How to make a glow in Photoshop.

Photoshop® CS 4 lets you add many beautiful effects to your photos. In this video tutorial we will look at how create a multi-colored magical glow effect.
For this we need a photograph and a drawing with a beautiful texture. Open the photo using the File – open command.
Let's change the image contrast settings to make the photo look more expressive. Select the command Image - Adjustments - Brightness/Contrast. Change the settings until the image becomes more saturated.
Then we will open the drawing we need. In this case, we will choose a serpentine pattern so that the multi-colored lines create a magical glow effect.

Now let's adjust the size of the drawing to match the size of the photo. Select the image size command from the image menu.
In this case, we need a size of 800 by 600. Click OK.

First we need to use the blur filter. Select Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur from the menu. Move the slider to a Radius of 10 pixels. Click OK.
We got a blurry image.
Now apply the Render – Lighting Effects filter. In the window that appears, select Style – Flood Light from the list.
Set the Intensity value to 80.

Position glow so that the brightest place is the upper right corner. Select the picture using the Select – All command. Use Ctrl + C to copy it.
Open the photo. Create a new layer by clicking on the Create a new layer button.
By using Edit commands– Paste insert a picture.
In the list of layer blending styles, select Screen.
Use the Opacity slider to set the transparency. So, you can adjust the light intensity.
In the picture we see some multi-colored elements that give the picture a special expressiveness.

By choosing a different picture and specifying other filter settings, you can create your own unique magical glow effect.

1. Reducing the size of a photo 2:15 0 51754
2. Making Photo Frames 1:58 6 45909
3. Brightness, contrast 1:45 0 44216
4. Changing colors, mixing colors 2:06 1 25510
5. How to sharpen a photo 2:08 0 50272
6. How to Improve the Quality of Vintage Photos 1:37 1 32040
7. How to combine several photos 1:56 8 157514
8. Color replacement 2:10 2 51210
9. How to turn a black and white photograph into a color one 2:37 3 59449
10. Photomontage in Photoshop 5:03 33 840055
11. Removing defects from a photograph 2:09 1 51072
12. Eliminating "digital noise" 1:27 0 21067
13. How to remove shine from facial skin 1:57 6 136531
14. Changing eye color 1:47 0 40593
15. Creating captions on photos 1:34 0 26143
16. Scratch effect 1:33 1 25305
17. How to make stubble 2:09 0 21657
18. Beautiful lighting effect 2:46 0 33578
19. Rainbow effect 1:49 0 17024
20. Wrinkle removal 2:50 2 73097
21. Blurred image (ghost effect) 2:03 1 19961
22. How to create water drops 2:14 1 25346

I looked at some of latest works Michael Reichmann. And I was amazed by one of the photographs from the exhibition in Seville. Michael added a diffused glow to the group of women, and it really created a very special impression.

This gave the photograph a dreamy expression, as if the image was actually made of light. Michael took a great image and made it sophisticated:

Wigs - Seville, Spain. April 2004

Figure 1. “Wigs” by Michael Reichmann. © 2004, Michael Reichmann

Typically, to create a glow in film photographs, a slow shutter speed was used. In the same way, infrared photographs produce this eerie glow. Using Photoshop we can add a diffused glow very quickly and easily.

Adding a diffuse glow

Adding a diffuse glow in Photoshop is achieved using a combination of blur techniques, layer blending modes, and blending modes. Instead of blurring the entire image, we add a glow to the object in the desired range of tones. We can add saturation and sharpness to the tones without sacrificing image detail:

Figure 2. Macro view of Rudbeckia flower, Maclay Garden, Tallahassee, Florida

This photo of a flower is a perfect example of diffuse blur. Softened petals add interesting touches to the image, but it is important to preserve the fine details of the “eye” of the flower.

Adding a diffuse glow starts by duplicating the layer. Then merge the layers Alt-Ctrl-Shift-N-E on PC ( Option-Command-Shift-N-E on Mac). This will merge all visible layers into one layer without antialiasing.

(If you don't have enough memory or prefer to work with fewer layers, then you can smooth out the image. All you need to do in this case is to create a copy of the background layer using Ctrl-J):

Figure 3: Creating a diffuse glow begins by adding a merge layer to add a blur filter effect. The merged layer is then duplicated

We need to soften the image of the top layer. Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur perfect for this. It is used to smoothly blur fine details of an image.

Adjust the radius using the blur options. For diffuse glow we need to set enough great importance, to soften the image, but not so much that it blurs all the details of the image. For this image I chose 25 pixels:

Figure 4. Gaussian blur with a radius of 25 pixels significantly increases the softness of image details.

When you apply " Gaussian blur", the details are dispersed. Because of this, a luminous halo appears. When the layer Gaussian Blur" mixed with the main layer, the details soften, as a result of which the glow becomes more pronounced.

The next step is making creative choices. You must select a blending mode for the layer " Gaussian Blur»:

  • “Darken” or “Multiply” will make the details of the image darker, as well as soften and add glow to it. Ideal for soft, expressive shadows;
  • “Lighten” or “Lighting” will, on the contrary, lighten the image. Ideal for adding light tones or an accentuated glow;
  • “Soft Light” and “Overlay” add contrast and saturation. These are my favorite blending modes for landscapes and still lifes;
  • I decided that I needed to add some contrast and saturation to the flower image in Figure 2, so I used the Overlay blending mode:

Figure 5. Layers palette after applying Gaussian Blur (25 px) and setting the blending mode to Overlay

The “Overlay” layer blending mode made the flower petals more expressive. They became almost buttery in appearance, both in color and texture. 100% opacity is too much. So I reduced it to 80%:

Figure 6. The petals have acquired creamy, soft shades. Unfortunately, the shadow details are also gone

If all we wanted to do was soften the image, we could basically stop there. The secret to adding diffuse glow is also to limit the halo in certain tonal areas. A black-and-white image of a child, for example, might become more interesting if the high-tone glow was applied only to select areas, perhaps at one-quarter tone brightness.

I liked the look that the petals took on in Figure 6. At the same time, the sharpness in the middle of the flower was noticeably reduced. I put a lot of effort into capturing as many of these details as possible. I used a Canon 180mm “L” macro lens at a slow shutter speed (2 sec at f/18) to get the details in decent sharpness.

Some may prefer to leave the "eye" blurry. I wanted to achieve greater sharpness of the details of the original image. My solution was to adjust the "Overlay if:" blending option for the "layer" Gaussian Blur».

Using the Overlay If: option to reduce the glow

There are four sliders in the Layer Style dialog that are given very little attention in most Photoshop books. These are the "Overlay if:" settings. Some books don't mention them at all.

To access them, you need to open the Layer Style dialog box. You can do this in one of three ways:

  • Double-click the layer thumbnail. ( For an adjustment layer, double-click on the layer to the right of the layer name);
  • Going to Layer - Layer Style - Blending Options through the main menu;
  • Going to Add Layer Style - Blending Options via the layers palette menu:

Figure 7. “Overlay if:” sliders

The Blend If: options let you control which pixels in the active layer and the main visible layers appear in the final image. You can also specify a range of partially overlapping pixels to smooth out the transitions between blended and unblended areas of the image.

You can use the black and white "Blend If:" values ​​to specify the range of pixels on the active layer that will blend with the visible layers below. When you move the white slider toward the center, the pixel values ​​of the active layer to the right of it remain clear. They are ignored.

If you move the black slider toward the center, the pixel values ​​of the active layer to the left of the slider are ignored. This allows you to limit the influence of the active layer on shadows, midtones ( by moving both sliders to the center) or backlight.

If you Alt-click on the slider, it will split into two parts. With split halves you can define partial ranges of overlay pixels.

To explain how the "Overlay If:" sliders work, I created a bar chart. After that, I duplicated it and rotated it 180 degrees, adding this copy to the image as a new layer:

Figure 8. Black and white diagram for testing how the “Overlay if:” sliders work

Figure 9. Complete set of test settings for comparing different “Overlay if:” settings

The default Blend If: setting causes every pixel in the active layer to be blended with pixels from the visible layers below.

The name of the scale “Bottom layer” is not entirely correct. Its black and white sliders determine the range of pixels of all the main visible layers that will be blended with the active layer. Its action is not limited only to the layer located directly below the active layer.

Now, alone important thing, what you need to know about the “Bottom Layer” scale! As you move the black slider toward the center, pixel values ​​to the left of it are excluded from blending. One might assume that this means that they are ignored and the pixels of the active layer are used to display the image. But in fact, just the opposite happens!

Instead of being eliminated, pixels with these values ​​"break through" to the active layer and replace its pixels. Therefore, be careful when adjusting the Bottom Layer sliders.

Let's look at a few examples. We'll start by looking at black and white charts, where the top chart represents the active layer and the bottom chart represents the visible layers for the image below it:

Figures 10a - 10b. The black and white diagram at the top represents the active layer. The black and white diagram below represents the visible underlying layers

If you drag the black slider of the “This Layer” slider towards the center, from 0 to 50, pixels of the active layer darker than 50 will be ignored. These are the pixels in right side top black and white diagram.

Since these black pixels are not mixed and are ignored, it means that the white pixels from the underlying image on the right side of Figure 11 will appear. The white pixels will replace the dark ones. The resulting black and white chart will contain white pixels on both ends:

Figure 11: When the black "This Layer" slider is set to 50, the active layer's shadows are ignored and we end up with white pixels on both ends

This is another point that requires clarification. When you drag the slider and exclude pixels from blending or set them to overlap the active layer's image, those pixels may be completely different from the active layer. Therefore, as you can see from the example above, highlights will not necessarily be replaced by highlights or shadows by shadows.

If instead you set the black "This Layer" slider to 0 and drag the black "This Layer" slider Lower level" to 50, then the shadows of the underlying layers will “break through” to the active layer and replace the pixels of the active layer. We will get dark pixels on both ends, like in Figure 12:

Figure 12. The black “Underlying Layer” slider is set to 50, which allows the shadows of the underlying layers to “break through” to the active layer

By using different combinations of the "Blend If:" sliders and breaking them down with ALT-clicks, you can apply diffuse glows with surgical precision and blend effects very smoothly.

Let's return to the flower

I wanted to remove diffuse glow from areas of dark tones where the image would lose important details. A quick adjustment of the black slider of the “This layer” slider of the “Overlay if:” parameter returned the depth back to the dark areas.

When you customize the "Overlay if:" sliders, you can see the results interactively. You can see changes in the image after each action. I zoomed in to 100% and kept an eye on the details of the flower's "eye" as I made changes through the black slider of the "This Layer" blending option "Blend If:".

You will need

  • To add a glow effect in Photoshop, first of all it is necessary that the object whose contours will glow be on a separate layer. How to separate an object from the background has been written many times in other articles; we will not dwell on this now in our instructions.


So, we have a separate layer with an object. To make it more convenient to adjust the glow parameters, it is advisable to place another layer of dark color under it, against which all the nuances will be.

Select the layer with the object. Go to the Layer>Layer Style>Outer Glow menu, or click on the “fx effect” in the layers panel.

We see a fairly large field for settings:

– glow color; it can be monochromatic or change its color, depending on the distance to the object.

– halo width and glow intensity

– you can also vary the glow overlay algorithm – the most suitable modes are Lighten and Screen
This way we adjust the glow of the object’s outline outwards. After that, go to the next tab Inner Glow. The settings here are similar.
To look natural, you need to remember that even if, logically, an object glows only outward, then any optical system, including the human eye, due to the non-absolute transparency of the cornea and lens, slightly blurs the bright highlights, they look beyond the boundaries of the source, therefore with an intense glow outside the Outer Glow contour, inside it all you need to do is play along with the light glow of the Inner Glow.

Our composition can have any number of layers with objects, each of which can have individual parameters selected - the color of the glow and its character.
In addition, if we want to depict a separate point light source, we can use the Lens Flare filter (in the Filer>Render>Lens Flare menu), which simulates the reaction of various photographic lenses to the appearance of a bright light source in the frame. This way we can add any number of luminous lamps and spotlights to the composition.

By varying and combining glow effects, applying them to different layers, we can achieve very bright and memorable - fantastic and realistic results.

Video on the topic


  • glowing eyes photoshop


Create a new document of 500x500 pixels, and then select a gradient fill from the toolbar. Set a radial gradient and select a suitable transition (for example, a transition from black to red). Stretch the gradient on the created image, and then duplicate the layer (Duplicate layer) and change the blending mode to Color Dodge.

Now create a new layer and in the Filter section, select the Render>Clouds option with the original palette parameters - black and white. Set the layer opacity to 30%, then open the Sketch filters section and select the Chrome filter. Set the filter values ​​to 4 and 7, and then return the transparency to 100%. Set the layer blending mode to Hard Mix.

To create glowing lines, use the Pen Tool. Using this tool, draw an arbitrary smooth line, bending it along at will and editing the bend using anchor points. Create a new layer and, selecting a 3 px brush with a diameter of the desired color, go to the Pen Tool again.

Right-click on the created curved line and select the Stroke Path>Brush option with the Simulate Pressure parameter. Click OK and then delete the path. Change the layer blending mode to Multiply and set the Drop Shadow option in the layer style settings.

Also check the Inner Glow and Outer Glow options. Configure external and internal settings glow at your own discretion, observing changes in the image and achieving the best effect. External and internal mixing mode glow set to Screen, and then repeat all the described steps from creating curved lines to adding lighting effects any number of times - until the number of glowing lines reaches the expected amount. You can insert any logo on top of the ready-made light lines.

Video on the topic

In order for a photographic portrait to become expressive and lively, it is necessary to highlight eyes person in the photograph. The tools of the Photoshop graphic editor allow you not only to make eyes bright, but also completely change their color, making the face attractive and memorable.


Open Photoshop. Turn on the layers palette by pressing the F7 button. Select and open the desired photo. It is desirable, but not necessary, that the photograph be sufficient big size. Create a copy of the background layer. Right-click on the pinned Background layer and select Duplicate Layer from the menu.

Click on the Background copy layer to activate it. Change the blending mode from Normal to Screen in the upper left corner of the window. Click on the Layer tab in the top menu and select first Layer Mask, then Hide All. This will add a mask to the layer.

Select a brush from the toolbar or press And on your keyboard. Set brushes White color. Enlarge your photo using Navigator. Paint on the mask eyes. Reduce the Opacity in the Layers panel to a value that suits you best. Type in the box with 100% the required value.

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a super lighting effect in Photoshop using several textures, blur filters and adding some trick to add some magic to our composition. Using this effect, you can create beautiful projects.

Final result:

Let's start!

Step 1

Create a new document with a size of 1900 x 1200 px, resolution 72 pixels/inch, RGB 8 bit. Then create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Select a tool GradientTool (G)(Gradient) color from #031625 to black, style Radial and draw a gradient as shown below.

Step 2

Open the model image and move it to your working document. Make the image smaller (Ctrl+T) and position it as shown below.

Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J) and apply a filter Filter > Blur > Motion Blur(Filter - Blur - Motion Blur).

Change the blending mode of this layer to Color Dodge(Brightening the base).

Add an adjustment layer to this layer Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation Saturation(Saturation) to -100.

Step 3

Duplicate the original model layer (Ctrl+J) and place it above all layers.

Apply a filter to this layer Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur), radius 7 px.

Then change the blending mode to Overlay(Overlap).

Duplicate this layer (Ctrl+J) to get a glow effect.

Step 4

In the layers panel, go to the original model layer and add a layer style Inner Shadow(Inner Shadow) with the settings shown below.

Above all layers, create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N). Select a tool Gradient Tool (G)(Gradient), Angular style. Extend the gradient from the model's hand to one of the corners of the document.

Translator's note: The author has on the screenshot the top settings window for the Gradient adjustment layer. Don't pay any attention to it. Use the Gradient tool. In the Gradient Editor, select a gradient type Noise(Noise), Smoothness (Roughness) 100%, check the boxes Limit colors (RestrictColors) and Enable transparency(AddTransparency). And also the button Another variant (Randomize) you can select a gradient.

Step 5

Desaturate the gradient layer Image > Adjustments > Desaturate(Ctrl + Shift + U) (Image - Adjustments - Desaturate).

Then the tool Eraser Tool (E)(Eraser), soft brush, erase along the edges of the gradient, as shown below.

Change the blending mode to Color Dodge(Brightening the base).

Step 6

Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and place it in a group (Ctrl + G). Change the group's blending mode to Color Dodge(Brightening the base). Then the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush), color white, hardness 0%, draw a spot at hand level. This way we will add a light effect.

Above the group layer, create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N), select the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush) with these parameters

  • Size(Size) - 100 - 300 px
  • Hardness(Hardness) - 0%
  • Opacity(Opacity) - 70%
  • Flow(Press) - 60%
  • Color - #80b2d6

And paint the canvas as shown in the image below.

Translator's note: In red the author shows where to paint.

Step 7

Open the smoke texture and move it to your working document. Reduce the size (Ctrl+T), rotate and position it on the leg as shown below.

Change the blending mode to Color Dodge(Brightening the base).

Do the same with the nebula image.

Change the blending mode to Color Dodge(Brightening the base).

For the nebula layer, add an adjustment layer Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Hue/Saturation) as a clipping mask. Install Saturation(Saturation) to -100.

Step 8

Open and move the image with the second nebula into the working document. Change the blending mode to Color Dodge(Base Dodge) and add the adjustment layer as for the first nebula layer as a clipping mask with the same settings.

Duplicate the gradient layer you created earlier two times and position the copies as shown below.

Step 9

Open the particle texture and place it as shown below.

Duplicate the particle layer and place it in the leg area. Tool Eraser Tool (E)(Eraser) use a soft brush on layers with particles to remove excess.

Step 10

Open and move the highlight texture into your work.

Change the blending mode to Screen(Screen)

Finally add an adjustment layer Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Gradient Map) color from #094b39 to white.

Change the blending mode to Overlay(Overlap) and reduce Opacity(Opacity) to 50%.

Final result:

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create an interesting glow and add mood to an image. For this we will use blending modes(blending options), selection tools and a little of your imagination.
Before processing.

Lesson materials:

Let's start. Open the image you want to apply the effect to. The author chose this.

Step 1. You need to separate the girl from the background. Do this using the method that works best for you. The author used the tool Feather(Pen Tool), drawing a path around the girl’s figure, you need to close the outline and form a selected area. Set the feathering to 1 px.

Step 2. Copy the selection (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) it to a new layer, name the layer "Young woman».

Step 3. Duplicate the layer "Young woman". Apply an adjustment to a copy of this layer Brightness/Contrast on the menu Image - Correction(Image > Adjustments > Brightness and Contrast).

Step 4. Select the layer "Young woman". Let's go to the menu Filter - Blur - Motion Blur(Filter > Blur > Motion Blur). We set these settings Corner(Angle) - 40 degrees, Bias(Distance) - 120. Merge layers "Young woman" and a copy of it.

Step 5. with a girl and call him "Smoke". Using the tool Lasso(Lasso Tool), draw an area around the girl. Set the feathering to 150 px.

Step 6. Make sure your Foreground color is white and your Background color is black. Now let's go to the menu Filter - Rendering - Clouds(Filter > Render > Clouds). After that, set the blending mode for this layer Overlap(Overlay).

Step 7 Create a new layer below the layer "Smoke" and name it "Gradient". Select Tool Gradient(Gradient Tool) and click to bring up the Gradient Editor. Set the foreground color #c6229e and background color #1dbdda. In the tool settings, set Linear. Draw a gradient from the top left to the bottom right, set the opacity of this layer to 60%.

Step 8 Set the layer "Gradient" blending mode Overlap(Overlay), then merge the layers " Smoke" And "Gradient". You should get something like the screenshot below. You can experiment with different gradient color combinations and different blending modes for the Gradient layer.

Step 9 Create a new layer below the layer "Gradient" and name it "Glow". Using white soft Brush(Brush), paint over the edges of the girl with a brush. This will create a glowing effect behind the girl.

Step 10 Make the tool active Brush(Brush tool), go to the brush settings palette (F5) and enter the following settings, as shown in the screenshots below. Save this brush by clicking Save a new brush (Create New Brush) and name her "Splash". Then you can select it again in the brushes palette and use it later. Drag the customized brush over the image as in the image below. Achieve the desired effect.

Step 11 Create a new layer, name it "Stripes". The name speaks for itself. We're going to make glow stripes. To make them, select a tool Polygon Lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool) and create a triangle. Then, using a soft white brush, paint on the opposite side of the base of the triangle. You can also experiment with different shapes and sizes to create the effects you want.

Step 12 Now let's do the lighting on the girl herself. To do this, create a new layer above the layer "Young woman" and set its blending mode to Lightening the base(Color Dodge). Load the outline of the girl that you made earlier in the contours palette or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+click on the thumbnail of the layer with the girl. The selection will load. Using the tool PIpetka(Eyedropper Tool), select the color of the glow around the girl that we made earlier and use the same color, with a soft brush, to draw along the inner contour of the selected area.

Step 13 Now we will create the light lines. Create a new layer called "Lines" above the girl layer. Set the color foreground(foreground color) white, select tool Brush(Brush Tool) and open the brush settings window. Select a soft brush, approximately 9 px. In the tab Dynamics of shape(Shape Dynamics) install Size fluctuation(size jitter control) on pen pressure(Pen Pressure). This will give your brush strokes an interesting effect.