Elongated objects or plants carry phallic symbolism. For example, bananas and cucumbers have a very specific symbolism that defines the theme of love. Why do you dream of fresh green cucumbers - for love or money? Let's consider all the nuances of interpretation from dream books.

General meaning of sleep

A fresh, crispy cucumber is a sign of good health and a tempered spirit. For lovers, the cucumber symbol portends stability and romance in a relationship. However, a green vegetable does not always foretell success and prosperity. The interpretation changes according to the details of the plot seen:

  • where were the cucumbers located?
  • what did you do with the cucumbers;
  • who dreamed of cucumbers - man/woman;
  • what quality were the vegetables - fresh/rotten;
  • how many cucumbers did you see?

If a woman saw an elastic green fruit in a dream, according to Freud, she lacks male affection. The phallic symbol reveals the desire to enter into an intimate relationship with a man. If a young girl dreams of cucumbers, she will soon meet an interesting gentleman. Married woman a cucumber portends a surprise from your spouse.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the phallic symbol always prophesies the appearance of new fans for a woman. However, not all new acquaintances may be desirable and pleasant: an obsessive, unpleasant male subject may appear in a woman’s life.

If a man saw elastic cucumbers in a dream, this portends success in life. For a single dreamer, this plot prophesies an exciting romantic adventure, and for a married person - success in career achievements. Seeing a lot of ripe vegetables means unexpected profits. A rotten cucumber warns of a decrease in sexual function in a man.

If a woman eats a cucumber with pleasure in a dream, this portends an imminent pregnancy. And for pregnant women - the birth of a boy.

Harvesting vegetables

Picking ripe fruits in a dream- to complete life success in all areas. You stand firmly on your feet, a stable cash income allows you to enjoy life, everything is fine in love, your health is excellent.

If you pick small gherkins from bushes- this portends a quick monetary profit. Collecting a large number of cucumbers predicts large cash flows in the near future.

Seeing vegetables in the garden- To positive changes in fate:

  • your debts will be returned;
  • health will be good;
  • there will be prosperity in the family.

See a lot of gherkins on the bushes- to an unexpected pleasant visit from guests. Cucumbers in a basket - relatives will visit you soon. For a young woman, this plot foretells an imminent pregnancy.

Seeing wilted ugly fruits- your profit plans will not come true, or you will receive less than expected. Overripe fruits mean disappointment in loved ones.

Interpretation of dream books

  • Dream book of the 21st century explains that for men this dream foretells financial income, for women - gifts, and for girls - a meeting with a pleasant young man. Seeing vegetables in the snow is a sign of gossip, spoiled cucumbers are a sign of decreased potency in men, and buying cucumbers is a sign of trouble.
  • Dream book for the whole family interprets the vision of cucumbers in a different aspect: the dreamer should get rid of pipe dreams. Eating vegetables in a dream means disappointment. Picking cucumbers from the bushes means you don’t value what you own now. You should reconsider your attitude towards life.
  • French dream book sees false hopes in this plot. However, for patients, this dream portends a speedy healing.
  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse sees favorable circumstances for the dreamer - success in life, prosperity and good luck. Cucumbers are also a symbol of good health.
  • Esoteric dream book interprets the dream as a symbol of lack of funds. Eating a cucumber in a dream means unforeseen circumstances.
  • Popular interpretation of sleep has its own characteristics. So, seeing cucumbers in a dream means guests, picking them from the garden means minor household chores and troubles, eating a cucumber means a quarrel with loved ones, planting cucumbers means trouble, a cucumber in a salad means career success.

Most dream books define vision fresh cucumbers as favorable for the dreamer. In the interpretation, you need to take into account the emotional mood during the dream. If you experienced positive feelings, the dream probably promises success in life. If the vision was accompanied negative emotions, expect trouble.

Psychologist Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams as a symbol of masculinity. In other words, a man’s dream of a cucumber speaks of his unsatisfied sexual desire with one or another representative of the fair sex. For women, such dreams promise unforgettable erotic adventures.

Why do you dream about a cucumber? Miller's Dream Book

American psychologist Gustav Miller considers “cucumber” dreams to be among the best in the world. In his opinion, seeing a fresh cucumber means good health, to prosperity own business or to a quick career takeoff. For sick people, such dreams promise a speedy recovery, and for lovers - excellent prospects in relationships.

Cucumber in a dream. Dream book of the 21st century

Interpreters of this dream book All “cucumber” dreams are divided by gender: it promises money for men, gifts for women, and new acquaintances with young people for girls. Overripe or yellowed vegetables, dreamed of by business ladies, speak of gossip and squabbles behind their backs, occurring due to the fault of envious people. Yellow or rotten cucumbers dreamed of by men symbolize their inability for pure and sincere love.

Why do you dream about cucumbers? Ukrainian dream book

Cucumbers, according to the interpreters of this dream book, personify future problems and troubles. If the vegetable in the dream is unripe, then in reality a visit from relatives is planned, which will not make the dreamer very happy. Feeling the bitter taste of these vegetables in a dream means a dark streak in life. Salty or lightly salted cucumbers predict health problems.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: cucumbers

Growing cucumbers in a dream means a sharp deterioration in the dreamer’s health. This may be caused constant stress. Picking these vegetables from the beds in a dream predicts the dreamer’s excellent health, a surge of vitality and family joys. The dreamer may have to share the fate of unemployed people if in a dream he cuts cucumbers for salad. Pickling them, salting them and putting them in jars means deception associated with financial transactions.

Family dream book: why do you dream of cucumbers?

Cucumbers in a dream represent some kind of pipe dreams and unrealistic desires. The dreamer should urgently get rid of them and come down from heaven to earth. Eating cucumbers in a dream means being disappointed in the near future. Overripe and yellow vegetables indicate future grief. But don’t worry too much about this - soon the black stripe will be replaced by a white one.

Cucumber seen in a dream This dream is sick- promises a quick recovery. For lovers- good changes.

Freud's Dream Book

Cucumber- often acts as a symbol of masculinity.

Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream- it means you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man dreamed of a cucumber- promises an erotic adventure.

Dream book of lovers

Lovers have a dream in which they see cucumbers- portends successful changes.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cucumber in a dream- a symbol of health. Such dreams are a symbolic reflection of your well-being, as well as relationships with the opposite sex.

See good, strong cucumbers- a sign of excess energy. Lovers and spouses have such dreams- promise a wonderful relationship.

Shriveled, limp cucumbers- a sign of loss of strength. It looks like you are too tired and need some rest.

Cutting cucumbers in a dream- portends a quarrel based on jealousy or rivalry. Try not to escalate the situation, otherwise it may negatively affect your health.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a cucumber in a dream- you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have.

There are cucumbers in a dream- to disappointment.

Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream- to disappointments, which will soon give way to bright hopes.

Picking cucumbers in a dream- to the fact that you need to rethink your achievements recent years. You probably already have a lot of good things in your life, but by striving for more, you don't appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream book for a bitch

cucumbers- success, profit, health, change for the better.

New family dream book

Dreaming about cucumber- to excellent health and prosperity in business. A sick dream like this- promises a quick recovery, lovers- change for the better.

Modern combined dream book

Cucumber- this is a favorable dream, promising health and prosperity.

If patients dream that they are growing cucumbers- such a dream promises them a quick recovery. Family people have such a dream- promises pleasant changes in life.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cucumber- a symbol of good health, prosperity in business.

There is a cucumber- to a quarrel; pick cucumbers- to prosperity.

Children's dream book

Cucumber- you will be deservedly praised.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Picking cucumbers in the beds in a dream- to a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream- To large cluster people, to guests.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Pickling cucumbers- to quarrel with your son-in-law.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

See or eat- something good is waiting for you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you grow cucumbers- portends a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and a call for an ambulance. Picking cucumbers from the garden- To feeling great and family joys. Cut cucumbers for salad- share the fate of the unemployed, being laid off as a result of layoffs.

Salt or pickle cucumbers- you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eating lightly salted cucumbers in a dream- foreshadows unrequited love.

Prepare pickled cucumber pickle- receive flattering feedback about your culinary abilities.

If you dreamed that you were buying cucumbers- in the near future your affairs will go from bad to worse.

If you dreamed that you were selling- soon your affairs can go much better.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dreams are completely different. Many people believe that a dream is a kind of prediction. But it plays a big role correct interpretation sleep. If the life saying "fresh as a cucumber" has good meaning, what they may dream about fresh cucumbers.

Why do you dream about cucumbers?

Fresh cucumbers most often mean vitality and the energy of the person who is dreaming. The dreamer definitely shouldn’t worry about it, even if a person is sick during this period, he will soon recover and regain his strength.

In some dream books, fresh cucumbers seen in a dream are interpreted as advice to rethink your attitude towards own life. It is likely that the dreamer’s demands on himself are too high. He doesn't notice or appreciate what he has, and this can lead to trouble.

General designations

Dreamed fresh cucumbers have different meanings, but in most dream books there is a relatively identical interpretation. Such a dream warns of the possible arrival of guests who are not expected. Arriving guests will replenish the dreamer’s life with exclusively positive emotions. But the guests will linger regardless of the wishes of the owner, who is already tired of their presence.

For a married lady, such a dream can signal an upcoming gift from her beloved husband. But a young lady who saw fresh cucumbers in her dream should expect a pleasant acquaintance with handsome guy. For a man, fresh cucumbers in a dream mean material profit.

What exactly did you dream about?

In solving a dream, sometimes it is not the object itself that plays a big role, but minor points. Therefore, immediately after waking up, try to remember the entire dream in detail.
Each dream book has a specific interpretation.

Below are options for designating dreams from the most famous dream books(Freud, Miller, Vanga), which have been used to interpret dreams for many decades.

Seeing fresh cucumbers from the side

  1. Freud's Dream Book: if a woman sees fresh cucumbers from the outside, for example in a garden bed, then she experiences sexual desire for a man, but she is not satisfied in this regard; most likely, she is lonely. For men, such a dream means that the object of his desire is beyond his reach.
  2. Miller's Dream Book: a dream in which a woman sees fresh cucumbers from the side means that she is sick, and recovery will not come very soon. For men, such a dream means possible problems with the reproductive system. It is very good if later on during the sleep period a person still picks a vegetable.
  3. Vanga's dream book: a cucumber means prosperity and health, but seeing vegetables from the outside may mean that material wealth is not available to a person, and health is not in ideal condition. Such a dream most likely warns that you should take care of yourself and think about your financial condition.

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Eat fresh cucumbers

  • Freud's dream book: for a woman to get enough of love. For a married lady, this may portend a relationship outside of marriage. A man who dreams that he eats a fresh vegetable with pleasure should not worry about his masculine strength, he is full of desire, and he has many opportunities.
  • Miller's Dream Book: eating fresh cucumbers especially in large quantities for a man it means to be healthy; in the near future the dreamer will not be bothered by any health problems. And if a person is seriously ill, he will get better. A married woman should expect replenishment, and a young girl should expect new gentlemen.
  • Vanga's Dream Interpretation: eating a large number of fresh cucumbers in a dream is interpreted by a clairvoyant as a replenishment of material wealth due to an unexpected win, receiving an inheritance or another large sum.

Picking fresh cucumbers

  1. Freud's Dream Book: meeting a new person who may provide Negative influence. It is possible to struggle with conscience because of a bad deed. The dream warns that you need to think carefully about the future and what has been done in the past.
  2. Miller's Dream Book: a person who picks cucumbers in a dream should think carefully about what is happening in his life. His affairs are not going well, he is plagued by failures, but everything depends on him, so it is necessary to rethink all his actions.
  3. Vanga's Dream Interpretation: a dream may be associated with planting vegetables in reality. If vegetables are limp and small in a dream, then the harvest will be poor. Large fruits in large quantities mean that you should expect a good harvest.

Pickling cucumbers

  • Freud's dream book: pickling cucumbers in a dream is a negative sign. For the dreamer, such a dream is interpreted as impending deception or even betrayal on the part of the closest people, most likely relatives.
  • Miller's Dream Book: Pickling cucumbers in a dream means financial deception. Perhaps there will be a currency exchange in which a person will be deceived for a large sum. The dreamer should be very careful about money in the near future.
  • Vanga's dream book: a dream where the sleeper is pickling cucumbers warns of fraud, deception or debt. It is likely that the dreamer is planning some kind of financial fraud that he will not be able to carry out. It is better to abandon such ideas.

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General meanings of dreams about cucumbers with actions

The family dream book interprets eating fresh cucumbers as bad sign. Perhaps the plans that a sleeping person makes cannot be implemented. The desired will not be achieved, and accordingly the dreamer will be disappointed and devastated. But it is worth paying attention to how a person eats vegetables. If this process gives him pleasure, then the dream can be interpreted the other way around.

Seeing large cucumbers growing in neat beds without grass in a dream means that a person has big plans for the future. But it is likely that these plans are far from reality and it is necessary to think about something more tangible than creating a Napoleonic plan.

A love dream book gives brighter prospects to the dreamer. A sleeping person who plants, eats or collects fresh and good vegetables great happiness is to be expected. Big changes await him, and what he wants will finally be achieved.

When solving a dream in which the main object was cucumbers, first of all you need to pay attention to their condition, large and not limp vegetables - good sign, but rotten and small ones, on the contrary.

Jun 18, 2016 Violetta Doctor

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A dream about cucumbers can be interpreted in different ways. Some dream books say that financial situation the dreamer will improve, other interpreters promise healing from illnesses. For a detailed explanation of the vision, the actions occurring in the dream and other details are important.

General interpretations according to dream book versions

  1. English. Expect well-deserved praise.
  2. American. Good health and success at work.
  3. Wangi. To unexpected guests.
  4. Grishina. Joyful events.
  5. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. You will experience many happy moments in the company of your loved one.
  6. Maly Velesov. Recovery and profit.
  7. Martyna Zadeki. The situation in life will improve.
  8. Miller. To life changes for the better.
  9. Muslim. To luck and wealth.
  10. Russian. Towards cash receipts.
  11. Russian folk. To a pleasant event.
  12. Family. Good luck in business.
  13. Slavic. The arrival of unexpected guests.
  14. Modern. You will have brilliant ideas, using which you will become a rich person.
  15. Medieval. To health problems.
  16. Wanderer. To money and guests.
  17. Ukrainian. You will work hard for your friend.
  18. French. You should stop living unrealistic dreams. Perceive reality as it is.
  19. Freud. The cucumber symbolizes masculinity.
  20. Esoteric. The dream promises shortages and a bad harvest.

This is interesting. Making cucumber salad in a dream is a good omen. You will cope with the tasks assigned to you and emerge victorious.

Watering cucumbers in a dream means unexpected joy

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

Men often dream of cucumbers as a sign of money and a promotion at work. Your efforts will be noticed and appreciated by your superiors. To make the situation as successful as possible, do not conflict with anyone in the near future.

For a woman, the vision foreshadows gifts and the appearance of a passionate lover in her life, with whom she will spend many unforgettable days and nights. But according to the dream book love relationship, the dreamer is dissatisfied with her sex life.

The dream prophesies for a girl to meet guys. In the near future there will be no end to suitors. The main thing is to choose a worthy candidate.

For a pregnant woman, night dreams with cucumbers promise the birth of a son. According to the Muslim dream book, the birth will be successful and the child will be born healthy.

For family people, cucumbers in the kingdom of Morpheus predict large expenses. According to Evgeniy Tsvetkov, it’s time to start new things and bring to life ideas that have arisen for a long time.

It is important to know. If you dreamed that you were selling cucumbers, then know that your business will go uphill, fortune will smile on you, you will get what you dream of.

Decoding sleep depending on condition, quantity, size, color and location

The interpretation of a dream depends not only on the gender of the dreamer, but also on other factors. It will be incomplete if you do not remember all the details of night vision.

Condition (fresh, salted, pickled)

If the cucumbers in the dream were fresh, then this good omen. Good luck in your endeavors, financial prosperity and good health. According to Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, the vision promises career growth.

Pickled cucumbers in night dreams usually portend tears and disappointment. This is the information contained in the dream books:

  1. Female. You need to take your assigned responsibilities more seriously, otherwise you will fail.
  2. Family. Receive bad news from relatives.
  3. Modern. A difficult period will come in life.
  4. Tsvetkova. You will be told some unpleasant news. For a girl, such a dream predicts pregnancy.
  5. French. You will have to pay off a long-standing debt. The creditor will not leave you alone until you pay him back everything.

If you dreamed of pickled cucumbers, then you are needlessly complicating your life by creating problems out of the blue. Here's what dream interpreters write about this:

  1. Vanga. You will have to fight for your place in the sun.
  2. Miller. You are tired of being alone. It's time to establish contact with relatives.
  3. Modern. You waste time on nonsense and take unnecessary actions.
  4. Ukrainian. You will take part in a financial fraud, for which you will pay in the future.
  5. French. Meet a deceitful and vile person.

Frying cucumbers in a dream means unplanned trips that will take energy and time.

Place: in the garden, pickles in a jar

If you dreamed of cucumbers in the garden, then you will meet an influential person who will radically change your life. Dream Interpretations interpret the dream as follows:

  1. Wangi. Take care of your home and household.
  2. Female. Communication with family, peace.
  3. Miller. Meet someone who will delight you.
  4. Family. Receiving good news.
  5. Miller. You will be invited to a celebration where you will have a great time.
  6. Muslim. Cash reward for hard work.
  7. Ukrainian. Lucky in love.
  8. Hasse. You will collaborate with an important person.
  9. Tsvetkova. Make a profit.
  10. Esoteric. If you're lucky, you'll win the lottery.

Pickles in a jar in night vision indicate that you will cope with the problems that have befallen you. The long-awaited peace will come in life. Here is the explanation of the dream offered by dream books:

  1. Female. Troubles await you, but you will quickly overcome them.
  2. Miller. Don’t waste your time on trifles, otherwise luck will pass you by.
  3. Family. You will have to worry a little about your loved ones.
  4. Modern. Because you are lazy, you are missing out on a good opportunity.
  5. Hasse. Now is not the best time to travel. It is worth refraining from long trips.
  6. Tsvetkova. There is a possibility of getting into an accident, so be careful.

Canning cucumbers in night vision is a sign of misunderstandings, due to which relationships with household members may deteriorate.

Number of vegetables

  1. If you saw one cucumber in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you need to cut costs and refrain from unplanned purchases. You will need money soon, so don't waste it. According to Aesop's dream book, they will open before you good opportunities, the main thing is not to miss them.
  2. If there were two vegetables in the dream, then a tense period lies ahead. According to Medea's dream book, you should look at life more simply. Due to your impressionability and vulnerability, it is difficult for you to communicate with people; you take their words and actions to heart.
  3. Several cucumbers in a dream promise success in professional field. However, you shouldn’t relax: only by working hard will you achieve what you want.
  4. Did you dream about a lot of cucumbers? You will make useful connections. By Ukrainian dream book, you will be bothered by an obsessive admirer. According to Gustave Miller, you will receive a monetary reward. For entrepreneurs, vision promises profit from sales.

Did you dream that you were washing dirty cucumbers? Friends are discussing your personal life, so try to be less frank.

Tying cucumbers in a dream means a business trip

Size: small, large, medium

Seeing a small cucumber in a dream means serious life changes. At one point you decide to radically change your life. According to the imperial dream book, you will be rewarded for your courage and honesty.

A medium-sized vegetable in a dream promises disagreements and disputes with loved ones. To avoid conflict, try to reach a compromise. According to the medium Hasse, you will have to resolve important issues and complex matters.

Large cucumbers in night dreams foreshadow the arrival of relatives. According to Miller's dream book, your health will improve and your sorrows will go away.

If you dreamed of a huge cucumber, then it’s time to reduce business activity and take care of household chores that you have pretty much neglected. You will say goodbye to past misconceptions and decide what to do next.

Color and quality of cucumbers: green, red, yellow, rotten and others

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color and quality of the cucumbers seen.

  • American: it’s time to discuss plans for the future with partners and allies;
  • Vangi: a new period will begin in life;
  • Grishina: to change the field of activity;
  • female: for sick people, sleep promises recovery, and for healthy people - profit;
  • Winters: reconciliation with a loved one, happy moments;
  • Miller: the future will be calm and cloudless;
  • family: to wealth and prosperity;
  • modern: meeting an important person;
  • Freud: for a date with a lover or mistress;
  • French: a long journey awaits you.
  • English: unexpected turn in affairs;
  • Vangi: you are dissatisfied with yourself and life, looking for problems where there are none;
  • Maly Velesov: to the love triangle;
  • Medea: to meet friends and have fun;
  • Miller: groundless jealousy ruins your relationship.
  • Muslim: to communicate with an unpleasant person;
  • Freud: to sexual contact;
  • Tsvetkova: get news from relatives;
  • Aesop: to a meeting with a former lover;
  • esoteric: to a love affair.

Rotten vegetables taken away in the kingdom of Morpheus do not bode well for the dreamer. Prepare for troubles at home and at work, financial losses and poor health. Dream books provide such information, but not all. Esotericist Tsvetkov is sure that the dream will bring you new love.

Seeing spoiled and wrinkled cucumbers in a dream means a change in sexual partner. This interpretation is proposed by Sigmund Freud. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a romantic acquaintance awaits you.

If in a dream you were preparing pickle soup, then among your acquaintances there is a flatterer who wants to use you for his own purposes.

Did you pickle cucumbers in night vision? You will have the opportunity to achieve previously unattainable career heights

Actions in a dream: why do you dream about picking, cutting, stealing, buying cucumbers, planting seedlings in the ground?

Picking cucumbers in a dream means a strained relationship with your loved one. A period of passivity and apathy awaits you. The desire to do anything will disappear and you will want your friends to leave you alone. By women's dream book, you will earn good money and be able to open your own business.

Buying a green vegetable in a dream promises problems and troubles:

  • Winters: things will get worse;
  • family: you will get problems on your own head;
  • modern: money will be tight, you will get into debt;
  • French: to depression and loss of meaning in life;
  • esoteric: deterioration of affairs, which can lead to ruin.

According to the medium Hasse, if you stole cucumbers in a dream, then in reality you will be able to avoid big problems. Ukrainian dream book promises recovery and strong immunity.

Eating fresh cucumbers in night dreams is a sign of failure. Your hopes will not come true. According to Miller's dream book, you have to solve the problems of one of your relatives. Because of this, you will neglect your business and worry.

Use pickles in the kingdom of Morpheus promises have a fun party among friends where you will have a great time. According to the gypsy dream book, you need to work hard to achieve your goal.

If in your night dreams you happen to eat a spoiled cucumber, then expect unpleasant surprises and obstacles along the way. Enemies do not sleep, but try in every possible way to harm.

Planting cucumbers in a dream means a calm period in life. Passions will subside and you will be able to enjoy the silence. For a woman, a vision can promise pregnancy.

Cutting a green vegetable in a dream means conflicts with loved ones. Esotericist Tsvetkov foretells torment from unreasonable jealousy, and the Small Velesov dream book foretells competition at work.

Peeling a cucumber in night dreams means disputes and disagreements that will arise out of the blue.

If in a dream you happened to open a jar of cucumbers, then you will experience success in your personal life and increased prosperity

Other Features

To see cucumber tops without fruit in the kingdom of Morpheus means a battle with a strong opponent. The victory will certainly not be easy. It’s worth asking your friends for help and not giving up, then everything will work out.

If in a dream you pulled out old tops, then expect changes. This could be a job change or meeting a significant other. By family dream book, you will get rid of something unnecessary.

Did you dream about cucumber seedlings? Material well-being and success await you. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, you should meet with friends more often, and according to the Muslim book, a promotion awaits you. Watering seedlings in a dream means wealth, replanting means luck that will last long enough.

Throwing away spoiled vegetables in a dream means getting rid of something unnecessary.

Seeing seeds in night vision means a decision family problems, in which you will immerse yourself completely and completely . According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, prosperity awaits you in business.

Sowing cucumbers in the kingdom of Morpheus means the birth of a child. For businessmen, the dream prophesies the opening of a new profitable business.

Picking cucumbers in night dreams means success and recognition. You will have a chance to realize what you have long planned. According to the Ukrainian dream book, peace will come to the family.

Growing cucumbers seen in a dream promise the opportunity to make good money. Money will come to you easily.

Choosing cucumbers in a dream before purchasing means hard and low-paid work.

Dreams about cucumbers have different meanings. Some are favorable and others are not. Whatever the night vision promises you, remember that by correctly interpreting it, you can avoid many problems in life.