Leaves that are fully fermented are called black tea. The color of the drink is brown, dark gray or burgundy. Proper brewing is one of the most important stages in preparing for a meal. Almost always already the finished product is poured hot water , but how to do this without errors, read on.

History of black tea

The first mentions of black leaf tea appeared in the 17th century. According to the sources, it was delivered to Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov by a messenger from Mongolia. At that time, they didn’t know how to brew leaves correctly. The king liked the slightly strange-tasting drink, and its deposits quickly evaporated. Tea was forgotten for almost 200 years, and only 2 centuries later it went to the masses, after which it was added to the army diet.


The chemical structure of tea leaves has been under the supervision of scientists throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, but there is still no exact set of components. IN this moment scientists count more than a hundred useful components.

The main ones are:

  • Tannins make up approximately 13 of the total leaf composition. One of them is tannin, it gives a tart and strong taste.
  • Essential oils enhance the aroma, but it is worth remembering that they dissolve if brewed incorrectly.
  • Alkaloids give the body a tonic effect, so some types of tea can have an effect no worse than coffee.

The main vitamins included in the composition are: are: B, K, A, C, P. Due to the large amount of vitamin P, it is extracted industrially as a means of strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Brew black loose leaf tea:

Almost always, tea manufacturers do not write on the packaging full information. And you shouldn’t always believe her, for example, the same can be brewed with different temperatures water.

For maximum taste and aroma You cannot take iron utensils. Porcelain is ideal. To get a drink no bitterness, it’s worth filling it in before starting the procedure hot water for 3-5 minutes. After the container is warmed up, put 1-2 spoons of tea leaves there;

When your kettle boils, let it sit for 7-10 minutes so that the water temperature drops to 80 degrees

Pour the tea leaves into the container and cover with a napkin on top, or a towel.
In 5 minutes your tea is ready.

When you have a mug, but no teapot.

Sometimes this problem happens: There is tea, there is water, there is nowhere to brew it, what should I do? The editors of 2tea found an original and at the same time simple way to solve this problem.

We will need a plastic cup or, for example, a yogurt box, the tea itself and a mug.

We pierce holes as in the picture:

Then we put it in a mug and put the tea leaves there. Be careful, 80 degrees is still too much, the plastic will melt!

In a thermos:

The peculiarity of tea in a thermos is the fact that time which is required less for brewing, but the drink turns out much stronger. To slightly reduce the astringency and bitterness, we recommend adding a spoonful of honey. The procedure is simple, take 2 tablespoons of leaves, put them in a thermos and fill them with water. Brewing time approximately 1-2 minutes. Tea is ready.

In the teapot:

Initially, we remove away everything that may have a pungent odor. Fish, perfume, pepper, etc. If you want a slightly citrus taste, you can add a slice of lime with the tea leaves. Did you put it in? Is there tea already inside? Now we fill it with hot water about 80 degrees, as we remember, if the temperature is higher, the drink will lose many of its beneficial features. There is important detail To make the brew as tasty as possible, first fill 1/4 of the teapot. Let this mixture sit for 4-7 minutes., then fill the remaining area with hot water.

Let's summarize:

There is nothing difficult about brewing. The main thing to remember is just 3 rules:
Good tea
Optimal water temperature
The right dishes

We wish you good health!

It would seem, well, what could be easier than making tea. This simple question is not so easy to answer correctly. Probably every person familiar with tea believes that he, like no one else, has comprehended all the secrets of tea and certainly knows everything about tea better than others. Tea also comes in different varieties, black and green, loose and in bags. This article will talk about how to brew tea correctly.

People well versed in tea recommend that when brewing tea, stick to several general rules. When brewing, do not overheat the water, do not dilute it with water after brewing, and do not use metal utensils when brewing. It is best to use soft water to brew tea. In order for the water to soften, it must be allowed to stand for 2-3 hours, after which it can be used to brew tea. Brewing tea should be done away from products that have a specific odor. Such products include meat, lard, fish, onions, garlic and some other products.

It is worth adhering to the norms of sugar added to tea; take no more than 20 grams of sugar per glass of tea. By the way, it is best to add sugar to tea and stir it with a silver spoon, if you have one on hand. Do not overuse or underfill the tea leaves. The amount of tea required for high-quality tea brewing depends on the type of tea. So for 2 glasses of water, 1 teaspoon of black tea will be enough, while green tea will require one and a half to two spoons. If foam appears when brewing tea, it means that it has not evaporated. essential oils, and such foam should be left.

Water for tea

The water intended for brewing tea must boil, because tea cannot be fully brewed in water with a low temperature. Boiling water is poured into the teapot. You can rinse the kettle with boiling water first, this will allow the kettle to cool more slowly. You need to pour the amount of tea into the kettle in such a way that later, after the tea is brewed, you do not have to dilute it further with water, but simply pour it into a cup and drink the tea.

How long does it take to brew tea?

How long does it take to brew tea? Typically, tea immediately poured with boiling water is brewed in 5-7 minutes. During this time, the tea will fully brew and release its beneficial substances to the water.
Should I re-brew tea? It is possible to brew tea again, but it is not worth it, since good tea can only be obtained after the first brewing. If you brew tea again, there will be nothing useful in it; it will be colored, tasteless sweet water. It is also not worth adding new tea leaves to the old tea leaves. After brewing, the old tea leaves must be replaced with a new one.

Where is the best place to brew tea?

Where is the best place to brew tea? You can brew tea either in a teapot or in a cup, and in both cases the tea will be fully brewed if you pour boiling water over it. IN old times tea was brewed mainly in teapots, Lately Many people increasingly began to brew tea in cups. This is facilitated by the sale of tea bags. However, many modern teas are impregnated with dyes and flavors. Therefore, such teas can even cold water color the water and give it a scent. But such an action cannot be called brewing tea, since good tea can only be brewed in hot water; tea cannot be brewed in cooled or cold water. This coloring does not turn the water into tea.


In this article we bring to your attention different variants(including simplified technology) for proper brewing of high quality Chinese tea. This will help you get maximum pleasure from drinking tea and reveal the best properties of tea in the most complete way - aroma, taste, aftertaste, impact. How to drink Chinese tea correctly to get benefits and not harm.

These simple rules are also relevant in conditions where it is not possible to hold a full-fledged Chinese tea party.

Important aspects that should not be violated:

1. For tea, use fresh water of the first boil (boil the water once until a slight ripple appears on the surface and small bubbles form). Important: the water should just boil, and not be half-boiled. It is highly desirable that the water be either spring or purchased, of a good brand (the companies Arkhyz, Senezhskaya and some others have good water). Also suitable good quality filtered water. Before brewing green, yellow and white teas, the water after boiling is allowed to cool to 75-80 degrees. Oolongs and puerhs can be brewed with boiling water.
2. The brewing container must be preheated with boiling water.
3. Tea is brewed repeatedly, up to 5-10 times as desired (the specific number of brews depends on the amount of dry leaf per teapot, as well as the type of tea)
4. After pouring hot water into the tea again, the tea is almost immediately poured into cups
5. After draining the tea, the tea leaves remain in the teapot without water to avoid over-brewing.
6. Tea must be drunk cold

7. Tea reveals its taste characteristics to the maximum, and also brings maximum benefit the body only on condition that all of the above is observed

In connection with the above, we suggest the following course of action:

1. Boil water until the first bubbles appear
2. Pour water into a thermos
3. Take a kettle* for brewing tea (or from), or, with a volume equal to the volume of cups according to the number of people (if the cups are 100 ml, three people drink tea, then the kettle should be 300 ml)
4. Heat the kettle with boiling water or steam, also warm up and
5. Place dry tea leaves** for brewing on a beautiful plate or in a special container “” (tea box).
6. So, we have: with boiling water, a teapot for brewing (empty and warmed up), cups for the number of people (warmed up), dry tea leaves
7. Pour the tea into a heated dry teapot for brewing.
8. The tea is poured with water from a thermos and almost immediately poured into cups (or into, and then into cups). In this case, you need to make sure that there is no water left in the teapot for brewing.

9. The first brew is drained (rinsing the tea) and is not drunk.
10. Next, brew tea, focusing on your taste preferences for strength, as many times as we deem necessary.

11. For convenient brewing using the pouring method described above, you can do this on a tea board (chaban).

* or gaiwan - a special cup with a lid

** The amount of tea to brew depends not only on the volume of the container, but also on the type of tea. On average, 3-6 grams are used. for 1 brewing pour (for example, about 3-4 grams of green teas, and about 5-6 oolong teas). But there are no clear rules, so you need to try and experiment - if it seems to you that the tea has brewed too strongly (becomes too bitter or too tart), add a little less tea next time, or drain more quickly (make each brew less time). If the tea, on the contrary, is brewed too weakly, keep it longer. You should not add more or put aside tea during tea drinking - this will disrupt the tea drinking process, as a result of which the tea will lose many of its properties. After several tea parties, you will learn to feel and understand all the nuances of this process.

Note: If you brew pressed pu-erh, keep in mind that it will take a little longer to brew than loose tea. This is especially true for pressed ones. It is worth keeping such teas longer when first brewing. They develop most fully when cooked over an open fire. It is convenient to break pressed pu-erh with a special object, another blunt but not too blunt object, or simply with your hands. When breaking, it is advisable to maintain the integrity of the sheet.

Also, there is a large number of ways" fast brewing", using a minimum of utensils. Although such methods cannot be called ideal, they nevertheless make it possible to simplify brewing as much as possible when there is no time for full-fledged tea drinking. The most convenient, in our opinion, method (best suited for pu-erh):

1. Boil water until the first bubbles appear

2. Rinse a large glass teapot (1-1.3 l) with boiling water.

2. Place 10-20 g. tea*

3. Leave for about 5-8 minutes*

4. Only the infusion (without the leaf) is poured through the sieve into a thermos

This method is very good because the tea stays hot for a long time and does not overheat.

*(depending on the variety, to taste)

The specificity of brewing in Tipota is that this teapot combines three items used in the “Tea Ceremony”. Namely, a teapot and a strainer. Thanks to the design features of this kettle, you can properly brew good tea in the office or when you want to get by minimum quantity dishes and no time for a long tea party.

Sequence of actions when brewing tea:

1. Open the top lid and pour dry tea leaves into the upper compartment of the kettle. (Pre-heat the kettle by rinsing it with hot water)
2. Pour water at the desired temperature corresponding to the selected category of tea.
3. In accordance with the rules or according to at will When you feel that the tea has brewed, press the button located on the lid of the kettle. The valve in the upper compartment will open and the tea infusion will move to the lower compartment of the kettle. And the tea leaf will remain on the strainer in the upper compartment of the teapot.
4. The finished tea infusion should be poured into a separate cup or cups. Next, we repeat the steps described in points B and C. As long as we are thirsty or the selected type of tea allows.


When it is not possible to use the above methods, you can brew tea simply in a mug or in a regular large teapot. In this case, it is important to be able to catch the moment when the tea has already been brewed and when it is worth pouring it into another vessel to avoid overstaying, or drinking it immediately, without letting it steep for too long. Here you have to do everything according to your feelings, learn to feel the tea. But it is important to understand that the use of simplified brewing methods does not allow tea to fully reveal its properties. This is especially true for expensive tea - high quality

Knowing how to brew tea correctly, you will be able to prepare a delicious drink from any raw material, getting maximum pleasure from your homemade tea meal. Simple rules preparations will help improve the characteristics and quality of your favorite drink.

How to brew tea?

Basic knowledge of how to brew tea in a teapot, and tips on improving its taste, will be useful to both a novice housewife and an experienced cook who can comprehend the previously unknown intricacies of preparing a hot drink.

  1. The ideal vessel for brewing tea is a porcelain or earthenware teapot.
  2. The container is rinsed with boiling water, warming the bottom and walls, and poured out.
  3. Pour tea leaves into a warm, damp teapot at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of the finished drink.
  4. Filtered, bottled or spring water is boiled, allowed to cool to 90 degrees, and about a third of the norm is poured into the kettle.
  5. After a minute, add another third of total number liquids.
  6. Leave the teapot covered with a lid and a napkin for a minute, then add the rest of the water and let the drink brew for another 2-4 minutes.

How to brew tea in a thermos?

Tea in a thermos is a variable recipe and depends primarily on the type of raw materials used. For example, traditional and black tea does not tolerate prolonged infusion and requires drinking, or at least straining from the brew, in the first 10 minutes after pouring hot water. Using rose hips, dried berries, ginger, meadow or field herbs as tea leaves, on the contrary, it takes time to maximize the flavor and properties.

  1. When learning how to brew black or green tea in a thermos, it is important not only to understand the importance of getting a tasty drink, but also to preserve its benefits. The thermos is rinsed with water, the tea leaves are poured in and hot water is poured in for 5-7 minutes. After time, the drink is filtered and returned to the flask to keep warm for a long time.
  2. Thermos is an ideal vessel for brewing dried or fresh rose hips, berries, ginger and a whole range of field and meadow herbs. As in the case of traditional tea, the flask is initially heated with boiling water, after which the raw materials are placed in it and filled with hot water.

How to brew black tea correctly?

To brew the most delicious black tea, you should first take care of having high-quality dry tea leaves. No tea ceremony or secrets to improve taste can save a product of dubious origin and low quality. In addition, it is important to use filtered or spring water without chlorine impurities, foreign taste and odor.


  • black tea – 2 teaspoons;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar, honey, jam, lemon - to taste.


  1. A porcelain or earthenware teapot is heated by rinsing it with boiling water for a minute or lowering the bottom of the container into a bowl of boiling water.
  2. Pour dry tea leaves into a hot, slightly damp vessel.
  3. The water is boiled, allowed to cool to 90-95 degrees, a third is poured into the teapot, the container is covered with a lid and a napkin.
  4. After a few minutes, add the same amount of hot liquid and leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. Pour in the rest hot water and start drinking tea: the finished drink is poured into cups and served with sugar, honey, and jam.

How to brew green tea correctly?

The following recommendations will help you understand how to brew correctly green tea. The technology is similar to the preparation of black varieties, but it also has its own characteristics: the raw materials can be filled with hot water up to three to four times. Brewing time depends on the desired effect. To get the invigorating effect of the drink on the body, you need to pour it into cups after 1.5 minutes. A richer taste and tonic properties are revealed when infused for 7-10 minutes.


  • green tea – 2 teaspoons;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • honey, lemon - to taste.


  1. Tea leaves are poured into a heated teapot.
  2. The water is boiled and allowed to cool to 80-90 degrees.
  3. Pour a third of the amount into the kettle general norm hot water.
  4. After a minute, add the same amount of liquid, and the rest is poured in before serving the drink.
  5. Serve green tea with lemon and honey. Sugar is less preferable when served with this type of drink.

How to make ginger tea?

Knowledge of how to brew correctly ginger tea will help provide yourself and your family with an amazing drink, the characteristics of which will not only allow you to truly enjoy the tea ceremony, but will also help you cope with colds and many other ailments. The ground fresh root is simply ground and poured with boiling water for 15 minutes, or prepared using the technology presented below.


  • ginger root – 30 g;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • lemon slices and honey - to taste.


  1. The ginger root is peeled, removing the dark skin, and then cut into thin slices.
  2. Pour hot water over the slices and simmer quietly for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Let the drink sit a little longer under the lid, strain, add lemon slices and sweeten with honey.
  4. Drink tea with ginger, lemon and honey in small sips.

How to brew and drink Ivan tea?

Further information on how to brew fireweed tea, which is famous for its beneficial effects on the body and numerous beneficial properties. Excellent taste and unique properties The healing drink is preserved by pouring boiling water over the tea leaves multiple times: it is allowed to use the same leaves up to five times.


  • Ivan tea – 30 g;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • honey or jam - to taste.


  1. Ivan tea is placed in a preheated teapot and poured with boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave the drink to brew for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Serve hot tea with honey or jam.

How to brew masala tea?

The following recipe will help you learn how to properly brew masala tea, which is a traditional drink in India and is popular among gourmets and true connoisseurs of the tea drink all over the world. The constant spices added to the drink are ginger root and cardamom. The remaining spices: cinnamon, cloves, star anise, nutmeg, pepper and other components are added according to desire and taste and are optional.


  • black tea – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • ginger root – 40 g;
  • green cardamom – 2 pods;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • pepper – 2 peas;
  • cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Cardamom, cloves and pepper are ground in a mortar.
  2. Add spices and cinnamon to the mixture of water and milk and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add tea and sugar, boil Indian masala tea for another 5 minutes, strain and serve.

How to brew rosehip tea correctly?

The following recipe is for those who do not yet know how to brew delicious rosehip tea. It is preferable to use a thermos for this purpose or, if you don’t have one, insulate the container with the drink for a while. The valuable product does not tolerate prolonged boiling, but gives maximum of its properties when infused for a long time in water at a temperature of 75-80 degrees.


  • rose hips - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • filtered water – 0.5 l;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Rose hips are crushed, poured into a thermos with hot water and left for 8 hours or overnight.
  2. If you don’t have a thermos, bring the rose hips and water to a boil and cover them for at least an hour.
  3. When serving, sweeten rosehip tea with honey.

How to make cinnamon tea?

Classic black or green tea acquires amazing taste characteristics if you add cinnamon to its composition. However, a tasty and healthy drink is often brewed using spices without tea leaves or a minimal amount of them. For additional taste, you can add lemon or orange slices, berries, mint, and citrus zest.


  • cinnamon – 2 teaspoons or 2 sticks;
  • purified water – 1 l;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • mint – 2 sprigs;
  • black tea – 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Cut the washed orange into slices and add it to the container along with mint, cinnamon and tea leaves.
  2. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, boil for 2-3 minutes, and let it brew a little.
  3. The finished tea with orange and cinnamon is filtered and served with honey.

How to brew matum tea?

Those who are familiar with Thai cuisine will be interested in how to properly brew matum tea from the dried fruits of the valuable exotic Bail tree, which are often called wood or stone apples. This drink is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. Its regular use will improve your health and help you cope with a number of ailments easier and faster.


  • dried “stone apple” mugs – 4-5 pcs.;
  • water – 400-500 ml;
  • honey, lemon - to taste.


  1. Cups of dried exotic fruit are poured with boiling water, heated for a minute, then cover the container with a lid and leave for at least an hour.
  2. The longer Thai matum tea is infused, the richer its final taste will be.
  3. Serve the drink with honey, adding lemon slices if desired.

How to brew pu-erh tea correctly?

Proper Pu-erh tea has an inimitable rich taste, exquisite aroma, and has an invigorating and slightly intoxicating effect. A clay teapot is the ideal brewing container, but should not be used for brewing other types of tea. If there is no separate kettle, it is better to use a porcelain or earthenware container.


  • Puer tea – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • purified water – 400-500 ml;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. The tea is placed in a heated teapot, poured with hot water and immediately drained.
  2. Pour a fresh portion of water over the leaves, leave for 5-7 seconds, and pour into a heated cup.
  3. Each subsequent portion of tea is infused for 10-15 seconds more.

How to prepare sea buckthorn tea?

You can increase the nutritional value and enrich the properties of classic black tea by adding sea buckthorn berries to the composition. You can brew sea buckthorn tea with orange, lemon, or simply add citrus zest, a cinnamon stick, and other spices. The berry mass must first be ground in a mortar or crushed in a blender.


  • black tea – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – 150 g;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • lemon or orange slices - to taste;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Black tea, prepared sea buckthorn berries, and citrus slices are placed in a hot teapot.
  2. Pour boiling water over everything, cover with a lid, wrap it up and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  3. When serving, sweeten the drink with honey.

How to brew Egyptian yellow tea?

Egyptian yellow tea is a drink made by brewing fenugreek. In addition to the exquisite nutty taste, the drink has a lot of useful properties, which are maximized when properly prepared. The seeds must first be rinsed, dried and lightly fried in a dry frying pan.


  • fenugreek – 4 teaspoons;
  • purified water – 0.5 l;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. The prepared seeds are poured with water, heated to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Allow the finished drink to brew under the lid for another 20-30 minutes, after which it is served with honey.

How to brew herbal tea correctly?

All kinds of herbal teas are extremely beneficial. Depending on the base component used, the drink will have different effects on the body. For example, drinking mint or lemon balm will calm your nerves, thyme and coltsfoot will help with coughs, and chamomile tea with lemon will help with sore throats. It is preferable to drink any drink without sugar or sweeten it with honey.


  • herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • purified water – 250 ml;
  • honey, lemon - to taste.


  1. The teapot is heated by rinsing it with boiling water or placing it in a container with boiling water.
  2. Pour herbs into the vessel, pour boiling water over it, cover the vessel with a lid and wrap it well.
  3. After 5-30 minutes, depending on the expected richness of taste, pour herbal tea into a cup and serve with honey.

How to prepare Kalmyk tea with milk?

Milk tea prepared according to the Kalmyk recipe will give you vigor and strength, and will quench your hunger for a long time. The authentic recipe uses pressed green tea, but if you don’t have it, you can also use regular leaf tea. The main thing is that the product is of good quality. The milk should ideally be camel or mare milk.


  • green tea – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • purified water – 250 ml;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • butter – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • black bay pepper, nutmeg, salt - to taste.


  1. Green tea leaves poured cold water, heat to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Add salt Bay leaf, black pepper, nutmeg, add hot milk and cook the drink for another 5 minutes.
  3. Place a slice of butter in the container, cover with a lid and let it brew for another 20 minutes.

Feb 11, 2018 Olga

Brewing tea correctly is a difficult art. Without knowing the secrets, you can spoil the most delicious and rich variety.

Tea is rightfully considered the most delicious, aromatic and healthy drink. And the British, without any right to do so 🙂, consider him their national treasure. In the sense that there are no tea plantations in the country of Foggy Albion, but there are more connoisseurs and connoisseurs than there are leaves on the bushes of a large tea “deposit”.

It just so happens that they are great masters at brewing. Below are tips from English chefs on how to brew tea correctly so that it meets the strictest expectations. (Source: Family Circle)

What kind of water should you use to make your tea tasty?

The ideal option for these purposes is mountain spring and spring water. It is clear that in urban life there is no need to talk about spring water, but even the most ordinary tap water can be significantly improved by filtering or simply standing in an open container for several hours.

Hard water with a value higher than 8 mg equivalents per liter should not be used - it is not suitable for properly brewing tea. Of course, not every household has a device for determining this very hardness, but just in case we will assume that it is more than moderate in hardness.

Hard water is not suitable for properly brewing tea. It must first be softened.

In order to soften the water, you need to add a pinch of sugar, salt or baking soda. Or you can use a more complex method, which consists in condensing the steam that comes out of the spout of a boiling kettle. The water obtained as a result of such manipulations will not only be soft and clean, but ideal, and ideally suited for proper brewing of tea.

Under no circumstances should you use a metal kettle. The best option The vessel is considered to be porcelain. By the way, the Chinese pay great attention to the types of clay - it must be special, “breathable” and imbued with the power of the place where it comes from. But we are unlikely to understand this Chinese magic, so we will limit ourselves to using a good, not too cheap porcelain teapot. It warms up better compared to earthenware, and is softer in texture compared to glass.

A little about the temperature of proper tea brewing

When you read culinary advice on how to properly brew tea, one thing stands out: general recommendation- bring water to a boil using a white key. What it is?

“White Key” is a condition when the water is filled with a mass of bubbles rising from the bottom. This moment should be “caught” accurately. If you keep water on fire, then when it gets on the tea leaf, it will decompose all its constituent elements, destroy the bouquet and chemical composition tea. On top of that, boiling water for a long time will become harmful to human body. If you don’t wait, the tea simply won’t brew.

When brewing tea, “catch” the moment of boiling water with a “white key”. This is one of the main secrets of properly brewing tea.

Brewing tea correctly is an art not only to please the taste, it is also intended to achieve the optimal combination , activation of all the healing that is included in it.

It is for this that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the brewing rules, even the slightest deviation from which can lead to disruption of the favorable balance of substances in the infusion. Everything is important: including the time of drinking the drink. According to English experts, 20 minutes after brewing, tea will become unfit for drinking, since as a result of prolonged brewing, the solution will become saturated with substances harmful to human health.

How to brew tea correctly? Step-by-step instruction

Wash the teapot in advance to remove any old tea leaves and dry it. Fill the kettle with fresh water and boil it over low heat.

After groups of small bubbles appear in the water, causing it to become slightly cloudy, remove the kettle from the heat and wait until the water cools to 80-85 degrees.

Don't waste time and while the water is cooling, rinse the teapot 3-4 times with boiling water to warm it up.

Pour dry tea into a warmed and slightly damp teapot at the rate of one teaspoon of tea for one cup of water included in the teapot, plus another spoon for the teapot itself. The tea prepared in this way will be of medium strength.

Allow the dry tea in the teapot to swell for a few seconds.

Pour 2/3 or half of the cooled water that fits into the teapot. Close it with a lid and a napkin on top so that the holes in the lid and spout are closed.

Now let the tea brew. It is not recommended to brew loose-leaf black teas for more than 5 minutes, and small-grade black teas for more than 4 minutes. If all the above rules regarding the condition of the teapot, the softness of the water, its boiling with a “white key”, and pouring twice, the optimal infusion time will be 3.5-4 minutes. Exactly that much, and not a minute more.

Somewhere in the middle of this process, add water to the teapot, making sure that there is space between it and the lid. Cover the kettle again with the lid and napkin.

At the end of the infusion process, add water to the very top. This threefold filling helps the water cool more slowly.

The foam that appears during the infusion process is sure sign the correctness of your actions. You should not remove it, because many useful substances accumulate there, for example, essential oils. After completing the infusion process, stir the foam with a spoon in the kettle.

How to brew green tea correctly?

Almost the entire process is similar to brewing black tea. The difference concerns infusion time and pouring patterns. You can infuse green tea for no more than 8-10 minutes. You can fill it 3-4 times. During the first pour, pour water in a layer of 1 cm, after 3-4 minutes water is added to half the kettle, after another 2-3 minutes - to the top or three-quarters of the kettle, after 2 minutes - to the top.

Important! Find out if a green drink is good for you - AND - especially important! If you are preparing to become a mother, can you drink green tea?

How to brew red and white tea?

To brew red and white teas, you can use two methods:

  1. Pour a double portion of red tea into a very hot dry kettle (see how to brew black tea correctly) and leave for no more than 2 minutes, then add 2-2.5 cm of water, after another minute or two, add water to half the teapot, and after another 2 minutes to the top (almost). Brewing time 4 minutes.
  2. Pour a triple portion of tea into a very heated dry infuser, fill it with water to the top and brew (hold) for 3 minutes, during which time pour boiling water over the outside of the kettle.

English connoisseurs of white tea believe that this divine drink of emperors and future babies should be brewed at a temperature of exactly 85 degrees Celsius, arguing that only in this case will it reveal its full potential. magical power its subtle, refined aroma.

How to brew yellow tea?

In properly brewing yellow tea there is one important nuance- soft mode with reduced infusion time. Yellow tea can be drunk immediately after the first pour (1-1.5 minutes), then brew it again (second pour - 3 minutes) and again (third pour - 4 minutes).

By adhering to all these simple principles, you can easily prepare tea that will not only delight you with its unique aroma and taste, but will also bring great benefits to your body.

The golden rule of tea drinking

Interestingly, tea can both excite and calm.

Remember three magic numbers: 2-5-6,they will help you drink tea correctly.

The calming effect of tea occurs 2 minutes after brewing, the stimulating effect occurs after 5 minutes, but simply delicious drink with a weak aroma - after 6 minutes (it is after this time that essential oils evaporate).

The balanced and beneficial properties of tea manifest themselves in full only 15 minutes after brewing, some medicinal (for example, antimicrobial) may manifest themselves after a while, but after 7-8 hours they finally turn into either a “special remedy” or a real poison!

With wishes for a pleasant and healthy tea party!