IN official biography Rustem Khamitov, acting president of Bashkiria since Thursday, is listed as the place of birth in the village of Drachenino, Leninsk-Kuznetsk district Kemerovo region. But few people know that small Motherland for him, after all, Bashkiria, namely the village of Shtanda, Baltachevsky district of the republic. He grew up there, and now his mother, 77-year-old Raisa Siniyatulovna Khamitova, lives here. She previously worked as a mathematics teacher at school, and is now well-deservedly retired. In the summer she spends time in the village, in the winter she returns to her Ufa apartment.

We met at her house in the village, she was resting in the shade of two thirty-year-old willows. It’s shady, cool, and the little cat Murka runs around, understanding her owner’s requests in both Russian and Bashkir.

Raisa-apa, to use youth slang, is a very advanced pensioner - she reads the news and watches the weather on the Internet, and communicates with her children and grandchildren on Skype (video communication via the Internet - Ed.). There is no other way - Cell Phones they simply don’t work in the village.

- When did you find out that your son was applying for such a responsible post?

I've felt this for a long time. He didn’t say anything himself, but I was sure that his life was about to change. Last time he came in May. He didn’t say anything about his work, but I felt everything. Probably, at that time there were already these conversations. Then one day he called and said that there will probably be changes. But I didn’t pay much attention to it. And I saw the news, I was even scared for my son. Still, this is hard and responsible work.

- Does your son come to visit you?

He comes very often, almost every month. He’ll come, put on an old tights, an old shirt, our Bashkir galoshes and walk around like that. Now he probably won’t be able to walk like that... He really, really loves this village, our life, our village way of life. He loves raspberries very much, and as soon as he arrives he always peels them. I recently told him, come, the raspberries are ripe, and he laughs. “I probably won’t be able to come and eat it today.”

- You yourself called your son after he was announced as acting. The President?

No, I can't call him. To be honest, I don’t know which phone number. And I just don’t want to bother him, he has so many hectic things to do right now. He usually calls himself in the evening, and today we’ll probably talk too (our conversation took place on Friday - Ed.). And on Thursday evening, when everything became known (the resignation of Murtaza Rakhimov - Ed.), he called himself and said that there was a call from the Kremlin, they told him to start work immediately.

- So he didn’t arrive on Thursday?

No, he's been here for a long time.

Brother and O. President works as a driver

In 1952, Rustem Zakievich’s father, Zaki Salimovich, graduated from the mining institute and was sent to a mine in the Kemerovo region. He worked there for three months, after which he went to raise virgin soil, and Raisa Siniyatulovna followed him. The Khamitov family lived in a small village for five years and was replenished with two children at once - Rustem and Rashit.

Then the family returned to Bashkiria - to Baltachevo. They lived there for three years. Zaki Salimovich worked in the agricultural industry as a mechanic and engineer, and after graduate school he took up academic work.

Rustem Zakievich's younger brother, Rashid, lives in Ufa and works... as a driver.

He dreamed about this since childhood. I ask him, “Rashid, who will you be?”, and he says, “Volgonist,” Raisa Siniyatulovna smiles. - And he became one.

- The older brother didn’t help the younger brother get a better-paid position?

Mom keeps all the student telegrams

- And what did Rustem Zakievich want to become as a child?

You know, he dreamed of entering the oceanographic institute. But when he finished ten classes, I categorically forbade him to do this. It's far away, it's on Far East to go, to be in the ocean. It seemed to me that if a person is in the ocean, then he is exposed to all sorts of dangers. And my father immediately said: “You will go to Baumanovskoye.” Rustem got in and immediately passed everything with straight A's, only physics with a B'. When he left, I told my father: “Well, go with him,” and he: “No, let him do it himself.”

After each exam, student Khamitov sent telegrams to his mother: “I passed the thermal calculation. Rustem”, “Chemistry - four”, “I’ll be home after the fifth of August”... Raisa Siniyatulovna still carefully keeps all of them in her suitcase.

Having received his diploma, Rustem Zakievich began working for UMPO - he worked in the workshop for two years. In the early nineties, in the team of Murtaza Rakhimov, he became a deputy and headed the environmental commission. From that moment his political career began.

In general, our whole family was interested in ecology, and we have always loved Bashkiria.

- Did your son invite you to move to Moscow with him?

Yes, he called, of course. But I won’t even leave this village. I would live here even in winter, but it’s hard for me... And Rustem loves this village like his own. Even though he wasn’t born here. Once I arrived and saw the road the children go to school on - there was knee-deep mud. He was so impressed. He then worked as a Federal inspector, he helped, the road was paved. That’s why now all the grandmothers and children say thank you to him. Walking is good now.

- What do you think, if your son becomes President, what kind of leader will he be?

I think it's good. He loves Bashkiria, he wants everything to be good here. He's here and inner life knows, and knows the local economy. He was very worried that so much was leaving our rich republic. I think he will give everything to make it even better here.

- How does he behave with his subordinates?

He is very demanding. And not only at work - he is demanding in the family, with relatives and even with me. My second daughter-in-law said a long time ago: “Rustem, you are the president of our family...”. It’s not for nothing that he is a Leo according to his horoscope.

Rustem Khamitov found his wife as a child

With my future wife Gulshat Rustem Zakievich has known each other literally since birth - their fathers were great friends since school. Now they are raising two children - Kamil and Nuria. They are already adults - this year they graduated from a university in Moscow and began to work themselves.

Gulshat Khamitova. The president International Association Physiognomist Oleg Voevodin, whom the editorial office turned to for help, accurately identified the character traits of the first lady of the republic. Deciphering facial expressions and gestures gave the specialist the right to assert that Gulshat Khamitova “has the gift of easily gaining people’s trust.” The quality is quite dubious, considering that it is most often mentioned in police reports and is associated with scammers.

Either the logic of the president of physiognomists is not in order, but the first lady appears in the newspaper article as an incredibly contradictory person. So, in his opinion, Khamitova is “not subject to emotions, rational,” but at the same time “sensitive, vulnerable.” On the one hand, she “knows how to adapt to people: she can say one thing, remain silent, and think something else to herself,” and on the other hand, “she is straightforward and can even say sharply “no.” She “easily forgives mistakes,” but “she remembers it inside herself and holds it like a stone in her soul.” Khamitova “approaches the matter very thoroughly,” but at the same time she “gets up quickly and cools down quickly.” Gulshat Gafurovna’s career “comes first,” and yet she “ good mom and grandmother."

Otherwise, Rustem Khamitov and his wife, of course, were very lucky: she is a thrifty lady, “not inclined to waste money - she will not “buy a pig in a poke.” And, perhaps, the spouse arranges home concerts: “she is inclined to perform in front of an audience” and has “good vocal abilities.”

The first lady has, perhaps, only one drawback - she is very jealous. True, the physiognomist will not specify how much. Does she make scandals with her husband who is late from work, or is she burned by this destructive feeling from the inside.

Without suspecting it, the head of the republic shares shelter with an “excellent leader”: it turns out that Khamitova herself is “a born boss - she will always find an approach and make her work. Loves precision. A man of logic and a man of strategy. Knows how to control everything around him. Knows how to compete. And she will compete when she is confident of victory. Loves to teach and teach people. Punchy. Her opinion should be the last.”

The artistry and charisma of the president’s wife was also noted by Komsomolskaya Pravda special correspondent Mila Kiyan, who compiled arating of the most notable women . At the same time, the socialite chronicler managed to fit into five positions. This is the disappointing diagnosis Mila gave to the glamorous party of Ufa. Apparently, the discerning journalist could not call the rest of the well-known ladies in the capital of Bashkiria tastefully dressed.

Mila Gulshat Khamitova awarded first place, describing to the average person all the advantages of the first lady of the republic, without having any knowledge of physiognomy. Obviously, the journalist thanked the president’s wife for the fact that she is a walking news item for her: she will go out in public sometimes in a skirt, sometimes in a dress, and then suddenly - in trousers: that’s already news. Her predecessor Luiza Rakhimova never gave such gifts to the correspondent - she sat at home like a real Muslim wife, and did not outshine her ruling husband with stylish outfits. She appeared at official events only when protocol required it, and it was absolutely impossible to do without her.

But Mila had no trouble appreciating Gulshat Khamitova’s style: her image is “balanced and feminine, she always chooses her clothes herself, but good taste helps to avoid mistakes.”

But the illustration for the text was not very well chosen.

Her sense of style has clearly changed here: the coat looks more like a luxurious bedside rug. In this outfit you can go to a meeting with girlfriends, but not to the last presidential elections, where a crowd of local photographers was waiting for the presidential couple. At the exit from the VIP area at the Neftyanik cultural center, the first lady was apparently photographed.

“Her outfits never look too boring,” the correspondent also notes. It’s hard to disagree with her here. Gulshat Gafurovna emphasized her elaborate floral outfit with a red scarf, and turned all the attention from her husband to herself. She most likely borrowed this ladylike technique from Julia Lambert. Maugham's heroine also skillfully captured the public's gaze in the famous scene with the scarlet scarf.

Meanwhile, Mila Kiyan tried to convince the reader that the presidential wife is not only a stylish lady, but also a sensitive person. For example, he may be confused by a black woman turning her backside. American jazzwoman Deborah Davis, who was touring in the capital of Bashkiria, showed tactlessness. According to the journalist, the dark-skinned actress did not like the camera lens aimed at her, and the guest offered to photograph herself from the non-dress side.

After the intermission, the concert organizer Oleg Kireev was missing one of the VIP spectators: Gulshat Gafurovna lost the desire to listen to jazz performed by the ill-mannered diva, who “had an attack of star fever.”


Father - Zaki Salimovich Khamitov (1930-1993), professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Engineer of the Republic of Bashkortostan, native of the village of Shtandy, Baltachevsky district of Bashkortostan. In 1973-1980 - head of the department of machine repair, dean of the faculty of mechanization Agriculture Bashkir Agricultural Institute.

Mother, Raisa Siniyatulovna Khamitova, worked as a mathematics teacher at school all her life, and is now retired.

The younger brother, Rashid Khamitov, lives in Ufa.

Married, two children, a grandson and a granddaughter. Wife - Gulshat Khamitova (before marriage - Gafurova), functional diagnostics doctor. I met my future husband in early childhood.

Son - Kamil Khamitov, engineer, graduate of USATU, worked in a private design bureau. Since March 2011, Kamil has been working for the RusHydro company. Daughter - Nuria Khamitova is engaged tourism business. Both live and work in Moscow. At the end of September 2011, a granddaughter was born.


In 1971 he graduated from high school in Ufa.

In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman with a degree in "Aircraft Engines", after which he returned to Ufa, where he different years worked at the Ufa Engine Production Association and the Ufa Aviation Institute.

Since 1986, he worked as the head of the laboratory for the ground use of aircraft engines, then as the head of the research and production department of the Eastern Branch of the All-Union Research Institute for the Construction of Trunk Pipelines (Ufa). Khamitov - Doctor of Technical Sciences (specialized in the field of automated control systems), author of the book "Building a system for strategic management of the security of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (experience of the Republic of Bashkortostan)."


In 1990, Khamitov was elected to the Supreme Council of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where he was chairman of the Supreme Council Commission on Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources.

From 1993 to 1994 he worked as director of the Institute of Applied Ecology and Environmental Management of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 1994-1996, Khamitov headed the Ministry of Security environment, environmental management, prevention and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations in the Republic of Bashkortostan. From 1996 to 1999 - Minister of emergency situations and environmental safety of the Republic of Bashkortostan, member of the Security Council of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 1999, Khamitov headed the Department of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Russian Federation.

In 2000, he was appointed chief federal inspector for the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, then acting as Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

In 2003-2004, Khamitov was the head of the interregional inspection for the largest taxpayers No. 4, the head of the Department of the largest taxpayers of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

In 2004, Khamitov was appointed head of the Federal Water Resources Agency.

Since 2009, he worked as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro.

On July 15, 2010, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Khamitov was appointed acting President of the Republic of Bashkortostan. On July 19, 2010, deputies of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan approved the candidacy of Khamitov proposed by the President of the Russian Federation and vested him with the powers of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

from July 15, 2010 to May 19, 2011 - combined the position of President with the Chairman of the Government.

On July 19, 2010, the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan approved Khamitov as President of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Since August 6, 2012, he again combines the position of chairman of the government of the republic with the president.

On May 30, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted Khamitov’s resignation in order to take part in the elections of heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which will take place on September 14, 2014.


In 2013, Rustem Khamitov earned 6,028,165.83 rubles. For comparison: in 2012, the head of Bashkortostan received over 5.5 million rubles. The information on income, property and property-related obligations of the President of the Republic of Belarus and members of his family includes land 1750 and 3699 sq. meters.

The property also has a residential building of 25.7 sq.m. My wife owns a Subaru Legacy Outback. In addition, the head of the region has an apartment of 79 square meters and a state dacha with an area of ​​444.8 square meters.

Scandals (rumors)

In 2011, research showed that Rustem Khamitov was among the 10 best lobbyists in the Russian Federation (ranked 9th).

His activities were also noted by Fortune magazine, which stated that economic policy Khamitova allowed Bashkortostan to strengthen its position in the top ten among the regions of the Russian Federation. The presence of better industrial and economic indicators confirmed this.

Also, the reign of Rustem Khamitov was noted by the ExpertRA rating agency, according to a study of which Bashkortostan occupied the first position in the category “Minimal economic risks” in 2010-2011. Forbes magazine did not ignore the capital of the republic - the city of Ufa. According to the magazine, Ufa took second position among 30 cities in the Russian Federation in which it is best to do business (2012).

In 2013, Khamitov came under suspicion law enforcement and served as a witness in the RUSHYDRO case. Khamitov was accused of falsification parliamentary elections at the end of 2013, in particular, the leader of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov.

According to civil activists, the head of Bashkiria violated federal and republican constitution and a number of laws, which resulted in a “massive violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Bashkortostan.” President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov almost became the first head of the republic against whom the procedure for removal from office could be initiated (violation of the constitution).

In October 2013, social activists led by Azamat Galin accused the president of violating the law “On the privatization of state and municipal property” and causing damage to the republic’s budget of 68 billion rubles. "upon approval of a major transaction to merge the assets of OJSC Soda and Caustic."

The lawsuit also declares that Rustem Khamitov “created risks of forest destruction and harmed the environment” by signing an investment agreement on August 17, 2012, allowing the construction of Kronospan-Bashkortostan LLC. Moreover, activists note a violation of another law “On the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan” in connection with the unlawful transfer from the property of the republic to a private person of a blocking stake in the Ufa elastic materials plant.

Khamitov was also accused of illegally allocating funds from the republic’s budget to celebrate the 90th anniversary Supreme Court Bashkiria, which, according to activists, is similar to bribery of judicial authority. This is in the context of Khamitov being accused of “pressure on the court.” Participants in the political process in Bashkiria note that the early termination of the powers of the chairman and judge of the Kirovsky District Court of Ufa, Munir Valeev, is associated with the acquittal he passed in July against the former Prime Minister of Bashkiria, Rail Sarbaev, a man opposed to the current president. But of course the case was not opened.

After the arrival of Rustem Khamitov, corruption in the republic increased greatly, the media reports the opinions of experts. Moreover, often the most notorious crimes began to be committed not only at the republican, but also at the municipal level. Not long ago, a 51-year-old deputy head of administration appeared in court municipal district Baymaksky Konstantin Zamotaev on charges of malfeasance and fraud together with his 49-year-old wife Natalya Zamotaeva.

Since the beginning of 2013, the state debt of Bashkiria has increased by 22%, over the past three years - by 60%. If in 2010 the deficit was 6.9 billion, then in 2013 it reached 17.9 billion rubles. For comparison, the first President of the Republic of Belarus, Murtaza Rakhimov, in 2010 transferred 38 billion rubles of free funds in the accounts of the republican government to the new leader of the republic.

From 2010 to October 2018, Rustem Khamitov was the leader of Bashkiria, and his wife Gulshat was the first lady. During this time, she managed to show her influence and, of course, leave a mark on the history of Bashkiria.

About herself influential woman in Bashkiria during the reign of Rustem Zakievich - Gulshat Khamitova - in our material.


Gulshat Khamitova was born in Bashkiria. She met her future husband as a child. She studied at BSMU to become a doctor. Later she worked as a general diagnostics doctor. Hence the great interest in medicine in Bashkiria. This is also associated with the influence on the management of large medical institutions. Khamitova is credited with friendship with the head physician of the cardiac center Irina Nikolaeva, the head physician of the 21st hospital Gulnara Mustafina, and the head physician of the 13th hospital Elza Syrtlanova, who received their positions precisely under Khamitov.

But the former first lady of Bashkiria is better known for her charitable activities. She was the sole founder of the Markhamat foundation. Every year the foundation was among the leaders in winning grants for the implementation of socially significant projects.

Aigul Gareeva, head of the fund"Markhamat". Photo:

“Markhamat,” unlike other foundations, was almost not involved in medical activities, in particular, targeted assistance to sick children. More recently, the fund has dramatically changed the scope of its work, almost completely switching to educational programs and organizing concerts.

For a long time, the fund was led by Aigul Gareeva, the niece of Rustem Khamitov. She also said that their program for helping seriously ill children is not always open. The main work is related to the Child Development Center.

In May of this year there was a scandal with the Markhamat Foundation. Social activists did not find reports on the concert held at the Bashkortostan State Concert Hall in December 2017, the proceeds from which amounted to about 3 million rubles. This money, in principle, was not reflected in the fund's income. After the statement of social activists to the FSB, Markhamat immediately published reports on the website.

This is not the first and not the only complaint of residents of the republic against Ms. Khamitova. According to rumors, the foundation’s charity concerts were also held in hospitals, and the chief doctors were obliged to ensure attendance at them. They say that those who disagreed immediately found themselves in disgrace.

What's next?

After publishing a story on our website about the appeal of social activists, Gulshat Khamitova filed a lawsuit on the portal. In the statement of claim, she indicated the registration address - Moscow. This led to the conclusion that the first lady does not connect her future with Ufa and Bashkiria as a whole after her husband leaves office. “She will probably have a business in Moscow,” the source said.

Acting head of the Republic of Belarus Gulshat Khamitova did not appear at the presentation of Radiy Khabirov. Her husband, from the hands of Radiy Khabirov,

In the Markhamat Foundation itself, changes began after the news of the “governor’s fall in Russia.” Aigul Gareeva, shortly before her uncle’s resignation, managed to move to the seat of a deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

Aigul Gareeva on the right

Aigul Gareeva refused to comment on the situation over the phone, saying that she had resigned from her position. And the Markhamat Foundation itself said that even after Khamitov’s resignation “they will work as usual.”

On May 15, International Family Day was celebrated. The day before, the first lady of the republic, Gulshat Khamitova, spoke in an exclusive interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda about family traditions
Mila KIYAN - 05/16/2011


Your husband is the president and it’s probably very difficult for him to be a good family man. With this kind of work, as they say, stress is just around the corner. How do you, Gulshat Gafurovna, manage to maintain harmony in the family? It’s no secret that a lot here depends on the woman.

At any life situation Two people are responsible for harmony in the family. We are no exception. Rustem Zakievich is very patient and a wise man, he has an awful lot of work to do, and his family must now be his main support. My children and I try to be such a support.

In an interview with KP, Rustem Khamitov said that his main stylist is you. Is the president's wardrobe often replenished? How do you, a non-professional image maker, manage to dress your husband so well? Where do you buy his shirts? Do you go shopping together in Ufa, maybe in Moscow or abroad?

Of course, I help my husband with advice in choosing clothes, and I myself often ask his opinion about my outfits. We make purchases together, but I always remain the main consultant for my husband in these matters. Rustem Zakievich dresses in regular stores. Main principle for us - good quality items and a competent sales consultant. Fortunately, we managed to find such a store in Ufa and are now shopping there. In the future, we do not lose hope of finding a good tailor and ordering clothes from him.

The younger generation of the Khamitov family greatly appreciates the rare minutes that they manage to spend with their father

Someone noticed that today in Russia all successful and rich people either sing or play music. Your husband is a real music lover: he sings and plays the guitar, it seems... Do you sing? Did you send your children to music school?

We don’t communicate with rich people, so I don’t know if they sing or what music they play. We ourselves love songs. In a circle of friends we used to sing songs by Nikitin, Sukhanov, Klyachkin and many others, songs from popular films and songs of the 70-80s with a guitar. The children went to music school, but did not complete their studies there. Got carried away with other activities. They taught themselves the guitar. And now they enjoy playing music on this instrument.


Gulshat Gafurovna, it is known that in order to work well, you need to rest well. Where do you usually spend your holidays?

IN last years We alternated holidays abroad with trips home. We love you skiing and therefore visited many European and Russian resorts. This year in winter I was able to go for a ride to Abzakovo with my children. Everyone really liked it. Six of us, a friendly company, drove down the mountain. Complete delight!

You said that you like to vacation not only in your native Bashkiria, but also abroad. The holiday season is approaching and I would like you to specifically talk about those countries that impressed you strong impression, where you have returned more than once. Can you recommend some interesting places?

Gulshat and Rustem love each other very much leisure. In the photo they are on ski resort in Andorra
Photo: from personal archive

I like active holidays in the form of educational tours. I was in France and Italy. I like Paris, which differs from other cities with its beautiful buildings with carved forged balconies and well-groomed parks. I enjoyed the trip to the castles of the Loire. We visited the ancient cities of Normandy: Enfleur, Rouen, Etretat, Deville and Trouville. Each city has its own attractions: in Etretat there are gullies in the coastal rocks and landscapes that Monet painted. In Rouen there is a majestic cathedral associated with the history of the trial of Joan of Arc. The medieval city of Bruges in Belgium makes a great impression; when you walk along the streets of a very beautiful town with small houses, you feel like a fairy-tale character. During my trips to Italy, I remember visiting the famous Uffizi Gallery in Florence with a rich collection of paintings by Italian artists. In Russia I was lucky enough to visit Baikal, Astrakhan in the Volga delta, and admire the flowering of lotuses. I have been to St. Petersburg many times. I know Moscow well, I love museums, estates and parks, and the old streets of Zamoskvorechye.

The world is becoming more transparent, people travel a lot and adopt each other's habits, their tastes are becoming more similar. And national clothing is disappearing. But in Lately Young women in national Muslim clothes and headscarves began to appear more often on the streets of Ufa. Personally, I noticed that townspeople often look at these women with caution. Do you think it is necessary to encourage the desire of young Muslim girls to renounce their national clothes for the sake of pan-European fashion?

I like national clothes. I would like us not to forget our roots and introduce elements of the national costume into our clothes. But everything needs moderation. Such clothing should be worn where appropriate.


For many modern parents, a Russian fairy tale is relevant, where an over-aged son requires his parents to feed him first until his mustache, then until his beard, etc. It so happens that many purposeful, driven people suddenly have lazy children. How do you think we can deal with this? Is it worth adopting the Western style of education, when teenagers have to, say, earn pocket money in the summer and more?

Both rich and not very wealthy parents have lazy children; there are no patterns here. But what to do with these? Of course, children must be taught to work from childhood, from school. Summer job During the holidays this is quite a good way of parenting. For example, as a child, during the holidays we worked in a field camp, without any pay. However, if there is also some kind of reward for the work, then this is not bad at all.

Tell us about the methods of raising your children, what do they do, how often do you see them?

They raised their children usually, like everyone else, probably. They were strict, but in moderation. They didn’t spoil us too much, they always took us on hikes and river rafting trips, listened to music and watched movies together. Unfortunately, we don’t see each other often anymore - they live in Moscow, they are adults, they already have their own “halves” and work that takes a lot of time. Communicate with our fellow countrymen. For example, they go to listen good music to Oleg Kireev's club. Sometimes they themselves play music there, although they are not musicians.

In many Russian families They just can’t get rid of the “Soviet complex” that there can be no commodity-money relations between parents and children, that is, telling a child, they say, help your grandmother in the garden and you will get new sneakers, our people consider immoral. What do you think about it?

Yes, I have heard and even know people who encourage children to work in this way, but in our family this was not accepted, simply because helping loved ones and working together was a given. The children were instilled with the principle of joint work and tried to act by example. In my opinion, this is more effective.


Are you a good cook? Tell us about the gastronomic traditions in your family, please. Do you drink tea together? By the way, the British have found that tea reduces the level of stress hormones, so it is useful for politicians to drink tea.

I think that I am a good cook, although not a professional, but with extensive experience in the home kitchen. My family likes my dishes, and when asked to go somewhere for lunch, they often heard: “ Better at home Let’s eat, yours tastes better.” And drinking tea together is already a necessary ritual for us: we exchange impressions, news, and make plans. And the president loves homemade soups and is partial to dumplings and manti.

Having moved to Ufa, you changed your occupation, your circle of acquaintances - it was probably very difficult.

I still enjoy communicating with my friends from my student days. But now my circle of acquaintances is expanding. In recent years in Moscow I worked in a children's clinic, so I had a desire to continue working with children in Ufa. My comrades and I managed to create charitable foundation“Markhamat”, which has helped 2 thousand children to date. There are a lot of kind and sympathetic people in our republic, for whom helping children is not an empty phrase, but a need of the soul. Thank them very much."