Hello, friends! They cook pilaf with everything in our country and in neighboring countries. Sometimes it seems that there is no single classic recipe preparation of this truly wonderful and delicious dish. Let us today make our contribution to the chronicle of the preparation of pilaf prepared with rabbit meat. Although this meat is not present in the traditional version of pilaf, where pork and lamb are mainly used, it will still fit perfectly, since the cooking technology itself...

We also weighed cooking pasta,” Gauthier says. To test the bakedness of the dough, “we squish the dough between two Plexiglas plates,” concludes Ms. Gauthier. If it's not cooked enough, we see a darker line inside. If it's cooked well, we don't see the line. Then all the starch is gelatinized.

Their texture was considered firmer after cooking. This is a pasta that puffs up a little, even when fully cooked. They lose little material in boiling water and are therefore less sticky after cooking. To make pasta without turning your kitchen into a laboratory, you'll still have to follow certain rules.

Rust will disappear from the stove if you wipe its surface with hot vegetable oil. *** If you cut an oilcloth tablecloth, then cover the cut area on both sides with colorless nail polish. The cut will not be visible. *** Grease the grater on which you are going to grate the cheese with vegetable oil. This will prevent the cheese from sticking together and make the grater easier to wash. ***If the kitchen smells bad, pour some into the pan table vinegar and keep the pan on low heat until the vinegar...

"My magic bucket tells me you should cook the pasta in a lot of water," Mr. Cooking says, with plenty of water, which helps prevent the pasta from processing the starch. remember: one liter of water per 100 g of pasta. Salt does not affect the cooking of pasta. Its presence in water is a simple matter of taste.

When cooking pasta, should you rinse it? This is an issue on which there is no consensus. And if all tastes are in nature. Denis enjoyed our chefs' spaghetti! In these countries, rice is eaten quite sticky, or rather a balance between sticky and light. This depends, of course, on the quality of the rice, but also on the amount of water, control of cooking and washing.

How long to cook... User Verick's blog on 7ya.ru

I found a very useful site about how long a product needs to be cooked, fried, and stewed until done! [link-1] it would be very convenient to now understand how reliable the information is)))


A piece of fresh beef 0.5-1 kilogram is boiled for an hour and a half.
Formerly frozen beef is boiled for one and a half hours.
Cook the beef in a double boiler for 1 hour, in a slow cooker for 1 hour on the “Stew” mode.
Individual pieces of chicken (legs, thighs, fillets, breasts, wings, drumsticks, legs) are boiled for 30 minutes.
Soup chicken is cooked for 2 hours. Cook broiler or chicken for 1 hour.
A whole chicken needs to be cooked for an hour and a half.
The readiness of chicken can be easily determined as follows: if the meat easily comes away from the bones or the fillet can be easily pierced with a fork, the chicken is cooked.
Beef tongue is boiled for 3-3.5 hours, covered, over low heat, veal tongue - 2 hours. Eat by first (preferably after cooking) removing the skin from the tongue. Salt half an hour before cooking.
and most importantly:
Eggs are boiled for 3-10 minutes from the moment of boiling, depending on how you want to cook them: soft-boiled, in a bag or hard-boiled.
To obtain soft-boiled eggs, boil them for 5 minutes, in a bag - 5-6 minutes. For cooking boiled eggs Boil hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes.

It took me a long time to understand the difference in taste culture: rice is the most banal and everyday food, but preparing it is a fine art to master, and in Korea and Japan there is a lot of effort to improve the taste, texture and aroma. The cooked rice should remain mostly neutral, with a very fine flavor. I really didn't like the flavored rice like basmati.

The appearance of rice is also important, there is differentiation depending on the whiteness or transparency of the grain. The transparency of Korean rice is demonstrated by its high starch content. This counts the best rice when protein content is low. The more opaque the rice, the more protein there is, which speeds up the hardening and drying of the grain after White spot on the rice grains in the picture on the right is formed due to the lack of starch during cell formation. This reduces the good elastic texture.

Cook homemade fresh chicken eggs longer - from 8 (soft-boiled) to 13 minutes (hard-boiled).
In terms of time, you need to cook pearl barley from 50 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the variety and age of the pearl barley.
To properly cook pearl barley, pay attention to the date of its production.

Cook pearl barley from bags for 45 minutes.
Whole salmon should be cooked for 25-30 minutes.
Cook individual salmon pieces and fillets for 15 minutes.
Boil the salmon head on the ear for 30 minutes.
Cook salmon pieces in a double boiler for 20 minutes.
In a multicooker, cook salmon pieces for 30 minutes on the “Steam” mode.
The beets are boiled for 40-50 minutes.
Beets are not cleaned before cooking.
Shrimps that have previously been cooked and then frozen (these are most often sold in stores and are light pink in color) need to be cooked for 3-5 minutes.

Round rice with a magnifying glass: Korean, European, Turkish. The grains should not have cracks or fractures. they are thus separate left grains, even if they adhere to each other. Some Turkish rice is quite close to Korean and Japanese round rice, less round, but the transparency is there.

For perfect rice, it is recommended to buy one that is less than two weeks old. The shine of cooked grain, as if smeared with oil, is good sign. You can see the difference in shine. This shiny "coating" of Korean rice keeps the kernels stuck together without breaking or crushing. The texture in the mouth is slightly sticky and soft, but we feel that each grain holds its shape. It feels good to break them apart.

Previously unprocessed ( gray) shrimp, such as king prawns, cook for 10 minutes.
Boiled-frozen mussels are boiled for 2-3 minutes after the water boils.
Frozen mussels are boiled for 5-7 minutes.
Boil fresh mussels in shells for 12 minutes. In the microwave at full power, boiled frozen mussels can be cooked with a small amount of water (half a glass of water for half a kilo of mussels) for 7 minutes at a power of 800 watts.
Cook fresh champignons for 5 minutes. Cook the champignons in a double boiler for 10 minutes.
In a slow cooker, cook the champignons for 20 minutes on the “Stew” mode without water.
Thaw frozen champignons, rinse and cook for 10 minutes, adding mushrooms after boiling water.
Cook the mushrooms in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes.
Place the frozen dumplings in a pan with a large amount (4 liters/1 kilogram of dumplings) of boiling salted water.

The round rice on the right is sticky from the juice escaping from the broken grain inside, and in the mouth the seeds melt without being held. Repeat these steps, rinsing and changing the water several times. It is imperative that you rinse off the first rinse quickly as it will bleed into the flavor of the rice bran. By no means will you reach the rinse water, but you will see that it becomes increasingly clear and finally quite clear at the end.

After a few tries, you will see what the amount of water works for you. For all rice, at least 2 hours. Method: wash the rice, drain the colander well, place it with the amount of water required in the pan, which will go directly into the fire, because once the rice is waterlogged, it is difficult to measure the amount of water.

Add spices, cook for 7 minutes until the boiled dumplings begin to float. After this, cook for another 3-4 minutes.

Dear girls, teach me. I just can’t cook rice so that it’s crumbly. All the time some kind of “porridge” turns out. I used to buy it in “bags”, it always turns out well))) I can do pilaf again, but...my friends brought rice from Tashkent, cooked it and... ruined it ((((I cook 1 to 2, cook it on high heat until boiling, then I reduce the heat, when the water is gone, I close the lid and turn off the fire... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?????

Otherwise it's just a pan. Connoisseurs know that it is sacrilege to open the lid before the rice is finished cooking. But you, like me, with doubt and longing, can quickly catch it. Cooking rice is a little patience: you have to stay with it without looking at it, without cruelty! On a bright fire, wait until the exact moment of the first boil. Immediately before pouring, lower the heat as gently as possible and let it purr until the water is completely absorbed.

Turn off the heat, no, don't look at it, leave the lid on and calm down for 5 minutes. Using a spatula, once wet with water to glide better, turn, air, evaporate, carefully separate the grain. Serve hot without embossing. Don't be discouraged by the first refusals.


Everyone thanks a lot, I liked all the recipes, I’ll try everything)))))
It’s just that I myself used the option with steamed rice, but here they brought the “real” one)))) And now it’s not recommended for me with oil (((((, I just need dry rice.

I cook only in the microwave, pour strictly 1 to 2, and 18 minutes, but I don’t remember how long to set it, perhaps variable mode. Let me clarify, I don’t memorize recipes.

It's best with chopsticks or a spoon, but it's also good with a fork. This is how we say: This rice is delicious! Example of cooking time in a small saucepan for 150 g round white rice 220 ml water Total 18 min.

  • Over fairly high heat for 3 minutes.
  • On very very soft heat for 10 minutes.
  • Aerated grains and ready to eat.
But times have changed, all rice is now more valuable. There are all kinds full of rice in color, they mix well.

Rice salad is a typical summer dish: fresh, tasty, easy to prepare, ideal to enjoy on the beach under an umbrella or during lunch with friends. You say: “But you don’t need a salad recipe!” No recipe needed, but some trick!

Good afternoon! please teach me how to cook rice. how I do it - I take rice (most often a mixture of brown and gray), wash it (for a long time), pour it cold water 1 to 2.5, bring to a boil, then cover and simmer on low heat for 30-35 minutes...it turns out to be porridge, but I want it to be something pleasantly crumbly. thank you in advance:)


My brother-cook taught me. Place the washed rice in a saucepan and add sunflower oil and stir so that the rice is all coated with oil, then pour water 1-2 cm above the rice, cover with a lid and do not even let it sit for 15 minutes. This is actually for the side dish.

The types of rice that meet these characteristics are reef, paril, basmati, arborio. It enriches the rice salad with so much flavor, holds the cooking well, and the grains stay well separated. Rice, regardless of the quality chosen, should be cooked in plenty of salted water, drained two minutes before the time indicated on the package, and immediately run under cold running water to stop the cooking and leave the beans well separated. Don't overdo the ingredients and stick to flavors that match. The balance of sweet ingredients is good with sour, like pickles. Use well-drained ready-made fillings only when you don't have time: they are too expensive and are stored in average quality oils. Fresh grilled vegetables should be preferred. Drain it 2 minutes before the time indicated on the package and run it under running water. Place it back in the colander and gently swirl it occasionally to break it apart. Wash and place the peppers on a non-stick stick, lined with parchment paper and bake in a hot oven at 180° under the grill. Cook it until the outside of the pepper is browned. Remove from the oven and place in a covered plastic cup for about 10 minutes. This helps make skin removal easier. After peeling, split it in half, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Cut the olives into pieces. Wash the peas in boiling salted water, strain and let them cool. Cut the mixed vinegar into small cubes. Cut off the dome of milk and drink it to create a cup, dice what was emptied. In a bowl, add rice and add tuna, dripping and broken, sweet corn, olives, mushrooms under well drained oil, cold cooked peas, roasted peppers, diced mozzarella, drizzle of olive oil and mix gently. Cover with foil and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour to flavor it. Hang the milk flower, devastated rice salad and serve. Store in the refrigerator for a couple of days in an airtight container.

  • You can customize according to your guests' tastes.
  • Bring plenty of salt water to boil and boil the rice.
  • Turn them frequently and fry them.
We all love rice because it is easy to prepare.

tell me the secret: how to cook rice so that it ends up crumbly and not like a sticky porridge! :) something just doesn’t work out


Wash long rice thoroughly, cook in plenty of water, after cooking, drain the water and rinse with BOILING WATER!!! Let stand for a while and add oil. Friability guaranteed!

However, many of us are lazy about washing rice before cooking it properly. We believe that heat, which occurs during cooking, will take care of the destruction of all bacteria. However, there are also many foreign bodies such as plant debris, twigs, etc. - therefore it is necessary to wash and reorient the rice.

But what is it with processed, packaged rice in your pockets? Keep in mind the difference in texture between myth and untouched rice. When you put the rice in a bowl of water, let it sit for a while, and then win, you will see the condition of the water in which the rice lies. Simply washing the rice at least 3 times will achieve the desired result of cleaning the wastewater that then passes through.

and I'm in a double boiler - a nice thing. does not burn, does not stick together, water does not boil away... the main thing is not to pour too much water :-)

My husband was kidding me. He bought me all sorts of zyuzechek for making sushi. Tell me, please, has anyone made sushi or rolls at home? Did it work? I'm afraid that everything will end at the rice cooking stage. If it boils, it will be porridge.

Washing rice is much better, although you don't mean foreign bodies in the package. In the end, we're talking about about consistency, which also facilitates pleasure. In addition, brown rice contains more starch and forms clumps, which are unstable and less well consumed, or can even be properly peeled from the rice. Check out this simple trick that will dramatically improve your kitchen. Some of you have tasted delicious boiled grain bread and you have asked for the recipe. The one who cuts the bread simply adds the cooked grain.

If you haven't tried it yet, you can check out my recipe. This time we add bread made from natural rice and pumpkin seed to the bread. We didn't eat bread for a couple of years and we didn't miss much when it was made three times a day. Give it a try and your regular cookies will be very dry. We love our “wet” bread and it really is a holiday meal for us. We put water, flour, kvass, salt, cumin and oil in a bowl. Squeeze the pumpkin seeds under cold water and add half the bowl to the other ingredients.

How to cook oriental rice: makluba casserole and sweet Persian rice

Long grain rice, rinse with cold water. Take 2 parts rice and 3 water. All in a hot cauldron. That is, we immerse the rice in BOILING water. Cover with a lid tightly so that not a drop of steam escapes. Cook for 12 minutes in boiling water (we use sound as a guide - the lid cannot be opened). 6 minutes - on very low heat. For 6 minutes he just stands on a cold surface with closed lid. Do not add salt - this is a recipe from those countries where cereals are not salted :) :). After this, open the lid. And we see rice and not a drop...

Combine the cooked rice and mix thoroughly to ensure there are no rice chunks in the bread. Prepare the dough using a hard dough. Leave to rise for 4-8 hours under a damp cloth and transfer to an oiled and flourless area. It's up to you how quickly the dough dries. The volume of bread should be increased by at least one third. The bakery has a rising program; the bread will rise faster. If you don't have a bakery and let it grow at normal temperature, it will take a few hours longer.

It doesn't matter if you let it rise all night. In the evening you are baked in the morning or in the morning or vice versa. Pour it out top part bread with the remaining seeds and a little cumin. It depends on how dark and crispy you want your bread to be. The bread has a minimal crust and is perfect. It's healthier and more digestible. Anyone who doesn't have a bakery can, of course, bake in the oven. Remove the pan with oil and sprinkle with flour.


This kind of stiff rice can be prepared:
To warm olive oil add a cinnamon stick and turmeric (a yellow seasoning) to it. Fry everything and add pre-steamed pine nuts and prunes. Serve with herbs, coriander, dill, parsley.

But don’t be lazy - try my recipe - where for 1 part of rice, 2 water and cook under the lid for 20 minutes - the rice turns out soft and crumbly.

Dukan again. Go...

Chicken soufflé. for 0.5 kg of minced chicken 1 or 2 eggs, finely chopped onion, sometimes chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper - mix everything, if you’re not too lazy I beat it with a mixer. I transfer it into molds, sprinkle a little grated low-fat cheese on top, and bake in the oven until golden brown, about 40 minutes at about 175 C.


Ginger-mint freshness

Ginger root 3-4 cm,
mint leaves,
cinnamon stick,
juice of half a lemon.

Mode: Ginger in thin strips, put mint and a cinnamon stick in a thermos and pour boiling water over it, add lemon juice.
I don’t even add sugar and it’s so delicious. In addition, it is very useful and improves metabolism. Enjoy your tea, by the way, it’s also delicious cold.

1 boiled egg,
1 large crab stick or 2 small ones,
half a can of tuna in its juice.

Egg and crab stick finely chop into cubes, mash the tuna with a fork. Salt and pepper to taste. Season with Dukan mayonnaise.

Our kitchen. Blog of user gopp2000 on 7ya.ru

Each of us loves to cook. Some people do it well, some not so much. But if you have the desire, everything always works out. I haven't met anyone who couldn't cook. Everyone has their own specialization. Some say they only work with meat, others only with vegetables. And I love to cook with whatever I have on hand. So today we prepared a wonderful soup SHURPA-MASH. I can assume that this is a cuisine of nations Central Asia. Mung bean is a legume, a close relative of beans. Sometimes her...

How to cook sushi.

Tired of routine! The weather is cloudy.

Tired of routine! The weather is cloudy, the same thing is on TV: they blow up, kill... Only the kitchen, as always, saves! You start cooking, the work is in full swing, you imagine how your son and husband will gobble up lunch and you rejoice! I decided to cook something from Georgian cuisine. I prepared tkemali sauce, and at the same time kharcho soup. I posted the tkemali sauce on the Recipe Plus website [link-1]. And here is the recipe for kharcho soup! The photo is in my photo album. Ingredients: meat - beef 300g, 100g rice, 50g peeled walnuts, 3...

Our kitchen 4. Blog of user gopp2000 on 7ya.ru

Buckwheat porridge. In our family, buckwheat porridge occupies one of the main places. Even at the moment when buckwheat became incredibly expensive, buckwheat porridge did not change its position. There are many options for how to cook buckwheat porridge. Here's one of them. My wife tried this option after she found out Japanese version cooking rice. So, we wash the buckwheat (if anyone is sorting it out, you are welcome). Then fill it with water approximately two fingers above the level of the cereal...


Your first method is familiar, I put the buckwheat on for 10-15 minutes, suddenly the call had to go away urgently, I turned it off, I think I’ll finish it later. I come back and it’s ready, Miracle!

We take a multicooker-pressure cooker, water with buckwheat 1:2. Porridge mode. Let's go for a walk with the dog. :) The dog eats with pleasure.

But the pilaf still worked! Because, thank God, we always had enough water, and the housewife devoted all her energy to soaking and washing. After the 125th time, the rice stopped sticking together and even turned out crumbly. There is absolutely no need to rinse the current rice; it won’t stick together anyway. But if a distant relative of the raccoon is still alive in you, wash it. Just be sure to use cold water. Indians always soak even the purest rice for 15-20 minutes before cooking. Having absorbed water, the grains no longer feel an irresistible craving for each other and cook crumbly. I prefer to fry the rice rather than soak it. To do this, it must be dry. It is best to use ghee - it gives the rice a soft...
...I prefer to fry the rice rather than soak it. To do this, it must be dry. It is best to use ghee - it gives the rice a delicate nutty flavor. Three-seven-two When I was in the eighth grade, the radio station delighted me with the “Youth Channel” every morning. There was also a section like “Advice for housewives.” And they once told a recipe for cooking rice in Chinese. Many years have passed since then, I became acquainted with Chinese cooking in general and some Chinese in particular. No one had ever heard of such a method. But I stubbornly continue to cook rice this way - and even from the most insane variety it turns out brilliantly. So, take two parts of rice, three parts of water. Lightly fry the dry rice,...


“There is absolutely no need to rinse the current rice; it won’t stick together anyway.” - this, of course, the author is wrong. For the same pilaf, the most suitable rice for it is dev-jeera, which must be washed many, many times... You don’t need to wash only steamed rice, but it has the same relation to rice as “Doshirak” has to food...

Gee))) I still cook rice for a side dish in the same way - “in Chinese” (though I’ve already learned to determine by eye the required amount of water and amount of time).

Cook for 15 minutes over low heat at a low boil. Place half a packet (200-400 grams) on a three-liter pan. If peas, beans or lentils are planned, then this should have been decided earlier, because... they are washed (like rice) and placed together with meat. Cook everything together with the meat for a long three hours (or you can soak the peas in water for a couple of hours before cooking the broth). cold water). Place about a glass or two on a three-liter pan. Vermicelli is more suitable for chicken legs - get chicken noodles. For peas or beans, it was good to add something smoked to the meat for cooking the broth - pieces of smoked sausage, the skin of smoked ham (catch and throw away after cooking) or bones of smoked meat. Vegetables (or frozen...

Cereals: "educational education" for parents. Nutrition for children up to one year old

Corn grits. This cereal is rich in starch and iron, vitamins B, E, A, PP, but the calcium and phosphorus content in it is not too high. Distinctive feature Corn porridge is its ability to inhibit fermentation processes in the intestines, reducing flatulence (bloating) and colic. Porridge made from corn grits usually requires a long cooking time, so in the past it was rarely used in feeding small children. However, modern soluble corn porridge do not require long preparation and are easily digestible. Oat groats. Contains relatively a large number of vegetable protein. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, necessary for normal functioning nervous system. Oatmeal is a “champion” in terms of calcium and phosphorus content, which are necessary for...
...Then pour in hot milk and continue cooking the porridge until the cereal is completely cooked for 5-7 minutes. At the end of cooking, add a pinch of salt. Rice porridge with apples Rice cereal - 2 tbsp. spoons, apple - 100 g, water - 1/2 cup, sugar -1 tsp. spoon. Sort the rice and rinse thoroughly. Cut the apple into four parts, removing the core and skin. Pour rice into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Add the apple and continue cooking until tender, about 10 minutes more. Add sugar. Mix well. Cottage cheese dumplings and oatmeal"rolled oats" For 4 servings: cottage cheese - 200 g, flour - 60 g, flake...


Long rice, rinse, add cold water 1:1.5, bring to a boil, cover with a lid, reduce heat to low, after 12 minutes. Turn off the heat, do not open, leave the rice covered for another 10 minutes.

If you are preparing Uzbek pilaf, you don’t need crumbly rice. For Azerbaijani pilaf, the rice should be “one to one”.
I usually take a glass of rice for 2 people. In a saucepan, aluminum or with a thick bottom, but not metal, bring water (you need a lot of water so that the rice cooks freely) to a boil, add more salt than usual (we will rinse it), add it, rinsed well (before clean water) rice and a little citric acid. Stir the rice, cook until half cooked. Take out part of the rice (the one that will be at the bottom of the pan) almost raw. Drain in a colander, rinse. You can make a gazmag (a flatbread from dough) at the bottom of the pan. Place that first the rice that was taken out first. Pour over melted butter and saffron, then put the rice in again and water, etc. It is tedious to loosen the rice a little before putting it in the pan. Cover with a lid wrapped in a towel (so that the steam remains on the towel) Place on the stove; if the pan has a thick bottom, do not add anything needed, in another In this case, you need either a flame breaker or some kind of piece of iron to prevent the rice from burning. The fire should be low. Then the rice is steamed until cooked.

If my husband decides to make himself a side dish while I'm away, he can boil or fry some potatoes, or, most likely, he'll make himself some pasta as the main dish. But he will never cook rice. Like most people, Misha experiences something like sacred horror before cooking rice.

Indeed, although rice is one of the most common foods in the world, everything related to its preparation is surrounded by a veil of, if not mystery, then numerous myths. But even if we abstract from them, we must admit: cooking rice is an art, from which, however, it does not at all follow that it is difficult to master.

As the author of The Rise Book, Indonesian-born Englishwoman Sri Owen, rightly notes, “Asians eat rice not because they have nothing else to eat... There are many other crops that are easier and cheaper to get enough of. They spare no effort in growing rice because the flavor, texture and overall feeling of pleasure that rice brings is unmatched by any other staple product.”

Personally, I cook a lot of rice in my kitchen. different ways- depending on what plans I have for lunch, dinner or breakfast. Japanese rice, Chinese rice, Thai rice, Indian or Pakistani rice - it’s all perfect different types rice, which involve not only different varieties of rice itself, but also cooking techniques. What about rice for risotto? What about Spanish paella? What about rice for pilaf? In terms of the variety of types of rice dishes, this culture has no equal. Which, in turn, makes the process of learning the art of cooking rice an endless and exciting adventure.

Of course, there are some basic skills, which we will discuss now. For the purity of the experiment, we will exclude such mechanical cooking methods as cooking rice in bags (the lot of bachelors), as well as in a Japanese rice cooker (takes up too much space in the kitchen).

Do I need to rinse rice?

I almost always wash the rice, and in some cases, such as when I cook Japanese rice, I also soak it. But it is not required condition. Everything ultimately depends on two main conditions: the quality and type of rice itself, as well as the dish you prepare from it. For example, in England, as the author of the Word of Mouth blog in The Guardian newspaper notes, there is no particular need to rinse rice, since, according to the conditions of the English market, stores sell only selected rice, which does not contain husks.

At the same time, in most Asian countries, rice is washed in many waters, which is not necessarily related to the quality of the rice. It is assumed that by washing rice, we remove excess starch from the grains, which results in more “airy” rice.

Do you need to soak rice?

There is a big difference between rinsing rice and soaking it. You can and should soak (when necessary) both washed and unwashed rice). The aforementioned Sri Owen writes that by soaking rice, we allow the grains to become saturated with water, as a result of which it will not stick to the bottom of the pan - a nightmare that haunts everyone who undertakes to cook rice.

If you soak basmati rice for at least half an hour, it will turn out less sticky (which long-grain rice should be in most cases), as they say, rice to rice.

Absorption method

Despite the scientific name, we are talking about the simplest method of cooking rice, widespread in Asia, when exactly as much water is poured into a pan as the rice can absorb, and not a drop more. Rice prepared this way is more flavorful. The question is how to accurately calculate the amount of water. Sri Owen recommends 450g. rice per English pint (0.56 liter) of cold water.