What are hashtags for?

Hashtags, tags or tags are an integral part of Instagram, because they allow you to organize photos or videos of a certain topic, for example, by popular hashtag #ginzaprojectspb you can find about 32,000 publications with stories about restaurants in St. Petersburg.

For example, if you have a commercial account, then use hashtags in your publications that potential clients can use to find you - #beauty salonMoscow, #laminatingUfa, #mohair hats, etc. In our article we will tell you what else you can use tags for and how to correctly write hashtags on Instagram.

How to put hashtags on Instagram?

Hashtags can be added both to the caption of a photo and to the comments. It is optimal to put 2-3 key hashtags in the description of the photo, and write the remaining hashtags in the comments: it looks more neat and does not irritate subscribers as much.

How to make hashtags on Instagram for photos or videos from Android or iPhone:
1. Upload a photo or video
2. In the “Signature” field, enter the # sign and add text, for example #bouquet
3. How to add hashtags to an existing photo on Instagram: edit the old caption (by opening the post and clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner) or add a hashtag to the comment.

How to search by hashtags?

The second method is to click on the magnifying glass icon in the application (available on iPhone or Android) (in the children's version from a computer, just in the search field at the top of the page), select the “Tags” tab and enter the hashtag of interest: Instagram will offer you the most popular tags.

What should you keep in mind when adding hashtags?

Hashtag searches do not display photos and videos that are published in private accounts. If you have a private account, then only your confirmed subscribers will see the photos that you posted and put hashtags under on the corresponding page with hashtags
- It is impossible to put hashtags on Instagram using spaces: they can be replaced with underscores - #beauty_salon.
- Officially, Instagram allows only 30 hashtags to be used in a publication. If you try to add more, the comment will not be posted.

In what order do posts appear in searches for a specific hashtag?

At the top of the hashtag search page, the “Best Publications” section is displayed - the most popular publications are displayed there, which have fast dynamics both in terms of the number of likes and comments.

In the “Newest” section, which is displayed just below, photos and videos appear in chronological order.

Be careful: if you add a hashtag to old photograph, which, for example, was published 2 months ago, then on the hashtags page this photo will appear taking into account the time of publication, and not taking into account the time the hashtag was added (that is, on a par with those publications that were added 2 months ago.

What else can you use hashtags for?

Hashtags can be used to navigate through your own account, for example, a profile that sells skirts has introduced unique hashtags, by clicking on which you can view all publications with a certain model.

Hashtags can also be used to hold competitions, promotions, to collect reviews about your product or service: tell your subscribers about the opportunity to make publications with the hashtag #buketoff_reviews, and you will publish the best ones, etc.

Now you know how to create hashtags on Instagram and properly use this powerful additional tool to attract new followers.

But you need to write hashtags on Instagram correctly: put only those hashtags that directly relate to the topic of photography and your business. Think about what queries potential clients might use to find your account.
Let's give an example: you teach English via Skype, the relevant and correct hashtags for you will be #English for adults, #English language, #English lessons, #Skype tutor, and not #english, #teacher, etc. - for very popular and not very relevant hashtags, your publication may simply get lost.

Read the article about what hashtags are and why they are needed.

A few years ago, no one had even heard of hashtags, but now they are actively used on Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte or Instagram. Many people know what tags are and what they are for. But some people can only guess what hashtags are. You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

What are hashtags - a hash sign before a word, and what are they for?

What are hashtags - a hash sign before a word, and what are they for?

Tags are necessary to structure content on specific topics. Hashtags are added to posts to briefly describe it. But what are hashtags - a hash sign in front of a word, and what are they for? Here are some definitions:

  • Hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a “#” symbol.
  • Such a designation with a label in the form of one word or even a phrase is needed to group messages by topic.
  • Hashtags allow you to create information channels. A person signs his post and at the same time enters it into a specific channel. Once a word or phrase is published, it turns into a clickable link. If a user follows such a link, he will see messages from social network users that have been tagged with such a hashtag.
  • All content managers use hash phrases, to increase the number of users on a particular social network page, increase brand awareness and draw attention to a specific event or trend.

For this to really work, you need to know how to use hashtags correctly. There are some subtleties in placing such marks. Read about this below, but everything is in order.

In Russian there is a foreign word “ hashtag"comes in two versions: hashtag And hashtag. But what is the correct way to write: hashtag or hashtag? It is correct to write in both versions, it will not be a mistake. In general, the spelling of this word does not play a big role, so you can write it however you want or as it is convenient.

You can't just type this character on the keyboard. It's rarely used, so the keyboard developers hid it. But how do you write a hashtag hash sign in front of a word on the keyboard? There are several ways:

  1. In English layout: Switch the keyboard layout to English using the Alt+Shift keys and press Shift and the # sign. It is on the number 3, but not on the small keyboard, which is on the right, but on top - above the letters.
  2. You can copy this sign in any text and then paste it into your post.
  3. Any sign can be placed using the Alt key. Press this key and type the number 35 in any layout, but only on the right small keyboard.

Choose any of these options and use it to display a hash sign in hashtags.

Hashtags gained popularity back in 2010. But despite this, many people do not know how to use such tags in their posts on social networks. So how to use hashtags? Writing rules - a guide for beginners:

  • Tags are inserted into the message, anywhere or at the very end.
  • If a hashtag needs to be composed of several words, then group them into one single phrase.
  • If you want words to stand out, then write them in capital letters.#Let'sGetAcquainted. It will be the same as #let's get to know each other.
  • You can put numbers in such labels(#Vacation2017), but punctuation marks in hashtags are unacceptable.
  • You cannot put different additional characters in labels, symbols.
  • You can see the @ sign on Twitter. Users write this symbol before the name, and it means that the post is intended for this purpose specific person. A phrase with this sign will not be considered a hashtag.
  • There is no special list of tags. You can come up with a hashtag yourself: place a hash sign in front of the tag in the form of a word or a continuous phrase that reflects the meaning of the message. This post will be seen not only by subscribers, but also by others. strangers. Thus, using a hashtag, you can get new subscribers to your account.
  • If you are using a tag to join a specific community, use hashtags that are relevant to the topic. If you speak about cinema, then use #MovieEquilibrium, not #Equilibrium even more good #cinema. Several semantic statements are ineffective in this case.
  • The tag must be simple, otherwise it will look like spam. In addition, on Twitter and Facebook there should be a maximum of three hashtags in a post, but on Instagram you can use 10 or 20. Do not use the same word in the tag twice: #FilmEquilibrium! Everyone watch #Equilibrium.
  • There must be specifics. If you wrote an anecdote or joke in the post, then put the tag #Humor or #Funny.

Your readers must understand what your message is about in order for the post to be popular.

How to put a hashtag on VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki?

Converting phrases or words into special tags makes it easier online life. If a person writes a message about phones, he puts #iphone, and it’s easy for netizens to find his article. In social networks, such tags are used for commercial brand promotion or advertising. Therefore, it is important to know how to put a hashtag on VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki. Detailed Guide:

  • VKontakte. If a user of this social network wants to make their search easier, they enter #topic in the search bar. To put your own hashtag on VKontakte, you need to write the tag #topic under the message, photo or video. For example, #coolpuppy. This grouping of words will lead to discussion and your topic will become popular.
  • Instagram. This social network is aimed at popularizing pictures, photos and videos. Hashtags are very important here. Tags sort posts into groups and work as separate filters. The phrase must be precise and specific. You need to put it under the picture, photo or video content. You can add up to 30 hashtags on this social network.
  • Facebook. In this social network it is important to choose general category phrases of interest, and put # in front. If you want to have a discussion about a brand, you can publish the message “Fashionable, modern and stylish - #Adidas.” Do not place any punctuation marks or additional symbols after the hash mark. Advertising page promotion - main goal hashtags on Facebook.
  • Classmates. Search for similar topics in this social network done using hashtags. After the post, type the pound sign and the query of interest on your keyboard, for example, #Vacation in the Summer. With the help of such tags in Odnoklassniki it is easy to promote one page or group.
  • Twitter. The label is placed directly in the tweet creation window after the hash sign. When the tweet is published, the label will be highlighted in a contrasting color.

Hashtags will help you tell the public about yourself, and perhaps tomorrow everyone will be talking about you.

Hashtag - translation into Russian

From English hashtag is translated into Russian as “distribution tag”. This is the word in English was derived from hash - the hash sign, and teg - a label.

The use of hashtags provides organizers with the opportunity to create “buzz” around an event and make it discussed in a specific online community and in reality. But for this used tool to work, you need to come up with a successful and unique label. There are several rules for creating the perfect hashtags:

  • Make your tag unique. The effectiveness of a hashtag depends on its uniqueness. If you use only general words to create it, the tag will get lost on the Internet and will not interest anyone.
  • Short hashtag - popular. A short tag will be remembered, and the likelihood of it being shortened in reposts is reduced to zero.
  • Memorable hashtag- this is its effective use even after an advertisement or event. But this does not mean that the mark should only be interesting, cool or funny. Clarity, expressiveness and relevance to the theme of the event are important.
  • Consistency equals label efficiency. If you come up with a hashtag to advertise an event, then use it as constantly and often as possible - in any messages or reposts. This is the only way the audience will grasp the idea and move it further.

Tags cannot promote themselves, but users do. Effective implementation of a hashtag in all elements of marketing will bring excellent results. Now you know how to come up with a hashtag. Accompany them with all your messages, articles and letters in electronic form, during the event and after its end.

The abbreviation “tbt” literally stands for Throw Back Thursday - back to the past. What does the hashtag tbt mean? A tag with these three letters can be assigned when posting to your old photos or videos. For example, when publishing children's photos, you can put such a hashtag. It is worth noting that #tbt is a kind of catchphrase, which is often used on social networks.

Writing a label is easy, but applying it correctly is difficult. You need to be able to analyze news posts on social networks and respond to them in a timely manner. The hashtag is convenient for marketers who are engaged in promotion, and the ability to compose it correctly will help achieve success.

Video: What are hashtags and how to use them? 5 Reasons to Use a Hashtag

Are you eager to promote your Instagram account? Great! In fact, it turns out that this is much easier to do than it seems. One of the most popular methods is hashtags for Instagram, which will help you gain the attention of your audience by communicating with people within the service. So what is it and how to use it?

What is it?

How to choose hashtags on Instagram?

When writing tags on Instagram, you need to choose them correctly. First of all, they must correspond to the general theme of the photo. It is best to “peep” an example from businessmen or stars, whose profiles are simply strewn with key phrases for successful promotion. The most popular and relevant for Instagram promotion are the well-known classic hashtags, including #sun #love #family #sea #weather #me #follow #like #girl #food #fashion and others.

When selecting key phrases, focus not only on the image itself, but also words that are close to the theme of the photo as a whole. For example, you can add the following tags to a photo with the sea: #sea #me #rest #vacation #relax #sea #sun #happiness and so on. To enhance the effect, you can put tags on different languages.

Don’t forget about temporary hashtags that reach the top for some reason important dates. These could be holidays, elections, popular events. You can also use personal “words” that have special meaning. New tags also appear periodically - for example, tags of branded companies during prize draws.

How to create your own hashtag on Instagram?

Many users are interested in the question of how to choose their key phrases. Hashtags on Instagram can be invented by the user and carry a special meaning that is clear only to him or his friends. These can also be simple, fun and creative captions that reflect the user's personality. Your tag can be used in several publications and express the owner’s attitude towards the photo. It’s easy to come up with: it all depends only on your imagination and preferences. Write about your impressions of the shot, remember the funny moments associated with it. By the way, you can put tags not only under photos, but also under videos. Well, you already know how to choose hashtags, so be creative and imaginative: other users may find your pictures and be interested in a phrase with text of their own composition. You’ve learned how to make classic hashtags on Instagram, so let’s move on to the next stage.

How to use tags correctly?

How to make an interesting hashtag on Instagram correctly? To do this, follow all the recommendations indicated above. Pay attention to important fact: Exceeding the number of mini-inscriptions from the author on an iPhone or Android can lead to the fact that they may not be registered. Anticipating your question - how many hashtags can be used in one photo, I will answer: exactly 30 pieces. If you add the 31st, they will simply be deleted and will not be loaded along with the photo. It will be a shame if you didn’t have time to save or write them down. You will have to think about what to do in such a situation and create tags again. Agree, not the most tempting prospect? But if you follow my advice, you will be able to use and write keywords correctly for your profile.

Read the separate article.

Wondering why hashtags or geotags don’t work? Maybe you should just update the app to latest version to know which hashtags are trending on at the moment.


So, now you know how to properly promote your Instagram account and choose hashtags for your favorite photos. Don't forget to follow the "Newest" section and create your own phrases. Making a hashtag is not as difficult as it seems, and this article is a clear example of this. Use the right tags and ensure an influx of subscribers who may even repost your photo. Who knows, maybe you will attract new users using similar phrases. It’s not for nothing that Instagram was created as a platform for promotion? Go ahead - select tags and move them!

If you're interested, check out our other article.

IN modern world There is no escape from social networks. Even if you yourself are not a user of one of them, you have probably at least heard about them. Social networks are used everywhere. By registering in them, people pursue completely different goals: from communicating with friends and finding like-minded people to promoting their brand and advertising their company. The “Internet trend” has not spared world celebrities, who constantly delight their subscribers with new publications. The popularity of such platforms gave rise to the emergence of a new means of promoting posts - hashtags. In this article we will tell you what it is and also explain how to put hashtags on Instagram.

How did hashtags appear?

First, let's figure out what these same marks are. If you have an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook or other similar resources, you may have seen the words or short phrases, marked with hash marks. Typically, such records have blue, the same as for links. And the hashtags themselves are unique links. They started on Twitter and gradually migrated to other social networks.

What are hashtags for?

Such designations help group posts into specific topics. It is known that such “giants” as Instagram publish many posts every day. You have the opportunity to view publications not only of your friends, but also of other users who have an open profile. Hashtags make it easier to find a specific post and significantly narrow the list. This way, you will find the news you are interested in much faster. In addition, depending on the popularity of a particular hashtag, the publication may be promoted in the general news feed. This is perfect for entrepreneurs or owners of a particular brand. So how to put hashtags on Instagram? What should you do for this?

How to put hashtags on Instagram?

This is done very simply. To put a hashtag, you need to add a “#” sign in front of the word, and it will automatically convert the word into a kind of link. It is very important to write one word in one hashtag, phrases with spaces will not be accepted, only the first word will be marked, preceded by a hash. If it is important to indicate exactly the phrase, use dashes or write a phrase without separating it. However, writing a long sentence without separation is completely impractical. Here are examples of correct hashtags: “#street”, “#house”, “#dog”, “#shop”, “#my_shopping”, “#romantic_date”, “#mysister”, “#very tasty”. Of course, without quotes.

If you make an entry “#how I celebrated my birthday,” then the hashtag will only be the word “how.” You can verify this if you notice that the word will be highlighted in blue, like a regular link. It is not recommended to write “#how to celebrate your birthday” or similar long phrases. Most likely, such a request will not be popular. Don’t forget that such tags allow you not only to find a specific post, but also to increase the page viewability, and accordingly, you will also have more likes. But this will only happen if you install the gratings correctly. You now know how to add hashtags. But what should they be?

Popular hashtags "Instagram"

What should you write in this very hashtag so that other users find your publication faster? The expression “simplicity is the sister of talent” fits perfectly here. Just look at what's in your photo and try to give it a simple name. If you are with friends in the photo, reply: “#I am friends,” or simply: “#friends.” Continue to place similar links using this principle. At the moment, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags under one photo. But believe me, this is more than enough. You shouldn’t overload the image with labels either. You can often notice that one publication is teeming with various hashtags, and some of them do not even relate to the topic of the photo itself. It looks stupid and is not interesting to anyone, but the main idea of ​​promotion is that your post should arouse interest.

Universal tags

There are a number of hashtags that are suitable for almost all photos. They are specifically aimed at getting your profile found by other users and liking your posts. For example "#follow", "#followme", "#followforfollow", "#instagood", "#inst". Very popular in lately hashtags #GN, #GM, #gn, #gm, their decoding is quite simple - this abbreviation is “good night” and “good morning”, they are placed under any photo depending on the time of day. Don't forget that tags can be written in both Latin and Russian. You can enter the name of your city, country or locality. Then people living nearby will subscribe and “like” you. But you don't want to add too many obvious hashtags, it risks looking a little comical. For example, if you drank a cup of coffee at beautiful place and took a photo, you don’t need to come up with a million tags related to this, for example: #Brazil #coffeemania #sugar #drink #vigor #relaxation. By the way, hashtags for Instagram on topics can be written with spaces, as shown in the last example, or without spaces.

How to find a post using a hashtag?

Searching for a hashtag on Instagram is carried out as follows. Log into the client and pay attention to the panel at the bottom of the screen. Next to the house icon that you clicked on to get to the news feed, there is an image of a magnifying glass (a circle with a dash), click on it. Tap on the search bar at the top and another menu will open in front of you. By going to the "Tags" tab, you can easily find a publication by hashtag.

Now you know how to put hashtags on Instagram. Do it correctly and wisely.

Finding relevant information for you among many posts on a social network has become much easier using hashtags. By placing a hash symbol in front of a keyword in the search bar, you can filter its results. Similarly, using a hashtag, you can assign your posts, photos or videos to certain thematic groups, which will increase access to them to other members of the social network and increase the number of views. In this step by step instructions with photographs you will learn how to make a hashtag on the VKontakte social network.

Step 2

Next, separated by commas, starting with the “#” symbol and without a space, enter the keywords. It’s worth noting that when writing a hashtag, you can use an underscore to separate words (for example, “#Windows_10”). Then click the "Save" button.

Step 3

The hashtags for the post have been saved. To find posts with a similar hashtag, left-click on it.

Step 4

You have been taken to the search results for the selected hashtag.

Step 5

How to put a hashtag on a photo on VKontakte

In order to assign a photo to a specific thematic category, you can use a hashtag. You can set a hashtag for a photo while adding it to a social networking site. Start by clicking the Photos menu option and clicking the Add Photos button.

Step 6

Now select the folder where the photo is saved, select the photo and click the Open button.

Step 7

Now you can add hashtags to the photo description. To do this, enter the “#” symbol and enter without a space keyword. Thus, you can enter several hashtags separated by commas. In order to use a phrase in a hashtag, you can put an underscore between the words. Now click the “Post to My Page” button.