Mao Zedong - the creator of Chinese communism For himself, Mao Zedong left one golden rule - “no rules.”
Quotes from Mao Zedong are cruel, harsh, without compromise, just like the ruler himself.

As soon as humanity destroys capitalism, it will enter an era of eternal peace, and then it will no longer need wars. Then there will be no need for armies, warships, warplanes and toxic substances. Then humanity will never see war forever.

Every generation must have its own war.

If your broom isn't too long, don't try to sweep too far.

The intelligentsia is the most ignorant part of society.

The most civilized people are illiterate people.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

To overthrow one or another political power, it is always necessary first of all to prepare public opinion, to do work in the field of ideology. This is what revolutionary classes do, and this is what counter-revolutionary classes do.

No matter how many books you read, you will not become an emperor.

The head is not an onion; if you cut it, a new one will not grow.

I approve of this slogan: “Don’t be afraid of difficulties, don’t be afraid of death.”

What is conceivable is feasible.

Everyone is destined to die, but not every death has the same meaning.

A person who has felt the wind of change should build not a shield from the wind, but a windmill.

If you think you can, you can, if you think you can’t, you’re right.

It is better to be under pressure from your enemies than to be in a state where your enemies do not consider it necessary to bother themselves with this.

If you need to shit, shit, if you want to fart, fart! After this you will feel better.

Without destruction there is no creation. Destruction is criticism, it is revolution. Destruction requires clarification of the truth, and clarification of the truth is creation.

After this you will feel better. A person who has felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill.

If a person in his work is guided only by impulses and is not interested in the question of results, then he will be like a doctor who only writes prescriptions, but who does not care how many people died as a result of his treatment.

Everything that the enemy fights against, we must support, and everything that the enemy supports, we must fight against.

The enemy will not disappear on its own.

Poverty motivates change, action, revolution.

“Quotes from Chairman Mao Zedong” or simply “Mao’s Quote Book” is a collection of excerpts from the most ideologically significant sayings of the Chinese communist leader and father of the nation. In the West, this book is called the Little Red Book. The uniqueness of this book lies primarily in the fact that it is considered second in the world after the Bible in terms of the number of copies published. The total circulation for the entire period when the book was in print was about 900 million copies. For comparison, the circulation of all books about Harry Potter, which is considered the third largest in the world, is just over 100 million books.

The first copy of the quotation book was published in 1966 during the lifetime of Mao Zedong. But this was not an order from the founder of the Maoist theory. This is what the Chinese government decided, trying to please the vanity of its leader. Official version the appearance of the quotation book was to enable the working class to always have at hand the statements of their leader in order to find answers to any questions in it at any time life questions. For this reason, the pocket edition was chosen. The book was always republished in this form. Such a modern communist analogue of the works of the great Confucius. Only, unlike Confucius, Mao’s statements could hardly help in the life of an ordinary person.

The book has 33 thematic sections containing a total of 427 quotes. A quote could consist of several words, but there were also entire statements consisting of several paragraphs. The bulk of the topics concerned the arrangement of the new Chinese society and its role in the life of every person. There was practically nothing in the quotation book that related to life ordinary people who had some responsibilities, but no rights.

The book has been translated into almost all European and Asian languages. There are even publications in Esperanto. There are several options for Russian translations only. Moreover, abroad the book really worked as an ideological tool, inspiring fans of the theory of Maoism, of whom for some reason there were a lot in France.

The study of Mao's quotation book was prerequisite during the working day. This was all carried out centrally, even to the detriment of basic employment. It was believed that after reading the quotation book, a person would work with even greater efficiency and be able to do much more in the remaining time. Any picture of that time depicting a Chinese worker, soldier or student was not politically correct unless the character was holding a Mao quotation book.

Sometimes it reached the point of anachronism, when on the monument dedicated to Quotes from Chairman Mao (the monument was called that), one of the bas-reliefs shows the liquidation of the consequences of the flood of the Yangtze River by the workers of Wuhan. The bas-relief shows how the quotation book inspired people to fight the elements. Although the event itself took place back in 1954, and at that time the quotation book itself did not yet exist.

Publications of Mao's Quote Book ceased after the "Great Helmsman" died in 1976. Today, the booklet is treated as nothing more than a historical rarity, like busts of Lenin in Russia, and is sold mainly to tourists in antique shops. The publication is not even reprinted for these purposes, because during its existence so many copies have been published that will last for more than a dozen years.

Mao's quotes were ordered to be studied in work time, special circles were organized for classes with text; it was believed that this did not distract workers from work, but, on the contrary, made them work more efficiently the rest of the time. In paintings and posters of that time, often all the people depicted (except Mao himself) are holding quotation books in their hands.

The works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung must be studied in search of the key to solving a particular issue, studied and applied in close connection with life, combined study with application, studied first of all what is most necessary in order to obtain immediate and tangible results, and made every effort to application. In order to truly master the thought of Mao Tse-tung, it is necessary to study again and again a number of the basic principles of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Some of the most striking sayings are best learned by heart, constantly studied and applied. It is necessary to regularly publish excerpts from the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung on the pages of newspapers, in close connection with reality, so that everyone can study and apply them. As the experience of the broad masses, accumulated over the past, has shown, last years in the course of studying and applying the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung in close connection with life, selectively studying excerpts from the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung in search of the key to solving a particular issue is an excellent method of studying Mao Tse-tung's thoughts, with the help of which it is not difficult achieve immediate and tangible results.

Lines from “Quotations” included in books or press articles were typed in bold or red font.

An active initiator of the increase in the circulation of the “Quotation Book” and its distribution was Mao Zedong’s comrade-in-arms, Marshal Lin Biao, the author of the preface to the book. After Lin's escape and death in 1971, the distribution of the book slowed down somewhat. After the death of Mao and the trial of the organizers of the Cultural Revolution (1976) and especially under Deng Xiaoping (late 1970s - 1980s), the organized study of quotations was discontinued, and the use of quotation books in argumentation began to be considered a manifestation of leftist bias and a cult of personality. In modern China, old quotation books, along with other relics of the times Cultural Revolution, turned into material for sale in specialized antique shops. Their ideological significance has been lost.

In order to export Maoism outside the PRC, quotes were translated into all major European and Asian languages, as well as into Esperanto; During the period of popularity in Europe (especially in France) Maoism was republished several times. There are several Russian translations. The distribution of translations played an important role in the formation of foreign Maoist parties and groups, and in many countries, terrorist Maoist movements. [ ]

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    ✪ Mao Zedong - Red Emperor.


The collection contains 427 quotations, systematized into 33 thematic chapters and arranged logically. The volume of quotations varies - from one sentence to a detailed argument in several paragraphs. Most of them are taken from a group of about 20 major works by Mao.

Quotation book chapters:

  1. Communist Party
  2. Classes and class struggle
  3. Socialism and communism
  4. Correctly resolve contradictions within the people
  5. War and Peace
  6. Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers
  7. Dare to fight and dare to win
  8. People's War
  9. People's Army
  10. Leadership of party committees
  11. Mass line
  12. Political work
  13. Relationships between officers and soldiers
  14. Relationship between the army and the people
  15. Three democracies
  16. Education and training
  17. Serve the people
  18. Patriotism and internationalism
  19. Revolutionary heroism
  20. Diligence and frugality in building a country
  21. Rely on own strength fight hard and selflessly
  22. Method of thinking and method of work
  23. Survey and study
  24. Eliminate wrong views
  25. Cohesion
  26. Discipline
  27. Criticism and self-criticism
  28. Communist
  29. Personnel
  30. The youth
  31. Women
  32. Culture, art
  33. Studies

Great Chinese political and statesman, also a major theoretician of Maoism. During his reign, brutal repressions were carried out. Mao Zedong's quotes show him as a person who will fight to the end, no matter what.

The best quote from Mao Zedong according to the site:

● When trying to wake up the tiger, use a long stick.

● — Revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery.
— Revolution is not a dinner party, writing an essay, painting a picture or doing embroidery.

● All opponents of progress are paper tigers.

● Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer with which it is convenient to crush enemies.

● As a strategist, despise the enemy; as a tactician, take him seriously.

● Give the right to every woman who is able to work to take her place in the workforce, in accordance with the principle of equal pay for equal work.

● True equality between men and women can only be realized through the process of socialist transformation of society as a whole.

● In general, any shape physical activity, if followed continuously, helps us train perseverance. Running on long distances Particularly good trainer in developing perseverance.

● In times of difficulty, we must not lose sight of our achievements.

● The study is comparable to the long months of pregnancy, and the solution to the problem is a birthday. Therefore, in order to study the problem, it must be solved.

● — Learn from everyone, and then teach them.
— Learn from everyone, and then teach everyone.

● Let all flowers bloom, let all schools compete

● One day the struggle will take over everything and miracles will begin.

● Passivity is detrimental to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive.

● People like me sound like a lot of big guns.

● Political power grows from the barrel of a gun.

● Political work is a source vitality all household work.

● Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed.

● Bloated in the head, weak in the legs, sharp on the tongue, but empty inside.

● The atomic bomb is a paper tiger that the reactionaries of the United States use to scare people. It looks terrible, but it really isn't.

● The main responsibility of management determines the main contradictions at each point historical process and develops central lines for its solution.

● Differences between friends cannot but strengthen their friendship.

● The partisan must move among people like a fish swims in the sea.

● There is a serious trend towards capitalism among well-off peasants.

● We must heal our wounds, bury our dead and continue the fight.

● Women occupy half the sky.

This page contains all quotes from Mao Zedong.

Mao Tse-Tung

Quotation book

I approve of this slogan: “Don’t be afraid of difficulties, don’t be afraid of death.”

It is necessary to work with exceptional diligence. Exceptional meticulousness is required, negligence is unacceptable, it often leads to mistakes.

Let them not touch us, and we will not touch them, and if they touch us, we will not remain in debt.

Without destruction there is no creation. Destruction is criticism, it is revolution. Destruction requires clarification of the truth, and clarification of the truth is creation.

What is conceivable is feasible.

American imperialism kills people of foreign countries, it also kills whites and blacks of its own country.

American imperialism seems huge, but in fact it is a paper tiger and is making its dying attempts.

Peoples of the whole world, unite and defeat the American aggressors and all their henchmen!

This army always moves forward fearlessly. She is determined to defeat any enemy, but she herself will never submit to the enemy.

The People's Liberation Army has always been and will be a fighting force. Even after victory in the entire country, it will remain a fighting force for an entire historical period, until classes are destroyed in the country and the imperialist system exists in the world. There should be no misunderstanding or hesitation here.

A communist must be sincere, devoted and active, the interests of the revolution must be more dear to him than life, he must subordinate his personal interests to the interests of the revolution; always and everywhere he must defend correct principles, wage a tireless struggle against all wrong views and actions and thereby strengthen collectivism in the life of the party and the connection between the party and the masses; he must care about the interests of the party and the masses more than about his own interests,

care about others more than about yourself. Only such a person deserves to be called a communist.

We stand for active ideological struggle, since it is a weapon with the help of which internal unity of the party and other revolutionary organizations is achieved, ensuring their combat effectiveness. Every communist, every revolutionary must use this weapon.

The enemy will not disappear on its own.

In the course of our struggle, we will put an end once and for all to the feudal oppression that has existed for thousands of years and the imperialist oppression that has lasted for over a hundred years.

In order to overthrow this or that political power, it is always necessary, first of all, to prepare public opinion, to do work in the field of ideology. This is what revolutionary classes do, and this is what counter-revolutionary classes do.

One-sidedness and narrow-mindedness must be avoided at all costs. It is necessary to advocate materialist dialectics, against metaphysics and scholasticism.

Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers.

Communism is the integral ideology of the proletariat and at the same time it is a new social system. This ideology and this social system are different from any other ideology and from any other social system and are the most perfect, the most progressive, the most revolutionary, the most reasonable in the entire history of mankind. Feudal ideology and social system have already been handed over to the history museum. The ideology and social system of capitalism in one part of the world (in the USSR) have also already been handed over to a museum, but in other countries they are barely breathing, surviving last days and will soon end up in a museum. And only the ideology and social system of communism, without knowing any barriers, spread with irresistible force throughout the world, experiencing its wonderful spring.

Reactionaries of all stripes strive to destroy the revolution through murder; they believe that the more people are killed, the smaller the forces of the revolution will be. However, in contrast to such reactionary, subjectivist desires, the fact is that the more reactionaries kill people, the greater the strength of the revolution, the closer the reaction is to destruction. This is an irresistible law.

The socialist system will ultimately replace the capitalist system - it is an objective law, independent of the will of people. No matter how the reactionaries try to slow down the forward movement of the wheel of history, the revolution will sooner or later happen and will inevitably win. The Chinese people have an expression that characterizes the actions of some fools: “When they lift a stone, they break their own legs.” Exactly like this

The reactionaries of various countries are fools. The repressions they carry out against revolutionary peoples can, in the end, only stimulate an even wider and more violent popular revolution. Didn’t all kinds of repressions of the Russian Tsar and Chiang Kai-shek against revolutionary peoples play such a stimulating role in relation to the great Russian revolution and the great Chinese revolution?

Anyone who seeks to profit at someone else's expense is sure to end badly!

If we talk about our desire, we do not want to fight for a single day. However, if circumstances force us to fight, then we are able to fight the war to the end.

The day will certainly come when American reactionaries will find that all the peoples of the world are against them.

I believe that the American people and the people of those countries that are threatened by US aggression must unite to fight against the advance of American reactionaries and their henchmen in various countries. Only by winning this struggle can a third world war be avoided, otherwise it is inevitable.

The atomic bomb is a paper tiger with which American reactionaries intimidate people; it seems scary in appearance, but in reality it is not scary at all. Certainly, atomic bomb- this is a weapon of mass extermination, but the outcome of the war is decided by the people, and not by one or two new types of weapons.

All reactionaries are paper tigers. Reactionaries look scary, but in reality they are not that strong. If we consider the issue from the point of view of a long period of time, then it is not the reactionaries who have the truly powerful power, but the people. On whose side was the real power in Russia before? February Revolution 1917? Outwardly, it seemed that power was on the side of the tsar, but one gust of wind from the February Revolution was enough to sweep him away. In the end, power in Russia was on the side of the Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies. The king turned out to be just a paper tiger. Wasn't Hitler considered very strong in his time? But history has shown that he was a paper tiger. This is how it was with Mussolini, and this is how it was with Japanese imperialism. And vice versa, the forces Soviet Union and the democracy- and freedom-loving peoples of various countries turned out to be much more powerful than people imagined.