Echidna (Echidna), Greek - the daughter of the god of the bottomless underground abyss Tartarus and Gaia or the giant Chrysaor and the oceanid Callirhoe (or the sea deity Phorcys and the oceanid Keto), the wife of the hundred-headed giant Typhon.

Echidna was half a beautiful woman (but only in appearance), half a snake, and lived in a deep underground cave.

She populated the world of myths with many monstrous creatures: her descendants were Kerberus, Orff, the Nemean Lion, the Crommion Pig, the Chimera, the Hydra, the Sphinx.

As some authors, including Herodotus, report, Echidna forced Hercules to marry him and gave birth to three sons from him: Agathyrsus, Gelon and Scythians. The Scythian, who managed to string the bow left by Hercules and gird himself with its belt, according to the will of Hercules, became the ruler of Scythia, and the Scythian kings descended from him.

The modern meaning of the word “echidna” - an evil, insidious, mocking creature - reflects not the female, but the serpentine essence of the mythical Echidna.

The dual essence of Echidna is to some extent reflected in zoological terminology. “Echidnas” is the name given to a genus of poisonous snakes of the asp family. But harmless small animals that live mainly in Australia are also called “echidnas.” They feed on insects and worms.

Some species are found in Papua New Guinea. They inhabit various places habitats from arid places to swamps. All species of the genus are dangerous and can cause potentially fatal bites.

Most snakes of this genus are about 2 m in length and vary in color. Some species are brown, others may be black. The most recognizable and widespread species is the black echidna ( Pseudechis porphyriacus) and the Brown King, or Mulga ( Pseudechis australis).

These snakes feed on lizards, frogs, birds, small mammals and even other snakes. All species except black echidna ( Pseudechis porphyriacus) are oviparous.


  • Pseudechis australis Gray, 1842 – Mulga, or Brown King
  • Pseudechis butleri Smith, 1982
  • Pseudechis collettii Boulenger, 1902
  • Pseudechis guttatus De Vis, 1905
  • Pseudechis pailsi Hoser, 1998
  • Pseudechis papuanus Peters & Doria, 1878
  • Pseudechis porphyriacus Shaw, 1794 - Black echidna
  • Pseudechis rossignolii Hoser, 2000
  • Pseudechis weigeli Wells & Wellington, 1987

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Echidnas (genus of snakes)” are in other dictionaries:

    Echidnas (Pseudechis), genus poisonous snakes family of asps. The body length of some species reaches 3 m. They are ovoviviparous. They feed mainly on small vertebrates. 4 (or 5) types; two are common in New Guinea, the rest are in Australia.… …

    - (Pseudechis), genus of snakes of the family. Aspidae. Dl. up to 2 m. 4 species, in the East. and Yuzh. Australia and New Guinea. They lead a terrestrial, often semi-aquatic lifestyle, swim and dive well. They eat ch. arr. amphibians and reptiles. Ovoviviparous. Most... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Scientific classification ... Wikipedia

    I family of mammals of the oviparous subclass. The body (length up to 80 cm) is covered with needles. 2 types. The Australian echidna lives in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, in bushes. Feeds on insects. The female lays one egg and... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ECHIDNA, a genus of poisonous snakes of the asp family. Length up to 2 m. 4 types, in New. Guinea and Australia. Until sep. 19th century Various poisonous snakes were called echidnas... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Genus of poisonous snakes of the family. asps. Dl. up to 2 m. 4 species, in N. Guinea and Australia. Until sep. 19th century E. was called diff. poisonous snakes... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    I Echidnas (Tachyglossidae) are a family of oviparous mammals. 2 genera proper of E., or short-beaked E. (Tachyglossus), with 2 species (Australian E. T. aculeatus and Tasmanian E. T. setosus), and Prochidna, or long-beaked E., with ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Echidna: Wiktionary has an entry for "echidna" Echidna (mythology) half-woman, half-snake character Greek mythology. Echidna (Bible) in Russian until the 19th century, including in the Russian Synodal Translation of the Bible: poisonous snake. Echidnas (lat. ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek echidna). 1) mythological creature, half woman, half snake. 2) some types of snakes. 3) a malicious, crafty person who hides his malice under the guise of kindness and affection. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Echidnovae ... Wikipedia

September 12th, 2015

Original taken from rodom_iz_tiflis in Biblical genetics. Spawn of echidnas.

Preliminary remarks.

Everything stated below is the fruit of my thoughts, inspired by discussions on the Internet. Thoughts and judgments can be completely wrong, like any person, but I have the right to think this way. In no case do I pursue the goal of somehow offending the feelings of believers or imposing my opinion, but I set myself the task of understanding what the Bible is actually about.

The first book of the Bible tells about genetic experiments as a result of which Adam was created, and it is called “Genesis” in the sense of “generation”, although in Russian publications it is traditionally incorrectly translated as “Genesis”.

Michelangelo, "The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise"

God creates man immediately bisexual in the first chapter of Genesis (book of Genesis).

upd: Bisexual - I mean male and female, as it is written:

This normal people, which reproduce freely and without problems and inhabit the entire Earth. Further narration about them is interrupted and the Bible immediately moves on to the second act of creation.

Omitting the details, I will clarify that it is not God, but someone the Lord God, who creates a human clone in a repeated act of creation in a laboratory called Eden.

And again the Russian translation is disingenuous, since in the original the Lord God sounds in plural- Elohim (translated as “Gods”). That is, Adam was created as a result of genetic cloning, not by God, but by the creative team of the Elohim. Later, Eve was created from Adam’s genetic material. .

upd: Adam for a long time I was alone in Eden. Moreover, he, being alone, without Eve, even received a commandment - not to eat the forbidden fruit! I wonder what would have happened if he had tasted this fruit before Eve was created?

Who were Adam and Eve created in a genetic experiment?
The Bible gives a clear answer, in black and white, if you only read what it says and not the ridiculous interpretations:

Both Adam and Eve were Nagas, that is, creatures with hybrid, human and snake genetics.

Adam's first wife
The fact that Adam’s first wife was not Eve at all, but the serpentine Lilith, is well known from apocryphal literature and images. Michelangelo, who depicted Moses with horns, in the scene of the Fall depicted the serpent with two tails in the form of a maiden snake (see image above). There are many other images of Lilith as a naked woman with clear reptilian features on her lower body.

Apparently, Adam could not create viable offspring with Lilith due to genetic incompatibility. The first genetic experiment was a failure.

However, Lilith by no means disappeared from Eden and became widely known under other names. For example - Melusine. I recommend a great post about the legend of Melusine, who became the founder of royal dynasties. According to legend, Melusine was the niece of King Arthur.

Discovering Melusine's secret. Gillebert de Metz, ca. 1410.
French National Library

In other sources, Lilith-Melusina is called Echidna, who was depicted as a woman with a beautiful face and a spotted snake body, combining beauty and a fierce character. There are other names for this kind of creature: folk legends of Southern France (Provence and Languedoc) talk about a terrible monster Voivre(or fire snake) which “from the waist down the image of a man is immat, like a maiden, and from the waist down the image of crocodiles is immat”

Let us remember two points regarding Lilith:
- one of her names is Echidna, who is depicted with pronounced bare breasts and a snake-like lower part;
- another of her names is Melusine, who, according to legend, was the niece of King Arthur.

Features of Biblical Reproduction
More than once in the Bible there is direct reference to the fact that a man gave birth to a man.
Here is an example from the first book Old Testament, the same Genesis:

And here is the very beginning of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew:

All these men being born male are extremely confusing to pure minds who are reading the Bible for the first time. Interpreters have their own answers, which are neither convincing nor transparent.

Let us remember, however, that all of the “men” listed are descendants of that genetically bred Naga Adam, with a mixed reptilian genotype. Reptiles have unique property- their gender changes depending on external conditions, for example - temperature.

In this context, it becomes quite clear how Abraham could give birth to Isaac, Isaac - Jacob, and he - a whole set of boys. There is just one “but” - reptiles lay eggs, with the exception of some exceptions in the form of viviparous lizards.

It is interesting that Jesus more than once called his relatives snakes and brood of vipers:

That is, if you listen to the words of Jesus and perceive them as they are, he openly called the descendants of Adam snakes and the offspring of Lilith-Echidna. Jesus knew about their genetics, unlike us.

There is a funny animal, which is also called echidna:

A unique feature of this animal, which lives in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, is that, as a mammal, it lays soft, leathery eggs, which it then carries in a pouch. ( dmitrijan , well, who would have thought! :) That is, the animal, like Lilith-Melusina-Echidna, combines the intermediate genetics of a mammal and an oviparous animal.

What, besides genetics, could Jesus have meant when he called his relatives not just echidnas, but BODIES of echidnas? The interpretations of Bible scholars, including John Chrysostom, do not stand up to criticism.

the Virgin Mary
The Virgin Mary is always depicted in long skirt, at least on numerous canvases and sculptures that I saw in many museums in Portugal. Collections of strange skirts are widely represented at Assucareira, for example, at least

I have no clear evidence, except for the internal conviction that the Virgin Mary was of the same tailed clan-tribe as Lilith. Deprived of the opportunity to produce viable offspring on her own, she had to resort to the genetic procedure of IVF, which was called “conception by spirit.”

Apparently, this experiment was successful and to some extent took revenge on the unsuccessful experiment in Eden. Jesus was the first viable result of an experiment in crossing creatures a la Lilith and the human genotype. This is why Jesus often called himself “Son of Man.”

Representatives of other laboratories came running to see the successes of biblical genetics. Nothing else can explain such interest in the baby. See how closely the result of a successful experiment is studied. And other geneticists stand in line with vessels for genetic material. And don’t pretend that these are toys for a baby or valuable gifts for his mother. Better pay attention to the proportions of the lower body of Jesus' mother.

As a result of the experiment, it was possible to naturally cross the genetics of original people and hybrids from the second chapter of Genesis, the descendants of Adam. All noble families went through such genetics, mythologized in some places, as in the case of King Arthur or Melusine.

So what is the holy grail in this case with the blood of Jesus that gives immortality? This is a vessel with genetic material that allows Lilith-like creatures to have viable offspring in Earth conditions. Call them reptilians, if you like, although the term has already been worn out.
The birth of Jesus as a result of IVF gave reptilians the opportunity to give birth to viable offspring from a woman, and not reproduce from man to man, like lizards and snakes or the offspring of echidnas. Isn’t this the story of King Arthur, Melusine-Echidna’s uncle, who was so looking for the Holy Grail?

Son of man
Jesus is perhaps a collective image. I wouldn't like to think that it all comes down to just genetics. But still, in conclusion, let’s look at a few more paintings that I happened to see together with Assucareira in one of the little-known Portuguese museums, I don’t even remember which one.

The painting depicts the captivity of Jesus. The codpiece of the right soldier, a Roman, stands out clearly, as if giving a hint about the artist’s intention.
Right in the middle of the composition, a soldier makes an obscene gesture, checking for the presence of a male organ on Jesus. This does not look like a mockery, but rather a certification of authenticity before the captivity, as if by the presence of an organ one could reliably determine that it was Jesus. That is, it turns out that before Jesus, the reproduction of Adam’s descendants took place in a completely different way, which is impossible to imagine today?

Perhaps, in fact, Jesus revealed the New Testament, New Era for them, the descendants of Adam, hybrids crossed with humans, who received the opportunity to reproduce and thus prolong their race? Maybe the Son of Man sowed a completely different seed, like a “breeding” producer?

John the Christite knows about the details of Biblical genetics, but is silent, holding a vessel with a snake in his hands.

Understanding that around us there are creatures that look the same, but are completely different internally, is the most important step in protecting our original rights and interests.

A few years ago there was an exhibition in London " ConcealedandRevealed:TheChangingFacesofElizabethI» which featured a portrait of Elizabeth I, queen regnant of England and Ireland, painted by an unknown artist between 1580 and 1590.

This little-known portrait in last time up to this point, it had been exhibited only in 1921, and even then it raised some questions.

The obvious strangeness of the flowers that the queen holds in her hand attracted attention for a long time, and over time, an incomprehensible spiral appeared that appeared on top of her hand.

It turned out that the whole point is that blue-green paints have the ability to penetrate into the upper layers with white. After the mysterious painting was restored, it turned out that Elizabeth was holding the Black Echidna (pseudechis) in her hands.

It is unknown when exactly the snake placed in the queen’s fingers was replaced with a bouquet of roses, but the fact remains that in the artist’s original version it was she who was drawn. Perhaps it was used as a symbol of wisdom, caution and informed decisions, but most often the snake, especially in Christian tradition, means Satan and is a symbol of original sin. Moreover, the Black Echidna is a black snake with greenish-blue scales, which, as art historians note, was painted with great skill.

This is what the restored original version of the work looks like. On the left it is in infrared rays, on the right is a restored fragment of the painting.

Historians know that Elizabeth I owned jewelry and items of clothing with the image of a snake, but not a single painting has survived in which she would be depicted with this symbol. This is the first find.

But no matter how it is, it is clear that monarchs simply do not hold anything in their hands - this is an unambiguous symbol of power. And it was not for nothing that the snake was then painted over. Although, of course, in a good way - it was necessary to first wash it off with thinner and then paint it over so that no traces remained...

And also notice how pale, almost cyanotic, the queen’s face is - it just begs the question, is she a warm-blooded creature? And one more thing: look at how strange Elizabeth’s facial features are. Just an incredible combination of a very unusual nose with such a long chin. There are no such disproportionate faces in nature, so the portrait looks strange, as if the face was simply invented by someone. In general, if you take the parameters of the skull of the drawn Elizabeth, you can easily imagine how, under the mask of a person, there is either a humanoid or a reptilian hiding.

But this, of course, is all stupid fantasy, just for fun, so to speak. But here is another Elizabeth in a hat with a ball of snakes - the pure truth.

So it makes no sense to deny that snakes played and still play some important role in the lives of royalty.

To be continued…

Black snake(lat. Pseudechis porphyriacus), or black echidna- a poisonous snake from the genus Black snakes of the Aspidae family. It is included in the list of the most poisonous snakes tropical zone and is recognized as one of the most dangerous in the world.

Australians simply call it “black snake.” This species is common near rivers and swamps throughout Eastern and Southern Australia, as well as on the island of New Guinea. You will not see a black snake only in the north of the country and on the island of Tasmania.

It lives in moderately humid lowlands and along river valleys, readily contacts water, dives and swims well.

Can spend about an hour under water without air. The peak of activity is observed in daytime days when the water in reservoirs warms up well.

total length adult reaches 1.5 - 2 m. The glossy bluish-black color of the snake’s back combines effectively with the red, dark red or pinkish color of the belly with a characteristic black border. Its scales are symmetrical and smooth. The body is stocky and slender. The head of representatives of this species is elongated, small, covered with brown spots, which can be located on the nose or near the eyes.

The black snake's venomous teeth are located in the front of the upper jaw bones. They are much larger than other teeth, curved inward and equipped with a poison-conducting channel. Usually only one of these teeth functions; the second is a “spare” in case the first is lost. In addition to fangs, the upper jaw has small teeth.

When the black echidna suspects danger, it extends its neck high above the ground (10-20 cm), tilts the front part of its body forward and strikes.

The black snake is especially dangerous for swimmers because of its habit of resting motionless on the bottom of the river, without showing any signs of life. She will attack only if they try to catch her, step on her, or show open aggression. Fatality from the bite of this snake is quite rare, despite the fact that in Australia there is much more people bitten by black echidna than by other snakes. And the whole point is that poison produced in large quantities has no effect strong action due to the fact that when defending itself, the snake releases less poison than when hunting.

When threatened or irritated, the black echidna spreads its cervical ribs to the sides, flattening and expanding its neck.

Very often, males of this species engage in battle with each other. Raising their heads and bending their necks, they attack each other, while trying to cover the opponent’s head with their own. When one of the opponents manages to do this, he abruptly wraps his body around the opponent’s body. Hissing and squirming furiously, both males squeeze each other. After this, as if on cue, they stop fighting and disperse to prepare for the next fight. Each such “round” lasts approximately a minute, and is repeated until the fighters are completely exhausted. Sometimes black snakes are so carried away by tournament combat that they do not untangle even if you intervene and lift them from the ground. main reason such fights - territorial instinct and excitement associated with mating season. An interesting fact is that during the fight the opponents do not bite each other.

It feeds on lizards, snakes and frogs. Young black snakes prefer insects and other small invertebrates. In captivity they eat mice well.

The black echidna, like other adders, is an ovoviviparous snake. She gives birth to already formed and viable young. Black snake eggs develop in the mother's body, and not in a pile of dry leaves or moss, like most snakes. A female can give birth to from 8 to 40 babies with a length of 15 to 22 cm, however, due to the high natural mortality in wildlife, very few individuals survive to adulthood. When it comes to keeping black snakes in an artificial environment, great care is required given their poisonous nature. To create comfortable and favorable conditions, Australian asps need a terrarium in which the temperature will range from 22 to 28 degrees. It should have shelters in the form of wooden houses or grottoes, which create a darkened area, and a bedding made of large wood shavings. To maintain comfortable air humidity, it is necessary to spray water in the terrarium three times a week. You can feed snakes with young rats, mice and frogs. When feeding frogs, it is important to pay attention to the location of capture, the species and their general condition, as snakes are sensitive to toxins that may be in the frog's body.

Scientific classification:
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordates
Class: Reptiles
Squad: Scaly
Family: Asps
Genus: Black snakes

View: Black snake (lat. Pseudechis porphyriacus)