In the Red Army, two types of buttonholes were used: everyday (“color”) and field (“protective”). There were also differences in the buttonholes of command and command personnel so that you can distinguish the commander from the boss.

Field buttonholes were introduced by order of the NKO of the USSR No. 253 of August 1, 1941, which abolished the wearing of colored insignia for all categories of military personnel. It was ordered to switch to buttonholes, emblems and insignia of completely green khaki color

However, in conditions of war and the rapid increase in the size of the army, protective buttonholes and insignia were received mainly by military personnel mobilized from the reserves. For them in Peaceful time A uniform with wartime insignia was prepared. The rest switched to new signs whenever possible. A number of military leaders opposed the transition to wartime insignia. For example, the commander of the 9th Mechanized Corps of the Kyiv Special Military District, Lieutenant General Rokossovsky K.K. By his order, he categorically forbade all commanders to change their insignia to field insignia, believing that the Red Army soldiers should see their commanders in battle.

Difficulties in supply led to the fact that the troops simultaneously encountered both those and other insignia in a variety of combinations (red cubes and sleepers on field buttonholes, field cubes and sleepers on colored buttonholes, etc.). This situation lasted until the army switched to shoulder straps in the winter-spring of 1943, and in the rear districts until mid-summer and even autumn of 1943.

Since the field buttonholes were completely khaki for all categories of military personnel and differed only in the number of insignia, there is no point in examining them in detail. Next, everyday buttonholes will be described in more detail.

Everyday buttonholes introduced back in 1922. Since then they were constantly modernized until 1940. With the outbreak of the war, modernization was stopped because single-color field buttonholes were introduced, which, along with everyday colored buttonholes, lasted until buttonholes were replaced with shoulder straps.

The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. Rectangular buttonholes were edged (trimmed) with colored edging on three sides. Diamond-shaped buttonholes were edged on the two upper sides.

Buttonhole sizes:

  • Buttonholes for tunics and jackets are in the form of a parallelogram, 32.5 mm wide including piping, about 10 cm long.
  • Buttonholes for overcoats are diamond-shaped, 11 cm on the larger diagonal and 8.5-9 cm on the smaller one. One upper (edged) side had a length from corner to corner of 6.5 cm.
  • General's buttonholes are diamond-shaped, length from corner to corner is 11 cm, width from corner to corner is 7.5 cm, length of the edged side is 6.1 cm, width of the edge of the buttonholes with gimp is 2.5 mm. The buttonholes on the general's overcoats were a bit large sizes- length from corner to corner 11.5 cm (13.5 cm - for Marshall Soviet Union), width from corner to corner 8.5 cm, length of the edged side 6.5 cm, width of the edge of the buttonholes with gimp 2.5 mm.

Sewing buttonholes:

folding the unedged edge under the collar

the unedged edge of the buttonhole was sewn into the collar

exactly along the edge of the collar

Military ranks of the USSR Armed Forces 1935-1945. -



Buttonholes of privates and junior officers of the Red Army

(privates, sergeants and sergeants)

Buttonholes for gymnasts and French jackets - in the form of a parallelogram. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. Colored edging on three sides.

Overcoat buttonholes are diamond-shaped. On the upper sides there is a colored edging. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army.

In addition to the colored edging, military officers with the rank of sergeant major also had a 3-mm golden braid sewn on the same sides where the colored edging went. But not instead of colored edging like the officers, but in addition to it.

Rank insignia are equilateral metal triangles covered with red enamel. The side of the triangle is 10 mm.

The buttonholes from corporal to sergeant major also included: a golden equilateral triangle, side length 20 mm; longitudinal strip of 5 mm (on overcoat buttonholes 10 mm) of red piping (the color of the piping is the same for all branches of the military).

The emblems of the military branches were supposed to be painted yellow color, but this rule was very rarely followed. As a result, you can see rank and file and junior command personnel either without emblems at all, or with metal emblems assigned to officers.


In 1940, in connection with a change in the scale of ranks of the Red Army, the insignia of the ranks of junior command and command personnel also changed. By Order of the NKO of the USSR No. 391 of November 2, 1940, personal ranks were established for private and junior command and command personnel: Red Army soldier, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant and foreman.

The same order introduced new insignia for them, which they were ordered to switch to on January 1, 1941. Until this time, the junior command and command staff did not have personal ranks, but were named and wore insignia according to their positions.

Buttonholes of senior and middle command staff of the Red Army


Buttonholes for gymnasts and French jackets - in the form of a parallelogram. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. A 5-mm golden braid was sewn onto the three upper corners instead of a colored edging.

Overcoat buttonholes are diamond-shaped. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. A 5mm gold braid was sewn to the two upper sides instead of a colored edging.


From junior lieutenant to senior lieutenant, they wore equilateral metal cubes (“kubari”) covered with red enamel. The side of the cube is 10mm.
from captain to colonel - they wore metal rectangles (“sleepers”) covered with red enamel. The size of the "sleeper" is 16x7mm.


In 1940, the scale of ranks of senior command and command personnel changed slightly. On July 26, 1940, by order of the USSR NKO No. 226, the ranks of “lieutenant colonel” and “senior battalion commissar” were introduced, and in connection with this, the insignia of senior command and command personnel was changed.

The buttonholes of middle and senior political, technical, administrative, veterinary personnel, and judicial authorities had, like those of the rank and file, a colored border.

In addition to the insignia of rank in the buttonholes, it was determined to wear the emblems of the military branches established by order of the NKO of the USSR No. 33 of March 10, 1936. The emblems were metallic golden in color. Political workers do not have any emblems; the rest wear the emblems of their military branches. Insignia - cubes and sleepers, just like the command staff.

Rank insignia on buttonholes:
A. Middle command and management personnel:
1 cube - junior lieutenant, junior military technician.
2 dice - lieutenant, junior political instructor, military technician of the 2nd rank, quartermaster technician of the 2nd rank, military paramedic, junior military specialist.
3 dice - senior lieutenant, political instructor, military technician 1st rank, quartermaster technician 1st rank, senior military paramedic, military lawyer.

B. Senior command and control personnel:
1 sleeper - captain, senior political instructor, military engineer, quartermaster, military doctor, senior military lawyer.
2 sleepers - major, battalion commissar, military engineer 2nd rank, quartermaster 2nd rank, military doctor 2nd rank, military officer 2nd rank.
3 sleepers - lieutenant colonel, senior battalion commissar, military engineer 1st rank, quartermaster 1st rank, military doctor 1st rank, military officer 1st rank.
4 sleepers - colonel, regimental commissar.

Note - There is an interesting point here. Commanding officers with the ranks of military engineer 1st rank, quartermaster 1st rank, military doctor 1st rank, military officer 1st rank wore three sleepers in their buttonholes until 1940, and so they remained with three sleepers. In fact, nothing has changed at all, because... They were already considered a step below the colonel. But if previously they had as many sleepers on their buttonholes as the colonel, now it turned out that they had all been demoted in rank. There were a lot of grievances, to the point that many of them arbitrarily attached the fourth sleeper. The regimental commissars were pleased, because they now wore four sleepers and this distinguished them from quartermasters, engineers, and military doctors of the regimental level, that is, their higher status, equal to the regimental commander, was clearly emphasized. But the battalion commissars were dissatisfied (especially those who were about to be awarded another rank) due to the fact that another one was wedged between their rank and the coveted rank of regimental commissar.

Middle and senior command staff, middle and senior political composition on the sleeves they had additional insignia. The command staff wore various triangular braids that differed by rank. All political workers had the same ones in the form of a sewn-on star.

Middle and senior management (lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, quartermasters, administrative staff, technical staff) did not have any marks on the sleeves.

Although wearing emblems of military branches in buttonholes was mandatory (except for political workers, infantry and cavalry for whom emblems did not exist), there were significant difficulties in their production and supply of troops. Expensive red copper was used for the emblems; emblems were stamped on machines, and there were not enough such machines in the country. Sewing emblems from golden thread was prohibited. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of Red Army soldiers and sergeants, and a significant part of the officers, did not have emblems in their buttonholes at all. To combat the shortage of insignia, they began to use more cheap materials for their manufacture. But even these measures could not significantly correct the shortage of insignia.

By the decision of the State Defense Committee of October 9, 1942, the system of military commissars was eliminated in the army and navy, and all of them were assigned command ranks. Moreover, titles are assigned one step lower. For example, if previously a junior political instructor was equal to a lieutenant, then he was given a new rank - junior lieutenant. The number of political positions was sharply reduced. Some of yesterday's political instructors and commissars were appointed deputy commanders for political affairs (from company and above), some were transferred to command positions. If previously a political instructor or commissar enjoyed equal power with the commander in a unit or unit, now they have become deputy commanders.

It is obviously difficult to imagine the ocean of resentment among political workers with this decision of the State Defense Committee. Only the wartime situation and the increased role of the Special Departments (NKVD) perhaps kept them from openly displaying discontent. Many of them had to change the comfortable position of a commander who is not responsible for anything, but an all-powerful commander, to the bitter fate of a commander responsible for everything and everyone, others had to come to terms with the fate of the second person in a regiment, battalion, company; places of an equal, or even superior, commander to the place of a subordinate. It is much easier to imagine the relief of commanders who have lost the obligation to constantly look back at the opinion of the commissar and are obliged to coordinate every step with him. Previously, you had to decide together and answer alone, but now you decide it yourself and answer it yourself.

Buttonholes of the Red Army senior command staff

(generals, marshals)

UNIT AND COAT BUTTONBOARDS (dimensions when sewn on) - diamond-shaped, length from corner to corner 11 cm, width from corner to corner 7.5 cm, length of the edged side 6.1 cm, width of the edge of the buttonholes with gimp 2.5 mm. Generals of artillery and ABTV have a black buttonhole field.

OVERCOAT BUTTONBOARDS - diamond-shaped, length from corner to corner 11.5 cm (13.5 cm - for the Marshal of the Soviet Union), width from corner to corner 8.5 cm, length of the edged side 6.5 cm, width of the edge of the buttonholes with gimp 2, 5 mm. Generals of artillery and ABTV have a black buttonhole field.

Rank insignia - Stars for generals' buttonholes were made of gilded brass of regular pointed shape, 2 cm in diameter, with ribbed rays. In field buttonholes they used stars painted in green color(defensive 4BO).

The star on the buttonholes of the Marshal of the Soviet Union: on the overcoat buttonholes the diameter is 5 cm, on the buttonholes of the uniform and jacket the diameter is 4.4 cm. The star of the Marshal of the Soviet Union had a regular pointed shape and was embroidered with gilded threads. The embroidery is continuous, convex, all outer edges are bordered by perpendicular embroidery with thin threads. At the bottom of the buttonhole, two laurel branches were embroidered with gold threads, at the crosshairs of which a sickle and hammer were embroidered in gold.

On July 13, 1940, by Order No. 212 of the NKO of the USSR, uniforms and insignia on buttonholes and sleeves were established for generals.

For senior command staff, the insignia remains the same - rhombuses numbering from two to four with the same rank names.


    Uniforms and insignia of the Red Army 1918-1945. AIM, Leningrad 1960

  • Insignia of ranks of military personnel of the Red Army 1940-1942. Author - Yu.Veremeev.
  • Insignia of the command and control personnel of the armed forces as of June 22, 1941. ()
  • Uniform of the Russian Air Force. Volume II, Part 1 (1935-1955)

Shoulder straps in the Red Army 1943, 1944, 1945

(using the example of artillery shoulder straps)

On January 6, 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council (PVS) of the USSR “On the introduction of shoulder straps for the personnel of the Red Army” was signed, announced by NKO order No. 24 of January 10, 1943. Following this, on January 15, 1943, the USSR NKO order No. 25 “On the introduction of new insignia and changes in the uniform of the Red Army” (). In it, in particular, it was determined that field shoulder straps are worn by military personnel in the active army and personnel of units being prepared to be sent to the front. Everyday shoulder straps are worn by military personnel of other units and institutions, as well as when wearing dress uniforms. That is, in the Red Army there were two types of shoulder straps: field and everyday. Differences in shoulder straps were also introduced for command and command personnel (see the regulations on command and command personnel) so that the commander could be distinguished from the chief.

It was ordered to switch to new insignia in the period from February 1 to February 15, 1943. Later, by order of the USSR NKO No. 80 dated February 14, 1943, this period was extended until March 15, 1943. By the beginning of the transition to summer uniforms, the Red Army was fully provided with new insignia.

In addition to the above-mentioned directive documents, later the Instruction of the Technical Committee of the Main Quartermaster Directorate of the Red Army (TK GIU KA) No. 732 01/08/1943 “Rules for the selection, attachment to uniforms and wearing of shoulder straps by Red Army personnel” was issued, as well as a whole range of technical specifications of the TC GIU KA. In addition, some technical documentation was adopted long before the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For example, the Temporary Technical Specifications (TTU) of the TC GIU KA No. 0725, which contained a description of the emblems and insignia (stars) on shoulder straps, were published on December 10, 1942.

The dimensions of the shoulder straps were established:

  • Null– 13 cm (only for women’s uniforms)
  • First– 14 cm.
  • Second– 15 cm.
  • Third- 16 cm.
    The width is 6 cm, and the width of the shoulder straps of officers of justice, medical, veterinary and administrative services is 4 cm. The length of the sewn-in shoulder straps was set to 1 cm longer for each size.
    The width of the general's shoulder straps is 6.5 cm. The width of the shoulder straps of the generals of the medical, veterinary services and the highest command. composition of the military-legal service - 4.5 cm. (in 1958, a single width for such shoulder straps was established for all generals of the Soviet Army - 6.5 cm.)

Types of field shoulder straps according to manufacturing method:

  • Soft sewn shoulder straps( ) consisted of a field (top), lining (lining), lining and edging.
  • Soft removable shoulder straps( ), in addition to the above parts, they had a semi-flap, a semi-flap lining and a jumper.
  • Hard detachable shoulder straps( ) differed from soft ones in that during their manufacture, fabrics and shoulder straps were glued together with a paste consisting of 30% wheat flour and wood glue, as well as the presence of an additional lining made of electrical cardboard - pressboard, jacquard or calibrated, 0.5 - 1 mm thick .

— Coloring of field and everyday shoulder straps of the Red Army - .

— Military ranks of the USSR Armed Forces 1935-1945. (table of ranks) - .

Shoulder straps of junior command, command and rank and file of the Red Army
(privates, sergeants and sergeants)

FIELD EMAILS: The field of field shoulder straps was always khaki. The shoulder straps were edged (trimmed) along the edges, except for the bottom, with colored cloth edging according to the branches of the military or services. The stripes on the shoulder straps of junior command and command personnel were silk or semi-silk galloon. The patches were produced in various sizes: narrow (1 cm wide), medium (1.5 cm wide) and wide (3 cm wide). Junior command staff were entitled to burgundy-colored braid, and junior command staff were entitled to brown braid.

Ideally, the stripes should have been sewn onto shoulder straps in factories or in sewing workshops attached to military units. But often the servicemen themselves attached the stripes. In conditions of front-line shortages, stripes made from scrap materials were often used. It was common to use everyday (golden or silver) stripes on field shoulder straps and vice versa.

Field shoulder straps were supposed to be worn without emblems of military branches and stencils. On the shoulder straps there were uniform 20-mm iron buttons of a khaki color with a star in the center of which was a hammer and sickle.

This type of shoulder straps existed until December 1955, when double-sided shoulder straps were introduced. In the period from 1943 to 1955, the technology for manufacturing these shoulder straps changed several times. In particular, in 1947 and 1953 (TU 1947 and TU 1953)

Field shoulder straps of junior command personnel using the example of a senior artillery sergeant. The patch (galloon) is sewn on at the factory using a sewing machine. Iron buttons in khaki color.

EVERYDAY EMAILS: Everyday shoulder straps of junior commanders, junior commanding officers and enlisted personnel were edged (trimmed) along the edges, except the bottom, with colored cloth edging, and also had a field of colored cloth according to the branch of service. The stripes on the shoulder straps of junior command and command personnel were silk or semi-silk galloon. The patches were produced in various sizes: narrow (1 cm wide), medium (1.5 cm wide) and wide (3 cm wide). The junior command staff was entitled to a golden-yellow galloon, and the junior command staff – silver.

Everyday shoulder straps had golden emblems for the branch of service and yellow stencils indicating the unit (formation). It is worth noting that stencils were used extremely rarely.

On the shoulder straps there were shaped golden brass 20-mm buttons with a star, in the center of which was a hammer and sickle.

This type of shoulder straps existed until December 1955, when double-sided shoulder straps were introduced. In the period from 1943 to 1955, the technology for manufacturing these shoulder straps changed several times. In particular in 1947 and 1953. In addition, since 1947, encryption was no longer applied to everyday shoulder straps.

Everyday shoulder straps of junior command personnel using the example of a senior artillery sergeant. The patch (braid) is sewn on by the soldier himself. There are no encryptions, as on most shoulder straps. Buttons: top is brass (respectively yellow-golden color), bottom is iron.

Shoulder straps of senior and middle command and command personnel of the Red Army

FIELD EMAILS: The field of field shoulder straps was always khaki. The shoulder straps were edged (trimmed) along the edges, except the bottom, with colored cloth edging. On the shoulder strap, one or two gaps were sewn in burgundy color for the command staff and brown for the command staff. In accordance with the assigned military rank, belonging to a branch of the military or service, insignia were placed on the shoulder straps.

The shoulder straps of the middle command personnel have one gap and silver-plated metal 13-mm stars.

The shoulder straps of senior officers have two gaps and silver-plated metal 20-mm stars.

On the shoulder straps of the command personnel, in addition to the infantry command personnel, silver-plated emblems were installed according to the branch of the army and service.

On the shoulder straps there are uniform 20-mm metal buttons of a khaki color with a star in the center of which is a hammer and sickle.

Field shoulder straps of middle command personnel using the example of ml. artillery lieutenant. The star denoting rank must be silver. In this case, the silver plating has worn off.

EVERYDAY EMAILS: The field of shoulder straps for command personnel is made of golden silk or golden braid. The shoulder straps of the engineering and command personnel, commissary, medical, veterinary, military-legal and administrative services are made of silver silk or silver braid. The shoulder straps were edged (trimmed) along the edges, except the bottom, with colored cloth edging. In accordance with the assigned military rank, belonging to a branch of the military or service, insignia were placed on the shoulder straps.

The shoulder straps of the middle command personnel have one gap and 13-mm gold metal stars.

The shoulder straps of the senior command staff have two gaps and 20-mm gold metal stars.

On the shoulder straps of the command personnel, in addition to the infantry command personnel, golden emblems were installed according to the branch of the army and service.

The emblems and stars on the shoulder straps of the engineering and command personnel, quartermaster, administrative and medical services are gold-plated. On the shoulder straps of military veterinary personnel, the stars are gold-plated, the emblems are silver-plated.

On the shoulder straps there are uniform golden 20-mm buttons with a star, in the center of which is a hammer and sickle.

The shoulder straps and insignia of the middle and senior command staff of the military legal service fully corresponded to the shoulder straps and insignia of the senior and middle command staff of the medical and veterinary services, but with their own emblems.

The shoulder straps of the military administrative personnel were exactly the same as the shoulder straps for the senior and mid-level command staff of the medical and veterinary services, but without emblems.

These shoulder straps existed until the end of 1946, when technical specifications TU TC GIU VS No. 1486 dated October 9, 1946 for officers of the Armed Forces, shoulder straps were installed with the top of the corner cut off, i.e. shoulder straps became hexagonal.

Everyday shoulder straps of middle command personnel using the example of the shoulder straps of an artillery captain. The button should be golden.

Shoulder straps of the Red Army senior command staff
(generals, marshals)

FIELD EMAILS: A field of shoulder straps made of specially woven silk braid on a cloth lining. The color of the shoulder straps is protective. Color of shoulder straps: generals, artillery generals, tank troops, medical and veterinary services, senior commanders. composition of the military legal service - red; aviation generals - blue; generals of technical troops and quartermaster service - crimson.

The stars on the shoulder straps were embroidered in silver, 22 mm in size. On the shoulder straps of generals of the medical and veterinary services and the highest command. members of the military legal service - gold, size 20 mm. The buttons on the shoulder straps with the coat of arms are gilded. On the uniforms of generals there is honey. services – gilded metal emblems; there is a breeze on the generals' uniforms. services - the same emblems, but silvered; on uniform of the highest beginning. members of the Supreme Legal Service - gilded metal emblems.

By order of the NKO of the USSR No. 79 dated February 14, 1943, shoulder straps were installed, including. and for the highest engineering and technical personnel of the signal troops, engineering, chemical, railway, topographic troops - to the generals of the engineering and technical service, according to the model established for the generals of the technical troops. From this order the highest beginning. The composition of the military legal service began to be called generals of justice.

EVERYDAY EMAPOLDS: Field of shoulder straps made of braid of a special weave: made of gold wire. And for generals of medical and veterinary services, the highest level. members of the military legal service - made of silver wire. Color of shoulder straps: generals, artillery generals, tank troops, medical and veterinary services, senior commanders. composition of the military legal service - red; aviation generals - blue; generals of technical troops and quartermaster service - crimson.

The stars on the shoulder straps were embroidered on a gold field - in silver, on a silver field - in gold. The buttons on the shoulder straps with the coat of arms are gilded. On the uniforms of generals there is honey. services – gilded metal emblems; there is a breeze on the generals' uniforms. services - the same emblems, but silvered; on uniform of the highest beginning. members of the Supreme Legal Service - gilded metal emblems.

By order of the NKO of the USSR No. 61 dated February 8, 1943, silver emblems were installed for artillery generals to wear on their shoulder straps.

By order of the NKO of the USSR No. 79 dated February 14, 1943, shoulder straps were installed, including. and for the highest engineering and technical personnel of the signal troops, engineering, chemical, railway, topographic troops - to the generals of the engineering and technical service, according to the model established for the generals of the technical troops. Probably from this order the highest beginning. The composition of the military legal service began to be called generals of justice.

These shoulder straps existed without fundamental changes until 1962, when by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 127 of May 12, sewn shoulder straps with a steel-colored field were installed on the ceremonial overcoats of generals.

An example of everyday and field shoulder straps of generals. Since 02/08/1943, artillery generals additionally had artillery emblems on their shoulder straps.


  • Uniforms and insignia of the Red Army 1918-1945. AIM, Leningrad 1960
  • Shoulder straps of the Soviet Army 1943-1991. Evgeniy Drig.
  • Color chart for field and everyday shoulder straps of the Red Army ()
  • Newspaper "Red Star" dated January 7, 1943 ()
  • Article by Alexander Sorokin “Field shoulder straps of soldiers, sergeants and officers of the Red Army, model 1943”
  • Website -

article code: 98653

Insignia and buttonholes of the Red Army 1924-1943

Workers' and Peasants' Red Army abbreviated (RKKA), term Soviet army(SA) appeared later, the beginning of the Second World War, oddly enough, was met in military uniform model 1925

The People's Commissariat of Defense, by its order dated December 3, 1935, introduced new uniforms and insignia for all personnel of the Red Army. The old official ranks were partially retained for military-political, military-technical. military legal, military medical and junior command and control personnel.

The lapel insignia, used since 1924, existed virtually unchanged until 1943, when shoulder straps were introduced.

Lapel insignia since 1924, existed without changes until 1943

Over the 19 years of existence of lapel insignia, changes in Red Army insignia and buttonholes small contributions were made.

The appearance of the emblems of the military branches and services changed, the colors of the edgings and buttonholes, the number of badges in the buttonholes, and the technology for producing badges underwent changes.

Over the years, sleeve patches were introduced and abolished as an additional element to the buttonholes.

But by and large, the insignia of the entire pre-war period and the first year and a half of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War remained virtually unchanged. With the exception of changes in production technologies towards cheaper products, cheaper materials were used. But the degradation of the quality of the materials used was not as catastrophic as in the Wehrmacht troops, which, as is known, steadily reduced the quality of the materials used for the production of military uniforms.

The branches of the military differed in the colors of their buttonholes, the colors of their caps, the piping on their uniforms and their emblems. Here everything is described in more detail about the samples of uniforms of the Red Army of 1940-43.

The width of the buttonholes for tunics and jackets was 32.5 mm including piping, the length of the buttonhole was about 10 cm. Diamond-shaped overcoat buttonholes diagonally measured 11 x 9 centimeters; the Marshal of the Soviet Union had a larger size of 13.5 x 9.

The buttonholes of senior military personnel were edged with gold embroidery; for the rest, cloth edging was used, depending on the type of troops.

Brass was used to make emblems; the emblems were silvered and covered with gold, but mainly with red enamel.

Interestingly, by order, the emblems on the buttonholes of the rank and file were supposed to be painted using a stencil, but this was rare; metal emblems were used on the tabs or screws.

Rank and file: 0. Red Army soldier.

Junior command staff:

1. junior sergeant,
2. sergeant,
3. senior sergeant,
4. foreman.

Many people get confused about military ranks; it’s all about changes in 391 orders.

Buttonholes and sleeve insignia for sergeant major up to 40 years and after

For example, before the age of 40, the sergeant major had three triangles in his buttonhole and three stripes on his sleeve, and from the age of 40, four.

Squares and rectangles defining military rank were colloquially called “kubari” or “cubes”, respectively, rectangles “sleepers”.

Diamonds and triangles had no slang names, with the exception of the foreman, whose four triangles were called “saw.”

Emblems and sleeve patches of the Red Army

  • (A) Sleeve chevron. Junior lieutenant, model 1935
  • (B) Sleeve chevron of deputy politov
  • (C) Air Force Airman Sleeve Pattern, Khaki, Field Uniform
  • (D) Air Force Airman sleeve insignia "casual" dress uniform
  • (E) Traffic Controller's Patch
  • (F) Artillery sleeve chevron

Artillerymen and armored troops used black buttonholes, but tank commanders had velvet buttonholes. The emblem of artillerymen and motorists was introduced in the First World War, crossed cannons and winged wheels with a steering wheel for drivers. Both are still used today with minimal changes. The tankers have emblems in the form of miniature BT tanks. The chemists had two cylinders and a gas mask on their emblem. In March 1943 they were changed to hammer and wrench.

private and junior commanding officers of the Red Army

The corporal received a red cloth stripe regardless of the branch of service. And the corporal began to look like a student of a sergeant's school, which also caused some confusion. With further assignments of ranks, the triangles were applied to the fabric strip.

  • 1st Red Army soldier, autobat
  • 2nd corporal, artilleryman
  • 3 ml. Sergeant, technical service
  • 4th Sergeant, Air Force
  • 5th senior sergeant, armored forces
  • 6th sergeant, sapper

The petty officer's buttonholes were different from the rest of the junior command staff. Between the edging and the field of the buttonhole, along the edge there is a golden braid, the same as that of senior officers.

The pilots' emblem has also remained virtually unchanged to this day, the same winged propeller, on blue buttonholes with black edging.

A golden or silver bowl with a snake (exactly the same as today) for military doctors and veterinary services.

The year 1937 marked the creation of military schools. Metal letters were applied to the buttonholes according to the color of the troops. The letters MPU, for example, corresponded to the Moscow Border School.

Metal letters were applied to the buttonholes according to the color of the troops.

For Academy students, the letter A had enamel triangles attached in front of it, indicating military rank.

As insignia for the ranks of the Red Army, buttonholes were sewn onto the collars of tunics, tunics and overcoats. Rank was recognized by uniform geometric shapes attached to buttonholes, and a specific rank according to their number. There were also additional insignia in the form of galloon charcoal chevrons sewn onto the sleeves between the elbow and the cuff.

The insignia of senior command personnel were rhombuses (by the beginning of the war, replaced by 5-pointed stars), for senior officers - rectangles or, as they were also called, “sleepers”, and for junior officers - squares or cubes (in common parlance, lieutenants were called “cubes”) . For non-commissioned officers - triangles.

And so, now specifically about titles.


Marshal of the Soviet Union - 1 large star between laurel branches
Army General - 5 little stars
Colonel General - 4 stars
Lieutenant General - 3 stars
Major General - 2 stars

The major general's two stars are apparently somehow connected with the abolished position-rank of "brigade commander", who wore one diamond on his buttonhole.


Colonel - 4 sleepers
Lieutenant Colonel - 3 sleepers
Major - 2 sleepers
Captain - 1 sleeper


Senior Lieutenant - 3 dice
Lieutenant - 2 dice
Junior Lieutenant - 1 die


For all ranks (except for the Red Army soldier), there was a narrow strip along the buttonhole and a golden triangle was attached to the upper corner of the buttonhole. In addition, the sergeant major's buttonhole was trimmed with gold edging.

Petty Officer - 1 stripe and 4 triangles
Senior Sergeant - 1 stripe and 3 triangles
Sergeant - 1 stripe and 2 triangles
Junior Sergeant - 1 stripe and 1 triangle


Corporal - 1 lane
The Red Army soldier is an empty buttonhole.

In addition to the lapel insignia, as mentioned earlier, there were also braided sleeve stripes indicating a specific rank, and in some cases, rank.

So the chevron on the sleeves of ranks from major general to colonel general inclusive was the same. the chevron for major and lieutenant colonel was also the same, since the rank of lieutenant colonel did not exist in the Red Army until 1940. These stripes were present only for combat ranks, and they were absent for quartermasters, military technicians, doctors and military lawyers. All political instructors, regardless of rank, had a red star sewn on their sleeves with a crossed hammer and sickle embroidered on it with gold thread.

In 1943, a change occurred in the insignia of the Red Army. Lapel insignia are replaced with shoulder straps.

1. Satisfy the request of the People's Commissariat of Defense and introduce, instead of existing ones, new insignia - shoulder straps for Red Army personnel.

2. Approve samples and descriptions of new insignia for Red Army personnel.*

3. The People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR to establish the deadlines for the transition to new insignia and make the necessary changes to the uniform of the Red Army personnel.**

Moscow Kremlin. January 6, 1943

No. 25 of January 15, 1943

In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council USSR dated January 6, 1943 “On the introduction of new insignia for Red Army personnel”
I order:

1. Establish the wearing of shoulder straps:
field - military personnel in the active army and personnel of units preparing to be sent to the front;
everyday - by military personnel of other units and institutions of the Red Army, as well as when wearing full dress uniform.

2. All Red Army personnel should switch to new insignia - shoulder straps in the period from February 1 to February 15, 1943.

3. Make changes to the uniform of the Red Army personnel, according to the descriptions in appendices No. 1, 2 and 3.

4. Put into effect the “Rules for wearing uniforms by Red Army personnel” (Appendix No. 4).

5. Allow full term existing form clothing with new insignia until the next issue of uniforms, in accordance with the current deadlines and supply standards.

6. Unit commanders and garrison commanders must strictly monitor compliance with the uniform and correct wearing of the new insignia.

People's Commissar of Defense I. STALIN

The shoulder strap is made of specially woven braid: for field shoulder straps - from khaki silk, for everyday ones - from gold wire.

And so, the insignia is as follows:

Shoulder straps and insignia of the Soviet Union Marshals and Generals.

The size of the stars on the shoulder straps of generals is 22 mm, on the shoulder straps of generals of the medical and veterinary services - 20 mm.

Number of stars by military rank:

Marshal of the Soviet Union is one big star;
General of the Army - four stars;
Colonel General - three stars;
Lieutenant General - two stars;
Major General - one star;

On February 4, 1943, by order of the NKO of the USSR No. 51 in addition to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 6, 1943 “On the introduction of new insignia for personnel of the Red Army,” changes were made to the shoulder straps of Marshals of the Soviet Union and shoulder straps were introduced for marshals of aviation and artillery and armored forces.

October 27, 1943 by order of the USSR NGO No. 305 on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 9, 1943. additionally installed military ranks for senior command staff:


I announce for the leadership the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 9, 1943 “On the establishment of additional military ranks for the senior command staff of the Red Army.”

Deputy People's Commissar of Defense
Marshal of the Soviet Union VASILEVSKY


In addition to the decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 7, 1940 and January 16, 1943, to establish the following military ranks for the senior command staff of the Red Army:

Chief Marshal of Artillery,
Air Chief Marshal,
Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces,
Marshal of Signal Corps,
Chief Marshal of the Signal Corps,
Marshal of the Engineering Troops,
Chief Marshal of the Engineering Troops.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. KALININ
Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. GORKIN
Moscow Kremlin. October 9, 1943

The changes at the end of 1943 resulted in the following:
Marshal of Soviet Soz - 1 big star and National emblem at the bottom
Chief Marshal (branch) - 1 large star in a wreath and the emblem of the military branch above it
Marshal (army branch) - 1 large star

There were no changes to the generals' insignia.

Shoulder straps and insignia of SENIOR AND MIDDLE COMMANDS.

On the shoulder straps of the middle command staff there is one gap and silver-plated stars;
On the shoulder straps of senior officers there are two gaps and large silver-plated stars.
The stars on the shoulder straps are metal. From junior lieutenant to captain inclusive, the size of the stars from corner to corner is 13 mm, from major to colonel - 20 mm.

The number of stars on the chase - by military rank:

Colonel - three stars,
lieutenant colonel - two stars,
major - one star,
captain - four stars,
senior lieutenant - three stars,
lieutenant - two stars,
junior lieutenant - one star.

Shoulder straps and insignia of junior command and rank and file. Field of shoulder straps:

field - from khaki cloth,
everyday - from colored cloth according to the branch of service.

Stripes on field shoulder straps for junior command and command personnel:

narrow - 1 cm wide,
wide - 3 cm wide,
longitudinal patch on the sergeant's shoulder straps - 1.5 cm wide.

The shoulder straps of junior command personnel have stripes corresponding to their military rank:

foreman - narrow longitudinal and wide transverse stripes,
senior sergeant - wide transverse stripe,
sergeant - three narrow transverse stripes,
junior sergeant - two narrow transverse stripes,
corporal - a narrow transverse stripe.

With the Bolsheviks coming to power, all military ranks and insignia were abolished. However, soon the experience civil war showed the need for some way to allocate command personnel. Until the winter of 1919, the process of introducing insignia was not regulated by anyone. There were insignia in the form of red armbands with the inscription of the position, various numbers red stripes around the sleeve, various numbers of stars on the sleeve, headdress, chest, etc. These insignia were introduced by the commanders of brigades, divisions, and regiments. On January 16, 1919, by order of the RVSR No. 116, insignia of the military branches in the form of colored buttonholes on collars and insignia of commanders in the form of stripes on the left sleeve above the cuff were introduced. By this order, insignia were introduced only for combatant commanders and their deputies. Political commissars, staff soldiers, and servicemen of auxiliary services did not have any insignia according to this order. The insignia were stripes made of red fabric in the form of triangles, squares and diamonds placed above the cuffs of an overcoat, jacket, jacket, jacket, tunic or other outerwear. Above these signs was a red star cut from the same fabric with a diameter of 11 cm. for commanders from squad to regiment; diameter 14.5 cm. from the brigade commander and above.

Junior command staff wore triangles:

One is the squad leader
Two - deputy platoon commander
Three - sergeant major of a company (division)

Middle and senior command personnel wore squares:

One - platoon commander
Two - company commander
Three - battalion commander
Four - regiment commander

The senior command staff wore diamonds:

One is the brigade commander
Two - division commander
Three - army commander
Four - front commander

Very quickly other military personnel began to wear these insignia. Most often, the corresponding commander's deputies wore one badge less than the commander's. Based on the approximate correspondence of their positions to the legal status of the commanders, other military personnel began to sew on the badges.

By Order of the RVSR No. 1406 of August 22, 1919, military communications services were introduced for military personnel decals on the left sleeve above the elbow in the form of diamonds measuring 11x8cm. and a red armband for military commandants of railway stations and piers with the same sign depicted on it.

Until September 1935, insignia corresponded only to the position held. With the introduction of a single headdress - budenovka - in 1919, the color of the sewn star began to indicate the type of military service


At the ends of the collar of an overcoat or shirt, buttonholes were sewn in the color of the star. In the infantry, it was prescribed that the regimental number be painted on the buttonholes in black paint.

In April 1920, sleeve insignia of the military branches were introduced. These signs are made of cloth and embroidered with colored silk. The signs are placed on the left sleeve of the shirt or caftan in the middle between the shoulder and elbow.

Let's remember about the Cheka-GPU-OGPU

06/13/1918 the Internal Troops of the GPU-OGPU were created as a corps of troops of the Cheka
05/25/1919, together with other auxiliary troops, the Internal Troops became part of the Internal Security Troops of the Republic (VOKhR)
09/01/1920 VOKhR, reinforced by a number of contingents, formed the Internal Service Troops (VNUS)
01/19/1921 From VNUS were again allocated independent Troops Cheka
02/06/1922 The Cheka troops were reorganized into the Internal Troops of the GPU-OGPU.

The protection of places of detention and escort were carried out by the Convoy Guard of the Republic. Until 1923, it was part of the structure of the People's Commissariat of Justice, but was operationally subordinate to the GPU.

In June 1934, all OGPU institutions were included in the all-Union People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), where the Main Directorate of State Security was formed. The Internal Troops were renamed the Internal Guard of the NKVD. The first uniform for the GPU bodies and internal troops was introduced on June 27, 1922. The items of clothing and equipment adopted by the GPU bodies and troops initially differed from the Red Army only in color and some details.

Uniforms and insignia underwent significant changes in 1934.

System of official ranks of the OGPU in 1922

GPU employee

Agent 3 rank...................1 triangle
Agent 2 rank...................2 triangles
Agent 1st rank...................3 triangles

Special assignment officer. 1 square
Beginning operational point.....2 squares
Beginning inspection department.........3 squares
Beginning investigative part......4 square

Military instructor of the inspection...............1 diamond
Beginning GPU departments............2 diamonds
Deputy Beginning department of the GPU............3 diamonds
Head of the GPU department......4 diamonds

The highest military rank of Generalissimo of the Soviet Union was established on June 26, 1945 and awarded to I.V. Stalin. On the dress uniform, epaulettes with the Coat of Arms and a star were used instead of shoulder straps.

After receiving the rank of marshal in 1943, Stalin was given a special suit. It was a closed light gray tunic with a turn-down collar and four pockets of the same cut that Soviet generals wore before the introduction of shoulder straps. The tunic had shoulder straps of the Marshal of the Soviet Union and general's overcoat buttonholes - red with gold piping and buttons. The collar and cuffs were edged with red piping. The loose-fitting trousers with red stripes were made from the same fabric as the jacket. No one else wore such a suit. In it, J.V. Stalin was depicted in official portraits and posters. He became the only uniform of the Generalissimo of the Soviet Union.

Buttonholes were the insignia of NKVD workers. In general, like all paramilitary units in the pre-war period. However, in addition to the buttonholes, insignia were also located on the sleeves of tunics and service jackets. In addition, the rank could also be determined by appearance departmental patch on the sleeve. The rank insignia of NKVD workers differed from those accepted in Armed Forces. This applied not only to operational personnel, but also to NKVD troops and border guards. For the first time in Soviet history Asterisks appear on the insignia. In addition, all NKVD employees were assigned special ranks different from military ones.

Two red sleeve truncated triangles - state security sergeant;
- three red sleeve truncated triangles - junior lieutenant of state security;
- one sleeve star embroidered with silver - lieutenant of state security;
- two sleeve stars embroidered with silver - senior lieutenant of state security;
- three sleeve stars embroidered with silver - captain of state security;
- one sleeve star embroidered in gold - state security major;
- two sleeve stars embroidered in gold - senior major of state security;
- three sleeve stars embroidered in gold - State Security Commissioner of the 3rd rank;
- four sleeve stars embroidered in gold, one of them at the bottom is a commissar of state security of the 2nd rank;
- four sleeve stars embroidered in gold, one of them at the top is the Commissar of State Security of the 1st rank;
- one large star on the cuff of the sleeve - General Commissioner of State Security.

Actually, the same thing happened on the buttonholes. The commanding officers of the GUGB wore a longitudinal tourniquet on their buttonholes, namely:

silver cord - sergeant, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and captain;
golden tourniquet - major, senior major, state security commissioner of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st rank. Well, the General Commissioner of State Security, respectively.

In addition, a departmental emblem was sewn onto the left sleeve, also indicating the rank of the owner:

From GB sergeant to GB captain - the oval and sword are silver, the hilt of the sword and the sickle and hammer are gold,
From the GB major to the 1st rank GB commissar - the oval of the shield is golden, all other details are silver.

Buttonholes of the Red Army 1940, 1941, 1942,1943.

In the Red Army (Red Army) two types of buttonholes were used: everyday (“colored”) and field (“khaki”). In turn, they were diamond-shaped and parallelogram-shaped.

Everyday buttonholes introduced back in 1922. Since then they were constantly modernized until 1940. With the outbreak of the war, modernization was stopped because field single-color khaki buttonholes were introduced, which, along with everyday colored buttonholes, existed until the buttonholes were replaced with shoulder straps at the beginning of 1943.

The color scheme was very varied and quite complex. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the military (see table below), and the color and (or) shape of the piping indicated membership in the command or command staff.

For example, the everyday buttonholes of a captain, commander of a rifle company, had a crimson field color and a golden 5-mm braid along the edges (see diagram below). And the political instructor of this company wore buttonholes with a crimson field color, but with black edging.

Cadets of military schools, police and government agencies. Security had its own schemes for everyday buttonholes.

Field buttonholes were introduced by order of the NKO of the USSR No. 253 of August 1, 1941, which abolished the wearing of colored insignia for all categories of military personnel. It was ordered to switch to buttonholes, emblems and insignia of completely green khaki color (). However, in conditions of war and the rapid increase in the size of the army, protective buttonholes and insignia were received mainly by military personnel mobilized from the reserves. In peacetime, a uniform with wartime insignia was prepared for them. The rest switched to new signs whenever possible. A number of military leaders opposed the transition to wartime insignia. For example, the commander of the 9th Mechanized Corps of the Kyiv Special Military District, Lieutenant General Rokossovsky K.K. By his order, he categorically forbade all commanders to change their insignia to field insignia, believing that the Red Army soldiers should see their commanders in battle.

Difficulties in supply led to the fact that the troops simultaneously encountered both those and other insignia in a variety of combinations (red cubes and sleepers on field buttonholes, field cubes and sleepers on colored buttonholes, etc.). This situation lasted until the army switched to shoulder straps in the winter-spring of 1943, and in the rear districts until mid-summer of 1943.

Since the field buttonholes were completely khaki for all categories of military personnel and differed only in the number of insignia, there is no point in examining them in detail.

Buttonhole sizes in the Red Army (Red Army):

  • Buttonholes for tunics and jackets are in the form of a parallelogram, 32.5 mm wide including piping, about 10 cm long.
  • Buttonholes for overcoats are diamond-shaped, 11 cm on the larger diagonal and 8.5-9 cm on the smaller one. One upper (edged) side had a length from corner to corner of 6.5 cm.
  • General's buttonholes are diamond-shaped, length from corner to corner is 11 cm, width from corner to corner is 7.5 cm, length of the edged side is 6.1 cm, width of the edge of the buttonholes with gimp is 2.5 mm. The buttonholes on the general's overcoats were slightly larger - the length from corner to corner was 11.5 cm (13.5 cm for the Marshal of the Soviet Union), the width from corner to corner was 8.5 cm, the length of the edged side was 6.5 cm, the width of the edge buttonholes with 2.5 mm gimp.

Sewing buttonholes of the Red Army (RKKA):

  • folding the unedged edge under the collar - () ().
  • the unedged edge of the buttonhole was sewn into the collar - () ().
  • exactly along the edge of the collar - () ().

Colors of everyday buttonholes of the Red Army:

  • open table (table under development...)

Military ranks of the USSR Armed Forces 1935-1945. (table of ranks):

  • open table (table under development...)

Buttonholes of privates and junior officers of the Red Army
(privates, sergeants and sergeants)

In the form of a parallelogram. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. Colored edging on three sides.

Overcoat buttonholes- diamond-shaped. On the upper sides there is a colored edging. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army.

In addition to the colored edging, military officers with the rank of sergeant major also had a 3-mm golden braid sewn on the same sides where the colored edging went. But not instead of colored edging like the officers, but in addition to it.


Equilateral metal triangles covered with red enamel. The side of the triangle is 10 mm.

The buttonholes from corporal to sergeant major also included: a golden equilateral triangle, side length 20 mm; longitudinal strip of 5 mm (on overcoat buttonholes 10 mm) of red piping (the color of the piping is the same for all branches of the military).

The emblems of the military branches were supposed to be painted with yellow paint, but this rule was very rarely followed. As a result, you can see rank and file and junior command personnel either without emblems at all, or with metal emblems assigned to officers.

In 1940, in connection with a change in the scale of ranks of the Red Army, the insignia of the ranks of junior command and command personnel also changed. By Order of the NKO of the USSR No. 391 of November 2, 1940, personal ranks were established for private and junior command and command personnel: Red Army soldier, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant and foreman.

The same order introduced new insignia for them, which they were ordered to switch to on January 1, 1941. Until this time, the junior command and command staff did not have personal ranks, but were named and wore insignia according to their positions.

Buttonholes of senior and middle command staff of the Red Army

Buttonholes for gymnasts and French jackets- in the form of a parallelogram. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. A 5-mm golden braid was sewn onto the three upper corners instead of a colored edging.

Overcoat buttonholes- diamond-shaped. The color of the buttonhole field corresponded to the branch of the army. A 5mm gold braid was sewn to the two upper sides instead of a colored edging.


  • from junior lieutenant to senior lieutenant, they wore equilateral metal cubes (“kubari”) covered with red enamel. The side of the cube is 10mm.
  • from captain to colonel - they wore metal rectangles (“sleepers”) covered with red enamel. The size of the “sleeper” is 16x7mm.

In 1940, the scale of ranks of senior command and command personnel changed slightly. On July 26, 1940, by order of the USSR NKO No. 226, the ranks of “lieutenant colonel” and “senior battalion commissar” were introduced, and in connection with this, the insignia of senior command and command personnel was changed.

The buttonholes of middle and senior political, technical, administrative, veterinary personnel, and judicial authorities had, like those of the rank and file, a colored border.

In addition to the insignia of rank in the buttonholes, it was determined to wear the emblems of the military branches established by order of the NKO of the USSR No. 33 of March 10, 1936. The emblems were metallic golden in color. Political workers do not have any emblems; the rest wear the emblems of their military branches. Insignia - cubes and sleepers, just like the command staff.

Rank insignia on buttonholes:

A. Middle command and management personnel:

1 cube - junior lieutenant, junior military technician.

2 dice - lieutenant, junior political instructor, military technician of the 2nd rank, quartermaster technician of the 2nd rank, military paramedic, junior military specialist.

3 dice - senior lieutenant, political instructor, military technician 1st rank, quartermaster technician 1st rank, senior military paramedic, military lawyer.

B. Senior command and control personnel:

1 sleeper - captain, senior political instructor, military engineer, quartermaster, military doctor, senior military lawyer.

2 sleepers - major, battalion commissar, military engineer 2nd rank, quartermaster 2nd rank, military doctor 2nd rank, military officer 2nd rank.

3 sleepers - lieutenant colonel, senior battalion commissar, military engineer 1st rank, quartermaster 1st rank, military doctor 1st rank, military officer 1st rank.

4 sleepers - colonel, regimental commissar.

Note - There is an interesting point here. Commanding officers with the ranks of military engineer 1st rank, quartermaster 1st rank, military doctor 1st rank, military officer 1st rank wore three sleepers in their buttonholes until 1940, and so they remained with three sleepers. In fact, nothing has changed at all, because... They were already considered a step below the colonel. But if previously they had as many sleepers on their buttonholes as the colonel, now it turned out that they had all been demoted in rank. There were a lot of grievances, to the point that many of them arbitrarily attached the fourth sleeper. The regimental commissars were pleased, because they now wore four sleepers and this distinguished them from quartermasters, engineers, and military doctors of the regimental level, that is, their higher status, equal to the regimental commander, was clearly emphasized. But the battalion commissars were dissatisfied (especially those who were about to be awarded another rank) due to the fact that another one was wedged between their rank and the coveted rank of regimental commissar.

Middle and senior command personnel, middle and senior political personnel had additional insignia on their sleeves. The command staff wore various triangular braids that differed by rank. All political workers had the same ones in the form of a sewn-on star.

The middle and senior commanding staff (lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, quartermasters, administrative staff, technical staff) did not have any marks on their sleeves.

Although wearing emblems of military branches in buttonholes was mandatory (except for political workers, infantry and cavalry for whom emblems did not exist), there were significant difficulties in their production and supply of troops. Expensive red copper was used for the emblems; emblems were stamped on machines, and there were not enough such machines in the country. Sewing emblems from golden thread was prohibited. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of Red Army soldiers and sergeants, and a significant part of the officers, did not have emblems in their buttonholes at all. To combat the shortage of insignia, they began to use cheaper materials for their production. But even these measures could not significantly correct the shortage of insignia.

By the decision of the State Defense Committee of October 9, 1942, the system of military commissars was eliminated in the army and navy, and all of them were assigned command ranks. Moreover, titles are assigned one step lower. For example, if previously a junior political instructor was equal to a lieutenant, then he was given a new rank - junior lieutenant. The number of political positions was sharply reduced. Some of yesterday's political instructors and commissars were appointed deputy commanders for political affairs (from company and above), some were transferred to command positions. If previously a political instructor or commissar enjoyed equal power with the commander in a unit or unit, now they have become deputy commanders.

It is obviously difficult to imagine the ocean of resentment among political workers with this decision of the State Defense Committee. Only the wartime situation and the increased role of the Special Departments (NKVD) perhaps kept them from openly displaying discontent. Many of them had to change the comfortable position of a commander who is not responsible for anything, but an all-powerful commander, to the bitter fate of a commander responsible for everything and everyone, others had to come to terms with the fate of the second person in a regiment, battalion, company; places of an equal, or even superior, commander to the place of a subordinate. It is much easier to imagine the relief of commanders who have lost the obligation to constantly look back at the opinion of the commissar and are obliged to coordinate every step with him. Previously, you had to decide together and answer alone, but now you decide it yourself and answer it yourself.

Buttonholes of the Red Army senior command staff
(generals, marshals)

BUTTONBOARDS FOR UNIFORM AND COAT (sewn sizes) - diamond-shaped, length from corner to corner 11 cm, width from corner to corner 7.5 cm, length of the edged side 6.1 cm, width of the edge of the buttonholes with gimp 2.5 mm. Generals of artillery and ABTV have a black buttonhole field.

Overcoat buttonholes- diamond-shaped, length from corner to corner 11.5 cm (13.5 cm - for the Marshal of the Soviet Union), width from corner to corner 8.5 cm, length of the edging side 6.5 cm, width of the edging of the buttonholes with gimp 2.5 mm . Generals of artillery and ABTV have a black buttonhole field.


The stars for the generals' buttonholes were made of gilded brass of a regular pointed shape, 2 cm in diameter, with ribbed rays. Stars painted green (protective 4BO) were used in field buttonholes.

The star on the buttonholes of the Marshal of the Soviet Union: on the overcoat buttonholes the diameter is 5 cm, on the buttonholes of the uniform and jacket the diameter is 4.4 cm. The star of the Marshal of the Soviet Union had a regular pointed shape and was embroidered with gilded threads. The embroidery is continuous, convex, all outer edges are bordered by perpendicular embroidery with thin threads. At the bottom of the buttonhole, two laurel branches were embroidered with gold threads, at the crosshairs of which a sickle and hammer were embroidered in gold.


On July 13, 1940, by Order of the NCO of the USSR No. 212, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 7, 1940 “On the establishment of military ranks of the highest command personnel of the Red Army,” uniforms and insignia on buttonholes and sleeves were established for generals.

For senior command staff, the insignia remains the same - rhombuses numbering from two to four with the same rank names.

Field buttonholes

Everyday buttonholes


  • Uniforms and insignia of the Red Army 1918-1945. AIM, Leningrad 1960
  • Insignia of ranks of military personnel of the Red Army 1940-1942. Author - Yu. Veremeev.
  • Insignia of the command and control personnel of the armed forces as of June 22, 1941 ( link)
  • Uniform of the Russian Air Force. Volume II, Part 1 (1935-1955)

article code: 89769