Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

- salary, apparatus State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, pension, Pension Fund Russian Federation,
salary, Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov,
cash prize, Westcott Media LLC - RUB 3,640,860

Apartments (number, total area (sq.m) of each)- 53.8, Moscow

Cash held in bank accounts (number of bank accounts and the total amount of balances on them in rubles) - 4 invoices in the amount of 245,233.90 rubles.

Lebedeva Galina Aleksandrovna

Sources and total amount of income for the four years preceding the year of calling elections (RUB)- sale of property, rental of property, salary, HOA "Gorodok Nadezhny", State Institution Research Institute of Virology named after. DI. Ivanovsky RAMS, interest (income from deposits), pension, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - RUB 14,990,339

Land plots (number, total area (sq.m) of each)- Moscow region, 1056

Apartments- Moscow, 8 apartments

Dachas (number, total area (sq.m) of each) -
Moscow region, 5 dachas
547, 4

Other real estate indicating its types, total area
Moscow, 2 non-residential premises

Vehicles ( total(pieces), type, model, brand, year of manufacture of each) -
passenger car GAZ 310221, 2003,
passenger car GAZ 31105, 2004,
GAZ 330232, 2004,
passenger car
GAZ 21-I, 1960,
GAZ 233011, 2003,
passenger car
Nissan Teana, 2007

Cash held in bank accounts (number of bank accounts and the total amount of balances on them in rubles) -
5 invoices in the amount of 2,401,554.59


Commentary “Tapes. ru":

“According to the information posted on the Central Election Commission website, Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s income over the past four years amounted to 3 million 640 thousand 860 rubles. The sources of his income include the salary of a State Duma deputy, pension, salary received at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, as well as a cash prize from Westcott Media LLC.

According to the Central Election Commission, Zhirinovsky has no land plots, residential buildings, dachas, garages, or vehicles. The area of ​​the only apartment registered to him in Moscow is 53.8 square meters. He does not have shares or other securities, does not have shares in commercial enterprises and does not have property obligations.

There are 245,233 rubles in four bank accounts of the LDPR leader.
The income of Zhirinovsky’s wife Galina Lebedeva over the past four years amounted to 14 million 990 thousand 339 rubles. The sources of income are the sale of property, rental of property, salary received in the Homeowners Association "Gorodok Nadezhny" and the State Research Institute of Virology named after. DI. Ivanovsky RAMS, interest on deposits, as well as a pension.

Galina Lebedeva has eight apartments in Moscow, ranging from 70 to 433 square meters, five dachas, land plot in the Moscow region (more than ten acres), two non-residential premises, six cars, five bank accounts containing 2 million 401 thousand 554 rubles. Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s wife does not have shares or other securities; she also does not have shares in commercial enterprises or property obligations.”

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a famous political figure, founder and leader of the LDPR. This is an odious, bright and rather scandalous figure. The birthplace of the Russian politician is Alma-Ata, his parents are Makarova Alexandra Petrovna and Eidelstein Wolf Isaakovich. The deputy’s father worked as an agronomist and lawyer, his mother worked in the canteen of a veterinary institute.

Student years

Very little is known about V.V. Zhirinovsky’s childhood. A reliable fact is that he was born on April 25, 1946, according to eastern horoscope- Dog, zodiac sign - Taurus. Mother is Russian, biological father is Jewish. Thus, it is impossible to say for sure who Zhirinovsky is by nationality. He himself knows about his father only from the words of his mother. Besides him, there were five more children in the family. In Almaty, the future politician graduated from school No. 25. Then he went to Moscow and entered the university, which is now called the Institute of Asian and African Countries. At that time it was the Institute of Oriental Languages.

Vladimir became interested in politics in his youth. In 1967, he began to analyze the situation in different areas. The first significant action was the letter he sent to Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The message contained recommendations for improving the situation in the following areas:

  • industry;
  • education;
  • Agriculture.

The student's advice was constructive, and if the management took them into account, the situation in the country could really improve. In particular, for the development Agriculture the young specialist suggested the following: do not call upon graduates from rural areas into the army, and admit them to universities on a non-competitive basis.

Having received a profession, young specialists could return to the village and develop the agro-industrial complex. It is obvious that it is possible to increase plant yields and animal productivity only through the use of progressive methods. But the highest echelons of power thought differently. A little over a month later, the active student was invited to a conversation at the university department of the Moscow State Committee of the CPSU, where they explained that the measures he proposed were not needed, since they were impractical and meaningless.

Beginning of work

Zhirinovsky completed his pre-graduation practice in Iskenderun, where he was sent as a translator. There, the future politician began handing out badges with views of Moscow, but the Turkish authorities considered them propaganda. As a result of the future, the politician was arrested and expelled from the country. Some sources report that the real reason was to declassify Zhirinovsky as a KGB agent.

Subsequently, a short stay under arrest prevented Vladimir Volfovich from becoming a party member. He was also deprived of the opportunity to travel outside the country and was unable to enroll in graduate school. When the future politician graduated from college, he was sent to Tbilisi. There he served as an officer in the political department of the headquarters. This stage lasted from 1970 to 1972. Subsequently, Zhirinovsky changed several more jobs. Organizations and institutions where he worked:

  • Peace Defense Scoop;
  • Higher School of Trade Union Movement;
  • Inurkollegiya is a special division of the Ministry of Justice Soviet Union;
  • publishing house "Mir".

At his last place of work, V.V. Zhirinovsky headed the legal department. At the age of 43, he took part in the election of director, but voters did not approve of his candidacy. Out of 600 people, only 30 voted for the future leader of the LDPR.

Political career

Since 1988, Vladimir began to take part in the activities of public organizations. This period was marked by a transition to openness and pluralism of opinions. The authorities proclaimed political freedom, which the future leader of the LDPR took advantage of. In the spring of 1988, a series of seminars were held at the Peace Committee, where Zhirinovsky tried himself as a speaker. He managed to win the sympathy of his listeners.

At this time, the young leader was inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating his own party. He actively expressed his thoughts at all meetings of public organizations where he participated. After some time, the young politician was invited to the Democratic Union party. This happened at the Founding Congress of the organization, where Vladimir Volfovich showed himself in an unexpected way. At the final meeting, he made a speech and proposed removing negative statements about the CPSU from the Party Declaration. The text of the document stated that the path along which the Communist Party led the people was criminal.

The next step of V.V. Zhirinovsky was to write the program of the Social Democratic Party, which he was just planning to create. The entire text fit on one page, after which Vladimir Volfovich began distributing the project among various public associations.

At the end of 1988, Zhirinovsky began to participate in the activities of an organization that defended the rights of Jews. The Sholom Society elected him a member of the board. Together with Zhirinovsky, two other famous people sat on the board: Yu. Kosharovsky and L. Shapiro.

Sections supervised by Vladimir Volfovich:

  • foreign economic relations;
  • philosophical and religious;
  • historical;
  • humanitarian-legal.

Soon the Sholom society collapsed, and then Zhirinovsky created and led the LDP - the Liberal Democratic Party. The program was based on a previously created project of the Social Democratic Party. Vladimir Volfovich registered his party in 1991. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the country name was added to the name. This is how the Liberal Democratic Party turned into the Liberal Democratic Party. From the very beginning of its existence, the party often found itself in the news, mainly due to the eccentric actions and statements of its leader.

Activities within the LDPR

During the collapse of the USSR, V.V. Zhirinovsky opposed the Belovezhskaya Agreements of Shushkevich, Kravchuk and Yeltsin. In 1991, he became a supporter of the State Emergency Committee, and at presidential elections took third place - an unprecedented success for a little-known political figure. About 8% of voters voted for the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, with only Yevgeny Ryzhkov and Boris Yeltsin ahead of him.

The popularity of the LDPR leader was explained by the fact that he made extravagant promises. Most of them were obviously impossible, but the people did not understand this. Thus, Zhirinovsky claimed that as soon as he became president, he would reduce the price of alcohol. In addition, he called for the “dispersal” of the cabinet of ministers, where “anti-state” figures had gathered, and the appointment of new figures. In particular, S. Zharikov was to become the Minister of Culture, and the politician proposed appointing Eduard Limonov to be responsible for the security sector.

In 1993, a conflict arose between the Supreme Council and B.N. Yeltsin. Zhirinovsky chose to side with the president - at that time such a position was more advantageous. He supported a number of decrees that expanded Yeltsin's powers.

Zhirinovsky explains the ambiguous fact from his biography by saying that at that time the president was the lesser of two evils. His position is set out in detail in his autobiographical books.

In the parliamentary elections held in 1993, the LDPR was ahead of other parties in terms of the number of votes, and 2 years later Vladimir Volfovich was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation. The LDPR became the second largest party, second only to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Over the next 20 s extra years the number of LDPR representatives in the Duma has decreased significantly, but the party is still present in power structures.

Vladimir Volfovich published a lot scientific works and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation.” In 2001, he was awarded the title of Honored Lawyer, and in 2006, Zhirinovsky received the award “For Services to the Fatherland.” This is the political portrait of a scandalous person.

Books by Zhirinovsky

The complete collected works of the scandalous politician total 55 volumes. He wrote several dozen books and hundreds of articles. List of the most significant works:

  • “Geopolitics and the Russian Question”;
  • "Russia and the Islamic World";
  • "The Last Throw to the South";
  • "The final blow to Russia";
  • “Thoughts and aphorisms: 20 years of the LDPR”;
  • “Ivan, smell your soul”;
  • "Political Classics";
  • “Sociology of world politics”;
  • "Saving Russia."

In his works, Vladimir Zhirinovsky touches on the main problems that the Russian people have to face, analyzes their causes and consequences, and looks for ways to improve the situation. He views Russian statehood as a target for the capitalism that dominates the United States.

Many brochures raise the issue of relations with the West. Zhirinovsky views the situation from the point of view that integration into the Western economic model will be disastrous for Russia. In his opinion, this threatens the self-destruction of the country.

The politician believes that Russian Federation must develop in a special way, and not copy Western trends and Eastern traditions. Only in this case will the state turn into a powerful and prosperous power. The works of the LDPR leader are so multifaceted that it is impossible to describe them briefly - you need to carefully read each book.

Wife and kids

The wife of Vladimir Zhirinovsky is Lebedeva Galina Aleksandrovna. Her date of birth is April 22, 1949. Galina Aleksandrovna graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, now she is a candidate of biological sciences. While relaxing at a youth student camp in Pitsunda, she met her future husband. This happened in 1967. After 4 years, the young people got married, and a few months later their son was born.

In 1978, the couple officially divorced, but continued to live together, and in 1996 they got married. Orthodox custom. As it turned out later, the divorce was needed so that the politician could transfer his fortune to his wife’s property. Thus he was left with nothing. There was a lot of talk about this, and some deputies argued that Zhirinovsky was breaking the law. But in practice, a fictitious divorce is very difficult to prove, and to all questions the politician answered that he and Galina Alexandrovna had a church marriage, which had no legal force.

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. He was the sixth child in the family. That same year, his father died in a car accident. After graduating from school, he went to Moscow to study at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University, later renamed the Institute of Asian and African Countries.

Since April 1967, according to Zhirinovsky, he began to engage in politics. His first political action was that he sent a letter to the CPSU Central Committee addressed to L.I. Brezhnev, in which he expressed his opinion on the need for reforms in the fields of education, agriculture, and urban government. Soon after this, he was summoned for a conversation at the department of universities of the Moscow State Committee of the CPSU, where it was explained to him that these proposals were “unrealistic for financial and some political reasons.” As a 4th year student, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was sent to Turkey to undergo pre-graduate practice as a trainee translator in the city of Iskenderun. He was arrested “for communist propaganda” (distributing “subversive badges” with the image of V.I. Lenin to his friends) and expelled from Turkey. Zhirinovsky himself says that the badges were harmless, with views of Moscow and Pushkin. The wildest assumptions say that before his visit to Turkey, Zhirinovsky was recruited by the KGB, and Turkish intelligence declassified him and urgently expelled him from the country. According to Vladimir Volfovich, short-term imprisonment became an obstacle for him to join the party, enroll in graduate school, for a long time he was deprived of the opportunity to visit foreign countries.

After graduating from the institute in 1970-1972, he served in the Transcaucasian Military District in Tbilisi as a district headquarters officer. At the institute I studied two languages ​​- Turkish and French; later at the Ministry of Finance courses - English and German. In 1972-1975 he worked in the sector Western Europe international department of the Soviet Peace Committee, in 1975-1977 - in the dean's office for work with foreign students High school trade union movement. From 1977 to 1983 - employee of the Inurkollegium of the USSR Ministry of Justice. From 1983 to 1990, he headed the legal department of the Mir publishing house. In 1989, he stood as a candidate in the elections for director of the publishing house, but lost (he received 30 votes out of 600).

His political career began in 1988, when Zhirinovsky began to actively participate in meetings of various public organizations and groups that emerged en masse in conditions of glasnost and political freedom. In the spring of 1988, he took an active part in the seminars “Peace and Human Rights”, which were held at the Soviet Peace Committee. It was then that he attracted attention as a speaker. After this, he began to often appear at various political meetings of informal groups, where he discussed the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of party. At the beginning of May 1988, Vladimir Zhirinovsky participated in the Founding Congress of the Democratic Union party, but refused to join this organization. According to information and expert group "Panorama", Zhirinovsky spoke at the final meeting of the congress with a proposal to exclude from the Party Declaration the words: "The CPSU led the people through crimes."

Soon Zhirinovsky came up with the idea of ​​creating a Social Democratic Party and wrote a draft party program. He distributed this program, amounting to one typewritten page, among activists of Moscow informal groups, including the Free Interprofessional Association of Workers and the Democratic Perestroika club. In the second half of 1988, Zhirinovsky participated in the creation of the legal Jewish national movement and spoke at the founding conference of the Soviet society of Jewish culture "Sholom". Zhirinovsky was elected a member of the board of the Society together with former first Secretary of the Birobidzhan Regional Committee of the CPSU Lev Shapiro and Zionist Yuli Kosharovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as a member of the board of the Society, supervised 4 sections: humanitarian-legal, philosophical-religious, historical and foreign economic relations. However, the Society of Jewish Culture as a public organization did not actually take place. In the spring of 1989, together with Vladimir Bogachev, who broke away from the Democratic Party of Lev Ubozhko (previously both of them - Bogachev and Ubozhko - were expelled from the DS party), Zhirinovsky created the initiative group of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The LDP program became a short draft program of the Social Democratic Party. In 1991, Zhirinovsky registered the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union with the Ministry of Justice (with the collapse of the Union, the LDP changed its status to Russian and acquired the name LDPR). In the same year, Zhirinovsky supported the State Emergency Committee, opposed the Belovezhsky Accords of Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich and, having made a record rise for a novice politician, took third place in the Russian presidential elections. Having gained almost 8 percent of the vote, he passed ahead only to Yeltsin and Ryzhkov. Zhirinovsky’s promises to reduce vodka prices played an important role in achieving this result. Vladimir Volfovich's subsequent actions were no less extravagant. For example, he appealed to the then Speaker of the Supreme Council Ruslan Khasbulatov with a call to disperse the “anti-Russian and anti-state” government of Boris Yeltsin and in return proposed his own shadow cabinet, where the writer Eduard Limonov was the Minister of Security, and the leader of the punk group “DK” was entrusted with overseeing the cultural sphere. Sergei Zharikov.

In the conflict between B. Yeltsin and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1993, he took the side of the President of the Russian Federation. He participated in the Constitutional Conference convened by Yeltsin, supported the presidential draft of the Constitution, as well as Decree No. 1400, which terminated the powers of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies and called elections to a new representative body - Federal Assembly. Motivating his position, he said that, being in conflict with both the Kremlin and the White House, in this case he chose the “lesser evil” and therefore took the side of the President. Zhirinovsky outlined his political views in the autobiographical and journalistic books “The Last Throw to the South” (1993) and “The Last Car to the North” (1995), which provoked a lively public reaction. Zhirinovsky repeatedly persistently spoke out in favor of a ban Communist Party Russian Federation, as well as for the burial of the body of V.I. Lenin.

On subsequent December 1993 parliamentary elections The LDPR was ahead of all other parties in terms of the number of votes received. In December 1995, Zhirinovsky was re-elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation on the LDPR list. In total, the LDPR collected 11.18 percent of the votes, which allowed Zhirinovsky to create the second largest and most important faction in the State Duma of the second convocation after the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Since then, the LDPR has managed to maintain its presence in the Duma, although the size of the faction is beyond last years decreased. On December 7, 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation from the electoral association Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Leader of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the first and second convocations. He entrusted the leadership of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third and fourth convocations to his son Igor Lebedev, and he himself became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. Since October 2005 - member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects. Doctor of Philosophy (dissertation for the scientific degree on the topic “Past, present and future of the Russian nation” defended on April 24, 1998). Academician Russian Academy social sciences. Since January 2003 - Professor at the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement ( public organization, created in 1999). Author of numerous publications in the press. On June 5, 2001, Vladimir Zhirinovsky presented to journalists a complete collection of his works in 55 volumes. At the presentation of his works, the LDPR leader emphasized that his works are “the collective work of the party and its faction.” Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (January 2001). The title was awarded by Decree of the President of Russia "for his contribution to strengthening Russian statehood". Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (April 2006). Accepting the award, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, for whom, according to him, this is the first order in his life, recalled difficult history of domestic parliamentarism of pre-revolutionary and late Soviet times and wished deputies never to fight with state power.

An ambiguous and eccentric politician, a bright and emotional man, Vladimir Zhirinovsky lived his entire life with one woman.

In 1990, the couple celebrated their silver wedding, and in 1993, Vladimir and Galina got married. The couple lived a long, rich life together, which was not always easy.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Galina Lebedeva met in Pitsunda while on vacation. Galina was then studying at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. She recalls that Vladimir differed from his peers in his calm character and thoughtfulness.

For three long years the young people met without going beyond the boundaries accepted in the Puritan Soviet time. They went to theaters and exhibitions, often accompanied by one of Galina’s friends. Vladimir conquered the girl with his intelligence and tact.

In 1970, Zhirinovsky proposed to Lebedeva. He took her into the room and said that he wanted to make Galina herself happy woman in the world, and, most importantly, he knows how to do it. He promised that he would definitely become a minister. The girl agreed.

In 1972, the couple had a son, Igor. In 1978, the couple went through a divorce. The Zhirinovsky-Lebedevs divorced loudly, sued over property - for an apartment in Teply Stan.

Zhirinovsky’s wife won that lawsuit. In 1980, the couple reunited, but did not officially marry again. In 1993, Vladimir and Galina got married, and since then they have been living in a church marriage.

Family life

The Zhirinovsky-Lebedev family was a classic family of Soviet intellectuals. He is a lawyer, she is a researcher. Both had very successful careers.

She is a virologist, senior researcher at the Ivanovsky Research Institute, author of more than fifty scientific papers, specializes in viral encephalitis. Zhirinovsky's wife is a Lomonosov Prize winner, which she received for her contribution to science.

He is one of the most experienced Russian politicians, deputy, head of his own party - the LDPR, which invariably enters the Duma in each convocation.

Zhirinovsky did not miss a single presidential campaign, running for the post of head of state with enviable consistency. Even the eternal No. 2 of the presidential race, Gennady Zyuganov, left the race in 2018, but Zhirinovsky does not give up his positions.

Galina became for Zhirinovsky not only faithful wife, a reliable support and the closest person, but also a faithful ally. She took an active part in her husband's public affairs and succeeded in this. She accompanies her husband on many trips, attends press conferences, and heads the Association for the Promotion of Deputy Activities.

Snide haters

Of course, such a couple has its ill-wishers. Rumor has it that the Zhirinovsky-Lebedev alliance is contractual, mutually beneficial and formal. She showed herself to be a loyal comrade, to whom you can write down eight apartments and seven cars., and at the same time not provide a declaration (officially no one Lebedev to Zhirinovsky).

If you believe their declarations, then a poor deputy receives five times less than a wealthy elder research fellow. A deputy from the A Just Russia faction repeatedly demanded that Zhirinovsky provide a declaration of his own wife, to which he even replied that according to the law he did not have any wife.

On the other hand, Lebedeva Zhirinovsky gives status and material well-being, as sharp-tongued commentators say: “Who wants to wash test tubes all their life.” In fact, according to skeptics, Zhirinovsky and Lebedeva actually do not have a marriage. She lives in her old apartment in Teply Stan, he lives in the residence.

A woman named "Loyalty".

However, in all interviews, Zhirinovsky’s wife speaks about him only in a positive way. This is how he is in public - emotional and hooligan, but at home he is soft, calm, cozy, and loves chicken cutlets. “He never said the word ‘stupid’ to me, let alone hit me.”

Interesting notes:

In the comments to all controversial antics, Galina takes her husband’s side: the deputy was the first to hit him, and journalists in general always ask for a fist. Besides, Lebedeva wrote an autobiographical book: “Through Life Together.” In it, she talked about the formation of Zhirinovsky as a politician and about living together with him.

At the presentation of the book, she said that in 1989 she worked in a communist-minded team. When her husband organized the LDPR, his colleagues spoke out very harshly: “You are crazy! Siberia is waiting for you!”

Touched, Zhirinovsky quite sincerely expressed admiration for his wife’s speech, and remembered that Galina once attracted him with her purity and severity. It is quite possible that at the beginning of the relationship, the woman attracted the future politician with precisely these qualities, but life has shown that the main advantage of this woman is fidelity.

Perhaps, to say that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the most brilliant and extraordinary personality on the Russian political arena is to say nothing. This man, thanks to his statement, has long become famous far beyond the borders of Russia and the CIS.

What kind of nicknames and titles has Vladimir Volfovich not been awarded throughout his political career: from an inadequate clown to eminence grise. Some believe that he says impossible nonsense and absurd things, thus trying to attract attention to his LDPR party. Others, on the contrary, believe that not everything is so simple, and in fact, the government of the country speaks through the mouth of Zhirinovsky, since the top leadership cannot afford to express many things directly. But Vladimir Zhirinovsky can. But such questions are of interest to people close to the circles of power or interested in politics.

Ordinary spectators who witness outstanding performances are, as a rule, interested in completely different questions. Their attention is occupied by the personal life of the politician; many are concerned about the question of who his wife is and how they live, what Zhirinovsky’s children do and how their fate turned out.

The brawler's wife

Watching the speeches of the LDPR leader on TV, you sometimes wonder how you can live in everyday life with such a loud person, who loves to raise his voice and speak sharply, and how you can stand being around him every day. Vladimir Volfovich, at first glance, can give the impression of a hot-tempered and slightly unbalanced man. But there was a woman who was able to walk with him hand in hand for decades. This is Zhirinovsky’s only official wife - Galina Lebedeva.

Their marriage and relationship can be called, with a stretch, light and cloudless, but, despite any adversity, Galina remains a faithful companion and ally of her husband for many years.

The story of meeting and creating a family

This couple met in quite at a young age, when they were both at a summer holiday camp. They say that Galina immediately interested Vladimir. She was a rather interesting slender brunette, a student at the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. For almost three years, the young people had just friendly relations, while all the time Zhirinovsky very gallantly courted Galina. Three years after their first meeting, in 1970, Vladimir proposed marriage to the girl, which she accepted. They had their wedding in 1971. And exactly a year later, in 1972, Zhirinovsky’s family was replenished - their son Igor was born.

Unusual marriage

The relationship in this married couple can hardly be called ideal and exemplary, but, despite all the difficulties, the couple have been living together for almost 45 years. There was a period of divorce in their life together, and this happened in 1978. Vladimir and Galina got back together in 1985, and since then they have never been apart. Despite the fact that the couple did not formalize their relationship again, on the eve of their silver wedding, as proof of warm feelings and mutual devotion, they got married in a church.

Dubious divorce

It would seem that, civil marriage today you won’t surprise anyone. People who love each other do not have to prove their feelings at the registry office. But in the case of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Galina Lebedeva, everything is not so simple.

At a certain period of time, the press discussed the topic that it was beneficial for Vladimir Volfovich to live with his wife informally, since then he might not include her income in his family’s declaration. And since Zhirinovsky’s wife is by no means a simple woman, this state of affairs can only benefit both of them.

A faithful friend is not an ordinary biologist

Lebedev is a biologist by profession, works at the Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and has a PhD degree. She studies the problems of HIV infection. But, despite the relatively modest income of a researcher, Galina is the owner of several country residences, Moscow apartments and seven expensive cars.

Lebedeva is also involved in active social activities. She became the creator of the LDPR Women's Association, which solves various humanitarian issues.

and grandchildren

In his marriage to Galina, the politician had one son, Igor Lebedev. Zhirinovsky and his wife at one time gave the boy his mother’s surname specifically so that his father’s shadow would not interfere with his life. Today Vladimir Volfovich is proud of his son, because, having become an adult, he fully supported the ideas of his father and continued his work.

Just like his father, Igor was attracted to law. In 1996, he quite successfully graduated from the Law Academy in Moscow. Lebedev has been a member for a long time and for several years he has made a good political career:

  • was the State Duma;
  • held the position of expert specialist in the apparatus of the LDPR faction;
  • appointed advisor to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • was elected to the State Duma in 1999, 2003, 2007, 2001.

According to this track record it can be concluded that political career Igor Vladimirovich’s life turned out quite well, however, just like his personal life.

Lebedev’s wife’s name is Lyudmila, and not too much information is known about her. In his interviews, Igor does not like to answer questions about his wife, in all likelihood, protecting her from the annoying attention of the press. It is only known that the young people have known each other almost since childhood. In 1998, their twin sons were born: Alexander and Sergei. Igor says that he really wanted to name one of them in honor of his father - Vladimir, but Zhirinovsky dissuaded him from this idea. Today, both brothers are students at a prestigious boarding house at Moscow State University.

Their grandfather admits that, unfortunately, he communicates with his grandchildren very rarely, at best, once a month, since he sorely lacks time for everything.

In one of his interviews, he confirmed that the grandfather meets with his grandchildren extremely rarely; at best, he congratulates them on their birthday over the phone. Basically, attention is paid to Alexander and Sergei by grandmothers, who have much more free time than Vladimir Volfovich. But there are other children of Zhirinovsky that are worth talking about.

Relative from Ossetia

Despite the seemingly not entirely standard, but understandable to many, married life of the politician, it turned out that not all of Zhirinovsky’s children were born with his official wife Galina. And this first became known in 1995. It was then that Vladimir brought a 9-year-old child to one of the local channels and told everyone that this was his son. The boy's name was Oleg, and the politician publicly admitted that he was his father.

The story of the boy’s birth became known to the general public a little later. It turned out that Zhirinovsky met Oleg’s mother, Ossetian Zhanna Gazdarova, in Cuba, where the woman was working at that time. Zhanna was a very bright and beautiful Caucasian girl. A stormy and passionate romance began almost immediately between her and the politician.

Soon she returned to Moscow, where Oleg was born. Zhanna decided to send him to be raised by her mother, who lived in small village Chicola in North Ossetia. It was there that Oleg spent his entire childhood, where his grandmother, Rakhimat Kardanova, was in charge of his full upbringing.

How a father introduced his son to the whole country

At the age of 9, he met his own father. It is unknown how Galina Lebedeva took this news, but the politician himself publicly acknowledged his son. And he did it publicly, bringing the boy with him to the recording of a broadcast on one of the central TV channels. After graduating from school, Oleg moved to Moscow to live with his mother. He entered Moscow State University and successfully completed his studies.

Son's wedding without father's presence

The press again sharply remembered and started talking about illegitimate son State Duma deputy when Oleg Gazdarov turned 26 years old. It was at this age that he decided to get married. His chosen one was an Ossetian, Madina Batyrova, whom he met at Moscow State University. The wedding attracted the attention of journalists because it was celebrated on a special scale. The celebration took place in the Ossetian city of Digora. The most prestigious restaurant, Alcor, was reserved for the celebration, whose employees admit that they have never seen such a luxurious event in the entire history of the establishment. According to information provided at various forums, about 800 guests were present at the celebration. The cost of the bride's dress was estimated at about 200 thousand rubles. There are also rumors that rings for young people were purchased from Tiffany. The bride ransom ceremony took place without unnecessary stinginess on the part of the groom. In general, everything spoke of luxury and complete prosperity for the newlyweds.

It was no secret to anyone that all expenses for organizing the celebration were covered by Vladimir Volfovich. Naturally, all the gathered relatives, and, of course, the newlyweds themselves, were really looking forward to the arrival of the famous father of the groom. But the meeting never happened. Considering the level of Zhirinovsky’s daily workload, it is quite possible that he really did not have time to attend this event, but it is quite possible that he did not consider it necessary to attend there, believing that his father’s duty was fully fulfilled by paying all expenses.

Mysterious daughter Anastasia

When wondering how many children Vladimir Zhirinovsky has, one should not think that everything was limited to two recognized sons. In his numerous interviews, Vladimir has repeatedly said that he also has an illegitimate daughter. Unfortunately, detailed information It is very difficult to find information about this girl in open sources. Perhaps she herself does not want to advertise her status. According to Zhirinovsky himself, all that is known is that her name is Anastasia. On the birth certificate, her middle name is listed in accordance with her biological father, that is, Vladimirovna. And Zhirinovsky’s daughter bears her mother’s surname - Petrova.

The story of Nastya’s birth is not advertised in detail. At the same time, Vladimir Volfovich says that if Russian laws allowed to have several wives, he would have formalized his relationship with Nastya’s mother long ago, and Zhirinovsky’s daughter herself would have long ago bore his last name.

Interesting bills of a charismatic politician

At a certain period of time, Vladimir Volfovich actively promoted one bill in the State Duma. He was supposed to allow Russian men to have several official wives and register all children born in these relationships in his name. Of course, many immediately connected this with the fact that not all of Zhirinovsky’s children were born in a legal marriage.

Treat him political activity As a liberal democrat there are different ways to look at his often eccentric speeches and scandalous statements, but you can, on the contrary, watch him with great interest. But regardless of all the factors, Vladimir Volfovich should be given undoubted credit for one thing - he never abandoned his children born out of wedlock with Galina Lebedeva. It’s a pity that the general public will most likely never know how Zhirinovsky’s official family actually views such public confessions of his father and husband.