Cleansing and protection from inhabited entities and damage

If a person has a breakdown in his energy system, then he becomes vulnerable in everything. He is open to all negativity, damage, and various entities and energy vampires begin to connect to him.

Of all the various cleansing methods, this magical practice is one of the most effective. It serves to remove love spells, the evil eye, damage, and helps to get rid of embedded entities, all negative programs and create a long-lasting spell for yourself and your loved ones. The protection built in the process of magical technique will also free you from energy vampires.

Apply this magical practice - meditation , if in your life there has come “ black line“, you have problems or suffer from frequent mood swings, are in constant depression or apathy, quickly get tired and irritated, conflicts and scandals arise around you, and also if you cannot heal in any way.

Your cleanse will continue for 33 days. But if you start gossiping, condemning, criticizing, envying, slandering and again turn to darkness, then the built magical protection will begin to collapse and completely disappear after 5 days. In this case, you need to perform the magical technique presented here again from the very beginning:


♦ Read the text suggested here, pause, doing what is necessary.

♦ Sit up straight and comfortable. Relax your body by inhaling deeply and exhaling completely. Close your eyes for a while. Breathe by exhaling through your mouth, allowing the muscles to become softer. Feel the relaxation in the muscles of the scalp, the muscles around the eyes, the muscles around the mouth, jaw and neck. Relax your shoulders, chest, stomach, and allow the muscles of your back and arms to relax. Relax your hips, calf, ankle, and foot muscles. Breathe.

♦ Now consciously ask for the presence of all your personal guides, masters, and the accompanying Lord Melchizedek and the 13 masters of the Pleiades Light.

These 13 masters of the Pleiades represent the 12 strands of your DNA and you, the conscious person, are the 13th element. They represent the 12 paths of your destiny, the 12 aspects of your masculine and feminine, the 12 months of the year, the 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night time with you always being the 13th element. Lord Melchizedek represents the authority to make decisions and take actions, teacher, guide and instructor with you, through your intuition.

♦ When you are ready, allow the 13 Pleiades Masters to enter your sacred energy field and gather close around you. By doing this, they connect with your 12 strands of DNA (pause).

♦ The 13th Master of the Pleiades connects with you, the person who is here and now (pause).

♦ They also send energy into 6 parallel lives representing the past, 6 lives representing the future, all connected to you here and now; 13th element (pause).

♦ They are associated with the 12 months of the year, 12 hours of the day, 12 hours of the night, 6 aspects of the masculine and 6 aspects of the feminine (pause).

♦ Breathe while the grid is being built and relax (pause).

♦ Lord Melchizedek now manifests himself directly before you with the masters of the Pleiades gathered near you. He looks into your eyes and kindly asks you to hold his gaze (pause).

♦ Looking into your eyes, he begins to radiate powerful sound vibration from the larynx, which expands to your throat chakra (pause).

This vibration now begins to create a wave of energy through your energy field and through your 6 past and 6 future lives. Through your 6 male, 6 female aspects and all other energies and places with which the Pleiades masters are connected. This wave vibration embodies the divine decoders, which automatically begin activating the entity disconnection grid.

This grid is always divinely created by the divine Mother and divine Father the moment you come into life. It is the divine expression of our cosmic parents, created for this very purpose. It can be completed when you are ready, when you ask. This mantle creates a semblance of invisibility around you. Any aspect of you that is in a state of stunted development will be addressed and encouraged to revive so that it can catch up with the rest of you.

♦ If you consciously want to embark on the journey of maturity and are ready to experience the restoration of aspects of you that have been arrested in development, then allow Master Melchizedek to continue.

If anyone does not want to do this, then leave the circle now (pause).

♦ Imagine a slight tingling sensation running up your back. Some may even feel the warmth accompanying it (pause).

♦ Become aware now of the energy coming from your base chakra, from the center of your pelvic area, up your back. Imagine it penetrating your brain stem, moving along the path to the pineal gland and pituitary gland and all the brain cells (pause).

♦ The energy, flowing up the back, begins to seep into the spinal nerves until it is completely in agreement with the central nervous system (pause).

♦ These are the connecting threads that connect you to the sacred mantle of divinity that contains the inner template of our cosmic parents. It becomes your invisibility shield (pause).

♦ Energy in the back may increase. Some may feel it focusing on a specific chakra. Just let it flow. Inhale into the chakra if you feel the energy is stuck or too intense (pause).

Imagine it as a free-flowing river of light. This energy comes from the heart of Mother Earth's body, which is the physical manifestation of the aspect of our divine cosmic Mother. She feeds you with light (pause).

♦ Now you will begin to notice that the eyes of Lord Melchizedek are becoming lighter and almost fluid (pause).

Your vision may become a little blurred as you continue to look at it. You will notice that a 3-dimensional star tetrahedron emerges from each eye, hovering between it and you. These two star tetrahedrons emanate from the heart chakra of our cosmic parents. As you watch them, you will notice that they are moving towards each other, becoming one (pause).

♦ Take a deep breath. As you exhale, these star tetrahedrons expand and continue to expand until they comfortably accommodate you, the masters of the Pleiades, your guides and Lord Melchizedek (pause).

♦ Now simply allow your body to respond to the energies to which you have opened. These energies are emitted from the star tetrahedron. They are very precisely tuned and permeate your 4 lower bodies. The energies begin to rebuild the systems through which you respond to life (pause).

♦ They also begin to permeate the 7 chakras physical body and activate the process of turning any plug into the key to the door of your freedom (pause).

♦ Lord Melchizedek now raises his arms, opens his palms, and thousands of geometric shapes and energies flow from his palm chakras. They begin to circle around your body, creating a vibration that initiates the most powerful separation of entities you have ever experienced (pause).

Simply breathe as these energies merge with your energy field, each embodying very complex system information. They open the way to light, through which all density passes and turns into light (pause).

These thousands of forms of sacred geometry, shapes and vibrations completely change the sound of your vibrational frequency and increase its level, which automatically removes any entity binding in the form of thoughts, emotions, attitudes, belief systems, perceptions, expectations and fears. Just let it happen (pause).

♦ The 13th Master of the Pleiades very gently places the palm of his left hand over your crown chakra to facilitate the flow of energy leaving it. The vibration coming from this master's hand also expands the pituitary gland's ability to absorb light and penetrates the pineal gland. This begins to change the physiological structure of your eyes, ears and ability to use your third eye more freely (pause).

♦ The physiological changes that will occur as a result are part of this healing and release (pause).

The transformation to which you have said yes will continue to change the structures of your life, ensuring that all entity-binding restrictions, as a result of plugs and other implants, are removed completely. As a result, you will be in a clean state. Many will change at a very high speed. You have chosen a complete renewal of your life (pause).

Your body, the design of your life, your physical home and career, the people who were part of your life, the things you were involved in - everything can change because it is no longer a part of you. Take another breath and relax (pause).

♦ The frequency at which the creations of sacred geometry are now being incorporated into your energy field is accelerating. Our cosmic parents, the divine Father God and the divine Mother God, are now entering this place. They personally place the mantle on you, blessing you in love and recognition of the choice you have made today (pause).

♦ Through this choice you will be freed from cycles of darkness, attachments to any dimension of darkness. You take on the role of a messenger of freedom (pause). Inhale deeply, exhale completely, allowing this mantle to lie down (pause).

♦ Now the 12 messengers of the Pleiades will begin to move around your body counterclockwise. By doing this, they emit energies that create a spiral spinning counterclockwise around you. As it moves, it begins to suck from the energy field, especially from the 4 lower bodies, any residual attached energies from any entity, in any form, through every dimension, every parallel and alternate reality, through every aspect of your male and female self, through every thought process , caused by the emotional, spiritual and physical self (pause).

♦ All portals to the 4th dimensional astral plane that were active in your energy field are now incubated. These portals will not be closed, they will simply be contained in these incubators. During your journey they completely transform them into portals that take you into dimensions where the Almighty Presence of I Am and the Monad of I exist. There is a journey that goes along with this and you will know when the process of transformation occurs (pause).

♦ Just observe what is happening in your mind, feelings, emotions, body (pause).

Amazing adaptation occurs in your body, not just cellular and through DNA, but atomic. The particles that exist between the atoms inside the body rearrange themselves because the frequency is completely different. You are already different. Your choice to stop wallowing in darkness has changed you forever. It is a step into a new dimension in the fluid Universe that leads you to worlds of vast creativity, recognition, fulfillment and activity. Any plugs that were in your chakras are transformed into keys and will be used to open these multidimensional passages into the fluid Universe. This will happen gracefully and automatically. Take a deep breath.

Some people feel a little nauseous. Nausea refers to fear, not knowing what to expect. This is the classic fear of the unknown. Just breathe through it and let it transform into the amazing potential of what the future holds for you (pause).

♦ Inhale into the back of your neck if you experience tension or discomfort in this area. Roll your neck if you want. Just let the flow happen. Pain, nausea, discomfort, fear are all reactions of the ego. Now you lead. You are able to show your ego that by trusting the Spirit, by trusting yourself, everything will always be perfect (pause).

♦ Lord Melchizedek begins to change the flow of energy. The Pleiades Masters now begin to walk clockwise, creating a clockwise spiral that begins to consume a large number of geometric vibrations, in particular sound that sounds new to the cells of your body. This sound remakes the shape in which the cells usually lie. She creates a new structure, carried into the future. These geometric shapes become geometric patterns that form a new genetic design that not only supports you, but also your children.

♦ Continue to breathe, imagining this powerful sound moving into and through you along genetic frequencies, connecting with your children, if you have them, moving towards connection with your biological parents and relatives, regardless of whether they are in physical form or not (pause ).

This activates the same opportunity for them - the opportunity to make a choice to continue wallowing on the dark side or enter the light of life. own life, accept responsibility and allow the maturation process to unfold. If your children are under 10 years old, they automatically chose what you chose today and will follow you (pause).

♦ Now casually allow any geometric shape to enter your mind (pause).

Fill this form with the most brilliant and powerful light and energy you can imagine (pause).

♦ Now direct this geometric shape to where your home is geographically located. Imagine this massive form, filled with this powerful light and energy, very gently descending onto your home (pause).

Expand it so that it envelops all the properties in which your house stands (pause).

♦ Take a deep breath and blow as you exhale. This activates the energy in this sacred geometric form (pause).

This releases the cleansing, transformative force in this geometric form and takes every drop of negativity from your home, transforming it. It absorbs it from the animals of your home, if any, and completely transforms the vitality of the flora of your home and your land. The structure of your home begins to absorb this light. The transformation has begun, the release of these entity bindings is now fully active.

Everyone who lives in your home will undergo the same process. Anyone who enters your home with bad intentions will automatically be placed in a special geometric field that will contain their negativity, or they will leave after a short period of time.

This powerful energy that you have created and this geometric shape will also serve as a carrier of invisibility around your home, protecting you from the negative influences of the collective consciousness. This, however, requires a great degree of awareness at your level. You should tune in and be aware of what is happening in and around your home. If you feel uncomfortable, a little worse, take this energy and activate the geometric grid again.

♦ If you go to a negative place, take these energies with you.

♦ If you choose to fall into the realms of ignorance again, the geometric lattices constructed will be completely dismantled within 5 days.

♦ Take 3 deep breaths in and out. Lord Melchizedek and the masters of the Pleiades are now ready to reconfigure your body, rebuilding all energies (pause).

Relax, become softer inside (pause). Surrender yourself to the light that you have attracted, that you have created (pause).

♦ Imagine yourself entering the life you so deeply desire (pause).

♦ Imagine yourself absorbing the light of this life and everything it brings (pause).

♦ Remember to focus on what you choose to create and feel (pause).

♦ You are programmed to do this because of the magnetic law of the Universe. This law always works, no matter where you are, who you are, or what you think, say or do. It works (pause).

♦ Take another breath, relaxing (pause).

Please remember that this cleansing will continue. The next 33 days are very important. You will continue to be in the grids that were created by the present Lord Melchizedek and the masters of the Pleiades, your personal guides. You can use these processes to protect yourself and those you love by simply projecting a geometric shape that comes to mind, similar to what you did with your house (pause).

♦ The clockwise spiral begins to slow down until it begins to vibrate in perfect alignment with the chakras of the physical body. Everything inside you and everything around you comes into a soft state of peace (pause). Relax (pause).

♦ Now give thanks for everything you have received, for everything you have learned. Give thanks for everything that has been transformed and for everything that will come into alignment with its path, even if it does not resonate with the divine path you have chosen (pause).

♦ Now simply be still in the presence of God the Father and God the Mother, receiving the blessings and love of our cosmic parents (pause). Meditation

The essences of the astral world are representatives from a world that is unknown and mysterious to people. They do not have the usual physical body for people, and their consciousness is very often at a primitive level. However, after penetrating a person, the astral entity regularly feeds on his energy. As practice has shown, its “connection” to people does not happen just like that. Usually this is facilitated by bad deeds and spoiled energy. negative thoughts. If an entity has consciousness, it is capable of having a certain effect - redirecting a person’s thoughts in some direction and even influencing the state of his health.

General concept

Astral entities are representatives Subtle world who do not have a physical body. And even despite the presence of an energy shell, it is difficult to understand what astral entities look like. Beings of the Subtle World are distinguished by a higher level of development of consciousness. These include, for example, human souls or angels.

Entities have a low and often simplest level of consciousness. Basically they have 1-2 programs. For example, the essence of fear involves pumping anxiety energy into a person and then pumping it out, but already 10-fold. Thanks to the fears that accumulate inside a person, this entity lives because it needs it for nutrition.

The energy shell of astral entities can be large or small, they can be positive or negative, cute or scary. Some of them are capable of deceiving by various changes in the outer shell and by their actions. They have a positive or negative impact on human life. And this certainly affects the emotional and mental state of the one who came under this influence. Not all entities are immortal. For example, demons lack the divine spark, thanks to which creatures are endowed with immortality.

Astral entities - types

Astral entities can be their own or inhabited. In the first case, the essence is created directly by a person: as a result of his thoughts, actions, and statements. They are generated by anger, thoughts of suicide, heartlessness, indifference, hatred, etc. Appearing at the energy level, all this negativity has a strong impact on a person. The astral essence of a person of this type can be destroyed by him without anyone's help.

A person often receives his own astral essence from his past lives. This usually happens to people who are trying to improve themselves. In such cases, the purpose of the arrival of one's own essence is to completely rid the person of its presence. From past lives a person can receive psychic abilities. Is it possible to develop them and how to do it, read the article on our website.

Inhabited entities, unlike their own, are not created by man, but come from outside. Usually demons, angels, demons or brownies are attracted to people who have a weak energy protection in moments of splashing out negativity. By showing such emotions, a person allows entities to enter his body. There they feel quite comfortable, feeding on energy and causing subsequent negative outbursts.

There are often cases when the essence appears in a person without him expressing negativity. This can happen in a state of shock or stress, under anesthesia or during sleep, during loss of consciousness, etc. An entity that has settled in the body in this way is quite difficult to expel on its own. This is because they have more strength and are considered more intelligent. Some of them influence not only how a person thinks and acts, but also the events occurring in his life.

Astral entities - classification

The most common astral entities are:

  1. Larvae, also called demons. They are simple energy “leeches”. For nutrition, they use the most primitive energy: disagreements, conflicts, unreasonable jealousy, uncontrollable lust, self-flagellation, passion for gambling, greed, the desire to rule and get rich, manifestations of sadistic inclinations.
  2. Lunar entities that are active at night. They mainly affect women, causing them to exhibit strange behavior, unreasonable suffering, and inexplicable tears.
  3. Sloths cause laziness, apathy, and a desire to waste time uselessly.
  4. Man-made entities, called astral dogs, perform one task - to cause harm to some person. In this case we are talking about love spells, damage and other negative effects of magic. In most cases from similar types influence black magic You won’t be able to get rid of it on your own. You will need the help of a traditional healer who will effectively and quickly get rid of such negativity.
  5. Reptiles are entities that are attracted to obscene language and curses thrown at another person. The most common type of these entities is the toad.
  6. Angels are considered high beings. They are the personification of love and kindness and help people in their daily worries.
  7. Demons are strong negative astral entities. When they settle in with a person, they cause serious mental and behavioral abnormalities. From time to time they “stick” to people, feeding on their energy (for example, succubi or incubi).

Protection from astral entities

Since those living in the lower astral spheres are vicious and imperfect, they are attracted to negative emotions, thoughts, feelings and actions of a person. It is these energies, very related to them, that the creatures of the astral world feed on. But since without negative energy they cannot, with their influence they provoke negative emotions and the commission of bad deeds, while instilling in a person anger, aggression, irritation and hatred towards the people around him.

Dark astral entities like unpleasant odors emanating from products during rotting or decomposition. Therefore, spoiled food should be thrown away immediately, without waiting for a bad smell. It is also necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in vases containing flowers, as well as in aquariums. Entities are attracted to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, scandals and conflicts. They often enter homes along with pets.

After getting rid of the entities, a person’s life changes dramatically. He immediately becomes positive, his health quickly improves, and a positive attitude and zest for life appears. However, he must not stop seriously working on himself, so that in the future he does not attract entities, but develops spiritually and constantly improves.

Often, when solving issues related to energy influences of various kinds, one has to deal with such concepts as astral entities. Who are they, what do they have in common, why does a person turn to them in a given situation? All these questions excite the imagination of the curious reader. Let's try to understand this issue in this article, understand the nature of the entities, determine which of them can help with what in solving certain problems.

Astral entities are beings that live in the astral range and do not have a physical body. They can be conditionally divided into those created by human imagination and autonomous ones.

Autonomous can be considered those beings who have atmic, causal and mental bodies, these are conventionally Angels and Demons. Conditionally, because they are not quite what they are considered to be. Also considered autonomous are the projections onto the astral plane of the prophets of the past and the astral avatars of the gods. Autonomous beings perform a specific function and rarely descend to direct communication or interaction with a person. In other words, Angels and Demons will not communicate with you if they do not have an “order” from above for you, of course, provided that you are an ordinary person and not a magician.

Let's look at the most common types of astral entities - the Larvae.

Larvas (elementals) - astral entities of a lower order invisible to an ordinary person, feeding on strong negative human passions and emotions, such as greed, envy, lust, etc.

Lyarva is a negative, low-organized addition (usually not life-threatening) that destroys a person’s personality. It is in the interests of such an infusion to aggravate the person’s condition, leading to a surge of the very emotions that feed the inmate. That is why a jealous person will work himself into a frenzy in order to sooner or later throw out the next portion of emotions that the larva of jealousy that has settled in is so expecting from him.

There are a great many varieties of larvae. They feel very comfortable with a scolder or a gossip, an onanist or a sensualist, a gambler or an intriguer, an arrogant or an upstart, a money-grubber or a greedy person. A person with a really strong personality can get rid of larva on his own. But for this you need to have extraordinary will and perseverance. The larva is removed by specialists - in the event that a person is not able to get out due to weakness of character or an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

In some cases, a larva can open a certain “window” in a person’s energy shells for the introduction of a much more serious entity - an addition (obsession), since it acts in its own interests and is interested in the timely receipt of its “feed” - negative emotions. A replant is one that is placed next to a person. negative entity- some kind of imp or devil (depending on her strength). The presence of a refill aggravates the negative effect of spoilage. IN general case The task of the inhabited entity is to ruin the human personality as quickly and efficiently as possible. Obsessive states appear, “voices” are heard, a person may become prone to suicide or vagrancy, get carried away with alcohol, drugs, gambling, begin to engage in promiscuous sexual intercourse, etc. The stronger and more intelligent the entity, the more unenviable the fate of the one subjected to infusion. In the very severe case To free such a patient, it is necessary to perform a ritual of exorcism, exorcism.

There is another type of obsession - berserker. It is a controlled obsession that the great warriors of old used to make themselves killing machines. As a rule, wolves, bears and big cats. Bersek's regeneration, reaction speed and strength increased. The spirits of fallen great warriors or demons could also be used.

Subpersonalities- these are psychoenergetic formations, similar to living beings, coexisting in the common space of our personality. Each subpersonality leads its own lifestyle and has its own driving motives, often different from the lifestyle and motives of other subpersonalities. There is a crowd in each of us. Here there can be a rebel and a housewife, a thinker and an adventurer, a saboteur and an ascetic, an organizer and a lazy person - each with their own mythology, and all of them coexist more or less happily in one person. Thus, subpersonality rarely prevents a person from living the way he wants, because she is part of him, his creation. Often in psychology, to solve various problems, they use work with subpersonalities, even creating and growing subpersonalities that are necessary for a person.

Subpersonality- this is a psychoenergetic formation, and in accordance with the universal law on the indestructibility of energy, energy (subpersonality) cannot be destroyed. And this must be remembered when trying on various masks and roles, creating subpersonalities. The resolution of the energy conflict consists in the transformation of the subpersonality. The more we try to get rid of what does not suit us, the more it comes out, exacerbating the conflict. Since energy is indestructible, its suppression only leads to the fact that it finds its manifestation in other areas of life. So we are redistributing energy instead of transforming it. The conflict between subpersonalities is overcome through the unification and integration of the conflicting parties.

Well, it seems like we’ve sorted out one type of entity.

Let me remind you that these entities are found very often. Especially subpersonalities, of which one person can have several dozen, and sometimes even hundreds, and larva. Now let’s try to deal with the same success in a more “subtle matter.”

According to the Bible, demons are fallen angels who followed Lucifer when he was cast out of heaven by God. Daemon- one creature from huge army evil spirits. U different nations their demons, moreover - different people describe the same demons differently. And there is only one thing that representatives of all religions know about them in all countries: Satan, also known as the Emperor of the Great Underworld, the Prince of Light and the Angel of Darkness, reigned over everyone. He was the great adversary of God, the Serpent, the Gad, the Spirit of universal hatred. It was Satan who rallied the demonic aristocrats around himself to help him rule the Kingdom of Darkness. These demons, in contrast to the nine levels of the angelic hierarchy, formed their own hellish nine-level structure. And everyone agrees that the first among the demons was one of Satan's Oldest friends - a powerful angel named Beelzebub. Another great angel who fell from heaven along with “Lucifer” was Leriathan, who was depicted in the Bible as “a twisting serpent... a sea monster” (Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 21, Art. 1). Leviathan is sometimes accused of being the same serpent who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden. In hell, he is considered the secretary of maritime affairs, since Satan appointed him in charge of all water spaces. Asmodeus is one of the busiest demons. He is not only the overseer of all the gambling houses in hell, but also the main distributor of debauchery. In charge of all this, Asmodeus was a demon of lust and was personally responsible for stirring up troubles in families. Astaroth rode around on a dragon, but perhaps he only had one head, which is usually depicted as very ugly. In his left hand he held a viper. This demon was the Grand Duke of the western regions of Hell, and in addition the keeper of the infernal treasury. Astaroth incited people to spend idle time, awakening laziness in them, in free time he served as an advisor or mentor to the rest of the fallen angels. Behemoth was a huge demon, as his name suggests. It is usually depicted as an elephant with a huge round belly, hobbling on two legs. He ruled over all the gluttons and led the feasts in Hell. And since his duty required him to stay awake most of the night, he was also a watchman. The hippopotamus is also known to a certain extent for its singing. Belial was one of Satan's most venerable demons. Even before Satan was named in the New Testament as the head of the dark forces of the underworld, Belial had already achieved a high position. In one of the manuscripts Dead Sea“The war of the sons of light with the sons of darkness” Belial appears as the sole ruler of the underworld: “You were born for the sake of depravity, Belial is the angel of enmity. You and your abode are darkness, and your goals are to sow evil and pain around you.”

Among demonologists, there has not yet been a Linnaeus who would create an exhaustive and generally accepted classification of infernal creatures. As for the available options, they are as contradictory and imperfect as attempts to establish the exact number of demons.

Here are some common types of classifications::

1. By habitat.

This type of classification goes back to the Neoplatonic ideas that not all demons are completely evil and not all must necessarily live in Hell. The classification of perfumes by Michael Psellus became especially widespread in the Middle Ages:

Fire demons - live in the ether, the region of rarefied air above the moon;

Air demons - live in the air under the moon;

Earth demons - inhabit the earth;

Water demons - live in water;

Underground demons - reside underground;

Lucifuges or heliophobes are light-haters who live in the most remote depths of hell.

2. By rank.

Based on the fact that demons are fallen angels, some demonologists (I. Vier, R. Burton) suggested the presence in hell of a system of nine ranks, similar to the angelic hierarchy of Dionysius. This system in their presentation looks like this:

The first rank is Pseudo-gods, those who pretend to be gods, their prince Beelzebub;

Second rank - Spirits of lies, fooling people with predictions, their prince Python;

The third rank is the Vessel of iniquities, the inventors of evil deeds and vicious arts, they are headed by Belial;

Fourth rank - Punishers of atrocities, vengeful devils, their prince Asmodeus;

Fifth rank - Deceivers, those who seduce people with false miracles, prince - Satan;

Sixth rank - Air authorities, causing infection and other disasters, they are led by Merezin;

Seventh rank - Furies, sowers of troubles, strife and wars, they are ruled by Abaddon;

Eighth rank - Accusers and spies, led by Astaroth;

Ninth rank - Tempters and spiteful critics, their prince Mammon.

3. Planetary classification.

Since ancient times, spirits have been correlated with heavenly bodies. Even in the ancient “Key of Solomon” the author claims that there are “spirits of the sky of Saturn”, called “Saturnians”, there are spirits “Jovians”, “Martians”, “Solar”, “Venerites”, “Lunar” and “Mercurians”. Cornelius Agrippa in the fourth part of Occult Philosophy gives detailed description each category.

4. By areas of influence.

The classification proposed by the priestess of modern demonolatry Stephanie Connolly is perhaps the most convenient for practitioners who summon demons for specific purposes. According to S. Connolly, the main spheres of influence of demons are as follows:

Love-Lust (this category includes Asmodeus, Astaroth, Lilith, etc.)

Hatred-Revenge-Wrath-War (Andras, Abbadon, Agaliarept, etc.)

Life-Healing (Verrin, Verrier, Velial, etc.)

Death (Eurynom, Baalberith, Babael)

Nature (Lucifer, Leviathan, Dagon, etc.)

Money-Prosperity-Luck (Belphegor, Beelzebub, Mammon, etc.)

Knowledge-Secrets-Witchcraft (Ronwe, Python, Delepitora, etc.)

All demons helped their master Lucifer in everything, and among their many duties in causing evil to people there was one more specific one - they knew how to inhabit a person and not give him peace for a long time, sometimes driving him into a frenzy. Such obsession against the will of the victim is very reminiscent of attacks of epilepsy or hysteria and usually manifests itself everywhere in the same way.

Demons In order to quietly penetrate the victim’s body, they usually resort to a proven technique - some kind of treat. In Europe, cases of possession were observed mainly in monasteries. One hysterical nun could well “infect” all the sisters through direct influence on them and suggestion, and then to return such women to a normal state, exorcism was required, that is, exorcism. For example, in 1583 in Vienna, a sixteen-year-old nun began to experience wild convulsions and writhings, which were defined as demonic in nature. The Jesuits invited to help had to work hard to expel from her 12,652 living demons, which her grandmother kept in the form of flies in a glass jug with a lid. A seventy-year-old old woman was caught under torture in connection with the Devil. She was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged to the city square, where she was burned at the stake. In 1610, Sister Madeleine de la Palue from the Ursuline convent in Aix-en-Provence was found to be the host of an entire legion of 6,666 demons, including Beelzebub, Leviathan, Baalberith, Asmodeus and Astaroth, and another nun, from the same convent, was possessed by Verrin, Grezil and Sonellon.

The spellcasters, performing their exorcisms, forced the demons at the moment of leaving the victim’s body to indicate their exit with some signs, the so-called stigmata.

The treatise “Malleus Maleficarum” states, with reference to the most authoritative scientists, that demons cannot subjugate the will and mind of a person, but only his body and bodily functions. In many cases, demons are incapable of even mastering the entire body, but inhabit a certain part of it - some internal organ, muscle or bone.

Another group of autonomous astral entities is more familiar to us all - these are Angels. Angels are disembodied spirits. They do not know our strife, discord, wars, anger, hatred and envy. They are saturated with the sweetness of contemplating the beauty of the Divine and the knowledge of eternal wisdom. Thus, in the unceasing contemplation of God, in constant striving and exaltation towards Him, in the never-ceasing hymn of His immeasurable glory and greatness, angels live in heaven.

Angels, as disembodied spirits do not know our space (now he is in one place, in the blink of an eye - in another), nor our time. There are a huge number of angels, and they are all divided into three faces, and in each face there are three ranks.

First faceSecond faceThird face
1. Seraphim;1. rank of Dominion; 1. Beginnings;
2. Cherubim;2. rank of Strength;2. Archangels;
3. Thrones.3. rank of Power.3. Angels.

From all the ranks of heaven Seraphim- the closest to God; they are the first participants in Divine bliss, the first to be illuminated by the light of the magnificent Divine glory. God is Love, and the Seraphim, constantly tapping into this fiery Divine Love, are filled with the fire of Divinity above all other ranks. Seraphim - and the word itself means: fiery, fiery. Burning with love for God, the six-winged Seraphim ignite the fire of this love in the hearts of others, purifying the soul with Divine fire, filling it with strength and strength, inspiring it to preach.

Cherubim- in Jewish and Christian mythology, guardian angels. The cherub guards the tree of life after Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. The prophet Ezekiel describes the cherubim that appeared to him in a vision of the temple as follows: “... cherubim and palm trees were made; a palm tree between two cherubs, and each cherub has two faces. On one side, a human face is facing the palm tree, on the other side, a lion’s face is facing the palm tree...” (Eze 41:18-19)... It is also customary to sometimes consider cherubim to be angels - children. The souls of dead children, who remain little children in heaven.

Throne- the third rank of angels - is the personification of royal greatness, royal dignity. So in heaven there are their own Thrones, not our material ones, made of gold, silver, bone or wood and serving only as symbols, but reasonable Thrones, living bearers of the greatness of God, the glory of God. Thrones, above all ranks of angels, feel and contemplate God as the King of Glory, the King of the entire universe. The king who creates justice and righteousness. The King of Reigns, as the Great, Mighty and Terrible God (Deut. 10:17). The thrones not only feel and sing of the greatness of God, but they themselves are filled with this greatness and glory, and they let others feel it, pouring, as it were, into the hearts of people the waves of greatness and glory of the Divine that fill them.

Domination- the fourth rank of angels. Above all other ranks of Lordship, they contemplate God precisely as a Provider, they glorify His care for the world: they see His strong path in the sea and His strong path in the waves, they look with fear at how He changes times and years, establishes kings and establishes (Dan. 2 , 21). The domination of people teaches them how to organize themselves, their souls; teach us to take care of the soul, to provide for it; inspire a person to dominate over his passions, over various sinful habits,” oppress the flesh, giving space to the spirit. The Lords must be prayerfully invoked to help anyone who wants to free themselves from any passion, wants to dominate it, or give up any bad habit, but cannot do this due to weakness of will. Let him cry out: “Holy Lords, strengthen my weak will in the fight against sin, let me dominate my passions!”

The fifth rank of angels - Powers. Above all other ranks, this rank of angels contemplates God as doing many powers or miracles. For the Powers, God is a Miracle Worker. “You are God and work miracles”—this is what constitutes the subject of their constant praise and glorification. The forces delve into how “where God wants the order of nature to be overcome.” If we, clothed in flesh and blood, when we witness any obvious miracle of God, for example, the sight of a blind man, the restoration of a hopelessly ill person, we come into indescribable delight and awe, we are amazed, we are touched, then what can we say about the Powers when they are given to see such miracles that our minds cannot even imagine. Moreover, they can delve into the very depths of these miracles, their highest goal is revealed to them.

The sixth rank of angels - Authorities. The angels belonging to this rank contemplate and glorify God as the Almighty, “having all power in heaven and on earth.” From constant contemplation of Divine power, from constant contact with it, these angels are filled, imbued with this power, just as red-hot iron is imbued with fire, which is why they themselves become bearers of this power, and are called: Power. The power with which they are invested and filled is unbearable for the devil and all his hordes; this power turns the devil’s hordes to flight, to the underworld, to total darkness, to Tartarus. That is why all those tormented by the devil must prayerfully call on the Authority for help. For all those possessed by demons, we must daily pray to the authorities: “Holy authorities, by the authority given to you by God, drive away from the servant of God (name) or the servant of God (name) the demon that is tormenting him, or the one tormenting her!” When the demon of despondency attacks the soul, we must also pray to the Authorities, so that by their power they will drive away this demon. With faith, called upon in simplicity of heart, the Authorities will not hesitate to come to the rescue, will drive away the demon, and the one possessed by the demon will feel free from it, will feel spaciousness and lightness in his soul.
The seventh rank of angels consists of the Beginnings. These angels are so called because God entrusted them with authority over the elements of nature: over water, fire, wind, “over animals, plants and generally over all visible objects.” Thunder, lightning, storm... all this is controlled by the Principles and directed according to the will of God. The principles also have authority over entire nations, cities, kingdoms, and human societies.

Eighth rank - Arachangels. This rite, says Saint Dionysius, “is determined for teaching.” Archangels are heavenly teachers. What do they teach? They teach people how to organize their lives in God’s way, i.e. according to the will of God. Different paths of life are before a person: there is the monastic path, the path of marriage, there are various types of service. What to choose, what to decide on, what to stop at? This is where the Archangels come to the aid of man. The Lord reveals His will about man to them. The Archangels therefore know what awaits a certain person on this or that path of life: what adversities, temptations, seductions, therefore they deviate from one path, and direct a person to another, teach him to choose the right path suitable for him.

Whoever is broken in life, hesitates, does not know which way to go, he must call on the Archangels for help, so that they teach him how he should live: “Archangels of God, appointed by God Himself to teach us, enlighten me, teach me which path I should choose.” “I will go there, so that I may please my God!”

There are seven archangels:
1. Michael: he is the first servant of Divine glory, guardian, protector and visor of God's honor.
2. Gabriel is the servant of the Divine fortress and the revealer of God’s hidden secrets.
3. Raphael is a minister of Divine healings, miraculously poured out on the weak nature from above.
4. Uriel is light and fire, illuminating with the knowledge of God and kindling human hearts with Divine love.
5. Salafiel is a minister of Divine prayers, who prays to God for the human race and teaches people to pray earnestly, with God-mindedness and tenderness and incites them to prayer.
6. Jehudiel is a minister of Divine praises and confessions, an assistant in exploits and labors, strengthening those who work in something for the glory of the name of the Lord, and intercedes and prepares rewards for them from God.
7. Barachiel is a servant of God’s blessings and gifts sent to people from God.

The last, ninth rank of angels is made up of Angels. These are the ones closest to us. The Angels continue what the Archangels begin: the Archangels teach man to recognize the will of God, put him on the path of life indicated by God; Angels lead a person along this path, guide, protect the walker so that he does not deviate to the side, strengthen the exhausted, and raise the falling.
From among the angels, the Lord, from the moment of our baptism, assigns to each of us a special angel, who is called the Guardian Angel.

This is a picture of the world of astral entities. Some of them seduce and corrupt a person, others guide them on the true path. Some work on the body, others also heal the soul. Remember that not a single demon is able to take possession of your soul until you give it to him yourself. Angels are called upon to protect the human soul from the Devil's temptations.

Defense Against Entities (Part 1) Food for Thought The entities that plague this human evolution are usually invisible to the naked eye; they are ethereal creatures that feed from human beings. These include the so-called UFOs, which, as I have said elsewhere, are not solid bodies, but are ethereal beings. But UFOs are just one of the shape changing creatures, there are so many more. Some entities are like big black spiders the size of a hand with their fingers spread, they attach themselves to your chest. Others look like small orange-golden drops the size of a pea and they are also in the etheric world. There are still much more entities bigger size. I saw one 200 feet tall (about 60 meters). And they are all in morph. What we call morph is energy transferred into the ether, making it much more accessible to the eye. Thanks to this, we saw the entities for the first time. When a morph changes the energy of a place, say a room, fast moving foggy lines begin to permeate it. Sometimes the morph looks like rain, of course it is dry rain. The ether can be dim and difficult to see. Usually only people who are sensitive enough can see it. But in morph, the ether becomes very clear, so that almost everyone can see it. This is because the line of sight usually goes straight through the ether without realizing it. The hazy lines and spirals of the soup-like morph illuminate the ether, giving you a backdrop to focus your eye on. In this sense, we can say that morph is a dense ether. The morph is full of life. You will see drops of faint light that rise towards the ceiling, as well as funnels that usually descend from the ceiling in wavy paths. All kinds of shapes and symbols move back and forth and are easy to see. Sometimes in conditions strong visibility morph you can see a UFO in the sky, a lot of UFOs.

Morph is an interdimensional layer that seems to have been dropped onto our world. It wasn't around us before. Many saw him and more and more more people see him every passing day. Often the morph will give you the feeling that the world of solid forms around you is changing; the solid walls and floor seem to be blurred. You get the impression that you can walk through them. Suddenly our spatial dimension takes on transparent properties that we have never seen before. It also creates new sensations in the etheric field that you can feel very easily, you begin to see things that you were not aware of before. It was a shock to me to learn how much dark entities have infested our planet. Interdimensional entities are everywhere. For the first time, it was in the morph that we saw small orange-golden, drop-like creatures. Do not be deceived by the word “golden” because there is nothing valuable or spiritual in them, they are disgusting. We knew they were there because we could feel them, but suddenly we saw them. They fly, as it seemed to us, in slow motion. The entities that people call UFOs are also from the orange blob division that flies around your waist. You see them in the sky, but the sky is you in an interdimensional sense. And when they appear in the sky above you, they are actually next to you, in your etheric body. These are all entities of demonic origin. They will try to gain a foothold in you and feed on you. vitality. More complex ones can feed you ideas and speak to your mind. They are cowardly, evil and very strong. Greys, reptilians, Nordics, etc. are the types that can impose thoughts. I've only seen a few gray ones in my bedroom and other places over the years. But they are still not uncommon. And I only saw one reptilian one. She was terribly scary and cruel. I've never seen a Nordic one.

So, flying orange drops can change shape (shape shifter). I think they can accept different shapes, and a UFO in the form of a flying saucer is one of their forms. Among the flying drops there may be many other demonic entities that are not UFOs in our understanding. But in any case, the drops are endowed with intelligence and they are nasty and want to harm you. Somehow, while traveling, we crossed a space inhabited by them, and suddenly they surrounded us, here in 3D. Then we came under a poisonous attack from entities in the form of drops and about 50-100 of them attacked us at the same time. They attacked from below and from behind. We were surrounded, we were fighting. One fight in Italy lasted 3 days and 3 nights. We didn't sleep. Sometimes we won, but other times they fought through. When they get through, they sting. It really hurts. On some days we were stung 20-30 times. Don't be fooled by the fact that you can't see the entities with the naked eye. When the morph descends on you, you will see them as clear as day. Trust me. The first time I looked up and saw 50-60 different creatures flying in the sky above me, I was in shock. There were flying saucer UFOs, brown blobs about 3 feet (about 1 meter) wide that seemed to move very quickly, then cylinders that looked like floating oil barrels, and slow moving large ball-shaped entities. Our world is surrounded by a reality consisting of non-solid forms, in which a huge number of intelligent beings live, who do not have the best intentions in relation to us. It’s not so difficult to understand, because there are also plenty of people who have bad intentions towards us. Of course, I didn’t know before that what was in the sky above me was actually the etheric field below me . But there are many entities that can give the impression that they are above us, and again like those same orange drops, being at this time close to the ground around us. In Bavaria in October 2011, I watched entities in the form of a soccer ball from the balcony, which seemed to float above the tops of the pine trees, as it seemed to me. They changed forms at incredible speed. As I began to watch them, they slowly sank to the tops of the nearby trees. They then approached me in a curved trajectory, slowly covering the 60 yards (54 meters) distance between us. About 30-40 yards (27-37 meters) at an altitude of 30-40 feet (9-12 meters) from me they turned into a flying saucer. She tried to threaten me, but having nothing at hand, I took off my trousers and used them to chase her away and then returned to the room - real story. Dark forces and the entities in the morph are trying to play on your fears. Best protection- this means paying as little attention to them as possible or mocking them. They're like the school bully: one decent flick on the nose and he usually backs down. Stuart Wilde Article to be continued.