Breathing is life. The validity of such a statement is unlikely to raise an objection from anyone. Indeed, if the body can survive without solid food for several months, without water - for several days, then without air - only for a few minutes. The priority of the breathing process for life makes the ability to master this process perfectly almost main ability a person to work miracles with his body, get rid of diseases, become healthy. This has long been proven by Indian yogis, who can go without breathing much longer than ordinary people. With the help of breathing, you can put the body into a state of excitement (as is done in the martial arts of the East) and maximum relaxation (yogis are able to put themselves in a state of clinical death).

There are many types of breathing exercises. Currently, the most popular are: paradoxical breathing according to A.N. Strelnikova, shallow breathing according to K.P. Buteyko, rare and deep breathing according to the yoga system, Frolov’s method (Frolov’s simulator). Strictly speaking, breathing exercises developed by A.N. Strelnikova, is not such, rather, it is ordinary gymnastics, consisting of repeatedly repeated physical exercises, accompanied by incorrect breathing, breathing on the contrary - paradoxical. And the therapeutic effect here is achieved rather not thanks to incorrect, noisy, intermittent breathing, but thanks to numerous, sometimes reaching several hundred movements. Instead of teaching a person (and even a sick one) how to breathe correctly through the nose and without noise, A.N. Strelnikova forces him to perform unnatural actions: instead of exhaling, inhale.

I would compare this type of breathing with improper sleep. Those. If a person is awake at night and sleeps during the day, such a life can hardly be called normal. I am sure that if paradoxical breathing begins to be performed by people suffering from stage 2 and 3 hypertension, patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency, aortic aneurysm and other serious diseases, then disastrous results can be expected from such gymnastics. And the therapeutic effect, which is sometimes achieved with the help of gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova (by numerous physical and breathing exercises), can be achieved in other ways in just a few minutes (by the way, at rest). I think that if you apply the methodology of A.N. Strelnikova, then for a very limited circle of people. Practical experience shows that the effectiveness of treatment with paradoxical breathing reaches only 60-65%. In this regard, if you adhere to the commandment “Heal, but do not harm” (Hippocrates), then the method of paradoxical breathing by A.N. Strelnikova cannot be used in medical practice due to the high percentage of negative results. A completely different matter is the volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLDB), authored by K.P. Buteyko. In medical practice, the effectiveness of treatment with the Buteyko method was 80-85%. The same percentage of treatment effectiveness was observed when carrying out scientific research in Novosibirsk.

The greatest successes have been achieved in the treatment of patients with diseases of the functional nature of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Patients with organic changes (atherosclerosis, urinary and cholelithiasis, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochodrosis of the spine, etc.) completed the course with the least effectiveness.

The main difficulty of using the Buteyko method is that sick people are forced to exert maximum volitional efforts to achieve a positive result, and not everyone can do this.

The VLGD method has and negative sides. Practice shows that with long-term (six months or more) practice of shallow breathing, the functional abilities of the lungs gradually begin to decrease in almost all spirometric indicators. For comparison, I can cite walking in short strides, which in six months to a year will lead to atrophy of the leg muscles and a person will no longer be able to perform normal walking with long steps.

I believe that the VLGD method can be used in cases of hyperfunction of the respiratory organs and in the acute stage of diseases of those organs and systems that have smooth muscle, affecting it with the accumulation of CO2 in the blood and lungs - these are the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, bile and urinary ducts, etc. .e. for conditions such as runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, angina pectoris, migraine associated with vascular spasms, gastrointestinal colic, increased arterial pressure etc. I would especially like to note that using the method of K.P. Buteyko is 100% effective in relieving spasms of the birth canal during labor in women in labor. Women get rid of severe and excruciating pain. The period of childbirth is greatly facilitated and shortened.

The shallow breathing method can be used when you are in dusty or gassy places, or in a stuffy room.

After all, when breathing deeply, dust settles in the bronchi or even in the lungs.

It is already difficult to remove it from the body. The breathing apparatus essentially performs the function of a vacuum cleaner, i.e. a person inhales polluted air and exhales it clean, leaving dirt in the bronchioles or alveoli of the lungs, which is very difficult to remove. The same mechanism also works in acute respiratory infections.

Initially, the infection is in the nasopharynx, but as a result of deep breathing it descends into the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. In this case, the depth of breathing largely determines whether a person will get tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Therefore, when acute respiratory infections appear, you urgently need to switch to constant shallow breathing.

The most beneficial load on the human respiratory system, without any doubt, is breathing, proven for thousands of years according to the yogic system - deep and rare, without noise and, naturally, through the nose. Yogis say: whoever breathes rarely lives long. And one more thing: to be healthy, a person must perform from 40 to 60 deep breathing exercises per day. Yogi theory says: prana - cosmic, vital energy coming from the Sun must accumulate in solar plexus humans, entering our body through the air with the help of deep breathing. Many years of practical medical experience show that the effectiveness of breathing treatment according to the yoga system reaches 95-96%. This is an exceptionally high figure.

Correct breathing is breathing through the nose and without noise. Unfortunately, many people believe that the mouth is also intended for breathing (although even basic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology allows us to assert that the nose is the first organ of the respiratory apparatus, and the mouth is the first organ of the digestive tract). In this regard, breathing experts say this: “If a person breathes through his mouth, then he needs to be fed through his nose.” This is the mistake people make. Some of us don't think about how we breathe at all. Others believe that they almost always breathe through their nose; in fact, they most often inhale air through their mouth. However, everyone can easily test themselves. When left alone in the room, cover your lips with a band-aid. If after some time you feel the need to breathe through your mouth, then your airways are not in order and you are breathing incorrectly.

What to do in this case? Learn to breathe correctly! Yes, yes, study for the rest of your life. Of course, it is almost impossible to change overnight, especially since neither at home nor in kindergarten, neither at school nor at the institute are they taught the basics of proper breathing.

So, nasal breathing stimulates the nerve endings of all organs located in the nasopharynx. It is no coincidence that, say, yogis warn: if children do not breathe through their nose, they will not get enough mental development. Surely, many of you have paid attention to what mentally retarded children look like: their mouth is always open, their lower jaw droops. Why is breathing with noise bad? The noise effect is an indicator that the breathing apparatus is working under overload, under tension. As a rule, this leads to pathological changes respiratory system, and then - the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. This relationship is confirmed by the research of Dr. K.P. Buteyko. In this regard, with the help of breathing you can dose and control physical activity. For example, while breathing evenly, calmly, you can do physical exercise even after myocardial infarction.

By the way, this practice has long existed in clinics in highly developed countries.

It is recommended, on the one hand, a simplified, on the other hand, a universal set of breathing exercises aimed at developing shallow, deep, rare breathing, as well as developing a person’s ability to hold their breath both during inhalation and exhalation, both at rest and during physical activity.

Upper parts of the lungs: 5 sec. - exhale, relaxing the chest muscles: 5 sec. pause, don’t breathe, are in maximum relaxation, 10 times.

  • Exercise 3 Full breath. Diaphragmatic and chest breathing together. 7.5 seconds - inhale, starting with diaphragmatic and ending with chest breathing: 7.5 seconds - exhale, starting from the upper parts of the lungs and ending with the lower parts of the lungs, i.e. aperture: 5 sec. - pause, 10 times.
  • Exercise 4 Acupressure of the points of the nose at a maximum pause, 1 time.
  • Exercise 5 Full breathing through the right, then the left half of the nose 10 times.
  • Exercise 6 Abdominal retraction.
  • 7.5 seconds - full inhalation: 7.5 seconds - maximum exhalation: 5 seconds - pause, while keeping the abdominal muscles drawn in, 10 times.
  • Exercise 7 Maximum ventilation (MVL).

We perform fast, maximum 12 inhalations and exhalations, i.e. 2.5 seconds - inhale: 2.5 seconds - exhale for 1 minute. After MVL we immediately perform a maximum pause (MP) on exhalation, to the limit. MVL is performed 1 time.

  • Exercise 8 Rare breathing. (by levels) 1-5 sec. - inhale: 5 sec. - exhale: 5 sec. - pause, 4 breaths per minute are obtained. Perform for 1 minute, then, without stopping breathing, continue to perform other levels.
  • 2-5 seconds - inhale: 5 seconds - hold your breath while inhaling: 5 seconds. - exhale: 5 sec. - pause, 3 breaths per minute. Perform for 2 minutes. 3-7.5 sec. - inhalation: 7.5 sec. - delay: 7.5 sec. - exhale: 5 seconds - pause, 2 breaths per minute. Perform for 3 minutes. 4- 10 sec. - inhale: 10 sec. - hold: 10 sec. - exhale: 10 sec. - pause, it turns out 1.5 breaths per minute. Perform for 4 minutes. And so on, who can stand it for how long. The norm is to bring it to 1 breath per minute.
  • Exercise 9 Double breath holding.

First, the MP is performed on exhalation, then the maximum delay (MH) on inspiration. 1 time.

  • 10 exercises MP sitting 3-10 times: MP while walking in place 3-10 times: MP while running in place 3-10 times: MP while squatting 3-10 times.
  • Exercise 11 Shallow breathing.

Sitting in a comfortable position for maximum relaxation, perform chest breathing. We gradually reduce the volume of inhalation and exhalation, bringing it to invisible breathing or breathing at the level of the nasopharynx. During such breathing, a slight lack of air will appear first, then moderate or even severe, confirming that the exercise. is performed correctly.

Stay on shallow breathing for 3 to 10 minutes.

All exercises must be performed with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before and after performing the complex, control measurements are performed: MP - maximum pause, pulse. Normally for adults, MP is satisfactory - 30 seconds, good - 60 seconds, excellent - 90 seconds.

The pulse is satisfactory - 70 beats/min, good - 60 beats/min. excellent - 50 beats/min. For middle and older children school age MP is normally 1/3 less, pulse is 10 beats/min. more. For children of preschool and primary school age, the MP is 2/3 less, the pulse is 20 beats/min. more.

It is advisable to perform a set of exercises on an empty stomach.

Various health problems can be solved not only with traditional methods of treatment, but also with special techniques, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by people all over the world.

One of these techniques is Buteyko breathing exercises, developed by K.P. Buteyko was a scientist, a doctor, and considered many diseases as consequences of deep breathing, and therefore considered it necessary to breathe not deeply, but superficially. His technique is often compared to the breathing exercises of Strelnikova, who was an opera singer. Initially A.N. Strelnikova developed a technique to solve problems with voice loss, and not to treat diseases. Now both the Buteyko method and the Strelnikova method are quite common in Russia and abroad, but it is not advisable to compare these methods, since they are based on different postulates.

The essence of breathing exercises

According to Buteyko, many diseases are caused by a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood. This is especially true for breathing problems: bronchitis, allergies, asthma, pneumonia, etc.

It is believed that diseases not directly related to breathing also arise due to problems of the respiratory system, and therefore many diseases can be cured by normalizing breathing. When a person takes many deep breaths in a short period of time (hyperventilation), his blood becomes oversaturated with oxygen and becomes insufficient in carbon dioxide. Buteyko proposed volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLDB), and in the name of the technique, “volitional” means “conscious” and not “forced”.

His breathing exercises are aimed at reducing the depth of breaths and their frequency. Breathing should become shallow, unnoticeable from the outside. It is difficult for the body to adapt to breathing in a new way, so breakdowns are possible both physically and emotionally.

The exercises proposed by Buteyko are quite simple to perform, but you can learn how to perform them correctly only under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Otherwise, you may either not see the effect, or even harm the body. In the future, you can practice the exercises on your own.

The advantage of the technique is that you can perform the exercises almost anywhere: they do not require any special equipment.

Description of exercises

To mark your results, you first need to measure your breathing rate and control pause - the time from exhalation to the feeling of lack of air. When exercise becomes a habit, the breathing rate should decrease and the control pause should increase. To track dynamics, it is better to record all indicators in a separate notebook.

All exercises of this gymnastics can be divided into two types: ordinary and combined with a certain physical activity (motor exercises are performed along with breathing exercises). Exercises of the first type according to the Buteyko method should be performed in a relaxed state. You need to sit down, straighten your back, leaning on the back of the chair, straighten your shoulders and put your hands on your knees. Physical activity promotes activation metabolic processes in the body, but are prohibited for patients with severe forms of bronchial asthma.

  • First, you can practice this breathing tactic: inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, then pause for 5 seconds when you need to hold your breath. These actions are performed 10 times, i.e. should take 2.5 minutes. The chest muscles do not tense up. When performing any exercise using the Buteyko method, a feeling of lack of air occurs, especially at the beginning of classes. This means the exercise is being performed correctly. If suddenly your breathing becomes erratic and a deep breath is taken, everything is repeated again until it is done 10 times in a row.
  • Another exercise is carried out in a similar way, but alternately through each nostril: first through the right and then through the left.
  • Full breathing involves inhaling for 7.5 seconds, then exhaling the same, and then a 5-second pause. In this case, the stomach needs to be pulled in, i.e. breathe through the chest and hold the muscles in a retracted position for 3.5 minutes.
  • Maximum ventilation of the lungs is achieved through rapid inhalations and exhalations. Inhalation lasts 2.5 seconds, then exhalation for the same amount, no pauses are made between them. The exercise is performed for a minute, and after its completion you need to hold your breath for as long as possible. possible time(maximum pause).
  • The maximum pause is also made during a double breath-hold: inhale, then hold your breath as much as possible, then exhale and hold your breath again. Do this exercise once per session.
  • There is also an exercise called “sparse breathing”, which is performed according to different levels. First, inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds and pause for 5 seconds, i.e. This turns out to be 4 repetitions per minute. This sequence is performed for exactly one minute. Then another pause is added after inhalation, also for 5 seconds, i.e. This works out to three repetitions of the cycle per minute, with this tactic applied for two minutes. Next, the time of inhalation, exhalation and pauses increases to 7.5 seconds, i.e. This turns out to be only 2 repetitions of the cycle per minute, and you need to repeat the exercise for three minutes. The last link in this exercise should be one breath cycle per minute. If you can’t pick up a similar pace right away, don’t despair. Many exercises require weeks or months of training to complete.
  • Then shallow breathing is practiced. You need to relax as much as possible and breathe through your chest, gradually reducing the strength and volume of inhalations and exhalations. The ideal would be to achieve the so-called. invisible breath. You should try to hold on to this type of breathing for 3 to 10 minutes.

All exercises in the Buteyko method are performed on an empty stomach. Initially, they should be repeated 6 times a day every 4 hours, and then, after recovery, you can reduce the number of sessions to 2 times a day. Sometimes the body’s response to such treatment occurs after just a few sessions, in other cases it takes months of work.

Indications for use

Breathing exercises Buteyko is useful for the following diseases:

  1. bronchitis,
  2. bronchial asthma,
  3. emphysema,
  4. pneumosclerosis,
  5. allergic reactions,
  6. angina pectoris
  7. hypertension,
  8. cerebrovascular accident.

Also, performing breathing exercises helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the body of toxins and help get rid of excess weight.

The technique is recommended for both adults and children over 4 years old. Using it to solve problems in children can achieve faster results, since they are easier to teach such actions than adults. Most often, when treating children, specialists try to explain in a playful way how to perform certain exercises.

Treatment effectiveness

When studying reviews from adherents of the Buteyko method, you need to pay attention to whether the person learned how to perform the exercises correctly from specialists or mastered the technique on his own. The results of treatment depend on the correctness of the exercises and the regularity of exercises.

Many people describe the positive impact of Buteyko’s breathing exercises on their health: for some, the exercises helped them get rid of a cough, for others several sessions helped reduce the number of asthma attacks during asthma, others appreciated the technique in the fight against allergies to animals, and some patients noted the positive effect of breathing gymnastics for pain in the stomach. Among the negative aspects, only the initial reaction of the body to gymnastics is most often considered - the body resists changes with all its might: coughing, lacrimation, redness of the eyes, indigestion, etc. may appear.

We bring to your attention a rare video: Buteyko himself demonstrates breathing exercises

To strengthen all respiratory organs, special exercise techniques are often used. Domestic doctors trust two breathing exercises: according to Buteyko and according to Strelnikova. These workouts not only improve your health, but also eliminate some types of diseases. Let's take a closer look at how to perform the exercises and how effective they are.

System of exercises according to the Buteyko method

After conducting a large number of experiments, doctor Konstantin Buteyko was able to prove that deep breathing is harmful to every person. By receiving large quantity oxygen is replaced by carbon dioxide, which is an equally important chemical component of our body. Thus, deep breathing can cause spasm of many organs, including the blood vessels of the brain. And after the contraction of the vascular network and muscle tissue, a sufficient amount of oxygen is no longer supplied, which disrupts metabolic processes and biochemical reactions.

Konstantin Buteyko believes that carbon dioxide, which we are accustomed to classifying as harmful to the body, actually needs to be saved. And to do this, you should learn to correctly both inhale and exhale air from the lungs. Experimentally, the doctor showed that in healthy patients much more carbon dioxide accumulates in the bloodstream than in those who suffer from such pathological conditions as erosive processes of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma, post-infarction period, etc.

Buteyko breathing exercises: basic principles

The main task of a patient who wants to learn how to perform exercises using the Buteyko method is to control breathing so that it is not deep, but superficial. Doing gymnastics is quite difficult, especially for a sick person, because during a period of weakening body functions, a person needs to develop patience and show willpower. Therefore, in the initial stages, Buteyko’s breathing exercises make patients sweat profusely in order to force themselves not to take deep breaths. Sometimes doctors use corsets, without which patients cannot achieve normal breathing.

During the treatment course, patients must limit their diet. Basically, patients are prescribed plant foods, without high fat content. Drinking is strictly prohibited during this period. alcoholic drinks, smoking. It is recommended to sleep on your stomach and breathe only through your nose.

Additionally, it is recommended to carry out procedures to harden the body, as well as autogenic training. It is very important to maintain psychological balance, since any stressful situations force patients to deepen their breathing and lead to hyperventilation. In some patients, vascular spasm even causes loss of consciousness.

Buteyko’s breathing exercises help to get back on their feet even those patients who have been suffering from chronic diseases for years. It contributes to the following positive effects:

  • Improves nasal breathing, eliminates rhinitis, sinusitis
  • Cough and severe symptoms of bronchial asthma go away
  • Improves the separation of sputum from the lower parts of the respiratory system
  • Allergic reactions are treated
  • The function of the cardiovascular system is restored, blood pressure and heart muscle function are normalized
  • They seek to eliminate circulatory disorders in the brain, etc.

The essence of the Buteyko technique is to slowly reduce the depth of inhalation/exhalation. By prolonging the cessation of breathing, patients regain balance chemical substances, the immune system is strengthened, and the disease itself recedes.

Breathing exercises using the Buteyko method

To perform breathing exercises correctly, you need to take a comfortable body position. The patient does gymnastics while sitting in a chair with his back straight. The neck is pulled up, the hands are rested on the knees, but not joined together. A person should relax as much as possible, become calm.

Before performing Buteyko gymnastics exercises, it is necessary to achieve a “control pause”. After exhalation, the patient should stop breathing for so long that he feels short of air.

Gymnastics begins by gradually reducing the depth of breathing, reducing it to nothing. The procedure is performed for 5 minutes, then the control pause is measured. Then they go back to the five-minute exercise and take measurements again. This is repeated five times, which will be 1 cycle of exercises. And throughout the whole day, such cycles need to be carried out 6 times with an interval of four hours.

After each measurement of the control pause, the data is entered into a diary to calculate the dynamics of training progress. If the indicators increase, then the exercises are carried out correctly. But even with the same numbers over a long period, we can say that gymnastics works, only very slowly. When the patient's control pause reaches 1 minute, then training can be done twice a day. When the technique is fully mastered, they switch to a one-time cycle of classes.

So, the human health test is carried out as follows. Take a stopwatch and after exhaling, hold your breath as much as possible (you need to be patient until an unpleasant sensation appears). The state of the body is assessed based on the pause before inhalation:

  1. 3-5 seconds – the patient is very sick
  2. 30 seconds – a person is not healthy, but just a little
  3. 1 minute – speaks of absolute health
  4. 2-3 minutes – ultra-endurable patient

Gymnastics according to Buteyko is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Some types of exercise will be contraindicated in severe stages of bronchial asthma, so the patient should not self-medicate.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

The developed exercise technique has a healing effect not on individual human organs, but on the entire body. It is indicated to improve the following functions:

  • Blood supply to the lungs
  • Metabolism
  • Nervous regulation
  • Airway drainage
  • Nasal breathing
  • Lymph circulation
  • Elimination of adhesions and other structural disorders in the lungs and bronchi
  • Increasing immunity resistance to infections and harmful conditions
  • Normalization of general tone
  • Restoring the body for mental problems
  • Correction of musculoskeletal deformities
  • Strengthening vascular walls
  • Resorption of inflamed areas
  • Removing congestion, etc.

Studies of the body using spirometry and the Genche test have proven that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises contribute to a good effect on the respiratory system, blood composition, blood pressure, general health, performance of the heart muscle, bronchopulmonary apparatus.

  • Tuberculosis
  • Bronchial asthma/bronchitis
  • Allergic cough attacks
  • Rhinitis

Often, the treatment method for various pathological changes and inflammations is carried out with the parallel prescription of medications.

But Strelnikova’s gymnastics also has contraindications, so before doing it you need to consult a doctor. Doing breathing exercises is prohibited for patients with the following diseases:

  • Exacerbation of inflammation with elevated temperature
  • Severe forms of pathologies of various organs
  • Acute thrombophlebitis

In other cases, the method of training the respiratory organs will help eliminate many diseases.

How to do breathing exercises?

Here we will look at 11 different workouts that doctor Strelnikova developed. Before starting the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules classes:

  1. To accustom the body to physical exercise, on the first day of gymnastics you need to use only 3 exercises, repeating them twice a day.
  2. On the following days, one additional type of training is added.
  3. If at first it is very difficult to complete tasks, then the breaks between them are increased to 10 seconds.
  4. The inhalation must be nasal, sharp, making noise.
  5. Exhalation is done through the mouth; it may not be intense.
  6. Inhalations are always accompanied by movements, and exercises are performed quite often (up to 2 per second).
  7. A single lesson should not last more than 30 minutes.

If you perform Strelnikova’s gymnastics at least once every day, the patient will be able to feel great throughout his life.

Now let's move on to the instructions for performing each type of exercise.

The patient can perform exercises in any convenient position: standing, sitting or lying on his back. The main task of a person is to bend his arms at the elbows so that they remain at their height, as if the limbs are lowered. And open palms are raised up to the level of the face. Taking a strong breath through your nose, immediately clench your fists. So you need to take four breaths in a row. After this, the hands are relaxed, lowered and rested for 4 seconds.

Palm exercises are repeated 24 times. At first, out of habit, people experience dizziness and general weakness. But by the end of charging this condition goes away. If the patient experiences severe dizziness, it is best to do the exercises while sitting in a chair or lying down. Rest between training cycles is increased to 10 seconds.

A person can also take any comfortable position. Hands are clenched into fists and pressed to the body at waist level, but not higher. When inhaling, the hands are strongly lowered down, as if being pushed towards the floor. At this time, your shoulders should be very tense and your arms should be fully straightened.

After this, the hands are returned to their original position on the belt, and the shoulders are relaxed as much as possible and exhaled. The exercise is repeated 8 times with a rest of four seconds. Perform 12 approaches at a time.

This exercise can only be done while standing. The person needs to stand up straight. The legs are placed together, and the arms are extended straight along the body. Then you need to bend towards the floor so that your hands hang from your shoulders, as if reaching for the ground, but without touching it. At the same time, a sharp nasal inhalation is made, which ends when the tilt stops.

Then the person exhales and straightens his back a little, but does not straighten it, but remains in a slightly inclined position. As you lower your arms down, your back should resemble a semicircle with your head bowed. The exercises are performed quickly, so that more than 100 bends are achieved in a minute. The training cycle lasts 8 breaths. You need to repeat 12 cycles.

This type of gymnastics has contraindications. Patients with radiculitis, hypertension, liver/kidney diseases should not bend too low. Exercises can be done with small bends, but strong nasal breaths.

A man stands on straight legs folded together. The workout is based on squats, during which you need to turn your body to the left/right side. At the same time, take a sharp breath and again take the starting position. When squatting, the knees are slightly bent, but not at an angle of 90 0. And at this time the hands perform grasping actions at waist level, as a cat does when jumping. There is no need to monitor the exhalation, because it will happen involuntarily.

Carrying out this exercise you need to remember that the back remains straight all the time, and turns are made with a belt. The exercise is repeated in cycles of 8 breaths. Repeat the exercises 12 times. If the patient is seriously ill, then he can do gymnastics while sitting.

The patient stands straight and bends his elbows, raising his hands to his shoulders. The body resembles the letter T. When inhaling sharply, you should close the shoulder joints, without crossing the limbs, but maintaining their parallelism. The exercise is repeated 8 times and rest. The patient is required to do 12 cycles of gymnastics. If there are physical limitations, then charging is carried out in a supine position.

The exercise has contraindications. People with heart defects or ischemia should not do this type of exercise in the first week of classes. If it is difficult, then you can reduce the number of approaches to 4, and then take a break.

This exercise combines two exercises already described: Pump and Hug your shoulders. The person stands upright with his arms extended across his body. Leaning almost to the floor with a rounded back and hanging hands, take a breath and return to the original stance. But now the back is slightly bent back, and the arms are wrapped around the shoulders. After this, the air is inhaled again. The exercise is repeated 8 approaches twelve times.

If physiology does not allow, then exercises are done in sitting position. In case of spinal injuries or salt deposits, gymnastics are performed carefully. With such pathologies, it is better not to bend back.

These are the first 6 exercises that you need to do in mandatory. The following 5 types of exercises can be done only after a person has mastered the main workouts.

The patient stands straight and turns his head: left and right. With each turn, take an intense breath. During the exercise, you should make sure that the head does not stop in the center of the body. Charging is repeated 12 times, eight cycles each.

This exercise is performed in almost the same way as the previous one. In this case, when turning, the head is tilted down, and the ears reach to the shoulders.

The exercises are performed with the head, lowering it to the chest and then raising it, looking at the ceiling. Charging is contraindicated for patients with epilepsy and previous head injuries. It is also not recommended to do the Pendulum for hypertension or cervical osteochondrosis.

The patient stands straight, distributing the body weight on two legs. The right limb is pulled back and the left limb is pulled forward. Then the weight of the body is transferred to the straightened front leg, and the right leg is half bent at the knee and the fulcrum is on the toes. When squatting weakly, inhale air with your left leg. Then the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg and the same exercise is repeated, but only the left foot is on the toe.

Charging is done while standing. First, keep your legs straight and place your feet side by side. Then the left limb is raised with the knee to the waist, but its toe is pulled down. The right leg squats a little and the person inhales noisily. Then the exercise is repeated, changing the position of the legs.

When stepping back, the left leg is bent at the knee and moved behind the back so that the heel reaches the buttock. The right limb squats and a sharp breath is taken. The position changes, and the cycle contains 4 exercises of eight approaches.

If the patient has thrombophlebitis, ischemic disease or have suffered leg injuries, then the stop between cycles is increased to 10 seconds.

Breathing exercises for children

For respiratory diseases, pediatricians very often, in addition to medicines special exercises are prescribed that improve the functionality of the child’s body and reduce the risk of complications.

Not all kids can do this gymnastic exercises. For example, children with osteochondrosis, skull or back injuries should not be overloaded too intensely. locomotor system. In addition, with frequent bleeding and high eye/blood pressure, breathing exercises for children are also not always allowed.

Basic principles of exercises

Doctors advise children to do breathing exercises twice a day. You can allocate 15 minutes for exercises. Charging is not done immediately after eating; you must wait at least 1 hour.

Children are taught to inhale/exhale air correctly. Kids should know that when inhaling, it is necessary to fill the lungs with oxygen as much as possible, fully expanding them. And when exhaling, you should completely push out the exhaust gases.

Before classes, children need to be explained that they adhere to the following rules:

  • Always inhale through your nose
  • Do not raise your shoulders while inhaling
  • Don't puff out your cheeks
  • Exhale smoothly and long

As soon as it gets warm outside, breathing exercises in kindergarten can be done right on the playground. And in winter, you should ventilate the room before exercise.

It is very important to ensure that children do not show signs of hyperventilation. If your child exercises too hard, his face may become flushed, his heart rate may increase, his limbs will tingle, or he may tremble. To prevent children from getting sick, exercise is stopped for a while.

If your baby is dizzy, you can eliminate this symptom simple action. The child's palms are folded into a boat and brought to his face. The child should take several deep breaths into this “bucket”. After this, you can continue charging.

Breathing exercises in kindergarten: simple exercises for children 2-7 years old

For the health of little mischievous children preschool institutions you can carry out the following simple and interesting activities. Each exercise can be repeated 4-6 times.

  1. Balloon

This is a very interesting exercise. The baby lies on his back and puts his hands on his tummy. He must inflate it strongly, like a balloon, and then “deflate” it completely. The exercise is done slowly.

  1. Wave

The child lies on his back with his back, arms and legs completely straight. When inhaling, he should raise his arms, smoothly moving them behind his head and touching his palms to the floor. Returning to the starting position, the baby should say “Down,” exhaling air smoothly and slowly.

  1. Watch

This exercise is performed standing on straight legs with your arms down. Then the child should move his hands like the hands of a clock - first forward, then backward. At the same time he says “Tick-tock.”

  1. Diver

This charger will really appeal to children who love to swim and dive under water. The child must take a breath, drawing in full lungs of air and hold his breath for as long as he can not breathe. The teacher can tell what fish the children see and where they can swim.

  1. Engine

During gymnastics, the child must walk in a circle, as if on rails. It will depict a train that moves by moving the handles. While driving, he should say “choo-choo.” Then you need to stop and signal “Too-too.”

  1. I'll grow big

Children will have a lot of fun doing this exercise because they all want to get big faster. They stand straight and raise their arms to the side and then up, stretching as high as possible on their toes. In this case, you need to take a slow breath. And when you exhale, the arms go down.

Comparative characteristics of K.P.’s methods Buteyko and A.N. Strelnikova Introduction For many years, humanity has been breathing and does not notice it at all. With each inhalation, air enters the lungs, and with each exhalation, a small portion of the alveolar air is released into the atmosphere. However, it is precisely this mechanism, honed to perfection, that is extremely necessary basis human life. Breathing is life. Indeed, if the body can survive without solid food for several months, without water - for several days, then without air - only for a few minutes. The priority of the breathing process for life makes the ability to master this process perfectly perhaps the main ability of a person to work miracles with his body and get rid of diseases. This has long been proven by Indian yogis, who can go without breathing much longer than ordinary people. There are many types of breathing exercises. Currently, the most popular are: “paradoxical” breathing according to A.N. Strelnikova, shallow breathing according to K.P. Buteyko, rare and deep breathing according to the yoga system, Frolov’s method (Frolov’s simulator). The purpose of this work is to review breathing exercises using the method of A.N. Strelnikova and K.P. Buteyko, since they are the most accessible and effective of all types of breathing exercises. comparison table

Features for comparison Buteyko method Strelnikova method
The essence of the method Volitional elimination of deep breathing, gradual reduction of external breathing to normal by relaxing the muscles of the diaphragm. A gradual decrease in the depth of breathing through “improper breathing”: instead of exhaling, there is a noisy inhalation.
Features of the technique Unlocking the internal reserves of the body, allowing you to control the respiratory function of a person, which makes it possible to immediately reduce the severity of the disease and effectively prevent possible complications, and in the future completely get rid of the disease without the use of drugs. In the process of mastering the technique, there is a process of re-education of a person, strengthening his will, expanding his consciousness. The exercises actively involve all parts of the body, are performed with a short and sharp inhalation through the nose (with absolutely passive exhalation), which increases the absorption of oxygen by the tissues, and also irritates the receptors on the nasal mucosa, which provides a reflex connection between the nasal cavity and almost all organs. Gymnastics restores the singing voice, that is, the most complex function respiratory organs.
Therapeutic effect of gymnastics 1) The body protects itself from excessive removal of CO2 by narrowing the lumen of the channels through which CO2 is released from the body; 2) Changing the minute volume of breathing (MVR) using exercises that allow you to change the depth of inspiration (breathing amplitude), which leads to the relief and prevention of an attack of suffocation ;3) Relieves severe and excruciating pain during contractions. The period of childbirth is significantly facilitated and shortened.4) The method can be used in case of hyperfunction of the respiratory organs and in the stage of exacerbation of diseases of organs and systems that have smooth muscles, i.e. in conditions such as runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, angina pectoris, migraine, gastrointestinal colic, high blood pressure, etc. 1) affects metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply; 2) promotes the restoration of nervous regulations disturbed during the disease by the central nervous system; 3) improves the drainage function of the bronchi; 4) restores impaired nasal breathing; 5) eliminates changes in the bronchopulmonary system; 6 )promotes the resorption of inflammatory formations, straightening of wrinkled areas of lung tissue, restoration of normal blood and lymph supply; 7) improves impaired functions of the cardiovascular system; 8) corrects various deformities of the chest and spine; 9) increases the tone of the body;
Rules for performing gymnastics 1) Mandatory supervision by a methodologist; 2) Correct breathing is breathing through the nose and without noise; 3) It is better to learn the method while sitting on the edge of a chair. The position is comfortable, the back is straight, the muscles of the chest, diaphragm, and abdomen are relaxed. Legs bent at the knees; 4) Constant feeling of slight lack of air; 1) Emphasis on inhalation through the nose, noisy, sharp and short; 2) Exhalation should go out after each inhalation independently through the mouth; 3) Do not hold or push out the exhalation. Inhalation is extremely active (through the nose), exhalation is absolutely passive (through the mouth); 4) Inhalation is done simultaneously with the movement. 5) All inhalation movements are made in the rhythm of the marching step; 6) Count only by 8, count mentally, not out loud; 8) Exercises can be done standing, sitting, lying down.


The technique of these gymnastics involves special breathing. So in gymnastics according to A.N. Strelnikova - a short and sharp breath is taken through the nose in movements that compress the chest. And in the method of K.P. Buteyko is a universal set of breathing exercises aimed at developing shallow, rare breathing, as well as developing a person’s ability to hold their breath both during inhalation and exhalation, both at rest and during physical activity. But the basis of both gymnastics is breathing, nasal breathing, which helps get rid of a wide variety of ailments. And it doesn’t matter what method you use to learn to breathe. Our task is to learn to breathe correctly!

Today, many health and yoga studios offer training in breathing techniques. But if you wish, you can master some of them yourself. In the middle of the last century, scientists found that most diseases occur not so much from nerves, but from impaired breathing. How do they breathe healthy people and can this be learned?

Humanity has probably been using various breathing techniques for as long as it has existed. Perhaps none ancient civilization I was not too lazy to create my own teaching on how to inhale and exhale correctly. It has something to offer to modern scientists, researchers and simply empiricists. We present three, perhaps, the most used methods that have proven themselves with multiple facts of miraculous healing.

Volitional exclusion of deep breathing, or the Buteyko method

When examining his first patient, the student listened very carefully to his lungs. The patient had to breathe deeply. After 2-3 minutes the patient lost consciousness: as it turned out, from hyperventilation. The future doctor was amazed to the core: it turns out that deep breathing can almost lead to the death of a person? But on the contrary: everyone is trying to breathe deeply so that there is more oxygen in the body! Or maybe it's harmful?

Konstantin Buteyko was a meticulous student, who devoted the rest of his life to questions. Having built a complex diagnostic complex (which the researchers called among themselves a “harvester”), for many years the scientist carried out a complete examination of human health. The results of the examination surprised everyone a lot. It turns out that all healthy people have a very high level of carbon dioxide in the blood - 6.5%. And if oxygen is the main energy source of the body, then carbon dioxide is the regenerator of all its functions, the regulator of metabolic processes and the source of life.

Scientists say: animal and human cells need only 2% oxygen and about 7% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In fact, we have 21% and 0.03%, respectively: the content of the latter is much lower than optimal. There is only one thing left to do: breathe rarely and shallowly - so that the huge portion of oxygen received during a normal inhalation has time to be absorbed.

Experience has shown that this allows you to get rid of most of the diseases that exist today: from asthma and myocardial infarction to diabetes.

By the way, Buteyko considered his main goal not at all treating the sick (of which there were 50 million in the Soviet Union). It was " side effect» training of medical personnel: academicians, professors, doctors, who then helped their patients. Therefore, today there are many medical and rehabilitation centers based on the methodology of the famous scientist.

It is a pity that it is almost impossible to learn volitional elimination of deep breathing at home, and long-term training under the supervision of a specialist is necessary to master the Buteyko method. Perhaps this greatly narrows the range of application to catastrophically unhealthy people who are faced with a choice - go to the clinic or die. More information about the method can be found on the website

Breathing exercises, Strelnikova method

Alexandra Strelnikova and her mother Alexandra are not theoretical scientists, but pure practitioners, and both were engaged in teaching vocals. The Strelnikovs did not at all strive to cure humanity, but provided voices for singers and actors: Andrei Mironov, Alla Pugacheva and other celebrities studied with them at one time. Sometimes students lost their voice, and a set of breathing exercises was developed to help them. It turned out to be so effective that in 1972 a patent was even issued for breathing exercises using Strelnikova’s method, “Methods for the treatment of diseases associated with loss of voice.”

Over time, it became clear that this method allows not only to restore speech, but also provides assistance to the whole organism. At the same time, any aspiring person can do it completely independently, using a special training manual. Strelnikova’s gymnastics was called incredible: the author preferred to deny all traditional practices with inspiration.

Doctors have mixed opinions regarding Strelnikova’s gymnastics. Like, everyone should do their own thing: doctors - health, teachers - training. And, in the end, if there is a method, where to go to it scientific basis? Those who took the trouble to approach the issue constructively warn: firstly, Strelnikova’s gymnastics has a number of contraindications. Secondly, this technique is a kind of ambulance the body, which can cause harm if used every day. You can learn more about Strelnikova’s breathing exercises on the website

Yogi Breathing

Yoga breathing exercises are called “pranayama”, that is, “the art of controlling vital energy - prana”. What is “life energy”? Why manage it? Sometimes even yoga instructors do not fully understand this. A completely plausible answer is given, oddly enough, by Konstantin Buteyko, who argued that by yogi prana they meant the source of life - CO2.

It may very well be: yogic breathing practices really change the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, having a powerful effect on the physiological component of a person. Plus, in the process of doing the exercises they are included in the work different groups respiratory muscles, massage occurs internal organs, normalization of the nervous system...

However, yogis insist: before mastering pranayama, you need to put things in order in your relationship with yourself and outside world, optimize your nutrition system, adjust your daily routine, and also add conscious physical activity. And only after this, say yogis, can you take up pranayama, which will allow you to advance your own development to the next level.

Of course, yoga is always practiced under the guidance of a mentor: this is done in order to avoid fatal mistakes in practice. After all, if you twist yourself into one position or another without the sensitive instructions of a guru, you have a real risk of getting an appointment with a chiropractor. The same can be applied to breathing exercises: their incorrect execution and use only aggravates health problems and creates new ones.

It would seem that if all diseases are caused by improper breathing, then what a pity that it is so difficult to control! After all, any method involves regular – sometimes several hours a day – training. Well, this also has its own sacred meaning: The soul improves through training. The mind becomes calm. Organization is growing by leaps and bounds. And all this against the backdrop of a slow but sure recovery.

Endogenous respiration, or Frolov's method

Having learned that he was sick with tuberculosis, engineer Vladimir Frolov firmly decided not to give up. It seemed to him that the most realistic method of treatment was breathing techniques, and the Buteyko system was more attractive than others. But he could not study for 5–6 hours a day in the clinic. Frolov needed a method that could be used at home, independently. Better yet, not a method, but a device.

Having carefully studied the results of scientific research, as well as the hardware breathing procedures that existed at that time, Frolov invented his own breathing simulator: a universal, inexpensive, effective device that made it possible to use both the Strelnikova method and the Buteyko method. The device underwent clinical testing and after positive results was put into production. In Russia, the Frolov simulator is included in the list of strategically important medical items. Sold in pharmacies under the strange name TDI-01.


Before using the Frolov breathing simulator, you should do at least three things:

  1. Study the list of contraindications and, after consulting with specialists (oncologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, therapist), make sure that you do not have any disease from this list;
  2. Read Frolov’s book “Endogenous respiration - medicine of the third millennium” and study other people’s experience of becoming familiar with the phenomenon by going to a seminar or at least “hanging out” on special forums;
  3. Be patient and be willing to strictly follow the instructions for using the simulator and the recommendations contained in the book.