Pisces is the last, 12th sign of the Zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. Pisces is one of the most controversial representatives of the zodiac constellation. The element of Water determines the changeability and instability of their nature. The constellation Pisces is ruled simultaneously by Jupiter and Neptune, and therefore the duality of their character is ensured from birth. For the most part, representatives of this sign are people who go with the flow, are not used to changing anything in their lives and rarely resist circumstances.

Pisces are dreamers who live in a world of their own illusions. They have a keen sense of music, are capable of self-sacrifice and often act intuitively. Without feeling love and support, Pisces become despondent, withdraw into themselves and can find themselves in a state of severe, prolonged depression. Pisces realize themselves best in the roles of musicians, artists, teachers and representatives of creative professions - leadership positions and responsibility for them are often difficult and unnatural.

Pisces have a hard time accepting criticism - they are ready to be deceived and take in information in a form that does not traumatize their psyche. They themselves also like to keep things quiet so as not to disturb the harmony they always strive for. In their desire to organize their world harmoniously, Pisces are very attentive to aesthetics - they love everything beautiful, understand fashion, have a keen sense of art and are drawn to nature.

The phlegmatic, closed and vulnerable nature of Pisces, who are absolute introverts, is often accompanied by diseases such as neurasthenia, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction. Their excessive sensitivity and sentimentality sometimes look charming, but often turn out to be destructive for themselves. Pisces are very susceptible to weaknesses that relieve heartache, and therefore the cultivation of willpower and the inability to withstand the blows of fate is their main problem. In addition, in a state of chaos, they can turn into fanatics, including religious ones, and also plunge into occult movements.


Pisces men are idealists and dreamers. Most of them are receptive and pliable people, troubled by doubts, experiencing a lack of calling in life and worthy realization. The other part is men who have overcome their fears, who have found a path in life, but remain somewhat wounded and vulnerable.

Most often, Pisces men are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. They withdraw into their thoughts, and even those who are not timid men intensely experience their failures in their souls, showing irritability and suspiciousness. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time - they love the role of martyrs.

Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament. They are greedy for vicious and flamboyant women who are characterized by shocking behavior.


Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.

Pisces women do not even try to play fatal temptresses, knowing for sure that their charm lies in naturalness, the desire to be led, dependent and pliable. Some men incredibly idealize their kindness and sacrifice, others are annoyed by the lack of a core and a clear position in life. At the same time, timid and soft Pisces women sometimes have enviable practicality and common sense. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness. Weak - suggestibility, changeability of moods, looking at the world through the rose-colored glasses of your own fantasies. She prefers not to interfere financial questions, leaving them to the man, but in relationships with relatives, children or at work, she sometimes takes on other people’s problems.


Pisces has a favorable union with calm and practical Taurus, but the union will be successful if in this pair the man is Taurus and the woman is Pisces. Dreamy

The dates of the zodiac sign Pisces fall at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. People born at this time often grow up creative personalities. Their talent lies in subordination to their will. To be fully enchanted by them, just a heart-to-heart conversation is enough. When talking about the characteristics of the Pisces sign, one cannot fail to mention feelings. The life of a Pisces is a series of emotions. They are so impressionable that they let them pass through them, and therefore in choosing friends they need to be careful so as not to drown in other people's problems.

Pisces in society

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by a rich imagination and inexhaustible creative potential. They are drawn to art and esotericism. The inexplicable and mysterious attracts Pisces. Prominent representatives have a sign psychic abilities and strong intuition. They are quite insightful and endowed with the ability to predict events, they are always sensitive to the mood of others and easily adapt to it.

Making decisions - the most difficult task for Pisces. They would rather abdicate their authority and swim away, uttering a mysterious phrase. It is important for them to understand hidden meaning and the motives of people’s actions, so they are often busy unraveling cause-and-effect relationships.

Features of the sign

In the birth month of Pisces, the horoscope cycle ends and begins new stage, therefore the sign combines all the characteristics of its predecessors and is the most difficult to understand. One personality can combine helplessness and firmness, inconstancy and love of tradition, the ability look at your actions soberly from the outside and bias.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs:

  1. Favorable relationships develop with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.
  2. Inappropriate signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.

a brief description of

An intuitive perception of life gives the sign an excellent opportunity for development. Growing up, Pisces use this ability for adaptation in society. Characteristics sign by age and social role:

Description and psychological portrait

Representatives of this sign often idealize love. They are looking for a partner who can understand the depth of their soul. This is one of the main criteria in a relationship..

Pisces - man

Women like his restraint. He is endowed with the ability to listen to people. And this is a very important quality in modern world. This devoted friend who will be frank with those he trusts, a romantic man. He will remember all the dates and give cute gifts. Love rolls over him gradually, like a wave. He will build relationships thoughtfully, based solely on mutual sympathy.

Men - Pisces are divided into 2 types. Some go with the flow, indulging in fantasies and pointlessly dreaming about a future that never comes. The latter catch their wave and go against the flow. Such people can achieve a lot in life. With gentle stubbornness, they achieve their goals.

A Pisces man can keep other people's secrets for years, does not delve into extraneous matters, and does without criticism and accusations during quarrels.

He is a lover of outdoor recreation, sea ​​trips, fishing. Needs solitude at times. He has a timid character, which makes it difficult for him to get along with people. Always polite and gallant in conversation, does not like rudeness and harshness. His speech is unhurried and florid. This person needs some friendly encouragement. From all sports will most likely choose yoga. Such gymnastics will calm his anxious mind.

He may often lose his temper, but such attacks of anger are quickly replaced by calm. He is unable to rage for long. He may be prone to deception, especially if he is forced to act in a way that is unfavorable to him. Attacks of jealousy do not overwhelm such a man. Most likely, he simply will not notice his woman’s views on other men, because he trusts completely. But she will also have to give up hysterics at moments when he listens to another sob story from a colleague, because he has a lot of female friends.

Pisces woman

There's no need to be famous astrologer to understand all the charm of a woman of this zodiac sign. She, of course, has negative traits, but after the first meeting she gives the perfect impression of every man’s dream. It is worth noting her advantageous difference from the emancipated representatives of other signs.

Such a woman does not strive to surpass a man and, being married, does not feel the desire to command her half. She will calmly accept his advances and will be glad to have a chair moved or a door opened for her. A man will gladly fulfill her need for protection and a strong shoulder. Pisces will listen carefully to all his problems and assure him that he can handle these little things. She believes in her man, and he is able to change the world next to her, so one should not be surprised at the popularity of such a woman.

Soft, calm Pisces will surround you with warmth and comfort strong man. The noise of the streets, the neon lights of nightclubs, the bustle of transport have nothing to do with her femininity. A man is drawn to her like a magnet. She is able to relax him with a couple of phrases and her extraordinary smile. Pisces will never accuse him of anything or shift the blame. Carefully and gently, she will guide her hero and force him to move forward at the speed of which he is capable. Such a rival can be very dangerous for modern women.

A woman of mystery. She feels all the changes in the relationship and sees right through her partner. Beautiful and deep, like a pool, eyes will drive any man crazy. She is very receptive and has incredible inner strength.

You can't be categorical with her. Frameworks and conditions are unacceptable to her; she values ​​freedom in all its manifestations. This character trait manifests itself in the family, at work, and in relationships with friends.

Pisces values ​​friendship and close companies, but periodically wants to be alone and engage in creativity and self-education. Well-being for her has of great importance. She has a strong emotional connection with children. A woman is able to understand and feel their problems without words.

Spirituality of the sign

Pisces is the unity and struggle of opposites. Two halves of one whole floating in different directions: one is looking for romance and adventure, and the other wants peace and clarity in life. This determines the constant duality of people of the sign. It's a whirlwind romance powerful emotions and emotional experiences, then a quiet, predictable life.

For them, loving is like breathing, giving yourself completely to your partner and tenderly accepting his reciprocal feelings. IN love relationships representatives of the sign are not always faithful to their partner, they can start secret affairs and flirt with the opposite sex. This is because they need an understanding person nearby who will listen and treat their problems with compassion, advise, support, and suggest a solution. If the partner turns out to be insufficiently sensitive and attentive to their troubles, then they go in search of someone more understanding.

Pisces have a vivid imagination and are artistic in nature. All their character traits are like water. They always achieve their goal, but gently and naturally, like a stream finding its way around stones. They are not able to put psychological pressure on a person, but by using secret tricks they will get what they were striving for. They combine daydreaming with inconsistency, and timidity with selflessness.

People often born under this sign good doctors, artists, astrologers.

Pisces have great insight by nature. Based only on their feelings, they are able to draw amazing conclusions that defy any logic. But it happens that fantasies overshadow intuition, and Pisces can escalate the situation to the point of absurdity. They have a very restless mind that constantly tries to analyze everything to no avail.

Neptune is responsible for intuitive perception in the horoscope. And from Jupiter they have kindness and delicacy. It is extremely difficult for them to refuse people. Many people use this when they ask for a loan from Pisces. Representatives of this sign have a special relationship with money. These people easily share their savings and expect the same in return from others. Own and other people's property is no exception. Many swindlers and counterfeiters were born under the constellation.

Problems in their personal lives may push them to choose the path of escaping reality with the help of alcohol, strong medications or drugs. In such situations, they should be wiser, discover their inner reserves and abilities, accept reality, learn a lesson from what happened, and move on.

Attention, TODAY only!

All those born under this constellation are protected by the planet Neptune. She also forces her “wards” to remain in the grip of illusions for a long time and be interested in all kinds of hoaxes.

Basic facts about the zodiac sign Pisces

Astrologers depict this zodiac sign as two people floating in different sides fish They consider it a symbol of limitations, eternity and duality at the same time. This is probably why a person born under the sign of Pisces is destined to suffer under the yoke of conflicting desires. Material well-being is unlikely to interest such people. Moreover, some representatives of this astrological sign there is no reason to worry about how deep their pockets are because they are already wealthy heirs. Pisces are the most selfless, sincere and devoted people to their ideals. But they trust their feelings much more than the arguments of their own reason and the opinion of a whole staff of authoritative specialists. This is probably the most not Interesting Facts about the zodiac sign Pisces.

Irresponsible, but incredibly talented

Representatives of this sign rarely find themselves in positions of responsibility, as they are very fond of changing impressions. From birth, Pisces feel a lack of energy. They are always tired and do not have enough strength necessary to overcome the more or less significant obstacles that life places in front of them. Good-natured and carefree, Pisces are indifferent to harsh reality. They rarely worry about tomorrow. Despising hard work, most representatives of this sign prefer “single swimming” to collective work. But they do not consider it necessary to fight for themselves and stop the machinations of ill-wishers. Therefore, real success and recognition rarely find their way to these endlessly talented people.

It is very difficult to list everything in one article. The zodiac sign, which closes the list of twelve constellations, endows a person with many talents. Among them, the ability to foresee events stands out. Pisces often dream strange dreams, most of which turn out to be prophetic, and the sudden premonitions that visit them in most cases are not unfounded. If such people advise someone not to fly on airplanes, their words should be heeded. In addition, they have some innate ability to resist various diseases to which they are unfortunately susceptible. Pisces - sample good manners and sense of style. But getting them to express themselves and start acting is extremely difficult. They are lazy, good-natured and indifferent to other people's opinions (as well as to others important things), although, if you piss them off, they can be caustic and sarcastic.

Love and Relationships Pisces

Some people, being on the threshold of a new relationship, make attempts to get as much information as possible about their future partner. For example, they find out interesting facts about Pisces and immediately know for sure whether this is their person or not. They have a better chance with representatives of their native element than with people born under the sign of Earth, Fire and Air. Family life It will turn out well if, while married to Scorpio, Pisces does not “call out the devil” named Jealousy and does not begin to check the fact that their other half has possessive instincts (and they do exist). An alliance with Cancer is tantamount to refusing a leadership position and unconditionally accepting his fateful decisions. They love to lead and appreciate those who indulge them. At the same time, the “air” partner can hurt Pisces with his inconstancy, the “fire” partner will quickly get bored next to them, and the representative of the Earth element risks seeming too prosaic to the dreamy Pisces.

The only exception can be a partnership, which is based on something more than the compatibility of zodiac signs. Pisces man - Pisces woman... This union will only dream of peace and happiness until both learn to do without mutual claims. Then, according to astrologers, they will be able to truly become happy family and even claim the title of “best couple”. By the way, the main reason for concluding a marriage between two Pisces is almost always almost telepathic mutual understanding. Sometimes the compatibility of zodiac signs (Pisces man, Pisces woman) is almost ideal. They, like two opposite poles, are able to get as close to each other as possible at the right moment. The willingness to provide help to those who need it is their characteristic feature.

Pisces Man

It is difficult for a dreamer born under the constellation Pisces to concentrate on one thing. He prefers to engage in several activities at once. His marriage partner, in order to keep such a man near her, if she is not the heiress of untold wealth, is forced to work for two and be prepared for any surprises. The emotionally unstable husband will provide her with something, and some surprises. The life of a Pisces man (and his immediate circle) who has found his calling is completely different. Then he is guaranteed universal recognition and success. His tolerance towards everyone around him (including his mother-in-law and his wife’s friends) will make him a desirable object for representatives of the opposite sex.

Pisces Woman

Everyone dreams about her. She is beautiful, sensual and feminine. Of course, she has flaws, but they are safely hidden in a cloud of grace. Being impractical, she “floats” in the financial sphere, and the desire to help those in need attracts people suffering from an inferiority complex to her. A woman born under the constellation Pisces is confident that any man can change the world. And representatives of the stronger sex who find themselves nearby feel this confidence and are drawn to it. After marriage, the Pisces woman becomes demanding, but still tender. Trying to mislead her is a waste of time. She sees right through her partner. The Pisces woman has the unique ability to surround herself with influential people. And this quality gives her confidence.

General characteristics of Pisces

Listing the most significant facts about the zodiac sign Pisces, one cannot help but touch upon such a topic as medicine. Almost all representatives of this constellation have a very slow metabolism, so they eat little. However, gastric and intestinal diseases, it would seem, are lying in wait for them. Health problems can also be associated with the liver and lungs.

A distinctive feature of all Pisces is high spirituality, generosity and compassion. Carried away by their dreams, they often forget that in real life events sometimes develop completely differently than they would like. Having a tendency to consider the world through many representatives of this zodiac symbol, trying to balance what is desired and what is actual, plunge headlong into art. And in this field they almost always achieve success.

They are romantic, but subject to the influence of others, kind, sociable and inclined to idealize their lovers, but they are modest beyond measure... Being in an imaginary world and “coming to the surface” less often - this is the life many Pisces lead. The numbers of the sign are 6 and 7, as well as all multiples of 7. The most significant periods of life include the ages of 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84 years.

Nata Karlin

Pisces are mysterious and mysterious natures with high sensitivity. They have excellent memory and intuition, which allows them to quickly adapt to any order and find ways out of the most difficult situations. difficult situations. The horoscopic description shows that they are the last symbol in the zodiac circle, representing the sign of the element of water.

They love holidays, but cannot stay among large cluster of people. Therefore, if possible, they will rush to hide at safe depths

Most often, people born under the sign of Pisces escape from reality during periods of life when difficult and impossible tasks. Representatives of this sign would rather go with the flow and wait for problems to be resolved on their own.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

These are dreamers by nature, who not only rarely worry about tomorrow, but also do not think about current events. The characteristics of Pisces show that they quickly come to terms with life’s limitations and the impossibility of making life better. It is more important for Pisces to preserve peace of mind than to fight for the right to be happy.

In emergency situations, representatives of this water sign do not dare to make a decision right away. And it’s very difficult to simply wait for an affirmative verdict from them. This is due to poor initiative and the fact that you do not want to take responsibility by agreeing or refusing something.

Zodiac sign Pisces

Ideally, next to them there should be a like-minded person who will unobtrusively push them towards right decisions. But it is worth knowing the boundaries, which means: Pisces cannot be controlled or you may encounter rude and cruel rebuff.

People born under this horoscope sign know their shortcomings very well. They get tired because they are anxious, but they don't show it in public. Instead of hysterical scandals, they would rather plunge into deep thinking.

From the outside, zodiac Pisces look defenseless, but their inner core saves them

The facts say that they will easily leave the fictional world in order to adapt to the current reality, but only if there is a strong desire for this.

The influence of date of birth on the character of Pisces

First ten days (February 21 – March 2)‒ Pisces born during this period belong to the first decade and are under the protection of Mars. It is this character that gives them belligerence, mystery and gloom. These are people with incredibly strong character and willpower. They are able to overcome any difficulties.

The sign Pisces completes the zodiac circle

For Pisces in the first decade, everything that has at least a bit of the paranormal or secret is interesting. They have powerful energy, which makes it possible to predict the future and heal mental anguish.

Second ten days (March 3 – March 13). Pisces people born during this period of the month receive strength from their patron - the Sun. They have willpower and the ability to enjoy any moments in life. Pisces of the second decade never show anger and aggression. They show generosity towards the weaker and will never express themselves at the expense of the shortcomings of others.

Representatives of the Pisces sign of the second decade implement their plans with all perseverance and stubbornness, thereby expressing their individuality. They know how to quickly restore peace of mind even after the strongest experiences.

The ability to intuitively see their essence in people eliminates many careless steps

Third decade (March 14 – March 20). During this period, Venus begins to dominate, which patronizes Pisces born in the third decade. Therefore, they quickly find the object of their adoration and fall in love with him with all their might. These natures are characterized by artistry. Thanks to their talent, Pisces of this decade are bursting with ideas, but rarely follow them through due to their low efficiency.

Impulsive, often selfish representatives of the twelfth horoscopic sign often want to run away without thinking about loved ones. They are often caught up in their own dreams and can be ruthless towards others. Pisces in the third decade often exhibit nervousness, which is influenced by different phases of the Moon.

Compatibility of Pisces in love with other zodiac signs

love compatibility of Pisces sign

Love for Pisces is almost the main event in life. Possessing hypersensitivity and emotionality, they rarely show passion, but at the same time remain devoted. To understand who is suitable for Pisces in love, you should know that representatives of the water sign expect protection and support from their partner. That is why they make serious demands on relationships.

Pisces rarely delve into everyday areas of life, leaving the prerogative to their partner. At the same time, they sincerely and with pleasure admire him and declare their love. The issue of fidelity is considered ambiguous.

Astrologers claim that there will be no betrayal on the part of Pisces, but representatives of the water sign reserve the opportunity to end the relationship

Possessing intuition, they anticipate their partner's wishes and always take his needs into account. These craftsmen know what gift to give on holiday and will reproduce with reliable accuracy important points first meeting or other nuances of the biography of the union.

Pisces are easy to deceive, but if the lie is revealed, representatives of this sign will immediately break off the relationship. Capricorns and Cancers are the most dreamy and sensitive, which is why they have the most suitable relationship for marriage with Pisces. Good compatibility among representatives of the water sign with Taurus. They have the best sexual compatibility, which is based on sobriety and romance.

Liza Minnelli is a Pisces woman.

Astrologers do not advise starting a relationship with Leo, as the union will quickly end. Fiery Sagittarius, with its active activity, will only push Pisces away, and the character of Aries is capable of knocking it out of the rut of life.

Compatibility table Pisces by zodiac sign:

Zodiac signCompatibility
in love
Compatibility in friendship and work
Aries AverageAverageAverage
Taurus AverageLowAverage
Twins AverageLowAverage
Cancer HighHighHigh
a lion HighAverageAverage
Virgo AverageAverageAverage
Scales HighAverageLow
Scorpion HighHighHigh
Sagittarius HighAverageHigh
Capricorn HighAverageHigh
Aquarius HighAverageHigh
Fish HighHighHigh

Element of the Pisces sign is Water

The element of the Pisces sign is Water., which endows its charges with inconstancy, increased expression of emotions and sensitivity. From the outside it seems that people who appear under this constellation are too vulnerable and do not know how to protect themselves.

In fact, they successfully adapt to any situation, because Water will always make its way

Under the influence of their element, Pisces absorb the mood of the crowd, which can greatly affect their state of mind. They are so susceptible to frequent changes of character that many people think that horoscopic Pisces are abnormal. This is partly true, and among the representatives of the sign there are many people with supernatural abilities.

Despite the fact that the dominant element is Water, Pisces, becoming the final symbol of the zodiac circle, combined the influence of all elements. Thanks to this, they read others on an instinctive level.

Element of the zodiac sign Pisces is Water

High sensitivity should not be considered a sign of weakness, since water has great power and penetrates everywhere. Just as natural springs move along their own course, it is important for children of the element of Water to be given the right direction. Pisces feel great with representatives of the Earth signs.

They will become a support and foundation for aquatic representatives to start from. Fire signs are disliked by Pisces because of their loudness and strong personality. They are able to get along with representatives of Air, if thunderclouds and clouds are not scary.

What are Pisces children like in life?

Before choosing a name for a Pisces child, you should understand what kind of character he will have. A boy born under this constellation may have different fates. If you cultivate determination and fortitude in him, you can raise an excellent leader. Parents should help the child separate fantasies from life and learn to implement ideas.

The Pisces boy gets carried away easily, but just as easily switches to something else if it seems more attractive to him.

He has passion in his blood that does not allow him to give up his desire. The Pisces boy has a large number of friends who trust him with secrets and come to get advice. After all, this is a kind and disposing child. He is able to empathize like no one else, literally delving into the story being told.

Children of the zodiac sign Pisces

In childhood, a girl born under the sign of Pisces most of all needs care and attention. This is a true lady with a vulnerable psyche that needs support in moments of sadness. True, she is not able to ask for this and will cry until everyone around her realizes that the child should be calmed down.

If she fails to realize her plans, the Pisces girl plunges into depression. It is difficult for her to make a decision, but some issues do not require a decision, and in them she firmly takes her position.

The best profession for Pisces

The most suitable area for creating a career for Pisces is art. These are people gifted by nature, who have developed sense of beauty. They make excellent musicians, artists, sculptors, writers, vocalists, and pop performers. climb the career ladder in shipbuilding and archaeology. These are excellent engravers and shoemakers.

Justin Bieber is a Pisces man.

Suitable for design work, where she is able to gush with ideas. True, she does not always have enough tenacity and perseverance to complete the work she has begun. Among Pisces there are many sociologists and philosophers.

These are lovers of everything supernatural, so representatives of this sign can be seen among palmists, astrologers, and yoga specialists

Pisces have excellent memory, therefore occupy good posts in social activities, educational sphere. Among them are many accountants, financiers and stock exchange specialists.

Possessing a fine mental organization, Pisces often find their calling in serving people. Among them are many volunteers, doctors, other medical workers. Some of them decide to leave this world and go to a monastery to atone for the sins of this world.

The greatest results are achieved by those Pisces who use the talents given by nature to achieve individually assigned tasks. Sometimes they have to make a strong push to achieve a positive result.

Symbols of the zodiac Pisces

The zodiac symbol is two Pisces looking in different directions. This symbolizes variability and high spiritual beauty. Astrologers consider this sign to be a symbol of limitation, duality and eternity. This is probably why people born under this sign have to be under the yoke of contradictions throughout their lives.

Pisces zodiac sign symbol

Symbolic tree and flower for the sign of Pisces

Nature made mascot plants for Pisces similar to algae. The goddess of love Venus endowed them great smell and beauty. Since water sign people often become indecisive, like them, flowers and plants grow thanks to surrounding nature: stones and thicker water.

Astrologers claim that the constellation Pisces is responsible for the endo- and lymph system, therefore most plants suitable for this sign have beneficial influence to action circulatory system and lymph.

Among the living symbols it is worth noting algae, hanging ficus, orchid, bryophyllum

Natural talismans from trees - willow, pine, linden. For indecisive Pisces, amulets from these patrons will give confidence. Willow grows closest to water, so it is most suitable water sign. She is the best talisman who gives her charges intuition and self-confidence. Pine gives Pisces the strength they lack for the final push in achieving their goals. From the linden tree they receive sociability and attention from the opposite sex.

Favorite colors of Pisces

Subconsciously or consciously, many representatives of the Pisces sign from the entire palette prefer shades associated with space and the sea. These are blue, purple, pink and light green tones. Being devoted followers of everything supernatural and mystical, they often wear black clothes. White also suits them, as it is the color of sea foam.

Amulet of the zodiac sign Pisces

Metal amulet for Pisces

Zinc is considered a talisman for Pisces. He, like his charges, begins to sound loud when struck and quickly fades away. In the same way, Pisces are hot-tempered people who are able to quickly calm down even after the most difficult quarrel. IN human life Zinc is widely used: in construction, restoration of precious metals.

A picture made of Swarovski crystals is a gift for a person with the zodiac sign Pisces

Like their patron, people born under the constellation Pisces protect loved ones from anxiety and emotional breakdowns. They envelop them with love and warmth. Pisces thanks a large number positive qualities are always surrounded large number friends who never cease to reach out to the broad soul of representatives of the water element.

Fish - mysterious and enigmatic souls who feel those around them not with their minds, but with their hearts. They subtly grasp the truth at the level of intuition, but are easily influenced by others. Sometimes Pisces find it difficult to resist the logic of others. It is easier for them to give in and change their own opinion, although it was the correct one. At the same time, subtle and sensitive natures will always come to the aid of loved ones, helping them to restore their spiritual strength.

22 February 2018, 13:52

Character Pisces mysterious, feminine. They have an excellent memory, subtle intuition, and the ability to anticipate events.

This manifests itself even in childhood, and it is worth listening to their advice, because if Fish They say that something will happen, then that’s how it usually happens. They can even anticipate something that perhaps no one else has thought of. Moreover, their intuition may contradict logic, but you should not pay attention to this. Often Pisces simply amaze with their clairvoyance, although they may not be aware of this quality.

Intuition allows Pisces understand people well, even their secrets and carefully hidden from others. Pisces penetrate into the deepest corners of the human soul.

Understanding people, sensitivity, generosity give Pisces A wonderful quality is the ability to sympathize and empathize. They always come to the rescue at the right moment, when people simply need it, they are capable of self-sacrifice and patient nursing. Their philosophy is pity, love for one's neighbor, humanity. For them, these are not abstract concepts, they really care about the fate of the people around them, their sympathy is genuine, and people are drawn to them, going with their sorrows and troubles. Pisces are capable of listening to the complaints of others for hours, being cordial, sincere, and fair with them.

They especially give a lot of themselves Fish loved ones and relatives. They take care of them, without caring at all about themselves; without such a sympathetic attitude towards others, Pisces cannot live, they do not know how to act differently, they seem to be programmed to help.

Fish, which their friends, acquaintances, relatives need, and they themselves feel an urgent need in the company of people. They cannot stand loneliness, and without people they have no incentive to act. They feel good and even happy when there are friends around them, they need an environment, lively conversation, laughter, music, in its own way - a constant holiday.

They are witty, cheerful, “the life of the party,” although they can often be painfully restless and feel inexplicable melancholy. Quite often, Pisces are in a sad mood. They themselves greatly need friendly feelings and the cordiality of others.

Soulful subtlety Pisces inseparable from their vulnerability. Quite often they experience deep depression, they look weak and helpless. They look for support in a person who is stronger than them. They just need a shoulder to lean on and cry on.

Fish do not know how to confront reality, real life, which can upset them and cause them a lot of trouble, plunges them into even greater melancholy, but the realities of life are never able to turn Pisces face against the wind. The usual reaction of Pisces to the blows of fate is even greater pessimism, to which they can succumb completely, without a trace, and wordlessly, without resistance to external circumstances, withdraw into their own inner world“to lick wounds”, hiding in one’s illusions and dreams. Pisces console themselves with the hope that the time will come and everything will work itself out.

Thus, Fish They never rebel against circumstances and go with the flow, not caring where it takes them.

There is a lot of indifference in Pisces and in relation to the future: tomorrow does not bother them at all, they are carefree, like children. Therefore, they are indifferent to all sorts of restrictions, inconveniences, unsettled life, lack of food and the like - as long as this does not prevent them from going with the flow. Therefore, often, with all their vulnerability, Pisces can be indifferent to opinions about them.

It is impossible to expect a person floating at the will of the waves to be capable of making any decisions. Pisces can evade and elude emerging problems that require their immediate solution.

Do not know how Fish and specifically, directly say “yes” or “no.” People working and living with Pisces need to know about this and not try to put responsibility on them or expect them to show determination someday. You just need to take power into your own hands.

Force Pisces doing something is difficult. Anyone who tries to do this by raping them inflicts a painful wound on them. When forcing and coercing a person born under the sign of Pisces, one must remember that he can withdraw and turn into an inaccessible block.

Communication with such people is often difficult due to their extreme vulnerability to criticism. They do not tolerate it in their address.

Fish They know about their vulnerability, because they are subject to continuous changes of mood, get tired of their own worries and experiences, feel tired in a large crowd, do not tolerate ridicule well, do not like it when their sincerity is doubted, and do not tolerate being deceived. And they try to hide their vulnerability, often fencing themselves off with an indifferent appearance, immersion in rosy dreams, passivity, becoming a voluntary victim of illusions.

They don't want to see this world as cruel as it is, they don't want to know troubles, they can't fight difficulties and they don't even want to know that they might arise. They want to live in another - a humane, happy world, and they invent it in their imagination, embellish reality, plunge into rosy dreams and self-deception.

However, one day Fish they understand that they deceived themselves, that the world is as it is, and the soap bubble of their illusions bursts. Pisces experience this as deep grief. And grief, as you know, needs to be eased. Often such a sedative for Pisces is alcohol or, even worse, drugs. In them, Pisces find the feeling of security they need so much, they find a world free from disappointments and troubles. It is typical that Pisces do not feel completely safe in home and do not seek consolation there.

Of course, if Fish(like , and ) love alcohol, this does not mean that they all become alcoholics, but the likelihood of this is very high. Therefore, Pisces need to lead such a lifestyle that they do not require any sedatives, as well as relaxing or stimulating ones.

However, still Fish much stronger than it seems at first glance. They show both harshness and indignation, especially if they are very angry. But still more often they “go to the bottom”, where they can hide their tears for the unrealizable good world. If they fail, they will laugh so that their tears seem like tears of laughter. Generally speaking, Pisces love a joke, but not everyone understands that with their humor they often hide other feelings that they would not like to show to everyone.

By the way, Fish- very subtle observers, a penchant for humor combined with a sharp mind and the ability to notice details makes them good satirists.

Despite the fact that Pisces are vulnerable, subject to the blows of fate and are unable to fight, it is still happy people: They are incredibly lucky. The surprises and accidents that happen to them usually turn out to be happy. Fortune really helps them survive. Perhaps this is a reward for the ability to give themselves up to fate, the absolute lack of ambition, for the fact that they never try to dominate others, for the fact that they are selfless and are never guided by material considerations.

With all their love for coziness and comfort, Pisces do not know how to handle money at all. They understand that money itself has no value, that it is valuable only when it is spent on the very luxury from which Fish will never refuse. So money is one thing for them, but living richly is another. They would prefer the second, refusing the first. It is impossible for them to understand that one is inseparable from the other, because in the world they have invented this may well be the case.

Missing from Pisces quite often a sense of ownership. And not only your own, but also someone else’s. Just as easily they give what they have to others, just as easily and without any hesitation they can use someone else’s.

Fish- such a sign of the Zodiac, in front of which there is a choice of one of two life paths: either down or up, to be either on the crest or at the bottom. The worst thing is that swimming up to the crest, against the waves, is an extremely difficult task for them, and they prefer more easy way. Caught by the waves, they live easily and carefree, but in fact, they waste their lives in vain.

But Fish- very gifted people. These are creative, artistic, musical natures. And although they life path looks like endless contemplation and “hovering in the clouds”, yet their talent forces them to have a goal, albeit hidden from prying eyes looking at them from the real rough and cruel world.