Men's lower abdominal pain

The male body is complex and specific. One of the problematic and at the same time common causes of various diseases is the stomach. What causes frequent pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in a man and why does it occur?

Painful sensations in the abdomen in men can be of a different nature, depending on the specific location of the pain. Most often, they are caused by the digestive and reproductive systems.

Digestive tract problems - as a cause of abdominal pain

Very often, having minor pain, men do not pay attention to it. The most common digestive tract problems are:

  1. improper nutrition - it not only disrupts the natural process of digestion, but also gives a strong impetus to development serious illnesses, such as gastritis and ulcers. Symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain.
  2. appendicitis – pain occurs in the right side and gradually spreads to the entire abdomen;
  3. diverticulitis - appears sharp pain From the left side;
  4. cystitis - occurs as a result of hypothermia, symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination.

This series can be continued, since the digestive system is complex and actively reacts to poor nutrition, stress and other external factors.

Diseases of the male genital organs

The structure of the male reproductive system is very complex. The reproductive system itself consists of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. They are closely located between the rectum and bladder. That is why problems of the reproductive system affect all of the above organs.

What diseases cause pain in the lower abdomen in men?

  1. Acute prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate. It occurs due to a large number of bacteria in the genital organs, as well as as a result of sedentary work. Pain during this disease is more pronounced in the pubic region, perineum and inner thighs.
  2. Chronic prostatitis is a process that occurs in case of poor treatment of acute prostatitis. The symptoms are the same, but there is itching and burning in the anus.
  3. Prostate cancer – dangerous disease occurring almost asymptomatically. The only sign of a possible disease is frequent urination. The disease occurs in men aged 50 and is quite common. The nature of the pain is acute and unbearable.
  4. Vesiculitis is inflammation of the seminal vesicles. The symptoms are the same, inflammation occurs as a consequence of prostate problems. Characterized by acute pain in the perineum, lower abdomen. Leads to erectile dysfunction in men.

Before self-medicating, you should consult a doctor or call ambulance in case of occurrence severe pain. Whatever their cause, problems with the digestive and reproductive systems are very dangerous for a man’s health. Some of them, if treated incorrectly or not, can lead to much worse consequences. That is why it is worth listening to the body’s signals and resorting to treatment in a timely manner.


If colitis is in the left side, then you need to know what organs are located there. This is necessary in order to understand which doctor to turn to for help. The causes of pain can be very different. This could be any chronic disease or exposure to external factors. Depending on why the colitis is in the left side, you can decide what to do. Is it possible to cope with the situation on your own, is qualified medical assistance necessary?

1 The relationship between pain and organs

Pain in the left side never occurs on its own. There are always prerequisites for this pain. This area contains a sufficient number of organs, soft tissues and structures. Most of them are hollow. These are the organs of the genitourinary system, stomach, gallbladder and intestines. There are situations when the patency of the excretory tract is disrupted, most often due to an inflammatory process or injury. And then it can even threaten your health.

Below may occur due to ectopic pregnancy.

But here the character will be cramping, with a gradual intensification. To cope with such a situation, you need to call an ambulance.

If the pancreas is inflamed, then pain in the left side in the lower abdomen will definitely appear. The pancreas is 17-20 cm long, that is, it occupies a fairly large area of ​​the body. But discomfort can occur not only on the left side of the abdomen, but also on the right and even in the center. In this case, the pain will be acute, sharp and girdling, so you should not delay it, you must call a doctor. In parallel with the pain, the person begins to feel very sick, vomit, and his temperature rises. Such a sign can be a harbinger of gastritis, ulcers and even cancerous tumor. In addition, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting. The pain syndrome is aching in nature. But all these signs accompany a large number of diseases. Therefore, examination cannot be avoided. Since pain in the left side, nausea and vomiting can signal the development of cancer, it is better to seek help from a medical facility as soon as possible.


Pain that occurs under the left ribs often indicates a problematic spleen, which begins to increase in size. This situation may arise due to:

  • development of lymphocytic leukemia;
  • the occurrence of leukemia or other hemoblastic diseases;
  • mononucleosis.

In parallel with pain on the left side, the patient will develop a fever, The lymph nodes will increase in size. The person will suffer from a sore throat.

The situation with the spleen is one of the most dangerous, as it can lead to rupture of the organ.

Half of the problems mentioned above occur due to poor nutrition. It’s not for nothing that doctors constantly say that people should control their diet. Fried, fatty and smoked foods are a direct path to problems with the digestive system. Here the pain in the left side will not take long to appear.

4 Diet

Most health problems are related to poor diet. It depends on what we consume life force body. If a person’s diet is monotonous, meals are irregular, then this will certainly negatively affect the immune system.

To prevent pain in the left side, you must adhere to a diet. Of course, there is no need to strictly limit yourself to any products. But you still have to minimize the consumption of fatty and salty foods. And while eating, you should chew each piece thoroughly, because the smaller the product, the easier it is. digestive system deal with it.

If a person begins to notice that some dish makes him feel heavy or bloated, then it is better to refuse such food. The fact is that in the lower abdomen there is a cecum, which is connected to the appendix.

At the first sign of digestive problems, you should analyze your diet. If there is a craving for junk food, then you should force yourself to completely eliminate spicy and fried foods, spices (including salt and sugar), and alcohol. It is necessary to eat boiled or steamed meat, eat more vegetables and fruits. After 1-2 weeks, your health will improve, and the pain in your left side will no longer bother you.

5 Types of pain in the left side

Pain in the side has a classification. This division helps the doctor quickly make a presumptive diagnosis, and in some cases it can save the patient’s life.

Types of pain in the side:

  1. Visceral pain. Occurs when there are problems with the motility of the stomach or intestines, with spasmodic contractions or stretching of the muscle fibers of these organs. The discomfort can be cramping or dull, aching. The sensations also affect nearby tissues, so the patient may have the feeling that his entire abdomen or most of it hurts.
  2. Peritoneal pain. This type occurs abruptly and lasts a long time, while the intensity is at the same level all the time. It is provoked by irritation of the peritoneum. Most often, in such cases, an ulcer is suspected. Then the discomfort will intensify with any movement of the body, even taking a deep breath. The pain is sharp, cutting.
  3. Referred pain. Here the sensation arises against the background of a disease that affects the left-lying organs (left-sided lower lobe pneumonia or pleurisy).

Of course, it is difficult for a person in such a state to give a clear description of his feelings, especially if the pain is severe. But we must remember that success depends on how accurately the sensations are conveyed. medical care. Better yet, prevent all of the above diseases. Therefore, take care of your health, then nothing will hurt you.

Why does it sting in the left side of the lower abdomen? Often these symptoms are caused by relatively harmless reasons, such as food intolerances. But since serious organs are located on the left side of the abdomen, such pain can equally mean major health problems or even a heart attack.

Pain, regardless of shape and location, is always a sign that pathological changes are occurring in our body. On the one hand, you shouldn’t get too hung up on it, especially since pain in the left side of the abdominal cavity is a fairly common occurrence. You can do a self-diagnosis, lie down - and everything will pass. But, on the other hand, we cannot ignore painful symptoms, because in fact we are neglecting our own health.

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If you feel a stabbing pain in the left side of your abdomen, you should not ignore it, especially when the following symptoms are observed:

  • The pain is constant or appears immediately after eating. A person experiences not just slight discomfort, which periodically disappears and appears within a few hours, but regular stabbing pain.
  • In addition to the pain syndrome, you feel a burning sensation, and the nature of the pain is intense enough that you cannot think about anything else.
  • When you take a painkiller to relieve the pain, it goes away for a while and then returns with even greater force a few hours later or the next day.
  • When pain is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, and surges in blood pressure.

Remember that your doctor is the only one who can give you the correct diagnosis.

Why does the left side in the lower abdomen sting? As we have already said, many vital organs are located on this side, so the causes of such pain can be varied. Here are the main ones:

  • Very often, pain of this nature indicates a disease of the colon - so-called diverticulosis. This is an inflammation in the lining of the projections of the large or small intestine called diverticula. Experts see the causes of this disease mainly in the low fiber content in the patient’s diet.
  • Complaints of colitis in the left lower abdomen in women are highly likely to indicate inflammation fallopian tubes or ovaries. It could also be an ovarian cyst.
  • In women of any age, pain in the lower left corner of the abdomen can be due to abdominal herpes zoster. In this case, they are accompanied by vomiting, sweating and a burning sensation on the lower left.
  • In women at a younger age or in nulliparous women, pain of this nature may accompany the onset of the menstrual cycle.
  • Intestinal obstruction. In this case, in addition to pain, a burning sensation and the inability to pass gas or defecate are felt.
  • Stones in the kidneys. They can form in the body without showing obvious symptoms until a certain time. But at some point the size of the stones becomes such that they begin to cause pain.
  • Testicular torsion, that is, rotation of the testicle around its axis with twisting of the cord. In some men, this phenomenon occurs due to an anatomical predisposition. This pathology requires immediate medical attention, since it is fraught with death of testicular tissue.
  • Chronic prostatitis most often affects older men.
  • Venous thrombosis in the pelvic area. Accompanied by swelling of the legs, pain in the abdomen and groin.

In addition to all of the above, in women acute pain in the lower left segment of the abdomen can be accompanied by pathologies such as:

  • chlamydia;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • reproductive organ cancer;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • psychosomatic pain.

What do these symptoms indicate during pregnancy?

Any abdominal pain in pregnant women should be a signal for an urgent visit to a gynecologist. The slightest carelessness can have fatal consequences for both mother and child. The causes of colic in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be:

  • Non-pathological pain. They bother most pregnant women at various stages. This is mainly pelvic ligament syndrome, which is characterized by a feeling of tightness in the lower abdomen. Pain usually occurs when moving, which primarily makes walking difficult.
  • Pain associated with pathologies include ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, and ovarian torsion.

Diagnosis and treatment

Nature of pain, associated symptoms, medical history, your detailed story about the location and intensity of sensations will provide the doctor with important clues about possible reasons diseases. The doctor will examine and palpate your abdomen to check the location of the pain and note any associated symptoms.

Depending on the situation, the patient may be hospitalized, for example, if an acute appendix is ​​suspected, or referred for further examination to a specialized specialist - a gynecologist, gastroenterologist or urologist. An orthopedist, neurologist or psychotherapist may also be involved.

A more complete examination to confirm the primary diagnosis may include the following methods:

  • abdominal scan;
  • laboratory tests of blood, urine, or vaginal secretions;
  • pregnancy test;
  • X-ray of the urinary tract;
  • laparoscopy;
  • cystoscopy.

As you understand, in the presence of such a bouquet possible diseases for left-sided pain in the lower abdomen, treatment will depend on the specific cause identified during diagnosis. This may include antibacterial therapy for inflammatory processes, and surgical intervention in severe and chronic cases of disease.

Why do men have pain on their left side?

Deviations from the norm in the male reproductive system

Repeatedly, pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in men appears due to an illness of the internal genital organs, which can include an anomaly of the reproductive system. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles initially belong to it; they are located deep in the pelvic cavity and are in close contact with the rectum - in the back part, and with the bladder - in the front part.

Therefore, the geoposition of these organs causes left-sided pain in the lower abdomen, covering the rectum and bladder. This syndrome is often accompanied by painful urination and repeated loose stools.

The specificity of the prostate gland is that it is enclosed in a dense fibrous capsule. Therefore, various pathological processes lead to “swelling” of the prostate, and due to stretching of its capsule, pain appears in the area of ​​the left side in the lower abdomen.

Pain sensations can be of varying nature and intensity, and can be dull aching or sharp bursting. During the onset of prostate pathology painful sensations are permanent and last continuously until the gland returns to its original size.

Pain may be transmitted to organs such as:

  1. rectum and sacrum;
  2. external genitalia;
  3. inner thighs;
  4. the lower abdomen on the left, that is, the inguinal-iliac region.

Prostatitis in acute and chronic stages

Sharp pain in acute prostatitis. Such pain occurs in combination with pain in the anus, perineum, and sacrum. The main reason why the prostate becomes inflamed is pathogenic microflora, namely streptococci and E. coli.

With inflammation of the urethra, they penetrate from the urethra into the gland - being absorbed into the blood.

For inflammation of the bladder - from distant infectious foci. In rare cases, infection occurs during medical procedures, for example, urethral catheterization.

Factors that accelerate the progression of prostatitis:

  1. sitting for a long time;
  2. abstinence, or, on the contrary, sexual irrepressibility;
  3. decreased protective functions of the body;
  4. obesity;
  5. lack of androgens.

Aching pain in chronic prostatitis. They are accompanied by a nagging pain in the perineum, which in a state of exacerbation radiates back to the sacrum and external genitalia. Added to the pain sensations heat bodies, constipation and the painful act of defecation.

Prostate cancer

The nature of pain in the initial stage is similar to chronic prostatitis. Men over 50 years of age are most often affected. It is dangerous because the early stages are asymptomatic. Subsequently, constant girdling pain occurs, which radiates down to the back of the thigh. The last stages are characterized by unbearable pain due to damage to the nerve trunks of the pelvis.

Pathologies of a “non-male” nature

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen can be a symptom of such ailments as:

  1. acute appendicitis;
  2. cystitis;
  3. renal colic;
  4. chronic ulcerative colitis.

A wide range of painful conditions can be diagnosed with left-sided lower abdominal pain. For a more detailed and final diagnosis, it is necessary to be fully examined and undergo the course of the chosen treatment.


Concern about one's health is common to every sane, adequate and reasonable adult. And this is quite normal and logical! Therefore, any physical ailments should certainly be alarming, since they may be symptoms of a disease. It is thanks to timely attention to them that the development of a particular disease can be prevented.

For example, what could pain in the lower abdomen on the left side indicate? So what if such a symptom is observed in a representative of the stronger sex? There are a number of diseases that can manifest themselves precisely in the form of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Unpleasant sensations on the lower left side: possible diagnoses

Pain in the left side can have different origins. Moreover, her character can also be varied. Aching, pulling, encircling, sharp, sharp - it can be anything. But first things first.

For example, sharp pain on the left side of the lower abdomen may indicate to a man that he has stones in the bladder or kidneys. It happens that pain makes itself known completely unexpectedly. It has a paroxysmal character, but it cannot be called weak. The pain is so severe that a person can be immobilized. In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact a urologist.

Other diseases of the urinary system cannot be excluded. Among them are acute cystitis, various neoplasms and other diagnoses.

For what other reason can a man’s left side in the lower abdomen be bothered? There is one specifically male disease - prostatitis. It may also have a similar symptom. By the way, prostatitis threatens every 5th man upon reaching 40 years of age. Therefore, it would be wise to periodically visit your doctor for preventive examinations. And if it hurts in the left side, then it should be done immediately.

A man may have other problems with his kidneys, besides stones, which were mentioned a little earlier. For example, an unpleasant manifestation from the lower abdomen on the left makes one think that a man has pyelonephritis. True, to be more precise, he will not have time to think about it, since with such a dangerous illness as pyelonephritis, there is not just a sharp pain, but a very sharp and painful one. It makes a person want to climb the wall. Important fact: with pyelonephritis, the pain is located below the back, and not in the front, as in other cases. This will help for a more accurate primary diagnosis.

It's time to talk about possible deviations from the point of view of the male reproductive system, due to which the lower left side often hurts. Varicocele, inflammation of the spermatic cord, inflammation of the testicles, testicular torsion, inflammation of the epididymis - the left side of the lower abdomen in a man can eloquently speak about all this and much more.

Are there any other reasons that cause pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in men? There are diseases gastrointestinal tract who declare themselves by the indicated symptom.

Other causes of this symptom in males

Very often there is pain in the left side of both men and women due to pancreatitis.

There are unbearable sensations around the body that cause enormous discomfort. The condition is accompanied by stomach upset (diarrhea), severe vomiting, bloating and other symptoms. It is necessary to urgently contact a gastroenterologist.

Not only pancreatitis is possible, but also other abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. There are many of them. Even the possibility of internal bleeding cannot be ruled out.

These are the main reasons why this symptom may manifest itself. In any situation, you cannot hesitate; you must immediately consult a doctor. In different cases, this may be a urologist, gastroenterologist, proctologist, surgeon and other specialists. But you should absolutely not self-medicate, because this can lead to serious consequences. Health and excellent well-being to every male!