Bourbon and whiskey are often used as synonyms, however, experts know that these are different drinks. Each of them has not only its own characteristics, but also a history of origin. To distinguish the alcoholic drink bourbon from a similar one - whiskey - you need to study all the intricacies and rules for making strong alcohol.

First of all, let's pay attention to the composition. The main ingredient of the first is corn. Its amount should be at least 50% of the ingredients used.

Bourbon has a bright amber color. The strength of the drink is often 43%, however, preparation rules allow a range from 40 to 51%.

Now let’s look at why the question “what is the difference between bourbon and whiskey” does not have a clear answer. The fact is that bourbon is a whiskey originally from America. It differs in manufacturing technology, but remains one of the subspecies of a large group.

Differences in production

A special technology is used in the production of the American drink. Each stage of production has its own rules.

Manufacturing begins with processing of raw materials. The corn grain goes through a grinding process, after which it is parboiled. The resulting material is seasoned with malt. The most commonly used is barley.

The difference in the production of whiskey is that when making the second, the grain is first malted. To do this, soaked cereals are sprouted, then dried and peeled.

It is customary to use only new oak barrels to infuse bourbon.. The containers are pre-fired inside. Craftsmen who make barrels use ancient traditions without using glue or nails.

Scotch tape, on the contrary, is stored in already “tested” containers. To infuse it, use barrels of sherry, Calvados or cognac. Barrels in which Madeira was infused are also suitable.

There is also a significant difference between the drinks in question in age. The American alcoholic drink is aged for at least two years, and often all four.

The whiskey ages longer. Depending on the type of drink, the following scheme is applied:

  • Scotch whiskey is the youngest. His “age” is 3 years;
  • Irish varieties of the drink are a little older. It is customary to age such alcohol for 5 years;
  • The most respected whiskey is Canadian. Its endurance is 6 years.

Cooking bourbon in oak barrels gives the drink a golden color. Whiskey traditionally has lighter tones.

Drinks have different tastes. Bourbon is made from corn, so it has a sweetish note. Whiskey is more bitter. There are also differences depending on the type of whiskey. For example, Scotch smells like smoke, while Irish has a stronger bitterness.

Title of the present

The question of what is true bourbon has been the subject of much debate for many years. Some experts argue that any drink that is made using the appropriate technology has the right to bear the title of true.

Others believe that not only the composition and technology are important, but also the territorial feature. According to this theory, only drinks made in a certain region of America can be called bourbon. Preference is given to the Bourbon state of the same name in Kentucky.

Two of the most popular representatives of strong drinks often appear in disputes: Jack Daniel’s and Jim Beam. Let's take a closer look at them.

Jack Daniels

Booze with this name is produced in the state of Tennessee, which already casts doubt on the theory of territorial “belonging.” However, it is worth noting that in terms of composition, Jack fits perfectly into the recipe of the “bourbon” category.

American whiskey Jack Daniels is made from corn, which makes up 80% of the total composition. The remaining 20% ​​is occupied by barley and rye. New barrels are used for aging, which also throws a coin into the box for the bourbon version.

The manufacturer only changed the bottling technology, in which the drink is filtered through charcoal.

Taking into account all the nuances of production, we can say with confidence that Jack Daniels - bourbon.

Jim Beam

Jim Beam, another popular product, is made in Kentucky. The manufacturer indicates that Jim is a bourbon drink.

Production technology proves this. Beam is stored in new barrels, and the storage period is no more than two years. Consequently, the drink also has the right to bear the name “bourbon”.

Jim Beam is a brand with a long-standing name. Worldwide fame allowed the manufacturer not to stop at traditional varieties, but to release “experimental” varieties, which also gained extreme popularity:

  • Apple;
  • Honey;
  • A drink that has undergone double aging.

Differences between bourbon and whiskey

The original question of whether bourbon is whiskey is incorrect. However, it can be rephrased this way: “What is the difference between bourbon and regular whiskey?”.

  1. Scotch fermentation technology involves the use of special yeast. Bourbon ferments with the help of a starter, which is obtained from a ready-made drink.
  2. To give whiskey its characteristic color, caramel is added to it. In the case of bourbon, such manipulations are prohibited. It is illegal to add anything to this drink.
  3. Bourbon is considered an American drink. Whiskey “belongs” to Britain and is associated with it.

Rules of use

The difference in the two popular types of alcohol is obvious. However, in order to be able to feel it when drinking it, you need to drink real booze correctly. Any alcohol with many years of tradition requires respect. And such respect is manifested in the culture of consumption.

Drinking rules:

  1. It is not customary to pour high-quality booze into glasses from “factory” containers. The drink is first placed in a transparent vessel made of the finest glass. In such a container you can not only evaluate the play of light and the shade of the drink, but also determine its age
  2. Bourbon is usually drunk from thick-bottomed glass glasses. Older traditions involve drinking the drink from special tin bowls with two handles.
  3. For drinking, you can use tumbler or rocks glasses.
  4. Before taking a sip, American whiskey is warmed in the palm of your hand to “awaken” the flavor bouquet.
  5. Bourbon should be drunk slowly. Only leisurely sips allow you to appreciate the taste and aroma of aged alcohol.
  6. If you add ice cubes to a glass, the aroma of the drink is divided into its component parts, which is a definite plus when tasting truly exquisite varieties.
  7. To prepare cocktails, it is customary to use only young, inexpensive bourbon. You need to mix booze with non-alcoholic ingredients, such as juice.

True fans of real booze will be interested to know

| How to drink bourbon and how bourbon differs from whiskey

Eternal questions: how to drink bourbon and how does bourbon differ from whiskey?

“How to drink bourbon” and “how does bourbon differ from whiskey” are probably the two most common questions that arise in people who want to try the wonderful drink bourbon for the first time. These two drinks have slightly different production technologies, so it’s impossible to say for sure that bourbon is real whiskey. The purpose of my article is to introduce you a little to the culture of drinking bourbon and at the same time explain what bourbon is. These two drinks, bourbon and whiskey, have their own characteristics, and a little later I will tell you how bourbon differs from whiskey. A start has been made, now it’s worth dwelling on the question of how to drink bourbon and getting acquainted with the amazing culture of its use. So, bourbon is a wonderful digestif, and this spirit is often called American whiskey. It is made from the juice of high-quality corn, and is aged in new barrels made from selected oak wood. The production of this drink has its own tricks and customs, it is thanks to them that American whiskey acquires incomparable notes of vanilla, cinnamon, flowers and fruits in the smell, the taste becomes sweet and invigorating, and the aftertaste is divine and incredibly long-lasting. Such a unique drink, Like American whiskey, you simply need to drink it correctly, observing all traditions and customs. He is not at all like a “swill” for alcoholics; quite the contrary, he is worthy of high society. There are many instructions on how to drink bourbon correctly, and most of them have already been modified in a modern way. Therefore, I tried to get more verified, old information and tell you the most plausible story about bourbon. Real American whiskey is very rarely poured into a glass directly from the bottle; basically, this is done only at home, “when no one is looking.” True connoisseurs of strong alcohol pour bourbon from a special bottle with very thin walls, made of completely transparent glass. Only such a vessel is able to convey the entire range of colors inherent in this magnificent alcoholic drink, and bring pleasure to the guest just by looking at this wonderful liquid. In addition, you can determine the quality and freshness of bourbon by color, which is probably why this first point of instructions on how to drink bourbon correctly was invented. Next, I think it is necessary to say about the glassware from which it is customary to drink real American whiskey, that is, bourbon . So, this wonderful drink is drunk from strong glasses with a thick bottom or from two-handled mugs made of pure tin. These glasses are called quaich. They are traditional vessels for drinking bourbon or scotch. And, as you know, it is customary to drink whiskey from a glass with a thick bottom. Now let’s get down to the technique of drinking real bourbon. You need to drink this drink slowly, enjoying the taste of every sip, and slowly inhale the noble tones of wood that the bourbon drink has absorbed during aging in an oak barrel. First, you need to take a glass and warm the contents with the warmth of your hand, similar to the technology for drinking brandy and whiskey. Then the bourbon must be shaken quietly in the glass so that the taste of the bourbon awakens and becomes even brighter and more intense. It is also quite possible to add 1-2 pieces of crushed ice to a glass with bourbon poured, and the water formed over time will divide the aroma of good bourbon into several parts, which will allow you to distinguish the aroma of cigar and wood from the wonderful taste of vanilla. That is, the point of drinking bourbon correctly is not to get drunk “to hell,” but to truly enjoy the process and every sip of a wonderful bourbon drink, sitting in a cozy environment, in complete silence and tranquility. I completely forgot to say that after the first sip, when the drink begins to warm your blood and you feel a pleasant warmth, do not rush to eat something, wait until the long aftertaste fully reveals all its shades and completely subsides. All cultures of drinking strong alcohol are a little similar. on a friend, and the customs of drinking bourbon are no exception. It is supposed that you can make a cocktail out of this drink by stirring the bourbon with juice or some other non-alcoholic ingredient. But personally, I would not advise you to do this, because in this case it will simply be impossible to experience the true taste and unique aroma of American whiskey. Expensive, aged varieties of bourbon are best consumed slowly, this is the only way this drink will fully reveal its excellent notes of vanilla, raisins, tobacco and chocolate. A small portion of bourbon will perfectly help you relax after a hard day at work, and you must not forget to inhale the wonderful aroma of this drink. Inexpensive, young varieties of bourbon are not so pleasant to drink in their pure form, because they have a more restrained taste and smell. But from such a drink you can mix wonderful cocktails or use them in cooking. There is a difference between whiskey and bourbon, and it is quite big. The main difference between bourbon and whiskey is the products from which these two drinks are made, and some stages of production, which I will talk about a little later. The aging also differs: the youngest bourbon ages in oak barrels for at least 2 years, and whiskey for at least 3 years. Now I will try to describe the characteristic features of each drink in more detail, and you will understand the difference between whiskey and bourbon. I’ll get ahead and say that the only similarity between whiskey and bourbon is the sweetness in taste and a wonderful, long aftertaste with wonderful notes of spice and fruit. So, bourbon is the oldest and most famous American whiskey, which is made from carefully selected corn grains. A high-quality drink should contain more than 50 percent corn alcohol, and better, of course, 100 percent, but each bourbon manufacturer has its own recipes, you shouldn’t argue with them, because they know their stuff! According to the most common and truthful version, the drink bourbon received its name in honor of the province of Bourbon, located in the state of Kentucky - it was here that this drink was first prepared, however, at first no one thought that bourbon would one day become an elite drink and would be sold in all countries of the world. The technology for making bourbon differs from the production of simple whiskey only in the stage of malting grains and in the fact that bourbon is always made from corn grains. It seems to me that bourbon, which is often called American whiskey, appeared because producers tried to simplify their task and speed up the production process. To make it more clear, let’s look at the recipe for making bourbon in a little more detail. So, first, the highest quality corn grains are selected and crushed in small portions in special mills. This is the main difference between the bourbon production process and the whiskey production technology - the grains are immediately ground, the stage of folding and smoking over peat is skipped. There are no further differences: the ground grains are mixed with water, boiled and fermented. Then the resulting wort is poured into a distillation apparatus and distilled several times. After which the finished alcohol is poured into barrels made by local craftsmen according to ancient traditions without a single nail or glue, for aging. At the end, when the aging stage is completed, the bourbon is bottled and sent to the world market. In conclusion, I would like to hope that now, among friends - lovers of elite alcoholic beverages, you can show off your erudition and accurately name all the differences between bourbon and whiskey. I can already see the envious glances of others about your education. Show off your erudition once again when choosing high-quality alcohol, which you can buy in our online store at any time convenient for you!

Whiskey is a popular alcoholic drink characterized by a pleasant taste and special aromatic properties. Among the huge variety of varieties of this product, bourbon occupies a special place. It first appeared in the 18th-19th centuries. The birthplace of this unusual drink, which is similar to other variations of whiskey, but also has its own unique characteristics, is the American state of Kentucky.

Bourbon composition

Most traditional whiskeys are made from barley, rye, and wheat. Bourbon contains 49% of these ingredients, the remaining 51% is corn. American manufacturers began to use the latter due to its low cost and availability. Corn plantations produced high yields, several times higher than those of other grain crops. Initially, bourbon, which was created in the USA, was inexpensive and was popular only among the lower classes of the population.

Over time, local distillers honed their skills, which contributed to the emergence of a higher quality product. Today, American whiskey is a national source of pride. It is valued not only at home, but also on the global alcohol market. Whiskey is a worthy guest at any feast.

Subtleties of bourbon production

Bourbon itself has a simpler preparation technology. Scottish and Japanese producers resort to soaking, growing, drying, and peeling grains, which allows them to extract special enzymes that can break down starch in a natural way. In America, malting technology for making bourbon is not widespread. The corn is crushed, filled with water and cooked. The finished wort is saturated with sugar, adding, for example, barley malt, fermented with yeast obtained from earlier starters, and distilled.

Some manufacturers, including the famous Jack Daniels brand, use maple charcoal-based filtration technology before aging the product. Bourbon is infused in new oak barrels that are charred from the inside. The duration of this process is at least 24 months. Most often, drinks are refined for 4 years or longer. New containers are not used in the production of other types of whiskey. Producers can infuse alcohol in barrels previously used to age sherry or cognac, Madeira or Calvados. The infusion time for whiskey varies depending on the variety. A Scottish product takes at least 3 years to reach its standard, while a Canadian product takes about 6 years. In Ireland, whiskey is aged for an average of 5 years.

Scope of production spread

Whiskey is produced in many countries - Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Canada and others. You can distinguish drinks by region by studying the label. Irish brands use the name Whiskey. Scottish producers call their products Whiskey or Scotch. Companies from other countries directly indicate their geographical location (Canadian whisky). The production of bourbon is regulated by American legislation. Since 1964, the name “bubo” can appear on the labels of drinks produced on local production lines based on traditional recipes.

Is Jack Daniel's bourbon?

Bourbon is known by whiskey connoisseurs all over the world. It is marked Tennessee Whiskey on its label. Bourbon contains 80% corn and only 20% barley and rye. For infusion, new barrels processed by firing are used. From this, many conclude that Jack Daniels is a bourbon. But that's not true. The production technology of the famous whiskey uses one additional process that is absent in the traditional American recipe - filtering through sugar maple charcoal. Thanks to this, the so-called bourbon acquires softness and is classified as a separate type of whiskey.

On supermarket shelves you will find many varieties of the popular strong drink called whiskey, which came to us from countries such as Ireland and Scotland. You've probably heard a lot about bourbon, right? But finding it on sale is not so easy, at least in our country. Bourbon is very popular in the USA, but for some reason it has not caught on here. Perhaps due to the high price or production features. Many people believe that both drinks are no different and have a similar taste. Is it really?

What is the difference between bourbon and whiskey: useful information

Both drinks are similar in appearance, taste and aroma. But still, true connoisseurs of strong alcohol will be able to notice the difference from the first sip. Despite the similarities, these drinks differ from each other. If you are interested in finding out what exactly, read our article.

Bourbon is the most popular type of whiskey in the United States (Jeam Beam, Makers Mark, Wild Turkey). Bourbon is based on corn, and the drink is aged in charred barrels. In addition to corn, the manufacturer uses other cereals (rye, barley, wheat), but in smaller proportions. It is thanks to this firing that bourbon has a special aroma. The drink was invented in America and is traditionally classified as whiskey.

Check out our post What is the difference between Cognac and Armagnac?

If we talk about whiskey, this category of drinks is much wider . It is made from various crops - both corn, wheat, barley and even rye. The preparation process is complex, it includes not only aging in barrels, but also malting and distillation. The strength of the drink produced may vary depending on the type of production. Unlike bourbon, whiskey was originally produced in Ireland and Scotland. A little later, the drink began to be produced in America, in Canada. Several decades ago, production facilities were opened in Europe.

What is the difference between bourbon and whiskey? WITH The simplest answer to this question is: bourbon is always whiskey, but whiskey is not always bourbon. Sounds confusing, doesn't it?

What is the difference between bourbon and whiskey and scotch?

Country of origin of the first drink— America, at the moment it is produced only there. In 1964, a law was passed stating that bourbon could only be produced in the state of Kentucky. Whiskey is produced in many countries. Scotch is produced exclusively in Scotland;

Raw materials. Bourbon is made exclusively from corn, but whiskey is made from a variety of grains, scotch is made from barley;

Production technology. Bourbon is both faster and easier to make. For infusion, only those barrels that are pre-fired from the inside are used; they must be new. But exclusively old oak barrels are used for whiskey; it is distilled three times. Scotch is distilled only twice;

Taste qualities A. Bourbon can be recognized by its softer and sweeter taste and bright aroma. The whiskey is sharper and not as aromatic. Scotch has a tart taste;

Color . Bourbon can be recognized by its amber hue, its color is darker than scotch and whiskey.

Exposure period. The corn drink is not aged for that long, only two years. But his brother is at least 3 years old.

Is Jack Daniels Bourbon or Whiskey?

Someone claims that this is whiskey, since this inscription is on the label. Someone, having read the composition, says that it is bourbon, because the drink is made from corn. So where is the truth? Bourbon must contain at least 51% corn, and corn whiskey must contain even more - at least 80%!

Despite the fact that it is made mainly from corn and aged in charred oak barrels, the drink is classified as whiskey. Why? After the distillation stage, its distillate undergoes additional filtration through maple charcoal. As a result, we get whiskey with a fairly mild taste.

Markings to pay attention to

When purchasing, pay attention to the information presented on the label. It is thanks to this that you can determine the type of drink:

  • Straight Whiskey is whiskey or bourbon that has not been mixed with other varieties during production.
  • Unblended - has the same meaning.
  • Blended - whiskey is a mixture of several varieties.
  • Blended Bourbon Whiskey is a mixture of several types of bourbon.
  • American Blended - a mixture of bourbon and whiskey (exclusively rye).

What is the difference between bourbon and whiskey and scotch? As you can see, there are a lot of such differences and if you want to determine the difference for yourself, be sure to try all three drinks.

True gourmets and sommeliers can easily distinguish whiskey from bourbon, even with their eyes closed. But for most consumers, the difference between these two drinks is not that noticeable. They most often choose popular brands and, as a rule, even call Jim Beam whiskey. Although this is a bright representative of bourbon.

Of course, classic European whiskey and bourbon have a lot in common, which is why lovers of good spirits often confuse them. But still, there are signs of difference, it is necessary to know them, because each of the drinks has its own taste and traditions.

Six main differences between whiskey and bourbon

  1. Region of production

    Whiskey is a broader concept than bourbon and it is produced using classical technology and recipes in Scotland, Ireland, Canada and Japan. Bourbon is produced only in the USA according to a traditional proprietary recipe. Scotch is whiskey produced in Scotland.

  2. Raw materials

    At the time of the birth of bourbon, it was a drink for the lower stratum of the population. Since the raw materials from which it was made were cheap. And at first it looked more like American moonshine. And only with the development and expansion of this industry, bourbon became no less interesting a drink than whiskey.

    For whiskey, the main raw materials are barley, rye and wheat, and for bourbon, corn. And according to legal regulations, whiskey must contain only 10% corn raw material, and bourbon must contain at least 51%.

  3. Taste features

    Bourbon has a sweetish, rich taste due to the raw materials from which it is produced. But the palette of flavors is very meager compared to whiskey. While tasting a product made in Europe or Japan, you can feel peat, citrus, chocolate or cinnamon notes, which are revealed in a completely new way in each bottle. Scotch has a more tart taste.

  4. Excerpt

    Bourbon is aged exclusively in new oak barrels, which are pre-charred from the inside. And whiskey is in old oak barrels from sherry, wine, Calvados, bourbon (whisky aged in bourbon barrels has a sweet vanilla taste). The minimum aging period for an American-made drink is 2 years, for Scotch whiskey - 3 years, for Irish whiskey on average 5 years, and for Canadian whiskey at least 6 years. Sherry casks are used to age scotch.

  5. Dyeing technology

    It is legally prohibited to add dyes or sugar coloring to bourbon, which is added during the whiskey production process to obtain a beautiful caramel shade. Bourbon gets its color from the charred barrels in which it is aged.

  6. Production technology

    The process of making bourbon is very simplified when compared to the process of making classic whiskey. Whiskey requires soaking, sprouting, drying and then hulling the grain to release enzymes that naturally break down starch into sugar. And for the American drink, cereals must be crushed, poured with water and boiled. Then saccharify the resulting wort with barley or another type of malt, start the fermentation process using yeast from the previous starter and finally distill it. At some distilleries, such as Jack Daniels, the drink is filtered through maple charcoal before aging. Scotch is made only from barley.