Olive oil is rightfully considered a global culinary product. The composition is also called “Provencal”, since it takes its roots from the depths of Europe. Olive oil is prized by culinary gurus for its extraordinary taste, smell and consistency. For example, in Spain they spread it on bread and then put tomatoes on top. In addition to cooking, the product is widely known for its cosmetic properties. Olive oil softens the skin and accelerates hair growth.

How to choose the right olive oil

The duration of storage directly depends on the correctly selected product. If the transportation requirements and the conditions for keeping the product on store shelves are met, you can fully enjoy the exquisite taste.

  1. Before purchasing, pay due attention to the label of the product you choose. On the back of the bottle there should be information about the manufacturing company and the company that bottled the finished composition into vessels. It is important that the two entities have the same destination country. This aspect indicates that the oil is of good quality.
  2. Olive oil has an unpleasant property of losing taste qualities after a certain period of time. For this reason, check the bottling date; it is permissible to purchase a product manufactured six months ago.
  3. Hold the bottle in your hands and evaluate the seams and cork. Inspect the location of the olive oil on the store shelf. It is important that the composition is moderately illuminated and hermetically sealed. It is worth remembering forever that high-quality olive oil is bottled only in glass containers (in no case in a plastic bottle). In this case, the glass should be dark (blue, black, green, brown), and not light (transparent white).
  4. Some manufacturers prefer to bottle olive oil in cans. This feature is due to a long shelf life, but the product is inconvenient to use. For this reason, many housewives, after purchasing, pour the composition into a familiar glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

Features of olive oil storage

The shelf life of olive oil and its taste during use depend on how well the storage conditions are met.

  1. Perhaps the most important storage criterion is the location of the bottle with the composition. Olive oil becomes unusable from direct sun rays. For this reason, it is recommended to exclude exposure of yellow gold to ultraviolet radiation.
  2. You should not leave a bottle of olive oil open, otherwise the composition will lose its taste and become “sluggish”. Also, the smell may disappear completely or absorb the aromas of nearby products (condiments, spices, dried fruits, etc.). IN mandatory close the lid after each use.
  3. If you purchased a large bottle (from 1 liter), pour the oil into a smaller container. Such a move will prevent the constant penetration of air into the cavity of the bottle, as a result of which the composition will last longer. Fill the small jar halfway, periodically adding oil from the larger container.
  4. Many people prefer to save on packaging, so they buy olive oil in a transparent bottle. If you consider yourself to be in this category or purchased the composition out of ignorance, wrap the container in foil or newspaper. This will prevent sunlight from entering the cavity of the bottle.

  1. As a rule, each product has its own shelf life, which is indicated on the label. Olive oil is no exception, so you need to examine the bottle. All shelf life varies depending on the container the product is poured into.
  2. If olive oil is bottled in dark glass, the total shelf life is 2 years, provided that the container is not unpacked. Once opened, the product must be consumed within 1 month.
  3. In the case of tin cans, olive oil is stored for about 1.5 years. In this case, the period is automatically reduced to 1 month after opening.

Choosing a place to store olive oil

  1. Temperature conditions. The main aspect of storage is choosing a place with optimal temperature conditions. The product retains its beneficial qualities at 12-16 degrees. Of course, olive oil will withstand temperatures of 20 degrees or more, but its shelf life will be reduced to six months. If the temperature is below 12 degrees, the composition will give sediment.
  2. Light. It is strictly not recommended to store the bottle of product near a gas/electric stove, microwave oven or windows. Olive oil is extremely sensitive to light (natural, artificial) and microwaves. If this recommendation is ignored, light will destroy the antioxidants and beneficial minerals contained in the product. If it is not possible to place the composition in a dark corner, wrap it in cardboard or foil.
  3. Air. It is highly undesirable to allow olive oil to come into frequent contact with air. Under the influence of oxygen, the product quickly oxidizes, losing its taste and pleasant smell. Sediment appears at the bottom and the composition becomes rancid. To eliminate this aspect, conscientious manufacturers add nitrogen to the composition, which displaces oxygen and increases safety. After opening the bottle, check to see if the cap fits tightly when sealing. Otherwise, wrap the cork in polyethylene or cloth to increase density.

From the above we can conclude that it is better to store olive oil in a kitchen cabinet with darkened doors. In this case, the set should be located away from heating radiators, stoves and other electrical appliances.

What to do if a precipitate forms

As mentioned earlier, sediment appears due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. If you notice cloudiness in the composition, throw away the oil; it is not suitable for consumption or cosmetic purposes. Also, the appearance of sediment indicates that the oil contains emulsifiers and preservatives, that is, the product is not completely natural.

Can olive oil be stored in the refrigerator?

Olive oil does not tolerate temperatures below 12 degrees, and sediment begins to form at the bottom. A low degree kills the beneficial properties of the product, making the composition cloudy and unsuitable for consumption. To the question: “Can olive oil be stored in the refrigerator?” There is only one answer: “No!” Moreover, the recommendation is relevant both in the case of packaged and opened products.

If you put the oil in the refrigerator by mistake, you may see a white residue when you remove it from the refrigerator. It will disappear after 12 hours, but even after that the composition should not be eaten. The same applies to storage in the freezer; this option should be discarded immediately.

Olive oil is one of the favorite foods of most people in many countries around the world. The composition is quite capricious, so it requires careful handling. Store the product in a dark kitchen cabinet out of direct sunlight. Avoid frequent contact of air with oil and monitor the temperature.

Video: about the benefits of olive oil

Olive oil is highly valued in everyday life for its delicate taste and great nutritional value. Liquid gold, as the ancient Greeks called it, found worthy use in cooking, home medicine, and cosmetology. Today, buying real olive oil is easier than ever – it is sold in almost all supermarkets and specialty stores. It is much more difficult to preserve the beneficial properties of oil at home. To do this, you need to know how to store it correctly.


A dark glass bottle or tin can is best as a container for olive oil. Dark glass protects the oil from light and protects against foreign odors. A tin can is slightly inferior in its functions glass bottle, however, if you bought vegetable fat in just such a container, you can clear conscience leave it like this. The main rules regarding containers for olive oil are the presence of a tightly closing lid and a small volume of the container itself. Compliance with these simple conditions will prevent oxidation and spoilage of the product.

Keep in mind that real high-grade olive oil is never sold in plastic bottles. If you see such a product, know that the manufacturer is cunning, and inside there is a mixture of olive oil with sunflower or corn oil.


Many housewives prefer to store olive oil on the refrigerator door, but this approach is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that low temperature will certainly lead to the appearance of a white precipitate of solid fats. Such changes negatively affect the taste, aroma and quality of the product.

It is not entirely correct to leave oil near the stove, citing the fact that it is convenient to keep it on hand at the right time. Heat and light exposure have a negative impact on useful properties ah liquid gold.

The ideal place to store olive oil is in a kitchen cabinet with opaque doors. The oil will feel great there both in a closed package and after opening it. The optimal temperature is no more than +25 °C (preferably within +12 ... +16 °C). If the product is stored in a light glass bottle, wrap the container tightly with foil or pour it into a dark container.


IN closed bottle made from opaque glass, olive oil can be stored without harm to quality for up to 2 years. After opening it, it is advisable to use the product within 1 month. In a tin container it retains its properties for about a year.

If liquid gold has expired by at least a day, it is better not to use it for any purpose.

Storing olive oil at home will not be a problem if all the required conditions are met. This way you will be able to preserve all the beneficial properties of this amazing product. Far from bright light and relative coolness - and the oil will not spoil ahead of time.

Not long ago, olive oil was considered a delicacy. Today you can easily buy it in any grocery store. Supermarket shelves are replete with bottles of olive oil from various manufacturers. But not all consumers know that olive oil should be stored in accordance with the temperature regime. The shelf life of olive oil directly depends on such indicators as storage conditions.

Shelf life according to GOST

When purchasing olive oil, it is important to immediately look at its expiration date. According to GOST, this product is stored for 12 months from the moment the oil is poured into a tin or glass container. The bottling date is usually indicated on the bottle or on the cap of the product. At the same time, some experts convince consumers that with proper storage, olive oil can be stored for up to 3 years, while others say that the beneficial properties of this product begin to evaporate after just six to nine months. Perhaps it is precisely because of this last statement that some manufacturers set the shelf life of their product at 6 months. But this does not mean that six months from the moment of bottling, olive oil becomes unsuitable for consumption and use for cosmetic purposes.

The shelf life of the oil depends on the packaging

Olive oil can be stored in glass containers without opening for up to 2 years. The ideal container for storing this product is a dark glass container. Once opened, the product should be consumed within 1-2 months. It is important to keep the lid tightly closed during storage.

Olive oil can also be stored in tin containers for quite a long time – 12 months. Once opened, it should be consumed within one month. You can pour the product into a dark glass container.

Contrary to popular belief, olive oil should not be stored in the refrigerator. It is believed that if, during storage in the refrigerator, a small sediment in the form of white flakes has formed in the container, then you are dealing with natural oil.

Shelf life of olive oil after opening

After opening, olive oil should be stored at a temperature from +10-12 to +15-16 degrees. But the shelf life of the product after opening the package is one month.

How is refined and unrefined olive oil stored?

Both refined and unrefined oils can be stored for 12 months if sealed. Once the container is opened, the shelf life will be shortened to 3-4 weeks.

Cold pressed product storage

Cold pressed oil is a product of the highest quality. If stored properly in a closed container, its shelf life will reach two years.

When the expiration date has expired

Once the expiration date expires, olive oil can be used as usual sunflower oil. The product can also be used for cosmetic purposes.

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When frying olive oil should not be used twice.

How to store it correctly?

Olive oil will retain its beneficial properties and characteristic pleasant aroma for a long time if stored correctly.

  • Do not store olive oil near the stove or microwave.
  • It is also worth removing containers with oil away from windows.
  • It is important to protect olive oil from exposure to bright light. In light, the antioxidants contained in olive oil in large quantities are quickly destroyed.
  • To prevent sediment from appearing at the bottom, the oil should be stored at the optimal temperature - from 12 to 12 degrees Celsius.
  • When exposed to oxygen, olive oil quickly oxidizes. To avoid this, tightly close the bottle or jar where the oil is stored.
  • The product should only be stored in glass or porcelain containers.
  • You can pour the olive oil into several small containers, filling them to the brim. This will help prevent the oil from interacting with oxygen during storage.
  • A month or two after opening, some of the beneficial properties of olive oil disappear.

How can you use expired olive oil?

Olive oil is very expensive. And, if its expiration date has expired and it can no longer be used for cooking, then it’s still a terrible shame to just throw it away. Once your olive oil expires, use the oil for other purposes and reap the benefits of its goodness while saving you money. The opened olive oil sat on the shelf for six months. During this period, many of the beneficial properties of the oil disappeared. Replace the bottle of oil with a new one for cooking use. Now use your imagination and use your “expired” olive oil for other purposes.


  • 1 First, remove the “expired” olive oil from the kitchen. Find a storage place for it so that when your family members see the oil, they will not mistake it for fresh.
  • 2 Use old oil to make homemade olive oil soap. There are many soap recipes using oil. The resulting soap is great for dry skin.
  • 3 Coat outdoor wood or metal items with olive oil. Dip a brush in olive oil and “paint” fences or other wood items to cover and protect the wood from sunlight and other external influences. Apply a thin layer of olive oil to outdoor signs and lawn designs to reduce exposure to the sun and other elements.
  • 4 Use expired olive oil as a lubricant. Pour expired oil into a spray bottle. Spray door and gate hinges to keep them from rusting and working well. Wipe scissors, pruning shears, and other tools with an olive oil soaked rag to keep them lubricated and working. Apply olive oil to a stuck zipper to get it back into working order.
  • 5 Use olive oil as a cosmetic product. Including: - for facial skin care - as a hair conditioner (apply to dry hair, comb it, rinse off after about an hour), - to remove makeup - to soften the skin of the feet - as a bath oil - as a hand scrub and feet (rub olive oil into the skin, then rub sugar on hands to peel off old skin, and then wash off),
  • 6 Polish furniture with old olive oil. Mix olive oil and lemon juice (or vinegar) two to one to make your furniture shine. Or use one olive oil with a rag.
  • 7 Remove the dye from your leather by rubbing it with a little olive oil. Wash with a washcloth to remove any remaining oil and paint. This will not only remove the dye, but will also soften your skin.
  • 8 Rub a little oil onto leather items such as shoes and belts to freshen them. Before you coat the entire piece with olive oil, test the oil on an unseen part of the piece first to see how it will look when it dries.
  • 1 How to get rid of bad foot odor
  • 2 How to prevent contact lenses from falling out
  • 3 How to Shave Your Face with Shaving Oil to Prevent Razor Razor Razor
  • 4 How can you use expired olive oil?

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Olive oil expired. What to do with expired olive oil?

The period is about six months to a year.

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What to do with expired olive oil?

If you stored it in a dark glass bottle and a dark place, there is no change in taste or color, then you can safely consume it.

We make our own olive oil. Last year there was no harvest, so we spent the whole year using last year’s oil. Only here it was stored in a stainless steel tank.

Store-bought oil usually has a 1-year shelf life. We asked experts, and they told us that if stored properly, the shelf life is up to two years.

Like any food product, olive oil has its own shelf life limitations.

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It depends on the storage conditions.

It is important to observe the temperature regime.

The best temperature for storing it is considered to be +12 to +16 degrees.

It can be higher, that is, at room temperature, but below 12, a precipitate begins to form, that is, important components lose their beneficial properties.

You have probably noticed that high-quality olive oil is sold in dark bottles, because under the influence of light some useful substances and vitamins are also destroyed in it, for which we value this oil and pay dearly.

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If the bottle is not tightly closed, then under the influence of oxygen the oil will oxidize, the aroma will evaporate and the taste will deteriorate.

If all conditions are ideally met, then olive oil may not spoil for about 3 years.

The bottles usually indicate from 3 to 12 months, depending on the variety.

At the end of the shelf life or slightly before the expiration date, the oil may lose its taste and aroma.

What can you do if you are satisfied with it?

The oil is heated in a water bath, adding ginger, garlic, lemon peel, and spices little by little. Infuse, strain and store in the refrigerator, using within 2 weeks.

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If you cannot eat expired oil, you can always use it on heel masks, putting on shoe covers and socks on top after steaming. Very good care behind the heels.

When I have expired olive oil, I usually add it to my hair dye. Most often - in henna. I read somewhere that in order for the paint to go on evenly, you need to add a few tablespoons of olive oil to it.

In general, of course, olive oil is quite expensive and so healthy that it is best to prevent it from spoiling. In the end, just don't buy too much. If you don’t like its taste in salads, it’s excellent for stewing vegetables - it’s healthy and doesn’t have a specific aftertaste. You can also add garlic to it, hot peppers, spicy herbs - the taste is excellent and will not have time to deteriorate.

This oil makes an excellent mosquito repellent. Need to buy at the pharmacy essential oil Cloves and add to olive oil. If there is a lot of expired oil, for example, 300 milliliters, then add all 10 milliliters of Cloves. And to make the smell more pleasant, add jasmine or rose oil or an essential oil with a scent that you like.

It will be a wonderful mosquito repellent for the whole family. If you apply it to the skin of the face, it will also be a cosmetic product with a very beneficial effect.

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Usually during the mosquito season, Gvozdika oil is sold out in pharmacies (in our area), so it is better to buy it in advance.

Expired olive oil can be used for cosmetic purposes, such as added to hair masks, mixed with hand and foot creams, or applied pure to the skin.

I would not recommend eating expired products.

The eternal problem of overdue food always forces a person to invent all sorts of ways to avoid throwing it away. Olive oil is also no exception and has its own conditions and shelf life.

Assuming that they have missed the deadline by 1-1.5 years, I can suggest that the date be interrupted (this is a joke, but this is from life retail), most likely it can be used for cosmetic purposes, for lubricating locks and mechanisms, door hinges and much more.

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There are many uses for expired olive oil.

  1. There are many recipes on the Internet on how to make homemade soap with the addition of olive oil. This soap is very good to use if a person has dry skin.
  2. Olive oil is good for coating outdoor wood or metal items to protect against sun and other damage.
  3. Expired olive oil can be used to lubricate door and gate hinges to prevent rust and squeaks.
  4. Olive oil is used as a cosmetic for the skin of the face and body, as well as for dry hair (comb it with oil, wash it off after an hour).

5.Old olive oil is good for polishing furniture.

The first thing to do is look at the conditions in which the olive oil was stored. If the conditions were suitable, then I think the oil can be used. In my opinion, the manufacturer, when writing shelf life, is playing it safe in some way. In fact, the deadlines are a little long. In extreme cases, the oil can be used in household chores, for example, to lubricate squeaking door hinges.

You really need to throw it out. If the oil goes rancid it becomes poison, you can get poisoned or disrupt your digestion. and treat it for a long time.

Butter becomes deep yellow when it spoils, the color on the outside is different from the color on the inside. The fact that it is very bright is bad; any plant gives off an unpleasant, chemical smell!

Any food product should not be eaten after its expiration date. Although manufacturers play it safe by indicating the shelf life of the product is shorter by approximately one to six months, it is not worth the risk, especially a year after these terms have expired.

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It is still better not to eat expired olive oil. But you can easily use this oil for cosmetic purposes. An excellent option is to strengthen your hair; you can make hair masks with expired oil.

Is it possible to use expired olive oil?

Olive oil has significant differences from other types of vegetable oils, primarily in that it contains vitamin E, which prevents skin aging and cares for the condition of hair, skin and nails, phenols, which improve immunity, and oleic acid, which is considered one of the main fighters against emergence cancer diseases. Olive oil costs a lot, so when its expiration date comes to an end, the question arises whether it is possible to use expired oil.

Olive oil that reaches its expiration date loses its original taste and color, becoming bitter and acrid. bad smell. Naturally, due to such properties, there is no point in using spoiled oil in cooking, since it will simply spoil the prepared dish and will not bring any benefit to the body. It is not recommended to use a product that has expired, even for frying, since it loses all its beneficial properties.

Before buying olive oil, you should not only make sure that it is fresh, but also carefully read the rules for storing it. So, oil can deteriorate even if it is standing in a warm place or in a place where the sun's rays fall. Therefore, the time during which it can be used directly depends on whether the product will be stored in the refrigerator or not.

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There is no need to worry if olive oil has expired, as it can be used in cosmetology to create homemade soaps, hair products or skin care products. You can also use expired oil to lubricate hinges on doors and care for leather furniture in your home or office.

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How long can the shelf life of olive oil be exceeded?

I bought a bottle of olive oil and forgot about it. And when I remembered, it turned out that the expiration date had already expired. The bottle was closed, and the oil looked normal.

Please tell me how much you can exceed the expiration date so that the oil can still be eaten without harm to health.

The question is relevant. To give an answer, it is necessary to conduct an organoleptic evaluation of the oil. Fat oxidation occurs mainly under the influence of oxygen. If the bottle was not opened, then the processes took place, but very slowly.

Open the bottle. Evaluate the color and transparency, if everything is fine, then evaluate the smell. Oleic acid predominates in olive oil, and when it is hydrolyzed, a persistent aldehyde odor will be clearly detected (the smell of a hangover fume). It occurs due to the accumulation of formic, heptyl and acetaldehydes. If these indicators are not changed, the processes of aldehyde accumulation have not yet started.

Next, evaluate the taste. You will notice enzymatic hydrolysis (the initial stage of rancidity) by a rancid taste. If other unpleasant notes are added to it, then this already indicates deeper processes of corruption.

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This is how forensics work. What would I do personally?

There is nothing more valuable than health, and you cannot risk it. Substances that are formed when fats spoil, block the enzymatic system. Even if we don’t feel it, the body will react, and this is another stress.

Use the golden rule: expired, throw away the product and be healthy!

Are you sure you are determining the expiration date of olive oil correctly? A quality product must have a label

Although extra virgin olive oil seems to be one of those foods that many people believe can sit in the pantry or on a dark shelf for "forever" - this is a big misconception. A reputable manufacturer should have an expiration date printed on the label. Olive oil must have an expiration date, and quality and taste are assessed by light and heat.

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Any product has a shelf life

If sealed and stored in proper conditions, olive oil will last approximately one and a half to two years after the bottling date, so check the bottle for the “harvest date” and calculate the amount of time the product should be consumed.

The optimal room temperature for storage is from 15°C to 22°C.

If you do not have time to use the product during this time, then do not buy too much. a large number of. Buy the amount that you will definitely have time to spend during this time. You can also write "date opened" in pen on the label so you know when it's time to restock.

What affects the quality of olive oil


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Learning to correctly determine the expiration date of eggs

Extra virgin olive oil is freshly squeezed juice. Consequently, it is perishable and, unlike wine, does not improve with age. Therefore, when you use it at home, keep in mind that it has four enemies:

After bottling, the product has a aging period of 18 to 24 months. And as soon as you open the lid, the shelf life is no longer counted from the moment of spilling, but from the moment the lid is opened. It is recommended to use the product within days after opening.

Exposure to light should be minimized or eliminated entirely. Prolonged exposure to light, and even more so direct sunlight, deteriorates the quality and quantity of antioxidants included in its composition.

The optimal storage temperature is from 15°C to 22°C. Impact more warm temperatures causes unpleasant odors.

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Access to oxygen should be kept to a minimum during storage. Otherwise, oxidation occurs, which causes unpleasant odors. Farmers fill the bottle with a small amount of nitrogen before capping it to displace any residual oxygen before capping occurs.

Shelf life of olive oil

Follow a few simple conditions

  1. Follow a few guidelines to ensure maximum freshness and benefits from this product.
  2. Be sure to use olive oil within the "by date" on the label.
  3. Always close the container carefully after use to ensure limited exposure to oxygen.
  4. After opening, start using it immediately; it should not sit on the shelf and wait until it gets spoiled.

If you follow these simple rules, the expiration date of your olive oil will be accurate; just remember to mark the label when you open the bottle.

Olive oil is very popular all over the world. This product's popularity is largely due to its beneficial properties. Olive oil is well used in cooking and cosmetology. Not long ago, olive oil was considered a delicacy. Today you can easily buy it in any grocery store. Supermarket shelves are replete with bottles of olive oil from various manufacturers. But not all consumers know that olive oil should be stored in accordance with the temperature regime. The shelf life of olive oil directly depends on such indicators as storage conditions.

Shelf life according to GOST

When purchasing olive oil, it is important to immediately look at its expiration date. According to GOST, this product is stored for 12 months from the moment the oil is poured into a tin or glass container. The bottling date is usually indicated on the bottle or on the cap of the product. At the same time, some experts convince consumers that with proper storage, olive oil can be stored for up to 3 years, while others say that the beneficial properties of this product begin to evaporate after just six to nine months. Perhaps it is precisely because of this last statement that some manufacturers set the shelf life of their product at 6 months. But this does not mean that six months from the moment of bottling, olive oil becomes unsuitable for consumption and use for cosmetic purposes.

The shelf life of the oil depends on the packaging

Olive oil can be stored in glass containers without opening for up to 2 years. The ideal container for storing this product is a dark glass container. Once opened, the product should be consumed within 1-2 months. It is important to keep the lid tightly closed during storage.

Olive oil can also be stored in tin containers for quite a long time – 12 months. Once opened, it should be consumed within one month. You can pour the product into a dark glass container.

Contrary to popular belief, olive oil should not be stored in the refrigerator. It is believed that if, during storage in the refrigerator, a small sediment in the form of white flakes has formed in the container, then you are dealing with natural oil.

Shelf life of olive oil after opening

After opening, olive oil should be stored at a temperature from +10-12 to +15-16 degrees. But the shelf life of the product after opening the package is one month.

How is refined and unrefined olive oil stored?

Both refined and unrefined oils can be stored for 12 months if sealed. Once the container is opened, the shelf life will be shortened to 3-4 weeks.

Cold pressed product storage

Cold pressed oil is a product of the highest quality. If stored properly in a closed container, its shelf life will reach two years.

When the expiration date has expired

After the expiration date, olive oil can be used like regular sunflower oil. The product can also be used for cosmetic purposes.

When frying with olive oil, do not use it twice.

How to store it correctly?

Olive oil will retain its beneficial properties and characteristic pleasant aroma for a long time if stored correctly.

  • Do not store olive oil near the stove or microwave.
  • It is also worth removing containers with oil away from windows.
  • It is important to protect olive oil from exposure to bright light. In light, the antioxidants contained in olive oil in large quantities are quickly destroyed.
  • To prevent sediment from appearing at the bottom, the oil should be stored at the optimal temperature - from 12 to 14-16 degrees Celsius.
  • When exposed to oxygen, olive oil quickly oxidizes. To avoid this, tightly close the bottle or jar where the oil is stored.
  • The product should only be stored in glass or porcelain containers.
  • You can pour the olive oil into several small containers, filling them to the brim. This will help prevent the oil from interacting with oxygen during storage.
  • A month or two after opening, some of the beneficial properties of olive oil disappear.

Many have already replaced their usual sunflower oil with olive oil, although it is more expensive. The golden viscous liquid can add incredible taste and aroma to dishes. At the same time, it is also very beneficial for health. It is used in its pure form, in cosmetology, in combination with other components. But you need to know how to store olive oil after opening it so that it does not lose its healing properties.

Types and benefits

In the Mediterranean it is highly revered; there are few dishes prepared without its addition. Olive oil has been used in our cooking relatively recently. Greece is the birthplace of oil, which can be divided into three types, differing in their beneficial properties and taste:

Everyone decides for themselves which type suits them best. For example, an unrefined product is suitable for salads, but for frying you need to take a refined one. Of course, the choice will largely depend on the financial capabilities of the buyer, since you will have to pay a lot for a natural product.

The oil has a subtle aroma, it is enriched with polyunsaturated acids, minerals, and vitamins. If you use the oil correctly and regularly, it will have a good effect on the human body:

Many women moisturize their skin with this useful product. There's a reason it's included in the composition of many everyday creams and masks for body and hair care.

Selection rules

It is necessary not only to properly store olive oil at home, but also to be able to choose a quality product. It is often counterfeited due to increased demand. You must first carefully study the label of a bottle of oil: it should have been produced and packaged in the same country.

In a quality product will not contain preservatives, flavors or other impurities. So you need to thoroughly study the label for the presence or absence of such. It is better to choose a product that was manufactured no more than six months ago. If you are not going to use the oil often, then buy containers that are not very voluminous so that it can be stored and not spoil throughout its entire service life.

You can find oil that is sold on tap. Then you can taste it and evaluate the aroma. Bitter taste when paired with unpleasant smell- a clear sign of a spoiled product. If the aroma is very rich, you shouldn’t rush to buy it right away - this is a sign that a lot of flavorings were used in production.

But the color of the liquid is usually special attention don't pay attention. He has little to say. The color comes in greenish and light yellow. The shade directly depends on the ripeness and variety of olives, the method of their processing, and the place of growth. This indicator does not affect the quality in any way.

Storing an Open Can

In stores it is stored in containers that are hermetically sealed. In a tin container, the product can retain its properties for more than a year, in a glass container - for a year and a half. But the shelf life after opening is reduced. How long can you open a bottle? or store the jar, at what temperature and where - worries many housewives. Experienced chefs advise using it within two months. This period also applies to vegetable oils. But if storage conditions were violated, the product may deteriorate earlier.

The main thing is to remember all of the above and then you don’t have to worry about the condition of the oil, checking every time before cooking to see if it has deteriorated.

Capacity Criteria

In the store you can buy olive oil in tin can or glass bottle. And in many kitchens it is then stored there. But it is better to choose the most suitable containers that will meet the following criteria:

Optimal storage conditions include constant temperature and humidity, as well as complete absence sun rays. At home, a kitchen cabinet with opaque doors fits these criteria. It should be located away from the stove and batteries. But only small volumes of oil can be stored there. If you have a cellar or basement in a private house, you can safely store large volumes of the product.

The shelf life of olive oil after opening does not depend on quality. The unrefined and refined versions are able to retain their taste and beneficial properties for the same amount of time. In a metal factory container, the shelf life is one year, in glass it increases up to two years. But only if you follow the storage rules. The shelf life of an opened product can be extended by tightly closing the container and filling it with oil to the very brim.

This aromatic liquid is rightfully considered valuable and delicious product. But it is better not to buy it with a reserve if you are not going to use it as quickly as possible. Buy small containers, which usually last an average of a month.

If the expiration date begins to come to an end, then you can start using it for other purposes:

If the oil begins to lose its characteristic aroma, then add to it aromatic spices, for example, oregano, mint, garlic, basil. Herbs convey their aroma well. But you shouldn’t store this product for a long time; use it within ten days!

With olive oil, you will emphasize the taste of ready-made dishes, improving them, and increasing the benefits for your health. Do not skimp on the product; after opening it, most of the beneficial properties will be retained for one month. Use it quickly for your own benefit.

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