Each of us wants to know whether he is compatible with the one he loves, whether he will be happy in marriage, what the sex will be like and how long this love will last. To find out this, just turn to the advice of the horoscope.

Chinese horoscope

In China, a calendar has been adopted, according to which every year for 12 years passes under the sign of one of the animals. And each zodiac sign under which a person was born gives him certain character traits, and also determines his destiny. Therefore, sometimes, to find out the compatibility of two people in a relationship, marriage or sex, you just need to compare both signs.

But first you need to determine in which animal year you were born. To do this, you just need to look at the small table.

Having found out which zodiac sign you belong to, according to the Chinese horoscope, and which your significant other belongs to, you can move on to the next table, which will tell you how long-lasting your couple’s love will be. According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 4 types of partner compatibility.

Compatibility of a couple in relationships with each other

He She
Equal Union
Rat, Dragon, MonkeyCat, Goat, Boar
Bull, Snake, RoosterTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogBull, Snake, Rooster
Spiritual union
Rat, Monkey, DragonBull, Snake, Rooster
Bull, Snake, RoosterRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogCat, Goat, Boar
Cat, Goat, BoarTiger, Horse, Dog
Romantic union
Rat, Monkey, DragonTiger, Horse, Dog
Bull, Snake, RoosterCat, Goat, Boar
Tiger, Horse, DogRat, Monkey, Dragon
Cat, Goat, BoarBull, Snake, Rooster
Patriarchal Union
Rat, Monkey, DragonRat, Monkey, Dragon
Bull, Snake, RoosterBull, Snake, Rooster
Tiger, Horse, DogTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarCat, Goat, Boar

What does the Chinese horoscope promise for your couple? With the help of this table, the zodiac signs will lift the veil of your Destiny for you.

According to the Chinese horoscope, couples from an equal union have the same highly developed intelligence. Lovers or spouses in this case have similar aspirations and ideals. The couple will often quarrel, but each quarrel will end in violent sex, and reconciliation will bring both closer together. For a long-term relationship, both must constantly throw firewood into the home from constant trips, separations and meetings, after them, as well as stormy emotions. Boredom is contraindicated for them!

If your zodiac signs have formed a spiritual union, it means that each of you has gone through a lot, experienced difficult life troubles, and now, having matured for a serious relationship, have united in one couple. Your compatibility is so great that you will always be each other’s support and support. In addition, each of you will constantly improve yourself, pushing the other to its development. Such a couple will be wise in love, and over time they can achieve the highest harmony. The main thing is not to get hung up on the little things!

But the signs of the zodiac, united in a romantic union, very often have that very “love at first sight”, which can then continue after the wedding. After all, the guy will constantly give his beloved various gifts, arrange pleasant surprises, and the girl will try to fulfill the whims of her chosen one in sex, and their house will always be open to numerous guests. But for a long-term relationship, these zodiac signs should not be alone with each other for too long. In this case, even small separations of a few hours will refresh feelings and breathe even more passion into their connection.

Patriarchal connections, according to the Chinese horoscope, most often occur among adults for whom it is important to start a family and raise children. For such a couple, the most important thing is children and home, in which they will constantly maintain a glow of warmth and comfort. In this couple, the groom or husband is the head of the family, who is responsible for his beloved woman, and she, in turn, must be solely responsible for ensuring that their family hearth never goes out. And if one of them tries to change their role, then at that very moment the couple may break up.

Vector communication between partners

But according to the Chinese horoscope, there is also a vector connection between the signs of the zodiac. In this case, the relationship is very difficult, while one of the partners is the master of the other, and the second, accordingly, must always obey him in everything.

Couples who have such a connection include:

  • Rat - Monkey;
  • Monkey – Snake;
  • Snake - Goat;
  • Goat - Tiger;
  • Tiger - Ox;
  • Bull - Dog;
  • Dog - Rooster;
  • Rooster - Cat;
  • Cat - Dragon;
  • Dragon - Boar;
  • Boar - Horse;
  • Horse - Rat.

In this case, the first in the pair is the master, and the second is the servant. Such couples are characterized by tension in their relationships, their quarrels create a lot of negative emotions, and jealousy and scandals exhaust both. This is a case of compatibility between two people, when it’s bad to be apart, but it’s impossible to be together, although lovers greatly depend on their relationship and love. In addition, after many exhausting years, the master can slightly loosen his grip, and then the servant, having become disobedient, can breathe new life into their couple.

Willingness to “give” in accordance with the horoscope

There is an opinion that in any relationship, one partner gives the other all his love and care, and the other only receives it. Chinese horoscope I absolutely agree with this. Indeed, in accordance with the zodiac sign under which a person was born, he becomes a “giver” - a source of love or a “taker” in a couple, and therefore a detector. Moreover, if the compatibility between these partners is great, then they do not suffer at all from the fact that one has to give the other all their tenderness, love and care.

The sources of love among men are those born in the years of the Horse, Dog or Tiger, their love is romantic, but those born in the years of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon are sources of controlled love. The difference between them is that romantic lovers often idealize their partner, which means many times they make mistakes in their choice, but the sources of controlled love are great experts on the female soul and love not an imaginary lover endowed with invented qualities, but an ordinary earthly woman.

Men born under the zodiac sign of the Rooster, Bull and Snake are, in turn, attacking detectors, and those born under the signs of the Pig, Cat and Goat are attractive. Moreover, when attacking detectors very actively seduce women, this means, oddly enough, that they are cold towards their object of love, but they are afraid to approach those whom they really love. And attraction detectors believe that they need to pay as little attention to their partner as possible, and then their beloved will be devoted to them all her life.

As you can see, according to the Chinese horoscope, there are equal numbers of “giving” and “taking” men, but there are much more “taking” women. Those born under the sign of the Dog, Tiger or Horse are attack detectors, who are characterized by devotion and excessive romanticization of their lover; Rats, Monkeys or Dragons are attractive detectors who conquer their chosen ones with their inventiveness in sex; and those born under the sign of the Cat, Goat and Pig are independent detectors who are absolutely passive in relationships, and who do not seem to care at all about compatibility with their chosen one.

And the only sources of love among women are those who were born under the zodiac sign of Snake, Rooster or Bull. If they are in love, they are ready to fight for their love to the bitter end!

Very often, having met a seemingly ideal partner, we look into our horoscope to find out how possible a future relationship is. Most often, women are involved in such calculations. This could be compatibility by year of birth, by date of birth, by name, and so on.

Compatibility by year of birth: Chinese compatibility horoscope

The Chinese horoscope is an opportunity to learn about yourself and others based on the year in which one was born. There are twelve animals that are included in the eastern circle of the horoscope.

Each of them reigns for a whole year. All this is determined by lunar calendar, so the meaning of our traditional calendar may be slightly different.

The Chinese horoscope has long been popular in Western countries. Its history goes back to ancient times; there are several legends that tell about the origin of the Chinese horoscope.

According to one such legend, 12 animals came to say goodbye to Buddha when he left the Earth. The Rat came first, followed by the Ox and the Tiger, followed by the Rabbit (Cat) and the Dragon, then the Snake and the Horse, the Goat (Sheep), the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, and the last to come was the Pig (in that order).

As a reward, all animals received the right to control time and control the destinies of people once every twelve years.

It is very interesting to consider the compatibility of signs not only by birthday, but also by year. This way you can find out more information about your partner and possibly correct your or his behavior unnoticed.

Born in the year of the Rat

Such people are very elegant, but also strong. External calm does not mean the same on the inside. Closer people of this sign know that inside they can have a lot of anxiety and tension, which sometimes turns into aggressive actions.

The character of many Rats is neatness, ambition, pedantry and pettiness. In business they are most often successful.

If we talk about the weaknesses of this zodiac sign, then this is an opportunity to succumb to deception, especially if the fraudster presented everything in an unusual light.

Compatibility of the Rat with other signs:

  • Rat. Tenderness and love can arise between these signs, however, in this union there is no place for rivalry and family disputes and quarrels. Friendship is possible, but only if there is no mischief between these signs. Business relationships are also possible and quite successful.
  • Bull. A very successful marriage. The calm Ox balances the restless Rat well. Friendship does happen, but it is dull and uninteresting. Business relations are very weak.
  • Tiger. The marriage will have problems due to the Tiger's eternal desire for power in the family. Very contradictory characters. In friendship, problems can be of a different nature. The materialism of the Rat is not exactly what the Tiger needs. Good business relationships, both are characterized by honesty and a desire to make money. However, to avoid problems, profits should be divided in half.
  • Rabbit. This sign is too dangerous for the Rat, so any relationship should be wary.
  • The Dragon. The marriage union is considered successful. If the Rat falls in love, he may well flatter the Dragon, which is important to him. Also not least important in this union is the physical attraction between the partners. Friendship between signs is possible, which can develop into love. Business relationships are possible, subject to the unconditional leadership of the Dragon and the subordination of the Rat.
  • Snake. Marriage relations may end in disappointment. The mystery and infidelity of the Snake will be a misfortune for the Rat. However, marriage is possible provided that the Snake becomes faithful. Friendship is possible on the basis eternal love chat. Business relationships are best avoided.
  • Horse. Any relationship between these signs is very complex due to poor understanding of each other.
  • Goat. These signs are as similar as they are different. For the Rat, the Goat seems too reserved. If the Rat has money, the Goat will feel calm and satisfied, but things will not be that way for the Rat. If we talk about friendship, then in principle it is possible, but violent manifestations of character on both sides should be restrained. Business relations are also quite possible.
  • Monkey. This is very good compatibility. This marriage relationship is not only lucky but also happy. There is mutual love and complete understanding. Friendship is also possible, but the Rat will not always obey the whims of the Monkey. IN business relations The Rat should not blindly obey the Monkey.
  • Rooster. This union will be founded between kindred souls, which are these two zodiac signs. Friendship is superficial, easy and quick. There absolutely cannot be a business relationship - nothing good will come of it.
  • Dog. Family relationships are quite possible. They can be both interesting and calm. It will be good for the Dog to be alone sometimes, so the Rat should provide it with this. Friendly relationships are weak, and business relationships may not end entirely successfully due to the selfishness of the Rat and the idealism of the Dog.
  • Pig. A harmonious union is quite possible; there is a lot in character common features. There is also a certain spiritual understanding. Friendship can be long-lasting and true. Business relationships are also possible and very successful, but on condition that the Rat does not deceive the Pig.

Born in the year of the Ox

One thing can be said about people of this sign - they are a big bundle of energy and strength. Oxen are always very purposeful; they will always achieve their intended goal, regardless of minor obstacles. It can be said that none of the horoscope signs has more power.

It is in the nature of the Bulls to stock up and try to provide for their old age. He is famous for his practicality and desire to make money. This is a simple hard worker.

But keep in mind that the zodiac sign is famous for its stubbornness. The most correct opinion– it’s his, even if in fact it’s not. Bulls will never cheat, it's not in their nature. They can come to the defense of the offender.

Compatibility of the Ox with other signs:

  • Bull. These are two reliable partners, they have a lot in common, they are materialists. The marriage will be fun and humorous. Friendship between two Oxen is unlikely, because... There will definitely be a struggle for power. There can be success in business relationships if joint venture there will be a farm or farm.
  • Tiger. Marriage and friendship between these signs is problematic. In business relationships, the Ox will completely push the Tiger away from business.
  • Rabbit. The marriage relationship between these zodiac signs will be far from ideal. The degree of harmony will depend on the Rabbit’s desire to adapt to the Ox. Friendship is possible, secular friendship is more likely. In business relationships, the Ox should be careful, as the Rabbit can subjugate the Ox.
  • The Dragon. The marriage union between these two signs is very complex and is considered unpromising due to conflicts and disagreements. This arises due to the fact that the Dragon is very fond of external shine, and the Ox does not really trust all this. Friendship also cannot be strong, since the Ox does not sympathize with the Dragon. Business relationships are worse for the Ox than for the Dragon, so they are not recommended.
  • Snake. A successful marriage if the Snake does not talk about his adventures before his relationship with the Ox. But friendly relations are quite good, perhaps even an understanding at a glance. It is better not to start a business relationship.
  • Horse. Relationships are difficult, both in marriage and friendship. Business relationships between these signs are an extreme case. It's better not to start.
  • Goat. Relations here are also very problematic on all fronts.
  • Monkey. Relationships are complicated. And love, and friendship, and business. The Monkey can bring a lot of suffering to the Ox, so it is better to avoid such unions.
  • Rooster. Love and friendship relationships are almost ideal due to the fact that the partners have almost complete mutual understanding. However, it is better not to start a business relationship, since the Rooster is somewhat lazy.
  • Dog. A difficult relationship in every sense. This is due to the fact that the signs are the complete opposite of each other.
  • Pig. Business relationships are more useful in this union; they can bear great fruit. But marriage should be built on the observance of certain rules, and friendship is good if friends do not see each other often.

Born in the year of the Tiger

These people are very proud, they always have to be the best. Their character traits are characterized by initiative and perseverance. They know how to attract people to work, working with them to achieve their goals.

Also, Tigers are not inclined to look back at past deeds and correct mistakes. They always go forward and, if necessary, easily change their field of activity.

Compatibility of the Tiger with other signs:

  • Tiger. Unlike marriage (not recommended), friendship between signs can be good.
  • Rabbit. The union is considered not the most successful. After some time, tension appears in the relationship. The same is true with friendship. But business relations are quite possible.
  • The Dragon. It is considered a promising alliance; the Dragon will be useful for the Tiger. The friendly ties are very strong; they seem to complement each other. Business relationships are also good. The Dragon will be responsible for mental activity, and the Tiger will be responsible for the embodiment of ideas.
  • Snake. Relationships in all areas are very difficult. Better to avoid.
  • Horse. There can be marriage, friendship, and business relationships at a quite decent level.
  • Goat. The marriage will be very problematic, the Tiger is too strong for the Goat. Friendship by mutual consent is possible.
  • Monkey. The marriage union is very short-lived, although the partners are attracted to each other. Friendship is possible, but within the bounds of decency. The prospects for business relationships will depend on the foresight of the Tiger and the respect of the Monkey.
  • Rooster. All relationships between these signs are doomed to failure.
  • Dog. Marriage is possible if the signs pursue the same ideas. There cannot be a long-term friendship, but business relationships can be quite prosperous.
  • Pig. Marriage is possible by mutual consent. Friendship can be quite strong and long-lasting. But business relationships will depend on how noble the Tiger is.

For other compatibility see above.

Born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

This sign is considered lucky. They have a deep mind and moderate ambition. It’s easy to be in his company, he’s quite modest, but he doesn’t have any complexes either.

The Rabbit can show unprecedented courage in situations where the Tiger or Ox saves. It is distinguished by sophistication and sophistication.

Rabbit compatibility with other signs:

  • Rabbit. If one of the Rabbits submits to the other, then the union will be very happy. Friendship between signs is strong and lasting. Business relationships are also good (for example, running a joint office).
  • The Dragon. A good marriage relationship with this sign is possible if a compromise is reached. Friendship will be problematic, and business relationships will be built if the Dragon is in charge.
  • Snake. The marriage union will be long-lasting with a certain control of feelings and emotions. Friendship and business relationships are also possible.
  • Horse. These signs will do well in marriage. True, you should beware of quarrels over trifles and irritability. Friendships are also strong and lasting. Business relationships are beneficial for both.
  • Goat. The signs get along well with each other, the marriage is very successful. Friendship is built on mutual love to art, and business relationships can be successful with mutual cooperation.
  • Monkey. A marriage can be successful despite the fact that they have different worldviews. Friendship is also possible. But it’s better not to start a business relationship.
  • Rooster. Relationships between these signs will not bring anything good, it is recommended to avoid it.
  • Dog. The union is favorable if loyalty to each other is observed. Good friendships. If we talk about business relationships, we can call them ideal. They complement each other perfectly.
  • Pig. Provided the Pig is faithful, the marriage will be long and harmonious. Friendship and business relationships are promising.

See above for other compatibility.

Born in the Year of the Dragon

These people can become great and they are lucky in many things. They can be powerful in their lives. They have good intuition, which is why they get the reins of power. Always well deserved.

Compatibility of the Dragon with other signs:

  • The Dragon. The marriage union is wonderful. They complement and encourage each other very well. Often found soul mates. Friendship and business relationships are not recommended.
  • Snake. This will be a truly magnificent union. The Dragon will admire the Snake, and she will be quite wise and cunning. Also good friendships and business relationships.
  • Horse. We can say that marriage is almost hopeless. The signs are too different. Friendship and business relationships will not lead to anything good.
  • Goat. It is considered an unreliable union. Friendship and business relationships are possible under certain conditions.
  • Monkey. The addition between the signs results in a completely successful union. They can also be friends for a long time until someone gets tired of it. Business relationships will bring wonderful results.
  • Rooster. Marriage is possible if there is a common language. Friendship will be based on mutual sympathy, and business relationships will be based on their mutual cooperation.
  • Dog. All types of relationships between signs will bring nothing but trouble.
  • Pig. The marriage union will be good, provided that the Pig admires his partner. Business relationships will bring success.

Born in the year of the Snake

This sign is very successful in business and finance. They never worry about their financial situation. The Snake will always find means to live, as well as to make their dreams come true.

The nature of these signs is very complex. They can show themselves in different types activities, these people are very creative individuals, intellectuals and philosophers. They have good intuition.

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs:

  • Snake. Due to the extremes of the sign, the union can be problematic. But friendship is long lasting and strong. It is better not to start a business relationship.
  • Horse. Interesting love relationships due to the characteristics of the signs. Everyone can leave at some point. Friendship is most often strong. Prosperous business relationships will be the result of the Snake's ideas carried out by the Horse.
  • Goat. Marriage is very unpredictable. Friendship can be quite strong. Business relationships are problematic due to inability to lead for both signs.
  • Monkey. A marriage will have problems if there are no common life goals. Friendship can only be secular. It is better not to start a business relationship.
  • Rooster. The marriage union has good prospects, there is mutual understanding and common goals. Friendship relationships are also rich. It is better not to start a business relationship.
  • Dog. Relationships from any side will have problems, it is better to avoid.
  • Pig. Relationships will depend on the behavior of the Pig, which can jeopardize all endeavors.

See other sign compatibility above.

Born in the year of the Horse

Representatives of this sign know how to present themselves. They love social events and various entertainments. They are cheerful and sometimes talkative.

Horses are very scary when angry and have hot blood. Therefore, it is better not to come across them at these moments.

This sign is also characterized by ambition and selfishness. They are considered independent from the opinions of others and always act as they see fit.

Compatibility of the Horse with other signs:

  • Horse. For a successful life together, the subordination of one to the other is necessary. Friendship is also possible if no one interferes in the partner’s life. Business relationships are problematic.
  • Goat. The union can be good, not boring. Friendship relationships are also good. But in a business partnership, everything will depend on how much mutual understanding is reached.
  • Monkey. All types of relationships are problematic.
  • Rooster. Marriage relationships can bring suffering and breakup. Superficial, secular friendship - nothing deep. Business relationships are also impossible.
  • Dog. The union can be long and serious. Friendship can be very strong, especially if there is agreement on some issues. Business relationships are also possible, but on equal terms.
  • Pig. Relationships in all directions are problematic due to the incompatibility of characters.

You can see compatibility with other signs above.

Born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Representatives of this sign have good intuition, they are caring and can sacrifice themselves. However, there is too much pessimism in them, which pushes people away from them. In addition, they are too restless and annoying.

The Goat lacks practicality at all, but is present in large quantities laziness. It is considered a very frivolous sign, not entirely independent.

Compatibility of the Goat with other signs:

  • Goat. This sign is simply great in marriage, but there will be a constant question of money. Friendly relations are quite possible. But it’s better not to start a business relationship.
  • Monkey. A marriage union between these two signs is practically impossible. But friendly relations will be quite good. Business relationships are also possible, where everyone knows each other’s capabilities and uses them to achieve common goals.
  • Rooster. An idyll can occur in a marriage if the Goat completely submits to the Rooster. Friendly and business relations are practically hopeless.
  • Dog. A marriage union is possible in one case - if the Dog completely submits to the Goat. Otherwise he is doomed. Business and friendly relationships will not bring success.
  • Pig. Considered one of the best options. A happy and long-lasting marriage based on complete spiritual harmony. Friendships and business relationships are also great.

Other compatibility is listed above.

Born in the year of the Monkey

Those born this year have cunning and ingenuity in their character. They can steal, if necessary, take for themselves what was forgotten by someone. They prefer to live at other people's expense.

The Monkey's temperament is very stormy, she is cunning, grasping, and has a logical mind.

By nature they are preservatives. They can also be envious and aggressive.

Compatibility of the Monkey with other signs:

  • Monkey. It is considered a good union, both in love and friendship. If there is someone third, then business relationships will be wonderful.
  • Rooster. All types of relationships are very unpromising.
  • Dog. There is also no future relationship between these signs.
  • Pig. Marriage is in doubt, but friendly and business relationships are quite possible. In the first case, out of sympathy and mutual understanding, in the second, out of a desire for a joint venture.

You can see other compatibility above.

Born in the year of the Rooster

This zodiac sign represents rather complex natures. The nature of Roosters is to be enterprising, to crave communication, to be noisy and straightforward, and they also have internal tension and a desire to convince a person.

The Rooster loves to command and also strive for power. Very often he achieves promotion through active external activities. He has wonderful intuition, which he uses for these purposes.

Compatibility of the Rooster with other signs:

  • Rooster. They are too similar to live together. Both business and friendly relationships will end badly.
  • Dog. Marriage will not bring anything good. Friendship and business relationships are impossible due to personal incompatibility.
  • Pig. The relationship is disastrous in all directions.

Other compatibility are listed above.

Born in the Year of the Dog

People born under this sign have many talents. They are considered integral and deep natures. Excellent philosophers and speakers.

This sign may and loves to work, but does not strive to make a career. Will be happy with the golden mean.

The Dog's talent is not related to business. It would be more suitable for her to be a politician or an artist, perhaps a fashion designer or director.

Dogs always get things done and do them very well. She is highly respected for this.

Material wealth is not very important for this zodiac sign. More significant are family relationships, as well as what others think about him.

Compatibility of the Dog with other signs:

  • Dog. Many similarities make this union impossible for happiness. Friendship can be very strong, but there should not be a love relationship in it. Business relationships will not lead to good things.
  • Pig. Relationships are possible if there are no claims to life. Friendships have depth and devotion. Business relationships are not recommended.

You can see compatibility with other signs above.

Born in the year of the Pig (Boar)

People of this sign are characterized by their decency and honesty. They contain forbearance, generosity and tolerance. There is also a fair amount of optimism.

Pigs always believe in good things and see good and pure in everything. These are not vindictive people at all.

For representatives of this sign, reputation is important and they take care of it. They also show caring and sensitivity to people in need.

Compatibility of the Pig with other signs:

  • Pig. The union has every chance of success if one of the partners submits. The friendship will also have relationship strength and longevity. Business relations are very good. These two signs are considered Fortune's favorites, so luck will be on their side.

Compatibility with other signs by eastern horoscope described in the article above.

Thus, taking into account the year of birth of your partner, you can build a line of behavior with him from this. Knowing what to expect from a person will help you avoid some mistakes in your relationship with him.

For example, is he reliable as a business partner or is it better to refrain from cooperating with him, how happy can a love relationship with him be, and is there any hope for a future relationship, maybe you should just remain friends.

However, there are exceptions to every rule, so take into account the factors obtained from the article, but also look at what kind of person the person is, because other factors besides the year of birth influence compatibility.

How? You haven't read yet:

The year 1983 is the year of whom, what animal eastern calendar?

  • Year 1983 year of the water boar (pig)

    1983 year of the boar, element water, color black.

    People born in 1983 are responsible and hardworking, so they often advance well in their careers.

    The water boar can be the life of the party and loves to be in society. Characterized by honesty and straightforwardness.

  • The year 1983, according to the Eastern calendar, passed under the sign of the black water Pig. The year began on February 13, and the year ended on February 2, 1984. The Boar was replaced by a blue wooden Mouse.

    Boars have a peaceful character, but at the same time they can sometimes be stubborn and impudent. People of this sign are principled, kind, cheerful and cheerful.

    1983 is the year of the black boar (pig).

    Those born this year are very cheerful and cheerful people. They are most often brutally honest with everyone around them. They love companies very much, they always have a lot of friends. In their careers, they are real hard workers who are slowly but surely moving up the career ladder.

    1983 according to the eastern calendar is the year of the pig.

    I was born in 1983, so I know the year I was born. I was born in the year of the black water boar.

    But there is one BUT. Until I was eighteen, I believed that I was born in the year of the boar, and that I, as they say, am a boar.

    You can find out about this from this table:

    It turned out that I was a dog. After all, the year of the boar in 1983 began in February, or rather on February 13, 1983, and I was born in January 1983.

    This information can be found in this table:

    Therefore, I can’t possibly be a boar, I’m a dog.

    1983 was the year of the black water boar according to the eastern calendar.

    This is determined using special tables of correspondence between years and branches according to the Chinese calendar. The beginning of the year is determined by another table of the Chinese lunar calendar.

    We find the year we need in the corresponding cell and determine which animal and which branch it corresponds to. We find the year we are interested in in the corresponding cell and determine the exact date beginning of the year.

    As we can see from Table 1, 1983 was the year of the black water snake. The beginning of the year falls on February 13th. The holiday was celebrated from the night of February 12th to February 13th, 1983.

    Table 1

    table 2

  • Year of the Black Water Boar.

    1983 is the year of the boar. Element - water.

    People born this year are usually very naive. They are easily misled, but they are great optimists and believe that everything in this world is relative.

    A good sign and brings goodness to people.

    Color, dark tones, black.

  • One thousand nine hundred and eighty-three is the year of the Boar (or Pig) according to the eastern calendar.

    This year's element is water, color is black.

    Representatives of this sign are honest, patient and straightforward people. They are very modest and prefer silence and solitude, but will always offer their help to those who need it.

    Those born in the year of the Pig have a lot of acquaintances, but only a few close friends among them. They do not like long trips and travel, they do not like new environments and surroundings, they are very conservative. They love spending time in nature.

    By Chinese calendar it was the year of the Black Water Boar.

    Children born in the year of the Water Pig are distinguished by their sociability and generosity, a developed sense of duty and hard work. They truly have a heart of gold, which is why they often become the life of the party.

    1983 according to the Eastern calendar was the year of the Pig or also called the Boar (although I am somehow more inclined to the first option) - the year of the Black Water Pig.

    This year's boar is very vulnerable, sentimental, and sensitive. People around you take problems too close to your heart. These people can be easily deceived, but the Pig will not hold a grudge or grudge.

    The Pig has a rich outlook, is well versed in various fields, is talented and capable of achieving success.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1983 is the year of the blue Pig, the element of the year is Water.

The beginning of the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar is February 13, 1983, the end of the year is February 1, 1984. A person born before February 13, 1983 belongs to the Dog sign (the previous sign in the horoscope).

Character of 1983 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1983 passes under the auspices of two Water elements. Firstly, Water is the element of 1983, and in addition, the element of the Pig (patron of the year) is also Water. As a result, Water repeatedly enhances its properties, influencing the character of 1983 and people born in this year.

In the Chinese horoscope, the combination of two Water elements at once is considered quite successful. Water enhances the brightest properties of Water. A person born in 1983 inevitably feels the influence of the double element of Water, which manifests itself in the ability to subtly feel, read thoughts and predict people's intentions. This person is mystically attractive and has the gift of diplomacy and persuasion.

A person born in 1983 perceives the world holistically in all its completeness and diversity. According to the Chinese horoscope, he is open to communication, but does not allow strangers into the depths of his soul, is prone to introspection, and is very receptive and impressionable. He strives for consistency and tries to avoid conflicts, both in personal and business relationships. In life, a person in whose character the two elements of Water have merged shows flexibility and sociability, this helps him achieve material well-being.

Character of a person born in the year of the Pig

A person born in the year of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope is distinguished by truthfulness and directness. His “yes” means “yes”, and “no” means “no”, and the Pig expects the same from those around him. With regard to Pig, like no other, the saying is true that he harnesses for a long time, but then rides quickly. Indeed, in everyday life the Pig can be called a leisurely person, but when the decision is made, the Pig demonstrates amazing determination and firmness. He is determined only to win and is not used to retreating!

Blue Water Pig Years:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are “heavenly twins,” that is, they have many similar character traits and outlooks on life).

Celebrities born in 1983:

According to the eastern calendar, 1983 is the year of the Pig and is influenced by the element of water. Those born this year are people whom nature has awarded with a kind and noble heart. These individuals are diplomats, they always try to support everyone a good relationship. Sometimes they are too trusting, but over time they become firmer, begin to defend their interests and prefer to test people.

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Those born in 1983 are often silent, so from the outside it seems as if their life flows quietly and measuredly. But this is a wrong impression. Pigs are versatile personalities, they have a broad outlook, they know how to enjoy life and have an excellent sense of humor. These people give one hundred percent in their work, which allows them to achieve success in any endeavor.

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    Character of the Water Pig

    Due to the fact that the Pig is under the influence of the element of Water, it is considered the most extraordinary and fickle. He is always ready to act, easy-going, but as soon as any difficulties arise, he immediately tries to retreat. He doesn't like resistance and is indignant when things don't turn out the way he intended.

    Often the Water Pig looks like a small capricious child. He prefers independence, practically does not listen to the advice of others and does not know how to live by the rules. He believes that family is a place where one can find support and hide from difficulties and troubles.

    Nature has awarded the Pig with excellent intuition; he easily predicts other people's intentions and desires. This feature helps him when choosing friends and makes communicating with people easier. Basically, these individuals behave with restraint, but sometimes they are overcome by a wave of indignation, then it is impossible to predict the actions of the Pig.

    People born in the year of the Water Pig are quite cunning and calculating, but prefer to keep their emotions to themselves. They are quite attentive to their surroundings, so many consider them their friends. If Pig is bored with someone, then, trying not to offend the person, he gradually reduces the relationship to a minimum, and then stops communication altogether.

    To achieve what they want, Pig are ready to sacrifice their life positions and principles. These are flexible individuals who try to avoid conflict situations and various quarrels. They are able to change professional activities several times.

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    Positive and negative personality traits

    Pigs are persistent and diplomatic, they know how to guess the hidden secrets and desires of other people, and are able to tactfully negotiate any matter with each person. The Water Pig is a fighter for truth and often acts as a peacemaker.

    Water Pig prefers to hide his inner strength and desire for power under a simple-minded appearance. The power that lurks inside these individuals is incredibly great and if it breaks out, no one will be able to resist it.

    The main positive and negative qualities of Boars:

    pros Minuses
    • Excessive craving for truth. These people are so sincere that they are able to convince anyone of their words. They cannot always resist hypocrisy and lies, believing every word their opponent says.
    • Positive attitude. Boars are cheerful people who are respected for their open souls. They don’t like to talk a lot, and if they decide to say something, then no one can stop them until the topic is fully disclosed.
    • Kindness. Often this feature plays against Boars, since they are accustomed to trusting people until they personally verify the evil thoughts of their opponent.
    • Superficiality. Despite their curiosity and thirst for knowledge, Pigs are very superficial individuals. In many life issues they show themselves as amateurs.
    • Slowness. Pigs are quite slow in making serious decisions. They prefer to weigh everything carefully before daring to do anything. This can often hinder the progress of things. People around will think that the Water Pig does not know what he wants, so he hesitates for a long time. In fact, only after carefully thinking about the issue does she begin to take active action, expending all her internal resources.
    • Naivety. They believe in fairy tales all their lives, so their carelessness and soft character may be the reason that others will begin to use them for their own selfish purposes.

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    What will bring good luck to the Water Pig?

    Symbols that bring good luck to the Water Pig:

    Unlucky numbers for the Water Pig are 3,1,9. Red, blue and green colors will be unsuccessful.


    These kids are great dreamers. They often quit what they started without completing it. Such changeability in desires is characteristic only creative individuals. They have a well-developed imagination, ability to draw, write or do handicrafts.

    Both boys and girls are not distinguished by their obedient character. Parents of these fidgets should be tolerant and try to curb the irrepressible energy of their children a little. The little Water Pig is not burdened by loneliness; he can easily find something interesting to do.

    The emotional component plays an important role in a child's destiny. When a calm environment reigns around them, they are able to work well and show good results. If they don’t like something, they can withdraw into themselves and become lazy. The Pig Child is a person who is already in such at a young age has a very fine mental organization. Parents must take this point into account when choosing a method of education.


    The Pig's adult life is divided into three phases. The first of them will be calm and will not bring either great victories or severe disappointments. The second phase may be saturated family problems and betrayals. But since these people are accustomed to relying only on their own strengths and capabilities, they will not ask anyone for help. From the outside it seems as if the person has no problems.

    If the Pig was born long before the Chinese New Year, then he will be able to easily avoid deceptions in life. If your birthday falls closer to the eve of the holiday, then there is a high probability of deceitful and hypocritical people appearing in your life. The third period will proceed calmly and will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

    Love horoscope

    Love plays one of the main roles in the life of Kabanov. IN love relationships These are caring and affectionate people who are full of sensual romance. In love relationships, these individuals are fickle, as they are capable of quickly losing their heads and also quickly growing cold. During their lives, they change partners quite often.

    Being in mature age, they still start a family, trying to make every effort to ensure that the relationship with their spouse is strong and trusting. Despite the fact that these individuals are very jealous, they are capable of becoming not only lovers, but also friends and associates.

    Before giving in to emotions completely, the Water Pig prefers to check own feelings to a partner. When she is one hundred percent sure of her own sympathy and understands that it is mutual, she will do everything possible and impossible in the name of love. Often the chosen ones take advantage of the naive character of the Pig. But having learned that he is being used, he will certainly punish the offender, quickly pull himself together and move on.

    Disappointments in love for the Water Pig are very rare. In life they meet people who understand them and want to be close to their partner. The Pig's chosen one should not demand constant confirmation of love and sympathy from him, since these persons do not tolerate pressure and try to get rid of oppressive relationships.

    Family relationships

    As a child, the Water Pig is constantly looking for someone to take care of. Her choice may fall on younger brothers or sisters, pets, or friends who are weaker in character. With age, the need for care increases, and this is why Pigs often live in the same house with their parents in order to care for them.

    Pigs make excellent grandparents. They do everything in their power for their grandchildren. This is why the younger generation loves and respects them. In their faces, children and grandchildren often see their best friends with whom they can talk on any topic.

    Professional activity

    For Pigs to feel independent and comfortable, it is important for them to succeed in their profession. They strive to develop and achieve success only in the area that is interesting. These people are always lucky if they follow the right path. If the activity is chosen incorrectly and does not bring aesthetic pleasure, then sooner or later a professional crisis will occur.

    The Water Pig does not like competition. These individuals are too clean to make a deal with their own conscience. Pride does not allow them to flatter and grovel before their superiors in order to achieve success at work.

    Possible failures are not capable of unsettling the Pig. These people treat their misfires with philosophical calm, trying to explain to themselves the reason for the failure. If they do not have the strength and patience to succeed in professional activity, then they will greatly regret it in the future. The Water Pig needs a mentor who will constantly push him forward. These individuals do not put their career above their own interests.

    Throughout its life, the Water Pig will help people, thanks to which it is able to achieve perfection. The most popular professions in which they achieve success:

    • doctors;
    • scientists;
    • architects;
    • directors;
    • writers;
    • poets;
    • artists;
    • musicians;
    • businessmen;
    • judges;
    • confessors.

    Water Pig Man

    A man's kindness and decency often become attractive to liars and crooks. Having an open heart, they try to help everyone in need. For this reason, disappointments in people often occur in their lives, but this does not kill their faith in love and true friendship.

    The Water Pig will work to achieve success in any business; he is ready to work tirelessly. But sometimes even these strong men There are breakdowns, and then they become capricious and intolerant, but they quickly pull themselves together and continue the work. This helps to achieve great success in professional activities, in which Pig has no equal.

    The Pig man loves noisy companies, he likes to travel and have fun. This guy knows how to look after women beautifully and touchingly. He does not show selfish tendencies, trying with all his heart to make a pleasant surprise for his chosen one. For the sake of the girl he loves, he is ready to sacrifice his own interests.

    In everyday life he is quite modest. Having tied the knot with the lady of his heart, he tries everything free time spend in the family. A man gives himself completely to his wife and children, creating comfortable conditions for his loved ones and dear people.

    Water Pig Woman

    The Pig Woman appears soft and gentle. Few people know what strength is hidden under the apparent simplicity and calmness of this lady. She wants to achieve a lot in her professional activities, but usually acts slowly, weighing every step. This person does not like intrigues and adventures, rarely argues and proves that she is right. She prefers to be a sweet and charming person in order to win over as many people as possible.

    The Water Pig is a kind, unforgiving woman who never intrigues, but will not give up what she has. Easily and freely finds a common language with others, thanks to which he achieves great success in professional field and holds high positions. This person has practically no ill-wishers or enemies.

    The impressionable nature of the Water Pig makes them painfully experience resentment and betrayal. Trying not to outwardly show her vulnerability, at these moments, more than ever, she needs the sympathy of loved ones. This young lady expects support from a man, so she is looking for a worthy partner for herself. She accepts the advances of the stronger sex, but connects her life only with a reliable person.

    Pig women are well-mannered and beautiful girls. They are capable of driving any man crazy, and the guys try to achieve her favor. The wise Water Pig takes things seriously love affairs, so he will choose the most worthy of the worthy. After marriage, he will devote himself entirely to his family.

    Influence of Zodiac Signs

    The character and fate of the Pig are influenced by the zodiac sign under which the person was born.

    Zodiac sign Personality characteristics
    Aries This sign loves the truth. The Aries Pig is impulsive and takes everything that happens at face value. Disappointment in people can cause lasting pain. Thanks to the influence of Aries, Pig's character becomes more even and calm
    Taurus Great entrepreneurs. They always have a clear grasp of the situation. Big dreamers, love to spend time in noisy companies. Their goal is beautiful life, in which there is no need and prohibitions. They have a hard time accepting change. They are bad at compromise. Stubbornness and initiative prevents them from moving forward. Are faithful partners and put family first
    Twins In combination with this zodiac sign, energetic individuals with cunning are obtained. These people know how to adapt to any situation and try to see only the good in everything. Curious, capable students, therefore, have a wealth of knowledge. They have poor intuition and often live as if in a fairy tale.
    Cancers Caring parents who are capable of anything for the well-being of their children. Family comes first for these people. Emotional and sensual natures. Throughout their lives, they have to fight temptations and protect themselves from attacks from loved ones. Almost all of our energy is spent on this confrontation. Crayfish-Pigs faithful friends and partners. But you shouldn’t drive them into a corner, because they are capable of a lot to get out of it
    a lion The most successful of all combinations. Impeccable individuals with a great soul. They were born for the family, to be the guardians of the hearth. By nature, these people have excellent manners. Ready to sacrifice for the well-being of loved ones your own desires. Often driven by flattery from ill-wishers or people who want to benefit from communicating with them
    Virgo Sensitive natures often rush from one extreme to another. This is the standard of loyalty and honesty. They do not tolerate aggression and are easily able to pacify a raging person. The desire for self-improvement is in their blood. They can easily solve even the most complex problems. There is never a dull moment with Pigs-Leos. They make good artists and diplomats
    Scales These individuals try to achieve balance in everything. Incorrigible liars, they will get out of any, even the most confusing situation. They do not like responsibility, but are quite tolerant and tactful. They can achieve good results in business only when they learn to focus on the main thing.
    Scorpion A good combination of characters. Thanks to Scorpio, Pigs are more tolerant and prefer peace and harmony. They are picky in their connections, able to analyze the current situation, and carefully hide their shortcomings. They know how to navigate difficult situations. They can always defend themselves, since they are very insightful and are accustomed to checking everything and everyone. If Pig-Scorpio is brought to a state of passion, then you can experience all the destructive power of this sign
    Sagittarius Intelligent individuals, able to support any topic during a conversation. They have charm and love to chat. Have the ability to accept right decisions, true to their idea, stubborn and impulsive. They don’t notice other people’s shortcomings, are unable to doubt anything or anyone, so they are often disappointed
    Capricorn These people have high authority and are able to actively protect their own interests. They complete any task, are hardworking, and overly cautious. It is difficult to get these people to change their own point of view. They perform well in leadership positions, become good parents, and show despotic tendencies towards their chosen one.
    Aquarius They struggle with internal contradictions. They put their own well-being first. They try to be perfect in everything. Natural decency allows you to achieve good success, achieve material well-being and become happy
    Fish Peace-loving people with an easy-going character. They don’t like to get excited or argue, but if they have to get into a debate, they will easily and naturally get out of the situation. Always courteous, they will not allow themselves to offend anyone, they know how to keep other people's secrets. These people depend on the material component and value luxury and prosperity. Pisces Pisces are successful in their professional activities, but do not like unjustified risks, as they are very careful

    Relationships with other signs of the eastern horoscope

    Water Pigs build relationships with representatives of other signs of the eastern horoscope in different ways.

    Chinese Zodiac Animal Characteristics of relationships
    Boar A good union in which harmony and mutual understanding will reign if the couple learns to find compromises. If partners have common ground in their professional activities, this will only strengthen the connection. Misunderstandings can overshadow a happy existence, because Pig always have something to argue about. Both of them cannot live without work, therefore, with high employment there will be less resentment and mutual reproaches
    Rat Passion and sex are what bring these two together. This becomes almost the only point of contact. Sometimes the practical Rat begins to be annoyed by the carelessness and naivety of the Pig, especially when it comes to family and work. But in a fit of passion, she is able to forgive him all his indiscretion. For the sake of his partner, the Rat will do anything to make his chosen one feel good
    Bull Both signs value honesty. The Boar is an implacable fighter, and the Ox is a peacemaker. One likes to spend money, and the other likes to save it. But the Water Pig has a sense of proportion, and if he realizes that he is about to go too far, he stops immediately
    Tiger These signs can exist together thanks to the loyalty that is inherent in both of them. They are able to be friends, love and desire intimacy with each other. They know the concept of honor, respect the personal time and space of the chosen one. Tolerance and trust are the foundation of their relationship
    Hare (Cat) The best union of all possible. Mutual respect is what this tandem will be built and developed on. The hare spends his whole life trying to please his chosen one, improving the common home and raising children.
    The Dragon The Dragon will feel comfortable next to the Pig, which cannot be said about the latter. The dragon will use the chosen one for his own purposes, without caring about his well-being. But still he can teach Pig a lot
    Snake A paradoxical union, since the enchanted Pig, having fallen in love with the Snake, makes a mistake. The partner will deceive him and use him for her own interests. If the Water Pig understands this, she is able to break off the relationship
    Horse Honest partners who do not like to complicate life. As in any union, disagreements sometimes arise between these signs, since the Horse is an egoist who thinks only about his own well-being, which is not always immediately clear to the Pig
    Sheep A favorable union for both partners. The Pig loves luxury, he is generous and caring, and the Sheep cannot resist the temptation to live beautifully. But she cannot be kept in captivity, since freedom is important to her. The Pig tries to take into account the independence of the chosen one. The Sheep brings variety to the life of the Water Pig, turning a tastelessly furnished home into an elite apartment. They exist in peace and harmony, yield to their partner and easily find compromises. But abuse of Pig's attention and loyalty can lead to serious consequences. If he doesn't like something, he can turn into a harsh aggressor
    Rooster A calm Pig will not pay attention to excessive suspicions and injections from his partner. He appreciates the noble deeds and kindness of the Rooster's soul. She subtly senses the change in mood of her chosen one and is able to overcome the aggression emanating from her partner, easily calming him down. The Rooster respects the Pig, he is not able to humiliate or insult him. These two get along well together, building their relationship on friendly feelings, mutual understanding and good communication. This is an intellectual union; there is much less sympathy and passion between partners. They always try to protect each other. The house is kept in perfect order
    Dog From the first meeting, complete harmony and understanding arises between these two. The union brings only benefits to both. The boar teaches the chosen one to be careless and to look at things with optimism. Partners are distinguished by generosity, empathy and mutual respect. They create a good atmosphere around themselves. Their union grows stronger every day, as both understand how to preserve feelings. The dog is happy and calm in the company of the Water Pig. They won’t be bored together, they will find something to do and how to relax
    Goat Relationships in a couple are simple and easy, and happiness and joy await the partners. These two are perfect for each other, they understand their chosen one without words, on a mental level. They will practically not quarrel, and if this happens, the partners will go to bed to make peace. The Goat will support the Pig in everything, but sometimes it can use the kindness and gullibility of the chosen one for its own selfish purposes. Only the Pig is destined to work in pairs, since the Goat will try with all his might to avoid business

    We must not forget that the compatibility of signs by year of birth is of relative importance. The month and date of birth should also be taken into account, as well as individual characteristics each person.