Dream interpretation I was beaten

What does it mean to be beaten in a dream? If you see such an unpleasant scene at night, then you don’t have to immediately expect trouble. The described symbol is not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. The correctness of the resulting interpretation will be influenced not by the physical contact with the offender itself, but also by the psychological state.

What kind of dream is there?

As the dream book suggests, being beaten in a dream is an action that can foreshadow a pleasant event, but predicting it is not so easy. You can understand in which cases good news is expected and in which it is bad, using special dream books.

What do the experts say?

To be beaten in a dream

I dreamed that I was beaten - a plot that visits every person at least once in their life, but what is he talking about? Before turning to dream interpreters, you will have to break your dream down into small fragments and try to combine the resulting interpretations into one.

Miller's Dream Book

If you saw another person being beaten, then, according to a psychologist, your soul is devastated and a lot of time must pass before you can let a new person into your inner circle.

Lunar dream book

Reading the presented source, you can highlight several key aspects relating to certain groups of people:

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

As the dream book describes, they beat stranger- to a difficult and dangerous journey. The specialist advises to abandon the dubious adventure and stay at home, no matter how beautifully the possible leisure time is described.

You may dream of beating a loved one or friend, in which case a lucrative contract will be signed that will bring substantial dividends.

Is the dreamer to blame?

Dream about a fight between spouses

Why does a sleeping person become a source of aggression if in life he is extremely far from violence? The answer to this question can be found by remembering the person against whom the illegal actions were committed.


If the dreamer hits his partner, it means he is not sure of his very feelings for him. Such uncertainty is constantly depressing, and it simply cannot be tolerated. If there is any problem, it should be immediately discussed at a round table.

Former chosen one

When you dream that your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend was beaten for betrayal, you will have to get out of a difficult situation, which can easily be turned into reality by your inexperience. The Eastern Dream Book recommends remaining vigilant.


Beating a child in a dream

Seeing representatives of the fair sex being beaten means your weakness will not allow you to achieve a high social status.

Children's tyrant

Violence against a child is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, which is why it is so important to decipher possible options. For what reason did you attack the child?

Bad marks

If you participated in beating a little person because of poor performance, then you will make an unforgivable mistake that you will regret for a long time.

Time frame

I dreamed that my daughter suffered from beatings

Beating your son or daughter for not coming home at the appointed time means being late for an important meeting, which will cause the indignation of your partner. It will take a long time to atone for a mistake, and therefore it is better to foresee possible problems.

unrequited love

If a young daughter is beaten by her chosen one, then you need to take a closer look at the behavior and life of your child. Perhaps now the child is in need of parental care. The more time you spend with your family, the more united it will become.

Street mayhem

To be beaten by a policeman is to become a victim of public censure. Dream interpreters strongly recommend controlling your own speech and emotions, as they can lead to unexpectedly bad consequences.

Seeing someone bully ex-boyfriend or a girl - a symbol of self-confidence, which sometimes ruins everything.

Who did you decide to take revenge on?

To take revenge on a spouse for beatings in a dream

If you could not bear the bitterness of violence and decided to take revenge in a dream, then you will have to remember the person against whom your cruelty was directed.

Husband or wife

If you decide to take revenge on your partner, then real life you will be able to defeat your enemies and slanderers,” the Islamic Dream Book writes about this.


The situation on the love front may not always be advantageous, and therefore the appearance of a rival on the way is big problem which will have to be resolved. If you beat him in cold blood, you will receive good news.


Attack your boss in a dream

The management does not notice your merits, and you decide to get even with them, which means you can expect a promotion soon. If you believe Women's dream book, then the boss’s unlawful actions foreshadow a reprimand and demotion.


To see someone taking revenge on a neighbor means you will be visited by unexpected but pleasant guests. People you haven't seen for a long time will tell you a lot of interesting news.

Atypical wording

Why does a father beat his mother in a dream? The dream book foretells a difficult conversation with a loved one, which can no longer be put off. Otherwise, not only time will be lost, but also trust.

Strangers beating relatives is a symbol of victory over one’s own phobias and complexes. Events will happen in your life that will make you look at the situation from a different angle and understand that the problems were the result of the work of your imagination.

They threw a stone at four-legged friend- to humiliation. Spring dream book talks about possible provocations that you will have to avoid, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Beating up a mongrel cat means destroying all your enemies, no matter how influential they are. If you saw someone abusing animals, then in reality you will be drawn into a small conflict.

And then there’s the process of getting them. The dream of a fight is interpreted ambiguously by different dream books.

Depending on who throws the punches and what the outcome of the fight is, the dream can mean both good and bad. Important have accompanying details of the dream and the feelings that the sleeping person experiences.

They beat you in a dream: why do you dream according to the family dream book?

If you dreamed that your spouse beats or slaps your cheeks in a dream, this is a favorable dream. It means that peace and harmony will reign in the family. If unmarried girl If she dreamed that a stranger hit her on the cheeks, then in the near future she will meet her love. The feelings will be mutual.

Beat yourself in a dream- a sign of a bad conscience. The dream means that in order to achieve the desired goal it is necessary to repent. This will relieve the pangs of conscience and clear the way to a happy future. Sometimes such a dream predicts success in business.

If the dreamer is beaten in his sleep Why do you have such a dream? There is no need to be afraid, because a dream predicts good luck, a successful outcome of a matter, receiving good news. Seeing yourself beaten, but without blood, bruises and wounds is a harbinger of good changes after a period of long failures.

And here see yourself beaten with rods or sticks in a dream- bad dream. He warns: do not spread gossip and false speculation about a person. This will only earn you the condemnation of others and ruin your reputation.

If a person is beaten in front of the dreamer, then the dreamer will have to regret hastily making an important decision or frivolous behavior. Intending to beat someone in a dream is a sign of a great desire to restore justice. There is another interpretation of the dream: the dreamer will be drawn into a lawsuit.

If the dreamer hits someone, means that in real life he will prevail over his enemies and achieve success in business. A dream about the dreamer beating his subordinates has a similar meaning. But to beat a strong and important person - bad dream. He predicts troubles and losses.

It's bad to see yourself defeated in battle. The dream warns of serious danger or death.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to Freud’s dream book

A dream about a beating, according to the interpretation of a dream book from a famous psychoanalyst, is a subconscious idea of ​​perverted physical intimacy with elements of sadism or masochism or a desire for such intimacy.

The dreamer may dream that he is being beaten in a dream. Why do you have such a dream? If a person likes sensations, then he is prone to masochism and craves moral or physical humiliation.

If the dreamer himself beats someone in a dream, then in reality he dreams of intimacy with someone, sometimes contrary to decency. The main thing for him is to satisfy his desire, and not to comply with moral standards. In addition, such a dream indicates a tendency towards sadism, which may one day manifest itself.

For the dreamer see him hitting children, punishes them for petty pranks, means a tendency towards self-satisfaction.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to Miller’s dream book

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, why do you dream about such a plot? The interpretation of the dream is ambiguous, but has a negative connotation. The dream may be a harbinger of illness or decreased immune strength. In addition, it can warn of an actual attack that should be seriously feared.

Seeing an enemy approaching with the intention of hitting the dreamer should be interpreted according to the emotional coloring of the dream. If the dreamer experiences fear, then the enemy will annoy him in real life, which will cause a lot of trouble. If you managed to overcome fear, then in reality you will be able to avoid the machinations of enemies. As a result, the dreamer will experience happiness and joy.

The dream that the dreamer hits someone also does not have one interpretation. If a blow is struck with a fist, knife or other weapon, this portends quarrels, worries, and reproaches. The scandal will not do the dreamer any honor, as it will reveal a not very pleasant side of his nature. Hitting someone with a baton means a difficult and completely useless journey. Hitting an attacker with a stone or throwing a stone at him means victory over evil thanks to an unshakable belief in justice.

A dream that the dreamer dealt a fatal blow to an animal or person who attacked him is a harbinger of absolute luck, rapid career growth, overcoming all obstacles. If such a blow is inflicted on the dreamer himself, he needs to prepare for a serious test. In any case, he will soon experience unpleasant emotions.

If the dreamer is beaten with a whip in a dream, then he should pay attention to the behavior of his loved one. A dream can warn of the appearance of a lucky rival who will destroy love relationship or will try to do so.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, why does he dream of an unpleasant incident? It must be interpreted according to the affected parts of the body. Getting hit in the teeth means a quarrel, on the fingers means the intrigues of slanderers and envious people, on the nose means a painful blow to one’s pride. After any of the above scenes, you need to take a close look at those around you. Among them there is probably someone who is not trustworthy.

Getting hit in the stomach means business failures, deprivation of high status, loss of respect from others. If the blow is struck with a knife to the very heart, then love relationships will cause pain and trouble.

Beating yourself in a dream means achieving your intended goal. A blow inflicted on oneself with an ax is a prediction of great luck, the greatest possible benefit. Hitting a familiar person with a stick means that the dreamer will have a strong friendship with him.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Receiving a blow to the cheek in a dream means that the sleeper is dependent on others and is not fully free. A person needs to establish his self in the real world as soon as possible in order to achieve spiritual harmony and faith in own strength. It is best to do a kind and strong deed, without looking at the opinions of strangers.

Hit someone on the cheeks yourself- bad dream. He predicts failure in all endeavors and plans.

Beating someone with a whip or whip means incontinence breakdown. The dreamer's feelings will become obvious, since he cannot restrain himself at the right moment. On the one hand, this will bring relief, on the other hand, it will be a reason to feel shame and remorse.

If a person saw that he was being beaten in a dream, why dream of such trouble? According to Vanga’s dream book, this dream is a kind of stop signal. The dreamer in real life cannot make the right decision due to haste, frivolity or lack of time. You need to stop and think about everything carefully, otherwise you can turn away from the broad and correct life path on the crooked path of failures and losses.

Beat a famous person- to be received unexpected news.

Dodge the blow- get out of an unpleasant situation with minimal losses.

Protect someone in a dream and feel swipe– to real losses due to the behavior of loved ones.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to Loff’s dream book

If the dreamer is completely beaten in a dream strangers, which means fear lives in his soul. It could be fear of specific person or life circumstances, severe anxiety that you need to try to get rid of.

A dream in which the dreamer hits or attacks a familiar person means strong anger against him, which has no outlet in real life. Accumulation negative emotions dangerous to physical and mental health, so they need to be released.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to Hasse’s dream book

Beating yourself in a dream - good sign. This is a harbinger of a long-awaited victory over a strong opponent and the achievement of intended goals.

A dream in which the dreamer hits someone has a similar interpretation. After awakening, he will be lucky, and decisions made will turn out to be correct.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, why does he dream of violence? The dream book interprets the dream as negative. The dreamer will regret the action he has committed.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Being beaten in a dream is a reflection of negative emotions. The dreamer is afraid of something or someone.

Hitting someone is a harbinger the right decision, thanks to which peace and tranquility will reign in your personal life.

They beat in a dream: why do you dream according to the modern dream book?

If the dreamer dreams of being beaten, then in reality he experiences pangs of conscience and seriously repents of an unseemly act or evil words. Blows to the head mean that a certain person is trying to impose his opinion on the dreamer. Being beaten by deceased relatives means an imminent illness.

If the dreamer saw a stranger being beaten, then in reality he will have to regret something. If the person being beaten turns out to be a lover or spouse, then in real life the dreamer fears a break in the relationship.

Why do you dream about being hit? The dream book offers many different interpretations of such a plot in a dream, but often unfavorable: the machinations of spiteful critics, complications in relationships, difficulties. However, sometimes such a vision promises victory over enemies or profit.

Are they beating someone or you?

To see a person being beaten in a dream means that the sleeper will regret something. A loved one - the dreamer is afraid of a possible breakup. When a young woman dreamed that she had beaten her loved one, the dream book warns: her secret affection will soon become known to everyone. She hit him in the face - in reality he will carry his chosen one in his arms.

Did you dream about being hit in the face? The plot foreshadows repentance, pangs of conscience. On the head - someone wants to impose their opinion. Are you being beaten by dead relatives in your dream? This means you'll get sick soon.

When strangers beat you, you carefully hide your fears, but they harm your inner harmony. If it's on the head, it's a reflection strong emotions, hot temper, which causes conflicts.

Be careful in your relationships with others

Why dream of seeing a girl being beaten and raped? The dreamer will fall under the harsh influence of a strong, powerful person.

Did you dream that your friend was beaten and you didn’t intervene? The dream book states: having achieved well-being, you will forget about those who helped you overcome difficulties. You shouldn’t do this, because it’s unknown whether the white stripe black.

Beat up a friend yourself: the sleeping person is ready to take his anger out on others. You need to try to control your emotions.

When the dreamer is beaten and strangled in a dream, it means that he needs to come to terms with a subordinate position, but only temporarily.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream that someone hit you with a whip? The vision warns: in love affairs a rival will appear who will cause trouble.

Where was the blow directed?

If a sleeping person was kicked in a dream, it is possible that criminal elements will attack him. A fist in the teeth means quarrels, mutual accusations with the one who did it.

Why do you dream of getting hit on your fingers? The dream book warns: envious people are planning some kind of trick. Pay more attention to people who are not trustworthy. To the nose is a painful blow to one’s pride.

Did you dream of a blow to the stomach? The vision is unfavorable: you may lose your position, lose the respect of others. With a knife in the heart? Mental trauma, love troubles. Soon the beloved (beloved) will cause pain, excitement.

Beat yourself

If you beat yourself in a dream:

  • mother - misunderstanding, lack of agreement, brewing conflict;
  • for one of the relatives - a change in affairs;
  • brother - you miss him, you experience kindred feelings;
  • husband - according to the dream book, illness or betrayal of the spouse is ahead;
  • a child on the bottom with a belt - younger family members will cause trouble, you will worry about them;
  • a friend with a stick - to strong friendship;
  • guy - emotional overload begins due to the suppression of his negative feelings;
  • a dog that attacked - victory over evil enemies;
  • cat with a broom - get rid of a false friend;
  • kitten - love disappointment, parting with a lover.

Why dream of beating yourself? The sleeper will fully achieve the goal he set. If he inflicts a wound on himself with an ax, the dream book promises in reality great benefits and good luck.

Other meanings

The interpretation of the dream also takes into account what exactly is being hit. Plates - in reality the dreamer’s uncertainty negatively affects the course of his affairs. A car in an accident means there will be difficulties and obstacles in achieving the goal.

To see in a dream how a bell is being rung, and the ringing is alarming - a warning about some kind of danger. If the bell is rung big celebration, the dream book promises victory over enemies, good profit for Christmas.

I dreamed of ringing a bell myself: an alarm ringing - the need to ask many people for help; beautiful melody - dreams will come true.

Why do you dream of getting an electric shock? The dream book informs you: your nerves are very tense. If you don't get rid of this stress, you are at risk of a nervous breakdown. Did you get an electric shock in your dream? Don't try to do something yourself where you are not an expert.

Did you dream that waves were hitting the window? In reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation and experience strong negative emotions.

Each dream has a specific meaning. To interpret it correctly, it is important to remember all the details of the vision. Why do you dream about being beaten? This vision has a lot different meanings. The most popular dream books will help you figure it out. Let's look at them.

Russian dream book

Seeing yourself hitting another person in a dream means that you will soon overcome difficulties. Perhaps you will defeat your ill-wishers.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

In this book, such a dream is interpreted as follows. To hit means to give another person your strength and energy. If he beats his subordinates, it means their obedience.

When a man dreamed that he was beating his wife, this indicates her betrayal in reality.

Beating your mother in a dream means worrying, worrying, worrying, thinking about her.

Why do you dream that you are being beaten? Options for interpretation

If a friend does this, then in real life everything will come to its senses and get better, possible conflicts will be settled between you. And in the event of a blow from an enemy, it is worth taking a closer look at this person. Maybe he is not an enemy at all, but simply does not know how to show his feelings. It is important to remember the force of the blow. After all, the stronger he is, the more strong man has feelings for you.

People having own business or those trying to acquire one, can often dream of being hit on the head. This means that all their plans will come true. But to do this they will have to pass difficult tests.

Other visions and interpretations

Why do you dream that several people are beating you? This may indicate a person's low self-esteem. In reality, this problem needs to be solved. It may also mean that a person becomes a hostage to his own phobias, which he cannot tell anyone about. In this case, a psychologist can help.

If in a dream you witnessed a fight and could not stay away, but went to separate people, then most likely you are unhappy with the way your life is shaping up and are trying to change everything.

Why do you dream that they are beating underground or in a basement? Such a dream may mean that the past is trying to remind itself of itself, thereby causing anxiety in reality. And if in a dream you are beaten in the sky or air, then you should expect serious changes in the near future.

Dream for a girl

A woman dreams of being hit in the face... What could such a vision mean? If she is married and her husband strikes, then they should respect family traditions and laws. Only then will the marriage be truly happy, and the spouses will live in love and joy. But if a wife tries to escape from her husband’s blow in a dream, then in real life he has seriously offended his wife. But you shouldn’t stir up a scandal and get offended because of this. We must try to maintain relationships, despite everyday problems and quarrels.

If a woman dreamed that she was beating her lover, then in reality you should not expect anything good. Everyone is responsible for their sins, sooner or later the secret will become apparent. Then there will be a possibility of losing a loved one.

Strange dreams

When someone hits you with all your might in a dream, why do you dream about something like this? If the blow was so strong that blood should have appeared, but it didn’t, then it has an interesting interpretation. A stranger seeks to enter this person's real life. This is not bad at all. It is quite possible that he will become a reliable shoulder, support and good friend.

Why do you dream that messengers from the kingdom of darkness are striking? The presence of aggressive otherworldly creatures in a dream means anxiety, financial troubles, everyday troubles and problems. If such a plot is dreamed of by a sick person, then further deterioration of health is possible. If you dream of an empty wallet in the same vision, then a person can get sick, seriously and for a long time.

What is a sign of career success?

When a leader beats his subordinates with anything, good news and festive events await him in real life. Success at work will allow you to drink a glass of champagne with your employees during your lunch break. The financial situation will also improve soon. Career success or promotion awaits. Transfer to another location with an increase in salary is possible. Such a dream only has good value. Very soon in real life everything will improve.

Fights and children: what do such visions mean?

Why do you dream that children are beating? This may mean that in real life they lack attention from their parents. They are trying to get it this way. Parents need to reconsider their attitude towards their own children. Think about it, maybe because of everyday affairs they are depriving them of the attention they need. This could have bad consequences in the future.

Dream involving brother

Why do you dream that your brother is being beaten? Such a dream warns of danger in real life. Enemies are plotting against my brother. If a person dreams that he is with a relative, then in real life he misses him. Most likely, the brother is far away or a long journey awaits him soon. Such a dream indicates the emotional attachment of relatives.


Things like this happen strange dreams, in which the sleeper hits himself. It is believed that this dream foreshadows the fulfillment of desires and suggests that everything in life is achievable if you put effort into it. If in a dream a person was beaten by a whole group of angry people, in which he did not even vaguely recognize anyone, this dream symbolizes many internal fears, groundless anxieties and fears that the sleeper hides from others. He most likely manages not to arouse suspicion in society, and he is not considered paranoid, but it is still not easy to live with this, as this dream speaks of. If it repeats several times, then perhaps it makes sense to seek help from medicine. Repetitive unpleasant dreams consume human nerve cells, and there is nothing wrong with trying to avoid them by turning to medical help if the person does not self-medicate. This option may ultimately have more bad influence on the body than bad dreams.

To find out what caused the dream of beating and what it portends, you should pay attention to the environment. Dimmed rooms symbolize lack of information, gossip, rumors, secret fears. Basements, semi-basements, pits, ravines, wells, dungeons - this is the past, past events, experience, old acquaintances. Being under a bridge at this moment promises unreliable protection from anything. The one who protects the sleeping person does so only because it is convenient and beneficial for him. Bright light and the sun, which interferes with sleep, blinds the eyes and does not allow one to look - this is also a symbol of fear, but fear in this case is most likely associated with exposing something. If in a dream everything around is simply light and everything is clearly visible, the person most likely does not strive for self-deception and is able to accept the situation as it is and understand it.

Some dream books interpret a dream about a sleeping person being beaten as a harbinger of a strong friendship in the near future. If at the same time the sleeping person saw his own blood, this could be an unexpected rapprochement with one of his relatives, and if there was no blood, someone previously unfamiliar and not in any way connected with the sleeping person will kill him, but their friendship will most likely be long and strong . It is quite possible to interpret this dream as a harbinger of a person entering into a love marriage, where the partner will become support, support and consolation. If in a dream a person first simply watches a fight and only then decides to take part, this foreshadows his competitors in his favorite activity. If the decision to participate in is made not by him, but by someone else who, as an observer, falls under the hot hand, the dream may be a harbinger of enmity with an unrestrained and stupid person.