Conflict military actions that arose in the sphere of world politics could not but cause concern on the part of expert specialists. For example, the US strike on Syria led to the formation of tense relations in the world arena. And when came the arrival of destroyers from America to the territory South Korea, and there was serious concern among the public. Experts believe that all these events are extremely dangerous for interethnic relations. They told their assumptions about what the date of the next stage of history will be - a new war.

According to the assurances of employees of the Zvezda television and radio company, it will begin this year, on May 13. The British publication received news of these events from the predictor Horatio Villegas. The tabloid published information that the clairvoyant was able to “foresee” Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election, and he had already been aware of this turn of events since 2015.

In addition, the mystical stranger allegedly “gave a prediction” of a missile strike on Syria, initiated by the United States. And according to him, on May 13 the third world war will begin, it will be exactly a century since the Virgin Mary appeared in Fatima.

The Prophet reported that he saw balls of fire that “fell from the sky” and then ended up on the ground. He also notified the media that he had a vision of people fleeing for refuge from brutal warfare.

As the mystic himself reports, the balls are signs symbolizing nuclear missiles that should fall on the world next month. The British tabloid quoted these speculations word for word. At the same time, he emphasized that the mystic has been trying to tell about the next war for many years, but people still have no basis for trusting him.

The television and radio company itself reported that the film in which the attack was simulated North Korea in the USA, shown on the screens of residents of the republic on April 15, became the object of heated discussions within the network.

Media representatives gave recommendations not to meddle in other people's affairs that do not concern other peoples, because the state leadership behaves unpredictably, and it is unknown how it will be able to react to political conflicts. It is worth noting that the lion's share of users approved of the actions of the authorities that threaten America.

Quote from comments in in social networks and on other resources, conditionally: “There is no need to interfere with someone else’s rules with your rules, what kind of historical amnesia,” “This is not the first intimidation in the memory of history, they intimidated the USSR, and other countries - nothing, it seems that everyone is still alive.”

Nevertheless, there were users who objected that in Korea all life is an imitation and a lie, and the common people want to live in truth and prosperity. Now North Korea is not in danger; it is the country that harbors threats with nuclear weapons and “throws itself” at other states. In general, opinions regarding this issue seriously separated.

The authorized minister of the embassy in North Korea said that the state’s army is ready to strike back at the United States and begin military operations on a global scale. The country's deputy UN representative suggested that the worsening situation was solely the responsibility of the United States.

It is still unknown who to believe, and whether there will be a Third World War. On the one hand, many mystics have already tried to predict this date and made a mistake. On the other hand, the situation in the world today is extremely difficult and there is a possibility of military action taking place on the territory of several countries at once.

The famous Portuguese mystic and psychic Horatio Villegas, who predicted victory in the past presidential elections in the USA, Donald Trump and the violent reaction of American society to this event, claims that the Third World War will soon begin. Moreover, according to an authoritative clairvoyant, there are only a few weeks left before the global armed conflict.

Sensitive reports that humanity can no longer avoid nuclear war, and the recent United States strike on Syria is a harbinger of it. Villegas, who contacted for information otherworldly forces, found out that a large-scale conflict involving America, Russia, China and North Korea will begin on May 13, just on the centennial anniversary of the phenomenon Holy Virgin in the Portuguese city of Fatima.

The mystic warns that the inhabitants of the Earth should be on alert until October, and most importantly, politicians need to resolve their differences in this extremely “explosive” period peacefully, otherwise our “blue ball” and the majority of its inhabitants will not fare well. Otherwise intense but short nuclear war, which will end by the end of this year, will change the world beyond recognition - of course, not for the better.

Earlier, Horatio Villegas successfully predicted that the new ruler of the “citadel of democracy” would be businessman and billionaire Donald Trump. The psychic also determined that the Republican would receive the position of “king of the Illuminati,” and it was this secret order that would provoke the Third World War with the hands of the president. It is worth noting that the Portuguese medium is not the first to promise the end of the world. As you might guess, none of these prophecies have yet come true.

It is also worth recalling that the most authoritative oracles prophesied something else, namely the rise of Russia in the near future, which from the upcoming planetary “shake-up” (and even Nostradamus, Vanga, Messing and Casey did not deny it) will emerge spiritually reborn and become a world leader, ending with the power of the Illuminati and their minions. Therefore, the predictions given today by numerous psychics, including Horatio Villegas, generally do not contradict the words of the great oracles, often “snatching from the future” only a small part of the expected version of upcoming events. So let's hope for the best!

Let us remember what the wise old man Pitirim said about Russia from one of the Novgorod monasteries standing on the shores of Lake Ilmen. For thousands of years, invincible Rus' has stood and will stand for as long. No matter what troubles befall her, no matter what enemies raise a sword over her, she doesn’t care about all this. Enemies will disappear, hard times will pass, and Russia will continue to stand as it stood, only becoming brighter and more powerful!

According to the Portuguese, a nuclear war involving the United States, Russia, North Korea and China could begin on May 13, the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. The mystic claims that the inhabitants of the planet should “be on alert” until October 2017. In his opinion, this is an “extremely explosive” period.

Villegas is confident, however, that the Third World War will be short-lived and will end before the end of the year. The mystic, however, did not say what consequences the new global conflict would have.

Previously, foreign media wrote that Villegas predicted Trump’s victory back in 2015. The psychic claimed that the Republican would become the “King of the Illuminati” who would “bring World War III to the world.”

Prophecies about the Third World War were made by forecasters in many countries. Among famous prophets Vanga, Nostradamus, John Titor, Gene Dixon. Clairvoyants explain when it will begin big battle, what events may predispose this, and from what part of the world the trouble will come. There is no exact date when the war will begin, since each of the elders gives his own explanation.

Thus, it is reported that the hermit Kasyan predicted a tectonic catastrophe, after which people in hungry crowds would pour into the preserved territories, causing even greater destruction, bringing with them the final destruction of nations.

According to Alois Ilmayer, at the very beginning of the Third World War, bacteriological and chemical weapon, nuclear missiles will be launched. The East will declare war on Europe. Diseases, as if from a cornucopia, will begin to fall on people, producing terrible, unprecedented epidemics. Due to the movement of tectonic plates, many areas will become uninhabitable and this will cause attacks by Muslims and Asians. The seer also says that Syria will be the key to either peace or the start of a world war.

The forest seer Mulchiazl, in turn, noted that the main sign the coming war there will be a “construction fever” - like bees in a hive, peoples will erect huge honeycombs, filling the planet. It is quite possible that the prophet meant that humanity is preoccupied with the material side of life more than the spiritual. Great Foreteller

Nostradamus wrote in his quatrains that the war will begin in the 21st century and will last as long as 27 years. This bloody and destructive war will come from the East.

Blind clairvoyant Vanga talked about what global war It will start from Syria, spread to Europe and go further. A massive battle is coming between the Christian and Muslim worlds. Grigory Rasputin spoke about three snakes that would bring great destruction. There have already been two world wars, which means that humanity faces new challenges.

19.04.2017 By

The clairvoyant named the date of the beginning of the Third World War

Clairvoyant Horatio Villegas called the exact date the beginning of the Third World War. The psychic recalled that he had already made predictions several times and they all came true.

Villegas told British media that he had a prophetic dream in which “balls of fire fell from the sky to the Earth, and people ran and tried to hide from this destruction,” writes the Daily Star. According to the psychic, this dream was a symbol of nuclear missiles that "will attack cities and people around the world."


The clairvoyant is confident that the Third World War will begin very soon - on May 13 of this year, on the 100th anniversary of the last appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. And they will end fighting October 13 of the same year, but “for many it will be too late.” Villegas warned that "various nations will be destroyed."

The psychic also noted that he had already made correct predictions more than once. So, back in 2015, he said that Donald Trump would become the US president who would “bring war to the world.” In addition, Villegas predicted that the American leader would attack Syria, which would cause America to ruin relations with Russia, North Korea and China.

Nuclear weapons expert Greg Mello generally agrees with the psychic's statement. In his opinion, another serious US attack on Syria would “tip the balance towards World War III” and put the world at risk of a nuclear apocalypse.

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Apparition of the Virgin Mary

Who hasn’t predicted the start of a third world war, which, if it doesn’t destroy all of humanity, then certainly half of it. One of the “fresh” soothsayers was the Portuguese mystic Horatio Villegas. He had already made several successful predictions before - in particular, back in 2015 he announced Donald Trump’s victory in the elections. Then he warned that new president The US could “bring a new war to the world” by attacking Syria and drawing Russia, North Korea and China into the conflict.

And recently to the British tabloid Daily Star.

the clairvoyant reported that on May 13, 2017, the third world war could begin. According to Villegas, nuclear war "will devastate the world" for five months, causing "shock and death" and ending on October 13. The Portuguese believes that destruction threatens entire nations.

One of the reasons for the start of the war, they say, will be the violent death of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. And the chemical attack in Syria, which occurred on April 4, became, in his opinion, the first harbinger of a future war.

About, new war will be nuclear, Villegas allegedly had a revelation from above. It turns out that a Catholic clairvoyant had a vision: he saw fireballs, falling from the sky and hitting the Earth.

According to the seer, the date for the start of the war is May 13, because on this day will be the hundredth anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima. On Sunday, May 13, 1917, three little shepherds - ten-year-old Lucia, nine-year-old Francisko and his sister, seven-year-old Jacinta from the Portuguese village of Fatima were herding sheep in the Cova da Iria field. Suddenly lightning flashed in the sky, and the children turned around and saw a radiant phenomenon. Beautiful lady that stood on a light cloud that barely touched the branches of the tree was Mary herself. From then on, she began to appear every month. In October, Madonna appeared again and revealed several secrets to the children.

If people do what I say, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war (1914-1918) is coming to an end,” she said. - But if people do not stop insulting the Lord, then under the next pope a new war will begin, worse than this one.

The Virgin Mary also said that she would take two children to her. Indeed, the children soon died. The graves of the shepherds are located inside the Fatima Church, on the right and left side from the altar. The third, Lucia, became a nun in 1928.

Vanga confirms

One can, of course, be skeptical about such predictions, but Vanga herself said during her lifetime that a global war would begin in Syria and then spread to Europe. This will be a confrontation between the Christian and Islamic worlds. Nostradamus also has a similar prophecy.

Astrologer Pavel Globa also noted that in 2017 our planet will be on the verge of a world war.

Experts say that there is no need to make predictions here. They say that the “Syrian” relationship between Russia and the United States may well end in a military confrontation. Then Trump declares that the DPRK will not be able to create nuclear weapon, capable of destroying the United States, and in a week Korea is ready to test an intercontinental ballistic missile. On March 17, the United States said it did not rule out the possibility of military action against North Korea if provoked. And such statements appear constantly.

But astrologer Emma Litvinova pleased with a more optimistic forecast. They say that 2017 will indeed be difficult, but the stars of war do not predict it.

May, on the contrary, lays down new opportunities for overcoming crises in the international arena and in foreign policy, says the astrologer. - The second half of the month will be especially favorable for discussing, making and implementing compromise decisions in difficult circumstances. The main danger of the month, which must be monitored and overcome, is the tendency to throw dust in the eyes of a stunning scale, total criticism or rejection of any initiatives.

We will find out very soon whether the ominous prediction of Horatio Villegas and other psychics will come true.