Life, on the street, the producer's 16-year-old son died, presumably of a heart attack." Happy May"Andrey Razin Alexander. Andrei Razin himself wrote about his son’s death on social networks. Singer Natalya Grozovskaya reported on her page what exactly happened: “Friends, we are in grief. Andrei Razin’s son Sasha Razin has died. Please pray for the repose of his soul... Heart attack. He was walking down the street and fell.”

Most people believe that heart attacks occur mainly in older people, and in childhood and adolescence it's almost impossible. In fact, as pediatric cardiologist Anna Armaganova said, no one is immune from this.

Firstly, the child may have an undiagnosed pathology. For example this heart disease(although gross heart defects are usually still detected) or congenital disorders of cardiac rhythm and conduction.

Secondly, heart problems (which do not make themselves felt for a long time, but exist) can arise due to a previous illness.

Banal acute respiratory infections and flu could cause complications on the heart, carditis, which at first did not manifest itself in any way,” said Anna Armaganova.

Carditis is an inflammatory lesion of the heart that can occur for many reasons, including allergies to medications, a viral infection (eg, rubella, Coxsackie virus), or a bacterial infection (eg, tonsillitis, scarlet fever).

Perhaps nothing happened. Heart disease can occur for the first time in life and immediately result in death. No one is immune from this,” said Anna Armaganova.

According to her, when arrhythmias(occurring from birth or recently), sudden ventricular fibrillation (uneven contraction of the heart muscle tissue), or ventricular tachycardia, which turns into fibrillation, may occur.

However, sudden death occurs in adolescence not only due to heart problems. The cause may be congenital aneurysm cerebral vessels. This pathological local expansion of the lumen of the cerebral artery. Rupture of an aneurysm causes death or neurological impairment of varying severity.

Reason sudden death maybe detached blood clot.

A thrombus (blood clot) could form in a blood vessel,” said Anna Armaganova. “It could come off and clog a blood vessel.” The result is a pulmonary infarction or heart attack.

The doctor told us what symptoms parents should pay attention to in order to avoid a possible tragedy.

You need to be careful: for example, if a child often complains about headache“, it’s better to check with a doctor (at least once) what the reason might be, and not say right away that he’s lazy and doesn’t want to do his homework,” said Anna Armaganova.

Another warning symptom is fainting. U healthy person they shouldn't exist. The reason may be minor, but it is better to get it checked.

Of course, it is necessary to conduct an examination when a child has heart complaints or chest pain.At the same time, according to the doctor, existing system diagnostics guaranteed by the state are quite normal.

When a child goes to kindergarten (for the first time), and then to school, they do cardiograms,” she said. - During regular medical examinations, examinations are also carried out. Thus, there is screening for gross violations.

Changes occur in a growing body - explained Anna Armaganova.

Andrei Razin had two sons. Moreover, the producer of the group “Tender May” learned about the eldest, 32-year-old Ilya, only in 2003. Currently, the young man lives in St. Petersburg, works as a stylist, and has his own studio in Sochi. Despite the years of separation, Ilya is close to his father and maintained a relationship with his half-brother Alexander.


Meanwhile, for several years, Ilya Razin has been dating model Elizaveta. Their relationship is more than serious - Ilya introduced his beloved to his father, and he approved of his choice. And last year, Ilya proposed to Elizabeth. The singer, Andrei Razin’s lover Natalya Grozovskaya told reporters about this.

“Ilya is getting married in August. Andrei hopes that Ilyusha will have many grandchildren, and they will help him recover from such a strong shock and grief,” Starhit quotes the artist. Let us remind you that Andrei Razin’s 16-year-old son Alexander died of a heart attack. The guy felt bad while walking with his girlfriend. She called an ambulance, and doctors tried to save Alexander for two hours.

The cardiologist, as the site previously wrote, named lack of sleep and improper daily routine as the possible cause of the young man’s death. According to her, many teenagers sleep only five hours a day, which changes their heart rate. In addition, some young people are ruining their health by drinking energy drinks, the harmful effects of which have been recognized by doctors around the world. However, according to another version, Sasha was diagnosed with a heart defect, which had not been diagnosed earlier and was asymptomatic.

Alexander Razin was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery March 14th. On March 19, the producer left a sad note on his Instagram account. “Nine days have passed since our son Alexander Razin left this sinful but beautiful world. We, mother Maritanna and I, father, are madly grieving for the irreparable loss, but are immensely grateful to all our relatives and friends who supported us in these tragic days. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. May God protect you,” Razin addressed the concerned public.

In Moscow, at the age of 16, the son of the former lead singer and producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin died. About this on your page in Facebook said singer Natalya Grozovskaya, Razin’s current life partner.

“Friends, we are in grief... Andrei Razin’s son has died... Sasha Razin... Please pray for the Repose of his soul...” she wrote. There, Grozovskaya reported the cause of Alexander’s death: “Heart attack. He was walking down the street and fell.”

Alexander was born in the third marriage of Andrei Razin in 2001. facebook

Andrei Razin with his son and wife. instagram

After this, Andrei Razin on his page in social network Instagram posted last photo with son. “The kingdom of heaven, Sashulya,” he wrote.

According to former assistant Andrei Razin, after the death of his son, the producer is in a serious psychological state. “He practically grew up before my eyes. The news of his death came as a complete surprise to me,” REN-TV quotes him.

Alexander Razin.

Meanwhile, representatives of the producer of the group “Tender May” spoke about the details of the tragedy that occurred on the evening of March 10 near the Udarnik cinema on Bolotnaya Square. As it turned out, the young man died during a date in front of his girlfriend. “At that moment, his girlfriend was next to him, with whom he was walking,” Razin’s representatives told

Doctors tried to save the guy for two hours. However, the doctors’ attempts were unsuccessful: Alexander died as a result of a heart attack.

Later it became known that before the ambulance arrived, a passerby, neurosurgeon Alexey Kashcheev, tried to save Andrei Razin’s son. The doctor reported this on his page on the social network. Facebook.

On the day of the incident, the doctor wrote that he was trying to resuscitate a “random passerby” on the street. He reported that “during the 20-minute cardiopulmonary resuscitation” he “managed to restore the rhythm twice, but each time it broke down.” Later Kashcheev learned that the unknown person was the son of Andrei Razin.

“I never tire of being amazed at the coincidences that happen in life. It turns out that the young man whom I tried to revive on the street the night before yesterday is the son of Andrei Razin, producer of the group “Tender May”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save him later,” - wrote the neurosurgeon.

According to relatives, Sasha had no health problems. He studied at a Moscow school with advanced study in English, planned to enter Moscow State University, since childhood he was fond of swimming and wrestling. Relatives also said that Alexander regularly attended church, and two years ago he discovered his talent as an artist and painted two paintings. Judging by the photographs on social networks, the son of the creator of “Tender May” had another passion: motorcycles and cars, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Alexander Razin.

In an interview with the newspaper, pediatric cardiologist Elena Murashko said that heart problems have become very common among 16-year-old boys from large cities. "And many of them are athletic, pumped up. There are several reasons. One of them is sports clubs often, under the guise of expensive vitamins, they offer their clients anabolic steroids. As a result, testosterone levels in such young people drop to zero, and the body as a whole begins to suffer. Another one possible reason- incorrect daily routine, insufficient sleep. Nowadays, at this age, people sleep for five hours. Their heart rate, instead of the normal 70, drops to 45. Previously, this was an indication for hospitalization, but now doctors simply prescribe recommendations and that’s it. Finally, energy drinks can cause dire consequences,” the doctor said.

The sad news was announced today on her Facebook by singer Natalya Grozovskaya, the current life partner of the ex-soloist and producer of the group “Tender May”:

“Friends, we are in grief.. Andrei Razin’s son has died.. Sasha Razin.. Please pray for the Repose of his soul...”

She also reported the cause of Alexander’s death: “Heart attack. He was walking down the street and fell.” By the way, the boy only turned 16 on January 20th.

Judging by Sasha’s page on VKontakte, he led a very active lifestyle - hanging out with friends, riding around Moscow on a motorcycle, going to parties, relaxing at cool resorts, and playing sports. Whether Alexander and his parents knew about his health problems is still unknown.

Judging by Sasha’s page on VKontakte, he led a very active lifestyle Photo:

Alexander was born in the third marriage of Andrei Razin in 2001. The artist met Faina Razina back in 1984. But the relationship began only after Andrei married other women twice.

Alexander was born in the third marriage of Andrei Razin in 2001. Photo: Personal page hero of a social network post

From his first marriage, Razin had a son, Ilya, in 1995 (the producer and politician learned about his existence only in 2003). For the second time, Andrei married Natalya Lebedeva, there were no children.

Whether Alexander and his parents knew about his health problems is still unknown. Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

In 2009, Razin Sr. moved his son from the capital to his mansion in Sochi, away from swine flu, the threat of which was then talked about everywhere. The boy went to third grade in the Black Sea health resort. But then his father moved him back to the capital.


It took two hours to save Sasha

As we learned, the accident happened during a date. The young man was walking with his girlfriend when he suddenly felt ill. Apparently, she called Sasha Ambulance. Doctors delivered young man to the hospital, where they tried to save Alexander for two hours. But, unfortunately, without success. According to preliminary data, a 16-year-old teenager suffered a heart attack.

The creator of the group “Tender May”, showman, politician and businessman Andrei Razin announced the sudden death of his son Alexander.

The personal life of Andrei Razin is very complicated. It is known that Razin’s first son Ilya was born in 1985, but his father learned about his existence only in 2003.

But Alexander was born in a legal marriage in 2001 and judging by the photo, the relationship with him and his mother Faina remained family. They celebrated his birthday in January, and holiday photo Andrey commented: “My wife and I are the happiest parents. Our son Sasha is sixteen years old. January 20, 2017.”

But less than two months after this, a mournful entry appeared on the microblog of his current wife Natalya Grozovskaya: “Friends, we have grief... Andrei Razin’s son Sasha Razin has died. Please pray for the repose of his soul...”

Soon, Andrei himself confirmed his son’s death.

Last photo with my son. Kingdom of heaven Sashul,” Razin signed the photo.

Relatives do not particularly talk about the reasons for the guy’s death. They say that while walking with his girlfriend, he suddenly fell. She called an ambulance, and after several hours of fighting for his life, he died. The cause was given as a heart attack.

Of course, it’s always strange to learn that a young guy riding motorcycles with friends suddenly dies of a heart attack, but that’s probably what happens...