Pregnancy is a very important stage in the life of any woman. And every representative of the fair sex who plans to become a mother is always interested in what she dreams about pregnancy. Of course, realists will say that pregnancy can only be detected by doing an appropriate test or visiting a gynecologist. But quite often expectant mothers see various signs, indicating the imminent onset of pregnancy, and in dreams. In order to find out exactly what images and symbols indicate the coming miracle of birth, let’s look at the dream book.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Paradoxical as it may seem, most dream books agree that seeing pregnancy in a dream does not mean at all that you will have a child in the near future. For a young girl, such a dream means possible deception, for older women - immediate pride or joy, for men - any far-reaching plans.

What do you dream about pregnancy?

First of all, I would like to note that, according to experts, dreams foreshadowing pregnancy are intended not only to notify the expectant mother, but also to psychologically prepare her for this condition. After all, as surveys conducted in Great Britain showed, about 80% of women who became pregnant were not mentally prepared for this.

Now let's move on directly to what you dream about pregnancy:

The most common symbol is swimming with a dolphin.

Your husband or boyfriend takes a long time and carefully chooses and then buys a watermelon for you.

You are swimming in the sea or a large body of water. Or your man gives you a ticket to a sea holiday.

In a dream, your child gets sick, and you are trying with all your might to save him.

In a dream, you see your reflection in the mirror with a rounded tummy.

You see eggs: you either buy them, or touch them, or look at them, and so on. Or in a dream you are preparing dishes to which you need to add a lot of chicken eggs.

Buying underwear for your loved one. Most often the underwear is blue.

If you dream of a pregnancy test with two red stripes, this is also sure sign upcoming changes in your life associated with the imminent arrival of your baby.

Pregnancy also dreams of small mice that behave actively and cheerfully.

In a dream, you are held by the hand by a baby or several children who do not want to let you go. You are very pleased with their attention.

Red caviar in a dream means that you are most likely already pregnant.

A bird that you tamed has flown to you. Even if you do not hold it, it does not fly away, but remains with you.

You walk through a tunnel, at the end of which you see a bright, but very soft light. You move towards him without stopping.

In your dream, you eat or even steal beans, nuts or tomatoes.

In the forest you pick berries or mushrooms. At the same time, you feel just great and are not at all afraid of getting lost.

In a dream, you see a hardworking spider that carefully weaves its web.

So, we looked at what you dream about pregnancy, or rather the main symbols and images that foreshadow such an important event in the life of any person. Perhaps you will already find in this list the dreams you have seen, which with a high degree of probability can become prophetic.

There is a theory that with the onset of pregnancy in the female body, first of all. If this is true, then it is not at all excluded that she may see a dream announcing good news. But practice shows that very often women see dreams foreshadowing pregnancy some time before its onset, for example, several months or weeks.

Of course, it all depends on whether you believe in such notices. Regarding dreams, scientists do not stop arguing, studying and creating new theories. Religion offers its position, and different people they choose for themselves what to believe and what to listen to. Be that as it may, many of us try to interpret what we see in a dream. And dreams that foretell pregnancy are of particular interest among women. They frighten and alarm some, make others incredibly happy and happy, and others do not attach the slightest importance to them. And yet they dream...

Catch it, fish, big and small

The most “cult” dream foreshadowing pregnancy is considered to be a dream about fish. Probably everyone knows about this. And perhaps this is why fish are so often dreamed of by women who are trying and dreaming of getting pregnant. So you should treat such a dream with caution. If you go to bed every night thinking about fish, then it is not surprising that you will dream about it. But in general, such a dream turns out to be quite true.

The fact that live fish is a dream of pregnancy was previously written in almost all dream books. Now interpreters offer the most different interpretations similar dreams, often having nothing to do with conception and childbirth. Nevertheless, women continue to dream about fish precisely as news of an imminent pregnancy. And most often it is carp, although there are the most unexpected options - from pike to dolphin.

In fact, a fish seen in a dream promises a person profit. But in the case when a young woman dreams of it, profit should be understood as “offspring.” Although not at all necessary, of course.

It should be clarified that in such a dream the fish must certainly be alive (or fresh, tasty), in clean water. However, women see it differently: some catch it with their hands, others buy it, others watch it in an aquarium, pool or pond, give it to someone, treat it to someone, and even eat it. I don’t remember how I dreamed about a fish (because before my pregnancy I still dreamed about it), but recently my sister, and before her pregnancy, my mother caught two fry in a dream.

Water is the cradle of life

Considering that most women dream of fish before or already in the dream, it is not strange that water in a dream is also a “pregnant” sign. Indeed, many people dream that they wade through the water and catch fish with their hands, or contemplate how a variety of fish swim in the most different waters. Swimming in clean water or washing your face also means pregnancy.

But simply water without fish also often dreams of conception. Researchers say that water is a symbol of life, its cradle. Originates in water human life, therefore such a dream is natural and logical. Women often dream of the sea, river, lake or even an aquarium - in principle, it doesn’t matter. Such prophetic dreams are united by a feeling of peace, bliss, fullness of life and harmony.

By the way, there are often cases when the future father, and not the mother, dreams of water or fish. Most often, as you might guess, a man sees in a dream the catch brought to his wife from fishing. But seeing a pregnant wife in a dream is a reason to doubt her fidelity, according to most researchers and dream interpreters.

Candy babies

Experts say that seeing your pregnancy or childbirth in a dream does not mean a repetition of what you saw in reality in the future. Undoubtedly, pregnant women often dream about their childbirth or their belly, but such dreams are associated with the experiences of expectant mothers and thoughts about their situation. If a woman who is not yet pregnant dreams about something like this, then such a dream should not be considered a harbinger.

However, many women refute this interpretation. Because it is in a dream that they first see their pregnancy, and often the birth, not yet knowing that they are already carrying a baby. Moreover, often in such dreams ladies give birth to kittens, dogs, plush hares or bear cubs.

The same goes for children. Personally, I have long known that children in a dream mean illness or worries. However various dream books dreaming children are interpreted in different ways. But life experience confirms that such a dream very often happens “in hand”. Mothers say that someone was given a baby, someone’s husband brought it home, a woman gave it to someone, they found it themselves, or the child came to the mother. In general, there can be a lot of variations. But what is most interesting: often such dreams foreshadow not only the imminent birth of a son or daughter (that is, specifically the gender of the child), but also some features of the baby: long eyelashes, blond hair, blue mother's eyes admit that the picture from a dream is transferred to reality.

It also happens that a woman chooses some kind of purchase in a dream or thinks about what to wear: a blue blouse or a red one? And in the future she finds out that she is pregnant with a boy or a girl.

Unknown voice

Almost all people tend to regard such dreams as prophetic. In a dream, someone appears, often one of the deceased family members, but most often it is just the voice of a person unknown to us, and as if he is pronouncing a prophecy: “You will find out everything in December,” “Everything will happen in 3 months,” or something like that. this kind of thing. Brrrr... Catchy...

Family idyll

If you see yourself together with your beloved husband, and there is a third person in the “picture” Living being(it could be a dog, a bear cub, a kitten, a bird, a fish or anyone), then it is very likely that such a dream portends pregnancy. Many women, before they find out that they are pregnant, see similar scenes in their dreams. Some are standing with their lover on the shore of a lake, some are walking on the sea beach, others are sitting in the garden or going on a trip. All that matters is that you are together, you are filled with the most positive emotions, you feel calm and love. It's nice to wake up after such dreams.

All the rest

Now it’s time to pay attention to dreams “individually.” The most attentive among us can interpret own dream most true. After all, one and the same image means completely different things depending on who, when and in what context it is presented. What promises success for some, threatens failure for others.

So, women see in dreams that foreshadow pregnancy specifically for them, a variety of symbols, signs and images:

  • mice, moles and other rodents and animals;
  • chicken or duck (most likely for pregnancy with a girl);
  • hunting animals (bear, hare) or observing them (very often - spiders weaving webs);
  • animal births;
  • mushrooms, berries, flowers and other vegetation;
  • strollers, cradles, cribs and various baby accessories;
  • eating or contemplating fruits (watermelons, tomatoes, beans, nuts), as well as their theft (that is, when you steal, for example, watermelons);
  • planting and caring for trees;
  • beautiful landscapes(clear sky, warm sun, clean sand);
  • light source (in a window, in the sky, in a tunnel);
  • small items in containers: a bead in a box, a tomato in a pot, beans in a jar.

Often future mom sees nightmares and violence in dreams, and, what is especially creepy, with himself in leading role these terrible actions. Such dreams should not be taken literally: oneirocritics say that they reflect a “conflict” in the female body that comes with pregnancy.

By the way, people who are completely strangers to you can see your pregnancy in a dream if they are able to correctly interpret their dream.

I believe - I don't believe

Just in case, we note that we do not urge you to believe in dreams foreshadowing pregnancy. In fact, dreams reflect our subconscious: fears, desires, fantasies, and in a form that is very incomprehensible to us.

However, many women believe that their dreams before or at the beginning of pregnancy turned out to be prophetic. But the same images do not carry the same message for everyone. Some people regularly see fish in their dreams and never get pregnant; others dream of something unique and, so to speak, individual, warning of an impending pregnancy.

It should also be said that in this article we were more based on life experience, stories and revelations of women who had certain dreams that foreshadowed pregnancy for them personally. These signs and symbols can mean something completely remote from conceiving and bearing a baby, if you look in the dream book. Moreover, each dream book will interpret the same image differently, there are too many of them today, and trust in such sources is increasingly disappearing.

So we do not pretend to be correct, truthful or anything else, but only share our experience - ours and others too. And if you have something to tell, we will listen with great pleasure. Have your children notified you of their upcoming birth?

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Dreams are the true key to the subconscious. With their help, they learn about upcoming events, including imminent motherhood. Thanks to natural intuition, girls are able to independently interpret such signs, but information about what dreams they have about pregnancy will be useful to them.

Walking on water

Warnings about imminent conception are varied. A sure signal for a woman is visions of water - a symbol of life and fertility. In them, the expectant mother can swim in the river, wander barefoot on its surface, or watch what is happening at the bottom.

But there is only one condition: such dreams speak of pregnancy only if the reservoir is crystal clear. In this case, the source of moisture can be anything - from an aquarium to seething mountain rapids.

Fishing with bare hands

This category of dreams is the most common. Our grandmothers also predicted long-awaited motherhood from them, and catching a fish in a dream indicated the appearance of twins. However, if a woman could not hold the catch in her hands, failure awaited her - an early miscarriage or abortion.

Another harbinger of conception is a vision of buying a live fish. It is worth paying attention to the gender of the seller - this will tell the girl who will be born.


Regarding this point, the opinions of specialists and women in labor differ. Scientists believe that such images are just the fruit of experiences caused by upcoming difficulties. But the girls themselves actively claim: they dream of children and successful delivery of a pregnancy before conception. Moreover, often a woman gives birth not to a baby, but to a soft toy or animal.

Dreams in which a child is brought into the house by an acquaintance or close person. Such images usually appear to those who for a long time tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant. The children in them can be of any age and completely different from their future parents, but it’s worth taking a closer look at them anyway: the dreamer’s child will also receive some traits.

Voices from outside

If you talk to a woman in your sleep unknown people or she does not see the source of the sound at all, she should listen to the content of the speech. This is how they learn about the date of an upcoming event or the resolution of an exciting situation. But such “prophecies” happen quite rarely, so few people rely on them.

Happy family

When Morpheus brings images of complete harmony at home and in relationships with a partner to one of a married couple, this is usually interpreted as a hint of an imminent replenishment. The pictures in these cases are different: from gatherings by the fireplace to walks in the forest, the main thing is the cozy atmosphere of what is happening.

Such dreams, foreshadowing pregnancy, may have other interpretations or be a projection of what is desired in reality, so in books they are explained differently.


In addition to all of the above, women dream of animals straying from their mother. At these moments, a desire to protect and warm awakens in girls, similar to the instincts after the birth of a child. It is generally accepted that the subconscious prepares the dreamer for the upcoming concern for the new generation and gives clues where to expect changes.

Other dreams that are harbingers of pregnancy

In dream books there are many examples, the interpretation of which contains references to the imminent appearance of a child. But not all of them are as popular as the ones listed above.

In the visions inspired by Morpheus, a woman is presented with those images that she herself associates with the process of pregnancy and childbirth. If a girl is sure that there is no more accurate symbol than fish, that’s what she will see in her dream.

However, other options are also possible:

  • Harvest (joyful excitement, promise of reward for efforts to those who actively tried to conceive a child);
  • Chicken eggs are a symbol of fertility and successful resolution of a burden in the future;
  • A broken egg means a threat to the fetus, a warning about miscarriage;
  • Chickens (these brooding birds are strongly associated with caring for children, which is why some girls dream of them shortly before conception);
  • Children's things and toys are a very clear symbol of motherhood.

Many things are associated with a new addition to the family. To make the forecast more accurate, you need to pay attention to the details of what is happening and trust your intuition, because without this, any dream loses its meaning. And, of course, such signs should be assessed in accordance with the current situation in her personal life and the woman’s desire to have children during this period.

What dreams portend the pregnancy of a partner in men

It's not just women who are receiving warnings of impending changes. A man can also act as an intermediary for a harbinger dream.

The elements that predict the appearance of a child are the same:

  • clean waters;
  • harvesting;
  • birds with bright plumage or storks;
  • fishing ( with bare hands or with the help of gear - it doesn’t matter).

In addition, the future father may see a whirlwind, roaring flames or a storm. Any images associated with natural disasters are associated with the partner’s pregnancy and the destruction of the previous way of life. The subconscious, as a rule, gives such pictures to those men who are not yet ready to nurse their own children. Therefore, these dreams are usually regarded as a warning and a call for caution.

Signs foreshadowing the appearance of grandchildren

Cases when parents receive a signal about their daughter's upcoming situation are very rare. But this happens if grandchildren are an extremely anticipated event for them.

The girl's mother is more likely to see her daughter in position, a generous catch, round vegetables or fruits. And for a man such a joyful event is predicted by dreams, where unfamiliar voices tell him this news. In addition to the parents of the expectant mother, close relatives also receive such signs.

In the specialized literature there are other interpretations of the elements described above. Thus, a daughter’s pregnancy symbolizes unexpected good news, the appearance of a wealthy son-in-law, or the purchase of living space.

Dream atmosphere

The mood of the images sent by the subconscious plays a major role. “Pregnant” visions bring a feeling of peace and an invisible but long-awaited presence.

The dreams of future fathers present pictures that cause fear or great excitement. Every tenth man calls them nightmarish, and only a few characterize these images as positive.

When to expect an omen

According to esoteric literature, prophetic dreams visit us on Friday and Saturday. During such periods, people show increased confidence in visions, retell them to relatives and turn to interpretations.

These days, standard interpretations sometimes don't work. Seeing a pregnancy on Friday night means longevity, and on Saturday dreams about adding to the family promise trouble. However, during this period, people tend to consider “classical” elements such as catch, water or “prophecies” as a guarantee of speedy conception.

Believe it or not

With the advent of the era of technology, modern women no longer believe in prophetic dreams. Girls attach significance to them after the birth of a child, accidentally remembering that they saw the described images, which in advance indicate motherhood.

In a smaller percentage of cases, only the atmosphere of the pictures, which were transmitted by the subconscious, played a role, and sometimes the woman did not receive any signs at all. Therefore, each person, of course, decides for himself whether to believe in prophetic dreams or not.

Today, there is a completely new theory that when pregnancy occurs directly in the female body, it is the brain of the expectant mother that first undergoes dramatic changes. And if this theory is true, then it cannot be ruled out that a woman may see some kind of dream, notifying her of the onset of good times, bringing her no less good news. However, practice shows that quite often women actually see dreams foreshadowing the onset of pregnancy, and some time before its onset, for example, such dreams come to women several months, days or weeks later, it’s different for everyone .

Undoubtedly, absolutely everything here will depend on whether you yourself believe in such “sleepy” notices. Regarding the dreams themselves, modern scientists never stop arguing, studying in detail and creating more and more new theories regarding sleep. Religion offers its own separate position, but different people already choose for themselves what they want to believe in and what they want to listen to. And be that as it may in reality, many women still try to somehow interpret what they saw in a dream at night. And, probably, of particular interest among young women are those dreams that supposedly foreshadow the onset of pregnancy. Some people are frightened or even alarmed by such dreams, while others, on the contrary, are incredibly happy and even happy, while others do not attach the slightest importance to them and simply forget as soon as they get out of bed. And yet such dreams do not ask anyone and are dreamed...

Catch it, fish, both big and small

Probably the most “cult” of all the dreams that seem to foretell pregnancy among women is considered to be the dream about the fish you caught. And, well, probably absolutely everyone knows about this. And, quite possibly, this is why fish appear so often in the dreams of women trying and dreaming of getting pregnant. So it is possible that women should treat such dreams with extreme caution. And, for example, if every night you initially go to bed with only one thought about raw fish in your dreams, then believe me, no, and there can be nothing surprising in the fact that sooner or later you will dream about it. However, in general, such dreams turn out to be quite true.

Moreover, we note that the fact that she is alive or simply raw fish dreams specifically about the onset of pregnancy, it used to be written in almost all available dream books. Now dream interpreters offer the most various interpretations similar dreams, and often having absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming conception, much less childbirth. And, nevertheless, our women still continue to dream about fish, and precisely as good news about the imminent onset of pregnancy. Moreover, as women's magazines claim, most often it is carp, although sometimes there are also the most unexpected varieties of fish - from pike to dolphins.

In fact, modern seers claim that a fish seen by a person in a dream promises such a person some kind of profit. However, in the case when this fish is dreamed of by a young woman, then profit should really be understood as the so-called “offspring” or pregnancy. Although this is not at all necessary, because our dreams are not always prophetic, of course.

It should also be clarified that in a dream, which does foreshadow pregnancy, the fish must certainly look alive (or at least fresh and very tasty if you eat it), and, of course, it must swim only in clean water. However, women can see it completely differently. So some women catch fish with their hands, others simply buy them by weight, others even watch them floating in an aquarium, in a pool or in a pond, and for some they simply give the fish as a gift, for others they may be treated fried fish, and someone even eats it with pleasure, in their dreams, of course. Now I don’t remember exactly how I dreamed about the fish (I only remember that before my pregnancy I did dream about the fish). But just recently, my sister was able to give birth, and imagine, just before the onset of her pregnancy, our mother caught two tiny carp fry in her sleep. Who is interested in “How to conceive twins?” described in detail.

Water is the cradle of our life

Considering also the fact that most modern young women dream of a fish immediately before or perhaps already in a dream, then it would be quite logical to say that water coming in a dream is also a kind of “pregnant” sign from above. And indeed, many women, before the onset of an interesting situation, dreamed that they were calmly wading straight through the water, and some were even catching fish with their hands, while others simply contemplated how a wide variety of fish frolic and swam in a wide variety of waters. It is worth saying that swimming in clean, clear and sparkling water or washing your face clean water- this is also for the upcoming pregnancy.

Yes and just clean clear water without any fish can also often be a dream about impending conception. Researchers claim that water is very ancient symbol life, or rather its cradle. After all, it is in water that any new human life is born, in fact, that is why such dreams are quite natural and logical before the upcoming conception. Women also often dream of a blue sea, a raging river, a calm transparent lake, or an ordinary aquarium - in principle, this is no longer so important. What unites such prophetic dreams is precisely a certain feeling of peace or bliss, and sometimes a feeling of the fullness of life or the achievement of complete harmony.

By the way, it is not so rare for the future father to dream about water or the same fish, while not dreaming about it at all to the future mother. However, most often, as is probably easy to guess, the man himself will see in a dream the catch brought to his wife from a pleasant and successful fishing trip. But, for example, seeing your wife already pregnant in your dream is a real reason to somewhat doubt her fidelity, at least this is what most modern sleep researchers and interpreters of these dreams think.

Our sweet babies

Modern experts who study dreams say that seeing your pregnancy, and possibly giving birth, in a dream will not at all mean a repetition of everything you saw in reality in the near future. Although there is no doubt that already pregnant women often dream of their upcoming birth or belly, such dreams may be associated to a greater extent with the experiences of the expectant mothers themselves and with thoughts about their interesting position. However, if a woman who is not yet pregnant or even planning a pregnancy suddenly dreams of something like this, then such a dream should definitely not be considered a real harbinger of something important.

And yet, many women completely refute this interpretation of dreams. Because some saw their pregnancy for the first time in a dream, and others often saw their own childbirth, without even knowing or guessing that they would soon be carrying a baby. It should also be noted that often in such incomprehensible dreams, ladies can give birth to kittens or dogs, and someone gives birth to plush hares or even bear cubs.

And in fact, the same applies to the children themselves. I personally have known for a long time that children coming in a dream are either a sign of illness or some kind of worry. However, different dream books almost always interpret the children you dream about in completely different ways. The life experience of many women confirms that such dreams very often happen, as they say, “in hand.” And today’s mothers generally say that for some it was precisely these dreams that their child gave them, and for others it was their husband who brought home such a dream. Sometimes in a dream a woman gives the baby to someone, and sometimes the woman herself finds the baby somewhere, or the child in a dream comes to you as his mother. In general, there really can be just a lot of variations. But here’s what’s most interesting: this is that often such dreams foreshadow not only an imminent pregnancy or the imminent birth of your son or daughter (meaning the gender of a specific child). Sometimes such dreams can even show the mother some real features of the baby: say, long eyelashes, or blond hair, perhaps blue eyes. Such mothers admit that their picture, previously seen in a dream, is simply transferred to subsequent reality.

It also sometimes happens that the woman herself chooses some extremely unusual purchase in a dream or thinks about what she should wear: for example, a blue blouse or a red one? And in the near future she finds out that she is pregnant with a boy or a girl.

Some voice unknown to you

It should be noted that dreams in which a woman hears some voices unfamiliar to her always excite the woman. And as a rule, almost all women tend to interpret or regard such unusual dreams as necessarily prophetic. After all, in a dream someone appears to them, and often even one of the family members who have already died before, or more often than not, it’s just the voice of a person completely unknown to you, and when such a voice utters a prophecy that sounds like: “In December, you will all you’ll find out,” or “Everything will happen in exactly 3 months.” Well, or something like that. Brrrr... Really catchy... and even frightening, well, it definitely won’t leave you indifferent.

Dreaming of a family idyll

When you see yourself together with your beloved husband, and in addition, in such a “picture” there will be some third living creature (and this could be a red dog, or a cute bear, a kitten, perhaps a bird, a fish, or anyone ), then it is very likely that such a dream came to you to become a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. The main thing is that in such a dream everything looks nice, pleasant or touching to you. Very many women, immediately before they receive the pleasant news that they are already pregnant, see similar ideal family stories in their dreams. Moreover, in a dream, someone is standing with their lover somewhere on the shore of a lake, while someone is simply walking on a warm sea beach, other women are sitting in the Garden of Eden or going on a trip to another country. The only thing that matters in this case is that you and your loved one are together, and you are filled with only the most positive, most pleasant emotions, and you feel complete peace of mind and boundless love. As a rule, after such dreams it is incredibly pleasant to wake up again next to your loved one.

All the rest

Well, now the time has finally come to pay attention to those dreams that we have “individually.” Probably, the most attentive of women will be able to interpret any of their own dreams, most fully and, of course, correctly. After all, you must agree that sometimes the same dream or image seen in a dream means completely different things, completely depending on who exactly, when exactly and in what context such a dream is presented. So everything that promises complete and unconditional success for some will threaten complete failure or failure or even disaster for others.

So, women can see in dreams that are guaranteed to foretell the onset of pregnancy specifically for them, a variety of symbols, images or signs. Namely:

  • Various mice, moles and other rodents or animals.
  • Someone sees a chicken or even a duck (this may most likely indicate an upcoming pregnancy with a girl).
  • Someone sees a hunt for some wild animals (perhaps a bear, or a hare) or dreams of watching them (and very often watching spiders that are actively weaving their webs).
  • Someone will see the birth of animals.
  • Someone in a dream will go picking mushrooms, berries, or flowers and other beautiful vegetation.
  • Someone will see in their dream strollers, separate cradles, cribs, and a variety of other purely children's accessories.
  • For some, a harbinger of pregnancy will be eating or contemplating fruits in a dream (these could be watermelons, or tomatoes, perhaps even beans, or nuts), and also possibly stealing them (meaning a dream when you simply steal, for example , the same watermelons).
  • And someone will see the planting of new trees or caring for them.
  • For some, these are beautiful landscapes (for example, clear skies, or warm sun, or even just clean golden sand).
  • Someone sees in a dream new source light (say in a window, or just in the middle of a clear sky, and even light in a tunnel).
  • And someone will see some small objects folded in containers: let’s say a bead in a large box, or one tomato left in a pot, or perhaps beans in a separate jar.

Often, expectant mothers also see certain nightmares or even violence in their dreams as harbingers of conception, and, what is especially creepy, with themselves, as they say, in the leading role of all these terrible actions. However, one should not take such dreams literally: after all, oneirocritics confidently say that such dreams reflect a certain “conflict” occurring in the female body, in connection with the upcoming pregnancy.

And, by the way, sometimes complete strangers to you may well see your pregnancy in their dreams, of course, if they are able to correctly interpret such a dream.

I'll believe it - I won't believe it

Further, just in case, we will try to note that we do not urge you to immediately believe in some dreams that supposedly portend pregnancy. After all, in fact, all our dreams reflect only our own subconscious: our fears, our desires, our fantasies, and always in a very incomprehensible and not even entirely pleasant form for ourselves.

And, nevertheless, many women confidently believe that all their dreams, both before and outside of pregnancy, turn out to be prophetic. However, as we said earlier, the same image will not bring the same message to everyone. After all, someone can regularly see in a dream, fresh or live fish and at the same time she will not get married and will not become pregnant, and someone generally dreams of something peculiar and, one might say, strictly individual, at the same time notifying about an upcoming pregnancy.

It should also be said that in this article we tried to rely more on the life experiences of various women, on their stories or revelations who had certain dreams before their pregnancy, which turned out to be prophetic for them personally. After all, these signs or symbols may well mean something completely remote from both conception and bearing a baby, especially if you look at the standard dream book. And let’s say, moreover, literally every dream book is similar, and sometimes the same image will be interpreted completely differently, indeed, too many such dream books have been divorced today, but trust in such dubious sources is increasingly disappearing from our consciousness .

So with our article we do not at all pretend to be clear, reliable or absolutely correct, truthful or anything else extremely important, we are only sharing women’s experiences - both our own and those of others too. You could even say that this article is more entertaining than scientific. And if you personally have something to tell about this, then we are ready to listen to it with great pleasure. Tell us in your reviews how your children notified, or indirectly warned you about their possible imminent birth?

What did you dream about before becoming pregnant?