The Republic of Belarus is located in Eastern Europe. The borders of this Republic pass through Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine.

Every city in Belarus is historically important for the whole world. Coming here, tourists try to visit every corner of this country: Minsk, Gomel, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Brest. These cities keep many historical secrets. Ancient buildings are a landmark of each of them - Brest Fortress, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Gorodnenshchina, various palaces and National parks.

Flora of Belarus

The Belarusian flora is quite beautiful and diverse. Forest vegetation predominates over other plant species. Here you can see wide pine forests, and small areas occupied by the remaining forest formations.

Forest-forming trees are: pine, gray alder, birch and oak. Maples, lindens, ash and aspens also grow in the forest spaces.

Pribuzhskoye Popolesie is famous for the fact that its territories contain sandy meadows and floodplain forests. Such vegetation is very rare in Belarus. As a rule, they are represented by taiga forests, juniper woodlands and heather heaths.

In the floodplains of the rivers you can see preserved eutrophic and steppe meadows.

The lands of Pribuzhsky Polesie are suitable for the growth of various vascular plants - majestic chistolista and common stinkhorn. Also growing here are common grass and Australian mistletoe.

Among the subarctic species there are bearberry and wild rosemary, and among the pontic species there are mountain clover, silver cinquefoil, steppe timothy, and Polesie fescue. Representatives of boreal species are: female moss, trefoil, blueberry, bilberry, lingonberry, moss moss, brittle willow and common spruce. Nemoral species are represented by common hornbeam, smooth and rough elm, and linden.

The vegetation of the swamps is also diverse. Forb-sedge, grass-sedge and large-sedge species grow here. The main bog plants are: willow, black alder, downy birch, as well as wild rosemary, cranberry, bog myrtle, and hypnotic mosses.

Many medicinal plants grow in Belarus, the main representatives of which are: sage, calendula, sea buckthorn, coltsfoot, valerian officinalis, rose hips, peppermint, plantain, lungwort, thyme, immortelle and marsh cinquefoil.

Poisonous Belarusian plants are belladonna, vekh, spotted hemlock, lily of the valley and wolf's bast.

An interesting insectivorous plant is Aldrovanda vesica.

Fauna of Belarus

The Belarusian fauna is also distinguished by its diversity of species.

Forests are the most populated ecosystems of the Republic. The main representatives of the forests are: elk, wild boars, red deer, roe deer. You can also see hares, hedgehogs, weasels and martens here. A rare representative of the Red Data Book of Belarus, the European bison.

But not all forest animals are common. Rare species include the lynx, badger and brown bear., marten. Rare and protected species of animals include: bison (inhabitant of Belovezhskaya Pushcha).

Broad-leaved forests are inhabited by green and white-backed woodpeckers, woodpeckers, white-necked flycatchers and little flycatchers, spruce crossbills, bullfinches, nutcrackers, pygmy owls and others.

In the areas of rivers and lakes there are bitterns, white-cheeked and white-winged terns, and grey-cheeked grebes.

In the reeds and reed thickets you can see the small crake, whiskered tit and nightingale cricket.

Found in aquatic areas rare view ducks - white-eyed ducks. A rare species of bird that lives in the meadows is the godwit.

Predatory representatives of birds are: white-tailed eagle, osprey, golden eagle, hobby.

Among the bat representatives of Belarus, the most common are: European broad-eared bat and Natterer's bat.

The main inhabitants of the swamps are turtles, reed toads, frogs, lizards, snakes and vipers.

The world of invertebrates is very wide, but little studied. It is known that the hermit waxweed lives in the hollows of trees, and the black Apollo butterfly and large raft spider live in the swamps.

Text materials:

1 text

A natural community is a group of animals, plants, microorganisms, adapted to the conditions of existence in a given territory, exerting a continuous influence not only on each other, but also on their habitat.

Natural communities are subdivided

by area:

  • large-scale (continent, ocean, taiga, steppe);
  • medium and small (meadow, river, lake, pond)

by grouping method:

  • natural (forest, sea);
  • artificial (field, aquarium).

In each natural community, only certain plants, animals, and microorganisms can exist that are adapted to living conditions in a specific area. Wolves and foxes live in the forest; they cannot be found in the ocean. Sea fish cannot live in fresh river water.

The main form of communication between the inhabitants of a natural community is food.

Food chain: plants - herbivores - predators.

For example, plants - caterpillars - insects - insectivores - predators.

Organisms that contribute to the decomposition of organic substances (excrement, corpses of dead animals) - burying beetles, worms, molds, bacteria - are important in the biocenosis (natural community).

Thus, the circulation of substances continuously occurs in the natural community.

Communities also interact closely with each other to form ecosystems. These high level organizations are also connected and form the biosphere of planet Earth.

Natural communities can change under the influence of:

  • biotic factors;
  • human activity;
  • abiotic factors.

For example, lake - swamp - forest. This process takes hundreds of years. Done under the influence natural causes: the remains of animals and plants accumulate at the bottom of the lake, the shore is overgrown with reeds and sedges. Organic residues form peat deposits. The microclimate of the reservoir changes, therefore it changes species composition animals. And so on.

Changes in the natural community “river - decaying pond” occur due to the destructive impact of human activity over several years.

The biocenosis tends to recover after the cessation of harmful external influences. However, the influence of human management should not exceed a certain threshold, after which the ecosystem is no longer capable of self-regulation and restoration. This is the only condition for maintaining ecological balance in nature.

Abiotic factors are unregulated influences inanimate nature: sudden climate change, volcanic eruption, fluctuations in solar activity.

The natural community has a tiered structure. This is especially clearly observed in the forest biocenosis: the tops of the most tall trees- lower trees - undergrowth (shrubs) - grasses - mushrooms, mosses and lichens. The underground layering has a mirror structure: forest floor- shallow roots of herbaceous plants, - roots of shrubs, - deep in the soil roots of the tallest trees.

The presentation talks about what a natural community is, what they are like and how they are classified. The life of the meadow is examined in detail. The presentation is rich in illustrations. The basis for this presentation was the textbook " The world. 3rd grade."

2 text

Natural communities.

They exist as a unity of living and inanimate nature: a union of animals, plants, microorganisms living in a certain territorial area, influencing each other and the environment.

Types of different-scale natural communities

  • mainland
  • oceanic
  • deserted
  • Taigi
  • Steppes
  • Pond
  • Swamps
  • Lakes

The small ones are included in the large ones.

Connections within the community.

The main ones are food:

  1. Plants receive nutrients from soil and water, use the energy of the Sun for growth and development.
  2. Herbivorous animals (caterpillars) feed on plants.
  3. Predators (birds and animals) feed on them.
  4. Animals that feed on waste (earthworms).
  5. With the help of moldy fungi and bacteria, the remains decompose.

Thus, the circulation of substances occurs through food chains.

Forest - multi-storey building

  1. Mosses, lichens
  2. Shrubs, herbs
  3. Shrubs
  4. Trees

These floors are shared by animals, birds, and insects. There are fewer animals in the forest than plants.

Mushrooms in the forest

Edible: boletus, boletus, white.

Inedible: fly agarics, toadstools.

Forest insects.

Ants, ladybugs, forest bugs, bark beetles.

Forest birds and animals.

Predators: wolves, foxes.

Herbivores: hares, moose.

Omnivores: bears, wild boars, hedgehogs.

Blackbirds, nightingales, warblers, tits, larks.

An example of the food chain of the “Forest” community.

Plant grains - mouse - owl.


These are areas with grass vegetation. If they are small, then they are called lawns, large ones - meadows.

Jellied and alpine.

If during a flood period a meadow is flooded with water, it is called flooded. Here the grass grows more actively.

Arranged in polka dots alpine meadows. The higher you go into the mountains, the more the natural landscape changes: at the foot of the mountains forests grow, which are replaced by shrubs on the slopes, and closer to the top there are meadows.


Forage: clover, bluegrass, mouse pea, foxtail.

Blooming: dandelion, bluebell, yarrow.

Poisonous: buttercup, hemlock, hellebore.

Mushrooms: honey fungus, champignon, puffball.

Meadow insects.

Butterflies, bees, bumblebees, ladybugs, grasshoppers, beetles.

Animals and birds.

Mice, moles, toads, lizards, foxes, wolves, hares.

Wagtail, quail, corncrake.

An example of a food chain for the Lug community.

Clover - butterfly - dragonfly - frog - snake - predator - fox.

A natural community that arises due to excess water in the soil. Those places in the swamp where the humidity is highest are called swamps. Many bacteria, microorganisms and insects (mosquitoes) live here.

Swamp plants and fauna

Moss, berries (cranberries), sedge, wild rosemary, heather, calamus, valerian, string, sundew.

Amphibians (frogs, newts), snakes (vipers), herons.

An example of a food chain for the Boloto community.

Frog - mosquito - stork.


My country


Natural resources of Belarus

flat surface;
natural communities;
drinking water;
plants and animals.

Ecological problems:

depletion of mineral reserves;
environmental pollution;
extinction of many animal species and
disruption of natural balance.

Nature conservation of Belarus


Reserves and national parks of Belarus


Nature reserves are areas in which all
nature is preserved in its natural state,
human activity.
National parks are areas
which is allocated only for security
natural communities, but is also used for
tourism and recreation.
Wildlife sanctuaries are protected areas,
which does not protect all of nature, but only
some types of plants and animals. Here
economic activity.

Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve


Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park


Pripyat National Park


Narochansky National Park


National Park “Braslav Lakes”


Polesie Radiation-Ecological Reserve


Protection of plants and animals
plants and
animals in
in nature

“Reserves of Belarus” - Don’t say rude words, only give kind ones! Narochansky national park. Natural resources of Belarus. Polesie radiation-ecological reserve. Reserves and national parks of Belarus. listing plants and animals in the Red Book. Pripyat National Park. Only certain types of economic activity are prohibited here.

"City of Pinsk" - Currently used only for the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In 1581 the city received Magdeburg Law and its own coat of arms. Church of Charles Baromey and the Franciscan monastery (top view). Industrial enterprises account for almost 98% of exports. Region: Brest. Sport. Heraldry. The main square of the city. In 2006, the Polesie Drama Theater was opened in Pinsk.

“Animals of Belarus” - Irresponsibility, ignorance and indifference of owners. The problem of homeless animals is very relevant in the city of Minsk. This was the case before, but what about today, these days? Why is it necessary to change tactics in solving the problem of homeless animals in Belarus? In 1987, the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals was published.

“Constitutional Court of Belarus” - Acts of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Contents of the study. Acts of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Subject of research. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus entrusts the Constitutional Court with the most important functions and tasks. Acts of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus occupy a unique position in the system of legal acts of the country.

“Souvenirs from Belarus” - Tasty! Transit country. Favorite Minsk. The drawing represents a clock whose dial has only 2 numbers - 20 and 14. You have never seen so much blue and green! Belarus - the best part of your way! Belarus – places for kissing! We can smile, BY the way, our smiles in the hearts!

“Belarus” - The main riches of Belarus are forests, meadows, mild climate. Another branch of the complex is forestry. The main direction of the chemical forestry complex is the production of polymers. WITH agriculture The food industry is closely connected. The missing metal is imported from Russia. In agriculture, more than half of the sown areas are occupied by grain crops, and 1/3 by fodder crops.

There are 21 presentations in total