
The future artist’s parents met in Kotovsky’s division, where they fought during the Civil War. Alla’s father was the director of the district food trade and an ideological communist, while her mother worked as a caretaker in a kindergarten and completed only four classes.

During the war, Dmitry Larionov joined the militia, and his mother was evacuated to the city of Menzelinsk, where she began to raise 9-year-old Alla. All her life, the actress recalled how her mother was afraid of lice, constantly taking her daughter to the Menzelin baths and painfully scrubbing them with a washcloth. Mom worked day and night, and at this time little Alla spoke to the wounded in the hospital and read poetry. By the way, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, whom Alla Larionova met during the filming of the film “The Magician,” was in this hospital.

Alla's dad miraculously returned from the war. He was surrounded and was rescued in one of the villages elderly woman, who rushed to the Germans with a request to give up her brother, Alla’s dad. For some reason they returned...

Having already become a star, Alla Larionova admitted that she dreamed of being a janitor. The profession seemed very romantic to her: getting up at dawn and sweeping the yard while everyone was sleeping.

But Alla was doomed to become an actress. Alla went to the dacha in the summer with her mother’s kindergarten. One day, an assistant director came to them looking for children to film. The woman begged Allina’s mother for a long time to let her daughter go to the movies, but to no avail.

Actor career

Another meeting with the director’s assistant occurred when Alla Larionova was in 8th grade. He approached her on the street with the question: “Girl, do you want to act in a movie?” To which the future celebrity, without hesitation, answered “Yes.” Larionova was immediately registered with Mosfilm and began to be invited to participate in the crowd. Sometimes filming took place at night, so Alla completely abandoned school and barely studied for grades.

After school, Alla Larionova submitted documents to GITIS and VGIK. During an exam at GITIS, the future actress saw Goncharov and forgot about everything in the world, including her text. The examiner grinned sarcastically that at 17 years old the girl should have had a better memory. At first they didn’t want to take Larionova to VGIK either. Sergei Gerasimov did not like Alla, who considered her ugly. However, his assistant and, concurrently, his wife insisted on taking a closer look at the girl.

Alla Larionova. The Tale of the Soviet Angel

Already as a student, Alla began acting in films. First, in 1952, she was invited to play the role of Lyubava in “Sadko” by Alexander Ptushko. The film was very successful. On the set, Larionova met the handsome Ivan Pereverzev. A feeling flared up between the actors, however, it did not develop into something more; Pereverzev did not intend to get married, although he dated Alla for quite a long time.

In 1953, the group from the film “Sadko” was invited to the Venice Film Festival. It was an incredible event. After all, until 1947, Soviet filmmakers were not invited to foreign festivals at all. After Venice, journalists excitedly praised Alla Larionova. The actress also received the Golden Lion, the main award. Directors and producers immediately rushed to her with offers to play. But official representatives the star was not allowed anywhere. Alla Larionova returned home in tears. But as soon as she stepped off the plane in her home country, the actress was told that she had been approved for the role in the film “Anna on the Neck.”

How idols left - Nikolay Rybnikov and Alla Larionova

"Anna on the Neck" based on Chekhov's story, of course, main movie Larionova. The actress played there main role– Anna, beautiful, but poor and whose beauty was traded. This film starred Alexander Vertinsky, who amazed the young star. The painting "Anna on the Neck" became finest hour Larionova. The beauty in a ballgown amazed all the spectators. This was followed by “Twelfth Night” based on Shakespeare, where Alla got the role of Olivia. Larionova could not hide anywhere from her popularity. The celebrity lived in the semi-basement and fans constantly visited there - they kept watch near the windows. And once they even carried the car along with the actress.

Gossip and taboos

One day, Minister of Culture Aleksandrov came to see Larionova at the Lenfilm film studio. The young girl impressed him. Alla was immediately added to the list of the official’s lovers. Envious people said that he was bathing the celebrity in a bath with champagne. Gossip immediately spread throughout the film studio. No one bothered to figure out where the truth was and where the lies were. A notice was sent around the studio that Alla Larionova could not be invited to filming. The actress was excommunicated from cinema for a long time without explaining anything. She was approved for the role in the film “Ilya Muromets” by Alexander Ptushko, but Alla could not go to Yalta for filming. At the film actor's theater where she worked, they did not sign a business trip and did not give her a daily allowance. And leaving without documents meant skipping...

Having gathered her strength, Alla Larionova began calling the new minister at the ministry. They didn’t want to accept her for a long time, but they still managed to meet with representatives of the department. Officials have sorted out the situation...

Romance with Nikolai Rybnikov

The romance of Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova was one of the most touching in the twentieth century. The couple met at the institute; Nikolai visited Alla and knew his parents. But he looked at Larionova indifferently. The actress was very worried about this, and when she calmed down, Nikolai caught fire...

He dreamed about her for six years. Once it even came close to suicide. Rybnikov was pulled out of the noose by a fellow student who allegedly met with Alla.

After this, Nikolai Rybnikov began to conquer the actress. She constantly received short telegrams from him, wherever she was. As a result, Larionova conceded. The lovers got married in Minsk in 1957, when Alla Larionova was filming the film “The Polesie Legend”. They registered their marriage on January 2.

Larionova and Rybnikov lived together for 33 years. They raised two daughters – Arina and Alena. Not one became an actress.

The actress appeared on the screens at a time that critics call “little films.” That’s why Alla Larionova has quite a few film works. But her roles - in films of the classical repertoire - became a real event in the history of cinema. However, in the 60s, the actress no longer received leading roles in costume films.

Therefore, Larionova even starred in episodic roles. It turned out that the girl is capable of characteristic roles, for which it is necessary to radically change her appearance. For example, in 1966, in the film “Wild Honey,” the actress was made into an ugly woman. Dirt from the puddle was literally smeared across Alla's face.

In the 70s, the careers of both Larionova and Rybnikov began to decline. They were replaced by young actors, but the professionals did not lose hope of returning to the screens. The couple, of course, had works in paintings, but they went unnoticed. Alla practically left cinema.

The only thing Larionova regretted was that she was never allowed to star in Charlie Chaplin’s films. This was prevented by the inertia of the film officials.

Death of Rybnikov

Rybnikov took the lack of work very hard, began to drink and gain weight. Shortly before his death, he was offered a job in an English-Russian film. Nikolai was delighted and began to learn the role. But I had to endure a mini-stroke on my legs. On the morning of October 22, 1990, he simply did not wake up.

Alla Larionova outlived her husband by 10 years. She exchanged a luxurious 5-room apartment for a two-room Khrushchev-era apartment so that nothing would remind her of her husband.

“Beloved woman, beloved home, beloved job” (A. Larionova and N. Rybnikov)

And in order not to indulge in memories, she traveled around the country with Vakhtangov’s actors with the play “Money, deceit, love.” Alla poured out all her love on her daughters - she literally lived their lives and their problems.

Death of Alla Larionova

One day, returning by plane from a tour, Alla Larionova felt bad and lost consciousness. The actress was placed between chairs on the floor and given nitroglycerin. Not immediately, but Alla Dmitrievna still came to her senses. She was asked to remove the wig she wore in Lately. But Larionova said that she would only die in a wig. When the plane was landing, the actress was already waiting at the airport " ambulance" The pilots had already reported to the ground that Larionova had died. Then this was considered a good omen, and they assured that the actress would live a long time.

Alla Larionova passed away on April 25, 2000. She died in her sleep from a massive heart attack. She was buried next to Nikolai Rybnikov at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Boys who grew up in the sixties of the twentieth century often wrote letters to installer Nikolai Pasechnik and mechanic Alexander Savchenko. The guys really wanted to be like their idols. But the girls, at the same time, reverently and tenderly confessed their feelings to another brave guy - lumberjack Ilya Kovrigin. But Kolya, Sasha and Ilya were characters who were united in the biography of Nikolai Rybnikov, because it was he who breathed life into them. Who is this actor? The personification of a huge generation of workers of the fifties and sixties.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov began on a cold December day in 1930 in Borisoglebsk. When the boy was only 11 years old, the family moved to Stalingrad.

His mother was a housewife. Dad, a drama theater actor, died at the front in 1941. Mom passed away a few months later. Kolya and his younger brother were left completely alone in Stalingrad, where perhaps the most terrible fighting for all four years of the war.

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov continued at school, and then at the gymnasium, where he participated in amateur performances. Later he got a job as a laborer in a theater, where he was able to review the entire repertoire.

In his youth, he first studied at medical school, but in his second year he realized that this was not his path. He decided to connect his life with the acting profession.


The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov, an actor with a capital A, was marked by his admission to VGIK the first time (he graduated in 1953).

Studied on the course of Gerasimov and Makarova. Despite the fact that Rybnikov subsequently meticulously created images of ideal Soviet workers on the screen, he had the ability to play a wide variety of roles. Equally brilliantly he embodied Shakespeare's and Schiller's heroes, and historical figures, and characters from Gogol's works. In addition, even in his first year he was able to demonstrate a special gift: he could imitate any voice. Because of this ability, he was once even reprimanded.

The boy from Zarechnaya Street

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov as an actor began with a small episode in the film “The Country Doctor” in 1951. Then there were the films “Team from Our Street”, “Replacement Player”. They began to recognize him after the release of the films “Troubled Youth,” where he played Kotka Grigorenko, and “Alien Relatives,” in which he showed the rural machine operator Fedya Soloveikov.

But popular love came to the actor only in 1956, when the whole country watched the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street.” His character was very popular with millions of viewers in the Soviet Union. The girls were in love with him, and all the young people sang the song about the factory entrance.

In a sense, the image of the shirt-guy became unique for viewers. He was simple, as they say, from the people. Before this, Nikolai Rybnikov, in whose biography one can trace his love for one woman and his profession, had already played characters with a set positive qualities representative of the working class. But they were too positive, too good. And Sasha Savchenko turned out to be real. Just like any guy from the next yard could be. The actor who embodied him became the most charming personality of Soviet cinema.

His best roles

In another interesting film - “Height”, released in 1957, Nikolai Rybnikov (the actor’s biography includes a lot of good works) appeared before the audience in the role of a guy whose happiness lies in the construction of a huge blast furnace. This is exactly how Inna Makarova’s heroine Katya sees him, who falls in love with him without looking back.

In 1957, the biography of Nikolai Rybnikov, whose personal life had already improved by that time (he married Alla Larionova), was replenished with another painting - “Girl without an address.” His character spends almost the entire film looking for a girl in Moscow whom he met on the train. The public received the film well, but critics found it not very interesting. The film took second place at the box office.

At the peak of his popularity, the actor agreed to Yuri Chulyukin’s offer to star in his comedy “Girls,” which was later included in the list of the best comedies of the Soviet Union. The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov, an actor beloved by millions of viewers, has been supplemented with another character - lumberjack Ilya Kovrigin. So the actor became, as they now say, a superstar of Russian cinema. And if on the screen everyone saw the nascent love of the main characters, then in life the relationship between Rybnikov and Rumyantseva, who embodied these characters, was quite difficult. Rybnikov wanted to see his beautiful wife in the role of Tosya. But the director decided otherwise, because according to the script, Tosya should not be too bright. Therefore, sometimes Rybnikov allowed himself small attacks towards Rumyantseva.

After this film, Nikolai Nikolaevich’s career began to decline. His subsequent films were still successful, critics gave high marks - for example, “War and Peace”, “7th Heaven”, “Hockey Players”. But the biography of Nikolai Rybnikov no longer knew such bright roles. Although it was thanks to them that he was remembered by the audience.

Difficult years for an actor

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov and the actor’s personal life have been the subject of discussion among ordinary people for many years. Of course, he loved the same woman for so many years, and was never seen in “discrediting relationships”... But not everything was so simple in his life.

In the eighties, Rybnikov had practically no invitations to film. This upset him very much. He was used to being an idol for a whole section of society, and now, at one point, he became an ordinary pensioner. And he still had responsibilities to provide for his family. The actor began to drink, which negatively affected his health. But he managed to find the strength to quit smoking and drink alcohol in unlimited quantities.

In the 90s, he was approved for a role in a joint Russian-American film, which did not come out due to unforeseen circumstances.

His only love

She was one of the most beautiful women who came onto the set. There was a lot at her feet different men- both famous and not so famous. But only he was sincere, open, and fiercely loving with her. Only he managed to heal the wounds of her heart. Only with him was she truly happy.

We can talk about their romance for a long time and a lot. Indeed, it is perhaps the most moving of the many romantic stories of the twentieth century. It's all about them - about Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova.

They met in their youth, when they were students. Alla immediately drew attention to the handsome, but slightly simple-minded guy. She tried to do everything to catch his eye more often or once again talk to him. Nikolai kept up the conversations, but nothing more, at that time he was having an affair with another girl. And a little later, Larionova, on the set of the fairy tale “Sadko,” met Ivan Pereverzev, with whom they had a long but difficult romance for Alla.

Uncontrollable jealousy

While Alla’s relationship with Pereverzev was developing, actor Nikolai Rybnikov, whose biography was not always simple, realized that the love of his life was Alla. But now she was not free. The actor tried in every way available to him to return everything to normal, but he didn’t succeed right away. Larionova’s friend Vadim Zakharchenko also poured salt into the wounds. It was he who very opaquely hinted to Nikolai that what connected him with Alla was not only friendship. The sincerely loving Rybnikov somehow could not restrain himself and rushed at Vadim with his fists. The result of this “meeting” was the actor’s broken finger. It did not heal properly and even many years later reminded him of that day with periodic pains when the weather changed.

True nobility

Over time, Larionova’s life with Pereverzev began to approach a logical, but painful conclusion for her. She hoped that Ivan would formally propose to her, but he was in no hurry. The last hope was for one trip, where they went together and even lived in the same room. But a couple of days later, Ivan urgently left for Moscow for a week. Alla remained waiting for him. The hero arrived as if nothing had happened. Quite by chance, looking at his passport, Alla realized that he had gone to Moscow to get married: in parallel with Alla, he had another woman. It turned out that both that woman and Alla became pregnant almost simultaneously, but Ivan chose the other one.

Nikolai Rybnikov (biography, personal life even almost 28 years after his death are of interest to fans of his talent) learned from mutual acquaintances what was happening with Alla. He started courting her again. Moreover, he did it very beautifully: wherever Larionova went on tour, she was preceded by letters and telegrams from Nikolai and good wishes; he constantly called her and talked about his love. And Alla gave in.

The strongest family

Their marriage began in one of the Minsk registry offices on January 2, 1957. All thirty-three years that the couple lived together were happy. Their first daughter Alena (more precisely, Pereverzev’s biological daughter) was born in February. But Nikolai did not say a single word of reproach to his wife in their entire life. A little later, their common daughter Arina was born (now she is no longer there - at one time she drank a lot and undermined her health). Nikolai Rybnikov, biography, whose children were always in the public eye, did not make any distinction between the girls. He loved them equally. After all, it was important for him not only that he was his own father, it was important that the girls he loved were born to him more life. And the girls themselves were very friendly.

Of course, over such a long life, everything happened. They quarreled and were offended, but they knew how to overcome everything. And a huge credit for this goes to Nikolai Nikolaevich. He was a monogamous man. He was always proud that in his life he had everything he dreamed of - his beloved woman, children, a cozy home, good job. Larionova was not only his wife for him - she was his deity, his breath of oxygen. Even without makeup, even in a not-so-new dressing gown, she was the most beautiful, the best to him.

Nikolai Rybnikov, biography, whose personal life is an example of a real man, has always been caring and loving husband and dad. He tried to do everything so that his Alla and daughters were behind him like behind a stone wall. He shouldered all the worries around the house and renovated their large apartment himself.

He deserved nothing but words of admiration. Nikolai Rybnikov (biography, personal life, children - all this is still interesting to viewers) really was like that, he never pretended to seem better than he was.

Their story became an example for many people, because every woman wanted to meet the same man, to feel protected from all troubles and misfortunes.

Actor Nikolai Rybnikov (his biography is a vivid example of what a real man and a magnificent actor is) did not live only a month and a half before his sixtieth birthday. He fell asleep and didn't wake up. This happened in October 90.

It was very difficult for Alla, and not only because her beloved husband was no longer around. The woman got used to him solving all the problems, even in those years when they stopped inviting them to filming. But they had already become so close to Nikolai that she dreamed of dying just like him. This is what happened almost 10 years later. She died of a massive heart attack in her sleep at age 69.

Alla Larionova's parents met during civil war. IN Peaceful time they got married, dad became the director of the district food trade, and always remained an ideological communist. Mom had only four years of education and worked as a supply manager in kindergarten. The Great has begun Patriotic War. The father went to the front, and his young wife and nine-year-old daughter were evacuated to Menzelinsk. Mother began to help in the hospital, and Allochka, not wanting to sit idle, came to the wounded to read poetry and sing.

It is known that it was there that the first bell rang, foreshadowing her cinematic future: one of the hospital patients was Zinovy ​​Gerdt. She will meet him again on the set and immediately remember her good friend.

The second bell rang after the war, when the already grown-up girl went out of town with her mother’s kindergarten. An assistant director arrived there in search of children for filming. We looked at several girls and chose Alla. But my mother did not allow me to go to Mosfilm.

Without memory

Only the third attempt of cinema to get into Larionova’s life was crowned with success. She was in eighth grade when a Mosfilm employee approached her right on the street and asked if she wanted to act in films? The girl immediately agreed, she was immediately registered as an extra actress, and they began to invite her. We had to work unexpectedly a lot, and there were night shoots. Alla was so carried away by her new activity that she abandoned her studies and slipped into C grades.

It is not surprising that after school the future star decided to enter GITIS. She did not doubt herself, but when she saw the famous theater director and teacher Andrei Goncharov at the selection committee, she forgot everything in the world, including her own text. He scoffed, saying that at that age his memory could have been better, but he didn’t blame the beauty.

Larionova did not limit herself to education alone, and after graduating from GITIS, she also entered VGIK. During the entrance exams, she had another incident. The head of the selection committee, Sergei Gerasimov, called her ugly and was about to turn the tables when his own wife persuaded him to take a closer look at the girl. So Alla entered the second university.

World star

She was 21 years old when director Alexander Ptushko invited her to play the role of Lyubava in the film “Sadko”. This was the first Soviet film to enter the Venice Film Festival. Both the director and the actors received top awards and worldwide recognition. Foreign critics spoke flatteringly about Larionova, and offers immediately poured in from great Western directors. Even Charlie Chaplin himself wanted to work with her! But Soviet stars went to such events under the strict supervision of the special services, and no one was simply allowed to stay and work in Europe.

Larionova returned to her homeland in tears, and at the airport she was told that they had already been approved for the main role in Isidor Annensky’s film “Anna on the Neck.” And again - world fame, again the Italian Film Festival, recognition, adoration...

But “Sadko” gave the actress not only a ticket to a big movie, but also became the starting point in Larionova’s love drama, because it was on that set that she met Ivan Pereverzev.


In numerous memoirs they will tell that Pereverzev all his life loved only his first wife, Nadezhda Cherednichenko. But he had a falling out with her. Restless and abandoned, he attached himself to one actress or another. His next passion was Alla Larionova, who firmly believed in his feelings.

Meanwhile, Larionova was courted by a huge number of men, but the most fierce, unconditional love was experienced by another famous artist, handsome star Nikolai Rybnikov. He asked Alla to marry more than once, but she didn’t want to listen, she only thought about her Van. Rybnikov once even nearly hanged himself from his painful, unhappy love for Larionova. They pulled him out of the noose, and then his friend - the same Gerasimov who almost rejected the actress at VGIK - lamented: “Just think! Hanging yourself because of a toad!”

Rybnikov suffered, Larionova suffered too: Pereverzev did not want to propose to her! However, when she became pregnant, it became clear to her that Ivan was about to be ripe for marriage. She didn’t worry, she was sure that this would happen, and, having gone on a joint tour, she settled in the same room with him.

Suddenly Pereverzev suddenly rushes to Moscow - supposedly on business. A few days later he returns. Getting ready to be caring wife, Larionova tidies up his scattered things. He hangs his jacket in the closet, takes out his passport to put it in the document drawer, and mechanically flips through the pages. And he sees a fresh stamp.

In parallel with Larionova, he played tricks with Kira Kanaeva, who also turned out to be pregnant from him. Having tossed between the beauties, Pereverzev chose Kira. Larionova, without saying a word, packed her things and moved to another room, and at night she called her friend and cried. She urgently dialed Rybnikova: “Kolya, Larionova and Pereverzev are all over!”


Then “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” had just come out, the whole country knew Rybnikov, and he was busy in a new filming - in “Heights”. Having asked the director to give him a couple of days, he immediately flew out to his beloved to propose. Stunned by all the events that had happened, she gave her consent. To prevent Larionova from changing her mind, Rybnikov, in the middle of the weekend, taking advantage of his fame, literally dragged her out of festive tables(It was the May holidays) of the registry office employees. Seeing a pregnant woman, already later Larionov, they were painted on the same day, and the next happy Rybnikov went back to filming.

They agreed to cut Pereverzev out of their memory and never remember him again. Nikolai raised his newly born daughter Alena as his own, and did not make any differences between her and him. my own daughter, born a little later - Arina. He did not reproach Alla in word or deed.

There will be legends about her numerous novels, she will have affairs “to sparkle her eyes” and disappear for a couple of days, but Rybnikov, realizing that he cannot live without her, will leave his wife’s behavior unnoticed.

After their death, family friends will tell: Larionova probably loved him even more than he did. After all, she was so worried about her husband, accepted his gloominess and never left, breaking off any romantic ties as soon as the marriage was in jeopardy.

The life of one of the sunniest actors of Soviet cinema, Nikolai Rybnikov, is surrounded by legends. They tell how, as a child, he helped his mother, who worked as a laundress, press clothes, how he went to study “to become a doctor,” but two years later he became an actor, later saying that the worst role in his life was the role of a doctor, how he played pranks on fellow students in the dormitory - Pyotr Todorovsky made the film “Such a Wonderful Game” about one of these pranks, which almost cost Rybnikov his life. But most of all the rumors revolve around Nikolai Nikolaevich’s relationship with Alla Larionova, his wife and the love of his life. He sought her hand for 10 years, patiently waiting out passionate romances with others and pointed restraint towards himself. Having married, the actor never fully believed that now this brilliant woman belonged to him. The eldest daughter of Nikolai Nikolaevich and Alla Dmitrievna Alena, who has been working as an editing director on Channel One of Russian television for many years, talks about her parents.


- Alena Nikolaevna, what do you remember most from your childhood?

- Probably because my parents were always away from home. They never refused offers to perform somewhere and hit the road at the first call. When they weren’t filming, we went with the concerts “Comrade Cinema Sings” and “Comrade Cinema Speaks.” My sister Arisha and I missed them very much. As a rule, they arrived in the evening. If we were still awake, they kissed us goodnight, and in the morning, when we woke up, they were gone again. True, this did not stop our parents from raising us strictly.

- Who was stricter - dad or mom?

There was no division between “good” and “evil” parents. If they considered it necessary to talk seriously with us, then Arisha and I got hit by both of them. full program. But, of course, our beloved grandmother, my mother’s mother Valentina Alekseevna, spent the most time with us. So that we would not forget our parents, she hung their portraits on the wall and from time to time pointed to them and reminded us.

Arisha, who was four years younger than me, got used to the fact that if there’s a portrait hanging on the wall, it’s either dad or mom. At three years old, her mother took her to the hospital to have her tonsils cut out. And the child, seeing a photograph of a man on the wall, reacted instantly - he pointed his finger at him and shouted: “Dad!” The picture was... Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Mom said that the doctors first gasped, and then laughed for a long time.

- Did your parents have to deal with Khrushchev in their lives?

Naturally. Once, at a meeting with the creative intelligentsia, Khrushchev began to teach those present how to play on stage, write books and make films. Everyone listened in silence, and dad, who was tired of this, shouted: “Nikita Sergeevich, tell us better about Cuba!” They say that Khrushchev was simply speechless from amazement. And even though the times were no longer Stalinist, my father was still in danger of big trouble. He was brought out from under the attack by the Minister of Culture Ekaterina Alekseevna Furtseva, who loved the actor Rybnikov very much. She knew that he was a useless diplomat - he always cut the truth in the face.

- Did you have a hospitable house?

Not that word. Parents loved to set tables and invite guests. True, on New Year they always went somewhere and spent the rest of the time traveling, but they tried to spend their birthdays at home. Therefore, December 13, when dad was born, and February 19, when mom was born, were our main family holidays.

The door practically didn’t close these days, and my grandmother said that we didn’t have an apartment, but a courtyard. It was always a lot of fun at the table. A separate children's table was arranged for us, but we still heard adults laughing, singing with a guitar and telling jokes. Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk and Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva (she was Arisha’s godmother) were sure to be there. Astronauts, chess players and hockey players came...

Dad was a big hockey fan. Once, during the World Cup, he sat and sat in front of the TV, suffered and suffered, and then broke down and two days later he was already in the country where the championship was taking place. Documentary footage has been preserved that shows how, after our team’s victory, dad was one of the first to run onto the ice to congratulate his hockey friends.

- What did you treat the guests to?

For the sake of the holiday, my mother cooked porcini mushroom soup and made a “Mao Zedong” salad - with crabs and rice, an analogue of the current one. crab sticks. Dad's preserves were put on the table: he loved to pickle cucumbers and tomatoes, but he forbade opening the jars before the October holidays. When asked why, he said that everything should be well marinated and salted. But the main dish was dumplings, which all our guests made; my mother sewed a lot of multi-colored chintz aprons especially for this, so that there would be enough for everyone.

In general, everything household in our house it was on dad. He loved and knew how to cook, so he didn’t trust anyone to go shopping and markets. Moreover, he knew how not only to choose products and things, but also to bargain.

- Who did it then? men's work around the house?

Mother. It was no problem for her to drive a nail or screw in a light bulb. And she felt more confident behind the wheel, although dad was also a good driver. But mom did it masterfully! I remember once she gave a lift to the now deceased Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova. My sister and I were busy in the back seat, so my mother had time to turn the steering wheel, keep an eye on the road, and shout at us: “Alena, Arisha, calm down!”, and talk to Nonna Viktorovna. She then admired: “Wow, how Alla drives - she manages everything behind the wheel!”


- Did your mother often give you rides in the car?

Much more often, her favorite dog traveled with her, the lapdog Drop, which was given to her mother in some nursery when she and the film crew took the film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” around the country.

Drop adored her mother. When she left, she lay on her mother’s robe - guarding him. My sister and I wanted to play with her, but she didn’t recognize us as mistresses, so we were always bitten. Drop did not let anyone near her mother, and not only strangers, but also... dad. If he tried to hug his mother, she immediately began to growl at him - she was jealous.

- Was Nikolai Nikolaevich jealous of your mother?

Maybe. They say that once dad almost got into a fight with Yuri Gagarin, who really liked his mom. But before my eyes, nothing like this had ever happened; they lived in perfect harmony. Even if they sometimes quarreled, it was for very funny reasons - for example, over a new chandelier or curtains. The fact is that my mother, in my opinion, was born at the wrong time. If she lived now, she would become an excellent designer, she would have no end to customers.

Mom had very good taste, which passed on to me a little. She always felt what kind of interior item was needed in a particular room. Sometimes, through connections, dad would buy a chandelier that didn’t go with anything at all, and mom, naturally, didn’t like it. The father is offended - he tried. Word for word, they already had a fight.

- Didn’t your dad’s and mom’s fans bother you?

Stuff happened. For a long time Some Georgian, my mother’s admirer, called us on the phone. He either said something in his own language or switched to Russian, but because of his strong accent it was difficult to understand what he wanted. I even called on the day my dad passed away. “Don’t bother us today,” I asked, “our dad died.” “How,” he exclaimed, “Kolya died?!” He apologized, hung up and didn't call again. I remember some girl, my dad’s fan, stood in the entrance for a long time. Arisha and I couldn’t stand it and invited her into the house. The guest turned out to be very pleasant - she said that she had come from somewhere in Siberia to see her favorite artist.

- We must understand that your father was the main breadwinner in the family?

Even in the most difficult and hungry times, it never happened that we didn’t have food in the house: dad always managed to get it literally from underground or, as they said then, from under the counter. Moreover, in last years of his life, when we lived in Maryina Roshcha, he really loved to go to the bathhouse, and everyone would steam there - from loaders to store directors. Bath acquaintances allowed him to get everything. But he himself ate little - recently he began to gain weight and, in order to stay in shape, he often went on a diet.


- Did Nikolai Nikolaevich have any hobbies?

- Books were a big shortage at that time. We had a huge library, and it was mainly dad who collected it. In all the cities of the country - from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka - he, as soon as he settled into a hotel, immediately ran to the bookstore and picked up a whole bag of books. And since it was difficult to carry them with me, I sent them to myself in parcels from everywhere. But with what pleasure I read it later!

- Did your parents like to watch their own films?

Imagine, yes. Moreover, my mother never said: “I’m watching a movie,” she always said: “I’m watching a picture.” But my parents never had star fever. In this regard, I will tell you one story.

On every anniversary of my father’s death - this was our tradition - after the cemetery we always went to the Cinema House restaurant to remember him. This restaurant is relatively small, and you can’t just get there from the street - as a rule, only people gather there. But that time, someone’s birthday was loudly celebrated at the next table - there were many guests, there were flowers. We sat quietly on the side, and everyone who knew dad came up to mom, said some kind words to her and left.

Everything was fine until one of our friends indignantly addressed the company at the next table: “Could you be quieter! We remember Kolya Rybnikov here!” Mom even changed her face. "In no case! - she said apologetically. “Please don’t pay attention to us.” And she scolded this person: “Why are you ruining people’s holiday?!”

On the last day of his life, Nikolai Nikolaevich also went to the bathhouse. Perhaps he should have been careful with his bad heart?

Who knew that this would happen? My father always went to the bathhouse early in the morning; he called it “first steam.” It happened that we were still sleeping, and he would quickly get ready and run away, fortunately it was not far to go. This is what happened that day.

I later asked my mother if she had any premonitions. She said that dad slammed the door particularly hard that morning. It was as if he had closed it behind him forever. She even shuddered, but then she was distracted by everyday affairs...

Dad was gone for a long time. Then he came, drank cognac, ate and lay down. Everything seems to be as usual. And only the dog that lived with us then - a small black poodle - could not find a place for itself: it wandered back and forth, squeaked, and scratched the door of my father’s room. When his mother came to wake him up, it turned out that he had already died.

- Is it true that he left without feeling anything?

Yes, his face was somehow surprisingly calm, serene, and there was a smile on his lips... My father was only two months short of his 60th birthday. I just wanted to sit down and cry, but I needed to hide my feelings away and deal with the funeral. In the 90s, this was a whole problem, because at that time you couldn’t buy anything in stores.

My dad’s brother, Arisha, and I took the death certificate and went to the store - we needed at least two boxes of vodka, but they only gave us one. But when the seller and merchandiser found out who we were taking it for, they sold us three boxes. True, this was barely enough: much more came to the funeral and commemoration. more people than we expected.


- Why did you prefer distant Troyekurovskoye to the Vagankovskoye cemetery?

- That’s what my mother decided and was offered plots to choose from. She rejected the place on Vagankovsky because it was impossible to drive up to it: she would have to carry the coffin in her arms. “And then,” she said, “I often drive past Vagankovsky, I don’t want my heart to break every time. It’s better if I come to Troekurovskoye - I’ll sit and talk with Kolya.” Mom also ordered a monument for dad in the form of a torn film with his portrait. Now she lies there, nearby, and opposite her are the ashes of my grandmother and my sister. Arisha died several years ago - she also had a heart condition.

- How did Alla Dmitrievna survive the death of her husband?

The status of a widow does not look good on anyone, people bend under it, it is very difficult to get used to loneliness. There was support, a reliable shoulder nearby, and in one moment everything disappeared. Our mother was a staunch person, she never showed her weakness to anyone and never made a fuss, but even she was at a loss here.

-What helped her hold on?

Job. Vyacheslav Shalevich offered her a role in an enterprise, where he played with Marianna Vertinskaya and Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. When Tselikovskaya, for some reason, could no longer travel around towns and villages, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich invited his mother. She threw herself into her work - she studied the text, went to try on costumes. But it was hard for her to adjust: she had never worked in the theater before, and our grandmother was sick at that time. But mom pulled herself together and pulled out.

She outlived dad by almost 10 years... After his death, she often said: “To fall asleep and not wake up - I wish I could do that! Such a death must be deserved." She died in April 2000 in her sleep. So she deserved it.

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They were one of the most beautiful couples in the Soviet Union and absolutely different people: Nikolai Rybnikov is reserved, sometimes even unsociable, and Alla Larionova is open and sociable. But this did not stop them from living together for 33 years.

Unhappy happy love

Nikolai Rybnikov has long been in love with the beautiful Alla Larionova. He looked after her, showed signs of attention, and even once confessed his love to her by sending a telegram. But she always preferred others. Desperate, he even tried to take his own life, but was stopped by his friend, Sergei Gerasimov. He told him that hanging himself over a woman is stupid, you need to win her.

The actress’s heart had long belonged to actor Ivan Pereverzev; she was expecting a child from him. However, during filming, it turned out that the object of her passion married someone else, hiding this fact from Alla. On the evening of the day when the truth was revealed, the actress’s friend called Rybnikov with a message about the break between Larionova and Pereverzev.

He rushed to the actress and from the doorway offered her his hand and heart and simply flew with happiness upon hearing her consent. And then he used all the charm he could muster to get them signed, despite the day off. On January 1, 1957, Nikolai Rybnikov became the husband of Alla Larionova.

He immediately said that other women would never appear in his life, there was only one. Together they decided to never remember Alla’s affair.

Happiness for two

Alenka was born in February 1957. The couple were happy watching their baby grow. And to all questions Rybnikov answered briefly: “My daughter is mine!” In four years, Arisha will be born to them. But Nikolai will never discriminate between his daughters.

Sometimes it seemed that Alenka was even closer to her father than her own daughter. However, both girls did not feel deprived; they received parental love and attention equally.

On the screen he was always the ringleader, the life of the party, but in life he did not like increased attention to himself, he was rather silent, even withdrawn. But Allochka, capricious, selfish and eccentric in her roles, in reality was open, sociable, and very friendly.

She easily made new acquaintances and clearly enjoyed attention to herself. It seemed that it was impossible for them to get along in the same apartment, but they could not even quarrel seriously. Minor disagreements were resolved fairly quickly.

Unlike the calmly restrained and wise Alla Dmitrievna, Nikolai Nikolaevich was emotional and loved to surprise. He could leave in the morning without saying a word to anyone, and appear in the evening with a brand new color TV.

However, he was always a breadwinner. If the house always, even at a time of widespread shortages, had good products, then this is solely the merit of the actor. At the same time, he completely ignored the small everyday problems. If it was necessary to change switches, hammer a nail, or repair a stool, Alla Dmitrievna usually did it. She felt much more confident behind the wheel than her husband. But the husband masterfully coped with the laundry.

The actress had an excellent sense of taste. It manifested itself not only in her appearance, which Alla Dmitrievna considered an integral part of the profession, but also in everyday life. It was she who designed the apartment, being able to create unique things out of nothing that decorated their home.

The two of them cooked, but each had their own signature dishes. Alla Dmitrievna - borscht and cutlets, and Nikolai Nikolaevich - delicious pickles. He liked to run to the market early, while everyone was still asleep, and then wake up his family with the clatter of dishes in the kitchen. If the family was indignant at such a unique alarm clock, he suggested that they be patient for the sake of delicious breakfast. Sometimes he simply stated that he would not cook today; the whole family would go to a restaurant for dinner.

Guests were often invited to special dumplings. A huge bowl of minced meat and the same amount of dough were being prepared. The friends dressed in chintz aprons, sewn specially for this purpose by the hostess, and all participated in modeling and cooking together.

Despite his isolation and dislike for noisy companies Nikolai Rybnikov was a real romantic. Wherever he was, on February 19, his wife’s birthday, he always hurried home. Alla Larionova always waited for him on this day, even if her husband’s filming was very far away. And he appeared in the evening, with a bunch of gifts and a bouquet of flowers for his beloved. He called her “sweetheart,” loved her unconditionally and was ready to endure anything for the happiness of being with her.

Sudden separation

It seemed that their happiness would be endless. In August 1990, Nikolai Nikolaevich pickled his signature tomatoes to treat guests to on his anniversary. He did not live to see it for only two months, dying of a stroke in his sleep.

Alla Dmitrievna often said later that she lived her whole life next to her beloved, but never had time to be alone with him. She found the strength to live on, completely immersing herself in work. And she even began to appear on the theater stage, although this was new to her. She lived another 10 years and died, like her husband, in her sleep, with a smile on her face.

There were difficulties in their family when But difficulties only strengthened their feelings.