Read a spell for success in life, business, business, study and work with salt at home

A conspiracy for success in life, business and work, which is read using salt at home, should be carried out carefully, without scattering it again, so that the reverse process does not occur. To carry out this ritual, you need to buy a new pack of salt, open it and pour it on all the window sills in the house, saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“I save and hide salt, may success and good luck accompany me in life and business! As this salt crumbles, so my wealth increases! Every grain is a piece of happiness in my piggy bank. Let the trust and respect of people always be with me, and let bad luck and sadness go away. My words are strong, like the salt protection on my window!”

After the ritual, the salt should remain overnight, and the next day it should be carefully collected in a paper bag and scattered at an intersection. Bow to the four directions and go home.

A spell for good study, which is read on the salt, is carried out at night during the full moon. Pour salt into a frying pan, heat it slightly and read the following spell:

“Just as salty food is delicious, so knowledge is delicious to me! Just as I can’t taste food without salt, I can’t live without knowledge! Salt is for food, and knowledge is for studying. The salt is calcined by fire, and knowledge is attached to me.”

In the morning, pour the salt into a bag and take it with you to study. You need to repeat the spell every quarter.

Conspiracy for success and good luck and prosperity

Such a conspiracy must be carried out on the holy great holiday of the Intercession. In the church you need to purchase nine candles, sprinkle holy water on them, and then read the words of the spell nine times on each one:

“The blanket of snow covers the earth, gives the girls grooms, so let him help me, so let him serve me too. May my farm prosper, may it experience failure, may my wallet be filled with gold, I won’t have to worry about managing the farm.”

When finished, you should take all nine candles and go to church. There near the icon

Stand them up to the Most Holy Theotokos and say three times, crossing yourself: “Mother Mother of God, I pray and hope, I want to support the farm. Help me in my business, help me in my endeavors, help me in my efforts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Upon leaving the church, you need to give alms to those in need and ask them to pray for health, luck and prosperity.

Read the conspiracy for success every week and possible consequences

The conspiracy for success is read every Wednesday for a month. Before you begin to read the words of the conspiracy, you need to wash yourself and thoroughly wash your hands and face. Then say the spell:

“Sreditsa - Wednesday, let’s talk about the water. I am baptized in the name of Christ. A guardian angel protects me. Angel, have mercy, would you take all sorrows away from me. You should send all your happiness and success to me. Sit on the right shoulder, guard and guard me alone. From evil people, from forest animals, from filthy tongues! From court, from reprisals, from gossip and witches’ poisons! Lord God, add to my life, make my life easy! Amen!"

After reading the plot, you need to wash your face again. Then, on one Wednesday night, when there is a new moon in the sky, you should go to the cemetery, find a grave without a name, put a donation in the form of milk, pie and coins, bow to the unknown three times and say the words of petition:

“If only you could remember the dead man, take away everything bad and bad from me forever and endlessly! It will be like this from now on and forever! Amen!"

It is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy three times, after which, without turning around, leave the territory of the dead. The consequences of such a conspiracy lie in the inexperience of its implementation. One mistake and everything will go wrong. The grave must be looked for in advance, and not at the very moment of the ceremony. Since long walks around the cemetery on a new moon will begin to outrage the “local residents,” which will lead to them interfering with the ritual. Also, such a conspiracy can negatively affect the health of the person who carries it out.

A strong conspiracy in trading for profit with bread, read on a pin, on the waxing moon

To cast a spell for successful trading, you need to take a crust of rye bread to the place where the trading is taking place and read the spell three times:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout,
It turned golden like an ear and turned into a piece of bread.
Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky.
As the grain grows and begins to ear, so my money grows and increases.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy for successful trading should be carried out on the waxing moon. Pour salt into your hand, stand with your back to the counter where trading is carried out, and throw it over your left shoulder, while saying:
“On foot, on wheels, come here, everyone:
Here you have space, food and water.
I need your money, and you have my goods.

Also, a spell for productive trading is done on the night before the trading day on the full moon. You need to take a pin, stand in front of the window in which the moon is visible and say the following words:

“Money for me, trade for me. All for me. And for you - the goods and change. Amen".
After this, attach a pin to the inside of the clothes that will be worn during trading, and go to bed. In the morning, get dressed and go trading.

Conspiracy on a banknote

To plot to attract monetary wealth, you should take a large denomination bill and bend it on both sides along one edge to form a triangle. Then place it against your lips and read the words of the spell:

“Like a strong river attracts streams,
And the sea is strong rivers,
How a woman attracts a man
And a man - a woman,
How the night attracts the day,
And day is night,
So you too would attract people like you.
May it always be so"

Carefully place the bill in your wallet and do not touch it for three months. If you come across bills of the same denomination, they need to be placed next to the charmed bill.

Ritual for money with a green candle

As you know, the color of money is green, so conspiracies to attract material wealth are best carried out with green candles.

To do this, you need to buy a green candle in advance, prepare a large bill and a mirror. On a full moon, place the mirror in a horizontal position, place a banknote on top of it, light a candle above them and say the words:

“I am worthy of the good I ask for. May abundance come to my home. May prosperity always be with me. May all my deeds be crowned with success. Everything I dream about will definitely come true.”

Read the spell three times, then extinguish the candle. Take a banknote with wax left on it, wrap a candle in it and bury it near the house.

Spell for money with millet

A money plot is made on millet in a place where there are many birds. There you will need to scatter millet to the birds, saying the words of the spell to attract wealth:

“Every bird brings food to its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to the cuckoo chicks, I won’t throw millet to the cuckoo. Little birds, here's a treat for you, take it to the little kids. As I treat you, sprinkle millet, so I, slave (name), would have enough wealth for every day, for every hour. Amen".

Repeat the words until all the millet has poured out.

Today we have an interesting topic, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to do magical rituals to attract good luck and money in business. There are many ways, but we will focus on a few. In the total mass of working material there are various magical rituals aimed at attracting good luck and money in business. There are easy ways to attract money, practiced mainly by beginners, and there are also complex black rituals. The magician takes into his practice the methods that are most attractive to him. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know sorcerers who prefer stealers to rituals for money. There are advantages to this, in the sense that the stealer works faster. However, home rituals for good luck and money give longer-lasting and lasting results.

Black and white prayers for trade and successful business - the power of money magic

There are prayers in witchcraft practices for trade and successful business. But what kind of prayers you will read depends on what magical tradition you practice. So, there are black prayers, and there are those that are addressed to God. It's up to you to choose. From which egregor you draw strength, support it, turn to it.

Here, for example, is a black prayer for luck, if you need it magically attracting good luck in business. There are many such prayers, I will give one example. They are usually read after sunset, lighting a black candle and holding it in the hand.

“Not in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit, but in the name of the Holy Spirit, I do evil, I live and live according to His laws, I reap lucky ears, I walk along the right path, I do evil and blasphemy according to God. Elders, prayers are not my decree, there are three black walls around me, and fiery swords all around. God has a poker in his side, the devil has a candle in his side, God’s people have a hard time reaping, but I have a lot of luck. Nima."

White magic, of course, has its own prayers for trade and successful business.

  • To the Honorable Cross of the Lord,
  • Archangel Michael,
  • in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Housekeeper”,
  • to your saint, Guardian Angel,
  • read Psalm 90
  • and the Creed.

It is believed that if you pray to the Mother of God often, she will help you in any matter, not only those related to trade and business. They pray to the Virgin Mary like this:

“Virgin Mother of God, Hail, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with You: blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

They also pray to Seraphim of Sarov, whose father was a rich, successful merchant. First they read a prayer, after which they read a conspiracy to attract money into business with magic.

“Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you and was inconsolable from your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for throughout the entire end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: Oh, most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you! Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is beneficial in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen".

An effective conspiracy after prayer for trade is read to Seraphim of Sarov three times so that the business is successful.

“The works of the Lord, His most pure lips will pray for me. My Lord, Lord, by the faith of my soul, help me, multiply all my business in trade: in money changer and purchase, and in everything that a merchant lives by. In Your Holy Name, my bargain. And Your protection will be there. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Those who cast spells through Christian Powers know, of course, many that make it possible to achieve success in business. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer you an independent conspiracy for good luck in business, it belongs to black magic.

On a lonely tree for a career - a powerful spell for business success

There is strength in lonely trees. And you can turn this power towards yourself, become higher than others, rise in your career, or achieve success in commerce. They do a strong ritual for success in trading on the full moon. To implement this ritual of magically attracting good luck in business, you will need:
  • silver coin
  • black sacrificial chicken

On a full moon after sunset, go to a lonely tree, dig a hole near its roots and throw a coin into it. Take a step back and, looking at the tree, read a plot for success in business, for big profits.

“Since you alone are laid down, and above all else there is a grove here, then I am pampered by your power, and so I am entangled in your deceit. If someone settles down, then it seems lower than the grass, if someone looks closely, then I will tell myself above the green field, and throw branches into the sky, so I have now taken the lordly path, to bask in the growth of a tree, then I will be famous for various honors. Amen".

Having said this, cut off the chicken’s head, throw the carcass into a hole and bury it. Stand in that place with both feet, press your back against the tree trunk and read an independent plot for good luck in business:

“I was pacing (pacing) in height, and the tree was changing in growth, but now everything is folded into one, and it’s made higher than everything else. Either I’m a master (lady), or I’m a woodworker. Amen".

Having said these words, walk around the tree 3 times and leave without looking back. The magical ritual of attracting good luck in business is proven, has many positive reviews, and if you succeed, then soon life changes will become noticeable. Witchcraft unfolds during the lunar day.

This one is effective ritual to attract clients The business is based on working with the dead. More precisely, with restless souls. But the ritual is not a cemetery ritual and, in fact, the cemetery is not involved in any way. The work goes directly to filling. In addition, a home plot can work specifically to attract clients to your business, for good luck and the general prosperity of your own business.

On a mirror with blood - a strong conspiracy for financial success in business

Perform a home ritual to attract luck to your business on Tuesday. On the waxing moon. For independent witchcraft you need:

  • small mirror
  • a piece of black natural fabric
  • cup with salt
  • a piece of bread
  • 2 wax candles
  • ritual knife
  • your blood

When the sun goes down, lay a cloth on the table and place a mirror in the middle with the reflective surface facing up. On the left is a cup of salt, on the right is a piece of bread. Place 1 candle next to the salt and bread and light it. Use a knife to cut the finger on your right hand so that it bleeds. When the blood appears, draw a circle with your finger on the mirror surface, and an equilateral cross in the circle.

Having done this, read an independent conspiracy for money in business.

“As the baptism of the human race is overshadowed, as the resurrection of the old Adam was created in the Savior, so in this mirror surface the cross will converge in a red circle, so that the request that is prepared for the restless souls hidden in the mirror surface will be fulfilled. Bread and salt are my ransom, living blood flowing in the veins. I ask for goodness immeasurable in trade gold, the success of a merchant's move, salt my life, so that I can live in a mansion, manage to have silver and gold. This is not by me, but by this cross. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After independently reading this powerful spell for good luck in business, put out the candles, wash the mirror and put it in a secluded place. Take the bread and salt to an intersection, but not a cemetery one, but an ordinary one on foot. Why is that, why not in the cemetery? Because salt is not left for the dead. Salt is carried to the cemetery only when they are working on the lapel and the quarrel. She stays at the grave overnight, then... In addition, it is an effective ritual for bringing good luck to your own business, appealing to restless souls, and at ordinary crossroads they are frequent guests. You can add vodka to bread and salt. I know that some practicing magicians wash the blood from the mirror into vodka, so additional blood is paid off. Without strong magical protections, you shouldn’t do the ritual yourself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

It was a home spell for good luck and money in business.

And now I want to offer you an independent ritual that is simple to perform, but very powerful in its impact, to increase sales through a tree struck by lightning. Great magical power lies in such trees. If you make the right witchcraft approach to such a tree, then you can attract wealth to yourself, become strong and noble. The sorcerers know about this. And those businessmen who have anything to do with real magic will not ignore such a tree.

A strong spell for good luck in business and money through a tree

If you suddenly come across a tree struck by lightning, know that you can perform a magical ritual to attract good luck in business, big money, and to become strong and successful. For an independent ritual of attracting profitable clients to trade, you need:

  • new knife
  • 3 wax candles (not church candles)
  • skein of wool thread

Rituals through such trees work well, and here is one of them. Go to that tree. At sunset, come up and look carefully. Find the place where the lightning struck and use a knife to chop off a sliver of wood from the spot. Having placed a sliver in your hand, stand near the tree and read the plot for success in business:

“Heavenly city, God’s fire, as you are higher than the earthly people, as you accomplish your creation in the heavens, as your face is menacing, that small and great strike with your brow, as strength is immeasurable, commanded, so I should be higher than humans. They will respect me in this way because I will be a threat to people, which is commanded by God in heaven. As it was said, so be it, these words became stronger than steel. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In conclusion. If you do not want to develop your business, but to get rid of it, then you can also quickly sell your company by turning to the rituals of practical magic. For this purpose, you can read effective conspiracies for selling real estate, black or white prayers, and confusion. Here is an example, a proven and highly effective conspiracy to sell a business from white magic rituals:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. In this house there are bright windows, silver thresholds, pillars and... Admire, kind people, generous buyers, admire and buy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This self-conspiracy to profitably sell your business should be read three times before the visit of potential buyers.

Before the start of the working day, open the window, stick out your hand with a burning candle, definitely a gel candle, green, and say in the wind and against the wind according to your mind - my fire is burning, money is beckoning to the house, profit is coming, the fire beacon will show the way, the word is action , key lock. - do it on the waxing moon, let the candle burn out.

In order for clients to return to your beauty salon again and again, so that your activities in the field of creating hairstyles for people are always creative, successful, bring good profit and satisfaction,

Every time you come to your workplace, take in your right hand the largest comb available in your hairdressing salon and, standing in front of the largest mirror, comb your hair 33 times (from top to bottom), saying: “Smooth path to my threshold. Let everyone run, I’ll help them here. For people it’s good, but for me it’s a bucket of money. I have no tangles - no problems and no debts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Never tell anyone about the true meaning of the ritual.


You can talk about a pin; they always carry it with them so that it is not visible.
Lord, my God, I am before You.
I ask You to save me, to protect me with a talisman.
I ask the entire Holy Army to save and protect Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Long-Sufferer, Ivan the Headless, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Postilite, Michael the Archangel, Archangel Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Praskovya the Great Martyr, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, and their mother Sophia.
I stand under your shield, which will protect me, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen

Conspiracy for good trading

One of these conspiracies is recited in salt:

“Walkers and travelers, come here; here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you.” Then you need to stand in front of the counter with your back to your product and throw a small handful of salt back over your left shoulder with your right hand. Try so that no one sees you doing this.

For good luck in trading.

For good luck in trading, you should go to church 3 days in a row 15-20 minutes before noon and place a wax candle there in front of the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant with the words: “Pleasant of God! Grant me (your name) good luck in trade and righteous matters! Amen!"
Amulet for success in trading: “In the name of God Jesus Christ. The stars in the sky are dressed up and reflected in the Jordan River. Just as no one has ever counted the stars, nor taken God’s sky from me, so that my luck would not be taken away, taken away, or cursed with any word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen

a spell for a successful deal.

Before a transaction, especially a commercial one, whisper into your palms: “In the name of the Father and the Son, (run your palms over your face once) and the Holy Spirit,” run your palms across your face from top to bottom twice and end with the word: “Amen.” After this, run your palms over your face, but this time three times.
Repeat the manipulations seven times, then go to where you were going.

Spell for good luck in trading

When washing before trading, they read, wipe themselves with a handkerchief, and take the handkerchief with them to the market.
“You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the plowing with your hands, you can’t take my word away from me.
I am a merchant, my crown is with me. Just as bees fly to honey, so everyone goes to my product.
they look. They want to take it. Amen".

This spell is read on honey, washed with honey, dried with a red handkerchief and taken with you.

They slander water and bread:

“Turn, Lord, luck from west to east, from north to south.

Give her not three roads, but one road - to my doorstep.

And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake’s womb.

That’s where you belong, that’s where you live, that’s where you belong,
and I’ll put on a talisman,
I will tie myself in gold and silver.

I close the lock with the key and throw the key into the sea.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Eat bread with water

To give more tips,

on the full moon, read a special spell over a new white handkerchief, which you then carry with you all the time. It's best if it sticks out a little from your pocket. The spell words are:

God's saints!
Apply your prayers and care
To me, God's servant (name).
So that everyone who stays near me
He will not forget me with his generous mercy.
Put gold and silver on my hand, Lord.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Not every one of us can boast that things in his business are only going well. This is especially true for beginners who are just beginning to gradually introduce themselves into this field of activity. Often, even “experts” can have many problems associated with loans and other debts, and a non-working business plan. It would seem that everything is thought out to the smallest detail. However, there is no growth in business.

In this case, you can always turn to magic. Effective business conspiracies and their effects are not long in coming; after some time, the business owner will be able to notice a stabilization of business.

Often many of us are faced with questions of magic. Some people believe in it, some don’t, and some even try to avoid answering this question. However, our ancestors knew a lot about this. Remember even those simple rituals that at first glance seem simple and meaningless. But that was the magic.

It is not necessary to make a complex conspiracy; sometimes even a simple prayer and request, spoken from the heart, can have a positive effect.

In order for business to flourish, our ancestors performed the simplest rituals. One of these conspiracies affects attracting new business partners and increasing contacts.

“I take good luck and leave bad luck.”

These are the words that can often be heard even today. Such a simple conspiracy helps in almost any matter. There are even a few jokes about this. One of them says that we are not poor people, that’s why we don’t need change. This is how a person attracts luck.

It is not for nothing that wise people say that success comes only to the home who does not doubt it. A good state of affairs directly depends on a person’s faith in this, on his determination and purposefulness in actions. In such cases, conspiracies are only a complementary link.

For the success of any ritual, including a conspiracy, you should make sure that no one finds out about it. This and true belief in one’s words will help a person reach the top. After all, often, having said something to someone, you can notice that previously planned plans collapse and desires do not come true. Even without meaning to, another person may envy you and drive away the desired luck. Therefore, the magical ritual must always remain secret.

Conspiracies for business prosperity

Altai money conspiracy

This ritual was first used by one of the healers in Altai. In her arsenal, she had several active conspiracies, which she used more than once and advised her visitors.

In order to properly distribute money in your business, the healer advised doing the following. Every day before work, read the spell, then drink a glass of clean water, which should be infused all night, then calmly go to work. This spell is needed for exactly 14 days in the mornings and evenings, but you should not tell anyone about this ritual.

“Holy saint of God, Solomon! With a good word and deed on earth, reapers of righteousness in heaven, prepare for me, the servant of God (name), a good day and all my deeds. Accept my prayers and forgive every sin, take me away from sorrow and loss, from evil intentions and failures, illnesses and adversity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The healer calls another version of the conspiracy one that will help the business prosper. To do this, you need to prepare St. John's wort in advance. However, in the absence of it, you should under no circumstances purchase it in the form of powders at the pharmacy. It is better not to use such a conspiracy at all. Dry the prepared St. John's wort, and after 10 days read the conspiracy over it:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Help me, Lord, in my craft, as in the old days you helped the artisans, miners and hunters. I go out into an open field under a guiding star, into a clear dawn, I call for luck, I invite you into my life. Good luck comes into my own hands, happiness and joy brings me, yes the faithful have arrived, yes all kinds of goodness, yes good glory, and a ringing name. I go and go - I’m not afraid of anyone, I won’t bow to anyone, but every animal, every prey will bow to me, be pacified, and turn into my luck. Amen".

After this, chop the grass and put it in a small bag, tie it tightly and put it in an inconspicuous place in the house. If possible, such a bag of St. John's wort can be stored in the office, for example, in a table or in a safe. It should be remembered that every year this grass must be replaced with a new one. Then do the same ritual as before.

Conspiracy to open a business

If you are still new to this area, then many experts advise using conspiracies to open a new business. Such a conspiracy for profit in business will help to establish business contacts, make successful transactions, attract finance, and also help avoid competition in the field of work.

Such a conspiracy can only be carried out on the waxing Moon. For the ceremony you will need:

  • Deep white cup without unnecessary inscriptions on it
  • Spring water or prepared independently. To do this, cover a jar of water with a white cloth in the evening and leave it in a dark place overnight.
  • Any paper bill. Experts advise taking larger bills
  • Golden ring

At midnight on the waxing Moon, you need to stand near the window, pour the prepared water into a cup, lower the gold ring to the bottom, and place the bill on top of the glass. Then clasp this cup with your hands and read the spell:

“I ask, Lord, to give me great heavenly help. There is no place in the world for a person without the power of the Lord. I will bring a cup of water of painful suffering to the bright face of Heaven, and I ask you to give Light on my paths and good luck to me from the three powers of the Lord. Touch my life, Lord, with your palm and draw a line of Light from me to Yourself. Give me the strength to live until the end of my days in a natural state of body and mind, and do not give difficult tragedies to my loved ones. By faith I will draw closer to You and gratitude and relief from suffering; my approach to You knows no bounds.”

After the ceremony on the 10th day, spray the remaining water from the cup onto several banknotes that are in the house. You should always carry a ring and a paper bill with you, they will serve as talismans.

Attracting good luck in business through a dead person

This conspiracy is one of the most powerful. It must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, without deviating from them.

Such a conspiracy will help resume successful business and attract money. In addition, such a ritual will help get rid of existing problems and debts in business.

At a funeral, it is worth quietly reading this plot closer to the deceased himself:

“Just as everyone bows to the deceased when saying goodbye, they will fall to their foreheads with fear of the deceased and secret trepidation, so everyone would bow and bow before me, and power would flow into my hands.”

After this, take a white cloth and wrap a piece of paper with a spell in it. The conspiracy must be written in advance on a blank piece of paper in black ink.

Cover the wrapped sheet with green thread, a symbol of finance and wealth, then after the funeral service for the deceased, throw a handful of earth into the ground, saying: “Accept my request,” repeat 3 times. Then, on the grave itself, bury the previously prepared sheet with the plot, cover it with earth and leave the cemetery without turning back until you reach home.

If at night a person dreams of a deceased person and returns the paper with the spell back to him, then such a ritual did not work. In any other cases, the ritual can be considered successful. It will gain its full strength on the 40th day after the funeral of the deceased.

Water spell to attract good luck

For good luck in business, it is customary to cast spells on flowing water; any river is best. You should not perform such a ritual over a lake, swampy area or sea where the water is stagnant, then things will stagnate.

Such a ritual does not guarantee that business will improve immediately; you will have to wait a little. The main thing about this is that it is extremely necessary to strictly follow the ritual and act correctly at each stage.

You need to buy 3 large candles from the nearest church. You need to give such bills so that they will give you change at church. It must be distributed equally to all the beggars near the church. You also need to take some holy water and keep it for a day in your home next to the candles.

Then light the candles at midnight on the next full moon. Prepare for the spell any item that you often carry with you. This could be a bill, a ring, a wallet, or a new talisman purchased. It is necessary to prepare a green thread, preferably a knitting thread, it is denser. Place it on a flat surface near the burning candles. Place the prepared item on top of it. Next, recite the conspiracy:

“In the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, behind the high mountains, behind the blue lakes, behind the dense forests, a stone stands, half buried in the ground. But that stone is not simple, it is enchanted. Forty young men fought over him. Trying to move from different ends. And the stone seemed to have grown, more deeply rooted in the ground than before. And under the stone a golden river runs, rushes, cursing the stone.”

Then pour wax from 3 burning candles onto the future talisman. After that, the next morning, go near the nearest river. Say this conspiracy:

“River, you are my broad, you are in my service for centuries. You will bring me gold, you will value only me.” Let me have a stone like this with its own golden river. It will be a matter of adding more good to me, and protecting the income of the stone! My word is strong! Amen".

After this, take the green thread and throw it into the river, and always carry the talisman with you. The ritual will take effect in 9 days.

Luck, as an event that comes to us from a direction we did not expect, is always desired. It is impossible to manage her, impossible to plan, much less assign her a meeting time. A spell for good luck in business and money, which you can read yourself at home. No, despite all its unpredictability, this positive state is always pleasant for a person. Chance and unpredictable circumstances are her friends. That’s why the synonyms are: chance, luck, happiness.

The success of a business venture can be influenced not only by marketing, but also by witchcraft methods.

Everyone wants to catch the bird of Happiness by the tail and touch the elegant plumage of good luck. And if a person is engaged in business, then there’s no point in talking about it! There are so many excellent professionals, teams working under them, not trivial ideas, opportunities, but Luck can choose those who have no experience, and their legs are not yet strong in work, their knees are shaking. Many symbols of good luck are known. Some come from superstition and paganism. Conspiracies, for example, from white magic. This is a four-leaf clover, and ladybugs, and maneki - neko, which came from the Japanese epic, and our favorite horseshoe... A method that gives a good result and lures and attracts good luck is.

Option 1: “For good luck in business”

Here's a pretty strong one in business that will surely help you:

  • Choose a night on the waxing moon.
  • Pour water into a nice, round cup. It’s good if it’s water that came from the sky: melted snow or rain.
  • Place a large bill and expensive jewelry in the bowl. For example, a gold ring. There is an open wallet on the table nearby.
  • Stay alone in the room so as not to share your luck with anyone. Say the words out loud, slowly, 3 times, over the water in the cup. When you complete the spell, sprinkle water on your wallet and spray yourself as if with rain from all sides, starting from the top of your head.

What I'm doing is not harmful. I don’t harm people, I don’t dirty my conscience.

Heavenly King, please give me a bright path and good luck.

Touch me with luck and blessed help,

Like snow on your head, rain on your shoulders, wind around your body and the sun.

I’m not asking you to show the way or reveal the sacraments.

Just as fire splashes from under the earth’s hooves and horseshoes, so happiness sparkles in work.

Bankruptcy spells will help you avoid business failure and attract money.

Option 2: “From bankruptcy”

A conspiracy against ruin and bankruptcy: just as good luck comes from an unknown direction, so does bad news. They do not knock timidly at the door, but open the doors with a sharp cold gust of wind. It destroys everything in its path: papers, plans, calculations fly all over the place and cannot be found. And I no longer have the strength to rise up in the chaos, collect everything and move forward. Respect from colleagues blows away this wind, recognition and authority in the professional community. Anyone who has been involved in business does not know this terrible word “bankruptcy”?

A white magic conspiracy helps to insure against such a nuisance, which must be repeated in calm times in order to close and block the way to problems. The ceremony is carried out in the office or workplace. Place a simple ashtray or saucer on the table, put a piece of paper on it with the word bankrupt written on it, crumple it up and set it on fire. While it’s burning, say the words:

The money is small, like tears and like bins, without grain,

Let them pass and perish. The smoke will close the way to my cause for those who offend, enemies, and thieves.

I will stand strong like an oak tree, I will take hold of the matter with tooth, claw, and nail.

Create a conspiracy once a week, try not to risk anything, and in the next 3 days after the conspiracy, do not share your plans with anyone.

Option 3: “For successful negotiations”

It is important for those who are involved in business to have reliable partners nearby, businesslike and loyal people, not swindlers. Be able to get along and find points of understanding with partners, accomplices in business and even competitors. There is a conspiracy for this case too.

Take three empty, absolutely clean glasses, with no traces of dirty hands or fingers on the glass. Pour a sip of water or wine into each. Place it on the table and start saying the words:

Just as a cup is filled equally, without poison, so the matter should be pure and pleasant,

without bitterness or sediment. I pour it equally everywhere, I expect honesty.

Give, Lord, a friend and comrade who is not wicked, but understanding.

It’s the same thing for everyone, equal luck.”

Then pour the wine into one glass and drink alone.


Comments from site visitors

    If, of course, you can call it that, but I really do business. Yes, maybe cosmetics are not so relevant, and everyone is already accustomed to just saving money, but I have not lost faith. My colleagues taught me. You need to open your article, study it and do everything according to the instructions. Well, so you understand, I work online and am recruiting a team. I already have 5 newbies! Further more! Thank you very much!!

    I constantly make plots before important negotiations. This helps me to be more confident in myself and my abilities. I am better at presenting my ideas to potential partners. I don’t know how much magic or personal attitude influences this, but I can’t give it up and I don’t want to. Anyone looking for help in their business, try this spell, maybe it will help you and you will find what you want

    In business, all methods are good, and not just magical ones. I started plotting quite a long time ago, and the results were immediate. And after this time, I regularly perform the ritual. It helps me, the business is thriving, we are slowly expanding, everything is fine. By the way, I use conspiracies not only in business, there are a lot of other interesting conspiracies on the site, I really like them.

    I have my own business in common with my wife, and it was my other half who decided to make a conspiracy just in case. The business is developing well, but recently a lot of competitors have begun to appear. So we decided to protect ourselves in this way. My wife made a conspiracy, I don’t know what exactly helped, but the crisis does not concern us, everything is developing successfully!!

    It’s a good spell, I use it all the time, it helps me a lot in business, profits increase, and new ways to expand my business appear. And not only do I do it, my friend also often resorts to it, and everything helps both of us. A good and sensible plot in one word.

    It’s not clear where to put the bill and the ring and the rest of the water next

    My husband and I had a business that had been running steadily for several years, but we still wanted some kind of development. I found this plot and decided to try it. And, what’s most interesting, it works! Competitors are dying, but we are working. Earnings are gradually increasing, new buyers are coming. Now I periodically turn to the site for such things. Thank you!

    My husband has his own business, and lately some problems and obstacles have constantly arisen, as if someone has cast the evil eye, or specifically wants to harm. I decided to try reading these conspiracies. So far, no significant results have been seen, but very little time has passed since I started reading them, let’s wait, I hope it will help. Otherwise I don’t even know what to do.

    Good luck in business was very necessary, because things had not been going well lately, and I tried to fulfill the conspiracy that is described here. I tried a lot of things, both for lack of money and for success in a new position, everyone helped me! Now I am very successful, thank you very much to this site.