
Confession can be started at any time, but it is generally accepted that confession should be performed before. You should carefully prepare for this Sacrament: thoughtfully and carefully analyze your entire life, while noting what is needed in confession before the clergy. Set your heart and soul in a repentant mood.

Remember that confession is not, here you should talk exclusively about your sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins. Do not under any circumstances try to judge others or whitewash yourself of any actions. Proceed to confession only after preliminary reconciliation with everyone who once offended you or holds a grudge against you. If it is practically impossible to do this for some reason, sincerely reconcile in your heart. Coming to confession without reconciliation is a mortal sin.

If the priest, for some reason, does not have the opportunity to listen to you in detail and simply asked: “Do you repent of your sins?” Answer with heartfelt contrition and sincerely: “I repent.” The priest will immediately read a prayer of permission. You may not be embarrassed by the brevity of confession, because the grace of God has cleansed your soul, and the Sacrament has been completed in full. If any sin lies like a stone on your soul and does not give you peace, ask a priest to listen to you completely and help you cleanse yourself of the heavy burden.


  • How the soul is cleansed from sins

Cleansing from sins- This is a religious rite of liberation of the believer’s soul from the burden of committed sin, cleansing the conscience and gaining mental balance, and as a result, “getting closer to God.” Metaphorically speaking, this is a process of cleansing the heart, reviving the soul, healing the consciousness. Having observed yourself or immersed in memories, you will probably note the sinfulness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions at one time or another. The recommendations below will tell you how to cleanse yourself of sins.


The Holy Scripture says that sinners can receive forgiveness of sins in case of sincere deep repentance (“contrition of heart”), which means awareness of their mistake and a firm decision to correct themselves. Repent with all your heart and turn to God in repentance. After all, it is about repentance that the Apostle Peter speaks: “Repent therefore and be converted, so that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:19). Forgive the people who, wittingly or unwittingly, prompted you to commit sinful acts or thoughts. Ask for forgiveness from those against whom you have sinned. Having sincerely repented, confess your sins in church. The Apostle John the Theologian says: “If we confess our sins, then He, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

The Word of God reveals to us other ways of cleansing from sins: love and mercy. The Apostle Peter says: “Above all, have fervent love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Pet. 4:8). Be kind to people, learn to love and forgive your loved ones, help people become better people, do good deeds. And remember: if you want your sins to be forgiven, forgive other people. Holy Scripture tells us: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you” (Eph. 4:32). Do alms, for, in the words of John Chrysostom: “There is no sin that alms cannot cleanse, which alms cannot destroy.” However, your alms must be from a pure heart. An outwardly good deed, done with selfish motives, for your own personal good, will only contribute to the aggravation and rooting of sin in you. Do all good deeds with a sincere desire to help people.

Live according to God’s commandments, pray to the Lord, because prayers contain not only a plea for help, but also for the forgiveness of sins. The Bible says: “Whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (Matthew 21:22). The main thing is that in your soul there is sincere repentance for your sins, a strong desire to take the righteous path and faith, and then, as Jesus Christ said, “let it be done to you according to your faith.”


  • Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) on forgiveness of sins
  • be cleansed of sin

Sometimes something bothers a person, but he cannot understand what it is. He does not feel physical pain, his “heart is just not in the right place.” This is a symptom that the soul hurts. However, few people know what to do in this situation.

Mental pain comes in different forms, and it can often be far-fetched. In other words, a person saw injustice towards someone and became very upset. However, most often a person’s heart aches, but he cannot understand why this is happening. The soul hurts so much, and most likely one should expect another blow of fate. In this case, there is still time to change everything, but you need to act quickly.


When your soul hurts due to a negative incident with a loved one, you should not give up, as you can help him, even if he lives in another country. In this case, you need to use visualization, that is, imagine that everything is fine with him and he is enjoying life. However, it is not enough to paint cheerful pictures in your imagination; you also need to be able to feel them. In other words, you really need to experience joyful emotions, only in this case will you be able to send your loved one positive changes that will soon appear in his life.

New activity

If the soul hurts for a completely unknown reason, then, most likely, the person simply has an unsettled life, or something is missing in it. But it’s not far from depression, so you urgently need to cheer up, the best way out will be a new activity. You should think about what gives you pleasure and do it. Often, in such a situation, a shopping trip, preferably with friends, will save you. In this case, you will definitely be able to take your mind off the hustle and bustle, and new things will certainly lift your spirits. If you don’t have the money for shopping, then you can arrange ordinary gatherings with friends. But there is no need to talk about sad things, let this evening be dedicated only to positive moments.


Often a person’s soul hurts because he experiences loneliness and emptiness within himself. In this case, going shopping with friends will not solve the problem. However, a person can figure out his problems on his own; just start meditating to understand how you can change the situation and become happy. With practice, the understanding will come that he is not alone, this is just his illusion.

If you meditate regularly, you can find yourself, which means your inner emptiness will be filled with a feeling of happiness. After all, this is exactly what every person strives for. Thanks to meditation, you can look at the world with different eyes, and then new goals will appear that can be achieved quickly and without much effort. The soul will be happy with such changes and will no longer be sick.

According to the priests, the human body is a temple, so it must be protected and kept clean, treating it with love and care. However, the salvation of the soul is more important than the salvation of the body, therefore, in case of illness or suffering for any reason, the soul can be healed in the church, entrusting it to the Lord God.

Illness and healing

In a person, the spirit comes first, then the soul and only then the physical body. If the body dominates the soul, the spirit is suppressed and begins to sin, earning itself a variety of diseases. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to keep thoughts and actions in moral and physical purity, since sin alienates a person from the divine principle. People are capable of forgiveness of sins and healing of the soul (body) for free, due to their faith in God, while others, who do not believe in anything, at the energetic level seem to be covered with bodily and spiritual dirt.

In order for the soul to be cleansed and healed, it must undergo the healing and cleansing Sacrament of Repentance.

When a person entrusts himself to God, his spirit begins to function as it was originally intended to function. After this, people begin to feel relief and recover - but for this they need to trust in divine intervention and calm their soul by starting to pray to God for their healing with faith in him. Priests often note cases when people suffering mentally and physically, after sincere confession, ending with no less sincere repentance of sins and Communion, then return to them completely healed.

The sacrament of healing the soul

Healing of the soul occurs through Unction - a Sacrament, in which a mentally suffering person is anointed with oil and the Grace of God is invoked upon him, healing the spiritual and physical infirmities of the patient. This Unction received from the very holding of the Sacrament - ideally it should be carried out by a “council” consisting of seven priests, but if necessary, the presence of one priest is allowed.

The history of Unction began in the time of Jesus Christ, who gave his apostles the power to heal illnesses by anointing the afflicted with oil.

In the process of performing Unction, the priest (or) reads seven texts from the Gospel and seven from the Apostolic Epistles. After reading each of them, the priest anoints the person’s forehead, cheeks, chest and hands with consecrated oil, and at the end of the reading of the Holy Scriptures, he places the opened Gospel on the head of the person being unctioned and

However, it is important to consult a psychotherapist in time, before minor mental discomfort develops into the advanced stage of a serious illness. Unfortunately, many do not really understand what this specialist does, or are afraid that he will immediately begin to stuff them with strong drugs, or even insist on compulsory treatment. In most cases, such fears are unjustified, since drastic measures are applied only in the most extreme, almost hopeless cases.

Of course, a psychotherapist can prescribe medications, but his main goal is close emotional contact with the patient, through which the doctor influences the patient’s subconscious and gradually removes him from a negative mental state. In this case, medications can be completely excluded from the treatment process.

Therefore, you can safely trust a professional in case of depression or constant bad mood. It will help a person suffering from phobias, manias, and obsessions. In modern society, many suffer from emotional exhaustion or burnout, find themselves in stressful situations, and lose the desire to live as a result of misfortunes. All this relates to the sphere of activity of a psychotherapist.

As is the Soul, so is the Man!

Words of the Creator. Dictation dated November 1, 2004, verse 41

During life, a person can give birth to strong negative energies, accumulating them in subtle bodies, which then affect him negatively. A person, as it were, accumulates his negative experience, which becomes part of his essence. The human consciousness absorbs all its emotions and thoughts, like a sponge. An example would be the negative influence of television, which, by programming the consciousness of young people, pollutes their Souls. It turns out that a person then brings his negative experience for the rest of his life. If you wish, you can find in other people an example of such negative programs that have a destructive effect on them.

The more a person is polluted by such negative accumulations, the weaker his connection with God. A person begins to make more and more mistakes in his life. In this case, due to pollution of a person’s energy, he will develop numerous diseases.

The state of the human Soul is an unstable quantity and, quite possibly, it can change both for the better and for the worse. Changing the essence of a person for the better is quite possible - this is the path of energetic purification of the Soul and subtle bodies.

The structure of human subtle bodies is very complex and clearing it of accumulated negativity is not at all easy. To cleanse a person’s consciousness, prolonged exposure to high energies is necessary., which explains why only a few have been able to succeed at this. When purifying a person’s Soul, positive thinking alone will not be enough. To dissolve dense negative accumulations, high and highest energies are needed.

What is very important here is a person’s desire to cleanse the Soul and separate everything negative from his essence. Many people find it difficult to understand the value of cleansing the Soul. A person sometimes becomes so fused with vices and sins that he sometimes cannot discern them in himself.

Cleansing the mind- this is a person’s way of life, where the result does not come immediately. The statement that it is possible to shed all sins at once and quickly cleanse your Soul is self-deception. Even with the fire of Love in the Soul, purification will take months, and possibly several years.

The main means of purifying the Soul is high energies. Prayer in cleansing the Soul is the most important condition, since it is the channel with God that provides cleansing energy. This is exactly why in the Revelations of the Creator, special prayers are given for cleansing and strengthening the connection with God. To whom the thought rushes, a connecting energy thread is established with Him. If a person sincerely and with his Soul aspires to God, then an energy channel is formed between the person and the Creator, through which purifying fiery energy flows. But a person, giving birth to the energy of Love in the Soul, can also gradually cleanse his consciousness. The best way to purify the Soul is to receive the Fire of Eternity from God.

I offer you a New World!
I propose a new stage in the development of your evolution,

but which requires you not to contemplate,

and difficult and at the same time great work on oneself,

over your consciousness and Soul!

Words of the Creator. Dictation dated September 24, 2006, verse 23

Purification is the constant discipline of thoughts and cutting off one’s negative states. This is absolutely necessary, since bad thoughts, being negative energy, will slow down the purification of the Soul.

Surprisingly, it is quite possible for every person, with his desire to purify the Soul, to get rid of all his vices and negative traits. But to purify a person’s consciousness it is necessary a lot of high energy, which, like a solvent, cleanses any negativity, including karmic energy.

Separating the wheat from the chaff

When starting to cleanse the Soul, you need to know some of the difficulties of this path. The principle of purification is that the energies inside a person flow from the Soul into subtle bodies, according to the principle of communicating vessels. High energy, entering the subtle bodies of a person, begins to gradually dissolve negative accumulations in them.

Purification of a person’s consciousness is complicated by the fact that dissolved negativity comes out only in the opposite way. The path of negative energy follows from the subtle bodies, through the chakras, into the human body and sometimes the negativity comes out somewhat painfully. You can trace the release of negative energy by pain in the chakras. Pain and tension in the groin area means the release and purification of negative energies from the corresponding subtle body. The final exit of processed negative energies from the body occurs mainly through the parietal chakra, which sometimes causes headaches in a person.

A person is like a piggy bank, where a certain amount of negative energies has accumulated. After cleansing and releasing another negative program, a person feels unusual relief and lightness, as if he had been cured of an illness. With the purification of a person’s consciousness, his energy capabilities will greatly increase. Having followed the path of purifying the Soul, a person’s life will gradually become brighter and easier.

It is quite possible for every person to cleanse his Soul of all his vices and negative traits; this is called enlightenment. Only a person who has walked this path to the end can tell how easy it is to live without your negative essence. Happiness is, first of all, a state of the Soul.

Everything negative that is in a person, one way or another, comes out and manifests itself in negative actions. No matter how you hide it, what is inside a person is also outside, in his affairs. If there is a dark clue inside, then in a certain situation there will be a negative energy response, manifesting itself in bad thoughts and then in actions. Dirt always gives birth only to dirt. If there is Love in a person’s Soul, then the person’s deeds will be bright and righteous. By separating the bad and dark from his essence, a person becomes purer, and therefore better.

It is not easy for a person to change; this is only possible if one strives for internal cleansing with high energies. Discipline of thoughts and quality of emotions are very important here, but main the key to success in purifying consciousness human - this is prolonged exposure to high energies.

Many people are in a state of uncertainty when they have good and bad at the same time. Only You cannot serve two masters at the same time: God and the devil. Many troubles in his life occur from a person’s duality and lack of a clear position. It is difficult to walk two roads and therefore there will be a constant internal struggle in a person, when the mind wants one thing, and the Soul wants something completely different. It is not easy to peel off the negative scab from one’s essence, and only a person who has chosen this path can do this. The consequence of purifying consciousness will be an improvement in a person’s psychological state and strengthening of his health.

Surprisingly, but having cleansed himself, Human can do no harm at all, and everything negative inside is discarded as husks and unnecessary garbage.

The main choice of a person

Purification of the Soul does not happen in one day; it takes months and years of deep cleansing. During this period the person will have discrepancy between the high energies of the Spirit and the low vibrations of its polluted subtle bodies. Therefore, when purifying consciousness, the human Spirit will either flare up or be suppressed by negative energies coming out of subtle bodies. Only in the complete inner purity of a person are the highest energies born.

A person is a generator of energies and only he himself determines what energy contribution he makes: for destruction or for creation. High energies are man's most valuable contribution to the construction of the Universe.

Cleansing - this is the path for those who strive for God with their souls and stubbornly strive to get rid of everything negative inside. Every person is endowed by God with the right of free will and only He myself can begin spring cleaning in his Soul. The soul is a diamond in a human frame and only in complete purity will it shine like a bright sun.

I bring to your attention short prayers that cleanse the home and soul.
On Thursdays, it is necessary to cleanse the apartment by sprinkling the corners with holy water and holding a lit candle in your hand. Surely many of you do this regularly.
When cleaning an apartment, you should read special prayers that can expel negative energy from your home.
As for cleansing the soul, the best way to get rid of defilement is to visit an Orthodox Temple and read.

House Cleansing Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and cleanse my house from enemy filth and evil presence. Drive out my harmful thoughts, as well as the black thoughts of other inhabitants, from my home. Forgive me all my sinful acts and send me grace in the form of the Orthodox faith. Let it be so. Amen.

Prayer that cleanses the soul

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Cleanse my soul from sinful thoughts, complaints and discontent. Deliver me from vicious evil spirits and the temptation of demons. Protect me from wicked people and protect me from evil interference. Send down your Orthodox intercession from heaven to me. Let it be so now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Now you know that there are short Orthodox cleansing prayers which should be read to the Lord God.
The soul, like the house, is cleansed gradually. For this reason, you need to pray tirelessly for the end result.

First of all, during a large-scale cleansing of the soul, a program of self-destruction is activated - despondency, loss of the meaning of life. How does the self-destruct program turn on? Thoughts about death, loss of meaning in life, lack of goals, a feeling of the meaninglessness of life, internal dissatisfaction with the whole world and, therefore, with oneself. We must know what the enemy looks like.
How is soul cleansing going? 1. Self-destruction program. 2. The program of hatred towards loved ones because of attachment to them. Attachment turns into hatred or indifference. The desire for death to loved ones is increased attachment. The same goes for gloating over their failures and misfortunes. You just have to survive the cleaning time. You need to react with one thing: all this is given from above, all this works for love, all this is the purification of the soul. Willingness to accept the cleansing of the soul allows you not to experience the destruction of the future, fate and illness. Those. At the moment of purification of the soul, one must move not to lower levels - consciousness and body - but higher - to love for God. You can only accept the pain of your soul by rising above your soul.
Attachment is the expectation of pleasure. That is why it must be balanced by suffering. Let’s say that if there is an attachment to loved ones, it will manifest itself as claims against them if they do not give the expected pleasure, satisfaction of the need for this pleasure, and this will then turn into a program of self-destruction, because we understand that we cannot hate and be offended by loved ones, desire they are evil, and for ethical reasons we will begin to restrain all negativity towards them, and the restrained negative emotions will unfold into a program of self-destruction. How to overcome this? Just endure this time of suffering - for we must suffer and suffer for attachment. And strive towards God and love. Suffering is relieving if you treat it correctly and don’t obey it. Those. if you have negative thoughts and emotions towards your loved ones, just endure them, pray, because this suffering separates your soul from your loved ones. There is another point here. If suffering begins, it means the energy of Divine love has arrived. And she, having touched your soul and faced with your dependencies, begins to enter the soul through dependencies and destroy these dependencies, this is perceived by a person as suffering. Those. when love enters a pure soul, a person experiences pleasure, when it enters an unclean soul, suffering. But in the case of love - if suddenly you began to experience suffering or pleasure - this is another portion of the energy of Divine love, which must be accepted for further life.
Thus, everything is logical: if you are attached and expect pleasure, you will receive suffering, which will last until the soul renounces pleasure and receives a portion of energy from God.
Why do you suffer from attachment? Because love for loved ones degenerates into attachment, and love cannot be renounced. But affection must become love again. This is why suffering is given, which deprives us of pleasure. That’s why you can’t run away from attachment and indulge it; you have to overcome it. And attachment manifests itself as: bad thoughts about loved ones, condemnation of them, hatred, jealousy, arrogance towards them. These feelings and thoughts should simply be recorded and not be afraid of them, for they are from God, and are allowed by God so that we realize our attachment, and not at all in order to indulge them, as all diseases are from God, but not for so that we feed the disease, but so that we look for means and ways to recover. If you simply suppress negative thoughts and feelings, they turn into a program of self-destruction. Therefore, one must accept the suffering associated with them as a renunciation of the soul.
Acceptance must be replaced by gratitude to God.
There is no love without pain.

Types of Orthodox prayers and features of their practice.

  • The word has extraordinary power to influence a person and the world around him. A word in sound gives impulse, fills with vibrations everything it comes into contact with
  • That’s why in ancient times our ancestors paid increased attention to what they said and how they said it.
  • They knew that speech in verbal form acts both creatively on the living world and destroys its connections at a subtle level
  • Religious traditions, tested by time and events, came to us from the distant past. They have retained a reverent attitude towards the power of words spoken out loud or mentally
  • Therefore, prayer in any religious tradition is the most powerful message to the Higher Powers. It allows a person to communicate with the Spiritual world, make gratitude, requests, and sing songs of praise and glorification.

Let's talk in more detail about the power of prayer as a cleanser for the soul, body and space around us.

Prayer for cleansing on Maundy Thursday

Last Supper on Thursday, Jesus with his disciples
  • On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, our ancestors organized a general cleaning of the house, yard, body and soul
  • That’s why the tradition of carrying out water treatments and bathing children before sunrise has survived to this day.
  • The Holy Scriptures dictate that every person begin the day with prayer before the sun rises. But on Maundy Thursday its power increases many times over and you can atone for even your most serious sins.
  • On this day, take a shower or douse yourself with water so that it flows from head to toe throughout your body. Wake up and be aware of the present moment

Say the following prayers out loud, whisper or mentally:

  • thanksgiving to the Lord
  • purifying, for example, “cleanse me from all evil.” Her text:
    “As confession cleanses, as water removes dirt, so you, Thursday, be clean,
    cleanse me from all evil, from offending people, from disobedience, from intemperance,
    from devilish blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Go to church for morning service and confess all your affairs to the priest. Ask him for advice on a cleansing prayer for the soul, so that on the eve of Great Easter you can say goodbye with gratitude to all situations and people who were your teachers in the past.

Prayer for cleansing the family from sins

girl prays in church and lights candles
  • The scriptures say that we live more than one life. Therefore, through actions, deeds, words and thoughts they can cause pain to loved ones and unfamiliar people.
  • All living beings of the Universe are connected with each other by invisible threads that influence the fate of a particular person
  • And if we remember about family ties, they are even stronger and more influential in our lives. Therefore, it is important to one day work hard with your soul and beg the Higher Powers for forgiveness and cleansing of your kind from sinful thoughts, words, and actions

In the Orthodox tradition, such work should be done by reading the following prayers:

  • Our Father
  • Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice
  • thank you note
  • about forgiveness of the family

The text of the latter is presented below.

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors. Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

In various RuNet sources you will find recommendations for reading only the first three prayers, or all four, but in different sequences and quantities. There is also an opinion that the most effective strategy is a 40-day prayer practice to cleanse the family. So every day, without skipping, you read one or less prayers, solitude and tuning into holiness. You can do the latter by placing an icon in front of your eyes and/or adding the sound of a church choir singing prayers.

Prayer for cleansing with forgiveness

girl performs prayer practice for forgiveness

When a person just steps on the spiritual path and tries to practice prayer, he begins:

  • feel the weight of your past actions
  • hear the voice of conscience
  • rethinks his behavior and character traits

In a civilized society, it is considered the norm to ask for forgiveness from someone whom we have offended, intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, cleansing prayers for forgiveness for words, thoughts and actions are effective and have great power.

In addition to visiting the temple and participating in congregational and choir prayers together, you can practice cleansing prayers for forgiveness at home at the altar the night before you go to bed or as often during the day as possible.

Use, for example, the following prayer texts:

  • about forgiveness, intercession and help
    In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words,
    my advice and thoughts,
    my affairs and all my body and soul movements.
    My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body.
    But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible to the sins of the whole world, kindly, kindly Lord, accept me more than all sinners in the hand of Your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse my many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and wretched life and from Always delight me in the coming cruel falls of sin, and in no way will I anger Your love for mankind, with which you cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people.
    Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and the land of my desires.
    Grant me a Christian end, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator, forever. Amen
  • about forgiveness
    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me for the sins mentioned and for the sins forgotten.
    Do not allow Orthodox torment to be punished and do not torment my soul with new trials.
    I firmly believe in You and pray for speedy forgiveness. May Your will be done now and forever and forever and ever. Amen
  • about forgiveness, another version
    I beg You, Son of God, for the remission of forgotten sins. Captured by the temptation of the devil, I did unrighteous deeds.
    Forgive me all insults, slander, greed and greed, stinginess and rudeness.
    Let the scabs of sin not infect my mortal body.
    Let it be so. Amen
  • about forgiveness, third version
    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I confess to You for my sinful thoughts and unkind deeds.
    Forgive me for forgotten, accidental and intentional sins. Help me cope with the temptation of the devil and guide me on the path of holy Orthodoxy.
    Thy will be done. Amen

Prayer for cleansing after childbirth

a woman at the baptism of a child, the priest reads a prayer of permission over her
  • Both the Old and New Testaments provide instructions regarding the procedure for the physical and spiritual cleansing of a woman after giving birth to a child.
  • These Holy books are unanimous in that a young mother should come to church 40 days after giving birth for churching, that is, returning to the ranks of the faithful followers of Christ
  • Many modern families practice baptism of the baby also on the 40th day after birth. Then both sacraments are performed together
  • The only thing is that you should notify the priest the day before about the need to read a cleansing prayer over you after childbirth
  • By the way, this prayer can be said later, for example, after six months or a year, if you were unable to visit the temple before
  • Remember that without it you should not receive communion and you have no right to confess

Orthodox prayer for the cleansing of soul and body

girl prays in front of icons
  • Orthodoxy, like other religious traditions, pursues one of its goals to lead the believer to the purification of soul and body in order to come clean to the Father in the spiritual world
  • Prayer is a way of communication of the soul with the Absolute. If it is pronounced with humility, truthfulness, full concentration on the moment here-and-now, then you will feel peace, calmness of the mind, relaxation
  • However, this state may not occur immediately, but after a month, six months, a year of regular practice
  • Today, various authors offer their own versions of cleansing prayers. In the Holy Scriptures you will find works generally accepted and spoken at services, for example, the Great Penitential Canon of Andrew of Crete
  • For daily evening reading, a prayer written by a clergyman, an elder, a saint, or even our contemporary may be suitable. The main thing is that it contains words of repentance, a request for guidance, help, protection on the path of getting rid of physical and mental garbage
  • Pay attention to your state during prayer. You are collected, concentrated, your thoughts are busy contemplating and turning to the holy image - this means your prayer is effective
  • Otherwise, you should interrupt the spiritual conversation, tune in to it, complete those things that are distracting
  • Let us note that prayer can also be a sincere appeal of a believer to the Lord if he sincerely opens his heart
  • The Orthodox Church calls confession more powerful in the matter of cleansing the soul and body from sinful thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Therefore, a believer should follow the instructions of the holy fathers as much as possible - read prayers, come to confession, and visit church not only on holidays

Prayer for cleansing the house with a candle

girl cleanses space with prayer and candle
  • Over the course of life, we accumulate not only joy and pleasant memories, but also rude words, quarrels, resentments, showdowns
  • Living in a house/apartment, we store this “wealth” in our home in the form of unfavorable areas or even rooms. Therefore, it is important to periodically, at least once a month, independently clean the living space with the holy word and a candle.
  • On the eve of the day of cleansing, you should go to church for confession and communion, observe a three-day fast and begin the procedure
  • If it is difficult for you to remember the text of the prayer, write it down on a blank sheet of paper and hold it in your left hand and a lit candle in your right
  • Start walking around the house from the right door frame of the front door and slowly move around the perimeter, stopping in the corners of the rooms and where the candle cracks
  • While you are moving with a lit candle, read the prayer without stopping

For example:

  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • Our Father

Buy candles for home cleansing from the church. Choose the longest and thickest ones, so that one is enough for the entire house/apartment and outbuildings in the yard if you live in the private sector.

Prayer to cleanse negativity

the girl lit a candle to cleanse herself of negativity
  • It is important and necessary to clean your home of energy-informational waste. However, similar actions should be performed in relation to yourself.
  • We live in a densely populated space, regularly encountering a large number of eyes and entities that we cannot see. Therefore, carrying out cleansing activities should become as commonplace for us as morning exercises
  • In the vastness of the Runet, various authors and websites recommend their texts as prayers for cleansing from negativity. However, the most famous, easy to remember and handed down to us by Jesus is the “Our Father”
  • It contains gratitude to the Lord for life, His glorification, requests for intercession and instructions, and faith in His power and justice.
  • The best way to reset negative vibrations is to read prayers daily morning and evening at your home altar or in a temple

For duration, be guided by your feelings. You should go through a phase when:

  • limbs become numb
  • thoughts are confused
  • forgetting the words of prayer
  • yawning and sleepiness occur

These manifestations indicate that a lot of negativity has stuck to you.

Don’t expect quick results, that your life will become easier, that all illnesses and disagreements with loved ones will go away. Prayer practice is sometimes a lifelong journey.

Prayer for the purification of every thing

girl's folded hands in prayer

Shopping is a disease for women and a common daily necessity. We almost never think that very specific people worked on the creation of this or that thing - they created, sorted, packaged, loaded and unloaded.

Each of them left a piece of themselves on the thing/object in the form of an energy-informational cloud. But it would be better to neutralize it, to reset it to zero, before we put the thing on and bring it into our home.

Clean the item/item using any of the following methods:

  • say a prayer
    “To the Creator and Maker of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation,
    Yourself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if it were armed with the power of heavenly intercession for those who want to use it,
    will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen"
  • Sprinkle with sacred water three times and repeat the words
    “This thing is blessed and sanctified by sprinkling this holy water, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
  • perform the threefold sign of the cross, which is equivalent to cleansing/sanctification

Cleansing space with prayers

lit candles in front of an icon during prayer

To fill a house, apartment, office space or other space with your energy, cleanse it of what is already present there. The most effective way for this is the sacred word, prayer.

On the eve of energy cleansing, carry out general cleaning:

  • wash all shelves, glass, windows, doors, radiators, floor
  • throw away all unnecessary trash, old newspapers and magazines
  • put clothes you no longer use in bags/boxes and donate them to an orphanage/shelter/charitable organization as soon as possible
  • And from now on, develop the habit of doing similar cleaning every week. So, negativity on a rough plane will stop accumulating in space, and the relationships of all residents will become warmer and more harmonious.
  • Place salt or clean sifted sand in plates in the corners of the room. After a couple of hours, wash the floors everywhere, collecting salt/sand. The latter absorb negative vibrations at a finer level than dust
  • Throw them on the trash heap or bury them in the ground with a request to Mother Earth to accept negative vibrations and transform them into positivity and benefit
  • In each room, hang an icon and a candle in front of it. Read the Lord's Prayer three times in each corner. Move to another room after the candle in the previous one goes out
  • walk around the entire room with one lit candle in a clockwise direction. Perform surrounding signs and read the “Our Father”, prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Life-Giving Cross, the Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos
  • In addition to walking around with candles, also sprinkle the room with blessed water
  • add smoking incense or other beneficial aromas indoors to protect against the intrusion of negativity and evil spirits
  • often play songs glorifying the Lord, His deeds and Holy Persons. This is how you fill the space with fragrant sounds

So, we have established ourselves in the faith of the holy word, its power and effect on negative, destructive vibrations and energies. We learned to intelligently and consciously practice prayer to cleanse ourselves, our family, our home, our belongings, and any space.

Be happy!

Video: prayers for cleansing