Red caviar may be considered a delicacy, but sandwiches with caviar have long become a classic. Think for yourself what appetizer can decorate a holiday table better than this dish? Moreover, preparing such a snack is not at all difficult, and if you show a little imagination, you will also get a very beautifully designed composition.


Classic sandwich with red caviar


Loaf (any bread will do) -1 pc.
Caviar – 200g.
Butter – 100g
Greens – optional, a few sprigs of dill or parsley for decoration.


To be honest, I can’t even call it a recipe and I can hardly believe that there are people in the world who are not able to spread butter and caviar on bread on their own, but since I decided to write about sandwiches with caviar, I can’t do without the classics.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices; if you cut it thicker, the bread will interrupt the taste of caviar and you will have to add much more of it. If you cut it into very thin slices, it will be difficult to spread butter, and eating such sandwiches is not convenient, they will fall apart in your hands.


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Cream cheese (or sour cream) – 100 gr.
Red caviar -200 gr.
Greens (dill, parsley) – to taste, for decoration.
These sandwiches perfectly combine the flavors of fresh cucumbers, soft cream cheese and salted caviar. They are perfect for decorating a holiday table, because... their taste is different from the classic recipe.


1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

Sandwiches with red caviar and egg


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Butter – 100g.
Chicken egg (quail eggs) – 3 pcs.
Red caviar – 150g.
Dill, parsley – if you want to decorate sandwiches, greens won’t hurt.


The recipe is very simple, but there are different versions. Many of my friends believe that mayonnaise goes better with eggs than butter. By replacing just one ingredient, you get a completely different taste, not bad at all, but I prefer the classic. In any case, this snack is very high in calories, you should not abuse it.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

If you want to make eggs stuffed with caviar, the recipe is here...

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream


Loaf - 1 piece.

Cream (whipped) - 6 tbsp. l.
Butter - 60g.
Red caviar - 100g.
Dill - 2-3 sprigs.


These little delicacies are perfect for special occasions, banquets and, of course, will be very useful on the festive table in the New Year. After all, beautiful sandwiches with red caviar canapés are the most popular appetizer at any buffet table. The only negative is that they are difficult to take without getting dirty, because... The sides are greased with butter, so they should be served on skewers, or offer your guests forks.

1. Cut the bread into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. Calorie content of caviar is normal. Caviar is very well absorbed by our body. But if we consider it fully, then a sandwich with red caviar is not the healthiest product. Oil consists of almost nothing but fats. Bread is fast carbohydrates. It’s clearly not worth eating such food at night. If you listen to nutritionists, then the ideal ratio of BJU (proteins\fats\carbohydrates) is 16%\17%\67%, BJU of sandwiches with red caviar is 23%\35%\45%. This is not far from ideal, but the calorie content of the dish is crazy, approximately 345 Kcal per 100 g of product. For overweight people, it is advisable to eat caviar in its pure form and in small quantities.

(I can’t help but add my “I”; a normal Russian man, on the advice of nutritionists, will probably die in a week on 2200 kcal per day. It may be subjective, but this is my opinion and my site :))

3. Salt. Yes, we are used to adding it to food and without it food seems tasteless to us. And I love salty foods. But this is a minus, whatever one may say. Salt retains water in our body, in addition it accumulates in the joints. I don’t think this is an argument for giving up seafood, but it is a fact.

4. Allergies. Everything here is banal. Caviar, fish and almost every “sea protein” contains parvalbumin. This is an absolutely safe protein that forms the muscle structure of living (and it is the protein that makes them so) marine organisms. Meanwhile, scientists have recorded increased levels of parvalbumin in salmon (red fish). Which means that if you are allergic to fish, it will be allergic to any fish, but to red fish it will manifest itself much faster and brighter, because... Logically, the higher the concentration of the allergen, the brighter the symptoms. Again, I don’t want to slip into paranoia, but I don’t advise pregnant and lactating women to eat caviar, because... this can cause a hypertrophied reaction in the child's body.

I started out good, but in the end I even got scared when I re-read what I wrote, even though I eat caviar quite often :) .

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar, decoration

Of course, caviar is a very tasty and healthy product, but probably the most important thing is the rarity of this delicacy. And if you are able to treat your guests to such delicacies, your efforts should be appreciated. Even a piece of bread can be turned into something unique, the main thing is to know how to serve it. I won’t hide that some of the photos are not mine, many were taken by my good friend Roma, using his professional camera, for which I thank him very much. (but my recipes were photographed with my ancient phone, why should he burn in hell :))

Any festive or New Year's table will look richer and more elegant if it is decorated with sandwiches with red caviar. We have prepared a selection for you in which we will tell you what sandwiches you can make, how to decorate them and how to serve them. will make your table even more festive and rich.

Let's start with the simplest version, in which we use only bread and caviar.

Simple sandwiches with red caviar

For these sandwiches you only need fresh, delicious white bread or loaf and caviar. A couple of sprigs of greenery will be needed for decoration.

Cut the loaf or baguette into pieces and carefully spread with red caviar. Decorate each sandwich with a parsley leaf or a sprig of dill.

We serve an excellent appetizer to the table.

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter

Cut the white loaf into pieces. Grease each one with butter. Then add a layer of red caviar. Decorate with greens.

You can make mini sandwiches and put them on a skewer to create canapés with red caviar. You can also not just slice the bread, but cut it into shapes, for example in the form of circles or stars. Such sandwiches will look more beautiful and appetizing.

For Valentine's Day, you can make festive sandwiches on which you place caviar in the shape of a heart. Romantic breakfast is ready!

Or this option in the form of hearts.

Festive sandwiches with red caviar

For the holiday table, you can make an original appetizer in the form of sandwiches with caviar, lemon and olives.

To do this, grease white or black bread with butter, mayonnaise or a ready-made sandwich mixture, and put caviar on top. Decorate with a skewer of lemon and olives as shown in the photo. Finally, a sprig of dill or a leaf of parsley.

Another design option for sandwiches. Grease the loaf pieces with butter. Place caviar on half of the sandwich and a slice of fresh lemon on the other. Place a rolled piece of lettuce or cucumber on the edge. Decorate with a fresh sprig of dill.

Another design option, with black olives and a slice of lemon.

Sandwiches with red caviar and egg

Sandwiches with red caviar and a boiled egg will fit perfectly both for breakfast and on a festive or New Year's table. Place them on lettuce leaves for a great holiday appetizer.

Another original version of holiday sandwiches. Grease the baguette pieces with butter, put a circle of boiled egg on half, on which we put a little caviar. Place greens (dill, parsley, watercress) on the second half of the bread.

Toasts with red caviar

To prepare sandwiches for the holiday table, you can use not only loaves, but also croutons. Fried bread will be crispier and tastier.

Fry white baguette or loaf in butter on both sides, cool. Grease with oil and add some red caviar. Garnish with a slice of lemon and herbs. Toasts with caviar are ready. Serve on the New Year's table.

Avocado sandwiches

You can also make original sandwiches with avocado and red caviar. Grease slices of black or white bread with mayonnaise, place caviar on half of the slice, and avocado slices on the other half. Garnish with any greenery.

Sandwich with red caviar and cucumber

Spread a piece of bread or loaf with mayonnaise, put a thin circle of fresh cucumber, put caviar on it and decorate with a sprig or parsley leaf.

Sandwich with caviar on a cracker

You can also use crackers instead of bread. Spread butter or mayonnaise on it. Then add a little caviar and decorate with any greenery. These sandwiches look very original, compact and of course delicious!

Sandwiches with red fish and caviar

Original canapés with red fish and red caviar can be made for the New Year's table. To do this you will need a wooden skewer or toothpick. put pieces of red fish on a piece of bread, grease with mayonnaise, then put a slice of lemon, on which we put a little red caviar and string the whole structure onto a skewer. Decorate with greens.

What's New Year without caviar? And any more or less significant holiday is not complete without it! In our country, you probably won’t find a single family that doesn’t have appetizers with red caviar, or at least the same sandwiches, on their table. But red caviar can be served not only on slices of bread and butter!

If you are a passionate lover of this luxurious delicacy, our appetizers with red caviar for the holiday table will help you not only serve red caviar beautifully, but also experience new flavor combinations. Simply replace the usual butter with soft curd cheese - and you have a new appetizer with red caviar! Instead of bread, cut cucumber slices or fill half boiled eggs with caviar. We have selected appetizers with red caviar for your holiday table to suit every taste.

Sandwiches with red caviar “Classic”

Red caviar,
sprigs of parsley.

Cut the loaf into thin slices. Spread soft butter on it in an even thin layer, on top of which, caviar to caviar, apply an even, neat layer of red caviar. Garnish the sandwiches with parsley sprigs. To make your usual favorite sandwiches look more festive, cut the loaf not into ordinary slices, but, for example, in the shape of diamonds, circles or stars.

Sandwiches with red caviar and salmon

White bread,
150 g red caviar,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
sprigs of fresh dill.

Cut the white bread into neat, uniform square slices and cut off the crusts. Apply a thin layer of soft butter to each slice. Visually divide the rectangular slice into two triangles. Sprinkle one of them with chopped dill and place a thin slice of red fish on top; on the other, apply a thin layer of caviar and decorate the second triangle with a small sprig of dill.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimp.

White bread,
Red caviar,
curd cheese (can be with herbs),
small peeled shrimps,
dill greens.

Boil the shrimp for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, drain in a colander and let cool. Cut white bread into medium slices, carefully cut out circles, lightly brown them, spread the sides with a thin layer of butter and roll in chopped dill. Then apply a thin layer of curd cheese on each circle, a thin layer of caviar on top, and place a shrimp in the middle.

Canapes with red caviar and cheese salad

1 baguette,
100 g red caviar,
100 g hard cheese,
2 boiled eggs,
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the baguette into thin slices, cut into hard crusts around the edges and fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Grate the hard cheese on a medium grater, and the boiled eggs on a fine grater, combine the ingredients. Add mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper to this mixture to taste. Place the resulting cheese salad on a canapé, distributing it evenly, a little on each slice, and place ½ tsp in the middle of the slices. red caviar, add a sprig of dill to each.

Tartlets with red caviar, soft cheese and dill

Ingredients (for 20 small tartlets):
100 g soft cheese,
20-30 g butter,
100 g red caviar,

Beat soft cheese and butter until smooth. Add half a teaspoon of chopped dill to the resulting mass and mix well. Fill the tartlets 2/3 full with the cheese mixture, smooth it out, and evenly distribute a layer of caviar on top so that there are no gaps. Garnish with dill sprigs.

Tartlets with red caviar, crab sticks, pineapple and garlic

Ingredients (for 10 small tartlets):
120 g crab sticks,
50 g hard cheese,
2 spoons of red caviar,
1 clove of garlic,
1 pineapple ring,
a little dill,
mayonnaise and salt - to taste.

Cut the crab sticks and a ring of canned pineapple into very small cubes, add finely grated cheese, minced garlic, a little salt and mayonnaise. Mix everything and fill the tartlets with filling almost to the top. In the center of the tartlet, use a teaspoon to make a small depression and place a little red caviar there in a heap or distribute the eggs over the entire surface without covering it entirely. Complete the picture with sprigs of dill, and the dish is ready.

Vol-au-vent with red caviar and cream cheese

500 g puff pastry without yeast,
150 g cream cheese,
80-100 g red caviar,
1 tbsp. l. flour,
1 egg yolk.

Thaw the dough and roll it out to about 5mm thick in one direction on a floured board. Using a notch no larger than 5 cm in diameter, cut out circles from the dough. Then, using a notch with a diameter of 3 cm, cut out the centers of half the circles, carefully remove them to form a rim. Place large mugs on a baking sheet lined with parchment, gently brush their surface with beaten yolk and place the rims on top, lightly pressing them into the dough, and also brush with yolk. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200ºC, spray it with water from a spray bottle a couple of times to create steam. It is known that puff pastry loves moisture very much and rises well when it is present. Quickly close the oven and bake the vol-au-vents for 20 minutes. Once they have browned and risen, remove them from the oven, let cool and fill almost to the top with the cheese filling. Place caviar on the filling and garnish with herbs.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and cheese

6 boiled eggs,
70 g hard cheese,
80 g red caviar,

Carefully peel the eggs without damaging the whites and cut them in half. Remove the yolks, mash with a fork, add finely grated cheese and mayonnaise. Mix the resulting filling thoroughly and fill the egg halves with it (without a slide), place the caviar on the filling and garnish with herbs.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and rice

5 boiled eggs,
4 tbsp. l. red caviar,
2 tbsp. l. boiled rice,
½ onion,
2 tbsp. l. sour cream 20%.

Remove the yolks from boiled eggs, carefully cut in half and mash them with a fork. Add finely grated onion, rice, sour cream and mix. Fill the egg halves with the finished filling, and place red caviar on top. Place eggs stuffed with red caviar on a plate with lettuce, garnish with herbs, tomato slices or lemon slices.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and sprats

5 boiled eggs,
1 can of sprats,
fresh parsley,
Red caviar.

Carefully cut the boiled eggs into two halves, remove the yolks and mash them with a fork. Add half a can of sprats to the yolk mixture and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add finely chopped parsley to the resulting mass and mix everything well again. Now add mayonnaise, but a little so that the mass does not turn out liquid. Mix everything again and fill the egg halves with the filling. Cut out small triangular slices from the lemon and place on the filling, decorate the appetizer with fresh parsley leaves and place one coffee spoon of red caviar on each stuffed egg.

Lavash appetizer with red caviar, cream cheese and cherry tomatoes

thin pita bread,
cream cheese,
Red caviar,
cherry tomatoes,
green salad leaves.

Spread the pita bread, spread the cream cheese evenly over its surface, then spread red caviar in a thin layer. Carefully, trying not to crush the eggs, roll the pita bread into a roll. Using a sharp knife, cut the finished roll into portions, place them on a plate lined with lettuce leaves and garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Let your holiday be the most beautiful and delicious, and let the appetizers with red caviar on the festive table be a real hit of the feast!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Sandwiches with red caviar are a classic gourmet snack. You can prepare them in both the usual and unusual ways. Recipes for delicious sandwiches and photos of beautiful serving snacks are presented in this article.

Sandwich - best snack of all times and peoples. Every housewife always has her own recipe for delicious sandwiches for the holiday table. The sandwich perfectly replaces the usual bread and gives a feeling of fullness. If the sandwich is beautifully designed, it will certainly attract attention and also whet the appetite.

Very often you want to diversify the table and move away from the usual recipes. Therefore, housewives are always on the lookout for new salads, dishes and snacks. Diversify the usual sandwiches with caviar exotic fruit will help kiwi. The fact is that the sweet and sour “note” of the fruit goes well together with the salty taste of caviar and is complemented by the creamy taste of butter or soft cheese.

If you make sandwiches with caviar and kiwi, you will definitely surprise your guests and also decorate the festive table. Green kiwi looks very contrasting with the red color of caviar.

You will need:

  • Red caviar– a small jar (weighing approximately 80 g, maybe more)
  • Cream cheese - one jar of cream cheese (you can use any, for example Philadelphia)
  • Baguette (loaf, Altai bun) – Adjust the amount of bread for sandwiches yourself
  • Kiwi – 2-3 ripe fruits, not too hard


  • Cut the bread into rings no more than one centimeter thick. Give preference to a thin baguette, because it allows you to cut beautiful little pieces of bread, which will look neat on a serving dish.
  • Mash the cheese with a fork(depending on the cheese, this may not be necessary) and use a butter knife to spread it on each cut piece of bread.
  • Peel the kiwi and cut into rings and half rings . The size of the kiwi depends on your bread size, a small piece is half a kiwi ring, a large piece is a whole ring.
  • Decorate half of the sandwich with kiwi, the other half with a teaspoon add red caviar.

If desired, the finished sandwiches can be decorated at the end with a small sprig of herbs or onion feathers.

Sandwich with kiwi and red caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter: recipe and design

If you are not a supporter of experiments and are not ready to combine delicious red caviar with kiwi, making sandwiches with butter will suit you. Butter combines perfectly with the salty taste of caviar and ultimately creates an unsurpassed taste.

Even simple sandwiches with bread and caviar can be serve in an original way. An aesthetically designed dish always attracts the attention of guests.

You will need:

  • Caviar - one small jar, weighing 80 g
  • Oil - creamy, high fat, approximately 100 g
  • Bread - loaf, baguette, Altaika roll
  • Greens for decoration


  • Bread cut into thin slices
  • Oil It should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. This butter is convenient to apply to bread - it lays out in an even layer.
  • Caviar spread with a teaspoon without water (which may be present in the jar from bursting eggs). Depending on how you want to decorate the sandwich, caviar is placed on the bread in different quantities.

Several design options for sandwiches with caviar:

Standard serving of sandwiches with red caviar and butter

Beautiful presentation of sandwiches with red caviar and grape-shaped butter

Unusual serving of sandwiches with red caviar in the form of cherries

Sandwiches with red and black caviar: recipe and design

Red caviar - salmon caviar. It looks large and has a pleasant orange color. It has a salty, pleasant taste, not too greasy in feel. Depending on the quality of the caviar and the manufacturer, the grains may be elastic, shiny and have no liquid in the jar.

Black caviar - sturgeon caviar. In appearance, it is not much smaller than red caviar and appears as small black grains. Real black caviar is held in a “breast” and does not have any liquid in the jar. The taste of black caviar is also salty and feels similar to the taste of salted fish, for example, herring.

Black caviar is considered a delicacy and is quite expensive. Sandwiches with black and red caviar will be truly table decoration and treats for guests.

You will need:

  • Red caviar
  • Black caviar– standard small jar
  • Butter - soft, melted, high fat content. No more will be needed 100 g
  • Bread - choose a baguette, thin loaf or Altai bun


  • Slice the bread neat and thin slices, no more than one centimeter. Choose only fresh bread that will be fragrant and soft.
  • Spread soft butter on bread thick or thin layer to suit your taste.
  • Lay out the caviar one at a time. It could be half a sandwich covered with a certain caviar, or it could be caviar laid out in a “Zebra” pattern: red, black, red, black, and so on.

Several options for serving sandwiches with red and black caviar:

Simple serving of sandwiches with red and black caviar

Double serving of sandwich with red and black caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and cheese: recipe and design

An excellent substitute for butter will be soft cream cheese. The choice of cream cheese in a modern store is large: from Philadelphia to processed cream cheese. Give preference to high quality soft cheese without any flavoring additives.

If you use processed cheese, choose “Creamy”. This cheese is much softer than “Friendship” or any other. It spreads easily on bread in an even layer.

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Cream cheese - a standard small jar of about 100g or two processed “Cream” cheeses
  • Bread - baguette or loaf, Altaika bun
  • Greens for decoration


  • The bread is beautifully sliced for filing
  • Cream cheese spread in a good layer on bread
  • Caviar Place a teaspoon on top of the cream cheese

You can also mix cream cheese with chopped herbs, preferably dill - it will add freshness.

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream cheese

Sandwiches with red caviar and fish: recipe and design

The best combination with red caviar is considered red fish. For serving on sandwiches, use Fillet of red lightly salted fish. It is sold either in a fish store by weight or in neat briquettes with vacuum packaging.

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Red fish - a piece of 150-200 g
  • Butter - soft, high fat content, no more than 100 g
  • Bread - loaf or baguette, Altaika bun


  • Bread cut into beautiful pieces and brushed with butter
  • Fish fillet should be cut into thin strips using a wide knife
  • For a piece of bread you should carefully place a strip of fish fillet rolled into a rosette
  • Around the “rose” should be carefully placed on the oil. red caviar

Several options for serving sandwiches with red caviar and fish:

Simple serving of sandwiches with red caviar and red fish

Sandwiches with caviar and red fish

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar and fish

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado: recipe and design

Avocado is one of the best combinations with red caviar. Its soft, slightly creamy and nutty taste perfectly complements the salty caviar. It’s not for nothing that the sushi menu has a wide variety of rolls, which contain both caviar and avocado.

You can use the following as a brush for a sandwich:

  • Butter
  • Cream cheese
  • Processed cheese "Creamy"

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Cream cheese - for spreading (or any other option)
  • Avocado – one fruit
  • Bread - for sandwiches


  • Bread sliced ​​for serving and spread cream cheese
  • Avocado it is peeled, the pit is removed and the pulp is chopped beautiful thin slices(Another option suggests mashing the avocado into a paste and spreading it on top of the cheese).
  • Lays on the bread avocado slice or avocado paste
  • On top of avocado you should carefully lay out the red caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado paste

Original sandwiches with red caviar: options

For a special event, you can prepare original sandwiches with red caviar. Their presentation will be original, which can be supplemented with some edible and decorative elements.

Suitable decorations:

  • Green olives
  • Black olives
  • Lemon slices
  • Parsley, dill, onion
  • Crab sticks
  • Avocado
  • Chicken and quail egg
  • Blue onion rings
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Mayonnaise
  • Shrimp

Options for original serving of sandwiches with red caviar:

Sandwiches with red caviar, a slice of lemon and herbs

Sandwiches with red caviar and pancakes

Sandwiches with red caviar and olives

How to beautifully decorate and decorate holiday sandwiches with red caviar: photo

There are several ways to beautifully decorate sandwiches with red caviar:

  • Place with caviar on bread and butter a slice of fresh cucumber or tomato
  • Decorate the sandwich the same way boiled shrimp, placed on top of red caviar
  • You can decorate the sandwich olives and black olives, which will be attached to the bread with a toothpick or skewer
  • Together with caviar you can put it on bread half a boiled quail egg
  • In some cases, it is necessary to cut out decorations from crab sticks or decorate the sandwich with rings blue onion

Beautiful presentation of sandwiches with caviar

How to beautifully serve sandwiches with caviar?

Triangular sandwiches with caviar

Unusual serving of sandwiches with caviar

Interesting presentation of sandwiches with caviar

How to beautifully serve sandwiches with red caviar?

Presentation means a lot for any dish, including sandwiches. If you can serve an appetizer in an unusual, beautiful way, it will attract the attention of guests and become much more desirable than the main course.

Several options for serving sandwiches with caviar:

Original sandwich serving: caviar in egg

Beautiful presentation of sandwiches with red caviar

Unusual serving of caviar on cucumber

Sandwich with red caviar calorie content

A sandwich with caviar is quite a high-calorie dish, since it contains ingredients such as bread, butter and caviar itself. In order not to harm your figure, you should consume such a snack in limited quantities.

Calorie content per 100 grams:

Video: “Sandwiches with red caviar”


30 pcs.

20 minutes

320 kcal

5/5 (1)

Not every one of us can afford to eat red caviar with a spoon. But it’s quite affordable to “dilute” this expensive product with cheaper ones. And the most suitable option is to prepare sandwiches and decorate them festively. Such salty “tartlets” will appeal even to children, who often cannot be forced to eat healthy seafood. By the way, below we will discuss all their benefits and possible harm, clarify the maximum permissible single serving, and also decide at what age they can be given to children.

And now a little about the sandwiches themselves. The main additional ingredients for them are often white bread and butter. Agree: considering the nutritional value of all three components, the dish is quite high in calories. But we don’t eat it every day! So 1-2 sandwiches on holidays will not affect our figure in any way. Moreover, at the festive table there will be low-calorie dishes that can be used to compensate for the delicacies eaten. So, let's go!

Sandwiches with red caviar on the festive table

Required utensils: cutting board, cooking bag with a small star attachment, sharp knife, 3 bowls, teaspoon, serving dish.


Let's deal with caviar

Stores offer a wide variety of products, and without delving into the text of the label, you might think that the size of the eggs depends on their “age.” The smallest eggs reach 2 mm in diameter, and the largest - 7. In addition, they also differ in color and taste. All this is due to the type of fish from which the caviar is extracted.

Today the market offers red caviar of chum salmon, pink salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon and even flying fish. Their culinary purposes are different, but we are used to using “goodies” from pink salmon, chum salmon and sockeye salmon (i.e. the largest eggs) in our kitchen.

The nutritional value

A third of the product’s composition is made up of easily digestible proteins, the remaining 2/3 of the nutrients are shared by polyunsaturated (healthy) fats, vitamins, and microelements. Energy value - 245 kcal per 100 g. The complex of chemical components helps strengthen the skeletal system, the formation of hemoglobin, improves the functioning of the central nervous system, sharpens vision, restores reproductive function and has a positive effect on the circulatory system.

Standards of use

But everything will not be so rosy if you become saturated with it uncontrollably.

The maximum permissible single serving is 5 tsp. A larger amount at one time can harm the body.

First of all, the cause of negative consequences are preservatives, oversaturation with salt and high calorie content of the product. In this regard, it is allowed for children from the age of 3, and even then in a minimal amount, and it must be introduced into the children's diet sequentially, almost from one egg.

Before opening the jar, you should decide on the required amount of product. After all, you can store it in the refrigerator after opening for only 3 days, and you cannot freeze it.

Step-by-step production

  1. Remove 200 g of butter from the refrigerator, transfer to a bowl and leave to soften at room temperature. Wash 2 large bunches of dill and place them on a paper towel to dry.

  2. Remove the thick stems from 2 bunches of dill, chop the greens and pour them into the second bowl.

  3. Place 250-300 g of cream cheese in the third bowl.

  4. Spread the end of each round of bread with a thin layer of butter and generously roll the buttered ends of the baguette in the chopped dill.

  5. Place 1 tsp on each circle. cream cheese and spread it evenly with the back of a spoon.

  6. Place 1 tsp on one edge of all sandwiches on top of the cheese. without top of red caviar.

  7. Transfer the remaining soft butter into a piping bag and squeeze out small flowers onto opposite edges of the sandwiches.

Video recipe for sandwiches with red caviar

Find out what you can replace a baguette with, and also learn a simple technology for making sandwiches.

You can also make crispy sandwiches by making the base from.

How to make voluminous sandwiches with red caviar

  • Production time: up to half an hour.
  • Quantity, pcs.: 15.
  • Required utensils: cutting board, cone-shaped mold for baking tubes, sharp knife, teaspoon, serving dish.


Step-by-step production

  1. Remove 100 g of butter from the refrigerator, transfer to a bowl and leave to soften at room temperature. Wash 4 parsley sprigs and place on a paper towel to dry.

  2. Cut the French baguette into 2 cm thick slices, and then carefully cut off the crust.

  3. Spread each circle with a thin layer of butter.

  4. In half of the coated circles, cut round holes exactly in the center using a glass or a tube cutter.

  5. Cover each whole circle with an improvised bagel and lightly press down to glue it together.

  6. Place 1 tsp into the resulting craters. red caviar.

  7. Cut the washed and dried cucumber into half rings and place 3 of them on each top “donut”. Do not salt the cucumbers so that they do not release juice.

  8. Divide the dried parsley into shamrocks and place 3 of them on the free edges of each “donut” between the half rings of cucumbers.

  9. Transfer the finished products to a serving platter.

Video recipe for making voluminous sandwiches with red caviar

Learn how to cut holes in bread and how to properly fold and decorate the entire arrangement.

If you want to have a truly fishing day, prepare also, or a more economical option -.

Sandwiches for a weekday

Why on a weekday? Yes, because they are quite large, and treating a whole group of guests to such sandwiches is not very profitable. Although you can cut them in half, which will also be beautiful.

Video recipe

Find out what cheaper products can replace an expensive product.

For every day you can prepare something more modest, for example.

How to decorate

There are many products that go well with red caviar that you can safely add to sandwiches as a full ingredient or as a decoration:

  • olives and black olives;
  • lemon slices or half circles;
  • red or white fish;
  • anchovies;
  • capers;
  • crab sticks;
  • crab meat;
  • shrimps;
  • slices of hard cheese;
  • roses made from industrial spread based on cottage cheese or cream cheese;
  • fresh tomato;
  • boiled carrot figures;
  • pickled cucumber or zucchini;
  • fresh basil;
  • chopped boiled egg;
  • black or other fish roe.
  • Tint ready-made or home-made spreads with natural dyes from turmeric, beet juice or spinach.
  • Using spreads diluted with mayonnaise or soft butter using a pastry bag (syringe), make edges along the periphery, form waves, stars, flowers, draw a mesh, “weave” a braid.
  • Cut the bread into different shapes using cookie cutters.
  • Line a serving dish with leaf lettuce or lettuce, arugula, basil, or a mix of them, disassembled into sheets.

Making sandwiches with red caviar

As they say, it’s better to see once... The video shows many design options for sandwiches that are suitable for both holidays and everyday life.

So, red caviar in certain quantities is useful and helps improve the functions of many organs. But you still shouldn’t get carried away with it. Some doctors are of the opinion that the frequency of its use should not exceed 1 time every 2 months. During breaks, you should include a variety of other seafood in your diet. How often and in what form do you consume this delicacy? Do you give it to children? Tell us about your cooking habits in the comments.