another one thundered interesting news about “no arms race” until 2020 and about the supposedly secret “Status 6” system, I would like to leave the news in history and understand that after all, this is something from the forgotten old (the developments of Sakharov’s T-15),

info from the wiki, everything is more or less interesting:

PS: yes, so far, no one has even been able to repeat “SHKVAL” (serially!), what else can we say about this miracle, we’re waiting....

up: I'm not me, my butt is not mine...just a random epicfail:

Dmitry Peskov admitted that secret materials about the creation in Russia of the military ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6” were unauthorizedly captured on the cameras of federal channels. The Kremlin promised to take action

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed to reporters during a conference call on Tuesday evening that Channel One and NTV showed footage on November 9 showing the secret concept and timing of the development of the ocean-going multi-purpose concept "Status-6".

“Indeed, some secret data was caught on camera, so it was subsequently deleted. We hope that this will not happen again in the future,” the presidential press secretary said.

Peskov clarified that he is not yet aware of anyone being punished for this incident, but promised that the Kremlin will take preventive measures to ensure that such leaks do not recur.

We are talking about television reports from NTV and Channel One on November 9 from a meeting on the development of the military-industrial complex with the participation of President Vladimir Putin. The TV clips (now deleted) included footage of the concept and implementation time frame for the development of the Status-6 system, which was noticed by Russian bloggers.

As can be seen from the screenshot that appeared on the blogs, the developer of the system is OJSC Central Design Bureau MT Rubin. The purpose of the system is “to destroy important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination that are unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

Central Design Bureau "Rubin" designs Russian submarines equipped with both ballistic missiles, and winged. As stated on the Central Design Bureau website, a series of nuclear submarine cruisers are currently being built according to the project developed by the bureau. strategic purpose fourth generation of Project 955, “which will become the basis of the maritime component of the strategic nuclear forces Russia of the XXI century".

We are talking about a project of unmanned underwater vehicles (guided torpedoes) with a nuclear warhead that can literally wash away the coast of the United States, explained an RBC interlocutor close to the military-industrial complex. According to him, the concept of such a weapon was put forward by academician Andrei Sakharov back in the 1960s. It is a small externally controlled submarine converted into a torpedo, capable of carrying a 100 Mt warhead. In military-industrial circles it is known as the “Sakharov torpedo.”

“This is not an existing, but only a promising project. If you look carefully at the slides, they indicate the time frame for the project’s implementation - until 2025,” added the RBC interlocutor.

The slides depict two nuclear submarines as proposed carriers: the Belgorod special-purpose nuclear submarine under construction and the Khabarovsk special-purpose submarine of Project 09851, which is under construction.

The press services of NTV and Channel One were unable to provide RBC with an immediate comment.

What is “Status-6”? Underwater drone!

Yes, and it is capable of carrying tens of megatons of nuclear weapons and threatening US ports and coastal cities. At the Pentagon, this secret project, as reported by The Washington Free Beacon, was given the code name “Canyon.” The article notes that the project is part of the ongoing modernization of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. “This underwater drone will have high speed and be able to cover long distances,” the publication’s source commented on the development.

The Kremlin confirmed that Russia's two main TV channels appeared to accidentally air a story about a planned new nuclear torpedo and said it hoped it would not happen again.

However, immediately after this incident, state television channels aired an interview with a military expert who spoke in detail about the “secret” weapon, which led to rumors that the initial leak of information was not an accident.

On Tuesday evening, the Kremlin-controlled NTV and Channel One broadcast a story about President Putin’s meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense at the presidential residence in Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi. At one point, the camera zooms in on what appears to be a document entitled “Ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6”, which is held in the hands of one of the officers participating in this meeting, filmed from the back. military uniform. This document contains drawings of an object that appears to be a torpedo or autonomous underwater vehicle.

The text of the document is clearly visible:

“Destruction of important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

“Indeed, some secret data was caught on camera, so it was subsequently deleted. We hope that this will not happen again in the future,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

Watch the video. Nuclear torpedo "Status-6" for the American coast

However, on Thursday, Radio Sputnik, a radio station that is part of the Russian state news agency Sputnik, included in one of its programs an interview with the editor-in-chief of National Defense magazine Vitaly Korotchenko, who spoke in more detail about the Status system. 6".

“Status 6 is a bundle of the latest Russian underwater technologies. The purpose of this ocean system is to transport a high-power nuclear charge to the enemy’s coast,” Korotchenko said in this interview, and his words were quoted by RIA Novosti and TASS.

“The United States is actively developing a missile defense system and investing very serious money there, hoping in the future to create an impenetrable shield over US territory, but Russia will have the ability to neutralize any military-technical decisions of America,” continued Igor Korotchenko.

During a meeting this week on defense-industrial complex issues, Putin said:

“References to Iranian and North Korean nuclear threats They only cover up their true plans. And their true goal is to neutralize the strategic nuclear potential others nuclear states, except for the United States and its allies, especially our country, Russia.” He also said that “Russia will develop strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defense system.”

“Canyon,” according to The Washington Free Beacon, according to its characteristics, will be able to attack all key bases of American submarines.

Naval analyst Norman Polmar believes the system is based on the Soviet T-15 nuclear torpedo.

“The Russian Navy and its predecessor, the USSR Navy, were innovators in the field of underwater systems and weapons,” Polmar noted to the publication. The same, he said, applies to the most advanced torpedoes in the world.”

Corresponding member of RARAN, reserve captain 1st rank Konstantin Sivkov notes: the straight-line torpedo with a T-15 nuclear warhead, which is mentioned in the Western publication, was designed specifically for striking coastal targets in the United States.

“The first nuclear submarine of Project 627 was created specifically for such a large torpedo, which was supposed to have not eight torpedo tubes, but one - with a caliber of 1.55 meters and a length of up to 23.5 meters. It was assumed that the T-15 would be able to approach the American naval base and, with a super-powerful charge of several tens of megatons, destroy all living things.”

It must be said that they are in service with the Navy, but they mainly perform reconnaissance missions. It is known that the Black Sea Fleet uses a small remote-controlled autonomous underwater vehicle "Obzor-600". Its main purpose is to conduct bottom exploration; it is equipped with a sonar and a manipulator and operates at a depth of up to 600 meters. The device detects objects at a distance of up to 100 meters. The Obzor-600 was developed by a Russian company, but according to experts, the model is very similar to the foreign American-made LBV-600-6.

In this direction, the flagship of domestic underwater robotics is the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Galtel robot complex allows you to scan underwater space, find dangerous objects and destroy them.

With the help of these deep-sea vehicles, you can protect ports and naval bases Russian fleets from sabotage.

How does the system work?

The device floats and scans a 400-meter strip of underwater space and identifies objects. It is followed by a remote-controlled device with a complex of optical-electronic and acoustic equipment, from which the operator receives data, and if there is danger, he is sent to the place underwater destroyer "Chilim" eliminating objects using a directed explosion.

The complex also includes a unique device that can automatically inspect the bottom of ships.

According to the developers, one of the complex’s robots was successfully used to ensure security at the APEC summit in Vladivostok three years ago. Using the apparatus, bays in the area of ​​Russky Island were examined. The search resulted in over 2.7 thousand explosive objects, among which were even mines from the Russo-Japanese War. But these drones, of course, are very far from nuclear torpedoes...

Russia revived the idea of ​​academician Sakharov (project T-15)

The initiator of the T-15 project was V.I. Alferov, whose activities were related to different time with the Navy, the People's Commissariat of the Shipbuilding Industry and the Ministry of Medium Engineering. Captain of the first rank Alferov in KB-11 took an active part in the creation atomic bomb, developed the circuit and instruments of a system for detonating a nuclear charge. Alferov, taking advantage of his authority in industry, immediately after testing the first Soviet hydrogen bomb, organized the development of an extra-large torpedo for a hydrogen charge, designated T-15.

The author of the idea of ​​​​creating a super-powerful nuclear torpedo is Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, who proposed using the Project 627 nuclear submarines being developed as a “vehicle for delivering” a powerful nuclear charge (100 megatons).

This is confirmed by his own memories. Such torpedoes were supposed to be used against US naval bases, as well as to strike cities located on the coast (although the latter option was opposed by many, including military sailors). As a result of the explosion of such a bomb, a giant wave was formed - a tsunami, destroying everything on the coast and even far from the coastline.

For reasons of secrecy, as well as taking into account personal relationships (in the Navy, Alferov was treated extremely negatively, since his letter to Beria and Bulganin, about the allegedly illegal transfer of documentation for the 45-36AV-A air torpedo to the Americans during the war, became the reason for the unfair trial of the admirals Kuznetsov, Galler, Alafuzov and Stepanov) the development of the T-15 torpedo was started without the involvement of the Navy. The 6th Department of the Navy learned about this torpedo only through the project of the first nuclear submarine - “Project 627” - the chief designer of which was V.N. Peregudov

Alleged weapons nuclear boat the fleet became aware only in December 1953, after approval tactical and technical characteristics preliminary design 627. The sailors were greatly surprised by it. The first compartment of the submarine housed one huge torpedo tube, which almost completely replaced traditional torpedo weapons.

The length of the torpedo tube was 23.5 meters (22 percent of the total length of the submarine).

On the submarine, in addition to a one and a half meter torpedo, it was planned to install two bow 533-mm torpedo tubes with torpedoes for self-defense. No spare torpedoes were provided.

This unusual layout of the submarine is explained by the dimensions of the submarine developed at NII-400 under the leadership of chief designer N.N. Shamarin. T-15 torpedoes.

The length of the torpedo was about 23 meters, the mass of the torpedo was 40 tons, the mass of the warhead was 3.5-4 thousand kg. The main weight load fell on the battery, which provided the torpedo with a speed of 29 knots, while the cruising range was 30 kilometers.

Presumably, it was proposed to use a thermonuclear charge in the T-15 torpedo. The warhead of the torpedo was developed at KB-11 of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building, under the leadership of chief designer Yu.B. Khariton.

The thermonuclear charge was to be detonated by an impact or remote (time) fuse. The firing control of the T-15 torpedo was provided by the Tantalum torpedo firing control station.

The tactical and technical elements of the submarine were approved on December 21, 1953. In July of the following year, SKB-143 completed the technical design of the nuclear submarine. On October 18, 1954, the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry and the Ministry of Medium Machine Building Submitted a technical project to the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. After this, the Ministry of Defense was asked to review the project and send its conclusion to the Council of Ministers.

Head of the Ministry of Defense N.A. Bulganin instructed Admiral P.G. Kotov, Assistant Minister for Naval Affairs, to deal with this issue. At the same time, the issue of admitting specialists and naval leaders to the project was decided. In 1954, an expert commission was formed headed by Vice Admiral A.E. Orel, head of the Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy.

The Navy mainly objected to the composition of the nuclear submarine's armament.

According to naval experts, the fleet does not need a submarine with such weapons. In addition, serious doubts arose that the submarine would be able to come within the launch range of the T-15 torpedo (40 kilometers), and that the torpedo itself would work as needed.

Against this background, based on the results of the Navy’s examination, it was decided to adjust the technical design of the 627 nuclear submarine.

By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 588-364 of March 26, 1955, the technical design of the submarine was approved only with 533-mm torpedo tubes, and work on the T-15 was stopped.

However, the story of Soviet nuclear torpedoes does not end there. The sailors opposed increasing the size of torpedoes and wanted to get a nuclear charge of acceptable dimensions (533 mm caliber). It is for this reason that at the end of 1953 the 6th Department of the Navy issued, through the 6th Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Industry, a tactical and technical assignment for the atomic BZO (combat charging compartment) of a ship's 533-mm torpedo.

The development of this product, which received the designation T-5 during the creation process, was carried out by NII-400 (TsNII Gidropribor). The development team was headed by A.M. Borushko. The nuclear charge for the torpedo - RDS-9 - was developed at the design bureau of the USSR Ministry of Medium Engineering under the leadership of Academician Yu.B. Khariton.

Lieutenant General N.L. Dukhov, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was responsible for the entire combat unit, including automation, chief designer Moscow branch of KB-11. The design of the torpedo did not have any “revolutionary” innovations - a conventional 533-mm steam-gas straight torpedo with a range of 10 kilometers at a speed of 40 knots.

The torpedo had an inertial control system and a thermal oxygen-alcohol-water steam-gas piston engine.

The developers almost immediately encountered technical difficulties. For example, long time they could not achieve stability of the torpedo in depth. During sea trials of the T-5 torpedo in inert ammunition, out of fifteen fired shots, during four, after passing approximately halfway through the path, it made a “bag” and the hydrostatic contactor was prematurely activated, which is equivalent to issuing a command to detonate the warhead, since by this time all stages of its protection.

Another problem was ensuring the thermal conditions of the nuclear warhead, since its normal functioning required a temperature of +5...+25 C, which was difficult to ensure in an unheated torpedo tube of a submarine, especially if it was based in the North.

While the designers were solving these and other problems, on September 21, 1955, in accordance with the resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of April 13, 1955, tests of the nuclear BZO (combat charging compartment) of the T-5 torpedo were carried out at the Novaya Zemlya test site. The BZO was lowered from a Project 253L minesweeper and detonated at a depth of 12 meters, the average power was 3 kilotons.

In 1957, state tests of the T-5 torpedo were carried out. According to the program, the tests were to carry out two sighting shots of torpedoes without a special warhead, one in a control configuration (with a special warhead, without fissile materials in it), and one combat shot.

Initially it was planned to detonate the charge at a depth of 25 meters, but later this parameter was changed to 35 meters. One of the shots in the initial stages of state testing ended in failure. In this regard, Admiral A.G. Golovko, First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, considered that the tests should be stopped.

The chairman of the commission, Admiral Basisty N.E., after a meeting with specialists and a report to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, decided to conduct live firing with a nuclear combat charging compartment. The test conditions were as follows: Project 613 submarine S-144 (73rd separate division of submarines of the Northern Fleet) under the command of captain first rank Lazarev G.V. was “at periscope depth, the speed of the torpedo was 40 knots, the depth of the explosion was 35 meters...”. The shooting took place on October 10, 1957 at 10 o’clock at an air temperature of -6 degrees and visibility of 20 km. The deflection of the torpedo during the course (10 km) was 130 meters.

In 1958, the Navy adopted the T-5 torpedo for service. These torpedoes were produced in small series for the Northern and Pacific fleets at the Kirov plant (Alma-Ata). Torpedo production ceased at the end of 1960. In June 1960, their control tests of torpedoes in inert ammunition were carried out in the Pacific Ocean. There were several reasons for the cessation of production of T-5 torpedoes.


The short development time had a significant impact on the performance and reliability of the torpedo, so it was inferior in many respects to the torpedoes already in service.


and this is probably the most important thing; at the end of 1960, 533-mm ASBZO (autonomous special combat charging compartments) for production torpedo models began to enter service. The development of ASBZO with a capacity of 20 kilotons began according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 13, 1957 in KB-25 of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machinery and NII-400 of the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry. It was the adoption of the ASBZO that marked the end for special nuclear torpedoes.

Main characteristics of T-15 / T-5 torpedoes:

Caliber – 1550 mm / 533 mm;

Torpedo mass – 40000 kg / 2200 kg;

Torpedo length – 2355 cm / 792 cm;

Type of energy – electric / steam-gas;

Nuclear charge – thermonuclear / atomic;

The torpedo carrier is the Project 627 nuclear submarine / submarine of all projects.

Nikita Khrushchev refused to continue work on this system, mainly due to the opinion of hydrographers and oceanographers, who, in fact, were mistaken in their measurements. They concluded that the bottom topography off the east coast of the United States would significantly weaken the wave energy. And the Gulf Coast, as well as the Pacific Coast, were not considered at all. But the 2005 flood in New Orleans showed that our scientists were greatly mistaken or, most likely, gave in to pressure from the Navy command (hydrographers and oceanographers were very financially dependent on sailors).

What is “Status-6”? Underwater drone!

2015-11-12T14:16:14+05:00 Sergey SinenkoDefense of the FatherlandAmerica, Russia, watch video, USAWhat is “Status-6”? Underwater drone! Yes, and it is capable of carrying tens of megatons of nuclear weapons and threatening US ports and coastal cities. At the Pentagon, this secret project, as reported by The Washington Free Beacon, was given the code name “Canyon.” The article notes that the project is part of the ongoing modernization of strategic nuclear...Sergei Sinenko Sergei Sinenko [email protected] Author In the Middle of Russia

Cameramen from Channel One and NTV “accidentally” broadcast documents about a new Russian development capable of destroying the United States from the ocean abyss. This is the most striking shot from the television report of the NTV channel about the event chaired by Russian President V.V. Putin on November 9, 2015, at a meeting on the development of the defense industry.

So what is known on this moment? Ocean multipurpose system “Status-6”. Developer – OJSC “TsKB MT “Rubin”. Purpose – “Destruction of important enemy economic targets in the coastal area. Causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the territory of the country by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

The proposed carriers are shown at the top left of a special-purpose nuclear submarine under construction “Belgorod” project 09852. On the right is a special-purpose nuclear submarine under construction “Khabarovsk” project 09851.

Retaliation weapon concept

Main damaging factor The new torpedo is not the creation of a tsunami, but massive nuclear contamination of the coast, making it impossible to conduct economic activity and residence there. Academician Sakharov also proposed using a cobalt bomb warhead as a weapon of retaliation against US ports and the coastal zone. This is an option atomic weapons with an unusually high yield of radioactive material. (So, to ensure radioactive contamination of the entire surface of the Earth, only 510 tons of cobalt-60 are required).

Previously, it was believed that the cobalt bomb was only a theoretical weapon and no country actually possessed it. However measurements from the Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after. Ramzaeva near the site of testing nuclear charges in 1971 as part of the Taiga project, near Perm with the officially declared legend of explosions to create the Pechora-Kolva canal, radiation contamination with cobalt-60 isotopes was revealed. It can only be obtained artificially.

According to The Daily Mirror

The fact that the “Status-6” demonstration was carried out during a meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense dedicated to the US missile defense system, this weapon is considered as an asymmetric response to the US missile defense system - it is helpless against strategic nuclear torpedoes. Making a comparison, American sources note that the diving depth and speed of the Status-6 significantly exceed the capabilities of the US Mark 54 anti-submarine torpedoes. In addition, the Russian military design bureau is developing a whole line of .

In addition, it is very likely that the ideas of Academician Sakharov are involved in the project. He proposed using an armored version of the torpedo to reduce the likelihood of being hit by anti-submarine weapons and to ensure a breakthrough of anti-torpedo networks without damaging the nuclear carrier.

The Washington Free Beacon (WFB) received

Even before the publication of the TV report about “Status-6”, sources in the Pentagon provided information that a “high-speed, long-range nuclear torpedo with nuclear weapons of tens of megatons” was being created. The goal is to cause “catastrophic damage” to US ports and coastal areas. According to Pentagon experts, such a torpedo cannot be intercepted. And the use of such weapons violates the idea of ​​humanity and customs of war.

The Washington Times polled

leading American military analysts. How do they evaluate the design of a nuclear torpedo capable of destroying a wide coastal strip? Jack Caravelli, who previously worked for the CIA in the intelligence department against Russia, assessed the weapon as “extremely aggressive.” He believes that it can cause irreparable damage to the coastal cities of the United States and its allies.

Mark Schneider, former Pentagon analyst

on nuclear strategy, noted that he noticed RIA Novosti publications where an engineer for the development of underwater systems was interviewed, which he classified specifically as this weapon. General Robert Kehler, former chief of strategic nuclear forces and US missile defense, assessed the development of a nuclear torpedo as extremely alarming for US security.

The Washington Times notes

Also, the head of the US Navy, Ray Maybus, in his speech in April 2015, mentioned “revolutionary undersea systems” that are capable of attacking the most protected waters of the United States.

Business Insider and The Washington Time s

also stated that previously authoritative analysts from the Jane’s 360 portal noted a change in the naval doctrine of the Russian Federation with the advent of certain uninhabited underwater vehicles for strategic purposes. Special purpose submarines have already been accepted for combat duty. Thus, on August 1, in Severodvinsk, a ceremony was held to remove the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 Podmoskovye from the slipway of workshop No. 15.

The submarine was converted from the K-64 missile carrier of Project 667BDRM. Now it is a boat designed to work with nuclear deep-sea stations (AGS) and uninhabited underwater vehicles in the interests of top-secret Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (GUGI) Russian Ministry of Defense . This boat has yet to undergo mooring and then factory sea trials. After this, the BS-64 Podmoskovye will replace the Orenburg boat in the fleet. (In 1996-2002, also converted from a Project 667BDR missile carrier).

During trips to sea for sea trials and state trials, the BS-64 will presumably interact with the AGS of the Sperm Whale, Halibut and Losharik projects. It will serve as a mother boat, which secretly delivers an underwater special object for autonomous operation. "Orenburg" and AGS are part of the 29th separate brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet, which performs tasks in the interests of the GUGI.

For reference:

Until 1986, the “kids” were not included in the Navy. They were part of a General Staff unit associated with the GRU. Note that at the beginning of September this year The American publication The Washington Free Beacon reported , that Russia is allegedly creating an “underwater drone” codenamed “Canyon”. It is believed to be capable of carrying tens of megatons of nuclear weapons and threatening US ports and coastal cities.

Then naval analyst Norman Polmar suggested that the Canyon system was based on the Soviet T-15 linear nuclear torpedo with a yield of 100 megatons (the idea of ​​Academician Sakharov). It was designed in the 1950s to attack coastal targets in the United States.

Academician Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov

talked about the T-15 concept like this: “ A young nuclear physicist from Arzamas-16, Andrei Sakharov, suggested that the curator of atomic projects, Lavrentiy Beria, “wash America off the face of the earth.”

What did the scientist suggest? Send a powerful tsunami onto the United States. To do this, blow up a super torpedo with a hot filling off the coast of America.

He painted picture after picture: a giant wave more than 300 m high comes from the Atlantic and hits New York, Philadelphia, Washington. Tsunami washes away The White house and the Pentagon.

Another wave hits the West Coast in the Charleston area. Two more waves hit San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Just one wave is enough to wash away Houston, New Orleans and Pensacola to the Gulf Coast.

Submarines and aircraft carriers have been thrown ashore. Ports and naval bases have been destroyed... Sakharov considered such a project to be completely justified from a moral point of view.”

One should not, of course, accuse Academician Sakharov of being particularly bloodthirsty. Although he was definitely not a humanist, proposing such a plan. You cannot take a person’s actions out of historical context. Then there was a time of greatest instability and danger in the world - the USA and the USSR were one step away from nuclear war.

For security reasons, as well as taking into account other factors, the “Sakharov torpedo” (T-15) was developed without the participation of the Navy.

The Navy learned about it only through the project of the first nuclear submarine. At one time, it was precisely for such a large torpedo that the first Soviet nuclear submarine of Project 627 was specially created. It was supposed to have not eight torpedo tubes, but one - with a caliber of 1.55 meters and a length of up to 23.5 meters.

It was assumed that the T-15 would be able to approach the American naval base and with a super-powerful charge of several tens of megatons, destroy all living things. But then this idea was abandoned in favor of a submarine with eight torpedoes, which could solve a whole range of tasks. As a result, Project 627A nuclear submarines were created.

There is information that Soviet admirals, having familiarized themselves with the project in 1954, stated that the submarine could be destroyed on the approach to the American base. Moreover, the entrances to American bases are blocked many kilometers away by the winding shores of bays, islands, shoals, as well as booms and steel nets.

How said military expert and historian Alexander Shirokorad , in 1961, the T-15 idea was again revived at the suggestion of academician Andrei Sakharov.

- The fact is that in fact the tactics of using such a super-torpedo could be completely different. The nuclear submarine was supposed to secretly fire a torpedo at a distance from the coast much greater than 40 km. Having used up all the energy of the batteries, the T-15 would lie on the ground, that is, it would become an intelligent bottom mine. The torpedo fuse could remain in the waiting mode for a long time for a signal from an aircraft or ship, through which the charge could be detonated. The point is that damage to naval bases, ports and other coastal facilities, including cities, would be caused by a powerful shock wave - a tsunami, caused by a nuclear explosion...

In accordance with the project, the torpedo weighed 40 tons, had a length of 23.55 meters and a caliber of 1550 mm.

Ongoing the objections of the Navy leadership had an effect in 1955, when the technical design of 627 was adjusted. The submarine's ammunition load was 20 torpedoes, eight of which were 533-mm T-5 torpedoes carrying tactical nuclear weapons. After this, work on the T-15 torpedo was stopped...

Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin I am convinced of the following. In principle, there cannot be a scenario of an unplanned leak of information about developments classified as “Top Secret” in the media. “There is no doubt that this is a deliberate hoax. The goal is to make a known adversary think about his actions.”

Corresponding member of RARAN, captain 1st rank reserve Konstantin Sivkov commenting on this “leak” in the media, he suggests that, apparently, we are talking about the fact that special-purpose submarines will carry out combat missions in the future. “If the ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6” is really being developed, then this, in my opinion, can only indicate one thing - our leadership is aware of the likelihood of a military clash with the West and is taking measures to counter the American threat of a military-technical nature - the concept of “Rapid Global blow" etc.

Moreover, apparently, the threat is quite serious, since we are talking about such a variant of guaranteed deterrence. At one time, I put forward the idea (I voiced it at the international military-technical forum "Army-2015") that Russia needs to develop asymmetrical mega weapon, which will eliminate any threat of a large-scale war against Russia, even in conditions of the enemy’s absolute superiority in traditional defeat systems. Apparently, this development is in the same paradigm.

From a geophysical point of view, the United States is a very vulnerable country.

A guaranteed source of catastrophic geophysical processes there may be, first of all, an impact on the Yellowstone supervolcano. This initiates a powerful eruption. The detonation of powerful ammunition in the area of ​​the San Andreas, San Gabriel or San Jocinto faults is also being considered. Exposure to a sufficiently powerful nuclear weapon could trigger catastrophic events that could completely destroy US infrastructure on the Pacific coast with a large-scale tsunami. Initiating giant tsunamis is also the idea of ​​Academician Sakharov.

When several munitions are detonated at design points along the Atlantic and Pacific transform faults, according to scientists, a wave will be formed that will reach a height of 400-500 meters or more off the US coast...

It is quite possible to initiate such large-scale geophysical processes. Today it is possible to “fit” high-power ammunition into the weight and size characteristics of, for example, the same ICBM. Main headache and main question, which torments NATO analysts: “what if the Russians already have an underwater drone - a means of delivering nuclear ammunition?”

After the TV report was released, The WBF newspaper and Russian Forces deciphered the data on the RF Ministry of Defense slide as follows.

The torpedo is intended primarily for radioactive contamination of coastal US cities (comments note that armament with a warhead capable of tens of megatons is quite likely).

Approximate diving depth is 3200 feet (1000m). Torpedo speed is 56 knots (103 km/h). Range – 6200 miles (10000 km). The main torpedo carriers are nuclear submarines of projects 09852 and 09851.

The torpedo is equipped with a nuclear reactor. (For the T-15, Academician Sakharov assumed the use of a direct-flow water-steam nuclear reactor). The system is controlled from special command ships.

Auxiliary vessels are being created to service the torpedo. The torpedo can also be transported by the Sarov submarine and a “special vessel”.

According to Pavel Podvig from the RussianForces portal , the first to notice the “leak”, a special vessel is used in the event of a torpedo accident.

Is the project promising? Whether there are torpedoes in stock and exactly how many are currently on combat duty is unknown. On November 11, 2015, a project for a nuclear torpedo “Status-6” with a range of 10,000 km, a travel depth of 1000 meters and a caliber of 1.6 meters, close to the T-15 and classified as a continuation of the T-15 by many experts, was “accidentally” demonstrated.

According to naval technology expert Norman Polmar published by The Washington Times Even before the “leak”, we should expect the Russian Federation to revive the T-15 project in a new capacity.

In the stories of a number of Russian television channels about a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on defense topics (held on November 9), footage of the secret “Status-6” system was actually shown. This was stated by presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov , Interfax reports. “Indeed, some secret data got into the camera lens there. They were subsequently removed. We hope that this will not happen again,” Peskov said. When asked whether any organizational conclusions were followed in connection with such a leak of information, Peskov said: “I am not yet aware of any measures. But in the future we will certainly take preventive measures to ensure that this does not happen again.”

On television footage of a number of Russian channels one could see a printout of a slide dedicated to the “Ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6””, developed by the Central Design Bureau for MT “Rubin”. According to information shown on the slide, the system is a massive torpedo (labeled a “self-propelled underwater vehicle”). The cruising range is up to 10 thousand kilometers and the cruising depth is about 1000 meters. A certain “combat module” has been proposed as equipment.

The purpose of the system, according to the slide, is formulated as “the defeat of important objects of the enemy’s economy in the coastal area and causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.” .

Special nuclear submarines of projects 90852 Belgorod and 09851 Khabarovsk are indicated as carriers of the system.

Special nuclear submarine "Belgorod" project 949A\09852 in the factory workshop

2015-11-11T23:23:03+05:00 Sergey Sinenko Analysis - forecast Defense of the Fatherlandanalysis, army, atomic bomb, defense of the Fatherland, Russia, USAOcean multi-purpose system "Status-6" (new weapon of retaliation) TV operators of Channel One and NTV "accidentally" broadcast documents about the new Russian development, capable of destroying the United States from the ocean depths. This is the most striking shot from the television report of the NTV channel about the event chaired by Russian President V.V. Putin on November 9, 2015, at a meeting on the development of the defense industry. So,...Sergei Sinenko Sergei Sinenko [email protected] Author In the Middle of Russia

Yes, ladies and gentlemen.
I am surprised. This is difficult to achieve, but it can happen.

Today they are doing PR like the Darkest One, they started waving a vigorous loaf

I already wrote about how scary it was 2 years ago - September 7, 2013

Tepericha ento

Ocean multipurpose system "Status-6"

Tama's most reasonable comments
- Today there will be a holiday at the Pentagon. Generals and admirals will drink whiskey for the glory of Putin. Why, I gave them such a gift. Now you can go to Congress, shake this photo and demand more money for some projects. So today is a holiday for the girls..........

The United States and its allies are convinced that there really is a maniac in power in Russia and something needs to be done about it.

You can, of course, try to crush the adversary with the mosh of reason on the remnants of the USSR, and the military budget to the detriment of future generations. But the experience of the WHOLE rest of the world shows that with a bare ass... ugh, a budget the size of Apple, you can only launch Iskanders accompanied by Petrosyan... And after all, China is nearby, which has long understood this, and for the last twenty years, without much regard the fifth column in the USA was quietly putting together the clamps, but our managers are still not happy...

The USSR built 244 nuclear submarines. And the rest of the world together built 240. The world lives on. But the USSR died.
- the USSR’s nuclear filament was longer and thicker, which did not prevent it from sinking into oblivion
we need to start with the economy to build superiority

What ridiculous and even childishly funny nonsense! Those. They do not recognize the terrorist attack, nor do they recognize the absolutely obvious worsening of the crisis, unemployment, collapse, collapse and sale of everything. But they recognize such an annoying “leak” of secret information about a super-mega secret weapon that turns Russia into the coolest power. But the most important thing is that this story is not even directed at the “enemy”, who is essentially the employer and partner of the Russian elite and the darkest. Therefore, these supposed enemies know more about our army than its military personnel. This stuffing is aimed at Russian TV viewers, so that they are in the next stream of incredible pride in their great country, did not notice that the Motherland had long since come to an end. The herd supports the principle - even if there is no money in the country for kindergartens, medicine, pensions, roads, Agriculture and opening our own production, but we can build a mega-crap with which we will destroy all enemies! Adherents of Putin's sect get very excited when they imagine themselves victorious over the USA and NATO, but do not understand that their carcasses will burn in a nuclear apocalypse, while their leader and his retinue will be holed up in bunkers.

They shouldn't have thrown this crap in. Everyone understands perfectly well that a cobalt torpedo can be built.
It is also clear why they did this - to intimidate their partners so that they would not touch their accounts.
BUT they made a serious mistake. They decided to intimidate without having such a doomsday weapon.
And therefore there will be a reaction - they will not be fooled into creating it.

Putin is scary. Leak))) about the marine system of “extensive radiation contamination” of the US coast

Tama's most reasonable comments
- The most interesting thing is that this system simply does not exist. Fake. But God bless her. We are no match for America, and everyone understands this. This fake is for internal consumption and only for internal consumption. It is necessary to maintain the degree of hatred in cotton heads. First they supported him with an airplane, now with fake weapons. Expect more to come soon. In Syria it’s a bummer, in Ukraine it’s a bummer. We need to come up with something else. They will come up with the most outright nonsense, but they will come up with it.

Citizen Putin openly declares that if they start to attract him to The Hague, he does not intend to sit on one Boeing. He needs at least an article for aggravated mass murder.

In addition, the very concept of “extensive radioactive contamination” somewhat does not fit into military strategy, but it completely falls under the ideology of terrorism with its “dirty bombs” and other methods. Nuclear land mines at traffic intersections were planned with full military purpose- stop the advance of Soviet tank armies. And Putin’s “extensive contamination of coastal territories” has only a secondary military component; what is primary here is pure terrorism - the impact on civilians, given the densely populated American coast. The American Navy is based in the ports. And in this Putin bullshit we are clearly talking about “extensive contamination of territories,” which clearly implies not only ports but also the coast in general and clearly looks like terrorism aimed at civilians.

To strike targets on the US coast: the oceanic multi-purpose system "Status-6"

Tama's most reasonable comments
- We still have to hold out until 2025.
- Where is the stamp “Soviet Secret, Ex. No.”? Why are people without security clearance nearby? This is a picture from the magazine "Murzilka".
- This is an information leak designed to scare opponents. It must be admitted that full swing There is an arms race going on. The Russian Federation does not have the resources to confront a coalition of democratic states, and our country also does not have allies. Russia is gradually being turned into a rogue country. From this situation, leaders are forced to prove to the world that they are capable of instilling fear in the enemy. That's how it goes North Korea That's what Iran did. This news is directed not only externally, but also internally: the people are forming the opinion that we have a deadly club capable of destroying the enemy and making his land uninhabitable.
- we look at the timing of the adoption of the system into service and think why the idiots gave time for any preemptive strike according to the supposedly created system, despite the fact that in 5 years both the check and the donkey will die more than once!
- A cobalt bomb is a theoretical modification of a nuclear weapon that produces increased radioactive contamination and contamination of the area with a relatively weak explosion. It is a radiological weapon.

It is a thermonuclear weapon in which the last shell contains not uranium-238, but cobalt-59. During the explosion, this shell is irradiated by a strong neutron flux, and the cobalt is transmuted into the radioactive isotope cobalt-60. The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.2 years; as a result of the beta decay of this nuclide, nickel-60 is formed in an excited state, which then passes to the ground state, emitting one or more gamma rays.
The activity of 1 gram of cobalt-60 is estimated at 41.8 TBq (1130 Ci). To ensure contamination of the entire surface of the Earth at a level of 1 gram per square kilometer, about 510 tons of cobalt-60 are required.
It is officially believed that cobalt bombs have not yet been created and no country has them in its arsenal.
Now apparently there is.

Putin-style as it is - the more saber-rattling and “patriotism” in foreign policy- the more liberalism there is in the economy. A new series of rattling shows that well...the economy is growing...

The “collateral damage” of the Russia investigation is becoming increasingly clear. Russia tried to split the legislative and executive powers in the United States, undermine institutional norms, and sow distrust in law enforcement agencies and intelligence services in matters of regional crises, for example, in Syria, where the situation is increasingly out of control. This investigation brought American foreign and domestic policy to the crisis point. But behind all these woes, which mostly help newspapers increase circulation and cable television increase their ratings, lurks a deeper and more serious threat: the accelerating pace of the nuclear arms race between Moscow and Washington.

Even in the rather calm and cloudless 1990s, the Kremlin always kept its finger on the nuclear button. This was partly due to the weakness of its conventional forces, but on the other hand, it was a reaction to NATO's awakened interest in conducting operations outside its area of ​​​​responsibility. Successive waves of NATO expansion, beginning in 1999, have predictably led to a significant increase in strategic tensions, with missile defense programs further exacerbating an already explosive situation. Thus, when the Obama administration began talking about a “reset” of Russian-American relations, the Kremlin had already begun a large-scale modernization of its nuclear forces. But this dam was finally broken by the Ukrainian crisis that began in the spring of 2014. The Cold War has returned with renewed vigor, and the investigation into Russia's actions continues, having entered a new phase, which has a stranglehold on Washington and has an extremely negative impact on Russian-American relations. Numerous anti-Russian hawks on Capitol Hill and in Washington today shout louder and shriller from the left than from the right flank. And the result of this belligerent nonsense can be considered the emergence of a truly terrifying naval nuclear weapon in Russia called “Status-6”.

This megaton-class nuclear weapon, as one Russian source calls it, is delivered to its target by an unmanned submarine and is capable of wiping out a large portion of the US population in one apocalyptic strike on America's east coast. This source explains: “The main task of the unmanned underwater vehicle"Status-6" is the defeat of important coastal elements of the enemy's economy and causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country's territory by creating vast zones of radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time." In addition to all this the source explains that this device is capable of destroying naval bases, carrier strike groups, and land-based air bases. brief analysis what Russian commentators say about Status-6.


What is the Russian “Status-6” capable of?

The National Interest 01/23/2018

A new nuclear race between Russia and the United States?

The National Interest 01/18/2018

How America could accidentally push Russia to nuclear war

The National Interest 02/08/2018
But first of all, it must be said that National Interest has already published several articles that provide a good analysis of this new weapon. In particular, Dave Majumdar has prepared excellent research material on this topic. He quotes undersea warfare expert Bryan Clark from the think tank Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, who explains that the device is a far from perfect weapon, the creation of which could face very real technical difficulties, since the ammunition has a power of 100 megatons can be extremely heavy and difficult to control. Monterey nuclear weapons expert Jeffrey Lewis says, “I think we can build a defensive system to protect against it. It will be easier than intercepting a missile, for sure.” We must state the obvious from the very beginning: the main advantage of the Russian device is that it bypasses the entire missile defense system. Naturally, this is a formidable symptom, indicating the approach and constant acceleration of the Cold War.

It is worth noting a few more details provided by a source associated with the military-industrial complex. "Status-6" is driven by a liquid metal reactor and has a cruising speed of 55 kilometers per hour. But it is possible that it can develop a sprint speed of up to 100-185 kilometers per hour, which will allow it to evade all known torpedoes that are in service with a potential enemy. This device has a working diving depth of 1,000 meters, its length is 26 meters and its width is 1.6 meters. The words of this source are confirmed by the assessment of American intelligence, which reports a successful test launch of a nuclear torpedo on November 27, 2016 from the Sarov submarine. Obviously, the development of this project is being carried out by the Rubin design bureau, specializing in marine technology. "Status-6" is called "a deterrent weapon with a 100% operational guarantee."

Reflecting on Brian Clark's comments in the above article, another Russian source said in January 2018: "Unfortunately for those who dream of destroying America with a giant tsunami, Project Status 6 is not as scary as it is made out to be." Another The Russian analyst is less frivolous in his statements, noting that Status-6 is not only an “asymmetric response” to the deployment of missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe, but also a reaction to “the deployment of NATO battalions in Poland and the Baltic states, as well as to other aggressive actions by Washington against Russia.” Participants in the discussion note that this project was first developed at the beginning of the Cold War, but due to technical difficulties it was impossible to fully implement it. But “half a century later, the problem with the reactor was solved,” and now this project is completely feasible.

In December 2017, an article was published entitled “The United States is preparing a response to the Russian nuclear torpedo.” It says the fairly new Orca Ultra Large Underwater Unmanned Vehicle (XLUUV) is a system capable of "local nuclear apocalypse" The author of the article acknowledges that the stated purpose of this American program is to conduct reconnaissance, search and destroy mines, and deliver cargo. However, he notes that Russian experts doubt the veracity of such statements. Apparently, they believe that the development of the Orca was intensified after the Americans learned about Russia's program to create the Status-6 underwater vehicle. Thus, the American system “may well influence the strategic balance of power between Russia and NATO.”

This view may make Russian strategists think that there is no point in accelerating the arms race again. At least one of the above-mentioned Russian analytical articles speaks of this sad reality: “There is no point in such weapons. Therefore, we will continue to scare the Americans with Soviet skeletons, and they will pretend that they are scared. The main thing is... funding has been allocated.”

Naturally, there are many interested individuals and groups in both countries that could benefit from a new Cold War. The military-industrial complex, which was first brought to the attention of President Eisenhower in his farewell speech in January 1961, must have noticed that countering Russia (and China) yielded much greater (and stable) profits than fighting terrorism. An increasingly aggressive left, humiliated and angry at its defeat in the race for the White House to a political newcomer, may well take up the American banner and claim that it is more patriotic for speaking openly about the “full spectrum” of the Russian threat. The right is unlikely to resist this call to return to the “good old days” when the country was ruled by Ronald Reagan and accepted that its main enemy was the Kremlin. But as a result of such limited and frivolous machinations, America and Russia will be much less prosperous and much more dangerous, especially if they encourage the crazy plans of military strategists and weapons developers in Moscow and Washington.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.