Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle procedure for washing the large intestine to remove fecal waste, correct the minimum balance of the body, detoxify and restore optimal intestinal microflora.

A little history

Residents also performed colon hydrotherapy ancient egypt for the purpose of treating various diseases and their prevention. For example, the great healers Hippocrates and Galen advised regularly washing the intestines as a therapeutic method. In those days, hollow reeds were used for the procedure. The procedure was especially popular for the treatment of fever.

Since the 20s of the last century, American doctors began to intensively use the method of colon hydrotherapy in the treatment of various diseases. In those days, the equipment for carrying out such a procedure was quite far from perfect, but even colon hydrotherapy carried out in the most primitive conditions, according to reviews, was capable of producing a remarkable therapeutic effect.

Today, there are modern devices that make it possible to perform colon hydrotherapy with absolutely no negative consequences for humans.

Benefits of colon hydrotherapy

There are a lot of diametrically opposed reviews about colon hydrotherapy. Some consider this procedure very beneficial for health. Others, on the contrary, are sure that it does not bring any benefit. What arguments do opponents of colon hydrotherapy give? Firstly, slags do not exist at all. Not a single pathologist saw any waste in the intestines when autopsying a dead body. And among certified medical specialists, the word “slag” generally makes them smile. Secondly, it is believed that this procedure is contrary to nature itself. And thirdly, colon hydrotherapy can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora.

Of course, everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t get carried away with colon hydrotherapy too often. However, if there are certain indications, colon hydrotherapy, according to reviews, is not only good for health, but also for your figure.

After colon hydrotherapy, accumulations weighing up to two kilograms are removed from the intestines. Therefore, body weight decreases and the stomach becomes toned. According to reviews, colon hydrotherapy activates metabolic processes, improves appearance skin, promotes the disappearance of acne and rashes on the body. In addition, the intestinal microflora is normalized, since some pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the body along with toxins. Work is returning to normal internal organs, immunity improves, the aging process of the body slows down.

In any case, before doing colon hydrotherapy, you must consult with a therapist and carefully prepare for the procedure.

Preparing for the colon hydrotherapy procedure

Before doing colon hydrotherapy, it is necessary to prepare the body. To do this, three days before the procedure, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fats and proteins. plant origin. It is forbidden to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, Rye bread, baked goods made from bran flour, beans, lentils, beans and peas. You cannot drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks.

Two days before the colon hydrotherapy procedure, it is recommended to drink activated charcoal, two tablets three times a day, as well as Espumisan. Four hours before the procedure, you should not eat anything.

Only experienced specialists should perform the colon hydrotherapy procedure. If you do colon hydrotherapy with the help of an amateur, this can provoke a disruption of the intestinal microflora and a deterioration in its functioning.

Before starting the procedure, the patient needs to relax and lie on his back. The doctor first performs a relaxing abdominal massage to move accumulated toxins and activate intestinal tract.

Colon hydrotherapy is carried out using a special apparatus using ordinary purified water, or with the addition of various infusions and herbs. After the procedure is completed, the patient must be infused with a solution of eubiotics to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis. As a rule, to get rid of all toxins in the body, it is necessary to undergo 5-6 sessions of colon hydrotherapy. However, after the first session of colon hydrotherapy, patients feel light, migraines, colitis, skin rashes, and dysbiosis go away.

Indications for colon hydrotherapy

  • frequent constipation or diarrhea of ​​various etiologies;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • tendency to obesity, overeating;
  • dyskinesia of the intestine, in particular, its large part;
  • poisoning of the body due to intestinal problems;
  • hemorrhoids during remission;
  • vaginitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • deterioration of the immune system;
  • periodic migraine-like pain;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • poisoning by poisons, including drugs or alcohol;
  • inflammation of the prostate.

Contraindications to colon hydrotherapy

The procedure involves quite strong impact on the body and in particular on the intestines. Therefore, there are many contraindications to colon hydrotherapy. These include:

  • severe vascular and heart diseases, including aortic aneurysms;
  • internal bleeding, including intestinal bleeding;
  • severe anemia;
  • second half of pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • severe hypertension;
  • violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute phase;
  • malignant intestinal tumors;
  • acute colitis;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • adhesions on internal organs;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • recovery period after operations on internal organs;
  • any diseases of the rectum.

Due to such an extensive list of contraindications to colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to undergo a body examination before the procedure. Otherwise, the procedure can harm your health and provoke an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Colon hydrotherapy at home

Carrying out colon hydrotherapy at home is impossible, since this procedure requires stationary equipment.

An enema can be a substitute for colon hydrotherapy at home. You should prepare in advance 2-3 liters of cooled boiled water, an Esmarch mug and allocate enough time for both the procedure itself and for rest after it. It is best to give an enema on an empty stomach, in the morning, at 5-7 o’clock, in accordance with a person’s biological rhythms - this is the most suitable time for cleansing.

It is good to cleanse the intestines using decoctions medicinal herbs– chamomile, sage, calendula, oregano, yarrow, etc. The solution should be prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe and it is better to consult a specialist before the enema.

An effect similar to colon hydrotherapy at home can also be achieved by taking a laxative. But it is advisable to choose such drugs on the recommendation of a doctor.

Colon hydrotherapy is a new concept, and therefore people often wonder what it is? Colon hydrotherapy or intestinal lavage is a procedure that allows you to cleanse the intestines of feces accumulated there and completely empty it. This cleaning procedure is performed using a special device - a colon hydrotherapy apparatus. Hardware cleansing of the intestines can be carried out in a hospital, clinic, sanatorium, private medical center or clinic.

Indications for use

Irrigation of the intestines with special liquids ( mineral water, saline solution, herbs) are carried out only as prescribed by doctors. Self-prescribed colonic lavage may bring more harm than good.

Indications for colon hydrotherapy are as follows:

  • long-term chronic constipation;
  • helminthic infestations that affect the large intestine;
  • intestinal disorder caused by medication, alcohol or drug abuse;
  • bloating and increased gas formation;
  • obesity;
  • intestinal (colon) dyskinesia;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • acne and other skin problems that are caused by intoxication of the body with accumulated feces;
  • BPH;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins.

It is necessary to rinse the intestines with the help of a device not only according to indications, but also in the absence of contraindications. You can find out about this from a specialist in the center where you want to undergo colon hydrotherapy.


Colon hydrotherapy is not allowed for everyone, and therefore contraindications should be carefully studied before rinsing the intestines.

Intestinal irrigation cannot be performed:

  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • people with hypertension;
  • patients with urolithiasis;
  • people with tumors of any part of the intestine, especially the rectum;
  • people with intestinal polyps;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • people with anemia;
  • people with inflammatory processes in any part of the intestine;
  • in the presence of Helicobacter;
  • during adhesions;
  • people with diverticulitis, fistulas, Crohn's disease and other intestinal diseases.

If there are such contraindications, then colon hydrotherapy in this case harms the entire body more than it helps.

Cleansing will be useful only if the patient has previously consulted a doctor and has been approved or even prescribed colon hydrotherapy for treatment or prevention.


Advantages and disadvantages

Cleansing the colon with large volumes of water Lately is gaining great popularity. But such a deep and complete cleansing is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of consequences that may be unacceptable for a person in one case or another.

Weight loss and a feeling of lightness appearFlushing not only cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, but also washes out beneficial bacteria - dysbacteriosis occurs
The belly decreases, the figure becomes slimmerThe intestinal mucosa becomes irritated, and if the body is weak, inflammation may begin.
The rash goes away, especially on the face, a healthy glow appearsIf you are not sure of the complete health of the intestines (absence of tumors, diverticula, polyps), then you can significantly harm the body
Appetite improvesColon hydrotherapy is a big enema, and weak intestines may not be able to withstand the water pressure
Metabolism is restoredIf poorly trained specialists clean the intestines, then damage may occur in the places where the intestines bend due to inaccurate operation of the device
Improves intestinal motilityA very large amount of fluid comes out of the intestines, which can lead to disorders (nausea and vomiting), as well as affect the mental state of an unprepared, impressionable person
The immune system is strengthened, a person is less susceptible to colds
Reduces cholesterol levels
Swelling goes away

To cleanse the intestines, you need to carefully weigh both factors and decide whether colon hydrotherapy is really necessary or you can do without it.


When preparing for the colon lavage procedure, you should keep in mind that you cannot just come to the hospital and do it.

To cleanse the intestines, it is not enough to pour a lot of water into it; you also need to prepare in advance so that everything goes well.

Preparation for colon hydrotherapy consists of:

  1. Three days before the procedure, stop eating heavy foods, flour, sweets and alcohol. The diet in preparation contains mainly water-based cereals, fruits and vegetables.
  2. At home, two days in advance, they begin taking activated carbon or other sorbents to prepare the intestines.
  3. Before doing the procedure, you need to do one cleansing enema to alleviate your condition.
  4. On the morning of the day of colon hydrotherapy, you should not eat anything for four hours, but it is better to do the cleansing on an empty stomach. They drink water only in small sips and not much at all.
  5. In the hospital, you should carefully check that all instruments (handpiece, tube) are disposable and sterile to prevent infection.

Colon hydrotherapy is performed using a special device, and therefore the patient will not have any difficulties associated with going to the toilet.

How the procedure goes:

  1. The patient is asked to undress from the waist down and lie on the couch on his side.
  2. A tip with a connected tube is inserted into the rectum, and a small amount of water or a special solution is supplied.
  3. When there is a desire to empty the intestines, the water supply is stopped and all liquid from the intestines begins to be removed into a special container.
  4. Next, the tip is inserted again, but deeper, to clean most of the large intestine.
  5. The supply of water and the discharge of “waste” is carried out until the entire large intestine is cleansed.


As colon hydrotherapy is carried out, about 20 liters of liquid, the temperature of which will gradually decrease (from warm to cool) to stimulate independent bowel function.

Throughout the procedure, a specialist is located next to the patient who monitors the temperature and pressure of the fluid. Normally, the procedure takes place with slight discomfort, and if pain occurs, you should mention this so that the pressure of the supplied fluid is reduced.

Can I do it myself?

Intestinal lavage at home can be performed only if there are no contraindications. The home procedure requires the same principles of preparation, but has a completely different technique.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of salt water (prepared at the rate of 1 liter and one tablespoon of salt - as much as needed), bend to the sides and do breathing exercises. Then a glass of water and breathing exercises alternate seven more times. After this, the first bowel movement occurs.

It is important that the water is saltier than saline solution (1%), then it will not be absorbed by the body through the intestinal walls and excreted by the kidneys, but will completely pass through the entire intestinal tract. But since many people feel sick from salt water, it is better to conduct colon hydrotherapy with a specialist.

Where to do it and how much does it cost?

Prices for colon hydrotherapy will vary greatly in many cities. Also, the cost will vary greatly depending on which clinic or hospital you decide to undergo the procedure at. It is cheaper to do hydrocolotherapy in public clinics than in private ones.

Kyiv Clinic "Hippocrates"Ivan Lepse Boulevard, 4300 UAH
Moscow "Hippocratic Oath"Lubyansky proezd, 19
St. Trofimova, 36, bldg. 1
1800 rub.
(8000 rubles for five procedures)
Saint Petersburg "Petroclinic"Furshtatskaya, 472000 rub
Sochi Mishilen Detox & WellnessSt. Bolshoy Akhun, 72750 rub.

Cleansing the body today is simply a necessity for every person. First of all, you should cleanse your intestines. It is for this purpose that colon hydrotherapy is performed. This procedure may seem complicated and unpleasant, but in fact it is useful and can be done even at home.

Benefits of the procedure

All these processes are very harmful and can cause diseases such as depression, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, immunity disorders, allergies, and insomnia. And it is colon hydrotherapy that helps normalize the intestines and prevent all these ailments.

Many people think that this procedure can be replaced with a regular enema. This is misleading because an enema can only cleanse the rectum and also part (mostly the lower) of the large intestine. But colon hydrotherapy, even done at home, cleanses absolutely the entire large intestine.

How to do colon hydrotherapy

Of course, the device used to carry out colon hydrotherapy makes the procedure convenient and minimizes almost all unpleasant sensations. But its presence is not necessary, since the essence is not in the device itself, but in the water. Therefore, you can cleanse your intestines using colon hydrotherapy at home.

The first way to carry out this procedure yourself is to drink plenty of fluids. In an hour and a half, a person needs to drink at least 4 liters of salted water. This is the only way to achieve a cleansing effect.

For such colon hydrotherapy at home, you can choose any salt, both regular table salt and sea salt. Salted water is necessary so that harmful substances that are “caught” in the intestines are exfoliated, and cleansing occurs faster. Colon hydrotherapy will be truly effective only if clear proportions are observed when preparing the solution: 7 g of salt are needed for 1 liter of water. Dissolve salt only in warm water(about 40 degrees).

Colon hydrotherapy is best done in the morning and on an empty stomach. First you need to drink 400 ml of salted water, and then, when the drunk water passes into the intestines, continue to drink 400 ml of the rest of the water. You can drink not 4 liters of water, but a larger amount, because the main objective colon hydrotherapy to remove pure water, and some people may need to more water. It is good to cleanse the intestines in a course: repeat 3 times a year, 5 procedures every 2 days.

After colon hydrotherapy is done to cleanse the intestines, you need to drink vegetable juice or eat a little vegetable salad, but it should not be seasoned with vegetable oil. For example, you can make a cabbage salad with carrots. It will not only satisfy your hunger after the procedure, but will further cleanse the intestines of harmful substances. Also, if colon hydrotherapy was carried out at home, you should not introduce fatty foods, animal proteins, legumes, black bread, cabbage or drink alcohol into your diet for a couple of weeks.

Some studies have shown that such therapy is most effective if it is carried out in the fall, since the intestines are most biologically active during this period.

After correctly performed colon hydrotherapy, not only complete washout should occur feces from the intestines, but losing weight by about 3-9 kg, because waste weighs a lot.

Contraindications for carrying out

Despite the fact that this procedure is useful and helps to remove phenols, toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides and many other harmful substances, colon hydrotherapy has contraindications. They are connected with the fact that after it the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases and beneficial microflora is washed out.

Contraindications are:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal perforation;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • various kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • ulcerative nonspecific colitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tumors in the intestines or rectum;
  • recent surgery on the abdominal wall or intestines;
  • abdominal or inguinal hernias;
  • arterial hypertension.

There are no other prohibitions on this procedure. There is no need to be afraid that the natural microflora is washed out, since in comparison with the hardware method of colon hydrotherapy home method is more natural, and beneficial bacteria will multiply in the intestines quickly. To speed up this process after the procedure, you can drink more fermented milk products and take probiotics .

Cleansing the body begins with cleansing the intestines. The main procedure designed to help with this is colon hydrotherapy, or cleansing the colon with clean water.

Colon hydrotherapy became popular in the West at the beginning of the 20th century, and at the same time special devices for colon cleansing on an outpatient basis appeared. Since then, the technique has developed and improved significantly.

Colon hydrotherapy - beneficial cleansing of the body with water

Many dietary habits lead to the accumulation of waste in the intestines - several kilograms of “waste material”. Constantly present in the body, these stagnant masses give a negative result: general health worsens, metabolism becomes slower.

Vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary to maintain beauty and youth, simply cannot be absorbed in sufficient quantities into the intestinal walls. Therefore, any healing procedures must be accompanied by a thorough and safe cleansing of the intestines.

The goal of colon hydrotherapy is to cleanse the large intestine of contents and rinse its walls. After the procedure, normal functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored, and many problems are solved: constipation, excess weight, hypertension, allergies, depression, insomnia.

With the help of a course of colon hydrotherapy you can get rid of excess weight, constipation and diarrhea, intestinal toxicosis, excessive gas formation, various types of poisoning (alcohol, chemical) and allergies. This procedure is also indicated for malfunctions. immune system and frequent colds.

A consultation with a doctor will help determine how to introduce this method into the treatment complex in each specific case. Sometimes, provided that all rules and recommendations are followed, this procedure can be carried out at home.

How is colon hydrotherapy performed in the clinic?

Intestinal colon hydrotherapy in a medical institution is carried out in the presence of a nurse who monitors the entire process. You should not eat food 2 hours before the procedure. The session itself lasts about 1 hour.

The nurse offers special underwear, massages the abdomen during cleaning to stimulate the removal of waste, and also monitors the patient’s well-being. Using a device, salted water or a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs is gradually introduced into the rectum, a total of 8 to 20 liters.

The temperature of the washing liquid is 38-40°C. The liquid, having washed the intestines, is discharged directly into the sewer system by a special system, so the patient does not have to get up to go to the toilet or even change position. The final stage is the colonization of the intestines with beneficial flora (bifidobacteria). One session of colon hydrotherapy, for example, is equivalent in effectiveness to 30 cleansing enemas.

Contraindications for colon hydrotherapy:

  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • tumors in the intestines and rectum;
  • inguinal or abdominal hernia;
  • kidney or heart disease;
  • operations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high pressure and temperature;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The action of colon hydrotherapy is based on the same principle as an intestinal enema. However, this procedure is much more effective, since it cleanses not only the rectum, but the entire large intestine.

During colon hydrotherapy, the clinic uses a special irrigation device. The first procedure outputs greatest number toxins and waste, so after it you may feel weak and nauseated. Half an hour of rest and a warm heating pad will alleviate this condition.

When and how to carry out the procedure at home

Home colon hydrotherapy is done differently. To cleanse the intestines, it is suggested to drink 10 liters of boiled salted water in a short period of time - 1.5 hours. Salts should be taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Such an abundant salty drink gives a laxative effect, drawing toxins and allergens from the intestinal walls, and moving feces to the exit.

The use of this home technique has its limitations: such a large amount of liquid drunk causes a sharp and severe load on the kidneys and heart, and increases blood pressure. Therefore, a competent and responsible approach and the accompaniment of a doctor are also necessary here. Colon hydrotherapy in the clinic is carried out in a course of 7-8 sessions, the home version of cleaning is 3-4 times.

With the support and advice of a doctor, this cleansing can be repeated infrequently - approximately once a year.

Colon hydrotherapy, as a measure to improve the health of the body, can be a useful addition to diet, treatment with herbs and oils, as well as physical therapy.

Cleansing the body is not just a need, but a necessity. First of all, this concerns the intestines. Its cleansing can be done with the help of enemas, but it will be much easier and more effective to carry out a procedure such as colon hydrotherapy at home.

Why do colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is colon cleansing using water. It needs to be cleaned by everyone, since it is in this area human body Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the largest deposits of waste accumulate. If they are not removed, then after some time fermentation, rotting and the release of toxic gases will occur in the intestines. All this can be absorbed by the blood and poison the body.

Colon hydrotherapy at home is also indicated for:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • acne and dermatitis of unknown etiology;
  • weakened immune system;
  • autointoxication.

How to do colon hydrotherapy at home?

No special preparation is required for colon hydrotherapy. The main thing is to carry out the procedure immediately after sleep, on an empty stomach, and not have a heavy dinner the night before. To cleanse the intestines in this way, you need to drink 10 glasses of salted water in 1-1.5 hours. First you need to drink 2 glasses of water at once, and then gradually the rest. You can use sea salt, Carlsbad salt or regular table salt. Exactly salty water helps harmful substances peel off from the intestinal walls. For 1 liter you need to add 1 tsp. salt.

After completing colon hydrotherapy, you need to eat light food. It would be good to just drink natural juice or eat a small portion vegetable salad without vegetable oil. Since the procedure washes out not only toxins, but also the intestinal flora, it must be restored. In this regard, it is worth taking any bifidobacteria over the next 10 days.

Colon hydrotherapy is best carried out in the fall, when the intestines are biologically active, with a course of 3-5 procedures every 1-2 days.

Indications for bowel cleansing

The basis for the procedure are the following indications:

Every person experiences similar symptoms at different periods of their life. As a rule, this is a signal of disruption of the stomach, liver, kidneys and all systems in the body.

The essence of the device

A special apparatus is used to carry out the cleaning procedure. It is considered the most modern in the field of medical technology.

The device has built-in digital electronics, so its use is easy and accessible. The device creates the required fluid pressure automatically. Each manipulation is perfected by a trained operator.

The colon hydrotherapy device disinfects the water, and the existing magnets with red rays give it medicinal properties. The treated liquid is supplied warm and dosed into the intestines.

The colon cleansing procedure not only removes feces and food debris, but also eliminates mucus, toxins and unnecessary microbes.

How is colon hydrotherapy performed?

The process of colon cleansing with colon hydrotherapy is performed as follows:

Colon hydrotherapy lasts about 40 minutes.

During the session, the intestines are filled and cleansed sequentially, this helps to stretch the muscle walls.

The temperature of the liquid alternates from warm to cool, which reduces spastic phenomena.

After the procedure

In some clinics, deep intestinal cleansing is done not only with plain water, but also with the addition of medicinal infusions and herbs that can relieve inflammation. Thanks to this, complications after the procedure are minimal.

The colon cleanse procedure does not cause painful sensations, easily tolerated. After the session, the person returns to his normal routine. To achieve a lasting positive effect, you need 5-6 approaches.

After therapeutic cleansing, the patient is given a solution with biotics to restore the microflora.

During the procedure, beneficial microflora is partially removed, and biotics are needed to support it. If they are not filled, dysbacteriosis may occur.


Colon hydrotherapy has contraindications:

The doctor is also obliged to give the correct instructions for preparing for the procedure and explain how everything happens.

How to do it at home?

Not everyone can afford several courses of colon hydrotherapy. There is an alternative, and you can do it at home.

All you need is sea ​​salt and activated carbon. Preparing for an event is similar to hardware cleansing. In addition, on the day of the procedure you need to drink 2 liters of slightly salty liquid.

It is prepared as follows:

The event is done on an empty stomach. At the beginning of the session, you need to drink 2 glasses at once, and the rest in small sips.

Then you can relax and eat fruit. Colon hydrotherapy is performed twice. The next approach is only after 3-5 days.

Possible complications

Such cleansing is best done in specialized clinics. At least this will guarantee service and reduce the risk of complications.

It is advisable to go for the procedure only after a conversation with a coloproctologist. He will tell you how the session happens, what to expect and take into account individual characteristics patient.

Sometimes there can be complications. With frequent cleaning, anemia develops and electrolyte balance is disturbed.

It happens that after the first approach a person feels a deterioration and exacerbation of “dormant” diseases.


Those who have undergone the procedure note such advantages as:

The abdominal area becomes more toned, the skin becomes hydrated. Circulatory system returns to normal, cholesterol levels drop, pallor goes away. To summarize, we can safely say that the procedure rejuvenates, relieves swelling, corrects the figure, and normalizes appetite.

The functioning of the liver and kidneys also improves. Wellness rinsing ensures cleansing of the entire body. In the case of a regular enema, there is no such effect. In addition, there is a plus in the dosed supply of liquid and according to the regimen. These manipulations massage the inside of the peritoneum and restore intestinal motility.


Opponents of the procedure are sure that such deep cleaning is a waste of money. They attribute the improvement to the placebo effect.

Not everyone knows, but doctors have heard that the intestines cleanse themselves within 48 hours, so there are no toxins or deposits in it. It is also worth considering that the procedure is unpleasant. This is unnatural, so unexpected events such as vomiting, cramps and kidney failure may occur during and after the session.

The large intestine contains more than 500 microorganisms that make up the normal microflora. They support immunity. It is difficult to restore it with drugs. It is for these reasons that opponents of such cleansing recommend thinking about the need for this event.

There is also an important point. These are medicinal infusions instead of water. Such a session will quickly and permanently disrupt the microflora, which will be problematic to restore.

Service cost

The price of colon hydrotherapy may vary by region.

  • In Moscow, the cost of one procedure is 1,500 rubles.
  • For several approaches the price decreases, for example, for a 6-time course you can pay 6,000.
  • If it comes to comprehensive deep cleaning, the amount already exceeds 13,000 rubles.

Patient reviews

Natalia: Completed a course of colon hydrotherapy. There were 7 procedures. Lost 8 kg. The entire intestine was washed out, I didn’t feel any pain, my stomach disappeared. Now I maintain the new number on the scales. The main thing is that the stool is now normal, there is no constipation. The face became fresher, even pinker. Satisfied. I'll go again next year.

Miron: I can’t understand what the benefit of the procedure is. I went 4 times. As a result, the dysbacteriosis was terrible, it took a long time to be treated. The weight went away at first, but came back again. As for the skin, yes, it has become better. But I think I would rather live with acne than with disturbed microflora.

Olga: After hearing reviews that the procedure helps to get rid of excess weight, I decided to take the course. There were 5 procedures. Simply put, it's a big enema. I ended up losing 3 kg. After each session, my wings grew. Over time, the previous mass returned, and dysbiosis began. It turns out that they brought out useful microflora from me. Now I’m undergoing treatment, so I doubt the effect.

A little history

The procedure of colon hydrotherapy was performed by the inhabitants of ancient Egypt for the purpose of treating various diseases and their prevention. For example, the great healers Hippocrates and Galen advised regularly washing the intestines as a therapeutic method. In those days, hollow reeds were used for the procedure. The procedure was especially popular for the treatment of fever.

Since the 20s of the last century, American doctors began to intensively use the method of colon hydrotherapy in the treatment of various diseases. In those days, the equipment for carrying out such a procedure was quite far from perfect, but even colon hydrotherapy carried out in the most primitive conditions, according to reviews, was capable of producing a remarkable therapeutic effect.

Today, there are modern devices that make it possible to perform colon hydrotherapy with absolutely no negative consequences for humans.

Benefits of colon hydrotherapy

There are a lot of diametrically opposed reviews about colon hydrotherapy. Some consider this procedure very beneficial for health. Others, on the contrary, are sure that it does not bring any benefit. What arguments do opponents of colon hydrotherapy give? Firstly, slags do not exist at all. Not a single pathologist saw any waste in the intestines when autopsying a dead body. And among certified medical specialists, the word “slag” generally makes them smile. Secondly, it is believed that this procedure is contrary to nature itself. And thirdly, colon hydrotherapy can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora.

Of course, everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t get carried away with colon hydrotherapy too often. However, if there are certain indications, colon hydrotherapy, according to reviews, is not only good for health, but also for your figure.

After colon hydrotherapy, accumulations weighing up to two kilograms are removed from the intestines. Therefore, body weight decreases and the stomach becomes toned. According to reviews, colon hydrotherapy activates metabolic processes, improves the appearance of the skin, and helps eliminate acne and rashes on the body. In addition, the intestinal microflora is normalized, since some pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the body along with toxins. The functioning of internal organs is normalized, immunity is improved, and the aging process of the body slows down.

In any case, before doing colon hydrotherapy, you must consult with a therapist and carefully prepare for the procedure.

Preparing for the colon hydrotherapy procedure

Before doing colon hydrotherapy, it is necessary to prepare the body. To do this, three days before the procedure, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fats and proteins of plant origin. It is forbidden to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, rye bread, baked goods made from bran flour, beans, lentils, beans and peas. You cannot drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks.

Two days before the colon hydrotherapy procedure, it is recommended to drink activated charcoal, two tablets three times a day, as well as Espumisan. Four hours before the procedure, you should not eat anything.

Only experienced specialists should perform the colon hydrotherapy procedure. If you do colon hydrotherapy with the help of an amateur, this can provoke a disruption of the intestinal microflora and a deterioration in its functioning.

Before starting the procedure, the patient needs to relax and lie on his back. The doctor first performs a relaxing abdominal massage to move accumulated toxins and activate the intestinal tract.

Colon hydrotherapy is carried out using a special apparatus using ordinary purified water, or with the addition of various infusions and herbs. After the procedure is completed, the patient must be infused with a solution of eubiotics to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis. As a rule, to get rid of all toxins in the body, it is necessary to undergo 5-6 sessions of colon hydrotherapy. However, after the first session of colon hydrotherapy, patients feel light, migraines, colitis, skin rashes, and dysbiosis go away.

Indications for colon hydrotherapy

  • frequent constipation or diarrhea of ​​various etiologies;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • tendency to obesity, overeating;
  • dyskinesia of the intestine, in particular, its large part;
  • poisoning of the body due to intestinal problems;
  • hemorrhoids during remission;
  • vaginitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • deterioration of the immune system;
  • periodic migraine-like pain;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • poisoning by poisons, including drugs or alcohol;
  • inflammation of the prostate.

Contraindications to colon hydrotherapy

The procedure involves a fairly strong effect on the body and in particular on the intestines. Therefore, there are many contraindications to colon hydrotherapy. These include:

  • severe vascular and heart diseases, including aortic aneurysms;
  • internal bleeding, including intestinal bleeding;
  • severe anemia;
  • second half of pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • severe hypertension;
  • violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute phase;
  • malignant intestinal tumors;
  • acute colitis;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • adhesions on internal organs;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • recovery period after operations on internal organs;
  • any diseases of the rectum.

Due to such an extensive list of contraindications to colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to undergo a body examination before the procedure. Otherwise, the procedure can harm your health and provoke an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Colon hydrotherapy at home

Carrying out colon hydrotherapy at home is impossible, since this procedure requires stationary equipment.

An enema can be a substitute for colon hydrotherapy at home. You should prepare in advance 2-3 liters of cooled boiled water, an Esmarch mug and allocate enough time for both the procedure itself and for rest after it. It is best to give an enema on an empty stomach, in the morning, at 5-7 o’clock, in accordance with a person’s biological rhythms - this is the most suitable time for cleansing.

It is good to cleanse the intestines using decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, oregano, yarrow, etc. The solution should be prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe and it is better to consult a specialist before the enema.

An effect similar to colon hydrotherapy at home can also be achieved by taking a laxative. But it is advisable to choose such drugs on the recommendation of a doctor.

One of the most effective methods Colon hydrotherapy is recognized for colon cleansing. What it is is not difficult to figure out. Also called motor bowel cleansing.

Process description

Colon hydrotherapy is performed using a special device. The patient is placed on his back or side and asked to relax. To activate the intestines, the doctor or nurse may give a gentle abdominal massage.

A hose is inserted into the patient, through which water, salt or herbal infusion enters the intestines. The device has a special structure, thanks to which all the liquid leaving a person goes directly into a sealed container. In this case, a person can see the contents of his intestines, but no unpleasant odors he won't feel it.

During the session, a specialist is with the patient at all times and monitors how colon hydrotherapy is progressing. He can explain in detail what it is that comes out of you. He will also monitor your well-being and intra-abdominal pressure.

The average session lasts about 30 minutes. For complete cleaning intestines, doctors recommend doing from 3 to 10 procedures. During each of them, about 20 liters of water are poured.

Features of the procedure

During hardware cleaning, even with the introduction of the specified volume of water, the liquid does not enter the body. But the process of hydrocolonoscopy itself, during which a warm or cool solution is poured alternately, can cause a natural cleansing of this section. The liver and kidneys are also involved.

You should be prepared that there will be some discomfort after the procedure. Some people feel nauseous, others feel weak, and many complain of bowel discomfort after colon hydrotherapy is completed. You don't have to worry about what it is. Usually, health is restored fairly quickly. You can normalize the condition by drinking warm tea or placing a heating pad on your stomach.

Indications for use

A person’s appearance, well-being, and level of activity depend on the functioning of his intestines. Snacks, haphazard eating, eating fried and fatty foods, and stress lead to it becoming clogged. Decay products and poisons accumulate in it, and the fermentation process occurs. Total weight feces can reach 25 kg. At the same time, they poison the blood. Any deterioration in condition, decreased performance, or lethargy indicates that the body is undergoing a process of intoxication. This means it needs cleaning.

Doctors identify a number of indications for which it is advisable to undergo colon hydrotherapy. These include:

Intestinal disorders: regular constipation or diarrhea;

Overweight, obesity;

Intestinal toxicosis;

Disorders of the immune system, expressed by frequent respiratory diseases, various causeless dermatitis;

Recovery after surgery.

Expected effect

If you are thinking about colon cleansing, then you should know that in most cases several procedures are necessary. But besides this, it is important to change your diet, increase your physical activity and try to change your thinking. All this together will help maintain the effect of cleansing the intestines.

The colon hydrotherapy procedure allows you to normalize the digestion process, improve the condition of the skin, establish bowel habits and remove all manifestations of intoxication in the body.

Among the main advantages of the procedure are the following:

Normalization of stool and the process of feces formation, improvement of motor skills;

Restoring blood supply to organs located in the peritoneum - stagnant masses in the intestines worsen this process;

Weight reduction;

Improving immunity - it occurs due to the fact that the connection between the lymphatic system and the intestinal mucosa is restored.

Home treatments

Contrary to popular belief, colon hydrotherapy can be performed not only in a specialized clinic. The procedure can be done at home, although the technology will be noticeably different.

If you don’t want to trust your body to specialists or you are scared by the volume of liquid used during hardware cleansing, then you can choose another option. Colon hydrotherapy at home should be carried out only after talking with a doctor.

It is carried out as follows. A person on an empty stomach should drink about 2 liters of water. It should be salted (at the rate of 3 tsp for the entire volume of liquid) and heated to 40 o C. Such a solution will flush the intestines and not be absorbed into the mucous membrane. To increase the laxative effect, you can drink magnesium sulfate.

This type of home colon hydrotherapy is also called end-to-end colon cleansing. To carry it out, it is advisable to choose a day on which you do not have to go anywhere, and no one will bother you. You need to drink water in small portions. You can immediately pour 2 glasses into yourself, and then one at a time.

Has a pronounced laxative effect. The effectiveness of the procedure will be indicated by the fact that clean water will come out during bowel movements. This procedure is done 3-5 times with breaks of 1-2 weeks.

Necessary addition

In order to help salt water move through the digestive organs, there are special exercises. It is advisable to learn how to perform them in advance so as not to be distracted by learning the technique during cleaning.

  1. To open the pylorus of the stomach and fill the duodenum, you need to stand up straight. There should be about 30 cm between the feet. The fingers should be clasped, then the palms should be turned out and raised above oneself towards the ceiling. With such a lock on your hands, you need to make 4 tilts in each direction.
  2. The next step is to get the water into the small intestine. The situation does not change, only right hand straightens in front of you, and the left bends so that the thumb and index finger can touch the collarbone. In this case, you need to turn to the right and move your bent arm as far back as possible. It is better to fix your gaze on the fingers of your outstretched hand. Repeat 4 times for each of them.
  3. In order for the water to pass through small intestine, it is better to lie down and turn your body so that when you turn, you can see the heels of your feet.
  4. You can help the fluid move into the large intestine like this: you need to squat down, there should be 30 cm between your legs. After this, sit on your left heel, your left knee should be lowered to the ground in the area of ​​​​the middle of your right foot. Hands should be clasped behind the right knee. Turn to the right, the knee of your right leg should rest on your stomach. For each leg, repeat the exercise 4 times.
  5. The final stage is to rise on your toes and sharply lower to your full foot for 15 seconds.

Colon hydrotherapy at home should be carried out according to the following scheme: drink water - do all the exercises - go and have a bowel movement.

Age restrictions

According to generally established standards, the procedure is carried out no earlier than 16 years. But there are exceptional cases when colon hydrotherapy may be recommended for three-year-old children. It is better to warn the baby in advance what this is, but do not frighten him with details. Suffice it to say that the doctor will clean your tummy a little.

The procedure is prescribed for allergy sufferers, children with chronic gastritis, dysbacteriosis and bile duct dyskinesia. If you have problems with bowel movements, such a radical method is not required. It is enough to do a regular cleansing enema.

Slimming procedure

Most people do colon hydrotherapy medicinal purposes. But there are also those who want to lose weight with its help. This is quite real. Depending on the initial weight and the level of slagging in the body, you can lose from 2 to 12 kg in just 1 session.

In addition, the procedure allows you to continue losing weight. It removes toxins accumulated in the intestines and cleanses its walls. All this improves its peristalsis and affects the metabolic rate. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that after the procedure the fat will resolve on its own. But the process of losing weight will be given a powerful impetus.

In addition, colon hydrotherapy helps reduce abdominal volume and increases the tone of the anterior abdominal wall. In addition, it is an impetus to reconsider nutrition.

Necessary changes

It is important to note that you can consolidate the results of the procedures performed only by changing your lifestyle. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of separate nutrition. Only it can prevent the occurrence of fermentation in the intestines.

It is advisable to exclude fatty foods, baked goods, and limit the consumption of legumes, cabbage and other foods that cause bloating. Many people say that giving up these foods does not cause discomfort. The body itself changes its preferences. With a greater appetite, people begin to eat fruits, fresh vegetables, drink herbal teas and decoctions without sugar.

It is also advisable to take medications designed to restore microflora. This could be, for example, the probiotic "Symbiter", pharmaceutical drug"Linex" or other analogues.