Military sport game"Zarnichka."

Military sports game scenarioLightning for younger schoolchildren

The date of the: 02/18/2016 at 15:00.

Location: MAOU "Novoatyalovskaya Secondary School"

The sports game "Zarnichka" takes place on the street for primary classes. Held in winter. Travel time for each station 5 minutes.

Goals: to promote military-patriotic education of schoolchildren; attract students to sports; develop strength, dexterity, ingenuity, creative thinking.

Preparatory work:

  1. Distribute students among stations: orderlies, sappers, partisans, snipers. (The whole class participates in the “Erudite” and “I am a Patriot” competitions.)
  2. Invite the military man (commander-in-chief) to Zarnitsa.
  3. Agree with the canteen about a field kitchen.


  • signs with the names of stations, route sheets for each class, encryption;
  • for the station “I am a patriot”: sing the Russian anthem
  • for the “Partizans” station: shovels;
  • for the "Nursery" station: 2 sleds;
  • for the “Snipers” station: target (draw);
  • for the "Sappers" station: empty plastic bottles with labels (each class has its own color: red, green, blue, yellow);
  • for the station "Erudite": questions on erudition.

Event plan:

  1. General fee.
  2. Handing over route sheets to teams.

III. Passing routes through stations.

  1. Station “I am a patriot”.
  2. Station "Orphans".
  3. Station "Snipers".
  4. Station "Sappers".
  5. Station "Partizans".
  6. Erudite station.
  7. Summarizing.

Progress of the event

  1. General fee

General formation in front of the school

  1. Presentation of route sheets to teams

At the ceremonial assembly, the commander of each class reports to the commander-in-chief that the class is ready for the game: “Comrade Commander-in-Chief! The squad (name) is ready for the game “Zarnitsa”. Our motto (says the class). Commander (commander's name). The report has been submitted! The commander-in-chief replies: “The report has been accepted, at ease!”

Commander-in-Chief. Now each team will receive a package indicating the route you should take. At each transshipment point there will be a guard waiting for you. He will explain your task to you, monitor how you complete the tasks, and evaluate them. If the task is completed, the team receives a medal. At the signal, all teams depart further along the route.

So, your task is to earn points and complete all tasks.

(Commanders receive the package, the teams scatter along their routes.)

  1. Passage of routes by stations
  2. Station “I am a Patriot”

(Students are asked to draw the Russian flag on whatman paper) for a while.

  1. Station "Orphans"

(6 people from the class participate in the competition: 2 orderlies, 4 wounded. Students are asked to do the following: there are two participants at the start, the wounded are sitting on sleds, the orderlies need to transport the wounded to the “hospital”. The orderlies take out the wounded one at a time in two approaches.)

  1. Station "Snipers"

(Not the whole team participates in the competition, but only 2 snipers. Shooting from an air gun at a target (target). For each accurate hit on the target, the team receives a point.)

  1. Station "Sappers"

(The whole class participates in the competition. “Mines” (bottles with labels) are buried in the snow different colors). The task is to find all your “mines” (of a certain color) and neutralize them. If you find someone else’s “mine”, you need to hide it. Speed ​​and correctness of execution are assessed.)

  1. Station "Partizans"

(Partisans take part in the competition. Participants must do defensive structure(trench).)

  1. Station "Erudite"

(The classes are asked to answer a series of questions.

— What fire extinguishing agents are considered primary? (Shovel, bucket, crowbar, axe, sand, water.)

— What is the solemn passage of troops called? (Parade.)

Old name Russian army. (Army.)

- The soldier is sleeping, and she is walking. (Service.)

— Footwear for winter guard duty. (Felt boots.)

— “Star” part of the uniform. (Epaulettes.)

— What do the camera and the machine gun have? (Gate.)

-What does the soldier have under his bed? (Order.)

—What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

— What do you call a teenager on a ship learning to sail? (Cabin boy.)

—Whose words are “Hard in learning, easy in battle”? (A.V. Suvorova.)

— Name the hero cities and explain why they are named that way.

— How to knock down a flame from clothes that are burning on a person? (Cover with burlap, a sweatshirt, a blanket. You can knock the fire off yourself by rolling on the ground)

— What will you do in case of a fire?

— How many battles did A.V. lose? Suvorov? (None.)

— What is the name of the offensive movement of troops? (Attack.)

— What types of troops exist in the Russian Armed Forces? (Land, rocket troops strategic purpose, air force, navy.)

— Apparatus for human breathing under water. (Scuba gear)

— Area for testing military weapons. (Firing ground, shooting range.)

— A metal plate nailed to a horse's hoof. (Horseshoe.)

—Can elephants swim? (Yes very good.)

- Who are the hussars? (Rich, noble, highly educated men of noble origin.)

— What was the name of the high hussar cap? (Cocked hat, shako, helmet, cuirassier.)

— What orders and medals do you know?

— Name the most necessary things in the army.

— Name the heroes of the Second World War, the monuments of the Second World War.

— Why, when frightened by something, does a horse begin to snort? (It has a very keen sense of smell. By snorting, the horse clears its nose and can quickly determine what is threatening it and from which direction.)

— What is the name of the military hospital? (Hospital.)

Fighting machine with rockets. (“Katyusha.”)

- What is lemon? (Grenade.)

The team that answers the most questions in 5 minutes wins.)

  1. Summarizing

(A ceremonial ceremony is held to sum up the results and award the winners.)

Scenariomilitary-patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

A patriot is someone who loves his Fatherland, not because it gives him some benefits and privileges over other nations, but because it is his Motherland. A person is either a patriot of his Fatherland, and then he is connected to it like a tree
roots with the earth, or is he just dust carried by all the winds.

Lightning scenario


Each detachment includes: a commander, snipers, sappers, signalmen, reconnaissance officers, and nurses.

Attributes and equipment:

  • 2 tunnels
  • Wooden hoops in two colors
  • 3 envelopes with cut pictures
  • 2 ropes 10 meters long
  • Volleyball net for completing the task “Crawl under the barbed wire”
  • A basket with ammunition, rubber balls for throwing at a target.
  • Plastic bottles buried in the snow to complete the mission “Clear the field”
  • Tape recorder, audio cassettes with recordings of marches and war songs

For each group:

  • Elements of a soldier's uniform for boys (camouflages, weapons)
  • Elements of clothing for nurses (white scarves with a red cross)
  • Group flag
  • Backpacks or duffel bags with the necessary equipment
  • Route plan
  • Awards and medals
  • Task package
  • First aid kit
  • Awards

Purpose of the game:

  • Continue to introduce military specialties and branches of the military.
  • To form high moral qualities: camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance.
  • To foster patriotic feelings in preschool children.

Preliminary work:

  • Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.
  • Design of visual campaigning (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).
  • Formation of groups of children preparatory groups, with the appointment of commanders, snipers, sappers, signalmen, intelligence officers, and nurses.
  • Carrying out the complex morning exercises on the topic “We are military pilots.”
  • Conducting a military song competition.

Progress of the game:

Marching music sounds, the children of the preparatory groups, under the leadership of the squad leader, gather on the site and line up along the perimeter.

Then the general comes out to solemn music.

"General": I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: Hello!

General: Comrade fighters, General Staff an emergency occurred: very important documents were stolen from the safe. Your task is to find documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, bravery, boldness, determination to achieve your goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out your combat mission?

Children: Ready!

"General": Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports,

report readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander of the Snipers squad: Squad, stand at attention!


Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

"General": To complete this task, you will need to use a plan, where in blue the place from where you will have to start your movement is indicated, in red the place where you will find the package with documents is indicated, and arrows indicate the path along which you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear? Unit commanders receive a route plan.

The commanders approach the general and take the plans.

"General": The units begin to complete the task.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, begin their route, performing one task after another.

“Crawl in a tunnel”

Target: At the command of "Gaza" crawl in the tunnel, wearing cotton and gauze bandages.

Rules of the game: Do not stop and do not remove the bandages.


Target: Find buried plastic bottles in the snow on the sports ground and unscrew the caps. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. The more mines cleared, the more points the team gets.

Rules of the game: if a child pulls a mine out of the snow, then it is considered that it “exploded”, the soldier is wounded and needs “medical care”, the orderlies bandage him.


Target: Crawl under the net without the help of adults.

Rules of the game: The more children overcome the obstacle without the help of adults, the more points they will earn.

“Hit the target”

Target: hit the target with “projectiles” - balls.

Rules of the game: Every hit by a child on a target brings the squad 1 point. Each participant has the right to make one throw.


Target: get over the “swamp” (hoops). Bring shells (cones), which are stored on the other side of the “swamp”.

Rules of the game: You should not step on the red hoops - these are peat hummocks that can burst into flames at any moment. A child who steps on a red hoop is considered wounded.

« Rendering medical care »

Target: nurses provide first aid.

Rules of the game: one group bandages the head, the other the arm, the third the leg.

« Deliver the package»

Target: According to the scheme, find the package and deliver it to headquarters.

Rules of the game: Run strictly along the lines, don’t go off course.

« Collect military equipment»

Target: Collect cut pictures.

Rules of the game: collect as quickly as possible.

At the appointed time, all detachments again gather on the site and submit reports to the general that the task has been completed.

"General": Battalion, stand at attention! Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” squad gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the anti-aircraft gunners detachment gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment gets into formation.

"General": Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with my task. All documents have been delivered to headquarters. Tell me what they show.

The children respond in unison with military equipment.

"General": Well done boys! You passed all the tests without loss, completed all the tasks. And now let’s sum it up: the Snipers squad has won, they are awarded a banner kindergarten. I express my gratitude to all units for participating in today’s game “Zarnitsa” and to award you medals for courage, bravery, bravery and determination.

The commanders approach the general and take their awards.

The right to be photographed next to the banner is granted to all units. The children leave to the sound of marching music.

Lightning game. Video of the game being played at school.

Zarnitsa – “Object liquidation”

(military game in winter on the street)

At the appointed time, the participants of the game arrive at the school. They are divided into two armies. Each one has shoulder straps sewn on, some are red - red army, others are blue - blue army. Each army has appointed commanders. Before the start of the game, the armies are lined up in the school yard in two lines facing each other. With each platoon (class) class teachers. Each army is led by an instructor from among trained senior guys.

The Commander-in-Chief explains:

    A forced march of 1 km through unfamiliar terrain in the snow.

    Along the route you will encounter various obstacles: a minefield (10 mines); a river through which you need to cross on a log, object " State border", medical post, battlefield, competition circuit, field kitchen.

    The final destination of the march is a military facility. This is a battlefield and a circle of competition.

5. In war there can be losses. If one of the fighters manages to rip off the enemy's shoulder straps, such a player is considered killed and is eliminated from the game.

6. Each army moves to the objective along its own route.

The armies are pulled out into a column one at a time. Commanders are ahead.

    Station "state border"

Students are invited to draw the Russian flag on the snow with paint diluted in spray bottles. The correctness of the task and speed are assessed.

    Minefield station

The presenter explains that instead of mines, 20 balloons of two colors are buried in the snow. Players cannot go further until they clear the road. The guys take twigs and, using them as probes, look for mines. You need to find 10 balls so that the color matches the color of the shoulder straps; if they find a ball that is not their color, they bury it back. Whoever steps on the ball is considered killed.

    Station "Pereprava"

A huge tree on the bank of a conventional river, marked with flags. Length 3 meters. The team must cross the log holding hands. Whoever falls is considered killed.

    Station "Orphans"

In each team, orderlies are selected - 2 people and one wounded person; at the start, orderlies must provide first aid in case of a head wound and deliver the victim to the hospital, which is located at a distance of 10 m. (Use improvised means or sleds)

    Station "Battlefield"

    Before the battle begins, the participants prepare firewood.

    The organizers prepare the venue for the game: determine the boundaries of the territory (shape: elongated rectangle); find or make 2 fire places (at opposite ends of the field), around which a border is laid out with branches and logs. The size of the territory depends on the number of players, the diameter of the border around the fire depends on the age (the older the children, the greater the distance from the border to the fire).

    Participants gather in the center of the battlefield. The commander-in-chief gives an introduction: light a fire, make a fortification out of snow.

    To defeat your opponents, you need to put out enemy fire with snowballs from your fortification without crossing the center line, while protecting your fire. To start the attack, a signal is given and the stopwatch starts. You have 20 minutes for a snow attack.

    Station "Competition Circle"

As soon as the fire is extinguished, it is announced “ hand-to-hand combat"for the army flag. The armies line up on opposite sides of the “Circle of Battles”; upon a signal, the participants can launch an attack. Tearing off shoulder straps from opponents. A participant with one shoulder strap is considered wounded, without shoulder straps - killed, leaving the game. The main task is to protect your flag. Using brute force is prohibited! The winner is the team that managed to recapture the enemy’s flag but retain its banner.

The overall result of the battles is summed up for all the tests around the “Bonfire of Friendship”; “livers” are prepared in the “Field Kitchen”.

Every year at our school I hold a traditional open sports event in the fresh air. Moreover, in the fall (in September) I spend Health Day dedicated to the beginning school year, and in the spring (May) the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to the end of the school year. First of all, I prepare a scenario in which I try to involve all the students in the school.

For primary school I'm spending " Fun starts"with elements of tourism and CVP - then they act as fans of high school teams, for primary and secondary students high school more serious competitions. Next, I make equipment: signs indicating stations, maps, grenades and shields with targets, sticks with thread for burning, ropes for tying knots, encryption, backing tracks and lyrics to songs, an obstacle course (crossing, bumps, targets, etc.).

After all the stages have been thought through, I divide the students into teams - for a school with 40-50 students, dividing into classes is not always convenient, so the main criterion is the strength training of each student.

Then I think through the evaluation system (completion time, penalties for errors).

And at the last step, I appoint all teachers of the school responsible for certain stages. Don’t forget about the awards for the winners - certificates, sweet treats at a general tea party. I suggest you hold the same event, since children really like them and bring a huge supply of energy.

Purpose of the event:

  • To promote the preservation and strengthening of traditions associated with the patriotic education of schoolchildren within the framework of military sports games.

Objectives of the event

  • :Formation of children's quick reaction skills in non-standard situations. (civil defense skills)
  • Teaching schoolchildren how to provide first aid in an emergency.
  • Development and strengthening of physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Conditions and requirements for participants
The military sports game “Zarnitsa” is held for students throughout our school.
To participate in the school, 2 teams of 20 people each were formed. Children from grades 1 to 11 + class teachers and other school teachers take part in the game. Dress requirements: closed shoes appropriate to the time of year (sneakers, boots).

3. Main stages of the game and their content
The game is built in the form of a military sports relay race, where teams move along the route indicated on the map. There are checkpoints along the route. At the checkpoint there is a leader of the stage (one of the class teachers), who tells the children the task of the stage and records the correctness of its implementation. The mediator records the completion of the stage in the route sheet, with which the team goes to the next stage.
The event (Zarnitsa or Health Day) begins with a general formation in front of the main entrance to the school to the sounds of a ceremonial march. The school director delivers a congratulatory speech - this adds even more solemnity and significance to the event. Next, the prepared children and I give a presentation about the history of the holiday. For example, about “Zarnitsa”: During the Cold War in the USSR, military-patriotic education of the younger generation was carried out in schools. Song and formation parades, paramilitary games, military lessons, and military sports camps were organized annually. The Zarnitsa game is a team competition with elements of military exercises and sports training. The game had a lot of options, but was aimed at the initial military training schoolchildren.

Then I tell you the program:

  • Stage 1. “Search for a task map” ()
  • Stage 2. Tourist all-around “One for all, all for one” ()
  • Stage 3. “Sharpshooter” ()
  • Stage 4. “Topography”. ()
  • Stage 5. “Ammunition carriers” ()
  • Stage 6. “Chemical attack.” ()
  • Stage 7. “Sanitary posts.” ()
  • Stage 8. “Throwing a grenade at a distance.” ()
  • Stage 9. “The grenade hits the target.” ()
  • Stage 10. “Who is faster and tastier.” ()
  • Stage 11. “Combat leaflet” and “Symbols of Russia.” ()
  • Stage 12. “Military ranks.” ()
  • Stage 13. “Military polymath.” ()
  • Stage 14. “Staging a war song.” ()
  • Summing up the results of the competition and awarding

Below you can read and download the script of a military-patriotic game with elements of tourism, held the year before last.


"Zarnitsa" -

military sports game for students

primary school


Pikhteleva Valentina Nikolaevna

primary school teacher


    To promote the preservation and strengthening of traditions associated with the patriotic education of schoolchildren within the framework of military sports games.


    Formation of quick reaction skills in children in non-standard situations.

    Teaching schoolchildren how to provide first aid in an emergency.

- Development and strengthening of physical fitness of schoolchildren. - Develop creative abilities using brainstorming methods,

heuristics, analogies.

    Preparatory work :

    Distribution among stations in each detachment (orderlies, sappers, partisans, snipers). At the “Erudite” and “I am a Patriot” stations the entire squad participates.

    Preparation of attributes: signs with the names of stations, route sheets for each detachment, encryption.

    Preparing to submit a report (motto, name of the squad), learn a song.

    Preparing stations:

“I am a patriot”: spray bottles with paint diluted in water (white, blue, red, black);

“Partisans”: prepare shovels;

“Orphans”: 2 sleds, 2 pairs of skis;

“Snipers”: draw a target;

“Sappers”: everyone has empty plastic bottles with “Colored Water”

the squad has its own color (red, green, blue, yellow);

"Erudite": questions on erudition

“Encryption”: prepare the encryption key

Agree with the canteen about the “Field Kitchen”

    Conditions and requirements for participants

To participate, an elementary school must form 2 teams of 16 people each. Children from grades 1 to 4 + class teachers take part in the game. Dress requirements: closed shoes appropriate to the season, storm jacket, hat, gloves. The team must have with them at the game: a team list, a first aid kit.

Each participant in the game must have a sign of a participant in the game - shoulder straps. The shoulder strap is a rectangle measuring 5 by 10 centimeters, made of paper no thicker album sheet. The shoulder strap must match the team color. Shoulder straps are sewn on with threadsalong the perimeter of the shoulder strap . It is prohibited to pull threads under the shoulder strap. Bandages and pads are prohibited under shoulder straps.

3. The main stages of the game and their content.

The game is built in the form of a relay race, where teams move along the track, the route of which is indicated on the map. There are checkpoints along the route - checkpoints. At the control point there is a leader of the stage (hereinafter referred to as the intermediary), who reports the content of the stage and records the correctness of its implementation. The mediator records the completion of the stage on the route sheet.

4. Event program:

    Grand opening of the military sports game on the Zarnitsa area.

    Passage of the stages of the competition by the game participants.

    Summing up and awarding winners and runners-up.

Form of the event : sport game

Location : sports ground

Travel time at each station : 5 minutes

Progress of the event:

    Ceremonial line.

Participants in the military sports game “Zarnitsa” line up in front of the central entrance to the school to the sounds of a ceremonial march.

    The commander of each squad reports their readiness for the game to the commander-in-chief:

“Comrade Commander-in-Chief! The squad (name) is ready for the game “Zarnitsa”. Our motto (says the squad). Commander (commander's name). The report has been submitted! - “The report has been accepted, at ease!”

    Presenter's speech. A little history.

The all-Union military sports game "Zarnitsa" appeared in the USSR in 1967 with the goal of military-patriotic education of the younger generation. On January 10, 1967, Order No. 1 of the first commander of the game, Hero, was published in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda" Soviet Union, Marshal of Artillery Vasily Kazakov. It set the task of forming youth battalions and teaching young army members the skills of army life, instilling in them love for the Motherland, and a readiness to defend it from external and internal enemies. The first final of the All-Union Zarnitsa game took place that same year in Sevastopol, on Sapun Mountain. As a rule, students from 4th to 7th grades who spent the summer in pioneer camps took part in it. For older teenagers, a similar military sports game “Eaglet” was played. Depending on the age of the participants, the content of "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglets" was different: from tearing off paper shoulder straps from the enemy to entire tactical exercises with armored vehicles and explosives. Sometimes “Zarnitsa” took place on the territory of military units, and professional military personnel were involved in organizing the games.

The game brought up schoolchildren in devotion to their country, constant readiness to defend the Motherland. Millions of Soviet children, participating in this game, expanded their understanding of the history of the country and its armed forces; received knowledge of first aid, learned to act in cases natural Disasters and emergency situations, studied the civil defense program, and most importantly, learned to love and defend their Fatherland.

Today, as in the past, our Russian Army is famous for its warriors. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our Russian Army- this is you, today's boys and girls. And the power of our Army depends on how you grow up.

Now we will all hold together the military sports game "Zarnitsa"

    The commander-in-chief explains the rules of the game:

“Now each team will receive a battle sheet indicating the route you should take. At each transshipment point there will be a guard waiting for you. He will explain your task to you, monitor how you complete the tasks and evaluate them. If the task is completed, the team receives a token. Having reached the last point, you receive a package with secret information. This package contains the last, most important task.

So, your task is to earn more tokens and complete the last task.

Commanders, get combat sheets!”

Having received military packages with tasks, the teams set out on the route at intervals of 10 minutes.

    Main stages of the game.

    Station “I am a Patriot”

Students are invited to draw the Russian flag on the snow with paint diluted in spray bottles. Correctness is assessed.

    Station "Orphans"

4 people participate in the competition: 2 orderlies, 2 wounded. Students are asked to do the following: at the start there are two orderlies on skis, they are holding a sled on which the wounded person is sitting, the orderlies need to transport the wounded to the “hospital”. The orderlies make two approaches and take out the wounded one at a time.

    Station "Snipers"

Not the whole team participates in the competition, but only children - “snipers”, the rest are sick (participate if necessary). Shooting snowballs at a target. For each accurate hit on the target, the team receives a token.

    Station "Sappers"

5 people per team participate in the competition. “Mines” (bottles with marks of different colors) are buried in the snow. The task is to find all your “mines” (of a certain color) and neutralize them. If you find a “foreign mine”, you need to hide it. Speed ​​and correctness of execution are assessed.

    Station "Partizans"

“Partisans” take part in the competition. Participants need to make a defensive structure (trench).

    Station "Erudite"

Military-patriotic training presupposes not only the mastery of certain professional skills, but also significant erudition. Teams are asked to answer a series of questions.

    What fire extinguishing agents are considered primary? (Shovel, bucket, crowbar, axe, sand, water)

    What is the solemn passage of troops called? (Parade)

    An ancient name for the Russian army? (Army)

    The soldier is sleeping, and she is walking. (Service)

    Winter guard shoes? (Felt boots)

    Star piece of the uniform? (Epaulettes)

    What do a camera and a machine gun have? (Gate)

    What does a soldier have under his bed? (Order)

    What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)

    What do you call a teenager on a ship learning to sail? (Cabin boy)

    Whose words: “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight? (A.V. Suvorov)

    Name the cities that are heroes and why are they called heroes?

    How to knock down a flame from a person's burning clothes? (cover with burlap, sweatshirt, blanket). You can knock the fire off yourself by rolling on the ground.

    Where are the fire safety equipment located in the school? (In a special place, on a fire shield, in good condition)

    What will you do in case of fire?

    How many battles did A.V. Suvorov lose? (None)

    What is the offensive action of troops called? (Attack)

    What types of troops exist in Russian Armed Forces? (Land, strategic missile forces, air force, navy)

    A device for breathing humans underwater? (Scuba)

    A piece of terrain for testing military weapons? (Firing range, shooting range)

    A metal plate nailed to a horse's hoof? (Horseshoe)

    Can elephants swim? (Yes very good)

    Who are the hussars? (Rich, noble, highly educated men of noble origin)

    What orders and medals do you know?

    What are the most necessary things in the army?

    What was the name of the high hussar hat (cocked hat, shako, helmet, cuirassier)

    Name the heroes of the Second World War, monuments to the Second World War

    Why, when frightened by something, does a horse begin to snort? (She has a very acute sense of smell. By snorting, the horse clears its nose. And can quickly determine what is threatening it and from which side)

    What is the name of the military hospital? (Hospital)

    A combat vehicle with rockets? (Katyusha)

    What is "lemon"? (Grenade)

The team that answers the most questions in 5 minutes wins.

    "Wall to wall"

The competition is held on the sports ground. The team must rip off as many shoulder straps as possible from the enemy within a certain time. The best score is for the greater number of rivals' shoulder straps.

8. "Encryption"

At the last point, the guys, having completed the tasks, receive a package with the most important task - encryption.

The key to encryption



19 15 21 32 17 6 19 15 32

The task is to raise your flag above the headquarters and start singing a war song.

The winner is the team that places its flag on the headquarters and starts singing.

While the results are being summed up, the teams are invited to proceed to the station

9. "Field kitchen"

where everyone gets a cup of hot tea and soldier's porridge.

III . Solemn line with summing up and awarding the winners.

Summing up the results of the competition: The winners are determined by the highest amount of points. The winning teams are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts, the teams that did not take prizes are awarded with diplomas and sweet gifts. The winning teams of each stage of the competition are also awarded.

Annex 1

Combat sheet


Stage name



Station “I am a Patriot”

Station "Orphans"

Station "Snipers"

Station "Sappers"

Station "Partizans"

Station "Erudite"

"Wall to wall"


"Field kitchen"

« Appendix 2


The key to encryption


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


3 1 26 1 9 1 5 1 25 1 – 17 16 5 15 33 20 30

19 3 16 11 22 13 1 4 15 1 5 26 20 1 2

16 14 10 15 1 25 1 20 30 17 6 20 30 12 13 1 19

19 15 21 32 17 6 19 15 32