The Russian government again trusts former Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. His candidacy has been nominated to the board of directors of the United Aircraft Corporation (). The corresponding order was published on the website.

If the former military leader is confirmed in office, this will be his fourth promotion in less than three years.

So, in 2014 he took the post of adviser to the first deputy general director state corporation Rostec, in the fall of 2015 he became industrial director for the aviation complex, and in October 2016 he joined the board of Rostec.

The start of Serdyukov’s career growth was the position of general director of FIITs M, to which he was appointed after his resignation from the post of Minister of Defense due to a corruption scandal. Although, unlike other defendants in the scandal, Serdyukov did not end up in the dock, since he was amnestied in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. But almost all of his so-called Amazons had to “trample the zone.”

Diamonds and poems

Even the ex-head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense, a person close to the former military leader not only by virtue of her position, but also by place of residence (Vasilieva lived in the same house with Serdyukov. - Gazeta.Ru), visited places not so distant . On May 8, 2015, Vasilyeva was found guilty of laundering proceeds of crime, fraud and theft of agency fees and was sentenced to five years in prison in a general regime colony.

On July 23, 2015, she was transferred to women's colony No. 1 (IK-1) in the village of Golovino Vladimir region. And a month later, the district court at the location of the colony decided to immediately release Vasilyeva on parole.

The court counted house arrest as the sentence served for the ex-official, during which she published a collection of poems, organized several personal exhibitions of her paintings and even shot a video. According to media reports, such promotion could cost Vasilyeva up to $1 million.

Now Evgenia Vasilyeva is studying for a master's degree at the Faculty of Arts, and is also trying to promote her own jewelry business. According to the Kontur.Focus database, Vasilyeva owns the companies Constanta, Your Choice, Argument, Priority, StroyPartner and Result. All these companies are headed by Mikhail Koptyaev, a graduate of the Lyceum of Decorative and Applied Arts, who once worked at the Almaz-Holding jewelry company. Last year, Koptyaev recruited jewelers and designers for the Rezultat company who could create sketches, make professional hand drawings and develop new jewelry from scratch. However, according to financial reports, the Result company is unprofitable. In 2014, the company’s revenue amounted to 48 million rubles, and losses - 17 million.

According to media reports, the main income for Vasilyeva’s companies comes from renting out real estate. Thus, the publication wrote in 2016 that the ex-official allegedly owns a premises on Arbat with an area of ​​642.7 square meters. m, which is rented by Fastland LLC, which operates in the catering market under the guise of the Mu-mu cafe chain. In a word, after Evgenia Vasilyeva’s release, she plunged headlong into business and no longer pleases Russians with her own creativity.

Argentine tango under state protection

Under investigation, not only Evgenia Vasiliev became interested in the art, but also her ex-girlfriend Ekaterina Smetanova. She headed the Expert Legal Support Center LLC, which was involved in the assessment of objects intended for sale. According to investigators, Smetanova received illegal monetary compensation through an intermediary for conducting property assessments, and the price of buildings was allegedly significantly underestimated.

In April 2016, Smetanova was sentenced to four years suspended imprisonment with probationary period five years. She was also given a fine in the amount of a one-time amount of commercial bribery - just under 6.5 million rubles. At the same time, Smetanova’s case was considered behind closed doors and in a special manner. Even during the investigation in 2013, the woman entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement, within the framework of which she admitted her guilt and testified against other persons involved in the scandal, including Evgenia Vasilyeva. After this testimony, Smetanova was released from and taken under state protection due to possible pressure on her.

As Gazeta.Ru found out, while under state protection, Smetanova did not waste time: she was engaged in business and Latin American dancing.

Moreover, during the investigation, the key witness became an advanced dancer who regularly takes part in amateur competitions. For example, in October 2016, Smetanova participated in the Russian Open Argentine Tango Championship and was among the top three winners. In addition, the woman participates in concerts and performances organized by her dance club.

Meanwhile, Smetanova’s husband Maxim Zakutailo, who was also involved in the theft case at Oboronservis, was released on parole in the summer of 2016. “Everything is fine with them, they work, and none of them wants to remember the affairs of the past, and dancing is just a hobby,” said Smetanova’s mother Olga Pozharskaya, refusing further comments. Smetanova herself did not want to communicate with journalists.

Alcohol Chronicles

In the summer of 2016, another defendant in the Oboronservis criminal case, Irina, was also released on parole. According to investigators, Egorova was Vasilyeva’s chief treasurer: the woman cashed out the profits received from shady transactions with military real estate and returned them to her accomplices. Using cash from Egorova, her friends from the Ministry of Defense and Oboronservis bought apartments, cars, jewelry and hired service personnel. On May 8, 2015, the court sentenced Egorova to three and a half years in prison.

It is noteworthy that she was sent to women's colony No. 1 (IK-1) in the village of Golovino, Vladimir region, where Evgenia Vasilyeva was serving her sentence. True, unlike her, Egorova stayed in the zone not for 31 days, but for ten months. Moreover, the petition for her parole was considered by the same judge who released the former military official.

Apparently, Egorova did not waste her business acumen in captivity. Four months after her release, the woman registered and headed the Wolf company, which, according to statutory documents, is engaged retail trade alcohol.

In addition, according to Kontur.Focus, Egorova owns Status LLC, which is engaged in wholesale trade food products, as well as the Horse and Ronix Plus enterprises. In two more companies, Gidron and Vector-SPb, owned by Evgenia Vasilyeva, Egorova holds the position of manager.

Under the wing of Serdyukov’s son

It should be noted that not all participants in the corruption scandal in the Ministry of Defense were involved in the same criminal case. For example, Natalya Dynkova and her son Nikolai were convicted on other charges. And Evgenia Vasilyeva was a witness in their case.

Dynkova’s name began to be mentioned in the press at the beginning of 2012, when it was just reported about the upcoming large-scale layoffs in the military department. Then she was called the general director of Agroprom, a subsidiary, and assumptions were made about problems with the supply of food within the framework of the state defense order. However, charges of illegal transactions with military property that Natalya Dynkova entered into while serving as general director of the 439th Central Experimental Military Cartographic Factory reached the court. The Ministry of Defense required that transactions with property be coordinated with the department of property relations of the department. But Dynkova independently leased non-residential premises to StroyAlliance LLC on conditions that were obviously unfavorable for the military department. The only founder of the company was her son Nikolai Dynkov. He received six buildings with a total area of ​​6 thousand square meters. m and started subletting them.

In the summer of 2014, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow sentenced Natalya Dynkova to three years in prison in a penal colony. Her son Nikolai, who earned more than 34 million rubles from subletting, was sentenced to two years in a penal colony. Now mother and son are free.

In 2016, Nikolai Dynkov, according to the database, headed construction company"Kraft", which belongs to the son of Anatoly Serdyukov Sergei.

Obviously, Dynkov will lead the company out of the crisis, because, according to open data, the company is suffering losses. Thus, in 2015, with revenue of 4 million rubles, Kraft’s losses amounted to 230 thousand rubles. Moreover, the company does not disdain very small orders. For example, Kraft made a parking lot for one of its subsidiaries for 50 thousand rubles.

Meanwhile, not all those involved in the Oboronservis case have yet been released. So, now the former deputy director of Oboronstroy OJSC Yuri Grekhnev and his former boss, ex-head are in custody. However, according to Gazeta.Ru sources, already in March of this year they will submit applications for parole, and, most likely, the court will meet them halfway. At least, the Federal Penitentiary Service has no complaints against them and characterizes them as disciplined prisoners. All other defendants in the Oboronservis criminal case who have already been released received the same characteristics.

Just recently, the entire public was outraged by the fraud taking place in the country's military department. The Oboronservis case was covered on almost every news channel on Russian television. His defendant, Evgenia Vasilyeva, was subjected to severe criticism and censure. The people demanded that the high-ranking official receive the deserved punishment for the atrocities committed.

However, fate turned out to be favorable to her. Having received a mild sentence (house arrest), she could pursue her favorite hobbies: painting and music. For many, Evgenia Vasilyeva is an official who got away with almost everything. Is this really so, and how did she manage to get into the highest echelons of power? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Vasilyeva Evgenia Nikolaevna is a native of the city on the Neva. She was born on February 20, 1979. The future official was the only child in the family, so her parents surrounded her with care and did not deny her anything.

Evgenia Vasilyeva’s father is a well-known entrepreneur in certain circles. Was wealthy man, so he could spoil his only daughter.

At the same time, as a child, Evgenia did not stand out from her peers in any way. She, like other kids, attended school, spent time with friends, and went to various clubs. And at home, Evgenia Vasilyeva’s relatives cared for and cherished their daughter, so there were practically no prohibitions for her.

Student years

Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl decided to become a specialist in jurisprudence. She entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University (SPSU). It was within the walls of this university that fate would bring Vasilyeva together with her future patron Anatoly Serdyukov, who also learned the basics of jurisprudence at the above-mentioned educational institution.

Start of work

Having become a certified lawyer, Evgenia Vasilyeva found a job in one of the local real estate companies. After some time, she began working as a lawyer in various commercial structures.

In 2006, the girl changed places, moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In the capital, she gets a job at the construction and investment company S-Holding, but after working there for several months, she quits.

A year later, Evgenia Nikolaevna works in St. Petersburg companies, heading a branch of the construction structure "SU-155", and then becoming at the helm legal entity LLC "Baltikstroy"

Shortly before these appointments, a graduate of St. Petersburg State University in Cannes, at an international real estate exhibition, made an acquaintance with a major Russian official, Vladimir Resin, thanks to whose patronage she would subsequently find herself in the highest structures of government.

Higher echelons of power

Soon Vasilyeva Evgenia becomes an adviser to Resin, who at that time served as the first deputy mayor of the capital. In Moscow, a newly-minted official settles in an elite house in the very center of the city. Evgenia Nikolaevna’s housing consists of four rooms, the area is 200 square meters. Vasilyeva’s career is going uphill.

In 2009, she was appointed to the position of adviser to the head of the administration of the head of state, Alexander Beglov. Then Vasilyeva Evgenia Nikolaevna moves to a senior position in the military department, becoming an adviser-chief of staff to the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. Next, the official was entrusted with the position of head of the property relations department of the RF Ministry of Defense, which she held until the summer of 2012.

The income statement recorded that in 2011 Evgenia Vasilyeva, whose biography undoubtedly deserves separate consideration, earned more than 6 million rubles.

At the beginning of 2012, in accordance with the decree of D. Medvedev, the head of the department of property relations of the military department was awarded the Order of Honor.

Criminal case

In the fall of 2012, the media published shocking information that as a result of a search in an elite apartment owned by Vasilyeva, documents were found on fraud with the assets of the Moscow Region, as well as property worth millions of rubles: jewelry (weighing 19 kg and worth 130 million rubles), paintings, antiques and three million rubles. All this was confiscated by the police.

When asked where such wealth came from, the head of the Department of Property Relations of the RF Ministry of Defense replied that her father gave her the jewelry. Naturally, the search was carried out for a reason. Evgenia Nikolaevna and several other high-ranking employees of the military department were suspected of committing serious fraudulent acts and theft of property during their leadership activities at Oboronservis. Naturally, investigators opened a criminal case on this fact, and the suspect was dismissed from a high post. Initially, the amount of damage exceeded 350 million rubles.

Let us recall that the Oboronservis holding, which included a number of strategic companies, was created in 2008 to relieve military personnel of functions unusual for them. When investigators brought charges against Evgenia Nikolaevna, she stated that she was not involved in the thefts and did not intend to cooperate with the investigation.

In the fall of 2012, the former head of the property relations department of the Moscow Region underwent surgery and spent some time in hospital treatment.

The essence of the accusation

Law enforcement agencies suspected that Evgenia Vasilyeva, whose biography certainly contains dark spots, was selling real estate that was on the balance sheet of the military department. Their cost was unreasonably low. It is noteworthy that the buyers for some of the above property were identified in advance from among their own people. One of the socially controversial transactions that the official was accused of committing was the implementation of the State Design Institute, which had strategic status.

According to estimates by employees of the State Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the total damage caused by Vasilyeva (Oboronservis) and her accomplices is estimated at 3 billion rubles, the basis of which was 8 large real estate properties in Moscow.

House arrest

As a result, the ex-official was formally charged with fraud and real estate fraud.

Evgenia Nikolaevna asked to be released on bail, offering 15 million rubles, but the court considered this inappropriate, choosing house arrest as a preventive measure. A month later, Vasilyeva (Oboronservis) again appealed to representatives of the Russian Themis so that she would be allowed to live together with her former boss Anatoly Serdyukov, with whom the official had developed a close relationship. However, the judge rejected this request, but allowed him to see the former minister and relatives. Vasilyeva could also use the Internet.

In the spring of 2013, detectives seized three apartments and the house of the accused, which were located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. To control where Evgenia Vasilyeva moved, the police put an electronic bracelet on her right leg, and special equipment was installed in the rooms where she lives.

Soon the judge extended the period of stay under house arrest until May 27, 2013. In the fall of 2013, detectives issued a resolution documenting 12 episodes of fraud allegedly committed by a military department official.

She was also charged with: money laundering, abuse of power, theft of budget money on an especially large scale. After such acts, it would be absurd to count on the release of Evgenia Vasilyeva. Investigators also seized the defendant’s property in the amount of $450 thousand, which included: bank deposits, 6 real estate properties and jewelry.

Court hearing

The case of Evgenia Vasilyeva was scheduled for trial on July 1, 2014. The legal proceedings lasted for 10 months. On May 8, 2014, the judge issued a guilty verdict: the official was found guilty of committing fraudulent acts and illegal transactions with real estate in the Moscow Region. The sentence was not so severe: Evgenia Nikolaevna was given 5 years in a general regime colony, taking into account the fact that she had already served half of the sentence under house arrest; she had 2.5 years left to serve. After the trial, she was sent to the Pechatniki pre-trial detention center, and in the summer she was transferred to the Vladimir region.


Already at the end of August 2015, the convict was released. This turn of events was explained very simply: the lawyers asked the judge for parole, and the judge, taking into account the fact that Vasilyeva compensated for the damage caused in full, granted their request. At the same time, the representative of Themis ordered the convicted woman not to leave the territory of the capital’s metropolis and not change her place of work for the next 26 months after her release.


After leaving the Moscow Region, Evgenia Nikolaevna took up the jewelry business in Moscow, opening the Result company. While under house arrest, she wrote poetry and painted paintings in the genre of privitivism, an interest in which arose among Muscovites largely thanks to the work of the former official.

In the spring of 2014, an exhibition of Evgenia Nikolaevna’s artistic works entitled “Flowers of Captivity” was organized in the capital’s gallery “Expo-88”. She even shot a video clip for her own composition, “Slippers.”

Personal life

There were rumors that Vasilyeva had never walked down the aisle in her life and that she had no children. However, the ex-official still wanted to experience the happiness of motherhood, but so far she has not succeeded. At the same time, Evgenia Nikolaevna’s confidants reported that in 2012 she suffered a miscarriage due to psychological stress.

The media have repeatedly written that the only man Vasilyeva met with was her immediate superior, Anatoly Serdyukov. It was with him that she became close, holding a post in the public administration system. The convict spoke about her former patron only with positive side: he is a reliable man with whom you always want to be close. Despite the fact that the ex-Minister of Defense was married to the daughter of former Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, as it turned out, he was not an exemplary family man.

The connection between Serdyukov and Vasilyeva was not hidden from the public. Even when investigators raided Elena Nikolaevna’s apartment with a search, Anatoly Edurdovich was next to his mistress. After some time, Zubkov’s daughter filed for divorce, but this circumstance did not make Vasilyeva any happier.

Another novel

However, one cannot ignore rumors that Evgenia Nikolaevna had an affair not only with the Minister of Defense. It was rumored that she had a relationship with the ex-governor of the Tula region, Vyacheslav Dudka, who, under Vasilyeva’s influence, squeezed out regional development companies, thereby freeing up the construction market. The official presented his beloved with a luxurious apartment in Moscow, which became their love nest. They met back in 2006, and Vasilyeva introduced herself as a close relative of Svetlana Medvedeva. The relationship between the governor and the future defendant in the Oboronservis case ended in 2009.


Naturally, many are haunted by the question of what Evgenia Vasilyeva is doing today. Her range of hobbies remains the same: she paints pictures and is interested in jewelry. Some experts believe that in the future, Evgenia Nikolaevna’s artistic works may have good consumer demand. Where is Evgenia Vasilyeva currently? Naturally, in Moscow, since she is prohibited from leaving the territory of the metropolitan metropolis. She appears less in public and leads a fairly secluded lifestyle. One of the representatives of the ex-official’s inner circle said that after the trial, Evgenia Nikolaevna rethought her own system of values, now she focused her efforts on creativity at home. From the point of view of material wealth, Vasilyeva is also doing well: she wears luxurious clothes, has a servant and wears luxurious jewelry. In general, an ascetic lifestyle is not as bad as it might seem.

Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov is a Russian statesman and economist. From 2007 to 2012 he served as the Minister of Defense of Russia.

Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov was born on January 8, 1962 into a peasant family in the village of Kholmsky, Krasnodar Territory. He prefers not to disseminate information about his parents and nationality. At the age of ten he was left an orphan and was raised with younger sister Galina at her grandmother's. After the eighth grade, he combined his studies with work as a driver, since he was forced to provide for his family.

After graduating from evening school, he moved to Leningrad. In 1984 he received a diploma in economics, a graduate of the Institute of Soviet Trade. In 1984-85 he served in the army as a driver in the signal battalion of the 85th motorized rifle division.

He graduated from officer courses and retired to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant.

From 1985 to 1991 work activity Serdyukova turned out to be associated with Lenmebeltorg JSC, where he successively held the positions of deputy section head, section head of furniture store No. 3, and deputy director for commerce.

From 1993 to 2000, Serdyukov’s place of work was as deputy director, and subsequently founder and general director, of the Mebel-Market trading holding. In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University, in 2004 he defended his candidate’s dissertation, and in 2006 – his doctoral dissertation.


Anatoly Serdyukov became a government official in 2000, rapidly moving up the career ladder. At first he held senior positions in the tax service.

In 2000-2001, he was deputy head of the inspectorate for St. Petersburg; 2001-2004 - Deputy Head of the Tax Administration for St. Petersburg; 2004 - head of the Moscow department; March 2004 - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia; July 2004-2007 - Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Under Anatoly's leadership, the volume of taxes collected increased significantly. Already in the first half of 2005, the service reported exceeding the plan by $10 billion. In the same year, the target value for tax collections was abolished. The increase in tax deductions was facilitated both by activities to improve the work of the Federal Tax Service itself and by the concept of state policy as a whole.

Analysts note that one of the decisive roles Anatoly Serdyukov played in the YUKOS case, which was indicative in a series of tax claims against large financial structures.

The Federal Tax Service then acted as the main creditor of YUKOS, accusing it of not receiving payments in the amount of $27 billion. Ultimately, this was the reason for the sale of assets and the bankruptcy of the empire.

The next stage in the biography of Anatoly Serdyukov is associated with the post of Minister of Defense of Russia, which he received in 2007. He took up his duties with the rank of “senior lieutenant in reserve.” The President explained the expediency of appointing a new head of the Ministry of Defense as a necessity of the current moment.

In this period Russian system weapons needed radical reform, requiring the development of a significant amount of budget funds. Anatoly Serdyukov, as a top-ranking government official with solid experience as an economist, was entrusted with this task.

In September 2007, Anatoly Serdyukov resigned, citing family ties with, who became the chairman of the Russian government, as the reason. The President did not approve the resignation.

Anatoly Serdyukov became one of the initiators and organizers of the reform of the Russian armed forces. The reason for the reorganization was the military clash with Georgia in 2008. During the conflict, major shortcomings in the management structure were revealed. There is an urgent need to modernize outdated weapons, communication systems and uniforms.

During the reform, transformations of the main elements of the Armed Forces began. Its main directions were:

  • Administrative reform. Six military districts were reorganized into four operational-strategic commands.
  • Personnel reorganization. The number of the Armed Forces has been significantly reduced, mainly due to the command staff, and the governing bodies have been transformed. During the work of Anatoly Serdyukov, it was completed new line-up deputy defense ministers, commanders-in-chief, commanders of various branches of the military and military districts. By mid-2008, the percentage of rotation of senior personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense was more than 70%.
  • Reform of the structure of military education, which involved reducing the number and consolidation of military educational institutions.
  • Rearmament program, including procurement military equipment foreign production.
  • Transfer of service areas of the Russian Armed Forces to civilian organizations.
  • The duration of military service was reduced to one year.
  • Implementation military uniform a new sample from the fashion designer.

After Serdyukov's resignation, military reform was practically curtailed. The changes that were made were subject to extensive controversy in the media and some of them have now been reversed.

Criminal case

From 2009 to 2011, Anatoly Serdyukov headed the board of directors of the commercial organization Oboronservis, which is subordinate to the military department. In October 2012, the media reported news that Oboronservis employees were accused of fraud in the sale of military property.

According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the most valuable objects real estate land and the shares were sold at a reduced price to commercial firms affiliated with Oboronservis. Law enforcement officers calculated that criminal profits totaling 3 billion rubles were made from the sale of only 8 objects.

The main defendant in the case was , who held the post of head of the property relations department of the Russian Ministry of Defense. During a search in the woman’s Moscow apartment, 3 million rubles, antiques, works of art, paintings and valuable jewelry were seized. According to Vasilyeva, she had a close personal relationship with Anatoly Serdyukov.

In November 2012, the president signed the resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov. He cited the reason for ensuring the integrity of the investigation. In December 2012, Vasilyeva, who was under house arrest, filed a petition with the court, in which she asked to be allowed to live together with the ex-Minister of Defense. The petition was rejected, but the opportunity was given for personal meetings with Anatoly Serdyukov, who is involved in the case as a witness.

At the end of 2013, a criminal case was opened against Anatoly Serdyukov. Investigative committee The Russian Federation charged him with criminal negligence, which caused major material damage to the country. Serdyukov did not admit to what he had done and refused to give evidence. The head of Russia, Vladimir Putin, said that Anatoly Eduardovich will be sentenced and the man will be punished if there are grounds. In 2014, the investigation was stopped due to an amnesty held by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After his compromising resignation, Anatoly Serdyukov did not leave the corps of the administrative elite. In November 2013, he was appointed general director of the Federal Mechanical Engineering Research Center, which is located in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region.

According to the press secretary, the Kremlin structures had no connection with Serdyukov’s receipt new position.

The former Minister of Defense became industrial director for the aviation cluster of the Rostec state corporation, where he has worked since October 2015. And in June of the same year, Anatoly Eduardovich joined the board of directors of the Russian Helicopters holding company.

Personal life

Serdyukov's first wife was Tatyana Anatolyevna. The acquaintance occurred during joint university studies in Leningrad. Together with her husband, Tatyana was engaged in business at OJSC Mebel-Market. The son from his first marriage, Sergei, who was born in 1986, lives abroad.

The second wife, with whom he was officially married from 2002 to 2012, Yulia Viktorovna Pokhlebenina. The ex-spouses met while studying at law school. At the same time, Evgenia Vasilyeva studied at the same institute.

Yulia Pokhlebenina is engaged in business and is the only daughter of Viktor Zubkov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government. It is known that in 2010 a woman earned 5 times more than her husband, and two years later she filed for divorce.

In his second marriage, Anatoly Serdyukov had his youngest daughter, Natalya, in 2003, who is now in school.

In addition, Anatoly has an adopted daughter, Anastasia Pokhlebenina, Yulia’s child from her marriage to Nikolai Pokhlebenin. Nastya was born in 1993 and enjoys horse riding and traveling.

Sister - Galina Eduardovna Puzikova, businessman, general director of Mobius LLC. In 2012, she appeared in a prosecutor's investigation into the acquisition of expensive real estate. She owns several luxury apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The scandal did not affect the children of the ex-Minister of Defense.

The man enjoys fishing and hunting, and skiing.

According to publicly available data, after his resignation and a scandalous criminal case, which successfully ended with an amnesty for Serdyukov, the former Minister of Defense received a salary increase. Anatoly Eduardovich’s profit per year is about 328 million rubles. According to some estimates, already with this amount Serdyukov has accumulated a good fortune.

According to unconfirmed information, in 2012 Serdyukov was awarded the title of “Hero of Russia”. If the theft case had gone to trial, the honorary award would have been taken into account as a mitigating circumstance.

Often, next to the name of Anatoly Serdyukov, the name of the Airborne Forces Commander-in-Chief Andrei Serdyukov flashes. And although many consider the men to be brothers or other close relatives, in reality they are simply namesakes. In 2017, Andrei Nikolaevich was in a terrible car accident, but survived. But the driver of the second car died.

In 2018, he announced that Anatoly Serdyukov and Evgenia Vasilyeva were officially dating. The couple does not comment on this information.

Anatoly Serdyukov now

In June 2017, Anatoly Eduardovich joined the board of directors of KamAZ. The man replaced the former chairman of VEB Vladimir Dmitriev in this post.

In July, Anatoly Serdyukov headed the board of directors of the aircraft manufacturing company Rostvertol. In addition, the former Minister of Defense is a member of the directors of six other large corporations.

In October, it became known that Anatoly Eduardovich took on the duties of secretary of the Homeowners Association in his house in the center of the Russian capital. And in December of the same year, this building was found to have a debt for utilities in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Then it became known that the family of doctor of sciences and plastic surgeon Alexander Teplyashin was complaining about the proximity to the ex-minister of defense. The man said that after Serdyukov took charge of the house, the rent doubled. Moreover, Evgenia Vasiliev, who lives in an elite house, was not affected by the changes. Housing conditions, on the contrary, have worsened.

In November Russian figure At a meeting of the Presidential Commission on Aviation Development, he expressed the idea of ​​​​creating a unified Russian aviation service. After this, Serdyukov began to look for money to implement the idea. And the Russian Ministry of Health conducted an analysis of the feasibility of this proposal.

In May 2018, the former Minister of Defense gave an interview for the first time in six years. In the conversation, Anatoly shared that he had a presentiment of his resignation. However, the man did not think that leaving would be associated with a scandal and a possible criminal record.

In June, Anatoly Eduardovich received another position: Serdyukov became a member of the bureau of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia.

Former head of the property relations department of the Russian Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva, previously convicted in the high-profile Oboronservis case, received parole on Tuesday. While Vasilyeva is preparing to leave the Vladimir colony - and she intends to do this today, the RIA Real Estate portal recalls the story of the official’s misadventures.

Path to the Top

Evgenia Nikolaevna Vasilyeva was born on February 20, 1979 in Leningrad. In the late 1990s, she entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University. Her fellow students were future defendants in the Oboronservis case, Ekaterina Smetanova and Maxim Zakutailo. At the same time, at St. Petersburg State University I received a second higher education businessman and future Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Anatoly Serdyukov. After graduating from law school with honors in 2001, Vasilyeva was engaged in real estate activities for some time and worked as a legal consultant in various commercial organizations.

Her life changed dramatically in March 2007, when Vasilyeva went to the international real estate exhibition MIPIM in Cannes as a translator for Vladimir Resin, who at that time held the posts of first deputy mayor of Moscow and head of the capital's construction complex. The girl produced such strong impression on the honored builder that he offered her the post of his advisor. Vasilyeva did not refuse.

Ex-official of the Ministry of Defense Vasilyeva will leave the colony today - courtThe Sudogodsky court released on parole the former official of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva, who was sentenced to five years in prison for embezzling over 800 million rubles; she will leave the colony today, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom.

After the exhibition career the future defendant in the Oboronservis case could no longer be restrained. After working for Resin for several months, she headed Baltikstroy LLC. Former colleagues Vasilyeva, who were interviewed by the media, called Vasilyeva “a very purposeful and ambitious girl” who “goes towards her goal like a tank, crushing everything in her path.”

It is not known exactly how and when Vasilyeva met Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. A number of media outlets write that they knew each other since law school, and other sources claim that Vladimir Resin recommended Vasilyeva to Serdyukova as a valuable employee.

In any case, in 2010, Serdyukov offered Vasilyeva the position of his adviser - chief of staff, and then appointed her head of the department of property relations of the Ministry of Defense. Vasilyeva also joined the board of directors of Oboronservis, Slavyanka and a number of other enterprises controlled by the defense department. In the summer of 2012, the official left the Ministry of Defense - many officers complained of conflicts with her - and was going to open her own jewelry boutique.

Life like a fairy tale turned into a nightmare on October 25, 2012. Early in the morning, operatives came to Vasilyeva’s apartment, located in an elite club house in the Golden Mile area, with a search in connection with the scandalous case of billions of dollars in embezzlement in the defense department.

During the search, antiques, several cases with jewelry (including 120 rings), original paintings by famous Russian artists from the Cultural Center of the Armed Forces and 3 million rubles were seized. The footage of the operational shooting with all the juicy details was soon shown in the program “Special Correspondent” by Arkady Mamontov on the air of the federal TV channel “Russia”. “If you put all the jewelry on Vasilyeva at once, they would cover her like chain mail for three million dollars,” the authors of the program sarcastically commented on the search process.

Later, Vasilyeva’s father told the media that the ill-fated luxury apartment, the cost of which was estimated by experts at 3-5 million dollars, was not bought by the daughter herself, but received from him as a gift. According to Vasiliev, he could well afford such an expensive acquisition, since he is a co-owner of companies that manufacture and supply fiber optic cables and plastic pipes, and a multimillionaire.

Golden cage

On November 23, 2012, Vasilyeva was detained by FSB officers. She was charged under the article "fraud on an especially large scale." The ex-official became the main defendant in the so-called “Oboronservis case.” Under this name, ten criminal cases against officials of the Ministry of Defense on the illegal sale of large real estate objects of the ministry by the Oboronservis holding were combined into one proceeding. According to preliminary estimates, the damage from real estate transactions amounts to about 4 billion rubles.

The Khamovnichesky court refused to release Vasilyeva on bail of 15 million rubles and chose a measure of restraint for her in the form of house arrest. Due to the restrictions imposed, Vasilyeva was left completely alone in her huge luxury apartment in Molochny Lane. In December, the defendant’s lawyers said that Vasilyeva faced the risk of death from starvation, since cooks and housekeepers could not visit her. The court listened to the defense's arguments and allowed the servants to come to Vasilyeva.

Another nuisance was the electronic bracelet that the judge ordered Vasilyeva to wear on her leg. The accused was unable to get rid of this device, which tracks the wearer’s movements, although she complained about the hard strap.

Court with lollipops and heels

The trial of the ex-official lasted almost three years. During the trial, while Vasilyeva was under house arrest, she wrote poetry and even published her own collection. In July 2014, she announced, after a meeting of the Presnensky Court in Moscow on her criminal case, the opening of an exhibition of portraits of cats and her own line of jewelry. She also organized an exhibition of her paintings and filmed the music video “Slippers.” At the same time, the defendant in the Oboronservis case drew a portrait of American President Barack Obama and sent him her work. As reported, cultural figures disagree about the creative talents of the former official.

A member of the Human Rights Council who visited Vasilyeva in the colony is not sure whether it was herMember of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC) Andrei Babushkin, who visited the colony in the Vladimir region on Friday, former Defense Ministry official Evgenia Vasilyeva, convicted of corruption, could not determine whether it was exactly her.

During the court hearings, the ex-official behaved quite confidently, if not defiantly. She periodically talked on the phone, drew something, ate candy, and even sat down without the judge's permission.

However, on the last day of the trial she still had to listen to the verdict standing, despite the protracted reading and high heels. The Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced Vasilyeva to five years of actual imprisonment, however, including in Vasilyeva’s sentence the 2.5 years that she spent under house arrest. The accused herself clearly did not expect such a sentence; she even staggered after the court announced the term and decided to take her into custody.

Initially, there were 12 episodes in the case - Evgenia Vasilyeva was charged with fraud, attempted fraud, laundering of criminal proceeds, excess and abuse of official powers. Later, she was acquitted on a number of occasions, and the damage, which was initially estimated at approximately 3 billion rubles, was reduced to 800 million rubles.

School cleaner

Vasilyeva went to the Vladimir colony to serve her prison sentence. Here she also mastered a new specialty - she was assigned as a cleaner to the housekeeping team, entrusted with the responsible task of cleaning the school during the period summer holidays. She lived in a quarantine block in a room with 8 single-level beds, in which 6 people live.

However, not everyone is sure that Vasilyeva was in the colony at all. Member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC) Andrei Babushkin, who visited Vasilyeva late last week, could not say for sure whether it was her. He admitted, however, that he himself had only seen her in photographs before.

Vasilyeva told Babushkin that her job in the colony was to care for flowers, and she liked it. She also stated that she had no complaints about the conditions of detention, and she would really like to avoid the attention of the press.

The path to freedom

Vasilyeva did not have to be bored for long in the colony - as soon as the sentence came into force on August 21, the Sudogodsky Court of the Vladimir Region had the opportunity to consider her request for parole. According to the lawyer, during her house arrest and imprisonment in the colony, Vasilyeva showed herself only on the positive side, and treated all FSIN employees with respect.

© RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev / A cage for the accused in the hall of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which will consider the petition of the convicted former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva for parole.

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A cage for the accused in the hall of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which will consider the petition of the convicted former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva for parole.

© RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev / Journalists at a meeting of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which postponed to August 25 the trial on the application for parole of the former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva, sentenced to 5 years in prison for embezzlement of military funds.

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Journalists at a meeting of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which postponed to August 25 the trial on the application for parole of the former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva, sentenced to 5 years in prison for embezzlement of military funds.

© RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev / A meeting of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which is considering a request for parole of the former head of the property relations department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Evgenia Vasilyeva, who was sentenced to 5 years in prison for embezzling military funds. In the center is judge Ilya Galagan.