Since the left side of the abdomen is home to many organs, there can be many different reasons for pain in this area. It also manifests itself in different ways: colitis, a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, burning, stinging, thickening. Knowing the correct cause of the disease will help you get rid of it faster.

Draw an imaginary line down the middle of your stomach. Now you can concentrate on the sensations and determine which side the discomfort is on. Pain in the abdomen on the left can be caused both by organs and structures located there, and by those located far from it. Women often suffer from pain on the left side of the abdomen, simply because they have more organs in this area.

Organs in the left side of the abdominal cavity

Organs in the upper left side of the abdomen

Organs located in the upper left part of the abdomen include the spleen, part of the intestine or colon, pancreas, stomach and left kidney, as well as the skin, muscles and lower ribs that surround these organs. There is also part of the left edge of the liver, the upper part of the left ureter, in the upper part behind the left lung and the adrenal gland of the left flank. Also on this side you can find, in cases where it is stretched, the aorta. But the heart is a little higher.

Organs in the lower left side of the abdomen

Some of the organs located in the lower left abdomen are extensions of those in the upper region, although others lie only here. There is also the lower edge of the left kidney, the left ureter, part of the colon, sigmoid colon, and bladder, large blood vessels and nerves, tubes and ovaries in women. This is all, of course, covered with muscles and skin. It is important to note that just because a structure is not in the abdomen does not mean it cannot cause pain in that area.

12 Causes of Pain in the Upper Left Abdomen

1. Gastric volvulus

Gastric volvulus is when the stomach twists around itself. This can happen when one side turns over onto the other either along the axis (axial volvulus) or when the top turns down. One person may experience a combination of both types of problems. It is rare and occurs more often in adults than in children. If this happens in children, then in 20% of cases - during the first year of life. Symptoms: severe pain in the central upper abdomen and nausea without vomiting. If this does not go away for a long time, the patient may begin to vomit blood.

2. Accumulation of gases in the stomach

A person suffering from this feels generally healthy, but suffers from cramps in the abdomen, which becomes distended, and loud noises are heard in the intestines. The best medicine is to release gas. Increased gas formation is one of the most common causes of left-sided abdominal pain.

3. Abdominal aortic aneurysm

The aorta is the main blood vessel carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body. If it is stretched and ruptured or there are leaks, it is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm. As a rule, the process is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and even back. Sometimes it is localized in the left side of the abdominal cavity. Someone who suffers from an abdominal aortic aneurysm may suddenly collapse, become cold and pale, and have a severely low blood pressure level.

4. Bowel cancer

Symptoms of bowel cancer include changes to normal bowel function (constipation), weight loss, poor appetite and feeling weak. Symptoms persist for several months. When cancer affects the descending colon, it causes pain in the upper left side of the abdomen. It's important to keep in mind that weight loss, changes in bowel habits and loss of appetite can be signs of diseases such as ulcerative colitis, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and celiac disease. It is highly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor if you experience any of the above ailments.

5. Kidney stones

Kidney stones can cause the worst pain a person has ever felt. This also causes vomiting. The pain spreads from the lower back to the groin. It can also spread throughout the abdomen and even into the penis in men. When there is this kind of mineral deposit, the stone may begin to move down the kidney or along the ureter. This forces you to look for different body positions to save yourself from suffering.

6. Food poisoning

Food poisoning typically causes vomiting (or the sensation of vomiting) and fever. Pain can occur any time from one to 48 hours after eating food. Reasons: chemical contamination of food or its poor quality.

The stomach is not a single organ, like, for example, the heart or liver in our body; it has many organs, each of which can make itself felt at a certain period with pain and accompanying “problems” conditions. Pain can manifest itself in different ways, let’s highlight some options.

Pain on the left side above. The upper quadrant on this side of the abdomen contains the intestinal loops, stomach and pancreas, the left part of the diaphragm and the spleen. Pain in the specified area may, accordingly, be associated with disturbances in the functioning of these organs. For example, certain diseases are accompanied by an enlargement of the spleen, due to which its capsule is subject to stretching, which leads to pain.

Due to its close location to the surface of our body, the spleen is prone to rupture, which, in turn, is caused by injury to the area of ​​its immediate location, or the transmission of certain diseases (for example, it can be infectious mononucleosis, etc.). It also happens that the spleen ruptures randomly, which is accompanied not only by pain, but also by the appearance of characteristic cyanosis in the area of ​​the navel, which is caused by the accumulation of blood here.

Also, pain in this area may be associated with a pathological condition of the stomach, that is, pain in the left side is the result of pain in the stomach, somewhat spreading. This pain can be accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting. Stomach pain can occur both due to functional dyspepsia or gastritis, and due to more serious diseases such as peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, etc.

Also, pain in the left side above can be caused by the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia; it mainly appears in older people. In addition, such pain can also be associated with pancreatic dysfunction, which, in turn, can be caused by various diseases and exposure to toxins, which can also be caused by cancer (among other reasons).

Pain in the left side from below is often the result of pathological conditions caused by the appearance of pain in the abdomen on the right (except for appendicitis).

“Abdominal pain on the left” is observed in diseases:

Diverticula are protrusions that form on the walls of the thick or small intestine. They may occur and not bother a person throughout his life, but in some cases they become inflamed, causing a disease such as intestinal diverticulosis. This disease can form in different parts of the intestine. For example, in the sigmoid or colon.

A corpus luteum cyst is one of the variants of functional cystic formations in the ovary, where, in fact, it appears. A corpus luteum cyst, the symptoms of which are quite often diagnosed in the female population, in some cases disappears just as it appears, that is, its appearance can be asymptomatic with no consequences. A complication of a cyst can be a lesion in which surgery cannot be avoided, including removal of the ovary.

Abdominal pain is a fairly common occurrence and is most often caused by intestinal problems: constipation, gas, diarrhea. Sometimes the problems are urological and gynecological in nature; It may be that the problem is due to some abdominal organ. Sometimes such pain arises and goes away on its own, without presenting any problem or threat to health in the future. But how do you know if pain in this area could pose a threat to your health or life, and when to seek help? medical care?

Causes of abdominal pain on the left

There are several organs located in the abdomen, so first of all you need to localize the painful area. On the left side of the human abdomen is the spleen and pancreas. Pain on the left side of the abdomen may indicate an enlarged spleen. This phenomenon is very dangerous, since the spleen is not deep under the skin and there is a real threat of rupture due to even minor mechanical damage or large physical activity. A visual sign of a rupture is blue skin around the belly button.

The cause of pain on the left side of the abdomen may be a diaphragmatic hernia. This happens when the upper part of the stomach moves out of the abdominal cavity (where it is located) into the chest cavity.

Often, pain in the left side of the abdomen is attributed specifically to problems with the intestines, despite the fact that it extends throughout the entire abdominal cavity, including right side. There may be intussusception, which is relieved with antispasmodics and goes away with age, provided proper nutrition and timely bowel movements. If the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, the person bends over and is afraid to move or, on the contrary, cannot find a place for himself, the tongue is covered, the skin is pale or jaundiced, there is increased sweating - without thinking about the cause, call an ambulance.

If possible, before the doctors arrive, do not take analgesics and antispasmodics, as this may blur the overall clinical picture.

You can find out what pain in the left side indicates from the following video:

Causes of abdominal pain on the right

Located on the right side of the abdominal cavity, gallbladder, parts of the intestine, including the appendix, pancreas, diaphragm.

Liver pain is not difficult to recognize: it is not acute, but constant, aching or cutting in nature. The liver hurts when it is enlarged, with hepatitis, with drug abuse and even with heart failure. It is also possible to include helminthic infestations here. The doctor will ask you about taking medications, alcohol, and raw food, since all fermentation processes take place through the liver. In various forms of hepatitis, urine is colored dark color, the skin and whites of the eyes become yellower.

Pain in the right upper abdomen (sometimes in the middle) may be a sign of gallbladder disease. Most often, pain is caused by stones in the bladder. Painful sensations range from acute attacks to aching, dull pain. The gallbladder reacts especially to fatty, fried foods. In advanced cases, pain ceases to depend on food intake - its quality and time. Gradually the pain radiates towards the shoulder blades.

In diseases of the pancreas, pain can also be localized on the right side. Only when considering pain in this case is the head part of the organ taken into account, and in another case – its “tail part”. Here again, the intake of fatty foods and alcohol is of particular importance. Most often, this is inflammation, pancreatitis, which is chronic or acute in nature, accompanied by vomiting and nausea. The patient instinctively tries to sit up and lean forward and does not agree to lie down.

Peritonitis occurs with enviable frequency, in which the pain is initially localized on the right, and then can flow further along the abdominal cavity. The patient is taken away in an ambulance and monitored for about six hours. Most often, surgical methods are used during treatment.

Often the localization of pain is not precise from left to right; it can be located in the lower abdomen or under the ribs. Often such pain is caused by ulcers, pancreatic problems, inflammation of the ovaries and their appendages. Possibly the cause is an ectopic pregnancy. If you are experiencing previously unknown abdominal pain that is recurring or acute, consult your doctor. It is advisable to do this immediately, because the cause of abdominal pain can be peritonitis, rupture, spleen and other troubles that can lead to death or disability. Upon admission to the hospital, the doctor will begin to ask you about the nature of the pain, location, duration, last food intake, and medications. Be prepared for this.

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Regardless of its nature and location, it is always a symptom that something “wrong” is happening to the body.

Of course, it is wrong to look for illnesses and diagnose yourself. But it is also wrong to ignore the pain. If it occurs again and again, you should definitely contact doctor.

So what does it mean pain in the left side of the abdomen? We will tell you about this so that you can navigate, and we remind you that only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

My stomach hurts on the left side. What could it be?

Under no circumstances should it be ignored. Especially if the following factors occur:

  • Constant nature of pain. ABOUT serious problems It is constant, regularly occurring pain that indicates health; It is also very important to notice if it occurs after eating.
  • What does the pain feel like? It's okay if it's a mild pain that comes and goes; it can be caused by . ABOUT serious illness may indicate strong pain, prickly and “dry”. It looks like a very hot plate was applied to this place. Pain constantly makes itself felt, you can’t stop thinking about it.
  • If you take pain medication, the pain may go away, but it returns within a few hours or the next day.
  • Doctors, when seeing patients, very often hear complaints of pain in the left side of the abdomen. Most often it turns out that there is nothing serious, that the pain is caused by stress or gas, as mentioned above. However, you must always keep in mind that such pain may also indicate problems with the pancreas, stomach, left kidney or left part of the liver... Therefore, you cannot ignore them.

Let's talk more about these possible reasons pain.

1. Pancreatitis

Most often this is pancreatitis. Typically, pancreatitis “announces itself” with such severe pain that it requires urgent hospitalization.

With this disease, severe pain in the left side of the abdomen is accompanied by fever, nausea, rapid heartbeat... You need to carefully monitor these symptoms.

Especially how they relate to digestion. Do you feel after eating that your stomach is full, do you feel thirsty, heaviness in your stomach and pain on the left side... If the pain is severe and is accompanied by other symptoms described here, pancreatitis may be suspected.

2. Intestinal obstruction

Arises due to rectal obstruction or due to narrowing of the intestine. This often requires surgery.

With this disease, for various reasons, the movement of food and liquid through the intestines is blocked. Its symptoms are pronounced. In addition to pain in the left side of the abdomen, there is fever, as well as retention of stool and gases (the person’s attempts to empty the intestines are unsuccessful).

3. Diverticulitis

We have already talked about diverticulitis more than once. These are several inflammations along the intestines, “sacs” filled with pus, which cause pain. do not make themselves felt, especially while they are still small. However, at one “unwonderful moment”, when the size of the stone becomes large enough, pain appears.

This pain can be localized on the left side of the abdomen, but - attention! - she often radiates in the back, on the same side. Just at the height of the kidney.

5. Ovarian cysts

They often occur in women. And on the left side too, of course. What symptoms do they show? We eat little, but it feels like our stomach is full. We feel severe pain on the left side; are added to it irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic pain, nausea and severe abdominal pain.

6. Other reasons: food intoxication, gases, stress...

  • These factors most often cause pain, and they are, of course, less serious. But just because they are not as “serious” as, for example, pancreatitis, does not mean that they can be ignored. Absolutely.
  • Sometimes pain is caused by some food that is of poor quality or simply intolerable to the body. Then the body defends itself. This may cause severe pain on the left side and nausea.
  • The cause of pain may be gases, and although it may seem strange, they often collect on the left side of the abdomen.
  • What about stress? Could it really also be localized in this part of the body? Let us remember that stress is inextricably linked with the body, that it impairs digestion, and that many nerves are located in the stomach... Therefore, we must keep this possibility in mind.

In conclusion, let us remind you that any symptoms, any health problems should be discussed with doctors so that they can establish an accurate diagnosis. Never self-medicate and follow advice doctors.

Discomfort in the abdomen is often a concern modern man. This is associated with organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract. The stomach suffers first of all, because it bears the burden of poor nutrition and frequent stress. If stomach pain is localized on the left side, this is a symptom of many serious diseases. It is necessary to recognize them in time, with which a doctor will help.

Pain as a symptom

Is it really that serious if your stomach hurts badly on the left side? Often, yes. This is a characteristic symptom of stomach pathologies, including gastritis, ulcers and even tumors. Sometimes this can signal indigestion or food intolerance. Quite often, unpleasant sensations indicate ailments of other body systems. The organs in the abdominal cavity are located close to each other and it is often impossible to immediately determine where exactly the source of pain is.

Left upper quadrant of the stomach

This area contains not just the stomach, but also the spleen, pancreas, and some parts of the intestines. Left-hand side worries about such pathologies:

  1. Gastritis. Characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane. Symptoms include: vomiting, malaise, aching pain in the upper left region of the stomach. The cause of the disease is bacteria.
  2. Peptic ulcer disease. With this pathology, ulcers form in the mucous membrane. The reason for its appearance is excessive secretion of acids. The pain is no longer aching, but sharp, intense. Localization of sensations is the upper part of the stomach, on both sides simultaneously (left and right).
  3. Perforated ulcer. A complication of peptic ulcer disease, when the contents of the stomach penetrate into the abdominal cavity through an opening. This condition is extremely dangerous. The patient is bothered by acute discomfort in the upper segment of the stomach. As the disease progresses, the pain spreads to the left or right.
  4. Tumors. Malignant neoplasms pose a mortal threat to human life. The cause of the appearance is not always known, but frequent causes are low quality food and poor lifestyle. Unnatural food that contains chemical additives and carcinogens can cause cancer. Tobacco smoke and alcohol breakdown products are dangerous. If pain in the upper stomach is not caused by other diseases, cancer may manifest itself as such. If it bothers you on the left, the tumor is probably localized there.
  5. Inflammation of other organs. Pain in this place sometimes indicates inflammation of organs adjacent to the stomach. For example, at the top left the spleen is troubling. The cause of discomfort in this organ is inflammation or injury. When this organ becomes inflamed, it enlarges, and the pain radiates to the stomach. The situation is similar with the pancreas. Symptoms of inflammation: sharp pains, malaise, fever. Pancreatic diseases are caused by poor diet and bad habits. Top part The abdomen is the region adjacent to the stomach and pancreas. Disturbances in one organ affect another.

Bottom left square

At serious pathologies discomfort is most often diagnosed in the upper segment of the stomach. If it bothers you downstairs, this is a symptom of excessive gas formation or poisoning. Such conditions happen periodically to every person and are easily cured. On the other hand, this symptom may signal the development of such pathologies:

  1. Cancer. Tumors in cancer can be located in any segment of the stomach. If it hurts on the right side, the tumor may be there.
  2. Kidney diseases.
  3. Diseases of the reproductive organs.
  4. Appendicitis.
  5. Skin diseases.

Aching pain is not always precisely localized in one place. So, a person may confuse pain in the left side of the stomach with pain in the left kidney or ovary. Often the symptom manifests itself atypically. When appendicitis (albeit rarely) is located on the left, this is where the pain will be felt. Or the painful syndrome with this disease will be so strong that the impact will be felt in the left side of the abdomen.

Painful sensations also accompany shingles. The difference between this form of lichen is extremely intense pain in the area of ​​the rash. If the disease manifests itself on the abdomen, the pain is there.

To exclude everything possible pathologies, you need to consult a doctor.

Gynecological diseases

Some diseases of the female reproductive system manifest themselves clinically as pain in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. Then the patient can be sure that her stomach is bothering her. Possible gynecological pathologies include:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. A pregnancy that has not established itself in the uterus. The embryo remained in one of the tubes. Over time, the place where it is located begins to bother the woman.
  2. Threat of miscarriage. During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and takes up more space in the abdominal region, in close contact with other organs. Various pathologies during pregnancy are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.
  3. Inflammation. Inflammation of the appendages can manifest as aching, debilitating pain. In such a situation, a woman cannot always determine exactly where the pain is localized. Discomfort in the lower left quadrant is one of the clinical manifestations. A change is added to it menstrual cycle, temperature increase.

What help is needed?

With such a symptom, medical attention is necessary. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible and carry out the necessary tests: urine, blood, stool tests, x-rays, endoscopy and others. Based on the results, the doctor determines the disease.

You should not take antispasmodics, various types of painkillers, or traditional medicine. These medications change symptoms and can worsen the course of the disease. Then the doctor will not be able to make a correct diagnosis.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to take a comfortable body position. A cold compress will cause a slight improvement in the condition. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Stomach pain is a symptom of many ailments. Some of them are deadly. Best treatment in such situations, complex diagnostics and surgical intervention are required.