficient high peak without a name (2158m above sea level) and the gloomy rocks of Mount Oshen. Another end of the Guzeripl pass abuts Mount Blyam.
So interesting name Scientists associate the mountain depression with the toponym “Gozerypl”, which in Adyghe means “landmark”. Apparently, from ancient times there were well-trodden paths across the pass leading here from the village of Dagomys. The path runs along the bank of the Mutny Teplyak River, which originates along the left bank of the Armyanka River. The length of the Mutny Teplyak River is 15 kilometers. The route takes about 5-6 days and comes to an end at the last point at the Gugeripl cordon. Another interesting fact is that the Guzeripl Pass was the site of fierce battles of our Soviet army During the Great Patriotic War, a memorial was erected at the pass in memory of the heroes.

Route No. 5 "Checkpoint "Lago-Naki" - Tsitsa shelter - Vodopadny shelter - Fisht shelter - Tsitsa shelter - Checkpoint "Lago-Naki"
Type - walking/horse/bicycle Length - 68 km. Water availability - 4 points. Improvement - 3 points. This route completely goes around Mount Fisht. The route is designed for 6 days and mainly along the Lagonaki plateau and the Fisht-Oshten massif, starting from the Azishsky pass. From the Azishsky pass there is a magnificent view of the vast alpine meadows of the Lagonaki ridge with highest point— Mount Abadzesh (2369 m.). To the south of Mount Abadzesh there is the Abadzesh Pass (2066 m.). The Kurdzhips River originates from here. A waterfall can be seen deep below from the pass. This is one of ten waterfalls located one after another in the deep gorge of the Kurdzhips River. The highest waterfall reaches a height of 45-50 meters. Karst sinkholes are visible from the pass. Some of them turn into caves, such as Universitetskaya, Bondarevskaya, Absolutnaya, Dnepropetrovskaya and others. Mount Fisht is one of the most famous peaks in Russia. Its height above sea level is 2857 meters. Among the local residents you can hear a kind of translation. “Grey-Headed”, “White Drizzle”. It is this ancient coral island of the ancient ocean of Tethys, which was heard in various tales of antiquity and contains a thousand secrets that have yet to be solved. Inside Fisht is hollow, like a sponge, it is riddled with hundreds of passages and crevices of caves. It has high underground waterfalls, cold bowls of lakes, glaciers flowing into cracks and failures. The end of the route leads back to where it came from and starts at the Lago-Naki checkpoint.

Route No. 6 “Guzeripl – Abago pasture – Guzeripl”
Type - walking Length 11 km. Water availability - 4 points. Improvement - 4 points. Route time is 1 day. The main goal this is one of the shortest routes to visit the Abago pasture.The Abago pasture is top part ridge located between the Bezymyannaya and Molchepa rivers. The path to the Abago pasture starts from the village of Guzeripl, the length of the path is about 10-11 kilometers, along which you can clearly trace the zonal vertical distribution of vegetation. Climbing Abago takes no more than 6-8 hours. Interesting fact the pasture is located at the foot of Mount Abago, the area of ​​which is strewn with the wreckage of German planes, the wreckage and skeletons have been preserved to this day and the swastika on the plane is a silent reproach to the times of past events.

Route No. 7 “Guzeripl – Lagerny cordon – Kisha cordon – Zubropark tract – Kisha cordon – Guzeripl”
Type – walking/horse/bicycle. Water availability - 3 points. Improvement - 4 points. Length – 38 km. The route lasts 4 days. The route begins in the village of Guzeripl, which stands on the Molchepa River, passes through the Lagerny cordon where a stop is made along the way along the route, you can enjoy views of Mount Druga, Mount Fisht, Mount Expedition, and the Pshekich ridge. This route is especially popular in winter time. An interesting fact about the Kush cordon standing on the Kisha River of the same name, the homeland of bison exterminated 4 years after the creation of the reserve, and then the artificial settlement of them and the preservation of the population to this day. The Cordon of Kisha leads a path to a clearing of thorns, which in all characteristic features was inhabited by people in the most ancient times. In the clearings of the slopes of the Du-Du-Gush ridge there is an aul, nearby in an oak forest there is a cemetery of the ancients and in a wide area of ​​the Kisha River, a ford or even a bridge to the Pshekish ridge. The remains of the cemetery and ancient people can still be safely found in the area of ​​Ternovaya Glade. The route ends in the village of Guzeripl.

Route No. 8 “Chernorechye cordon – 3rd Company cordon – Yatyrgvarta mountain range – Chernorechye cordon” View - walking. Water availability - 4 points. Improvement - 4 points. Length – 40 km. The route lasts 5 days. The idea of ​​this walking route is to visit the Yatyrgvarta mountain range, which is located in the Moscow region, called the gates of the Krasnodar region. The uniqueness of this mountain range is the discovery of rock paintings primitive people who lived in the 3rd millennium BC. The path to the mountain range goes through the 3rd Company cordon; you can spend the night about 500 meters from the Third Company cordon, upstream of the Malaya Laba River. In front of the 3rd Company cordon there is a huge clearing and thickets of wild garlic, you can pick it up here for a few days, because... It is very difficult to find it higher up. According to foresters, here you can find bison, deer, chamois, wild boars, aurochs and other animals.

Route No. 9 “Karapyr cordon – Tkachikha tract – Karapyr cordon”
Type – walking/horseback. Water availability - 4 points. Improvement - 4 points. Length – 20 km. The route is designed for 1 day. The trail to Mount Tkachikha (or Mamkhurts) starts from the Karapyr cordon of the Caucasian Nature Reserve, on the site of which Circassians undoubtedly lived before (as evidence of this can be found here in the heaps of stone and a huge mound of river boulders). Subsequently, the base of timber merchants was located here, who began to harvest timber throughout the Bolshaya Laba valley at the end of the 19th century. On the route you can see the sources of two rivers, admire Mount Tkachikha and learn the history of this magnificent area. The route is very easy and suitable for hikers of almost all ages.

Route No. 10 “Karapyr cordon – Imeretinka tract – Karapyr cordon”
View - walking. Water availability - 3 points. Improvement - 4 points. Length – 9 km. The route is designed for 1 day. This is probably the shortest route that the workers of the biosphere reserve could offer. The route begins traditionally for the last routes at the Karapyr cordon where you can hear from the guide the history of the bison population. Next, the route leads to the Imeretinka tract - a whole system of small and large lakes with crystal clear turquoise water, a scattering of rocks and stone boulders. The route is designed for 1 day and involves returning from the route in 1 day.

Route No. 11 “Cordon Chernorechye – cordon 3rd Company – cordon Umpyr – 30th km along the river M. Laba - mouth of the river. Pure – Aishkho pass Pslukh cordon” View – on foot. Water availability - 3 points. Improvement - 4 points. Length – 75 km. The route is designed for 5-6 days. This route begins from the Chernorechye cordon, where you must give a pre-received pass to the directorate of the reserve in Psevay and then check in with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and border guards for transshipment. Then the route passes along a forest road located on the left bank of the Malaya Laba River, crossing the Urustein River on a bridge , built by the Turks in the 19th century, with amazing masonry, which they could not blow up. It is only 7 kilometers to walk to the 3rd Company cordon; the next attraction will be the mountain river on the other side of which, on the right, stretches the Markopyt ridge, which ends with steep slopes at the river. Gradually, the trail gains altitude, winding through the Shakhgireyevsky gorge, along the left bank of the Malaya Laba River, which, by the way, interestingly, originates from the glaciers of Mount Pseashkho. Next you will meet the mouth of the Chistaya River, and at the end of this route you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the Aishkho Pass.

Route No. 12 “Cordon Laura – tract Medvezhye Vorota – Kholodny camp – cordon Pslukh”
Type: hiking/climbing. Water availability - 4 points. Improvement - 3 points. Length – 60 km. The route is designed for 5-6 days. A high mountain difficult route designed for physically fit tourists. The route begins in the village of Psebay, located in the vast valley of the Malaya Laba River at an altitude of 638 meters above sea level. Psebay is rich in deposits of gypsum and salt. Further the route leads the hard way to the Medvezhi Vorota tract, tourists and rangers call this place Cornice Bzerpi. It is a hollow between the Tabunny Range and the slope of Mount Perevalnaya Yuzhnaya, with an average height of 2050 m. Next, tourists face a dangerous gentle descent into the valley of the Urushten River. At the mouth of its upper right tributary is the next destination of the route - the Kholodny camp. This is the place where in the winter of 1942 Soviet troops stopped selected Jaeger units of the Alpine riflemen. In memory of this, the Obelisk of Glory stands near the camp. The route ends at the Pslukh cordon camp, from which you can quickly ride on horseback to the waterfall of the same name and enjoy the fresh water of the Narzan springs.

You set out to overcome the distance from the village of Yamburg to Novy Urengoy. Who among the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the starting point and the final destination of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between the village of Yamburg and Novy Urengoy. With a known average speed vehicle, travel time can be calculated with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between the village of Guzeripl and the village of Dagomys - 320 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 6 hours 20 minutes. Working with the map is very simple. The system itself will find the shortest distance and offer the OPTIMAL route. The route from the village of Yamburg to Novy Urengoy is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram you will see all the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the highway the village of Yamburg - Novy Urengoy at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you can quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to go, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from the village of Yamburg to Novy Urengoy and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from the village of Guangzhou to the village of Yamburg.

Panorama of the village of Guzeripl and the village of Dagomys

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!

Dagomys is not only one of the most comfortable resorts in the Caucasus, but also a famous center of mountain tourism.

Mountain paths fan out from here. They lead to the picturesque places of Sochi national park and the Caucasus Nature Reserve. In the center of the village, half a kilometer from the seashore, on the right bank of the Dagomys River, the Rassvet tourist center is located. It has everything you need for lovers of sea and mountain recreation. The camp site serves tourists on pass and radial routes.

The camp site has two shelters. The Babuk-aul shelter is located on the left bank of the Shakhe River, fifty kilometers north of Dagomys and sixteen from Solokhaul. Here, in a vast clearing of an old overgrown Circassian garden, there are tents, a kitchen, and a tourist office. Everything is provided for the relaxation of lovers of mountain routes. The shelter is located in close proximity to the Main Caucasus Ridge, from here you can cross it to see Lake Khuko. The Solokhaul shelter is located in the village of the same name on the left bank of the Shakhe River, thirty-five kilometers north of Dagomys. Here tourists are accommodated in buildings and tents. Tourist routes from Dagomys lead mainly along mountain rivers. In the amazingly beautiful gorge of the Eastern Dagomys River, slightly above the village of Baranovka, there are Boxwood waterfalls. A cascade of waterfalls and waterfalls, from tiny to high, reaching several meters in height, throwing down streams of water and crystal splashes sparkling in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow, is located in the thickets of evergreen boxwood and other relict plants.

One of the most difficult and interesting walking routes is route Dagomys-Maykop. It starts from the road to Solokhaul. The highway rises into the mountains, first along the Western Dagomys River, and then to the Shakhe River. From Solokhaul the road winds along the left bank of the river, sometimes going uphill, sometimes running down to rivulets and streams, and passes through a beech forest.


Fisht is regularly visited by teams of amateur and professional cavers, many of whom are flown there by helicopter. Nevertheless, horse trekking and climbing have not lost their relevance, and not only because they require significantly less financial investment. The fact is that other “ground transport” will not get there. The road to Fisht is indescribably beautiful and unforgettable - anyone who has not passed through these places has undoubtedly lost a lot.

Routes from Dagomys go mainly along mountain rivers. The gorge of the Eastern Dagomys River is amazingly picturesque. Here, a little above the village of Baranovka, are Boxwood waterfalls. Cascades of waterfalls and waterfalls, small and large, reaching several meters in height, are located in thickets of boxwood and other relict plants.

The road from Dagomys to Solokh-Aul rises into the mountains, first along the Western Dagomys River, and then along the Shakhe River valley. From Solokh-Aul the serpentine meanders along the left bank of the river, through a beech forest, rising up and down to mountain streams. Dense boxwood thickets covered with mosses give the road a fabulously enchanted look. In some places the road becomes wet - water oozes and flows from the rocky mountain walls, and there are small waterfalls.

Babuk-Aul, located north of Solokhaul at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level Solokh-Aul. Two paths begin from here: one leads north through the forest and alpine meadows to Lake Huco. Lake Khuko is located six kilometers from Mount Fisht at an altitude of 1744 m, in green valley at the crest of the Main Caucasus Range. There is snow in places along its banks even in summer. To the east of the lake is Mount Huko. Its height reaches 1901 meters.

Another trail from Babuk-Aul heads northeast, into the mountains, winding between old fruit and hazelnut orchards, up to old road, overgrown with tall and massive beeches. After two kilometers it comes out to the Circassian Pass.

The Circassian Pass is located at an altitude of 1836 meters above sea level, near the crest of the Main Caucasus Range, two kilometers southwest of Fisht. There are two trails leading from the pass. Northern - through meadows, mountain pastures, past the “Lunnaya Polyana”, along the western cliff of Mount Fisht down to the Vodopadisty stream. From here, from a karst cavity located almost at the upper edge, a waterfall about 200 meters high pours down its waters.

Another, eastern trail from the Circassian Pass goes through the village of shepherds - “booths” further, along the foot of the Fisht mountain range, on its southern side. The view from here is beautiful and unique. High mountains, covered with unexplored forests, descend down to the Black Sea. From the north of the pass you can see a “drunk” forest - trunks, roots, crowns of trees, distorted by the snow cover, twisting fancifully.

The subalpine meadows that stretch here offer views of endless mountains. From the northwest, the bulk of Mount Fisht appears, and even further to the north - Mount Oshten.

During the Great Patriotic War, the line of defense of the Caucasus passed in the area of ​​the pass. There are monuments here testifying to this.
The descent from the pass through a beech forest goes to the valley of the Belaya River, then to the snow-capped peaks of Mount Fisht.

The Fisht mountain range is located in the western part of the Main Caucasus Range. It is formed by three peaks: Fisht (2853.9 meters), Pshekho-Su (2743 meters), Oshten (2804 meters), the Kamenny More and Nagoy-Chuk ridges.

In addition, the city of Fisht is the westernmost peak of the Caucasus, which has glaciers on its slopes (Big and Small Fishtin glaciers, the largest of them descends from the northern slope of Mount Fisht. Its area reaches approximately one square kilometer.) and significant rock faults. Structurally, Fisht is a blocky uplift composed of layers of reef limestone with numerous and varied karst forms, rounded boulders of basins, mines and caves, funnels and wells. The most famous include the Soaring Bird mine (depth 565 meters, length 4500 meters), the Cross - Tourist mine (depth 633 meters, length 14 kilometers) with many different entrances, the Olga mine (depth 520 meters, length 3500 meters), Anglo-Russian cave (depth 370 meters, length 5 kilometers) and many small karst and glacial karst lakes, the largest of which is Psenodakh.

Scientists believe that for more than 200 million years there was a huge ancient ocean called Tethys, and the mountain was an island, which explains its coral structure. The rivers Pshekha and Belaya, flowing into the Kuban, and Shakhe, flowing into the Black Sea, originate from the slopes of Fisht. About 540 plant species grow on the slopes of the Fisht massif, 120 of which are characteristic only of the Caucasus regions.

The area is distinguished by a large number of long rock walls and convenient conditions for mountain climbing. The Highlands are located inside the Krasnodar Territory and are not border areas, like many other areas of the North Caucasus. Therefore, the area here is even safer than in the border Krasnaya Polyana.

The route around the Fisht mountain range is a “ring”, its length is about 50 kilometers. There are many places in the mountains for tourist stops, where you can relax and take shelter in bad weather.

Near Mount Fisht, at an altitude of about 1600 meters above sea level, there is the Fisht shelter. From here it is convenient to climb the mountains Fisht, Oshten, Pshekho-Su, and Lake Psenodakh.

To the north from the shelter there is a trail to the Fisht-Oshtenovsky pass to an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. The descent from the pass along a glacial basin with snowfields leads to the picturesque Lake Psenodakh, which has the shape of a crescent. The length of the lake is about 165 meters, width - 72.5 meters. Most of the lake is shallow - depth from 0.2 to 0.8 m. In the southwestern part of the crescent there is a regular cone-shaped funnel, clearly visible through clear water. The lake has underground sources and places where water is absorbed.

To the north of the lake, the path runs along the Tsitsa River to the Nagoy-Chuk ridge. From there you can make a descent to the northern slope of the Caucasus Range or return to the Circassian Pass along Fisht, from its western foot. From the Fisht shelter you can climb to the Armenian Pass, located three kilometers south of Oshten, at an altitude of 1866 meters on the crest of the Armenian ridge. From the pass, through the green alpine meadows, a stunning view opens up to the basin in the upper reaches of the Belaya River with the Fisht shelter, to the towering mountains Fisht and Pshekho-Su, to the ridges of the North Caucasus.

Hi all! While new trips are just being prepared, I decided to remember the past and write about hiking through the Caucasus through the mountains to the sea. And it was back in 2008, when the creative association ProYOU went to visit relatives in Adygea with the idea of ​​making a short trip with access to the sea.

After a short stay with relatives (to whom we will return more than once ;-)), a trip to Maykop, and hikes along the surrounding waterfalls, we found a local guide, Slava. He agreed to take us through the mountains for a small fee. And he even organized a minibus directly to the house! We probably could have walked on our own, but the new location and the presence of a reserve, as well as the prospect of resolving issues with environmental authorities ourselves, prompted us to take a guide.

The legendary all-Union tourist route No. 30 or simply “thirty” starts from the Kavkazsky checkpoint Biosphere Reserve, passes along the Lago-Naki plateau, through the passes of the Caucasian ridge, and ends in Dagomys, already on the Black Sea coast.

What is interesting about the “thirty” route? It covers several climatic zones- alpine meadows, mountain peaks with eternal snow, fir forests and coastal subtropics. There is also a nature reserve here, and this has helped preserve the unique nature, rare and unique animals, birds, and plants. It is quite possible to meet bears here (in rare cases, of course) - we saw small and large tracks.

The route runs near the Oshten and Fisht mountains, from which many rivers in the region originate. You are guaranteed stunning landscapes of the Caucasus Mountains, stormy mountain rivers, the smell of herbs, a mountain bathhouse and much more!

The route through the mountains to the sea looks like this: checkpoint of the reserve - Instructor's gap - Armenian pass - Fisht shelter - Belorechensky pass - Cherkessky pass - Babuk-Aul shelter - Solokh-Aul shelter.

Transfer to the Fisht shelter

The minibus took us to the checkpoint, from where we walked along the Lago-Naki plateau. The spaces are incredible! The trail goes through alpine meadows, every now and then bumping into streams and lakes, and somewhere in the distance a herd of horses can be seen.

From the Lago-Naki plateau the trail goes to the slope of the Mount Oshten massif, the views become more and more “vertical”))

Amazing nature! The fields are simply bursting with greenery...

Caucasian mountain herbs

Our guide Slavik, a very cool dude, he has a special dialect, a mixture of Caucasian and Rostov)))

It’s hard to walk because you’re not used to it...

During the whole day we walked about 7 km, quite a bit, but the landscapes replace each other with kaleidoscopic speed! At the end of the day we crossed the Armenian Pass, the descent from which ended at the Fisht shelter. It is located at the foot of famous mountain on the Belaya River, one might say at its source. The pass offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains!

View from the Armenian Pass to the Fisht shelter and the Belaya River valley

The shelter is lively - there are many tents, people crowd around the kitchen, where you can order something to eat. There are some bearded men here...

Radial access to the Big Fisht Glacier

The glacier is located at an altitude of more than 2800 meters above sea level. Fisht is famous for having large quantity caves, grottoes, underground rivers. The most famous of them are the Soaring Bird Cave and the deepest cave in Russia, “White Star”. Also, Fisht is the westernmost peak of the Caucasus, which has glaciers.

We headed to all these beauties the next morning. At first, the trail slowly climbs up, then you begin to encounter very steep rocky ledges that you have to climb up. With each new ledge, more and more breathtaking views open up.

Down below you can see the Fisht shelter:

We go higher and higher to Mount Fisht, views opposite

We finally reached the glacier and walked up it a little more. People generally climb Fisht, the category of such ascent is 1B, but we didn’t intend to.

Above there are only rocks, ice and gray thunderclouds

The guide Slava took with him a funny spaniel dog. It was difficult for her to go up and it was so hot that as soon as she saw the snow, she plunged into it with pleasure and let’s ride on her back! Then I swam in the sources of the Belaya River;-) So I ran around, all wet and happy.

Shelter "Fisht" - shelter "Babuk-aul"

Our path lies further - through the mountains to the Black Sea. From the very early morning we got up and covered the Belorechensky pass with the first walk, where during the Great Patriotic War Fierce fighting took place. This is reported by the memorial obelisk installed at the top of the pass. In general, this entire area has a rich military history, there are signs here and there, remains of trenches...

View from the Circassian Pass to the Armenian Pass. Fisht shelter in the valley

Here is another sketch map of the area of ​​our trip:

After the Circassian Pass, the trail goes through a dense southern forest, where we stopped for lunch. Here you can already feel the subtropical climate and the proximity of the sea. Completely different plants and humidity. In general, nature is of course very different from the Altai, and even more so, Omsk I’m used to.

Here the bear passed with her cub

Then begins a long descent into the valley of the Shahe River, it is also called a fun descent. Imagine 7 kilometers just down the roots and earth)) Everything is fine, but towards the end the knees begin to behave strangely, it’s not often that such a load falls on them! Anyone who went down there will understand me :-)

Main Caucasus Range

Then you need to cross the hanging bridge over the Shakhe River, and the nearest shelter is just a stone's throw away!

The “Babuk-aul” shelter is comfortably located in a large clearing among the warm southern forest. Unlike our previous place to stay, women are in charge of everything here. You know, the atmosphere is very different - calm and tranquility. Everything is neat, tables under a canopy, excellent shower, and a stream flows right behind the “dining room”))

Shelter "Babuk-aul"

The finish line - the road to the sea in the back of a truck

Yesterday there was a very long evening with wine and songs by the fire, so the morning was sleep-deprived)) But there was nothing to do, especially since right in the morning the other guys and I agreed to chip in on the associated Gas-66 towards the sea. And we had to leave right now; we didn’t even have time to have breakfast.

And yet, everything happens for a reason and not in vain! We would need the whole day. to walk along the Shakhe River to the village of Solokh-aul. And the road is not the most interesting - mud in the forest, no surrounding views.

I am amazed at the power of the Gaz-66 - the truck easily travels straight along the river, rolling over lying trees and wet stones. In the back, of course, it shakes mercilessly! But it’s interesting all the time: either a branch will hit your ear, or you’ll jump half a meter, and you also need to have time to talk to the guys from Chelyabinsk ;-)

In the village of Solokh-aul we rested for a couple of hours and waited for the bus to Dagomys. The road to Dagomys is very exciting with its views, sharp turns, it constantly goes down towards the sea. It was not possible to photograph all this beauty, since we are not the only ones who want to quickly plunge into the refreshing sea - a bus full of people!

That's all, our route through the mountains to the sea has ended, the legendary route “thirty” through the Lago-Naki plateau, Mount Fisht, several passes and climatic zones. Then I saw the sea for the first time! It’s later, every year I go to these parts, but this was the first time, yes. It’s difficult to convey this feeling... the perfection of nature and the world around, a splendor that simply cannot be imagined...

I was also surprised by the locals who hardly bathe and say “what did I forget there?” I try to appreciate what I have every day, something that can be forgotten simply out of habit. But beauty is everywhere, you just have to look from the other side. And I encourage you to do this!

Very close to Dagomys there is a wonderful place where you can put up tents thirty meters from the sea, it is open and publicly accessible. At the same time, there are very few people there, just noise Railway at the top, but after a day you get used to it. The beach here is small pebbles and has a rather steep descent into the sea, and there is a shower on the adjacent beach of the sanatorium. All conditions for life! Strictly speaking, a tent may not be needed, this is the Krasnodar region and the subtropics! I highly recommend you go to!

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