During which at least one maxi-pad is used in three hours, which undoubtedly means a lot of blood loss. In addition, rather painful menstruation with a large number of clots should cause concern. This fact may indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. After all, only he can determine the cause of such a violation with the help of the necessary examination and, based on its results, prescribe the appropriate medications, which will restore a woman’s hormonal levels and also eliminate inflammatory processes.

Some herbal decoctions that have hemostatic properties, are safe and effective are considered an addition to traditional treatment. Such healing drinks can be prepared from horsetail, oak bark, yarrow, cinquefoil, strawberry and raspberry leaves. These herbs not only reduce pain during menstruation, but also normalize the cycle. To prepare the decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of the herbal mixture and pour boiling water over it. Then infuse and consume one tablespoon every two hours. It should be noted that you need to stop using this drug only after the bleeding has completely disappeared.

What could be the causes of heavy bleeding?

In addition to spontaneous abortion, long-term continuous menstruation can have many other reasons. These include: installation of an intrauterine device, taking oral contraceptives, hormonal disorders, malfunction of the thyroid gland, poor blood clotting as a result of von Willebrand disease, adenomyosis.

Also, continuous periods lasting more than two weeks may indicate the occurrence of fibroids, polyps and even uterine cancer.

What to do in the absence of any disease

If the disease is not detected, then you just need to conduct healthy image life, namely: organize proper sleep, do not overwork, alternate work and rest, maintain regular and high-quality sex life eat a full and balanced diet, take vitamin complexes, stop smoking and drinking excessive alcoholic beverages.

Very often a woman is faced with such a problem as not ending. On the one hand, this process is very important and requires the close attention of doctors, on the other hand, some deviations from the norm are acceptable.

What are periods?

Before moving on to the question of why periods can be delayed, and what reasons exist for this phenomenon, it is necessary to become better acquainted with the process of menstruation itself.

So, a girl’s period begins when she reaches puberty. Speaking in numbers, it's about 11 or 13 years. Most often, a girl gets her period for the first time when she is 12 years old. Around this time, the mother begins to prepare her daughter for the fact that serious changes may occur in her body. And from that moment on, she ceases to be a child, but turns into a full-fledged girl who is able to conceive and bear a baby.

The menstrual cycle in women lasts from 28 to 38 days. Everything will depend on individual characteristics, as well as on how well the woman feels, both morally and physically.

Menstruation is what pumps on menstrual cycle. They represent themselves bloody issues of varying strength, with the help of which unnecessary substances are removed from the body.

Today it is rare to meet a girl whose menstrual cycle is completely normal. The main criteria for what a cycle should be include:

  • Its duration should be approximately 28 or 36 days. In rare cases, a cycle of 45 days is allowed. Separately, it is necessary to say about the stage when the cycle has not yet been established. It begins immediately after the first menstruation and ends after about a year or two
  • The duration of menstruation is the same every month, on average five or six days
  • I get my period every month
  • The volume of blood that a girl or woman loses during menstruation should not exceed 50 or 150 milliliters. All other indicator values ​​are considered abnormal
  • Absence of any pain, as well as heaviness in the area, etc.
  • good general health. Often women note that during menstruation they feel much worse than before their onset. And it's starting to bother me headache, nausea, irritability, unresponsiveness to information, etc.

Sometimes there may be a slight tugging sensation in the abdominal area, as well as a headache.

By how well the menstruation proceeds, we can talk about the state of the woman’s reproductive system, since if there are any deviations, they will first of all affect the length of menstruation.

Causes of long periods

Sometimes they come to the consultation with a complaint that their menstruation does not end. You need to start panicking when this process lasts more than seven days, but there are no obvious signs of ending.

Long periods are one of the most basic threats that can be detected in a woman.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. And the main ones include:

  • Installation of the uterine device. Today, intrauterine devices are becoming more and more popular every day. Main advantages this method contraception is that, compared to birth control pills and condoms, the IUD is much cheaper, you can choose exactly the one that suits the price. In addition, it is installed very quickly, and you don’t need to think every time about whether you need to protect yourself or not. It should also be said that a woman can choose for how long to place the spiral, for two, three years or five years
  • Taking contraceptives. This refers to oral contraceptives, during which some negative aspects may occur. For example, one of the common side effects and reactions of the reproductive system to the pill is either an extension of the period of menstruation, or the frequency becomes twice a month. This happens because more hormones enter the body than it needs. And therefore a failure may occur. All doctors recommend that if such symptoms appear, seek advice, and most likely you just need to change the contraceptive
  • , which can cause a malfunction of the reproductive system
  • Problems with hormones. One of the reasons that menstruation can last more than seven days is an imbalance of hormones in the blood. This can happen for absolutely any reason, and often the person himself cannot control it. The main cases of this phenomenon occur after childbirth, as well as after operations on the ovaries, uterus, etc. In young girls main reason Long periods are caused by hormonal imbalance. If this happens, you just need to endure it. But if the situation does not improve over the years, then you need to visit a gynecologist who will help find the cause.

  • Problems with the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is one of the most important organs, which produces certain hormones, without which a person cannot exist normally. Due to the fact that the gland produces either less or, conversely, more hormones, periods can lengthen or shorten.
  • Blood diseases. Most often, during prolonged menstruation, the doctor checks the patient for normal platelet levels in the blood. If their level is disturbed, and it is less than what is required, then the cause of the bleeding has been established, and it is urgently necessary, resorting to blood transfusion, to restore the balance
  • Adenomyosis. This disease is not common, but it still needs attention. During adenomyosis, endometrial cells gradually move to muscle tissue, thereby causing an increase in menstruation
  • Myoma. Myoma is also called a precancerous condition, since at any moment the cells that are dispersed inside a benign tumor can quickly degenerate into cancerous ones. And often the main symptom of uterine fibroids will be an increase in the duration of menstruation. The main danger is that bleeding cannot always be stopped.
  • Threat of miscarriage. Often, a woman can have her period even during pregnancy, and it is in this case that she, without even knowing about her “interesting” situation, considers the norm to be seven or more days. But in fact it is very dangerous, as it can lead to miscarriage
  • Problems with blood clotting, namely a very low rate. Because of this, bleeding can begin at any time, which only a doctor can stop.

What are the dangers of prolonged menstruation?

Many women do not know that prolonged periods are dangerous. Because of this it may:

  • Major blood loss will occur. Most often, this occurs when, in addition to increasing the duration of the cycle, the nature of the discharge also changes. They become much thicker and stronger
  • Miscarriage if it is uterine bleeding
  • In addition, if such a problem is detected, urgent surgical intervention may be required, since most often women come to see a doctor when the situation is already very advanced.

  • Also, the main threat to long periods is the development of some serious pathology, for example, the growth of uterine fibroids, as well as the appearance malignant tumors in the reproductive system
  • In the event that your period does not end, or a woman discovers that instead of five days they began to last eight, then it is certainly tedious to visit a gynecologist so that he can establish the real reason changes and, if necessary, prescribed appropriate treatment.

Basic actions for long periods

Many women try to stop the bleeding on their own by resorting to folk remedies medicine. Sometimes this can help, but most often it only leads to the development of complications and worsening of the situation.

If the bleeding suddenly intensifies, you must:

  • Call an ambulance
  • Take a horizontal position, with your legs tilted slightly upward
  • Apply a cold compress to your stomach. This will constrict the blood vessels and stop the bleeding a little.
  • Drink plenty of water to rehydrate
  • Take special medications that can stop bleeding. But you should resort to this only in extreme cases, because it can blur the symptoms

Many women face this problem when their periods never end. For some, this goes away on its own and does not recur, while for others, the help of a doctor is needed to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

If it lasts more than seven days, there is no need to wait for the problem to disappear on its own. It’s better to spend two hours going to the doctor than to regret it for the rest of your life.

Menstruation lasts a long time for various reasons, these are:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lack of progesterone
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and more

Prolonged menstruation occurs to many women, and the problem is not the most dangerous for health.

In most cases there is no need to worry. Below I will list the most common ones.

Sudden weight change

The menstrual cycle can be disrupted by a sudden change in weight. With obesity or weight loss, the amount of the hormone estrogen produced by adipose tissue changes, the body does not have enough substances to ripen the egg and restore the endodermis.

My friend Sveta got a similar problem with her diet and complained that her periods had been lasting for a very long time. I advised her to go to the doctor. He said that the problem was a sudden change in weight that affected hormonal levels and advised me to return to the way I was eating before the problem appeared.


An unstable cycle caused by the gradual decline of ovarian function - menopause (menopause). The period is typical:

  • Inconstancy of hormones
  • Their spasmodic behavior in the blood
  • Unpredictability of ovulations

Long periods during menopause are a natural phenomenon. The cycle is already irregular and may be absent for several months, then resume, lasting a long time. But go to the hospital - sometimes it’s not prolonged menstruation during menopause, but bleeding.

After childbirth

Depending on the individuality of the woman, there is different quantities discharge. To ensure that the amount of discharge is normal or not, compare them before pregnancy.

Monitor the color of the bleeding; if it is red for more than 10 days, you should consult a doctor. The volume of blood lost during normal postpartum menstruation does not exceed 150 milliliters.

Menstruation after childbirth can be confused with spotting as a result of childbirth (lochia). Their duration is no more than 6-8 weeks after childbirth, and they are not associated with PMS, but due to labor, where the endometrium of the uterus is damaged.

The uterus gradually normalizes:

  1. During the first 10 days it drops, its size decreases, and its weight drops to 50 grams in the first week.
  2. The internal os is formed in 10 days
  3. After three weeks, the external pharynx becomes slit-shaped and until the endometrium is restored
  4. After 2-3 menstruation – the cycle should be completely restored

Therefore, heavy and prolonged periods after childbirth are not some kind of complication, but a visit to the doctor is recommended.

Birth control pills

Birth control pills are one of the main types of modern synthetic hormonal contraception. But there is by-effect in the form of menstruation, the duration of which differs from the normal cycle before taking them.

There are a couple of types of hormonal drugs: COCs (combined oral contraceptives), consisting of progesterone and estrogen.

The second type - progestogen contraceptive pills, based on progestogen, are indicated for breastfeeding girls and those for whom estrogen is contraindicated. According to the degree of the amount of hormones in the composition, combined ones are divided into: microdosed, low-dose and high-dose.

  1. The first group is intended for young women with an active sex life, and women from 35 years of age and before the onset of menopause (“Mersilon”, “Jess”, “Logest” and others)
  2. The second group is intended for young girls who have not yet given birth, who have not taken the previous dosage of the contraceptive and cause bleeding as a reaction after 3 months of adaptation of the drug, who have given birth and women of declining reproductive age (“Fimoden”, “Silest”, “Midiana”, “ Demoulin" and others)
  3. The third group is therapeutic for diseases hormonal type and a contraceptive during hormonal system disorders, this type is accepted when prescribed by a hospital (“Ovidon” and “Non-Ovlon and others)
  4. Progestogens are prescribed to breastfeeding women and those who cannot be given estrogen; these include the drugs Microlut, Laktinet, and Exluton.

I personally used Postinor tablets - they prevent fertilization by suppressing ovulation and changing the endometrium of the uterus. The action turned out to be effective, but there was hormonal disbalance and my period came two days later, plus it also dragged on for up to 10 days.

Surgical intervention

Long periods as a consequence surgical interventions– a common occurrence, not life-threatening, except in cases where a doctor is needed. I describe the operations that are most often encountered:

  1. The IUD (intrauterine device) is a contraceptive that affects the duration of menstruation, but saves from conception. Installation of the spiral is done in last days PMS for precise placement without pain into the slightly open uterus. Menstruation becomes less intense and does not occur according to schedule. There is a spiral in the uterus, and the body gets used to it. We will soon have to return to normalcy and cyclicality
  2. One of the surgical causes of heavy and prolonged periods is medical abortion. Proper operation does not guarantee normal periods. The first menstruation differs from previous menstruation in the duration and intensity of bleeding. When menstruation increases to 7 days, this is a normal reaction of the body to a medical abortion. You should consult a doctor if the period increases beyond a week.
  3. The curettage procedure (hysteroscopic examination) affects the endometrial layer and subsequent menstrual cycles. An increase in the duration of menstruation after cleansing is a woman’s individual reaction to the procedure, which does not indicate severe complications. If your periods are too heavy, when the pad is changed every 3 hours, you need to be examined by a doctor; if there is no such problem, then an increased cycle duration is normal

When to go to the hospital

Long periods may indicate health problems that require a doctor's examination and subsequent treatment.

  1. “Chaos” of hormones from childbirth, menopause and other reasons not related to surgical or therapeutic interventions. Occasional periods are standard stages in a woman's development, but periods can be long and heavy. Provided that these periods did not occur, but there is bleeding, a doctor’s examination is needed to examine the cause of the bleeding.
  2. Hormonal diseases are caused by the thyroid gland; when the organ malfunctions and the production of hormones fails, it leads to serious consequences for the body: prematurity or difficulty conceiving a child. Heavy menstruation that lasts a long time is one of the signs of thyroid failure, and an examination by an endocrinologist is one of the solutions to develop the necessary treatment.
  3. Without hysteroscopy operations during hormonal imbalance, polyps form on the endometrium, accompanied by prolonged menstruation. When the endometrium grows in the muscles of the uterus and nearby tissues, the disease Adenomyosis occurs. Prolonged PMS with pronounced pain is the main companion and indicator of the disease.
  4. Uterine fibroids (a benign formation on the walls of the uterus) are characterized by symptoms associated with heavy bleeding during PMS, cycle disruption, shift towards duration or contraction, constant pain in the abdomen and lower back. Myoma is provoked by stress, abortion, infertility, heredity, improper metabolism and menstrual problems. Myoma leads to anemia, because of the tumor, organs are compressed - there is a problem with urination, constipation, the tumor can die and threaten to rupture inside the uterus, constant bleeding, abdominal pain and heat, as well as the problem of conception, poor delivery.
  5. When platelet clotting in the blood is impaired, a copious amount of discharge during menstruation and its long-lasting nature is characteristic. This leads to severe anemia (anemia). Other symptoms help distinguish platelet blood disease: the gums bleed.
  6. Contraception with an intrauterine device causes an increase in the cycle and profuse bleeding. The spiral needs to be removed - the individuality of the body does not allow it to be worn.
  7. Menstrual imbalance is caused by taking birth control pills due to their hormones. Change of cycle, passage of two menstruation in one cycle, heavy bleeding. Without the selection of hormonal contraceptives by a doctor: problems arise during pregnancy, endocrine system pathologies, problems with conception, impaired fetal development and deterioration in well-being, weight gain, and changes in features to masculine ones.
  8. Hysteroscopy causes pathology due to an incorrectly performed operation: long and heavy periods, anemia, decreased hemoglobin in the blood, drop in pressure and general weakness of the body.

The most terrible complication revealed by acyclic long and heavy menstruation is uterine cancer. One of the most common cancer diseases.

At work, a friend had a problem with cycles and heavy bleeding during menstruation; she was afraid to go to the doctor for a long time, hoping that it would go away, but when they persuaded her to have her examined, they managed to detect the first stage of the tumor and cure it with therapy without surgery.

What is the normal cycle and color of discharge?

20-40 days is the average duration of a normal cycle in Russia.

The normal color of discharge during menstruation is not constant. During the first menstruation, the discharge becomes shades of white and yellow or is colorless.

During ovulation, the color changes to beige.
Scarlet discharge on the first day of menstruation is also considered normal. White discharge after sexual intercourse is normal.

Brown discharge while taking hormonal contraceptive pills is normal in the first months.

After childbirth, pink discharge is typical, and during pregnancy it is white like milk.

Menstruation does not stop on time (lasts more than 7 days) for a number of reasons. Some of them are not worth much attention, while others are a signal that you urgently need to visit a doctor. So, why menstruation does not stop is the most common cause of pathology.

Firstly, it should be noted that heavy periods are especially dangerous in this case, when at least 1 pad is used in 3 hours, that is, there is a lot of blood loss. Another cause for concern is when they are painful. This could be a sign of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. If such symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Other common reasons why your period may last 2 weeks or more.

1. When installing an intrauterine device. IUDs are very popular among women due to their low cost, reliability and convenience (they are inserted once and protect against unwanted pregnancy for several years). However, IUDs also have a number of side effects, the most common of which are long and heavy periods lasting more than a week. If blood loss is large and intermenstrual bleeding occurs, it is recommended to remove the IUD and use another method of contraception.

2. When taking hormonal contraceptives. Birth control pills are very convenient, but also have side effects in the form of menstrual imbalance. Menstruation in the first 3 months of taking the pills, and sometimes more than 3 months, can occur 2 times a month and be long. If this side effect is very pronounced and does not stop within the above-mentioned time frame, you should abandon this method of contraception.

3. Hormonal imbalance in the body. Often, long periods are observed during transitional periods of a woman’s life, that is, in the first 2 years after menarche, as well as after childbirth and during menopause. In very young girls, normal hormonal levels have not yet been established - that is why there are cycle disorders. Women who have recently given birth may experience prolonged periods or no monthly bleeding at all during lactation, when the hormone prolactin is produced in large quantities. And during menopause, sometimes menstruation does not end for more serious reasons - related to endometrial pathologies.

4. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Problems with menstruation may be due to the thyroid gland, which produces hormones either in too much large quantities, or vice versa. To identify pathology, you should go to an appointment with an endocrinologist and get tested for certain hormones. This is also important to do because if you have thyroid disease, it is difficult to get pregnant and carry a child to term.

5. Blood diseases. If menstruation does not stop, there is reason to suspect a blood disease. For example, associated with a decrease in the production of platelets - blood cells necessary to stop bleeding, thanks to them the blood clots.

6. Adenomyosis. This is a so-called hormone-dependent inflammatory process in the muscular layer of the uterus, a type of endometriosis. It is characterized by the fact that the endometrium of the uterus grows into a muscular layer. Therefore, menstruation does not stop within the prescribed 5-7 days.

7. Endometrial polyps. This is a focal variation of hyperplasia. The reason also lies in hormonal imbalances. The most accurate diagnosis of pathology is hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity from the inside using a special optical system.

9. Uterine cancer. Unfortunately, sometimes menstruation does not stop for a long time due to this serious disease. It is bleeding in this case that is the first noticeable symptom.

These are only the main pathologies that lead to cycle disturbances in the direction of its lengthening. But despite the abundance possible reasons, an experienced doctor It will not be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis and correctly prescribe treatment. Of course, you will have to take a number of tests and undergo some examinations, but burying your head in the sand, figuratively speaking, in such a situation is simply dangerous.

In an absolutely healthy woman, menstruation lasts 3-7 days. But due to poor nutrition and constant stress Menstruation may not stop after the prescribed amount of time. In this article we will tell you what to do if your period does not end.

Please note that if you feel a cutting or sharp pain in your side along with bleeding, this may be an ectopic pregnancy. Bleeding occurs due to a rupture of the fallopian tube and may not stop for a long time. Usually a woman cannot remain in this condition for long, and she is hospitalized. Excessive blood loss and infection can even cause death. If it's been 3-7 days since you should have your period, but you still see blood stains on your pads, you may have adenomyosis. This is a disease of the uterus, which is associated with the growth of the endometrium into the deeper layers of the organ. As a result, nodes appear in the uterus and bleed. Usually heavy bleeding is observed for 2-3 days, the rest of the time brown marks remain on the pad. Such spotting cannot be ignored; adenomyosis causes infertility.

Sometimes the cause of incomplete periods is a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Due to hormone imbalance, bleeding does not stop. To determine the concentration of hormones, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis.

How to make your period stop? In the event of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, the bleeding is stopped in the hospital. Taking herbal infusions or questionable medications can aggravate the situation. You will only waste valuable time. You may develop sepsis while you are drinking herbal tea.

If the cause of bleeding is hormonal, then you can take decoctions that normalize the balance of hormones. Tincture of water pepper helps well with bleeding. This substance stimulates uterine contractions, and bleeding ends faster. Typically, water pepper tincture is prescribed after abortion or surgery. To stop bleeding, you can take Vikasol or Dicinol. Remember, any medications should be taken as prescribed by your doctor.

If bleeding is accompanied by aching pain, prepare a decoction of horsetail. It will reduce discharge and dull pain. You can brew tea from raspberry leaves, it helps stop bleeding. If you experience heavy bleeding after a medical abortion, you should definitely make tea from a mixture of herbs. To do this, mix nettle, burnet root and shepherd's purse in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and let the liquid sit for several hours. Drink this decoction instead of regular tea. If you don't like the taste, add honey or sugar to the liquid.

Don't ignore your periods that don't stop. Bleeding may cause a sharp decline hemoglobin concentration. Be sure to consult a doctor, and if you experience acute pain call ambulance. All traditional methods It should be combined with medications prescribed by the doctor. Only an integrated approach will help get rid of bleeding in a short time.