Retrograde is a normal phenomenon for each of the planets. Another thing is that some planets constantly change the direction of movement, and some only once a year. Jupiter belongs to the second type.

Considering the enormous importance of Jupiter in astrology, the period of its retrograde cannot be ignored. Retrograde planets in 2018 are especially significant because the entire year has been hailed by astrologers as mysterious and a call for wisdom. Jupiter's retrograde period will begin on March 9 and end on July 10. In 2018, it will be the first planet to turn around and start moving backwards.

Positive Sides of Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter will not be negative for all Zodiac Signs and not in everything. He will also have some positive sides. This applies to those Signs for which this planet is initially negative. This should include Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. Retrograde Jupiter will help you show yourself at your best. the best side. This will be a great time for interviews, important meetings, and searching for your soulmate. People will aspire to be like you if you show the power of ambition and motivation. During the period from March to July, it is better for you to do any business and work as intensively as possible. As for vacation, it is better not to schedule it for this period.

If we talk about the retrograde period as a whole, then the reverse movement of the largest planet will have a good effect on the renunciation of vices. Many will be able to cope bad habits And bad mood. It’s better to get rid of everything that irritates you in yourself in March. The sooner you do this, the better it will be for everyone around you.

Astrologers say that it will be necessary to complete previously started tasks. This means that it will not be possible to transfer them to the future. Before July, try to sort out your debts, because otherwise they will remain with you for an even longer period. The upside is that it will all be easier to do. Naturally, urges on an emotional level will lead you through thorns to the stars, but you shouldn’t wait until something stirs inside you and forces you to act. Don't wait for sea weather.

Retrograde Jupiter will help you look at yourself from the outside and conduct a full analysis of yourself, your life, your actions. This will be a great time to change something mentally. Stop letting unpleasant thoughts ruin your life.

Astrologers note the particular importance of communicating with people whom you have ever helped or even just knew. During this six-month period of time, there is a huge chance of meeting people who have remained forgotten. This means that you will have to improve your communication skills. Success will await those who know how to meet others halfway.

Negative aspects of Jupiter's retrograde motion

In 2018, from March 9 to July 10, Jupiter in retrograde will bring some problems Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs will find it noticeably more difficult to meet people, so it will be necessary to cherish existing love, friendship or business partnerships. You will not need to listen to intuition alone, because it will be largely useless. You will constantly feel that something has not been done, that there are gaps in some activities and tasks. Problems may arise due to general fatigue. Inspiration and creative spirit will also disappear, so you will have to be guided only by your skills, logic, and advice from loved ones.

Many people will be dependent on the opinions of society. This is a rather unpleasant moment for proud and independent people. It is better to simply survive this period and accept its costs. Your ideology may change while Jupiter moves backward. Of course, this will not happen suddenly, and it cannot be called an absolute minus. On the one hand, it’s even a plus if a person can leave his comfort zone.

Whatever happens, you shouldn’t think that Jupiter is to blame for everything. Jupiter brings problems to people only in the long term and more than once warns us that we are on the wrong road. Jupiter gives us hidden signals about which direction we need to move in order to return everything to normal. Only the most stubborn and uncompromising people will suffer from the influence of retrograde Jupiter. The slightest common sense and the ability to analyze a situation is all you need.

More flexibility will be required in all areas of life. Situations may change with shocking frequency, or they may require some effort on your part to get things moving. You need to spend more time studying the facts and taking fewer risks. Risks in financial life will prove fatal in the period from March 9 to July 10, 2018.

So, Jupiter retrograde is a time of change, but the changes are smooth and not always unpleasant. It will be possible to derive some benefit from absolutely every situation. There is no need to try to change your life during this period; you need to strive for stability, which in itself will smoothly flow into something more. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.03.2018 04:22

In ancient times, Jupiter was considered the supreme Roman god. The planet named after him is ruled by Thursday, and...

And it will move into Sagittarius, where it will remain until December 3, 2019. This is a positive aspect, because the gas giant did not feel very good in Scorpio, inflating various destructive and destructive tendencies. In Sagittarius, Jupiter is in strength (in the monastery), here he transmits wisdom, activates traditional values, and erases boundaries. Although expansive tendencies are increasing: the desire to seize, including military. But we can predict that relations with some Western countries will begin to improve. Positive trends will appear in public life. Although it still won’t let you relax and have fun. There will still be significant problems.

But according to tradition, a little history.

The cycle of Jupiter is 12 years. He visited Sagittarius in the following years:

2007 - Last year"fat decade" before the crisis of 2008-2009. Putin's successor named presidential election- D. Medvedev. Russia won the Olympics in Sochi. General enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

1995 — Russia and Belarus signed the first Agreement on Customs Union, then Kazakhstan joined it. Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia signed an agreement in Paris, ending a war that had lasted since 1992. civil war. ORT began broadcasting in Russia. The first search engine Yahoo was launched!

Using the same analogy, you can also remember what happened to you 12 years ago in order to have a rough idea of ​​what you personally can expect from Jupiter in Sagittarius.

What can we all expect from Jupiter in Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is the sign of travel, education, jurisprudence, philosophy and law, international relations, official religion. In these areas you can expect expansion, new and exciting events.

If you love to travel, now is the time for it. The trips will be especially significant; travel can change your life.

It is favorable to start training or teaching activities. Fortune will favor the writing and defense of a dissertation, scientific publications and works.

It is favorable to study law and start legal affairs. All this will be to your benefit.

It is very good to study philosophy, study languages, be interested in other cultures, religion. Expand your worldview and your horizons. This will make you spiritually richer and will attract many new and interesting people and good events.

The motto of this period can be taken from the words of Vladimir Vysotsky: measure life in kilometers, not square meters.

For each and everyone, this is a period of rebirth (after symbolic death in Scorpio) and access to new round spiritual development.

Important aspects of Jupiter.

While passing through Sagittarius, Jupiter will make only one serious long-lasting aspect: conflict to Neptune. In the background, this aspect will continue throughout the entire period. This means that there will be a lot of deception and self-deception. Passing off desired development as real. False spiritual values, erosion of moral foundations. Water accidents, water-related disasters. Spread of diseases, including spiritual ones. Progressive madness. The conflict between true faith and ritual.

Jupiter in Sagittarius in the natal chart.

Jupiter in the monastery gives aspiration for leadership, open-mindedness, a penchant for expansion, travel, a desire to teach, to be a spiritual mentor, a guru.

This is the position of the planet in the map of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov. Since Dmitry has not only Jupiter in Sagittarius, but also Mercury, his expansion is directed towards the means of mass communications. He is like a pioneer, leader, founder of various TV projects. One of his brightest creations, in my opinion, was the Anthropology program. In it, he discussed philosophical issues with invited guests, and all this happened during musical breaks. The pretense of teaching and elitism in this program was very well felt. Now he is the host of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” - (formerly called “Oh, Lucky Man”) - quite optimistically, in a Jupiterian way. Jupiter in Sagittarius always gives an overabundance of something - Dibrov has many marriages and many children.

Who can expect success from Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius?

Of course, first of all, luck will smile on Sagittarius. Representatives of this sign have the most successful year- do not miss! The next such powerful and positive period will occur only in 12 years. Other children of fire will also be lucky: Leo and Aries.

Benefits will also go to the children of the air - Libra and Aquarius. Overall, everything will be fine for Gemini, although prospects and expectations will be somewhat exaggerated. The reality will be more modest.

Virgo and Pisces will be attracted by tempting prospects, but not all of them will be realized.

In general, Jupiter requires an active life position, but at the same time it is advisable to balance your strengths. Otherwise, with increased optimism, you can exaggerate your capabilities and get involved in an overwhelming project. During this period, this especially applies to Virgo, Pisces and Gemini.

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How can different zodiac signs react to the entrance of Jupiter into Scorpio? Of course, this is a very individual sphere of analysis, and astrology can only provide the most general information, so our readers can add their own comments and clarifications based on their own life experiences. Well, we offer basic information.

Impact on Aries

Are becoming more active financial questions related to other people or partners. They can improve their financial situation, which, in turn, can affect you. This year you will need discernment: do not take risks, do not take out loans or invest money in the blind belief that everything will be fine, check everything to make sure that you, and not other people, will benefit from transactions of this kind (especially in the month of December). Earn income from teaching, managing others, traveling. If you are interested in religion, occult sciences or psychology, now is the time to study and/or practice them. In addition, you can make discoveries about your intimate life, desires and aspirations - to understand exactly how you live and why. Your opinions and views may undergo significant changes. From January 2018, put effort into the projects you choose - there is every chance that your work will pay off.

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Impact on Taurus

You get new partners, and existing ones begin to play a more important role in your life. Your position in society may undergo dramatic changes, covering the most different areas Of your life. “Refresh” old acquaintances, do not miss any opportunities for partnership activities, participate in negotiations, conclusion of contracts - you will gain important experience in communicating with others. Look after the health of your grandparents. Do not get involved in legal disputes unless you are absolutely sure of your position. You may have to advise others, but you can count on increasing your personal rating. Look for people who are close to you in spirit. Relationships begin and develop very quickly, especially if you respect the freedom and independence of the other party.

Impact on Gemini

You can expect serious changes at work: an improvement in the environment, the need to take advanced training courses; business trips are becoming more frequent and productive. Feel free to take on new projects, just make sure you have enough time for everything. It's time to show off your professional skills and talents, advertise your services and capabilities. Serving other people or working in this field brings benefits. Everyday problems are solved, business investments become especially profitable. Take care of your health, do not indulge in excess. Treatment during this period may be most effective.

Impact on Cancers

In the coming year, an intensification of romantic and creative life, a child may appear in an existing relationship. Your creativity, trading on the stock exchange, and risky ventures will be successful if only you can stop in time and not demand too much from luck. Children are expected to succeed, go to college, travel. Memorable celebrations await you this year, important events in family. Express yourself, show your best side, take steps to improve your reputation. It's arrived good time for new hobbies, the implementation of cherished plans, obtaining moral and financial satisfaction from your hobbies, especially in the period from December to August. The main thing is to maintain a balance between romance and business, passion and responsibilities.

Impact on Lviv

You are beginning a favorable period at home: your parents are thriving, family relationships are strengthened. You especially value home comfort and coziness, and enjoy participating in their creation. If your living conditions do not satisfy you, it is time to improve them. It will be easier for you to move, make additions to your house, or purchase a summer house. You can expect support from relatives. Just make sure that household chores do not affect your professional area, and keep an eye on the scale of changes - if you get too carried away, you will not be able to do without loans. An emotionally pleasant time is coming; if there is a need to take care of yourself, your mental and emotional state, be sure to find time for this. Strengthen both your home base and your self-confidence. It's time to make profitable real estate transactions - a profitable period is coming for realtors.

Impact on Virgo

It's time for you to conceive new projects and implement new ideas. Perhaps there will be fuss, visits, travel, preparation of documentation, but this, in the end, is quite logical. It's time to take courses, learn something new or improve your skills. Writers, journalists, all workers associated with transport system, can look forward to a very busy but productive year. Communication will be beneficial, so expand your contacts - someone will certainly have the information you need or can give you valuable advice. Your blogs, posts, advertising company will raise your reputation. Neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances are ready to help you. Be sure to set aside time for rest, because there can be so many things to do, trips and negotiations that you will get “tired” and start to get nervous. Prepare fresh ideas for December, when the heat begins.

Impact on Libra

A successful career year is coming - your activities will generate more income, your financial situation will significantly strengthen. The main thing is that you do not make hasty financial decisions that are not based on reliable facts. The time is coming for gifts, the flow of large sums from hand to hand. Delighted by the opportunities that have opened up, you may show a tendency to throw money away and demonstrate your well-being - this is also something you should not do. Make long-term investments, expand your business or invest in expensive things. But be sure to keep track of your money. In addition, you will have an unforgettable time with your partner. This year it is especially important to watch your figure and not overindulge in your favorite foods.

Impact on Scorpios

You will remember this year as a year of irrepressible optimism, in which you are rushing in full sail in a given direction. Support and new opportunities await you; your projects will be implemented, published and made public much faster than before. It is quite possible to transfer part of your activities abroad, and generally rely on foreign partners and remote sponsors. Now is a great time to receive higher education and for self-improvement in any direction. Get rid of the old, try new things, travel. You are ready to receive everything that you have long deserved, but it has not yet been given to you. Just be careful not to be overconfident and indulge yourself, especially when it comes to food. Pomposity and completeness are not what you would like to take away from this year. Gain new experience and take on things with confidence, especially from January to September. Just evaluate your capabilities wisely, because now it will seem to you that you can do everything.

Impact on Sagittarius

This year, spiritual issues will suddenly acquire special value, peace of mind will become important, inner harmony. If you want to be alone with yourself more often or go somewhere far away, by the way, you can start doing business with foreigners, this will be on topic. But you will have to be on guard, be wary of unexpected expenses and unexpected problems. Old unresolved issues may resurface, or mental and physical tensions may arise. Perhaps you will not so much want as you will have to travel. Pilgrimages and travel to holy places will support you. But until mid-December it is better not to take too active actions - it is better to find out exactly what you want from life. But try not to isolate yourself from it too much, then you’ll still have to come back. Don't let things, especially financial ones, take their course. Help others better - this will improve your karma during this period.

Impact on Capricorns

It's time for you to get serious about implementing your plans and reap the benefits of what you have already achieved. Your friends are nearby, ready to help you, new promising acquaintances appear, so your social activities is also revived. Other people can give you valuable ideas, collaborate or fund your projects. Internet activities can be unexpectedly profitable. Children achieve success, on the other hand, they cause additional expenses. In November-December there may be friction in the family, in relationships with your partner - you and them have slightly different direction vectors.

Impact on Aquarius

The time has come to take on your career and show what you are capable of! You can expect success, promotion, financial benefits, as well as fruitful business trips. The authorities look at you strictly, but kindly. You are able to improve your reputation at work, and if you were thinking about starting your own business, the time is favorable. Look for luck abroad, keep in touch with your parents, they are ready to help you in everything. Don’t forget that you are now visible, both your strengths and weaknesses are noticeable, so don’t take too much on yourself. Advice and guidance to others will be appropriate and gratefully received. From December to September next year, work hard to promote yourself, your projects, based on your accumulated wisdom and life experience.

Impact on Pisces

Favorable and lucky year. Attempts to make money will be crowned with success, especially for those who cooperate with foreign companies. You need to prepare for next year's career achievements. The time is coming for travel, study and education, visiting dear and holy places. Your ideas about life and your place in it expand and mature. Starting from December, you expand your activities and impress other people with your authority and education. True, there may be some friction with brothers and sisters on financial issues.

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Alexey Astapenkov, 2017, page in

Every year in December we celebrate the New Year. However, there is another date that deserves no less attention. This is the time when Jupiter moves into a new zodiac sign, which happens once every 11-13 months.

This is important because this largest planet solar system changes sign for a long time.

In astrology, Jupiter is responsible for optimism, expansion, learning and self-development, new opportunities.

Jupiter inspires and helps to attract change and development into our lives. It is also important to note that this is a social planet, that is, one that seriously affects not only specific person, but also society as a whole.

Depending on what sign Jupiter is in, luck will favor different signs Zodiac and areas of activity.

Periods of Jupiter in Scorpio

From October 10, 2017 to November 8, 2018, Jupiter passes through the sign of Scorpio.

In the sign of Scorpio, Jupiter visits the fiery and aggressive Mars, in the sign of the water element.

The sign of Scorpio is one of the rather complex signs of the Zodiac, since its main theme is trials and transformation. However, it is also the money sign of the Zodiac.

Why is it so important to consider Jupiter's transit?

Transit is the actual movement of the planet through the signs of the Zodiac at one time or another. The planet Jupiter, on average, transits one Zodiac sign in 11-13 months, which gives a certain character to the whole year of your life.

Important: the next time Jupiter will be in the sign of Scorpio only after 12 years.

Consequently, those events, tasks, issues and projects that will be laid down now will continue to operate for a fairly serious period.

Therefore, if Jupiter in Scorpio favors you or the field of activity in which you are engaged, you should not miss such a rare opportunity.

That is why you should read this article more carefully and take all the necessary steps to take advantage of Jupiter’s favor.

Step 1. Determine how Jupiter in Scorpio will affect you

In general, if Jupiter manifests itself as a favorable planet in your horoscope, you will be able to note that life has become easier in the areas associated with the sign of Scorpio.

To assess the influence of Jupiter in Scorpio on you, you can remember what happened in your life in the period from October 26, 2005 to November 24, 2006.

However, there are special lucky ones for whom the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio will bring special luck.

Jupiter in Scorpio will bring great luck:

  • those born under the sun sign of Scorpio ( October 23 – November 21);
  • for those whose ascendant (rising sign), also known as the first house of the horoscope, is in the sign of Scorpio.

If your rising sign (ascendant) is Libra, then the period of Jupiter in Scorpio can bring you good luck in money.

During the transit of Jupiter through the sign of Scorpio, luck will increase for these zodiac signs:

  • Cancer (from June 22 to July 22);
  • Virgo (from August 23 to September 23);
  • Capricorn (from December 22 to January 19);
  • Pisces (with February 21 to March 20).

Please note: if your rising sign is Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces, then your luck will also increase.

How will luck manifest itself for you if you were born under one of these signs:

  • You will feel a surge of energy and optimism;
  • You will be lucky in your endeavors;
  • Brilliant opportunities appear, support comes in difficult situations. For the signs Cancer and Pisces - unexpected help, a hint, they will literally organize for you to “get away with it unscathed”, all other things being equal. For Virgo and Capricorn, something always softens the blow, protects and wards off serious consequences. However, do not abuse this support unless absolutely necessary!

It may be a little more difficult for you than others if you:

  • Taurus (April 21 - May 20);
  • A lion ( July 23 - August 23);
  • Aquarius ( January 21 - February 20).

Please note: if your rising sign is Taurus, Leo or Aquarius, then you will also need to be careful.

  • If you were born under the sign of Taurus, solar or rising, then it is very important for you not to promise more than you can deliver, to learn to limit yourself and say “no”. This is very important for the sphere of relationships, both personal and business. The desire to assert oneself, to show oneself as important and irreplaceable can lead to dire consequences.
  • If you were born under the sign of Leo or Aquarius, solar or ascendant, then it will be important for you not to succumb to provocations and not to get involved in dubious adventures, to keep your emotions under control. For Leo sign special caution will be required in communicating with loved ones and in household matters and situations related to real estate. For Aquarius sign- special caution is required in the field of work and career. Don't try to go ahead. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve important goals without discipline and reflection, and haste and excessive self-confidence can lead to problems.

Note: these are the recommendations general character, since they were prepared without reference to a specific horoscope. What impact the events of the period of Jupiter in Scorpio will have on you can be found out at .

Important! Jupiter favors all areas through which he “passes.”

Your horoscope consists of 12 houses - sectors associated with various areas of life. And it may turn out, for example, that your house of money in the horoscope is associated with the sign Scorpio, which means great luck will come to you! Maybe not in general, but in the area of ​​money, which is also not bad.

Step 2. Take advantage of favorable opportunities according to your zodiac sign

To make the most of the opportunities that Jupiter in Scorpio brings, consider the following recommendations.

During the passage of Jupiter through the sign of Scorpio, it is favorable:

For those born under the sign of Scorpio:

  • If Jupiter passes through the first house of your horoscope (ascendant in Scorpio) or through the Sun (Sun in Scorpio), then the time has come for you to begin projects that previously seemed too complex or even overwhelming for you, to put things in order in your wardrobe, to express yourself, to include "penetrating abilities".

Favorable for all zodiac signs:

  • Get rid of everything unnecessary, start changes in life that you have been putting off.
  • Engage in self-development, transform yourself and your environment.
  • Deal with the topic of finances in your life, put things in order there, and make a foundation for the future. The topics of insurance, investments and loans are also relevant. Be careful!
  • A good period for those who are engaged in self-improvement, study or apply esotericism.
  • Make plans for the future, prepare a list of goals and desires. For example, practice in preparation is very suitable.

Depending on where Jupiter in Scorpio falls in your horoscope, development and predictable favorable changes can be expected in one or another specific area of ​​life.

Step 3. Identify those areas favored by Jupiter in Scorpio

During the year, while Jupiter passes through the sign of Scorpio, a number of industries and areas of activity will do better than the overall market.

All areas of activity associated with the sign of Scorpio receive strong support from Jupiter in the period until November 8, 2018.

Scorpio is a sign Mars, therefore, it will be favorable to work on this planet in your horoscope.

Among the areas favored by Jupiter in Scorpio are the following:

  • natural resources, energy,
  • insurance, banking system,
  • industrial production, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, automotive industry, machine tools, equipment, heavy equipment,
  • construction,
  • forestry industry, chemical industry,
  • railways, rail transport,
  • treatment facilities, waste disposal,
  • repair shops,
  • heating, stoves, gas stoves, heating devices,
  • pawn shops, commission trade,
  • business and entrepreneurship in general,
  • sculpture, some types of literature (for example, satire, criticism),
  • and some others.

So, let’s summarize what you need to do during the period of Jupiter in Scorpio so that luck smiles on you:

  • Determine exactly how the passage of Jupiter through the sign of Scorpio affects your situation.
  • Check if Jupiter in Scorpio coincides with significant point Your horoscope (position of the ascendant, Sun, Moon, etc.). If yes, then the influence of Jupiter on you will be stronger than on others.
  • Use recommendations about the favorable opportunities that Jupiter in Scorpio opens up.
  • Study which industries and areas of activity receive the support of Jupiter. If you are planning new projects, starting a new business or moving to new job, it is better to choose those areas and affairs that Jupiter favors.
  • Make the most of favorable opportunities to make a good start for many years to come.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation; read more about that.

Timing of video forecast according to zodiac signs:

Important information for all zodiac signs - 00:00
What areas will be successful in 2017-2018? - 06:52
If your Moon or Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio - 08:28
Horoscope for Aries - 09:30
Horoscope for Taurus - 12:30
Horoscope for Gemini - 15:24
Horoscope for Cancer - 17:25
Horoscope for Leo - 19:48
Horoscope for Virgo - 21:16
Horoscope for Libra - 23:17
Horoscope for Scorpio - 26:27
Horoscope for Sagittarius - 29:06
Horoscope for Capricorn - 31:36
Horoscope for Aquarius - 33:40
Horoscope for the sign Pisces - 35:41

Find out more about how in 2017-2018 to resolve an important issue with work, career or your business, when buying or selling real estate, find out whether to plan a move and other serious issues, taking into account the impact Jupiter in Scorpio You can at

Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

In 2018, Jupiter moves into the zodiac sign Sagittarius from 11/08/2018 to 12/3/2019. What does this transition mean?

Jupiter in Sagittarius November 2018 - December 2019: general forecast

In astrology, Jupiter rules growth, abundance, development, education and luck. He spends from 12 to 13 months in each sign of the Zodiac, which directs the power and influence of a given planet in “his” direction.

Only once every 12/13 years does Jupiter enter its ruling sign Zodiac - Sagittarius. IN this moment and throughout the next year, you and I were lucky enough to be under their beneficial influence!

Jupiter is the most open and optimistic of the planets. However, when Jupiter is in dark, obsessive and harsh Scorpio, there is much less openness and optimism in the influence of this planet on us.

Contrast between Scorpio and Sagittarius as clear as night and day. Bye Scorpion bogged down in problems and difficulties, Sagittarius overcomes them and moves on. While Scorpion pursues one goal Sagittarius looks wider and larger, seeing the full picture of events, in which there is a place for positivity, success, and movement forward.

Throughout 2018, Jupiter was in Scorpio and put us through numerous and varied problems. We can say that this was a period of immersion in darkness - spiritual, psychological, emotional or eventual. Due to problems and the inability to cope with them, many of us were forced to close ourselves in our small little world, unable to leave our comfort zone (no matter how tiny and conditional it may be). Now you are tired of it and you are ready to go on an exciting adventure.

Jupiter moves into the zodiac sign Sagittarius on November 8, 2018 and will remain there until December 3, 2019. Luckily for us, Sagittarius is the ruling sign of Jupiter, and next year the planet will influence us brighter and stronger than it does now. We can safely say that a year is coming filled with new opportunities and good luck. The year we have been waiting for for a very long time.

Jupiter is our positive, inspiring and motivating teacher. He encourages us to enjoy life and learn in the process. This mutable fire sign has an insatiable creative hunger and the courage to break molds and make daring breakthroughs. He looks at life as the greatest adventure, which it would be a shame to exchange for stagnation and depression. For Sagittarius the colors are brighter, the music is louder, and even the food tastes better.

What will Jupiter bring in Sagittarius in 2019, for whom is it favorable?

Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2019 will bring us all the opportunity to learn, grow, travel and ultimately expand our horizons. It will not only give us the opportunity to set new goals, but also the strength and perseverance to realize them. There will be no more doubts and fear of failure - only moving forward.

Next year will be the most favorable period to resolve issues related to:

  • education, educational institutions, universities,
  • defending rights, justice and resolving legal issues,
  • travel, relocation, expansion of anything (from your horizons to the spheres of influence of your company)
  • expanding contacts, connections, social circle, improving the situation in the field of international relations.

On a personal level, Jupiter will increase self-confidence, optimism, sense of adventure, wisdom, trust. When we believe, we receive the support of the spiritual world, so we come to wisdom, knowledge, integrity. Others positive qualities The things that Jupiter in Sagittarius rewards us all with are generosity, forgiveness, gratitude, and morality.

Transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius November 2018 - December 2019: forecast for all zodiac signs

Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring strong positive energy in the lives of fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, as well as airy Libra and Aquarius.

Each sign will feel the favor of Jupiter according to the house they are in or in certain areas of life.

Favorable deeds with Jupiter in Sagittarius for zodiac signs:

Aries: travel, adventure, learning, seeking truth, faith.

Calf: relationships and sexuality, passion and intimacy, investments, inheritance, finances.

Twins: partnership, personal and professional relationships, public expression, marriage, justice.

Cancer: work, health, diet, team relationships, pets.

A lion: creativity, love, children, holidays, happiness, recreation, sports, hobbies.

Virgo: home, family, real estate, security, relationships with older relatives.

Scales: communication, education, contracts, publishing, teaching, siblings, business.

Scorpion: money and material values, energy, talents, self-esteem, awards.

Sagittarius: physical body, character, health, identity and self-expression.

Capricorn: spirituality, mysticism, intuition, karma.

Aquarius: friends, relationships with superiors and in the team, clubs, astrology, numerology, relatives.

Fish: career, prestige, public affairs, goals, success, recognition.

If you want to successfully study and improve yourself, learn languages, travel, discover the truth, expand your activities, strengthen your faith in something, you will have a great opportunity to do this in the next 13 months.

Jupiter in Sagittarius 2019: what to fear, negative influence

But it is wrong to believe that Jupiter only brings good influence on people during its transit in the sign of Sagittarius. In stressful aspects, of which there will be several over the year, many of us will face problems.

Since Jupiter is associated with talents and development - a greedy, all-consuming desire to absorb new things, to reach new heights, many under its influence will take on tasks that are too overwhelming.

Due to the influence of Jupiter, people lack a sense of proportion. In addition, during 2019, Jupiter in Sagittarius will have several important aspects: opposition to Mars, retrograde Mercury, Neptune.

In fact, the square with Neptune will be one of the highlights of this transit and will repeat itself 3 times throughout 2019 - in January, June and September 2019.

The confrontation between Jupiter and Neptune will awaken the harmonious creative potential in each of us, making us quite flexible and sensitive to conditions and needs environment and people around us, will show goals and ways to achieve them.

This square is an important 90 degree tense aspect between two planets that will appear three times in 2019. Certainly, if we can harness the positive influence of these periods, they will help us achieve our most cherished goals and see them turn into reality.

Main transit periods of Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2018 - 2019

  • 08.11 2018 — Transition of Jupiter into the Zodiac sign Sagittarius
  • 08.11 2018 — Jupiter hides in the rays of the Sun at 0 ° 02 ‘Sagittarius
  • 11/26/2018 — Jupiter conjunct the Sun at 3°56’ Sagittarius
  • 12/10/2018 — Jupiter becomes visible! at 7°03 ‘Sagittarius
  • 01/14/2019 - Jupiter enters retro-umbra at 14°33’ Sagittarius.
  • 04/16/2019 – Jupiter turns retrograde at 24°18’ Sagittarius
  • 06/10/2019 — Jupiter in opposition to the Sun at 19°29’ Sagittarius
  • 08/06/2019 – Jupiter becomes direct at 14 ° 33 ‘Sagittarius
  • 11/05/2019 – Jupiter emerges from retro-umbra at 24°18’ Sagittarius
  • 12/02/2019 — Jupiter enters 0 ° Capricorn

The most successful periods of transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius 2018-2019

  1. Jupiter conjunct the Sun on November 26, 2018 at 3° Sagittarius- this is the moment when the planet of luck and happiness is at its farthest point from the Earth, with the Sun located between them. This day is very favorable for planning and setting goals related to those areas in which specific zodiac signs will experience success later in 2019.
  2. Jupiter becomes visible on December 10, 2018. Slowly and gradually, our dreams and plans will move towards embodiment and manifestation on the external level.
  3. The culmination of the cycle will, of course, be the retrograde phase of Jupiter and its opposition to the Sun(from April to August 2019). Then Jupiter will be closest to the Earth, it will shine in the evening like a bright star and will influence our lives to the maximum extent, significantly increasing our potentials and intelligence, bringing good luck and increasing our vital energy.
  4. At the end of August, beginning of September 2019, the strength of Jupiter will begin to gradually decline and will cease to influence us when the planet moves into the sign of Capricorn at the end of 2019.