How do you like the title? But many people sincerely believe that IVF children without a soul. Or, as one person “widely known in narrow circles” wrote, “IVF children are the children of hell.” I don’t remember the name of this person, although I can easily find it - but I don’t want to advertise to anti-science blogs.

Among opponents of IVF who are not related to science and medicine, opinions differ. Either they believe that such children are some kind of “gray souls”, or that they initially have no soul at all - because they were born “from a test tube” and their parents did not invest part of their souls in them at the moment of conception..

In connection with the latter, I have 2 questions:

1. What do these people mean by “parental soul investment”? When young kids fuck in the hallway and then give birth at 14, are they putting their souls into it? Or is it heartbreaking when a woman tricks a man into cumming inside her by saying she's taking pills? Or pierces the condom. A lot of soul when drunken strangers had sex, after which the man merged and forgot, and the woman became a single mother, taking it out on her child? Is there a soul when a woman asks a man to “give” her a child, promising that she will not demand anything in return, or when a mistress gives birth to married man? Or maybe there was an abyss of spirituality in old times when the king came to the queen in certain days, which the doctor indicated, did his job and went to numerous mistresses?

2. What do you think has more “soul” - in the above examples or when a man and a woman who are unable to conceive naturally consciously and responsibly go for IVF, looking forward to a baby to whom they are ready to give all their love?

Let's look at this from an esoteric point of view. About " IVF children without a soul“and “children of hell” I have already mentioned - in my opinion, point 1 is quite enough to forget about these statements forever. As an alternative, I can offer an answer obtained by channeling. For those who don’t know, this is telepathic communication with any type of out-of-body consciousness. I don’t really believe in this, but I’ll tell you especially for you. So, in the course of communicating with a certain “contactee,” the psychics asked questions about IVF children, what kind of souls they are, what their purpose and intention are. There was nothing criminal in the answer of the “higher minds”. At most, they said that these are “zero souls” that have no foundations, so they do not know the concept of good and evil and absorb everything. But it all depends on the parents - and what they will teach their child, what they will emphasize more. That is, there is no particular difference with ordinary children - who also absorb everything from their parents.

Next I will give the opinion of the Church. For me she is not a special authority, but for people who like to talk about souls, her view may seem interesting. So, the Church is most concerned about the issue of IVF with the destruction of “extra” embryos. Let me remind you that during the process of in vitro fertilization, several embryos are implanted into a woman to be safe, and then the most viable ones are left. And what worries the priests most of all is the “abortion” of the rest. They speak rather neutrally about the procedure itself. Some say that if IVF simply means additional medical care to conceive using the husband’s sperm, then there is nothing “sinful” about it. The Church has a negative attitude towards surrogacy or an embryo from a donor who is not the husband of the future mother. Because here there is interference in the family. If it is the husband and wife who participate in IVF, then there is no interference in the family.

As for interference in God's will - that if God does not give children, then there is no need to go against it - there is no consensus. The wife of one priest discusses this topic as follows: resuscitation can also be considered as an intervention in the divine will, because a person’s time has come, but the doctors will not let him go. If you think in this way, then any medical effect goes against the Supreme Plan. IVF is a controversial issue, but we can consider God’s will in whether the procedure will be successful or not, because it does not give 100% results. “Once I asked Father Mikhail Boyko how to approach resuscitation. And he replied that if the will of the Lord is not there, not a single resuscitation will be possible. If we shift this to IVF, then I would say the same thing. The question is accepting what is sent by God and believing that nothing happens without the Lord.”

Let's return to the sinful earth, that is, to medicine. Opponents of IVF love to talk about the pathologies and morbidity of children born this way. Despite the fact that the first child born thanks to IVF turned 40 this year, and she in a natural way became the mother of two children, no studies have yet appeared that clearly indicate negative consequences. In addition, IVF children are considered by many to be, on the contrary, healthier and more developed - after all, they were “selected” as the best embryos of all. So I don't know how IVF children without a soul live on our land, but, apparently, no worse than others.


In vitro fertilization method – abbreviated ECO enables women diagnosed with infertility to conceive and give birth to a child through artificial insemination.

The IVF method is presented as a unique achievement of modern medicine, as a victory of science over nature. But, as you know, you can’t fool nature, nature will always take its toll. In addition, the use of IVF to give birth to a child has now become a serious business, so doctors do not always inform potential parents about the possible negative consequences of using this method.

Method Is IVF good or bad? What can you recommend to women who have a similar question?

From the point of view of Indian philosophy, a person cannot be helped. This is his fate, he must suffer. From the point of view of Western psychology, you need to help in any case. The truth, as always, is in the middle: a person needs to be helped, but he needs to be helped correctly.

Any process in the universe copies the universe in time and space. The human soul, spirit and body are the model of the universe. First the soul appeared, then consciousness and only then the body. If the soul recovers, then the mind and body will be healthy. Therefore, first of all, you need to help a person’s soul, and then his body. If man dies, I urgently need to help my body. But when a person is simply having a hard time, First of all, you need to help his soul. The problem is that modern medicine uses ever greater opportunities to treat the body in damage to the soul.

IVF is neither good nor bad, it is an opportunity to have a child. If the soul is imperfect and a person does not want to change, then artificial insemination will either not produce results, or the child born as a result will have big problems with health and destiny. If, on the contrary, a person goes to God and to love and begins to change his soul, his deepest emotions, then artificial insemination, if it has a negative effect, will be relatively small.

If a woman wants to have a baby, she can do artificial insemination. But you need to understand the full extent of responsibility towards the unborn child and the depth of the problem.

To give birth to a child, a woman must have reserves of subtle vital energy, which gives birth to love in the soul. She must transfer a portion of this energy to the child’s soul. If a woman is aggressive or depressed inside, if she has big complaints about the world around her, she will not have this energy. Therefore, she cannot conceive a child on her own. Nature thus protects itself from the birth of children who have no love in their souls. Such a child may later either become seriously ill, or die, or have an unfortunate fate, or become a criminal. Medicine, while helping the birth of such children, naturally does not solve the subsequent problems of their health and fate.

There is another factor that has a very negative impact on the health and fate of children conceived using the IVF method.

It is well known that one fertilized embryo, as a rule, does not survive when implanted into a woman’s body. For in vitro fertilization, a woman is stimulated with the help of special drugs to superovulate - the maturation of several eggs at once. This is necessary to increase the chances of a successful outcome, because... The egg is very easy to damage during manipulation. All these eggs are fertilized and placed in a special incubator for some time. During this time, some embryos die. One or two embryos from the surviving ones are implanted into the woman’s uterus, the rest must be destroyed, because a woman often simply physically cannot bear three or more children.

We are all in the same information field. Anything conceived Living being connects to this information field, and what is called the soul is already present in every embryo. Moreover, when entering the subtle planes, facts were observed indicating that the soul of a child, even before conception, can transmit some information to its future mother. If a child can take and give information even before he is conceived, this means that he already has a soul and personality.

The destruction of “extra” embryos is, in essence, identical to abortion, which will also negatively affect the health and fate of a child born through IVF.

The Orthodox Church has always been against IVF: if God does not give a child, then you need to humble yourself. From a religious point of view, the death of a certain number of fertilized embryos is a violation of the commandment “Thou shalt not kill!”, since doctors and the infertile couple know that the embryos are dying, and, therefore, deliberately contribute to the murder.

Science operates with statistics, and facts are stubborn things, and these facts prove the correctness of religious recommendations.

Statistics show that the majority of children born as a result of IVF are disabled people.

The chief pediatrician of Russia directly said that when budgeting money for financial support of artificial insemination technologies, it is necessary to immediately include funds for the treatment of future disabled children.

According to American scientists, such children are several times more likely to have cleft lip and developmental defects gastrointestinal tract, heart defects.

Problems of the mouth and intestines are the worship of desires. Beneath desires is lust. Passion for food and sex switches the subconscious to the worship of instincts, which leads to the loss of love and subconscious faith in God in the soul. On a subtle level, food and sex look the same - this is the pleasure of maintaining and continuing life. Therefore, passion for food, overeating, passion for sexual pleasures - all this can lead to diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as problems with the intestines and teeth. Therefore, the descendants of such people develop a cleft palate or cleft lip, and various congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Congenital heart defects indicate that the child has been transmitted a huge subconscious worship of a loved one and intolerance to the pain of breaking up a relationship.

It is clear that such tendencies, received from parents and further strengthened in the child, will be extremely difficult to cope with later. As a rule, such children are completely unable to cope with traumatic situations and easily give up love for the sake of pleasure.

The child may subsequently begin to masturbate, smoke, or use drugs. All his activities often come down to two directions: firstly, the search for pleasure and, secondly, the destruction of his body, fate and soul - then it is easier to feel love. Such children often die.

In England, studies were conducted concerning the fate of children conceived in vitro. They all had big problems with starting a family. Scientists are unable to explain this phenomenon, since its reason lies in the energy and deep emotions of a person. In fact, this is also quite understandable. Why do “test tube babies”, as a rule, have no family? Because they have little love in their souls and, as a result, little energy, and in order to have a family, they need a lot of energy. You need to constantly devote enough energy to creating relationships, giving birth and raising children, but this energy simply isn’t there. Even if you manage to start a family, most likely there will be no children in such a family. Why do we need a family if there are no children in the family? A family without children is a wasteland. In this case, the energy of the spouses is directed not to providing for offspring, but again to a wide variety of pleasures and pleasures. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

When the family degrades, society and the state begin to perish. Therefore, people who carry such destructive tendencies should not have families and children.

It is human nature to achieve what you want, this is quite natural. Despite all its disadvantages, the IVF method has a right to exist. Problems appear when a person tries, in pursuit of desires, to bypass the Divine will, to get what he wants without changing his soul, without deep internal changes.

Now all over the world there is a powerful acceleration of all processes. If earlier the main factor in the appearance healthy child was heredity, now it is worldview and inner aspiration of parents.

If a woman really wants a child, she first needs to put her soul in order, and then decide to conceive a child using IVF.

First of all, you need to understand that the soul is primary in relation to physical body that the soul is saved by love, faith, the feeling of the presence of God and the vision of the Divine will in everything that happens around. You need to pray and at the same time you need to learn to restrain your instincts.

If a woman wants a child, she can do artificial insemination, but she must know that she needs to continuously learn to give, sacrifice, love, and work on herself. If she does this constantly, then after giving birth to a child, she will be able to put it in order, and problems will be minimized.

The birth of a child does not mean that you can stop working on yourself. This is not a salary, it is only an advance.

1. S.N. Lazarev The dangers of IVF

2. S.N.Lazarev Test tube children

Interesting and instructive questions for many, asked by site visitors and personally. A lot of interesting life situations turns out to be related to the theme of the occult.

Negative implantation for IVF and ICSI

Question: Please explain what happens to the soul or energy of an embryo, fetus and child conceived through IVF or IVF + ICSI, are there any differences from those conceived naturally? Is it true that there is a possibility of receiving a replant or the soul of a “non-human”? It is important to know your opinion, because... I’ve read a lot of “horror” stories from representatives of religion.

you raised a lot complex issue. Let's start with the fact that no one has conducted not only fundamental, but no research at all on the occurrence of negative replanting in infants, not to mention the likelihood of its occurrence in the case of in vitro fertilization.

In this issue, there is an obvious conflict of points of view of official medicine, heads of religious denominations and those who practice healing. I know that many healers are interested in this question. However, it should be recognized that not a single clinic performing such operations will cooperate in providing even minimal information about patients and statistics on the effectiveness of IVF. For such clinics, on the contrary, it would be logical and useful to involve healers at least for diagnostics. Is this being done? No. For the vast majority of doctors, such a thing as negative reinforcement simply does not exist. How can you discuss a problem with a specialist who believes that there is no problem at all?

I believe that it would be incorrect to say that pregnancy after IVF (ICSI) provides a significantly higher likelihood of negative transfer in the infant compared to a child conceived naturally. Just like a baby born by a woman from a man (I emphasize, not from an incubus), even with IVF, is unlikely to receive the soul of a “non-human”. The egg will be in the mother’s body almost from the moment of fertilization, perceive maternal energy, feel the world through its energy centers.

According to some data, the primary spirit-like unit - the monad - which is precisely the prototype of the future soul of the child, is present in the energy shells of the mother long before biological conception. Those. it turns out that the fertilization of an egg by a sperm is not the zero starting point from which pregnancy and, accordingly, the development of a new person begins. People performing IVF operations have no reason to consider themselves creators of people - they only help the existing spirit of generation to overcome the health problems of the couple. It is the presence or absence of a monad that can explain the success or failure of such operations. Doctors do everything right, but they work with the problem not at the initial (as it seems to them) stage, but at an intermediate stage. If there is no primary spirit - a monad - in the energy shells of a woman, then the IVF operation will not be successful - there will be no one to spiritualize and develop the fertilized egg. Practice gives reason to recommend carrying out healing diagnostics and, possibly, intervention before IVF surgery. Collaboration between healers and IVF specialists would be very beneficial, but this is currently unlikely.

A child born as a result of IVF (ICSI) from his parents will certainly receive a soul, and a human one.

The main occult danger during IVF is the influence on the embryo of the vibrations of those surrounding people who, in fact, look into the microscope eyepiece at the moment of conception. And also those who are related to the operation itself. If the doctor has severe spoilage, especially replanting (not as uncommon as it seems), then this certainly poses a certain danger to the embryo. But it should be understood that the same danger comes from any person with an implant for a woman who has become pregnant naturally. That is why at all times they tried to protect a pregnant woman from everything that could pose an occult danger to her and the unborn child. It is not possible to say which is more dangerous and which option for introducing an implant into an infant is more common. At least for now.

It is necessary, if possible, to reduce the likelihood of injecting a negative essence into the baby during IVF, at least through consultations with healers before and after the operation. But it is not known whether it is worth devoting doctors to this - many doctors have a sharply negative attitude towards any phenomena that go beyond the scope of their usual practice. An open conflict with the doctor may well ensue, accusing the patient and healer of obscurantism, and this will not benefit the cause - a successful pregnancy and a safe birth. It is very strange, but an aggressively negative attitude is observed in the attitude of doctors towards healers, and not vice versa.

I had to work with doctors (cardiologists, surgeons, pathologists) who had the most severe negative essence. Needless to say, all these patients carefully hid from their medical colleagues both the problem itself and the fact of seeking help from a healer. Significant, isn't it?

Now about the attitude of representatives of religious denominations to IVF. It is obvious that the birth of a person in such cases does not occur through natural (natural) intercourse between a man and a woman. But, you see, it would be cruel and unfair to deprive a childless family of the opportunity to have a child only on the grounds that one of the religious leaders sees this as a sin and danger.

The main stumbling block in recognizing the IVF procedure as acceptable from the point of view of the church is the need to select several “promising” ones from several fertilized eggs. Here are two points that are the reason for the non-recognition of the IVF procedure by the Orthodox Church (in particular): the artificial (unnatural) preference that is given to one fertilized egg over others, and the need to destroy eggs unsuitable for the operation. It turns out that if over a woman who has become pregnant in the usual way, her alcoholic husband mocks (for example) she has a miscarriage - then because of this no one will break copies in the media. But if a doctor selects several eggs from a woman who has been crying at night for ten years because she has no children, then it begins...

Quote from an interview with Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, to the newspaper “Bulletin of MAPO”, published by (please note) Medical Academy postgraduate education:
"...all types of in vitro fertilization that involve the procurement, preservation and deliberate destruction of “excess” embryos are incompatible with the Christian concept of human dignity.Children conceived and born in this way are no different from those whose brothers and sisters were victims of abortion. The only difference is that in this case, parents and doctors artificially link the birth of one with the inevitable death of several others. Of course, these children can and should be baptized, and any priest will treat them with the same love as any other baby. However, parents should understand that abortions and planned deaths do not pass without leaving a mark on the family as a whole. From this point of view, it would be useful to inform the priest about the circumstances of the birth of the baby and try, as stated in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept, to overcome the harmful consequences of sin through repentance, prayer and participation in saving Church Sacraments, having previously fulfilled the penance imposed in such cases - a special period of prayerful repentance for the sin committed..."

At the same time, note that hundreds of thousands of children grow up in orphanages in grief and deprivation. And some priests, instead of saving entire generations of abandoned half-starved children, having, by the way, all the opportunities and means for this, are engaged in outright demagoguery regarding abortion and IVF. Doesn't a child sleeping under a station platform deserve no less attention? Is a baby living in a baby's home in

June 1 is International Children's Day. The holiday is, without a doubt, extremely relevant. Without our protection, it will be impossible for children to survive in this world. What's there to survive?! Just being born is unlikely to work. Dry statistics: now in one year all over the world, as many children are killed as people died in six years of World War II. Approximately 60 million! All the power of the human mind is aimed at depriving the baby of the opportunity to be born. This includes the modern healthcare system, law, and science. And, among other things, distortions in theological teaching. Yes Yes. A theological error can also carry away human lives. How? We'll see now.

In Western theology, as in the Orthodox East, it has always been considered terrible sin. However, we find a serious flaw among Catholic theologians that undermines the very idea that artificial termination of pregnancy at any stage is murder of a person. How is this possible?! And like this.

The cornerstone here is the so-called “moment of animation,” that is, the question of when the immortal human soul connects with the embryo and, accordingly, it becomes a person. This debate has been going on in the theological community for a very long time.

“The question of indirect or subsequent animation was discussed by some Church Fathers with the aim of refuting the so-called theory of “transmission” proposed by Tertullian, who, to explain the transmission of original sin, proceeded from the assumption that not only the body, but also the soul is transmitted to the child from the parents,” we read in textbook on bioethics. – To refute this theological thesis, other fathers, and then St. Thomas Aquinas, proposed the theory of the subsequent implantation of the soul.

This theory states that the soul, being destined for substantial unity with the body, ontologically has a different origin and is created directly by God. Moreover, the Thomist hypothesis assumes that for the soul to be implanted, a certain organization of the body is necessary, a certain “form”, which, being the soul, forms the body. Saint Thomas believes that the plant and animal soul already exists from the moment of fertilization. Thus, the chronological problem acquires ontological significance.

The Eastern Fathers of the Church did not accept the theory of the subsequent introduction of the soul of Thomas Aquinas

The moment of soul implantation is assigned to the period between the 30th and 40th day after fertilization, by analogy with the biblical instructions related to the purification of a woman after childbirth. It should be immediately added that not all the Church Fathers adhered to this opinion, this especially applies to the Greek Fathers, and above all to, who argued that the soul arises at the very first moment after conception, in which he was followed by other Fathers, in particular Saint Maximus . But at the same time, moral and canonical norms (which imposed severe penalties) remained unchanged, insisting on the inadmissibility of abortion in all cases. Abortion remained a sin, moreover, a crime, no matter at what moment it was committed, but if doubt arose regarding the characteristics of this crime, namely: whether it should be called without further ado murder or simply a special crime against life, then from the answer to this The question depended on the measure of canonical punishments, but it did not affect the general opinion about the impermissibility of abortion.”

If these thoughts of Thomas Aquinas in our time become widespread in the philistine environment, then how many people can come to the conclusion that until 30–40 days the fetus does not yet have a soul, and therefore is not a person. And if so, then why should abortion before this period be considered murder? Thus, based on this conclusion, a decent Catholic woman up to 30-40 days of pregnancy can calmly terminate it, without making any deals with her Christian conscience.

It turns out that in general abortion is prohibited, but up to a certain period it is possible. Thus, we see that one misinterpreted theological idea can cost the lives of thousands, if not millions of people.

It is noteworthy that similar ideas that until a certain time a fetus is not yet a person arose not only in theology, but also in biology. For example, in 1866, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel formulated the so-called biogenetic law, according to which the main stages of evolution are reproduced in the individual development of an organism; constructed the first family tree of the animal kingdom. What does this mean in practice? That almost the entire period embryonic development, according to Haeckel, the fetus is not a person, it goes through the path of evolutionary development - from a lower species to a higher one - and only at the end of pregnancy it turns into a person. That is, if you have an abortion in the early and even middle stages, then this, according to Haeckel, cannot be considered the murder of a person. It’s also scary that Haeckel’s tables, or morphological series, which show how a lower mammal turns into a human being, are still displayed to this day as a visual aid in our schools, in biology classrooms, despite the fact that even during the lifetime of this “scientist” this law was recognized as falsification.

Haeckel, who formulated the biogenetic law, was a very strange guy. And many of his ideas were revived in Nazi Germany

In general, Haeckel himself was a very strange type. For example, he sincerely believed that some birds were higher on the ladder of evolutionary development than African blacks. Many of his ideas were later revived in Nazi Germany.

It should be said that not only direct mistakes, but also theological omissions can have serious consequences for a person’s life. For example, in “” it is said: “Morally unacceptable with Orthodox point also include all types of in vitro (out-of-body) fertilization, which involve the procurement, preservation and deliberate destruction of “excess” embryos.” That is, logically continuing this thought, we can come to the conclusion that those types of in vitro fertilization that do not involve the procurement, conservation and deliberate destruction of “excess” embryos are allowed by the Orthodox Church. However, in practice this is not the case. Most Orthodox theologians who specialize in this issue, they talk about the complete inadmissibility of IVF methods. In the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church” there is an obvious omission, the price of which is crippled human destinies.

I remember about five years ago, when I was still studying at the seminary, teachers told us that soon biomedical technologies for artificial insemination, surrogacy, sex reassignment, etc. will burst into our lives, and future shepherds of the Church of Christ must be prepared for this. It seemed to us something very distant, unlikely, science fiction. However, very little time passed, and I really had to come face to face with in vitro fertilization.

A few months ago a woman came to our temple. She had a complicated pregnancy. A woman is pregnant with twins conceived using IVF. As it turned out from talking with her, eight more (!) fertilized eggs are now stored frozen, or, in scientific terms, creopreserved. When I asked if she understood that the destruction of these eggs by the Church was tantamount to murder, she replied that she did. When I asked her what she was going to do with them, “Give birth,” the woman answered. She looked about 40 years old, and it became clear to me that she would not be able to give birth to everyone purely physically. I saw that she understood this too, which is why she suffered terribly and suffered.

Children conceived through IVF do not produce offspring. At all. 100 percent!

One more example. Just the other day I had the opportunity to communicate with one professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He occupies a fairly high position in the healthcare system, and I asked him to assist us with administrative resources in opposing abortion. The professor was sincerely excited and told, as if in secret, a lot of interesting things. For example, that children conceived using IVF do not produce offspring. At all. 100 percent!

- How is this known? - I ask. – Are statistics kept?

– Yes, there are already many such eco-friendly children in Moscow now. They grew up, began to get married, but cannot have children. You can’t deceive nature... I just ask you, don’t refer to me anywhere.

- Medical secrecy?

The professor sighed. I understood him: he could only say this in confidence - the in vitro fertilization procedure costs several hundred thousand rubles, and the healthcare system is not going to give up such profits. A kind of corporate ethics, or better said, omerta - a vow of silence, like the Sicilian mafia.

In general, I have long noticed that all these monstrous biomedical technologies are directly or indirectly aimed at destroying the family. The devil hates Small Church, throws his best forces at its destruction. The media industry of depravity and the full power of the legal system are at work, and now here comes science.

Terrible theological error! And according to the thoughts of the holy fathers, without an urgent need to theologize, it would be wiser to remain silent. However, we cannot remain silent now. Life itself demands an answer from us. IN Once again The world is rising up with its wisdom against the Church of Christ. Lord, enlighten us, give us strength and courage to stand in the truth!

When deciding on an IV procedure, many couples ask questions. What kind of kids will grow up, how will this affect their health, how will they live in this world. Particularly frightening are the claims that eco-children have no soul. What are they based on and what needs to be sorted out.


IVF - fertilization of an egg with a sperm outside a woman's body followed by transfer of embryos into the uterus - has become a breakthrough in the world of reproductive medicine. In the world, more than 5,000,000 children were born using this technology.

The first child in the world born with the help of eco technology, Lisa Brown, was born in England in 1978. Before that time, there were facts of unsuccessful artificial insemination; pregnancy did not occur. References to the first attempts to carry out artificial insemination outside a woman’s body begin in 1944. In 1983, the first baby born from a frozen egg and the first child obtained from donor materials were born.

How old is the first eco child? The answer is simple. In 2017, Lisa Brown will turn 39 years old. This is an ordinary healthy woman - a happy mother, beloved wife, good sister. It is possible to distinguish her from a person conceived naturally only by documents.

When did they start doing eco in Russia? The history of ecology in Russia dates back to Soviet Union. Work on artificial insemination started back in 1965. As a result of research, the first successful IVF in the USSR was carried out in Moscow in 1986, as a result of which a girl was born - Elena Dontsova, and in Leningrad in the same year a boy was born

30 years after the first eco-baby was born in Russia, confidence in the procedure and the number of women wanting to give birth to a child on their own is growing. This is facilitated by considerable financial support from the state. Reproductology does not sleep; the methods of thirty years ago and those used now are different. From the moment it became possible to carry out artificial insemination technologies, they became more comfortable and safe.

If during the first eco-therapy, collecting material meant an operation and the extraction of just one egg, today it is a puncture with the removal of several eggs.

It has become possible to cryopreserve “spare” embryos, and preimplantation prenatal diagnostics of the embryo is carried out. The composition of the medium for culturing embryos and the equipment used at all stages of the protocol are improving, and the drugs used in the protocols are becoming less toxic.

Together, all these factors contribute to the fact that safety and effectiveness are increasing every year. And if the first child in Russia eco successfully celebrated her thirtieth birthday and became a mother by natural conception, then all the following women have a better chance of a happy future.

Religion and soul

The ethical side of the IVF issue often worries women more than the complexity of the procedure itself. The unfounded fear that after IVF children are born without a soul comes from the mouths of ardent representatives of religious views.

Do eco children have souls? This question will help answer official position regarding artificial insemination of major faiths.

The Orthodox Church speaks out in cases where we're talking about about surrogacy or the use of donor cells. The negative reaction to artificial insemination is also caused by the fact that, according to the church, at the moment when the egg merges with the sperm, the embryo is endowed with a soul, and if you have to cull embryos based on the quality of their development, this is equivalent to murder. In other cases, with a protocol within a married couple with preservation of the eggs themselves, and not the embryos, Orthodox Church allows for the possibility of such a conception.

Islam allows the use of IVF as a treatment for infertility, but conditions must be met - no donation, surrogacy, only the egg and sperm of the spouses.

Regarding the selection of embryos - according to belief, the soul is inhaled into the fetus 120 days from the moment of conception, until this point the destruction and selection of embryos is permissible under certain circumstances - initially a minimum number of eggs must be collected and fertilized, the remaining embryos should simply be ignored and stop developing on their own , without any further use.

Judaism operates according to the basic rule of “be fruitful and multiply.” Therefore, if a married couple has medical indications, all attempts to conceive a child have not been successful, you can resort to IVF. In some cases, even surrogacy and donation are allowed. By the way, in Israel the percentage of babies born through in vitro fertilization is the highest.

Ardent opponents, followers of sects, esotericists, bioenergeticists and others are based on the fact that eco children have no soul. It is argued that in this way man interferes in the process of the divine without having the right to do so. They argue that the birth of a child conceived through IVF carries a huge danger for him, such children have a bad aura, they grow up to be selfish, immoral people.

In contrast to this, one can answer - a person will probably never know what God really thinks about this, and the love of a mother who has been waiting for a child for so long can overcome all damage, evil eyes, superstitions and fears, even at the most subtle level.

Baby's health

Supporters and opponents of eco will not take the path of reconciliation for a long time. Both fronts have in their arsenal a huge number of arguments and statistics that confirm or refute the danger for both the child and the woman.

The following points remain definitely clear:

  • against. Hormonal therapy for a woman who has decided to give birth to a child through IVF may have a beneficial effect Negative influence for the fruit The age of women who often resort to IVF exceeds the threshold of 30-35 years. This age of the mother in labor itself is considered a risk factor for problems with the pregnancy or child;
  • behind. The care and attention of mothers who have had offspring definitely contributes to the fact that children can develop mentally faster. Pre-implantation prenatal diagnostics that exist today make it possible to determine the presence of severe pathologies in the embryo and thus exclude its transfer.

It is important to understand that IVF does not solve the cause of infertility, it helps to give birth to a child bypassing the disease. Therefore, if a married couple has severe chromosomal abnormalities, it is quite possible that they will be passed on to the child.

Claims that eco-children are born with terrible defects, are delayed in development and get sick more often than ordinary children are based on studies of certain population groups. In fact, it is impossible to collect all the children born as a result of IVF throughout the world to provide reliable statistics. For the simple reason that it is the sole right of the parents and the child to disclose information about how he was conceived. And in today’s world, absolutely all children are exposed to such risks – the environment, the pace of life, stress.

How long do eco children live? The baby's life expectancy after the procedure is no different from usual. An excellent illustration is the above-mentioned Louise Brown and Elena Dontsova. 30 years is too short a period for observations and accurate conclusions.

Many married couples resort to the procedure once, and there are those who have their first and second IVF child, and then have children after natural conception. God works in mysterious ways. We can only hope that eco does not violate the nature of creation, but helps it.