Any employee knows the situation when it is necessary to provide information about their professional performance, for example, an annual performance appraisal. What's the best way to do this? We are trying to adapt the coaching tool “Wheel of Life Balance” to this task.

In my consulting practice over the past two years, the question that has most often arisen is: “How to formulate your professional achievements

When does such a need arise?

  • In a job search situation, for writing a resume, for an interview with a potential employer.
  • Within the company, when there is a transition from one career stage to another.
  • During the period of preparation for annual/quarterly certification.
  • etc.

But really, what is the best way to do this? I thought about it and started trying different options.

The practical application of all variations on the theme “what is best” swept away one method after another. As a result, the option using the favorite coaching tool “Balance Wheel” showed its viability. I’m sure that the community audience is familiar with it, so I won’t describe it, and you can read a lot about this wheel on the Internet useful information. Let's get down to practice.

So, take a sheet of paper, a pen and draw a circle. Divide it into 6-10 equal parts (or as many parts as you like). We label each area of ​​the circle, for example, as in my drawing. These are the areas of activity in which your achievements may lie.

Next, we formulate what each area of ​​your circle means. Why is it important? The fact is that, on the one hand, all definitions can be found in any textbook or Wikipedia. On the other hand, each company may have its own individual characteristics. And also your professional skills can only be yours.

Let’s say, if you work within a company and are preparing for certification, then the area “Working with clients” may have the following definition according to the information that the company puts into this concept - clearly explain over the phone the features of working with the service provided by the company, show restraint in conversation with a conflict client.

And in another company, “Working with clients” means creating a complete package of documents for a transaction, entering information into CRM, timely providing clients with changes to the transaction, and maintaining correspondence through electronic document management.

If you are creating a resume for yourself, then there may be this option - “Working with clients” - these are my unique abilities to understand the needs of the client, combine working on scripts with a “live” conversation, building long-term relationships with him.

A similar algorithm will work with other names of areas of the circle. As an example, a couple more definitions from the work of my clients:

  • "Leadership" - difficult situations, in which I took responsibility for decision when working on a project, brought the work to a result.
  • “Communication skills” - my skills in negotiating with difficult people, with colleagues of different positions, with managers different levels authorities, etc.

Now, we write how many and what achievements you have in each professional field.

For example, “Effectiveness” is your effective actions that led to the planned result.

Example: “She suggested analyzing the ROI indicator in order to obtain data on the effectiveness of investments in training sales managers. The data results showed a direct correlation between the increase in sales volume and the new skills acquired during training.”

“Savings” - as a result of your work, the company saved its budget and received financial benefits.

Example: “I found new suppliers of such and such services or equipment, with lower prices, but without losing the quality of the product, concluded an agreement, and the company saved 30% of its usual budget for these expenses.”

“Profit” - the department team, as a result of your innovations, has increased sales compared to previous months.

Example: “Analyzed the motivation system for sales managers over the past 3 years, approved a new motivation system for general director, implemented it and as a result, revenue increased by 40% in the first month after the introduction of innovations, then by 30% monthly.”

The principle, I think, is clear. Here it is important to first formulate what you understand as “customer service,” “leadership,” “innovation,” etc., i.e., decipher each area of ​​the circle. And then write down your specific achievements.

In front of you are two sheets of paper:

  • The first sheet is a drawing with a circle of achievements.
  • The second sheet is a list of your achievements in each area.

We take the first sheet with a circle, and divide each area of ​​the circle into 10 equal parts. We have a scale from 0 to 10.

  • 0 - in the center of the circle.
  • 10 - on the outer line of the circle.

We look at the second sheet - our list of achievements. We count our achievements in each area and mark a point equal to the number of achievements in a particular area. Complete the circle of your achievements in this way. Look at this impressive list, these are your results today, you have something to be proud of!

The obtained data can be used in accordance with the situation - for a resume, for certification, for an interview, etc.

How else can you work with the Circle of your achievements for the future:

  • Notice in which areas there is more achievement and in which there is less. You may be able to better understand your strengths and weak sides in a profession or career.
  • Mark the areas in which you want to achieve more. Write down three simple steps on how this can be achieved. Take this plan to work and implement it.
  • Plan your success in an area where you have not yet received results, this will be your development zone.

This tool has only been used in my practice for six months so far. During this time it has never let me down. Everyone who tried it in their work noted two main points:

  1. I was able to structure my professional results and understand the situation “here and now.”
  2. Set goals for the future, i.e. identify growth areas.

Irina Lebedeva

By posting his resume on a recruiting portal, the applicant expects that he will soon start receiving calls from employers. But it happens that this does not happen, and there are no invitations to interviews or there are very few of them. Obviously, the problem lies in the content of the resume - the candidate failed to interest the recruiters.

This situation can be changed by your professional achievements. How can you do this so that the recruiter has a desire to invite you to personal meeting? Read the tips.

The main thing is specificity
For example, consider the resume of the head of the sales department, discussed on our portal. We read a description of the candidate’s achievements at his last place of work - in the Russian representative office of an international concern for the production of PVC profiles.
"Main achievements:
- ensuring sustainable growth of turnover in the region;
- maintaining all key clients during the crisis;
- increasing the efficiency of the regional sales department;
- implementation of the current balanced scorecard system.”

The author is perplexed: why don’t recruiters invite him to interviews? He has serious experience in sales - almost 15 years, he has higher education and even an MBA degree. But the fact is that, when drawing up a resume, the applicant made a very common mistake - he made it too typical. A resume with a list of responsibilities and achievements typical for a given position does not stand out among dozens or hundreds of similar CVs. How can a recruiter discern behind the many words that this is a truly valuable specialist?

To attract the attention of hiring managers, you need to be as convincing as possible about your professional achievements. In this case, the main thing is specificity: name specific numbers, give real examples of your initiatives. There is no need for general phrases like: “sustainable sales growth”; “increasing the efficiency of the department.” It is much more useful to provide concrete evidence of how effectively you worked. Three or four points (but convincing ones) will be enough to make your resume work.

For example, the head of the sales department can indicate in the “Achievements” section how much he managed to increase the level of sales over a certain period of work in the company, how many clients he attracted, which tenders for the supply of goods or services were won. PR manager - how many mentions of the company in the media occurred with his participation, how this figure increased over the entire period of work, how many press conferences were organized, for example, during Last year what was their effectiveness? The head of the IT department should mention, for example, successful implementation from scratch new system production automation, which accelerated the work of the design department by 30%. To the journalist - about victory in creative competition, about the great activity of readers in discussing his articles, etc.

Here is an example of a successful description of professional achievements in a resume for the position of sales director:
“- building a sales service for the company’s services from scratch;
- annual sales growth in 2012 - 350%, in 2011 - 270%;
- attracting more than 100 clients, including 40 companies with a staff of over 150 people;
- victory in 15 tenders.”

Let trade secrets remain secrets
Of course, accurate numbers of your success can convince the recruiter that you are truly an effective employee. However, does an applicant always have the right to indicate specific financial indicators in his resume? The employer is unlikely to be happy to see that former employee reveals the company's trade secrets, and such an employee is unlikely to receive good recommendations.

However, it is possible to convincingly describe achievements without naming exact numbers, but still remaining specific. Use phrases like: “by 30%”, “by 2 times” to show the degree of your effectiveness. It is advisable to indicate the period during which impressive results were achieved - six months, a year or more.

If you have nothing to brag about yet
Availability of information about the applicant’s work results and professional achievements increases his value in the eyes of the recruiter. But what to write in the “Achievements” section for those who, due to the specifics of their work, cannot boast of “increased efficiency”, “increased citations” and “victories in competitions”? That is, those whose job involves performing the same duties every day, such as office managers, dispatchers, or payroll accountants?

In such cases, experts advise focusing on your reliability and ability to ensure uninterrupted and high-quality continuous work. Try to convincingly prove that the absence of emergency situations in your work is already a significant achievement.

Of course, the “Achievements” section of a resume can tell a recruiter a lot about a candidate. After all, behind the numbers that convincingly speak of professional victories, one can see the analytical mind of the applicant, and his ability to prove his point of view, and determination. And this, in turn, can make the path to your dream job shorter and easier.

Business partners are sometimes interested in each other's achievements. Anyone who has at least once acted purposefully at his workplace will always have something to say. The main thing is to understand what achievement is. Here we will answer a number of questions that specialists most often encounter. What are significant achievements? How to define and formulate basic, main, highest or outstanding achievements? Personal and professional achievements - what to write on a resume? What achievements are best to highlight? We answer in order.

Can you talk about your goals? professional activity? We hope you can - everyone site materials to help you. Goals tell what results a person wants to achieve. This is information about the future. The question about achievements involves talking about what results were achieved. This is information about the past, what has happened, what has already been achieved to date. If you have at least once set clear, precise goals for yourself and at least once successfully achieved them, getting the result that you originally planned, then you know the main thing. In general, an achievement is a previously planned result that has now been successfully achieved.

There are many similarities between work goals and work achievements. The significant difference is time. Goals reflect numbers and facts that need to be obtained over a certain period (or by a certain date), and are usually stated in the future tense. Achievements reflect figures and facts that were obtained by a specialist during a certain period of his activity, and are declared, as a rule, in the past tense. The principles for formulating messages about goals and achievements are very similar. Want an example? Let's take two sentences as an example. Assignment: try not to guess where the planned result is stated and where the result is obtained.

  • by the third quarter of the current (2006) year, develop a technical warning system for concentrations in the air... above the maximum permissible standards;
  • in the second quarter of the current (2006) year, a technical warning system was developed for concentrations in the air... above the maximum permissible standards.

Did you complete the task? No? Great. You probably have excellent knowledge of how to correctly formulate information about the achieved result. Now let's note the main thing.

When a question about achievements arises on a resume or in an interview, it means that they are asking you to talk about the results that you obtained in your work over a certain period of time. For example, at the previous workplace or in the previous position, while working on specific topic or as a result of solving certain problems and tasks - depending on what specific period is asked about. Sometimes in a question about achievements such a period is not clearly indicated. This means that the requested period is your entire work activity.

Preparing a preliminary list of achievements

To understand what achievements you have today, you can do a simple thing. Take a list of previous goals that you set for yourself during the requested periods of professional activity. Select the achieved ones from them. Rewrite their wording in the past tense. The first part of the material is ready.

Now remember, have you ever, on the way to a planned result, received unplanned, but unexpectedly important results that are significant for someone or something? - for whom or what exactly is still indifferent. Happened? Then write them down too. The second part of the material is ready.

Essentially, you have a list of results obtained during different periods of your professional activity. Why are such lists declared? Your business partner is interested in how you can be useful for him, the organization, and target groups. What internal wealth and active resources are you the owner of? It is the active ones that have already allowed you to achieve certain results. Passive resources - which “theoretically” seem to exist, but are not actually used - are not always of interest to real business partners. Why?

From the fact that you possess, for example, some knowledge and skills, to your colleagues, clients, etc. neither hot nor cold. You own it, and it’s great. Your knowledge and skills become interesting when you can use them to achieve desired result. Then you demonstrate the presence, quality and usefulness of your resource - a resource that really exists, which you enjoy using and which is constantly being honed through experience. Then we're talking about about the specialized knowledge and key skills that allowed you to achieve what you are talking about. Information about achievements says much more than it might seem at first glance.

By listing your accomplishments and highlighting them on your resume or in an interview, you communicate two things to your current or potential business partner. About what results you were able to achieve yourself or helped others achieve (what hopes can be placed on you, in what ways you can be especially useful). About how activeresources (abilities, capabilities, knowledge, skills) you have to achieve similar or other results needed by the company.

Selecting significant ones

So, we have compiled a preliminary list of professional results. Now we will look for real achievements among them. Ready?..

What is it and what are the significant achievements? People assess the significance of a particular result in their work differently. Therefore, each specialist independently decides which of them is worth talking about. However, when talking about achievement, it is worth remembering two things.

1) . This should be the result which was useful for someone - important, necessary, having a certain meaning for specific person, a group of people or a company as a whole.

Depending on who exactly the result of the work you are talking about brought more benefit (turned out to be more important), it can be classified into one of two categories:

  • personal achievement;
  • professional achievement.

2. Results that may, but have not yet, benefited other people. Even if we are talking about a unique discovery, knowledge, invention or creation of something that gives you a sense of professional pride and potentially has great importance for others, but has not yet been claimed by them, has not yet brought them specific benefit, such a result is this moment time should be called a personal achievement in professional activity. Remember that the question of achievement is about what has already been achieved. Here it is important not to fall into illusions, but to objectively assess what you really have today. In this case, you have something today that can help someone tomorrow. Key phrases: “you have” and “may help someone.” Despite the fact that such work results fall into the category of personal achievements, they can be an important competitive advantage for your potential partners.

We will be glad to see information about your professional achievements in the comments.

Posted On 03.12.2017

Professional resume Professional skills on a resume Professional achievements on a resume

Professional achievements are a very important block in a resume. Unfortunately, very a large number of Job seekers are faced with the challenge of describing accomplishments when writing their resumes. Indeed, the task is not easy, since sometimes it is very difficult to single out from an extensive work experience exactly important and significant achievements that may be of interest to a future employer. If you have difficulty describing your professional achievements and results in your resume, our specialists are ready to help you! For about 10 years we have been helping clients from different cities in preparing a competent resume.

We have prepared for you some simple and useful tips, which will help you correctly describe professional achievements in your resume.

1. Achievements must be indicated in your resume, even if you worked as a secretary or courier.

How to describe achievements in a resume

Firstly, by indicating your achievements, you can thereby show the employer that you can sum up your work in a particular workplace and highlight the main thing in your experience. Secondly, this is always very significant for the employer, because a productive and proactive employee will be of interest to any employer.

2. It is better to indicate professional achievements in your resume specific facts and figures.

3. It is enough to point out a few key, truly important and significant achievements. This will be enough, do not overload this important section with a huge amount of unnecessary and unnecessary information. Highlight only the most important things.

4. When listing major achievements, highlight what benefit or benefit was received for the company. For example, indicate achievements, then, for example, use the phrase: “which made it possible to reduce the company’s procurement costs by 30%” (as one of the options).

5. Describe your achievements correctly.
Some job seekers structure their resumes as if they were describing the responsibilities of a job description. Even if you use job description, check all wording carefully.

Achievements are sometimes described in the first person: “implemented, proposed, adjusted, brought out.” In fact, these formulations slightly contradict the general concept of the resume itself; when writing a resume, it is better to avoid them.

Of course, a more correct and successful option would be: “The strategy was implemented (implemented) ...., which made it possible, etc.”

Examples of professional achievements in a resume

If you worked in the field of marketing and advertising, you can give this version of your professional achievements:
- Development and implementation of a procedure for quality control of customer service.
- Development of unique projects aimed at maintaining customer loyalty.
- Organization and formation of event events (development of a concept, format, selection of a site, writing regulations and scripts, developing a focused scheme for attracting clients, writing scripts, briefs).
- Organization of large-scale marketing and sponsorship projects, advertising campaigns.

If you worked in sales (sales manager), professional achievements could be as follows:
- Increase in turnover for key clients by more than 2 times (it was so much, now it is so much)
- Maximum turnover in the dealer department up to $10,000,000 (it was so much, such figures were achieved within such and such a period)
- Best performance sales among department employees.

If your task was regional development, we can give the following example:

Development of the region from "0". Since January 2002, due to good growth sales volume and exceeding the plan, the Central region was allocated as an independent region.
- Creation of effective and professional team sales representatives in different cities.
- Building trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with the management of branches of national distributors.

If your work was related to procurement and brand development, an example option could be:

Transfer of all Russian suppliers to work with deferred payment.
- Development of two new product lines and bringing them to the TOP of sales.
- Building a full cycle of work with claims and returns of goods with manufacturers from .....
- Increasing profits due to the introduction and development of a new product range against the backdrop of a general decline in demand in the market for the entrusted product line.

For an administrative position, the following example of professional achievements can be given:

Effective organization of department document flow (sales, administrative department, marketing department).

Creating an archive of documents from scratch.
- Search and selection of suppliers of office supplies on delivery terms favorable to the company.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that professional achievements in a resume are an important part of the resume itself, which in no case should be neglected if you are writing a resume yourself and hope to make good impression to the employer. Highlight from your work experience your actual merits and achievements, participation in projects, implementation of some goals and objectives. Remember that in any position and profession you can highlight some merits and achievements. Feel free to talk about yourself and “praise” yourself a little, make your resume interesting for the employer and an invitation to an interview will not take long!

Constantly writing a resume, I always recommend everyone to write achievements in their resume. This makes the resume stronger and more impressive, the applicant looks more respectable and you want to talk to him.

What achievements will give you on your resume

  • Achievements will show you as a successful and productive person. You don't just work and fulfill your responsibilities, you lead the company to prosperity. You do it! Not your boss, but you!
  • Professional achievements on a resume play into employers' egos. They also want you to increase their profits, reduce costs, speed up some processes, simplify, secure, invent, etc. Owners want these achievements and that's why they need you.
  • Your successes show your responsibility and determination. I don't like it when people are on their resume list personal qualities indicate responsibility, dedication, commitment... Such a listing does not say or prove anything, but your achievements prove it. These are indisputable facts that confirm that you are achieving your goals.
  • Your accomplishments on your resume hint at your career and growth. They emphasize that you value and love your job and want to succeed in it, grow, and achieve more. This, in turn, is a subtle hint at a high salary and a serious position.

Of course, there are other advantages of listing achievements on your resume, but I don’t see the point in listing them.

How to write achievements on a resume

Now let's figure it out How indicate your successes. I recommend following three rules.

Professional achievements on your resume


Personal achievements in the resume need to be formulated specifically - increased by 17%, accelerated by 6 seconds, trained 3 managers, wrote 74 articles, passed 4 audits, drew 23 advertising poster etc. It doesn’t matter what units you measure, as long as your result is expressed in numbers.

If the result is difficult to measure, write without numbers and try to describe the essence.

2. Linking achievements to the place of work

Usually the employer is interested in the last 2-3 jobs, so it is better to describe your successes specifically for them. Each place has its own list of achieved goals.

3. Compliance with the desired position

Very often in consulting, I come across the fact that people indicate achievements that are not suitable for future work. Many people confuse the level of manager and subordinate. For example, they are looking for a job as a chief accountant, and successes are written at the level of a junior economist. Or a person wants to get a job as a programmer, but before that he worked in his own business and describes his achievements at the highest management level.

So, what achievements should you include on your resume? If you are looking for a management job, make sure that your level of success is at a management level. If you are looking for a job as a line specialist, meet this level.

It doesn't matter what you did before, what matters is what you want to become now. Make your resume for your future job, rather than describe what you have now.

Examples of achievements in a resume

I want you to see not just examples of achievements on your resume, but also standard errors, so I made a sign in the style of “right - wrong.”

Blurred Specifically
Trained new sales employees (this phrase is not an achievement, but a responsibility) Trained three new sales employees
Implemented a number of changes that simplified document flow (what changes? how did they simplify it?) I simplified the document flow: each forwarding driver received a scanner to automatically record invoices in the system; together with the programmers, I came up with a system for automatically creating transport documents - now the logistician simply checks the box and everything is done by itself).
Built a department from scratch Built a department from scratch (hired and trained 7 people, wrote down instructions and regulations, developed a system of motivation and salaries).

Think about how to describe achievements in your resume in a way that is tasty - look for good wording. This determines whether they will invite you for an interview.

Here are a few more examples of successes and achievements from real resumes:

  • Organized the transition from GAAP standards to IFRS standards.
  • Organized the merger of two CASCO/OSAGO databases into one database of a single format.
  • Made the transition from 1C 7.7. on 8.2.
  • Successfully passed 4 tax audits.
  • I discovered a direct loss - selling products at prices below cost.
  • Licensed 18 fuel filling stations.
  • Took first place in terms of clothing models produced and sold in a year.
  • Increased the base of regular English-speaking clients by 70%.

If the details of your work are a trade secret

If you are prohibited from sharing details of your work, metrics and numbers, then stay on the edge of what is possible. Anyway, tell us about your achievements - a little vague, without names, but tell us.

If you feel like there are no achievements

It seems to you. Everyone has successes and to find them you just need to start looking for them. Perhaps you will not have super achievements and feats, but will end up with a modest list. Well, so what!? Everyone's success is different.

I want to make a reservation right away, there are a number of positions where achievements do not matter - cleaner, loader, handyman, cashier, fast food restaurant worker, driver, etc. If your job is listed as unskilled labor, do not write achievements. They will be superfluous there.

Also read

»How to write a resume correctly

»How to list key skills on a resume

»How to indicate weaknesses and shortcomings in a resume

The “Results and Achievements” section of the resume contributes more than all other sections to achieving main goal- receiving an invitation to an interview.

Your professional results and achievements are your advantages over other candidates.

Moreover, this information increases the level of trust in you as a specialist and professional in your field who can be entrusted with a responsible task! This is especially important if you are applying for a leadership position.

Employers select candidates who can demonstrate that they are capable of achieving results and making a valuable contribution to the organization. They strive to deal only with bright professionals!

This is why it is so important to focus on describing the results and achievements in past jobs. Today, bare facts are not enough for employers. Therefore section "Results and achievements" should be on the resume of every specialist, and even those whose experience is quite limited!

We are not talking about any outstanding results. Achievement refers to any positive results that have been achieved through ability to achieve goals, initiative, or other special skills and knowledge.

How to make a list of your professional achievements?

When compiling a list of their own professional achievements, first-time candidates often find themselves stumped. At first it may seem that there are none. However, professional career consultants explain: achievements can be found in the experience of almost any candidate.

To make it easier for you to list your own accomplishments, try to answer all of the questions below.

  • Whether there is a good feedback about my work?
  • What can I do better than anyone else?
  • In what situations do I take initiative?
  • Have I received thank you reviews or letters from clients or colleagues?
  • Was it the case that I was trusted to carry out important assignments? How often did this happen? What were the results?
  • Do I have any awards, promotions, titles (for example, employee of the month)?
  • Have I been involved in any significant project (such as a new product launch)? What was my contribution?
  • Have I ever completed a major project on time and on budget?
  • Was it the case that, on my initiative, business processes were changed with a subsequent increase in efficiency?
  • Did the company save time or money because of me?
  • What are the 10 most important achievements in my life, and what skills helped me achieve these results?
  • Do I have time to do all the things planned for the working day?
  • Am I often able to complete tasks in less time than planned?

As a result, you should have enough long list yours strengths, as well as the results you achieved thanks to your most developed competencies. Now select the results and achievements that best fit the profile of the job for which you are writing a resume.

And if you still haven’t written the answers to the proposed questions, then it is strongly recommended that you take the time to do so right now!

Firstly, you will prepare information for your resume. Secondly, questions like: “What are your 5 strengths?” “Why should we hire you?”, and "Tell us about your achievements"- this is a classic interview.

In one form or another, these questions will definitely be asked during the interview, and you will have to give a reasoned answer to them, if, of course, you want to receive a job offer... Therefore, the answers to the above questions will provide you with invaluable help when describing professional results in your resume , and during the interview.

The secret formula “PROBLEM + ACTION = RESULT”!

After you have compiled a list of your achievements and strong professional qualities, you need to correctly describe them in the “Achievements and Results” section. This is where a very effective self-presentation technique comes to the rescue, called.

When describing your achievements, you need to briefly explain how it all started (problem or task), what actions you took to solve the problem, and what the result was. At the same time, it is important to make it clear to the employer what your role was in achieving the result.

Here are some examples of achievements that are described using the formula “Problem-Action-Result”:

"Developed new program professional and career development of employees resulting in an increase in non-material motivation of staff and a decrease in staff turnover by 11%" (personnel Management)

“Daily processing of more than 85 requests to the technical support service with a successful resolution of 95% of problems encountered by clients” (technical support specialist)

"Won two awards last year for excellent customer service" (service worker)

“I helped the loan processing manager make phone calls to potential clients. As a result, the volume of loans issued increased by 17%. (assistant credit manager)

“A new production process management system has been developed and implemented, increasing production volumes by 20% and reducing costs by 8% (savings of more than 4 million rubles monthly)” (production technologist)

“I have developed an effective methodology for finding and attracting new clients. Trained sales representatives effective methods sales As a result, the volume of concluded transactions increased by 16%, sales volume by 21%" (Head of Sales Department)

As you may have noticed, in almost every example there is a result that can be objectively measured, quantified. When results are described in this way, they inspire more confidence in the recruiter than unsubstantiated claims.

Therefore, it is important to avoid a common mistake. Achievements should not be described simply as statements of fact, such as this: “Increased such and such company indicator by 30%”. What a fantastic number is this? 30% ? Where did she come from?

To ensure that this formulation arouses greater interest and confidence in your candidacy, never forget about the formula “Problem-Action-Result”. In the example given, the first two components of this formula are missing.

Let's consider the option of working with a production technologist. This implies problem- inefficiency of technology. process. Eat action- development of a new production management system. And there is result- an increase in volumes by 20%, as well as costs reduced by 8% - saving money, and in fact - increasing profitability.

Results and achievements are described for each place of work separately - immediately after the description of responsibilities.

Finally, I would like to touch on another very important point for employment. This is the candidate's motivation to do this or that job. The professional achievements and results section helps to competently demonstrate to the company’s recruiter your motivation, and most importantly interest in my profession. Such candidates always have much more advantages over all other applicants and are more likely to receive invitations for interviews.