Larch - conifer tree, which lives about 600 years and reaches a height of 45-50 meters. Family Pinaceae Lindl. Varieties:

  • Larix sibirica Ledeb. - Siberian larch;
  • LarixdahuricaTurcz. exTrautv - Daurian larch;
  • Larix decidua Mill. - European larch, deciduous;
  • Larix maritima Sukacz - Seaside larch;
  • Larix olgensis A. Henry - Olgin larch;
  • Larix Czekanowskii Sz - Czekanowski Larch;
  • Larix SukaczewiiDjil. Dyl. - Sukachev's larch.

This tree is 30% denser and stronger, more resistant to dampness and damage by putrefactive fungi. Siberians say that one larch will outlast two or three pine trees. A larch building can last two or three centuries. But entire houses from larch were rarely cut down due to the hardness of the wood - only a few lower crowns were laid from larch logs.

Larch in nature

Larch can remain in water for many centuries. After lying there for a long time in water it becomes very hard. That is why it went to the construction of bridges, piers and piers. It was on larch piles that I decided to place it on the marshy soils of St. Petersburg Saint Isaac's Cathedral its creator Montferrand. Larch wood was used to make telegraph poles, antennas, sleepers, mine stands, the most important wooden structures and parts for ships, and end pavements.

Until the middle of the 19th century. In Russia, it was forbidden by law to sell larch wood to private individuals - too much of it was required for military and commercial shipbuilding (and even now there are restrictions on its use). An exception was made during the construction of the Winter Palace, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Moscow Kremlin cathedrals, the Manege (now the Central Exhibition Hall in Moscow), where the frames and ceilings were made of larch wood.

Festive and ritual utensils were cut from the root wood. In Zagorsk there is a ladle with a capacity of one and a half buckets. The ladle was hollowed out in the 18th century. from larch root by a Volga master. The wood of this tree is also “musical”. Its high acoustic properties were used in the 17th century. during the manufacture of an organ in the Polish city of Kazimierz.

On old trees you can find tinder fungi or larch sponge. The Evenks used it for washing and washing clothes. Larch soap produces rich foam, easily washing away dirt. The sponge was also used to make a rich red fabric dye. In terms of the content of resinous substances, the larch sponge has no equal. Before the revolution, it was exported in large quantities abroad, and now it continues to be exported. Also in Ancient Rome“white agaricus” - this is what the Romans called the larch sponge - was used as a valuable medicinal raw material. The sponge exported from the northern countries was highly valued in Arab medicine. For the needs of modern medicine, agaricic acid is extracted from it. Durable as amber, larch resin-resin refreshes the oral cavity, cleans teeth well and strengthens gums. Tree bark is also a valuable raw material. Taiga residents get red-brown paint from it. Durable textile dyes are produced from larch bark, essential oils and tannins.

Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) is from the pine family. Its needles are soft and fall off every autumn like leaves - hence the name of the tree. Larch grows throughout Russia, but most valuable breed found in Siberia. The tree has tall, large, even trunks with low knots. During the growth period, which lasts 100 years, it reaches 50 meters in height.

Larch branches

Siberian larch is a very durable material. Its density depends on humidity. At natural humidity, its density ranges from 900 to 1100 kg/m3. At a humidity of 12%, its density is about 700-800 kg/m3. Larch wood is one of the best in terms of resistance to weathering. As long-term studies have shown, due to the combination of high density and high resin content, as well as the specific composition of the resin, it not only ranks first in resistance to decay, but is also twice as durable as such species as oak, ash and pine. In addition, it is practically not susceptible to damage by insects and rodents. Over time, larch only becomes stronger.

There is no reliable information regarding the maximum age to which this forest giant can live. During the construction of the Great Siberian Route, a larch tree 425 years old was found. However, there is information that in the Bratsk area there are still living trees that are more than 10 centuries old! For comparison: pine lives about 400 years.

Characteristics of larch tree

The tree is up to 30-50 m high, the trunk diameter is 80-180 cm. The diameter of the trunk at the butt of the larch can reach up to 2.5 m. The crown is ovoid-cone-shaped, narrow at a young age, wide in old trees, with a blunter apex, which Unlike European larch, it does not bend. In old trees, the branches extend from the trunk almost at right angles, bending like a candelabra.

Characteristics of larch wood

The breed is sound. The core is intensely colored reddish-brown. The sapwood is relatively narrow (up to 20 annual layers), white or slightly yellowish with a slight greenish tint. The boundary between the core and sapwood in the cross section is sharply expressed. The annual layers are clearly distinguishable on all three sections and consist of darkly colored (dark brown) and well-defined late wood and lighter early wood. The boundary between the annual layers, as well as the transition from early wood to late wood, is clearly sharp. Resin passages are few and small, visible often and with great difficulty. Due to the clearly visible rather wide annual layers and the straightness of the trunks, the wood in a radial section appears striped. Knots that have a horizontal direction are scattered individually and randomly. The texture is interesting and looks good under varnish. The strength of root wood is much higher than that of the stem, and the curled texture gives it special expressiveness. 0.54%).

Strength. The wood is durable. At 12% humidity, the compressive strength along the fibers is 50-60 MPa, with static bending - 90-100 MPa; end hardness 37 MPa.

Durability. Wood is not subject to rotting.

Technological properties. Difficult to process with conventional cutting tools. When sawing, the tools become oily.

Application. It is used in underwater structures, used for sewer pipes, window frames, construction, ornamental and shipbuilding logs, balance sheets, sleepers, power poles, and mine stands. This breed also occupies a worthy place in furniture and plywood production.

Larch is a coniferous tree that lives for about 600 years and reaches a height of 45 m. This tree is 30% denser and stronger than pine. The density of larch is 650 kg/m3. This tree is more resistant to dampness and damage by putrefactive fungi and is an extremely valuable lumber. In addition to special strength and resistance to external influences, it is characterized by good color and excellent structure. Larch wood does not rot or turn blue. The relative biological resistance (susceptibility to destruction by fungi and insects) of larch wood is twice as high as that of pine. According to the European standard, it belongs to the group of very resistant species, while pine wood belongs to the group of moderately resistant species.

Larch is a natural antiseptic material. Due to the nature of the resin impregnating it, it is not attacked by wood-boring insects, and also allows it to be used without any chemical treatment in cases where other species are susceptible to rot.
In terms of physical and mechanical properties, the durability of larch wood occupies an intermediate position between soft conifers, like pine, and hard deciduous ones, like oak. Being dried, larch and products made from it are not subject to rotting. That is why buildings made of larch have stood for centuries. Larch resists water well, even salty. Rodents and tree bugs are also not scary for her. An example of durability and strength are the larch piles on which Venice stands, the houses of the Decembrists in Irkutsk, the covering of the bicycle track in Krylatskoye, etc.

Larch wood is comparable in strength to oak wood. The hardness of larch is 109 units, oak - 110 units (on the Brinell scale). Larch wood, when compared with pine from one area of ​​growth, has higher (by 33-34%) indicators in terms of statistical bending and chipping along the fibers in the tangential direction. In terms of compression and stretching along the fibers, larch wood is 40% higher. The specific work during impact bending and the tensile strength when shearing along the fibers in the radial direction are 50% higher in larch. The end hardness of larch is 64% higher. Thus, all indicators for larch wood are 30-60% higher compared to pine, which in turn is usually more durable than spruce, cedar and especially fir wood.
In comparison with hard hardwood, larch also has higher or equal indicators for compression along the fibers, statistical bending, elastic modulus, but is inferior in terms of specific work during impact bending, shearing along the fibers and hardness.

The volumetric thermal conductivity of larch wood is 30% higher than that of pine. This is manifested in the fact that during the heated period the temperature in the room is more evenly distributed throughout the day, and in the summer the feeling of coolness is maintained. The fire resistance of larch wood is approximately two times higher than that of pine wood.
Larch wood is very beautiful - it has a reddish tint. The annual layers are clearly visible, clearly visible on all cross sections of wood and give the planed surfaces a beautiful structure with a characteristic pattern.

Environmental friendliness and medicinal properties of larch

The healing properties of larch are determined by biologically active substances - antioxidants, which help the body fight aging and various diseases, especially under conditions of stress, polluted environment, and radiation.
Comparative analysis of physical and consumer properties larch and pine shows that for most of the main indicators, buildings and structures made of larch wood, including those built from rounded logs, are superior in quality to similar structures made of pine wood.
Larch occupies a special place among others coniferous species. Its wood has a reddish-brownish, sometimes brownish tint and is characterized by high strength and moisture resistance. Larch is little susceptible to warping. Comparing oak and larch wood, you can see that it is slightly inferior to oak in hardness, but surpasses it in strength. Moreover, thanks to the special composition of the resin, larch only gains strength over time.
Its most distinctive property is its natural resistance to decay, since the presence of gum (a natural substance) in it protects the wood from deterioration. According to the European standard EN 350-2:1994, it belongs to the group of very rot-resistant rocks.

Larch is not only considered the tree of eternity. Also aware of diversity medicinal properties larches which are determined to be biologically active nutrients containing antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body in the fight against aging and the occurrence of various diseases, especially under conditions of stress, polluted environment, and radiation. Throughout its entire lifespan, larch secretes phytoncides, which, when released into the human respiratory tract, prevent colds and viral diseases, work great on nervous system. Larch wood is environmentally friendly and does not contain allergens in principle.

It should be noted that larch wood lends itself perfectly to tinting. Therefore, if the buyer is not satisfied with any of the many shades color range larch, he has the opportunity to change at his own discretion internal view apartment, house or office by simply tinting the larch to look like oak or ash. The appearance will be almost the same, and the price will be several times lower.

With all its advantages, prices for larch are the lowest in the group of elite species. Firstly, because larch is widespread in Russia, and secondly, because every healthy tree produces a lot of suitable lumber due to its architecture, typical of conifers - a straight, even, high trunk.

Application area

In a house made of larch, the likelihood of neuroses and migraines associated with vascular spasms is reduced. Throughout its entire service life, larch ensures a healthy indoor climate, as it evaporates natural substances - phytoncides, which have antiseptic properties. When they enter the human respiratory tract, they prevent colds and viral diseases. In case of hypertension, positive results in lowering blood pressure are observed. The resorption of hemorrhages is accelerated, visual acuity increases, and metabolism is normalized. The growing conditions of larch are such that larch wood is environmentally friendly and cannot contain allergens in principle.

Larch wood has many valuable properties, it is slightly inferior to oak wood in terms of mechanical properties and has remarkable quality: when dried, it acquires significant strength and is very weakly susceptible to mechanical and biological influences. The average density of larch wood at standard humidity (12%) is 665 kg /m3, absolutely dry 635 kg/m3, average base density 540 kg/m3. The density of larch wood depends significantly on the type and location of growth. The densest wood is distinguished by larch timber obtained in Altai (725 kg/m3), followed by the Urals and the Urals (675 kg/m3). European larch has the lowest density (510 kg/m3).

The practice of wooden house construction shows that houses built from larch 300 years ago still stand. There are many known buildings made of larch wood, the age of which exceeds 500 years. Larch wood is very good in the construction of critical structures (piles) and railway tracks (sleepers). A clear example of this is Venice, which has stood on larch stilts for many centuries. This turned out to be possible due to the presence of gum in larch wood, which makes it inaccessible to marine animals that gnaw through any other wood. Scientists have found that prolonged exposure to water leads to a noticeable increase in the hardness of larch. During the construction of Venice, about 400 thousand larch piles were driven to strengthen the foundations of various structures. In 1827, i.e. after 1000-1400 years, part of the piles was examined. In the conclusion about their strength, it is said that the larch forest piles on which the underwater part of the city is based “seemed to have petrified, the tree became so hard that an ax and a saw could barely take it.”

Larch wood is a traditional material for wooden shipbuilding. Even now, when the age of high-strength composite materials has arrived, the hull of expensive yachts is often covered with larch. The technology for drying larch is different from drying wood of other coniferous species. To protect larch wood from cracking and warping during drying, it must be long time keep in steaming mode and dry in “soft” mode. In a number of old publications, it was noted that in Europe larch was used to extract resin, which was commercially called “Venetian turpentine.” To extract resin, holes were made in the trunks, reaching to the very core. The hole was plugged from the outside. After a certain time, the turpentine that had collected in the hole was raked out. Each such channel made it possible to collect up to a quarter of a kilogram of turpentine. In Russia, there was no industrial extraction of resin from larch, because the use of larch was allowed exclusively for government and ship structures. Despite their lower strength than reinforced concrete sleepers, larch sleepers are used today due to the lower level of structural noise, which has a positive effect on the durability of the rolling stock transmission and safety.

IN Lately Due to the particular popularity of country house building and the high consumer properties of larch (strength and durability), the use of larch wood for the construction of open building structures such as pergolas, gazebos, piers and terraces has become popular. Recently, due to its rich texture and high consumer properties, interior and exterior decoration of houses with larch has become very popular: floor boards, lining, planken (cladding boards), terrace boards, etc., as well as other types of molded products.

Characteristics of larch

Larch - monoecious tall tree with flowers of different sexes and soft falling needles. Male and female inflorescences are located nearby on the same branches, which is extremely necessary, since larch pollen does not have air sacs and is therefore poorly carried by the wind. This makes larches prone to self-pollination, which degrades quality and leads to the production of a large number of empty seeds. Larch reaches in mature age enormous growth - up to 30-50 m. In our country, Siberian larch is common in northeastern Russia. In Siberia it is one of the most common trees, where it forms continuous forests on its own or mixed with pine and other trees. In Western Siberia it is true Siberian larch, in Eastern Siberia it is Daurian larch. In western Europe, larch grows in the Carpathians and the Alps.

Larch forest is rightly considered an excellent building material. During flowering, which happens in the spring, the larch emits a countless amount of fertile dust, which in windy weather is carried by clouds over long distances and, falling to the ground, covers it, as it were, with sulfur rain. This phenomenon is often observed near Irkutsk. IN North America There are species of larch, some of which are close to the European one, such as: Larix microcarpa Lamb., Larix Lyallei Par Larix, and in the Himalayas, at an altitude of 8 to 12 feet. - Larix Griffitii Hook. A.B.

Traditional places for larch harvesting are the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions. Since they are taken into account collectively, without dividing them by larch species, it is not possible to determine the share of the area occupied by the forests of each larch, especially since distinguishing them is far from easy. The fact is that diagnostic characteristics (features by which species are distinguished) vary greatly depending on growing conditions. Therefore, parts of a tree (seeds, cones, shoots) taken from different areas turn out to be incomparable. For the same reason, comparing trees based on individual characteristics does not give reliable results. To accurately determine the type of larches, they must be compared according to several characteristics at once. With this comparison, the larches are distinguished quite clearly. For example, Siberian larch has relatively large cones (2.5-3.5 cm long); the seed scales are tightly pressed and do not open wide when dry; the seed scales are pubescent and have a concave spoon-shaped shape. Their edge is smooth, the floor is rounded, without serrations; the points of the covering scales protrude above the seed scales everywhere; cones contain 3-7, on average 4 parastichi (spirals along which the scales in the cone are arranged); young cones are most often reddish, and light shoots are straw-yellow, less often grayish-yellow. Larch bark is richer in tanning agents than the bark of known tanning agents: oak, sedge, willow, and spruce. Daurian larch has smaller cones, usually no longer than 2.5 cm; their seed scales do not fit tightly and, when dry, splay out greatly; seed scales are flat, sometimes even with an edge turned outward; they, as a rule, do not have pubescence; the edge of the seed scales is uneven, with teeth and depressions; the points of the covering scales protrude above the seed scales only at the base of the cone; cones contain 2-5, on average 3 parastichs; young cones are most often greenish, and the shoots are yellowish-brown (darker than those of Siberian larch).

In terms of the structure and size of the needles, the number of needles in bunches, the shape of the cones, and the ratio of the length and width of the seed scales, these types of larches are almost the same. Young trees of these larch species are practically indistinguishable. Old Dahurian larch trees are distinguished by thicker bark and strong rooting of the trunks. The growing areas of larch are rather arbitrary, since determining the species identity of larch in each area is very difficult due to the small difference in morphological characteristics between species. Within its range in the Irkutsk region, Siberian larch is unevenly distributed. Its forest-forming role in the Angara region generally increases from the southwest to the northeast. In the mountains of the western part of the Eastern Sayan and on the Lena-Angara plateau, it forms forests in the lower part of the slopes. Elsewhere found on different elements relief. Gmelin's larch is distributed almost everywhere within its range. Only on sufficiently moist heated slopes does it give way to cedar, and on sandy and skeletal soils to pine. Morphologically and ecologically, Chekanovsky larch is very heterogeneous, which in the western part of its distribution zone occupies colder and wetter habitats, giving way to the best Siberian larch, and in the upper part of the slopes to cedar. In the eastern part, on the contrary, it grows in more comfortable forest conditions compared to the cold-resistant Gmelin larch.

Until recently, it was believed that Siberian larch lives up to 450 years, reaches a height of 45 m and a diameter of 1.8 m. This characteristic is true for this species at the eastern border of its range - on the left bank of the upper river. Lena. In the Angara region, its largest specimens reach a height of more than 50 m with a diameter at breast height of about 1.8 m, and at the root collar up to 2.5 m. Occasionally, trees slightly taller than 60 m are found, although specimens taller than 45 m are rarely found in the mass. It is difficult to determine the age limit of this species, especially since very old trees are usually affected by heart rot. In the Bratsk region there are larches older than a thousand years (1052, 1280 and 1348 years). In general, 800-900-year-old larches are relatively rare, but an age of 700-750 years is already quite common for old trees of this species. Larch aged 400-500 years in the Angara region has a well-covered crown without external signs aging. On fertile soddy-carbonate soils near Bratsk, larch forests with a second layer of spruce had a very significant age (more than 700 years), an average height of 43 m and a wood reserve of more than 1200 cubic meters. m/ha. Growing in more severe conditions, Gmelin larch is much inferior to Siberian larch in size and durability. Only in terms of diameter on the stump, the difference between them is not so great, since Gmelin’s larch has heavily rooted trunks in old trees, especially since its bark in this place reaches a thickness of 25 cm. In these, as well as in other features, Chekanovsky’s larch occupies an intermediate position .

Deciduousness of larches, which greatly reduces the evaporation of the tree during the most difficult period for it in the early spring, is an important adaptation to continental climate. Annual renewal of needles increases the resistance of larches to forest fires and damage from pine-eating insect pests.

Pollination in larches occurs simultaneously with the blossoming of needles in May. The seeds ripen in the same year in September a little earlier than cedar seeds. The cones open gradually in dry weather, so the seeds fall out throughout the year. By the time of flowering, last year's cones still contain some seeds. The cones stay on the tree for 3-4 years. Cones last year lighter than the old ones, which no longer contain seeds. Seed bearing occurs in free-standing larches at 15-20 years, in forest stands - from 30-50 years. With the deterioration of forest conditions, the onset of seed production is delayed by 15-20 years. Profitable years occur every 3-5 years, average harvests occur in the same sequence. Complete absence of seed production is rare. In the harsh conditions of the northeast of the region and in the mountains, harvest years are repeated somewhat less frequently.

In productive years, Siberian larch in the Irkutsk region produces up to 9 million seeds per hectare, but usually no more than 5 million. On average, larch trees produce about 1 million seeds per hectare, that is, much more than other coniferous species. However, birds and mammals, which prefer larch seeds to all others except cedar, destroy a significant part of the crop. Therefore, seeding can only occur in productive years, especially since larch seeds usually have low germination rate, generally lower than that of other conifers, and many seeds are empty.

The annual layers are clearly visible in all sections. The width of the annual layer is 0.8-3 mm. With increasing age, the width of the annual layer decreases. The specific volume of late wood in annual layers is 30-35%. The larch trunk consists of 70% core, which stands out sharply in properties and color. The core part of the wood contains the bulk of the substances that give larch increased resistance. Dark. The sapwood of larch is narrow, 8-20 mm, 25-30% of the wood mass. Light. In terms of physical and mechanical properties, it is inferior to the core.

Larch wood is stronger than oak and is 96 MPa by 94 MPa with almost the same density. Distinctive feature Larch wood also has a characteristic structure and beautiful coloring.

In terms of structure, larch belongs to the soundwood species. Its heartwood has a reddish color, and the sapwood is presented in the form of a narrow strip with clear contours of white or yellowish color. The growth rings are clearly visible, and the boundary between early and late wood is clearly defined. The wood has a beautiful texture. The reason for this is the different colors of the heartwood and sapwood parts of larch, as well as the fact that there are very few knots in its structure.

It has uneven density, which is due to the large difference in the density of the layers of early and late wood. Dense larch wood when freshly cut has a water absorption of 126%. Depending on the time of year and time of day, the humidity of a growing tree changes its values. True, in a small range, the reason for which is again the high density.

The low water absorption values ​​of larch make it possible to use its wood for the manufacture of high-quality parquet boards. Larch tends to significantly reduce its volume after drying. Due to the low water conductivity of wood, the drying process itself differs from the drying of other types of wood. Larch warps and cracks during drying because internal stress increases greatly.

The climatic conditions in which the tree grows also affects physical properties wood. So, for example, larch grown in the European climate has a much lower density than that grown in Altai or the Urals.

It is almost impossible to impregnate larch wood with any protective properties. This is due to high density and low air and moisture conductivity.

The physical and mechanical properties of deciduous wood allow it to be used in many ways. The processing technology is specific. It is very heavily impregnated with resins, and when sawing you have to often clean the saw blades of resin. Before painting and sanding finished larch products, upper layer you need to degrease and remove resin, otherwise you won’t be able to get desired result. But after cleaning the resin, larch wood can easily be painted and polished.

Larch wood has unique properties for which it is especially valued, the most important of which are:

  • Larch has a very high resistance to fungal diseases and other biological damage. Moreover, the most biological stability is observed in the lower root part of the trunk.
  • The resin with which larch is impregnated has very strong bactericidal properties. Now pharmacies have begun to sell it as “larch sulfur,” but earlier, and in some places even now, people willingly collected it and melted it, obtaining an unusually aromatic and healthy “chewing” gum. But that's not the main point. Due to this resin, the tree does not require chemical treatment to prevent damage from harmful insects.
  • Under prolonged exposure to water, the hardness of larch increases, and the tree acquires the hardness of stone. At the same time, the time the tree spends in water also increases its strength. In Venice and Amsterdam, houses stand directly in the water on foundations made of larch piles. That is, without any reservations, we can say that this tree gains strength over the years and has passed the test of time for more than a thousand years.
  • Its fire resistance is much higher in comparison with other conifers. So, in relation to pine, this figure is 2 times higher.

Among all the coniferous tree species harvested in Russia, larch is clearly the leader in its physical, mechanical and decorative properties, and within its Russian varieties, Dahurian larch is considered the most valuable. It is superior to other types in terms of strength and decorative characteristics. The trunks grow to a height of more than 45 meters, and the stemness is 1.2%.

Areas of use of larch wood

The remarkable properties of larch wood are the reason for its wide range of industrial uses. Construction, shipbuilding, manufacturing musical instruments, production of parquet, laminated veneer lumber, sleepers in the construction of railway tracks, power poles - it is impossible to list all the possibilities for using this wood.

Larch in historical buildings

  • In the palace of Count Sheremetyev there is larch parquet.
  • In Moscow, in the Kremlin cathedrals and St. Basil's Cathedral, as well as in the Winter Palace of St. Petersburg, window frames and ceilings were made from it.
  • Olympic cycling track in Krylatskoye - the tracks are built of larch.
  • Larch was used in the manufacture of an organ in Kazimierz (Poland) back in the 17th century, due to the high acoustic properties of its wood.
  • A ladle has been preserved in the city of Zagorsk self made, which is hollowed out from the root of a larch. The wood of its root system is the most decorative. The size of the roots is amazing. So, this ladle, which is hollowed out from a root, has a volume of more than 15 liters.
  • Underwater piles on which buildings stand in Venice and Amsterdam.

Application in construction and industry

The demand for this wood is not decreasing and is always high. Residents especially loved this type of wood Western Europe. It goes on sale not only in the form of lumber of various types, but also in the form of logs (roundwood).

Modern builders use it when equipping piers, swimming pools, loggias and balconies, shower rooms, wall panels and furniture. In Russia, when building wooden houses, they try to knit the lower crowns of the house from larch. If a wooden bathhouse is being built, then the use of larch in the lower crowns has become the rule.

It's not just the wood itself that's used. Valuable raw materials are resin and larch bark. Tannins, essential oils and dyes are produced from the bark, and larch sulfur is from the taiga chewing gum, which has antibacterial and healing properties.

It is the most common material used in construction. The wood of this tree has many beneficial qualities and is absolutely universal in its use.
Due to its high resistance to moisture, temperature changes and excellent resistance to weather conditions, this material is used for the manufacture of ship parts, at hydroelectric power stations, for telegraph poles, and sleepers for railway tracks.
When burned, larch wood gives off a lot of heat, which is why it is considered the best material for heating.
It is interesting to note that the ancient burial mounds found in Altai contain items made of larch. Another 2 thousand years BC. e. Sarcophagi and even chariots were made from this wood. Ritual utensils were made from the root of this tree. A ladle made by an 18th-century master that holds 15 liters is still kept in Zagorsk.

A strong proof of the strength of this wood is the well-known fact: built back in the 5th century AD. e. The palaces and temples of Venice still stand on stilts made of larch wood. Examples closer to us - Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, St. Isaac's Cathedral and buildings in Arkhangelsk also have larch piles at their base. St. Basil's Cathedral and Cathedrals located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin also have larch wood in their ceilings.
It is interesting to note that in the 17th century larch was used to build a church organ in Poland.
Since ancient times, people have noticed the medicinal properties of larch, and also used it to make soap. Larch resin - oleoresin - was used to cleanse the mouth and prevent gum disease. Larch bark is also used to obtain dyes and extract essential oils.

For ancient times, the widespread use of larch wood was common. And what role V modern life does this type of tree play? Today, just like many centuries ago, larch is popular and widely used. It is difficult to replace during construction country houses, interior or exterior decoration, when choosing flooring for indoor or outdoor terraces.
Excellent resistance to rotting allows the use of larch wood in construction, where the wood will be constantly in contact with water. For example, for pier construction, for pilings, for garden paths or for finishing swimming pools.
When arranging your home, remember that larch has excellent thermal conductivity, therefore it creates a pleasant microclimate and brings comfort to any place. In the cold weather conditions Wood will help warm the room and keep it cool in hot weather. Thanks to these qualities it is convenient to use when finishing balconies.

Since larch retains heat well, it is used to build a bathhouse. In addition, when in contact with water, this wood not only does not rot, but over time even petrifies. Therefore, larch is the most successful choice of raw materials for the construction and finishing of baths both inside and outside.
Larch occupies a special place in the manufacture of furniture. The texture of the wood is very interesting and looks great under the applied varnish. This wood is often used to make cladding panels for furniture.
Larch is often and justifiably used as a floor covering. This is a smart choice in light of the qualities listed above. The colors and texture of larch will not leave you indifferent. You will definitely find an option to your liking. By choosing a larch floor board, you will receive a durable, aesthetic and high-quality coating.
The last and most important aspect is the price of larch. When choosing this material, you will find a lot of advantages, quality and excellent appearance at a reasonable price.