If you have cataracts, doctors will recommend surgical intervention, since this is the only way to cope with the disease. Of course, initially certain medications so that the progression of the disease slows down. But later you will still need surgical removal - cataract surgery. Tests are an integral part of the general examination in order for the patient to undergo surgery. Without meeting specific requirements, the patient may be denied surgery.

For the operation to be successful, you need to mandatory follow certain recommendations.

What are the requirements for patients scheduled for cataract removal?

  • If the patient uses contact lenses, they must be removed 7 days before surgery. Although sometimes this period can be longer.
  • On the day of surgery, no food or liquid is allowed.
  • You should give up within 3 days alcoholic drinks. They are not recommended for 2 weeks after treatment.
  • Be sure to take a shower. Hair and face should be clean.
  • On the operating day, wear comfortable and loose clothing, preferably not woolen or synthetic. Patients are advised to choose trousers. Before the procedure, a sterile disposable suit is provided.
  • Cosmetics for women are prohibited. You cannot use perfume, cologne, or deodorants. All makeup should be removed from the eye area.

In addition, the patient must undergo tests important for the upcoming treatment.

This is about:

  • general blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • blood on RW;
  • blood for antibodies to hepatitis B and C;
  • blood for HIV;
  • chest fluorography;
  • electrocardiography.

The patient also sees a dentist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist, allergist, cardiologist and therapist. The latter must confirm that there are no contraindications for cataract removal.

When all the tests have been completed and each doctor gives permission for the operation, then a day of hospitalization is set.

Characteristic features of the phacoemulsification method

Modern surgery is developing rapidly. And thanks to the wide variety of artificial lenses that replace the damaged lens, vision in most patients is completely restored. Myself rehabilitation period reduced in terms of time to a minimum. Sometimes the patient is allowed to go home within two hours after the end of the operation. Phacoemulsification is the most modern and safe method.

The positive aspects of the operation include:

  1. Painless.
  2. No seams.
  3. Rapid restoration of visual functions (2-3 days).

If your doctor finds a developing cataract, he will recommend surgery. But the patient himself decides whether to agree to implantation of an artificial lens or not. It is important to remember that such a disease progresses, and the longer you delay lens removal, the greater the likelihood of complications.

According to ophthalmologists, best time for surgery – when the cataract is immature. IN this moment the lens is not yet so dense, so ultrasound will be used less.

This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes in general.

A dense lens is more difficult to grind, which can cause complications. As a result, additional treatment will be required, and clearing of vision will occur much more slowly.

Overripe cataracts are more likely to cause sequelae. Usually, secondary glaucoma develops, which leads to irreversible blindness.

Memo for patients

The patient’s recovery, by and large, will depend on himself. Although phacoemulsification allows you to quickly return to your previous activities, you still need to follow some medical advice.

  • During the first day, it is undesirable to touch your eyes, put pressure on them and squint. You can wipe away a tear with a clean handkerchief or napkin. Before doing this, be sure to wash your hands. Do not use tap water for washing.
  • If your eye feels itchy at first, don't worry.
  • To eliminate pain, an ophthalmologist may prescribe medications with an analgesic effect.
  • The increase in visual acuity occurs gradually. Usually, at first the patient sees a “fog” before his eyes.

  • It is advisable not to drink alcohol in the first month, avoid excessive physical activity, do not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, do not use cosmetics and watch TV as little as possible.
  • Sleeping on the side where the operated eye is located is not allowed.
  • When going outside, it is better to use a bandage. It won't be needed indoors. Sunglasses are recommended.
  • Drops should be used until the doctor decides to stop using them.
  • Do not panic if red spots appear on the white of your eyes. They will disappear over time.
  • If it appears in the eye sharp pain, vision suddenly deteriorated, severe discharge began from the eyes or a foreign body entered, you should immediately seek help.

If you have vision problems, you should not delay treatment. How formerly man will undergo examination, the fewer consequences there will be.

What tests should I take before surgery? Let's find out in this article.

If a person is to be treated in a hospital, he will be asked to undergo a certain number of tests required during hospitalization and corresponding to the clinical protocols and the profile of the department in which he will be hospitalized. If a person needs surgical treatment, then the list of tests before surgery may be more extensive in order to understand whether surgical intervention is possible in the current state of the body, or whether it will require additional improvement with the help of procedures and medications. The shelf life of tests before surgery will be discussed at the end of the article.

Blood tests before surgery and for hospitalization

Almost always, before referral for hospital treatment and before surgery, blood tests are prescribed. There are a number of reasons for this, such as determining the degree of dysfunction of a particular organ, examining the general state of health, or detecting the presence of infections.

The following blood tests can be called the most frequently included in the list of preoperative or pre-hospitalization examinations: biochemical analysis, general analysis, determination of the Rh factor and blood group, tests for hepatitis C and B, syphilis, HIV.

If the patient has any disease or a certain condition of the body, which is consistent with the history, tests and tests can prompt the doctor about the need to adjust the treatment plan.

What studies are carried out for various pathologies?

If the patient has health problems that affect blood clotting, a coagulogram may be required. This blood test is done if:

If the patient has diabetes mellitus or predisposition to developing this disease, he will need to undergo tests to diagnose diabetes mellitus.

If the patient is a woman of childbearing age, she may need to take a pregnancy test. This includes a blood test showing the level of hCG hormone, that is, human chorionic gonadotropin. The expiration date of tests before surgery must be observed.

Other tests and examinations

The most common test performed in the laboratory is a general urinalysis. In case of kidney disease, the doctor may recommend doing an additional test (urine analysis according to Nechiporenko or sterility test).

Before entering a hospital for treatment, a woman may need to consult a gynecologist and undergo tests for sexually transmitted infections, smears for microflora from the urethra and genital tract. In this case, the expiration date of the tests before the operation must be taken into account.

More specific and serious tests may be required before surgery on the lungs, heart, organ transplant, etc.

A specialist can assess the condition before and after surgery, as well as the effect after treatment, based on the results of laboratory tests. If not all the results from the list of tests are acceptable for surgery, the patient may require additional treatment, postponement of surgery, or more detailed examination. Based on the results of the tests, the attending physician can change the chosen method of pain relief, the amount of surgical treatment or its timing.

In addition to tests, it may be necessary to undergo instrumental studies or examinations by other specialists. Most often this is ultrasound, ECG, fluorography, consultation with an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, dentist or doctors who are monitoring any concomitant disease of the patient (neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc.).

So what is the shelf life of tests before surgery? This question interests many.

What blood tests are performed immediately before surgery?

Right in front surgical intervention A blood test is usually required for several reasons.

Determination of Rh factor and blood group. Any operation involves blood loss. And if complications arise during the operation, the blood loss may be too great, leading to the need for a transfusion of red blood cells or plasma. In this case, it is important to know what the patient’s blood type and Rh factor are, so as not to make a mistake when performing a transfusion. The group is determined by the doctor using a small volume of blood and special equipment. whey

A blood sugar test is performed to monitor glucose levels, especially when the patient has diabetes or a predisposition to this disease.

In what cases is it not necessary to take tests before surgery?

If the operation has minimal risk, then the list of tests may be very short, or they may not be required at all, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. The list of studies may be short for low-risk operations, such as breast biopsy or operations on small areas of skin (removing lipomas, papilloma, etc.), etc. With such manipulations, it is very low risk development of complications if the patient good health(no problems with blood clotting, etc.).

Therefore, you should consult a specialist about the need to undergo certain tests before hospitalization or surgery.

How are deadlines regulated?

How are the expiration dates of tests before surgery regulated? The order of the Ministry of Health does not stipulate any exact periods of validity of laboratory tests. But there are generally accepted requirements that should be followed.

The dynamism of changes in the body's condition obliges all research results to be carried out shortly before surgery or hospitalization. After some time, the results of many tests do not have full diagnostic value and are only suitable for assessing the patient’s health over time and comparing the result obtained after treatment with the initial data. The minimum validity period for tests for preparation before surgery or hospitalization is 1-2 weeks, depending on the type of test and the time required to complete it. The doctor will give the patient all the necessary explanations about the deadlines given for completing all examinations and tests.

Standard analysis times

Here is the expiration date for blood tests before surgery. The relevance of a clinical blood test is 10 days. Biochemical blood test: glucose, total bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, total protein, ALT, AST - 10 days. Coagulograms: INR, APTT, fibrinogen, fibrin time - 10 days. Blood groups, Rh factor - indefinitely. RW (syphilis), HCV (hepatitis C), HBs (hepatitis B) - valid for 3 months. The shelf life of the HIV test before surgery is also 3 months.

And here are other deadlines. General urine analysis - a month. ECG (electrocardiography) - month. Fluorography or radiography of the lungs - one year. Tumor markers 19.9. - 3 months.

The shelf life of tests before gynecology surgery is standard. The relevance of a smear for flora and oncocytology of the cervix is ​​3 months.

Before undergoing ophthalmic surgery, the patient must undergo a series of examinations.

Tests before eye surgery are needed to assess the general condition of the patient and detect possible contraindications to the intervention.

Scope of examination

Before undergoing a planned operation, the patient must visit the attending ophthalmologist. The specialist will explain to him what tests are needed for eye surgery, and will write out the appropriate directions. The complex of diagnostic procedures includes laboratory and instrumental examination techniques. Laboratory tests are taken a maximum of 2 weeks before the procedure. These include:

  • General and biochemical blood test;
  • Coagulogram (study of blood clotting indicators);
  • General analysis urine;
  • Detection of hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV infection, syphilis;
  • Determination of blood glucose levels.

Instrumental diagnostics include:

  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses (valid for six months);
  • ECG (valid for 3 months);
  • Chest X-ray or fluorography (valid for six months).

The research methods have no contraindications and can be used in any patient. The only limitation concerns x-ray diagnostics in pregnant women. The technique imposes a certain radiation load on the body, so it is better to replace x-rays in expectant mothers with ultrasound.

The pre-operative examination also includes consultations with specialists. The patient visits an otolaryngologist, dentist, or therapist. According to indications, consultations with a surgeon, cardiologist, and neurologist are prescribed. If the patient has concomitant pathologies of other organs and systems, the diagnostic complex can be expanded. So, in the presence of diabetes mellitus or thyroid diseases, consultation with an endocrinologist is required, in case of kidney pathologies, an ultrasound examination of them, etc.

Why is it important to get tested?

Tests for eye surgery for cataracts
, glaucoma and other ophthalmological pathologies are necessary in order to detect possible contraindications to the intervention. You cannot perform surgery against the background of acute conditions (heart attacks, strokes), decompensated forms of diabetes mellitus, or infectious processes.

The limitation is due to the fact that surgery is quite ordeal for the patient. If you do not take into account all the features of his condition, you can cause an exacerbation of concomitant diseases. This will have serious consequences for the body. The examination is also necessary so that specialists can properly prepare for surgery. For some diseases, surgeons recommend that the patient go to a multidisciplinary hospital, where he will receive specialized care even if complications develop during surgery.

Test data is also necessary for doctors to properly care for the patient during the postoperative period. For example, immunocompromised patients often experience infectious complications after surgery. Therefore in recovery period they are prescribed prophylactic administration of antibacterial agents.

Thus, tests for eye surgery- This is an essential component of preparation for surgery. The patient should be prepared to undergo a general examination. Preliminary diagnosis reduces risk possible complications and improves the patient’s prognosis for recovery.

What tests are needed for cataract surgery?

What tests are needed for cataract surgery?

Any surgical intervention on the body requires preliminary preparation. This includes various examinations and tests that help identify previously undetected pathologies and thereby avoid serious complications. Before cataract surgery using phacoemulsification, standard checks are recommended:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Checking blood for hepatitis A and C, identifying RW.
  3. Blood test with platelets, prothrombin according to Quick, prothrombin time INR, fibrinogen.
  4. ECG - study of the heart.
  5. Fluorography with detailed description picture.
  6. Determination of blood sugar level.

Consultations with some specialists are also required as prescribed by the doctor. Most often they are referred to an endocrinologist, dentist and otolaryngologist. When taking tests and undergoing preliminary checks, keep in mind that all results have a certain expiration date. On average, this is 1 month, for some (for example, ECG) - only 10-14 days. An exception is the HIV test, which is valid for six months. If you took this test not long ago, you can use the results and not have to take it again. After the above deadlines have passed, you will have to go through the entire circle again. Therefore, it is recommended to begin preparations for surgical treatment only when the date of the operation is precisely known and no earlier than one month before it.

Mandatory requirements before eye surgery to treat lens opacity include blood, urine and condition testing. internal organs. The exact list of tests and interpretation of the results should be checked with your doctor. Diagnostics is necessary to select an anesthetic drug and reduce the risk of complications on the cardiovascular system. Non-compliance with the rules preparatory stage will result in inaccurate test results, which may reduce the effectiveness of surgery and negatively affect visual abilities.

Indications for the procedure and preparation

Replacing a cloudy lens with an artificial one is the most effective method treatment, as it goes away without painful sensations, does not leave scars and quickly improves visual acuity within 3-4 days after the procedure.

Surgical manipulation is recommended for all stages of lens opacification. Surgery is most effective when the first symptoms appear, since the restoration of visual abilities occurs within 1-2 days and the risk of side effects. However, in the penultimate stages of lens opacification, surgery is also recommended, which can completely restore visual acuity. Overmature cataracts are the most difficult to treat. In this case, surgery is possible, but there is no guarantee of a cure for blindness. The operation is performed to save the eyeball. For the procedure you need to take a document confirming your identity, a list of tests with results and house slippers.

What tests need to be taken during the preparation process?

Necessary examinations

Before the operation, the patient will have to undergo hardware diagnostics.

Before surgery, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination, including examination of the fundus using a biomicroscope, and determination of the following indicators:

  • manifested negative symptoms;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • visual abilities;
  • accommodative abilities of the eye;
  • width of the visible spectrum.

Before cataract surgery, patients undergo the following tests approved by the Ministry of Health, presented in the table:

Type of analysisExpiration date, daysActions in case of bad resultsThe danger of surgery without analysis
Blood for hepatitis C and B30 Increased level of sterilizationPossibility of infection of staff and other patients
Serological analysisTreatment of an infectious diseaseSpread of infection throughout the body
Sugar contentAdditional preparationHigh risk of hypotension
Possibility of cerebral edema
Administration of medications before surgery to normalize sugar levels
Analysis of urineTreatment of acute inflammatory processesComplications after surgery
General blood analysis
ECG12-14 Strengthening the cardiovascular systemHigh chance of heart attack
X-ray of the sternum360 Tuberculosis therapySlow regeneration
High risk of complications
Coagulogram10 Administration of drugs that increase blood clottingOpening bleeding in the eye
Certificate from a therapist about the general condition of the body30 General assessment of the body's conditionDelayed eye healing
Risk of infection

Since the results are valid for a short period of time, doctors advise undergoing the examination 1 month before the exact date of the operation. Previously, collecting information does not make sense, because you need up-to-date data.