The human body is an intelligent, self-governing and self-healing system that is capable of maintaining optimal internal balance under favorable conditions. external conditions. Numerous bacteria and viruses coexist safely in the body until immune system closely monitors the balance of power. Defense mechanisms are quickly triggered in the event of an imbalance of internal or unauthorized interference of adverse factors from the outside.

Functional diarrhea

Frequent urge to defecate with loose, watery stools are considered symptoms. How a cough and runny nose cleanse the respiratory system and indicate dysfunction respiratory system, diarrhea is a radical way to get rid of activated microbes or low-quality food products. Diarrhea is the body's natural reaction to problems in the digestive system.

The most harmless is considered to be functional diarrhea, which occurs as a reaction to excessive anxiety or a state of fear. As a result of too active intestinal motility, food does not have time to be digested, and nutrients are not absorbed, which can cause diarrhea. A typical cause is the consumption of low-quality, rough food, which the body is in a hurry to get rid of.

Acute forms of diarrhea

But if diarrhea begins at night, it is accompanied acute pain in the abdominal area, profuse vomiting, fever, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Diarrhea can be secretory, osmotic, inflammatory, exudative and dysenteric. Chronic diarrhea, which lasts up to three months, can be caused by viruses or bacteria, the use of laxatives, and also accompany chronic diseases and ulcerative colitis.

Irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, and taking antibiotics can also cause diarrhea. Prolonged diarrhea usually indicates problems with the intestines. If diarrhea has already been going on for 3 months, then there is nowhere to delay it; you will have to be examined to find its cause. Do not self-medicate, especially if diarrhea is accompanied by pain, mucus or blood in the stool.

Possible causes of prolonged diarrhea

Often the cause of diarrhea is ordinary food poisoning, when some low-quality product is eaten, but in this case, diarrhea usually does not last long; it is enough to follow a diet for a while, and normal stool will be restored. It is worse if diarrhea appears as a result of a viral infection, such as rotavirus. In this case, it will not go away without eliminating the cause; just following a diet will not be enough.

Diarrhea can also result from an exacerbation of any chronic diseases (colitis, dysfunction of the stomach or pancreas, etc.), constant poor nutrition, allergies to certain foods or medications.

Treatment of diarrhea

In case of such long-term diarrhea as diarrhea for 3 months, you will have to undergo stool, blood and urine tests and undergo intestinal diagnostics using X-ray examination to determine the cause of the diarrhea. Treatment will consist of eliminating this cause.

These could be problems with the intestines, stomach, pancreas, and in each case the appropriate medicine will be prescribed. In addition, since fluid is lost during diarrhea, a drug is recommended to compensate for this loss, for example, Regidron, Citroglucosan. A gentle diet is also recommended.

A dangerous complication is dehydration.

Prolonged diarrhea can cause dehydration if the body loses about 3% of its weight. There is a simple and reliable test to check the body's water balance, which takes into account the delay time of capillary wall permeability. To carry out the test, you need to press on the nail plate of your finger and see how quickly the pale skin returns to its normal color. pink. If the interval is more than 2 seconds, we can talk about dehydration.

The frequency and quantity of urination may also indicate water balance. If the color of the urine is dark and concentrated, and the pauses are more than 8 hours, this may not be a good symptom. Dry mouth (dry lips are not an indicator), lack of tears, depression or nervousness and irritability, accompanied by weakness and dizziness, disorientation in time and space - these are signs of dehydration, which can result in coma or even death.

Diarrhea is especially dangerous in children. If frequent stools acquire a greenish tint, become even more watery and gushing, you need to take immediate action. The body must be treated with respect and care in order to avoid misunderstandings such as diarrhea, no matter how harmless it may seem.

Published: December 23, 2015 at 02:17 pm

What can cause long-term loose stools? Various pathological conditions. Its appearance can be provoked by inflammatory bowel diseases, bacterial infections, malignant neoplasms, ischemic pathologies intestinal tract, diseases associated with a lack of enzymes, anatomical functional failure of organs located in the abdominal cavity. Very often, prolonged diarrhea (diarrhea) occurs due to intestinal damage, the presence of immune diseases that last for a long time, drug intolerance. Only a qualified doctor can help you understand what to do in such a situation.

Causes of prolonged diarrhea

Common causes of prolonged diarrhea are non-compliance with diet rules, therapeutic fasting, and constant use of drugs that inhibit intestinal motility. Diarrhea can occur due to hormonal imbalances and the development of certain brain diseases. Appear on long time loose stools may be due to surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, in the presence of irritable bowel syndrome, systemic sclerosis. Some medications - antacids and cholinomimetic tablets - can provoke loose stools.

It is possible to make an accurate diagnosis and understand what to do only after a thorough medical examination and collection of a general history. A detailed clinical picture is the key to identifying provoking factors and building not a temporary, but a permanent treatment regimen.

Features of the clinic for prolonged loose stools

For example, prolonged diarrhea in an adult and a child can occur against the background of abdominal pain, strong rumbling in the intestines, constant bloating, fever and systematic weight loss. It is imperative to consult a doctor if prolonged loose stools with blood or large amounts of pus appear during bowel movements. If there is a lack of enzymes, loose stools contain remnants of undigested food. Often, prolonged diarrhea does not cause any painful sensations, discomfort is the only inconvenience that you have to put up with. To eliminate it, it is necessary to identify the causes of the malaise. Laboratory tests will help you do this.

In addition, it is possible to use instrumental diagnostics during the examination. Irrigography, rectocolonoscopy, and biopsy help to identify the provocateurs of loose stools, which makes it possible to detect the oncological cause of long-term illness. Differential diagnosis helps to identify provoking factors for prolonged diarrhea in adult patients, as well as in children. It also allows you to outline the correct line of treatment and eliminate indigestion.

How to treat long-term diarrhea?

In adults and children during an exacerbation effective treatment long-term diarrhea is carried out in a comprehensive manner. During therapy, the patient is prescribed:

  • Medications that can eliminate the symptoms associated with prolonged diarrhea. A patient with prolonged diarrhea may be prescribed painkillers and special anti-diarrhea medications. Herbal medicine is actively included in the treatment process ( medicinal herbs, teas and infusions).
  • A diet that can slow down intestinal motility and prevent the appearance of loose stools during an exacerbation. Both adults and children are advised to exclude from the diet foods that stimulate the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, as well as those dishes that enhance the secretory function of the intestine. The basis of the diet should be dishes prepared from lean meat, boiled lean fish, lean soups, jelly, baked apples are allowed.
  • Motor regulators.
  • An important part of therapy is restoration of water-salt balance.

Loose stools can occur for a long time for various reasons. In the absence of treatment, prolonged diarrhea, at best, will simply reduce the quality of life; at worst, malaise will lead to the appearance of the first signs of dehydration. With prolonged diarrhea, the water-salt balance is disturbed and the body leaves the body along with loose stools. useful microelements, important nutrients. Such a loss can provoke disruptions in the functioning of vital systems of the body. That is why any upset stomach and loose stools should not be ignored. It is important to seek help from specialists in a timely manner and strictly adhere to the principles of complex therapy.

Doctors point out that it is necessary to treat every attack of indigestion and diarrhea. If at the very short time start therapy, the less often exacerbations will appear, the more realistic it is to avoid the dangerous complication- dehydration of the body. Knowing what can cause prolonged loose stools, it is not difficult to take all necessary measures to prevent the appearance of an undesirable clinical picture.

Published: December 23, 2015 at 02:43 pm

When prolonged diarrhea occurs (chronic diarrhea), this symptom may indicate the presence of some chronic disease that leads to a malfunction of the entire body. Why else can there be long-lasting loose stools? What are the symptoms of long-term diarrhea? What dangerous complications can provoke such an ailment? What to do? All this is discussed in the article.

The causes of prolonged diarrhea can only be determined after a comprehensive diagnostic examination. And all because various diseases can provoke prolonged diarrhea. The most common reasons are the following factors:

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome. When this disease occurs, the patient is worried for a long time not only by diarrhea, but also by paroxysmal pain in the epigastric area, alternating diarrhea and constipation.
  2. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. People who often travel around the world suffer from them, those who visit countries with disadvantaged environmental situation. Anyone who does not follow basic hygiene rules, drinks unboiled water, eats unwashed fruit or food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria is at risk.
  3. Long, loose stools may occur when the patient suffers from food allergies, has an individual intolerance to any food product. Most often, long-term diarrhea in an adult occurs due to intolerance to gluten, which is found in cereals, or lactose, the central component of all dairy products. In this case, loose stools may bother you for a long time (for a month, for example); the described malaise occurs even after a single use of a food provocateur.
  4. Often, diarrhea for a long time in an adult occurs as a result of the use of some synthetic substance - medicine, food coloring or artificial flavoring; if this is the case, discontinuation of the drug leads to an improvement in the condition.

Knowing about the factors that provoke prolonged diarrhea, it is not difficult to understand what to do. Treatment can only be prescribed after a thorough diagnostic examination. Doctors pay attention to the fact that the patient suffers from loose stools for a long time only because he does not want to share his problems with a qualified doctor. It is easier for him to put up with increasing discomfort, a feeling of partial inferiority, and a noticeable deterioration in health, therefore, only a few seek help in a timely manner. The rest are at risk; few people know that prolonged diarrhea can lead to the development of a very dangerous complication - dehydration.

Treatment of long-term diarrhea

Even chronic forms of diarrhea in adults are treatable. It is important at the initial stage to find out why a person has had loose stools for a long time, and then decide what to do. Treatment, as a rule, begins with dietary adjustments, then the patient is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to use drugs that can eliminate the pathology and reduce the number of bowel movements.
  2. It is important to exclude from the daily diet foods that can enhance intestinal motility and cause and maintain long, loose stools.
  3. Together with your doctor, review the regimen of taking certain medications aimed at treating another chronic illness.
  4. If you have food intolerances, it is useful to completely eliminate them from your diet and never try to eat them.

Knowing what factors provoked prolonged diarrhea, you can start treatment on time and try to prevent the occurrence of water-salt imbalance.

Treatment of long-term diarrhea and chronic diarrhea according to recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

Chronic bowel disorder - diet - treatment
Before treating prolonged diarrhea or chronic diarrhea, it is necessary to undergo an inpatient examination to identify the causes of the disease and exclude organic pathology in the gastrointestinal tract. Before that, you need to stick to a diet.
Avoid food completely for 1-2 days. At this time, drink hot boiled water. Then gradually introduce pureed rice porridge cooked in water, freshly prepared cottage cheese, broth with rice or semolina, and steam omelet. This diet cannot be followed for more than three days, because it is unbalanced. As the condition improves, the menu needs to be diversified. Strong tea, strong coffee without milk, decoctions of dried pears, and red wine have an astringent effect.
Very effective remedy for prolonged diarrhea in adults - serum. You have to prepare it yourself by heating kefir until it separates into curds and whey. Drink 1 glass of whey 3-4 times a day with a pinch of salt. This will help restore the intestinal microflora.

Medicines for prolonged diarrhea in adults.
Imodium, taken after each loose stool, 2-6 capsules per day. Imodium reduces intestinal motility
Tannacomp – 1 tablet immediately before meals, this remedy reduces the secretion of intestinal glands. Take 4 tablets per day for no more than 5 days.
Smecta - up to three sachets per 1 glass of water. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.
Enterol – normalizes intestinal flora. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day 1 hour before meals, course – 7 days.

Folk remedies for diarrhea.
1. Mix equal parts of cinquefoil roots and oak bark. 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture and leave in a thermos overnight. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day before meals.
2. Mix 2 parts plantain leaves, 1 part knotweed leaves and 1 part cinquefoil leaves. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, take half a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
3. Mix equal amounts of St. John's wort and yarrow. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with 1 glass of boiling water. Drink on an empty stomach, like hot tea.
(Healthy lifestyle 2014 No. 10 p. 8. Their conversations with the KMN doctor Vanin A.I.)

Prolonged diarrhea - treatment with mustard.
The man suffered from terrible diarrhea. He stayed in the hospital for almost a month, but no treatment helped, the man lost a lot of weight and no longer hoped to recover. When his friend returned from vacation, he immediately went to visit the patient, buying a bottle of vodka and a jar of mustard along the way. He poured an incomplete glass of vodka, added 1/2 a jar of mustard and forced the patient to drink it, even though he resisted and was afraid. After 3 hours the patient forgot about diarrhea.
This incident was recalled by a woman when she could not stop the protracted diarrhea that she had had for more than a week, although she adhered to a strict diet, eating only white crackers with boiled water. The woman added 1 tsp to 70 g of vodka. I drank some mustard and an hour later my intestines returned to normal. (HLS 2009 No. 3 p. 31)

Chicken navels for diarrhea.
Dried films from chicken gizzards - effective folk remedy from diarrhea, both acute and chronic and prolonged. The films must be removed, rinsed in water and dried in a warm oven or just a dry room. Store in a closed glass jar. Before use, finely crush into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder. Take 1 teaspoon before meals with water. Diarrhea goes away in 2-3 procedures. Prolonged diarrhea also responds well to treatment with this remedy, but the duration of use sometimes has to be increased to 2-3 days, and sometimes chronic diarrhea goes away in 1 day.
These films work effectively due to the presence of gastric enzymes in them. They are absolutely safe for people (HLS 2004 No. 1 p. 24)

Treatment of prolonged diarrhea in a child with garlic.
The child had loose green stools for a long time. Treatment in the hospital did not help. The mother put her child on a strict diet. Gradually, the child’s stools became less frequent, but the intestines were unstable. Mom noticed that she felt better when her daughter ate garlic, and began giving her a sandwich with garlic every morning. butter and garlic. Gradually the child's well-being improved. The child's long-term diarrhea was cured so thoroughly that the girl has never suffered from intestinal upset since then. (HLS 2013 No. 2 pp. 8-9)

Pomegranate peels for diarrhea.
Pomegranate peels are a simple and effective remedy for diarrhea, including chronic diarrhea. 2-3 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of peel in a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water and leave until morning. Or, to avoid waiting, cook the crusts in water over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink a decoction or infusion 2-3 sips every 15-20 minutes or 1 glass 3 times a day. (HLS 2012 No. 14, p. 13, 2001, No. 12, p. 30, 2009, No. 3, p. 32)

After taking antibiotics, the child developed severe and prolonged diarrhea. The doctors at the hospital were unable to cope with him. I was discharged home on signature. It was recommended to use pomegranate peel for treatment. The child drank a decoction of pomegranate peels all day instead of water and tea. In 2 days everything returned to normal. (2009, no. 23, p. 31).

Treatment of diarrhea with woodlice.
After surgery to remove the gallbladder, a woman had loose stools and abdominal pain for more than 6 months. Treatment in the hospital did not help. The patient began to drink woodlice juice every day: she washed it, minced it, and squeezed out the juice. I drank woodlice juice, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The very next chair was fixed, and the abdominal pain went away. (HLS 2011 No. 20, p. 9)

Prolonged diarrhea in a child - treatment with oak bark.
An 8-month-old child developed loose stools with mucus, and diarrhea did not go away for a long time. The doctors at the hospital could not help. In the book on folk medicine Mom read a recipe for treating diarrhea with oak bark. She began to give the child 1 teaspoon of decoction and made microenemas with the same decoction. A few days later, the child’s diarrhea went away and his appetite appeared. (HLS 2010 No. 17, p. 33)

Treatment of chronic diarrhea with eggs.
The woman had diarrhea for a long time - several months, no medications helped. She was suggested a folk remedy for diarrhea. It should be used 3 times a day on an empty stomach in the following order:
1. Drink a raw chicken egg
2. After 20 minutes, eat some boiled rice
3. After 20 minutes, drink some fermented milk product: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk in any quantity.
4. After 30 minutes, drink 1 teaspoon sea ​​buckthorn oil.
The woman used this recipe, and after a week she was able to cure chronic diarrhea. (HLS 2005 No. 23, p. 26).

Treatment of chronic diarrhea with corn flour.
The man had chronic diarrhea for many years, medications did not help, and dysbacteriosis developed from them. Relatives brought him 3 bags of maize (corn) flour, which helps with many gastrointestinal diseases. The man began to bake crumpets from this flour. Already in the second month I felt the result. After another month, I forgot about the pills, long-term diarrhea, bloating, and rumbling in the intestines disappeared, and my weight was restored. He could eat whatever he wanted without consequences. But it is better to exclude products containing yeast. (2007 No. 17, p. 31).

Chronic diarrhea.
Prolonged diarrhea that lasts more than three weeks is considered chronic diarrhea.
It happens that people suffer from this disease from birth, especially those who cannot digest milk sugar, which is contained in milk, including breast milk. But by following a diet, you can live with this disease, especially since it is not accompanied by abdominal pain. Despite the fact that such patients cannot drink milk, they absorb a decoction of dill in milk well, without causing diarrhea, but on the contrary, this decoction can stop diarrhea: a pinch of chopped green dill is boiled in milk for 5-7 minutes.
(HLS 2007 No. 14, pp. 22-23).

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One of the manifestations of problems with intestinal functioning is diarrhea, which can sometimes last for a very long time. Are you worried about prolonged diarrhea? Find out what to do in such a situation in this article.

Causes of prolonged diarrhea

If the symptoms of prolonged diarrhea last for a long time and are accompanied by pain, you cannot limit yourself to self-medication. Indeed, in such situations, hospitalization and professional intervention are often necessary.

It is no secret that often the problem of long-term diarrhea is various intestinal infections, which we can introduce into the body through raw water or stale food. In this case, as a rule, the disease does not last long. The main thing is to react in time to deterioration in health, cleanse the body, and also follow a gentle diet for some time.

Also, sometimes prolonged diarrhea is of a viral nature, which is more typical in winter, seasonal viral diseases. It is also important to follow a diet, as well as actively work on treating the disease. It is important to remember here that without eliminating the root cause, it will be quite difficult to get rid of prolonged diarrhea, as well as prevent its recurrence.

Also, the cause of the disease can be various chronic diseases, which can worsen as a result of weakened immunity or other factors that can provoke exacerbation. In general, the causes of the disease are quite different, so the methods for eliminating the problems can also be very diverse.

What to do in case of prolonged diarrhea?

If diarrhea does not go away for a long time, you should follow a diet until it is defeated. This will help your body not to be overloaded and protect it from possible complications.

But the main thing in such a situation is to contact a specialist who will be more qualified to determine the cause and carry out a course of treatment for long-term diarrhea. Remember that diarrhea may be just one sign of more serious problems in the body. And they do not always concern the digestive system.

Moreover, if you notice symptoms of this type: pain or bleeding, this is a signal that hospitalization is inevitable. You should not delay seeing a doctor so as not to create unnecessary difficulties and problems for yourself.