Attract love to find happiness and successful marriage Women have been helped by various tricks for many centuries. Women's charms, exquisitely applied cosmetics, and eye-catching clothes are used. But there are many secrets and mysteries in a woman. One of these mysteries is the female soul, which sometimes harbors the most unbridled desires.

Let's pay attention to which stones are called love stones

Pearls, beloved in the East, decorate national costumes and clothes for a reason oriental women. Remembering their fertility, one can easily conclude that pearls not only bring more wisdom, softness and femininity to the character, but also promote love.

Red and pink corals also bring love and are considered love stones, but wearing them all the time is not recommended. Otherwise, the stone can make a woman’s character tougher.

Lapis lazuli will encourage contemplation, unity with the natural world, give health and attract love into a person’s life.

Rhodonite will help you cope with past experiences, clear your memory of the confusion of past years and set you up for new relationships, a new true love.

The magic of love - the magic of voodoo Marilyn Kerro

However, Estonian Merlin Kerro advises not easy to wear love stones on your person or in the house. A certain special was shown on television love ritual from Marilyn Kerro, in which she uses love stones. So, in episode 17 of season 14 she says:

"There is a special ritual for women, which helps attract love. And in fact, every woman can do this herself without the help of a psychic.
You need to start on the full moon.
For this you need 4 candles, black cloth and love stones. All the time you spend making dolls, you will need to constantly think about the image of the man you want to get.
Needles need to be inserted to stimulate the heart chakra.
And when your toy lover is ready, you will need to make a female doll from the remaining candles... for yourself. The main thing is that they will need to be connected together using threads. This is exactly the connection between a man and a woman. The next morning you will need to go and bury it right away. I’ve done this many times and the main thing is that it always works.”

Each woman decides for herself how to attract a man. Should I use blood sacrifices or make a Voodoo doll to attract a man whether to weave candles with stones. This is every woman's business. She has been given a special gift - beauty, and it is this gift that can be used as the woman wishes. Decorate yourself with a rose quartz pendant and attract ardent love, or wear earrings made of purple garnet or moonstone and find ardent passion. Bewitch or enchant?

Or maybe just remain a mysterious woman, whom even stones help in her sincere desire to follow her nature - to be loved!

Amulet of Absolute Love from a famous clairvoyant Marilyn Kerro, having miraculous properties, allows you to solve problems once and for all, both in your personal life and in social sphere. The talisman is made from carefully selected ingredients at a strictly defined time.

At the same time, in the process of working on each product, Marilyn Kerro personally conducts a special magic ritual, helping to cleanse the aura of the person for whom this Amulet was ordered.

The Amulet of Absolute Love from Marilyn Kerro will help the person for whom it is made to radically change their life in better side, including: regaining confidence in your importance, finding a soul mate, achieving financial independence, resolving family troubles, and much more. etc.

If just recently the conversation about the extraordinary abilities of certain psychics and clairvoyants caused distrust, now, when people were able to see with their own eyes the supernatural capabilities of the best of them on TV screens in popular multi-part television programs ("Battle of Psychics", "The Investigation is Conducted by Psychics" etc.), the attitude has changed dramatically.

Marilyn Kerro is a famous psychic from Estonia who has proven her strength to the whole world. She repeatedly took part in the “Battle of Psychics” program, where she passed difficult tests with dignity.

Marilyn is a very kind and sympathetic person, about the difficulties she faces ordinary people V Everyday life, she knows firsthand. It is for this reason that the clairvoyant sees the purpose of her existence in helping those people who need it.

Marilyn Kerro creates Amulets, which will be discussed below, individually for each person. In her work, she uses special rituals and personal data of the client (zodiac sign, date of birth). The talisman is made of special metal interspersed with red garnet.

This stone has the ability to protect against love spells, evil eyes, etc., and in combination with metal it allows you to get rid of long-standing fears and complexes, energize and decorate your life. bright colors!

In the lives of most people, events happen that result in annoying complexes and fears that interfere with organizing their personal lives, establishing relationships with others, increasing self-esteem, achieving success, and many others. Therefore, if you notice one or more of the following symptoms:

  • constant feeling of loneliness;
  • difficulties meeting and communicating with people;
  • fear that someone else besides you will find out about your problems;
  • strong self-doubt;
  • unhappy love;
  • you can’t find your soulmate for a long time;
  • lost faith and hope in love;
  • feel that yours family relationships reached a dead end, etc.,
  • regain confidence in yourself and your attractiveness;
  • increase your self-esteem;
  • you will feel a surge of strength and energy;
  • improve relationships with others;
  • find your love;
  • improve family relationships and many others

However, these are not the only decoration possibilities. The amulet also contributes to a favorable resolution of existing conflicts and problems, attracting good luck to its owner.

A magical talisman is able to reveal a person’s potential, making him more sociable, self-confident, successful and happy. After all, it is self-confidence that allows you to achieve your goals. Each Amulet is made in limited quantities to order, which ensures the unique effectiveness of the talisman.

Regardless of how old you are and what problems prevent you from living a full life, the Amulet of Absolute Love will constantly provide its magical influence, working for you.

I would also like to inform you that among the posted reviews of goods and products, regardless of age and gender, you can find very useful and necessary things. The list of some of the reviews is located on your right in the "CONTENTS" menu; you can read the rest of the review at the end of this page.

And now - to the topic of this review.

Marilyn Kerro and her Amulet of Absolute Love

Marilyn Kerro is a famous Estonian witch who takes part in the popular “Battle of Psychics” programs. She is rightfully considered one of the strongest participants, although she has not yet become the sole winner. However, viewers believe in her miraculous power and many dream of personal meeting with her.

Life path of Marilyn Kerro

The future witch was born in a small village near Rakvere - this small village in northern Estonia. Marilyn does not hide the date of her birth and calmly talks about the date of her death. She is sure that she life path will end in April 2071, i.e. when she is 82 years old (date of birth - September 18, 1988).

The Kerro family was always very poor, mainly due to the fact that her father drank heavily and did not help her mother at all to improve the well-being of her household. The mother herself had three daughters, the youngest of whom was Marilyn. Despite financial difficulties, the girls regularly went to school and the youngest graduated with honors.

During her studies, Marilyn often rebelled because she was not satisfied existing system education. She quarreled with teachers and even left school for a while. During her studies, Marilyn Kerro tried to help her mother: she worked as a packer at a vegetable base and as a saleswoman.

This job, of course, did not suit her, so she decided to complete a modeling course, since her appearance allowed her to do so. Model business and helped the family get out of total poverty - the girl began acting for fashion magazines.

Since Marilyn was busy helping her mother establish a normal family life, she missed the time to enter a medical school. But this circumstance did not upset the girl too much, because she always felt her destiny in life was to be a witch.

Nevertheless, she believes that she is still worth getting a special education in the field of medicine. The practical magic that Marilyn professes is closely related to the structure of the human body.

When Marilyn felt like a witch

Marilyn often communicated with her aunt, who, from the girl’s very tender age, began to show her fortune cards and teach her how to use them. At the age of six, Marilyn survived a terrible lightning strike, after which she discovered the gift of clairvoyance.

At that time, she still did not understand this very clearly, but she could already predict some minor events in the lives of loved ones. Every year the gift of clairvoyance only intensified, and the girl even learned to communicate with spirits.

A few years later, she accidentally found her great-grandmother's book, which described in detail how a woman could become a witch. By the way, the great-grandmother of the current witch was also a famous witch.

The old book helped develop Marilyn's abilities even more and now she considers herself a Voodoo magician. It was at this time, when the girl plunged headlong into studying practical magic, that she completely left the modeling business.

The girl takes the human blood used in her rituals from herself - inflicts a deep cut on herself and thus receives the means necessary for magic. Everyone who saw Marilyn live or watched programs with her participation noted increased emotionality.

Marilyn cries often, but she doesn't do it on purpose. She says that when she becomes completely immersed in the suffering of another person, tears begin to flow involuntarily and help her better understand the problems and fears of her interlocutor.

Interview with Marilyn Kerro

The ritual is based on the ancient writings of Estonian sorcerers. Its essence is very complex. It requires great intention and powerful witch power to perform. One of the parts of the ritual is ablution ritual water with the blood of a witch and lighting the fire of a special candle, the light of which must pass through a magical rock crystal crystal.

By the way, each stage of the ritual is extremely important. My blood makes people drunk with your energy, the light of fire ignites the energy inside you, to which people flock like moths to a flame, and from time immemorial, rock crystal has been considered the most powerful love stone among witches and alchemists.

Imagine the power of this ritual if I need to invest so much of my energy and observe so many sacraments to implement it. However, it was he who at one time helped me meet Alexander Sheps, and also become a contender for victory in the Battle of Psychics. Therefore, I do not doubt the power of the amulet for a second and I am ready to swear that anyone who wears this talisman finds love and attracts good luck into their life.

How does the Amulet of Absolute Love work?

  • This amulet is made for the owner, which means that in the process I think about the person, read his energy and lay down my intentions when making the amulet.
  • The amulet activates the energy centers in a person and awakens his attractive energy.
  • While a person wears the amulet, he is literally imbued with the energy of love and begins to radiate it.
  • People begin to gravitate towards this person. Such energy attracts and makes people love a person with an amulet.
  • The person who wears the amulet begins to be filled with attractive power. Even if he was never popular with the opposite sex.
  • Success also comes to such people, giving them joy every day.

I usually perform the ritual exclusively on the full moon. But in lunar month There are days when it is also very favorable to carry out all the rituals. Favorable in the near future lunar day for making the ritual will be from July 7 to September 7. It is on such days that I can make such amulets to order, for those who seek to attract love to themselves. On other lunar days I don’t do such powerful rituals.”

In this case, no additional rituals or actions are necessary. Your life will begin to change for the better. And you will see this soon after purchasing the Amulet. Each talisman is accompanied by an explanatory note with a wish from the clairvoyant and instructions for use.

The Amulet of Absolute Love from Marilyn Kerro is an exquisite pendant made of a rare alloy and red stone with powerful energy. The intricate interweaving of lines attracts the eye, producing a hypnotic effect. Materials and the pattern itself create and awaken dormant energy forces and attract the necessary events and people into our lives.

  • The amulet must always be with its owner. It is not necessary to wear the talisman around your neck; you can put it in your pocket or bag.
  • There is no need to perform any rituals with him.
  • Do not give the talisman to anyone else (even just to look and touch!), because In order for the amulet to have the desired effect, only its owner must touch it.

The talisman is made from a special metal and red stone, usually garnet. When combined, these substances create a special energy, which is enhanced by a spell cast by a psychic. Magic powers The amulet only helps the person who ordered it. To this end official representative When ordering, Marilyn Kerro will specify some additional information (date of birth, for example).

Marilyn Kerro's amulet does not cause any harm to the health of its owner. Many people note that the talisman begins to act from the first days of wearing it. Those around him are drawn to his owner, they have a desire to communicate with him.

Although she failed to win the “Battle of Psychics” project, she still left a bright mark in the memory of millions of television viewers and gained an impressive galaxy of fans. She was remembered not only for her results, but also for her charming beauty, kind hearted. Not long ago, an Estonian clairvoyant presented to the public the amulet of absolute love by Marilyn Kerro, reviews of which can already be found on the Internet.

Let's talk about what an amulet is, charged with success in a certain area of ​​life, what is the principle of its operation and what rules must be followed when using it so as not to harm yourself and other people. In addition, we will find out how two seemingly synonymous concepts differ from each other: “amulet” and “talisman” - and consider real reviews of Marilyn Kerro’s amulet of absolute love.

What is an amulet

"Amulet" translated from Latin means "means of protection." The object is designed to regulate and harmonize the energies with which every person interacts daily. By purchasing a magical item, its owner protects himself and his affairs from envy, damage, the evil eye and other energetic dirt. There are both universal amulets and those aimed at improving affairs in a specific area (business, relationships, revealing secret talents, assistance in making important decisions, protection from difficulties, and so on).


The amulet of absolute love from Mary is the original decoration of the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics”. However, one cannot deny its similarity with Slavic symbol and a talisman called Kolovrat.

The magical instrument is made of rare high quality metals, and its center is decorated with a mystical red stone. Red color is used in love magic to attract strong feeling. In addition, Mary uses ancient Estonian spells and her own blood. Blood rituals have long been considered the most effective of all. The combination of blood, alloys and the energy of the stone gives rise to the very force of attraction necessary to attract love relationships.

What is a love amulet for?

The Estonian clairvoyant amulet will help you with the following:

  • Increase your self-esteem and confidence. People can allow truly harmonious relationships into their lives only when they are in harmony with their inner world.
  • Return and accumulate vitality. Often a person is unable to find love because he lacks vital energy and magnetism, so potential life partners pass by.
  • Improve relationships with your spouse and people around you in general.
  • Find new love.
  • Attract good luck to other areas of life, as success attracts new success.

Principle of operation

How does the magic amulet of love work? Marilyn makes each of them in a single copy personally for the future owner. In the process of work, the witch puts intentions regarding a person into the magical object. When the owner first picks it up and puts it on himself, the amulet begins its work. It harmonizes energy flows, directs them in a creative direction, reveals hidden sources vitality. As a result, the owner of the talisman improves his well-being and accumulates energy. People around also feel the changes and begin to reach out to the owner of the amulet of love. In this way, new acquaintances are made, communication skills are developed, which help to advance not only on the love front, but also in professional affairs. Success increases every day, giving joy to the owner of the amulet.

Reviews from those who have already purchased the amulet

The amulet of unconditional love from Marilyn Kerro has already helped many people find their happiness. Reviews real people they say that the talisman of happiness works, even if you don’t believe in it or doubt it. The amulet of an Estonian psychic harmonizes existing relationships with loved ones and people around them, finds new love and brings joy to its owners. Some received it as a gift from relatives and friends, and did not buy it themselves, nevertheless, happiness managed to attract them. Others were inspired to purchase a magical artifact by the successes of those who had already found a happy relationship. If you believe the reviews, Marilyn Kerro’s amulet of absolute love will help you properly adjust your consciousness and adjust your energy to achieve a positive result. Even psychologists with two decades of experience trust him, noting a guaranteed one hundred percent result for all patients.

Why read real reviews about Marilyn Kerro's amulet of love? The work of any talisman, amulet or amulet is based on faith in success. Best advertisement for a magician, these are positive changes in the lives of people who turned to him for help. Before purchasing, be sure to read the available information about Marilyn Kerro's love amulet. Customer reviews are not only an advertisement for the clairvoyant herself or the magical product she offers, but also a source of information. Perhaps not everything should be taken on faith at once; it makes sense to doubt something. However, even in the smallest amount of information you can always find a grain of truth.

If the amulet does not work

Some reviews of the amulet of absolute love say that after purchase the result has not yet appeared. What to do in this case?

Remember that time in your understanding and in the understanding of God or the universe are two different periods of time. An amulet of unconditional love will help you meet your life partner, but you cannot know all the circumstances. Your future loved one may be in another city or even country, have a relationship with someone else in this moment time or simply be unprepared for the meeting. Or maybe you yourself will need to disrupt the previous course of your life; sometimes this is impossible without losses and painful lessons.

An amulet of unconditional love from Marilyn Kerro will help attract a soul mate and opportunities to meet her, but if the owner lives the same way as before the purchase, is afraid of relationships, has destructive ideas about men or girls, he will not be able to help. The force pushing for change is always located within the person himself, his consciousness and willingness to accept what is happening and interact with it.

What can help

You purchased an amulet of absolute love by Marilyn Kerro, reviews of which played an important role in making the purchase decision. What to do next? Activate it, talk about your desire, imagine it. You have acquired a magical tool to make your dreams come true. Help him work, and then it is guaranteed to lead to success. Here are some simple recommendations.

  • Spend more time on your dreams. Think about success for at least 20 minutes a day. Visualization and imagination are a powerful force and a rehearsal for the future life, as Albert Einstein stated. But simply visualizing is not enough. Immerse yourself completely in the sensations of getting what you want, imagine the appearance of your loved one in every detail, feel the happiness of being next to him, imagine how warm it is when your other half takes you by the hand, allow yourself to dream. The amulet of unconditional love from Marilyn Kerro will help you fulfill your desire in the best way.
  • Change destructive opinions about yourself and others to positive ones. What do you have that other people don’t have, features of your appearance or character? What attracts you most to men or women and what traits should they have? Notice them in those around you.
  • Give up the idea that you are not worthy of happiness and nothing can help. Reviews of Marilyn Kerro's amulet of absolute love say that it works regardless of age, position and skills. There is nothing wrong with you, you deserve to be happy, just accept your happiness, let it come.
  • Enjoy the process without being tied to the result. Feel the changes within yourself, sincerely rejoice at them, notice how the amulet reveals a new personality in you.
  • Keep a notebook of your successes and write down even the smallest ones. This will help you regain your self-confidence faster.

How strong can the effect be?

If you don’t really believe in the reviews about Marilyn Kerro’s amulet of absolute love, then for you this fact is from the biography of the witch herself. As the clairvoyant herself admitted, it was with his help that she attracted the winner of one of the seasons of “The Battle,” Alexander Sheps, into her life. The romance of this colorful and unusual couple became known in the finale of the show. It’s surprising, because who, if not Sheps, can resist magical influences.

What to watch out for

Marilyn claims that her signature love amulet has incredible power and can attract so much attention from the opposite sex that its owner can become overly proud, narcissistic and arrogant. As a result, the talisman of happiness, instead of attracting it, will work in the opposite direction.

You should also remember that you should not use magical attributes to the detriment of other people or try to destroy other people's relationships. Marilyn Kerro's amulet of love, real reviews of which inspire and inspire faith in happiness, will help attract pure, bright relationships and your person, without someone else's sadness and tears.

With his help, the clairvoyant herself attracted not only Alexander into her life, but also reached the top three in all seasons of the battle. “I swear that whoever wears this amulet will find love and bring good luck into his life,” says the Estonian woman.

How to use

You can carry the amulet in your purse, but for greater effectiveness, the witch recommends wearing it directly on the body. Don't let it fall into the wrong hands, even those closest to you.


You can purchase an amulet from Mary only on her official website. Do not order from sites with a dubious reputation. There will be no power in it, and money, time and opportunities will be lost. Kerro's amulet has its own quality certificate.

Delivery terms

The Marilyn Kerro amulet, ordered through the official website, arrives by mail within two weeks. It is also necessary to take into account the time it takes to manufacture it.

We hope that the review of the amulet of unconditional love, reviews about it will help you make right choice. After all, you can find out absolutely exactly whether it is capable of attracting a real bright feeling into your life and giving happiness for many years, only by purchasing it.

Marilyn Kerro's amulet is the simplest, but at the same time powerful method to find your soul mate. An exclusive product helps to attract true love in life, improve relationships with your partner and gives you self-confidence. The original talisman has very great power, everyone who used it was satisfied with the result. You can order a unique pendant exclusively on the distributor’s official website to avoid low-quality, useless fakes. Today it is already possible to buy an amulet from Marilyn Kerro at an affordable price, as well as with a guarantee of quality. More information about the product in our review.

Our review of Marilyn Kerro


A real amulet of absolute love by Marilyn Kerro, created on the basis strong conspiracy the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics”. Thanks to him, the Estonian clairvoyant met her soul mate. The talisman is made for the name and zodiac sign specific person, the ritual itself is quite complex and mysterious.

The product is based on a combination rare metal and red stone, embodied in the shape of a circle with original curls, which reflects the unity of the spiritual and physical in man. Garnet (red stone) is a powerful stone in its energy with love spell properties. It has an active influence on the energy center, awakening the necessary love energy in a person. Thus, they are attracted like a magnet necessary people and events. With the help of an amulet you can plunge into real, sincere love relationship, overcome fears, complexes, ignite the inner light that ensures absolute harmony with the world around you. The main thing is unshakable faith in yourself and confidence that everything will work out!

Operating principle

Marilyn Kerro's amulet, based on an ancient ritual of Estonian magicians and a special clairvoyant love spell, makes a person more attractive in the eyes of others. A talisman is created exclusively on a specific lunar day, and certain data of its bearer (date of birth) is taken into account, so the product is made to individual order. Thanks to a unique amulet, it appears real opportunity bring real, sublime feelings into life. By curbing it powerful force and energy, you can attract luck, confidence, happiness.

How does a magic pendant work:

  • Attracts increased attention from the opposite sex.
  • They inspire sympathy among everyone around them.
  • Gives a chance for reciprocity from any person.
  • Causes increased interest.
  • Increases the opportunity to tie the knot with a successful person.
  • Provides a powerful attractive force.
  • Enhances sexuality and attractiveness.
  • Gives you self-confidence.

How to use

Using this exclusive amulet is very simple; it is recommended to wear it closer to your heart, but you can just take it with you wherever it is convenient. And now important information, the product has a very powerful force, so it can attract new acquaintances in abundance, which increases the huge temptation to reciprocate more than one person. It is necessary to exercise maximum caution with your main desires, so it is important to decide on them at the very beginning so that there are no misunderstandings.

  1. Lonely.
  2. Shy, unsure of himself.
  3. Unhappy in love relationships.
  4. For those who have been looking for a soul mate for a long time.
  5. Closed from the world.
  6. For those who have lost hope of finding true love.
  7. When family relationships are fading.


In order to finally be convinced of the power of Marilyn Kerro’s amulet of absolute love, reviews about it can be read on the Internet. Satisfied wearers of the unusual pendant note its attractive energy and guaranteed effect. Product advantages:

  • Created with the help of a famous Estonian clairvoyant.
  • Based on a unique metal and red garnet.
  • Original pendant design.
  • It attracts not only love, but also happiness and good luck.
  • Can be used by both men and women.
  • Affordable price.
  • Provides absolute self-confidence and own strength, possibilities.

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro told how to choose stones, how to cleanse stones of negativity and how to charge them with energy.

The recently hired Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro cannot cope with the flow of people wanting to see her.

On this occasion, she wrote a post on her Facebook page: “After the opening of Mecca, many of you stood in line, including seminar visitors. Many of you have already received help. In any case, the situation today is that due to the fact that I rarely visit my homeland, the line is moving, but slowly. After all, I don’t do this like on an assembly line for the purpose of earning money, but I conduct receptions only when I have the energy and strength for this! I don’t even host receptions every day! Please understand that I am only one! I ignore demands and pressure.”

“The keynote for those who come to me is health. We don’t discuss communication problems, and I don’t give advice on this part! On these issues I do not accept. I urge everyone to carefully consider why they contact me, since I do not accept people who come simply out of interest and curiosity. I am very frank and specific, so I ask you to be prepared for this and take the matter seriously. I don’t change the world and people, you help yourself!” Kerro added.

And people can cope with some of their problems themselves, without visiting Kerro, but using her advice. In particular, Marilyn talked about stones - how to choose them and how to care for them.

So, you need to be careful when cleaning stones (crystals): “crystals can be successfully cleaned with citrine, selenite or, for example, carnelian. They self-clean and do not require cleaning, making them excellent cleansers for other crystals. For example, selenite and malachite do not tolerate water. Therefore, you should always be careful about which crystals you are going to clean.

Newly purchased stones should always be cleaned. And if you don’t have cleaning stones on hand, I recommend cleaning with sea salt and water.

Leave the salt and water transfer crystals in the sea salt water overnight. Ratio sea ​​salt and water should be equal, and crystals should be placed in this solution.

After this, clean them by rinsing them under running water, since the water will carry away all the additional negativity, and then put them on charge. Charge them on the window, and moonlight will be the perfect remedy here! You can also resort to burial. This will charge and cleanse your crystals in one day!

Always choose crystals according to intuition! Don’t read anything in advance, choose something that immediately attracts and lures you. This way you will always choose the right stone!

I don’t recommend cluttering the space with stones. Since many crystals have similar properties, a couple of stones are enough!

Start from your need and always focus on the most important issue and choose based on that. When one problem is solved, move on to solving the next one.

And at the end she emphasized: each person is the creator of his own destiny and the maker of his own path.