There is probably no woman who does not know how long pregnancy lasts. However, when it arises, the girl is faced with such a problem as determining the timing, and tries to understand the concept of trimesters of pregnancy.

How many trimesters are there in pregnancy?

It is known that the calculation of pregnancy begins from the first day of the last menstruation. Normally, the entire gestation period is 9 months or 40 obstetric weeks. If we count in days, then their number is approximately 280.

Due to the fact that one month has 30 days and the other 31, the number of whole weeks in each is different. So, in February alone there are exactly 4 of them, unless of course leap year. Therefore, it turns out that when calculated by the calendar, pregnancy takes 9 months, and if calculated by obstetrics, it takes 10. This is why expectant mothers often have a question about how many trimesters there are in pregnancy.

Based on the above calculations, it turns out that pregnancy consists of 3 trimesters.

How many months is a trimester?

When a girl becomes pregnant, she often thinks about how long the trimester lasts. This question arises because when visiting a gynecologist, a woman hears this term from the doctor more than once.

It is not difficult to guess that the number “three” directly indicates how many months one trimester takes. Thus, the entire pregnancy takes 3 trimesters, each of which is 3 calendar months.

Knowing what a “trimester” is and how many months it lasts, you can easily calculate which week belongs to which trimester. So, the duration of the trimesters:

  • 1 - from 1 to 14 obstetric weeks;
  • 2 – from 15 to 26;
  • 3 – from 27 to 40.

If the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, they talk about post-maturity, which is fraught with negative consequences for the health of the baby.

Trimesters of pregnancy by week - table

The waiting period for a child is usually no more than 42 calendar weeks. The entire pregnancy period is usually divided into 3 trimesters, each of which has its own characteristics.

In this article we will tell you what week each trimester begins, as well as what features of the course of pregnancy you can notice, depending on its duration.

Sometimes doctors use a simplified method when calculating the gestational age - maximum term The baby's 42-week wait is divided into 3 equal trimesters, 14 weeks each. Thus, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy with this method of calculation will begin from the 15th week, and the 3rd - from the 29th.

However, another breakdown method is most often used - using a special table that shows all trimesters of pregnancy by week.

Let's consider the most significant features and changes in the entire period of pregnancy by week of each trimester, while we will break down the entire period of waiting for a child as shown in the table.

1st trimester of pregnancy by week

1-3 weeks. The countdown for the start of the baby's waiting period begins on the first day of the last menstruation. A little later, the egg is fertilized and the tiny embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus. You don't even know what's going on inside you while you're still waiting for your next period.

4-6 weeks. A woman’s body produces the hCG hormone; during this period, most expectant mothers find out about their position using a pregnancy test. The tiny embryo begins to form a heart. Some women begin to experience malaise and nausea in the morning.

7-10 weeks. The future baby is growing and developing rapidly, his weight is already about 4 grams. Mommy may gain a little weight, but no external changes have yet been observed. Most girls fully suffer from toxicosis.

11-13 weeks. Time to undergo the first screening test, which includes ultrasound diagnostics and a biochemical blood test to determine the likelihood of possible chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Toxicosis is most likely already receding. The baby's cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, spine and face have developed. By the end of the first trimester, its height reaches 10 cm, and its body weight is about 20 grams.

2nd trimester of pregnancy by week

14-17 weeks. The baby is actively moving in the mother’s tummy, but most pregnant women do not feel this yet. The height of the fetus reaches 15 cm, and the weight is about 140 grams. Herself future mom is also actively gaining weight, and by this time her gain can reach 5 kg.

18-20 weeks. During this period, most women become familiar with the feeling of their baby moving. The tummy already stands out so much that it is impossible to hide it from prying eyes. The baby is developing by leaps and bounds, his weight reaches 300 grams, and his height is 25 cm.

21-23 weeks. At this time you will have to undergo a second screening test. Very often, it is at the second ultrasound that the doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, whose weight reaches 500 grams.

24-27 weeks. The uterus becomes quite large, and the expectant mother may experience discomfort - a feeling of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, cramps in the legs, etc. The baby has occupied the entire cavity of the uterus, his weight has already reached 950 grams, and his height is 34 cm. His brain is fully formed .

3rd trimester of pregnancy by week

28-30 weeks. The load on a pregnant woman's kidneys increases every day, the fetus develops incredibly rapidly - now it already weighs about 1500 grams, and its height reaches 39 cm. The baby's lungs begin to prepare for independent breathing.

31-33 weeks. During this period, you will undergo another ultrasound, during which the doctor will even be able to take photographs of the baby’s face. Its parameters reach 43 cm and 2 kg. The expectant mother is increasingly experiencing training contractions, as the body prepares for the upcoming birth.

34-36 weeks. All the baby’s organs and systems are formed, and he is ready to be born; now, until the due date, he will only gain weight. He becomes cramped in his mother’s tummy, so the number of movements decreases. The weight of the fetus reaches 2.7 kg, height – 48 cm.

37-42 weeks. Usually during this period the logical end of pregnancy occurs - childbirth, the baby is born. Now he is considered full-term, and the development of his lungs allows him to breathe on his own.

How to count and what is the length of pregnancy trimesters?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother has many questions, for example, what is the 1st trimester of pregnancy, how to count them, what should be taken into account, and so on. These and many other questions plague an inexperienced girl carrying her first child. But don't be afraid. All issues can be sorted out quite easily. So, what is a trimester of pregnancy? Don't be scared by this name. A trimester is simply a period of three months that makes up one third of a woman's pregnancy.

Let's move on to the next exciting question - how to count the trimesters of pregnancy. Quite simple. One rule to keep in mind is the one above. That a trimester is three months. This is where the calculation is made. So how long are the trimesters of pregnancy? The first is 3 months, the second is another plus three months, the third is also plus three. The result is nine months – i.e. throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Simple math, right?

So, let's start with the very first question - 1st trimester of pregnancy - how many months and weeks does it last.

First trimester of pregnancy?

The first three months of pregnancy are largely fundamental for the normal development of the baby. After all, this period is especially important in the process of fetal formation. So how long does the first trimester of pregnancy last? The answer is simple: the first 3 months.

First critical point pregnancy - second or third week. Then, when the girl does not even know about the events taking place inside her. At this time, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, in the endometrium. Gynecologists usually count an “interesting position” not by months, but by weeks. Therefore, another question arises - how many weeks lasts. Classically, this period is considered to be thirteen weeks. And when the 1st trimester of pregnancy ends, the 2nd begins, and new questions arise.

Third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the home stretch that leads to meeting your baby. The expectant mother already feels her child, recognizes his character and even his daily routine, and loves to communicate with him. Many mothers in the third trimester already know who they will have, a boy, a girl, or maybe even twins, and therefore they are happy to start collecting a dowry, as well as preparing things for the maternity hospital. The third trimester is an important three months on the path to motherhood.

When does the third trimester of pregnancy begin?

The very first question that interests a mother who is soon expecting the birth of a baby is when the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins. According to obstetric calculations, the third trimester begins at 27 weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, the expectant mother enters the 3rd trimester with a significantly rounded belly, the baby’s weight is already more than 1 kilogram, and the length from the crown to the tailbone is about 24 centimeters. The baby's main organs have already formed; he looks like little man, and even if he is born prematurely, his chances of survival are quite high.

Weight gain in the third trimester

When the third trimester begins, a woman begins to gain more weight than before. Every week a woman gains up to 300-500 grams; it is in the third trimester that the main weight gain occurs; during these weeks a woman can gain, within normal limits, 5-7 kilograms. This will continue until 38-39 weeks. Before giving birth, weight gain stops; in some cases, the expectant mother even loses several kilograms; this is considered one of the harbingers of childbirth.

Menu for pregnant women – 3rd trimester

The menu of a pregnant woman in her final stages should be complete and varied, but attention should be paid to healthy eating– fruits, vegetables, high-quality proteins and carbohydrates, the required minimum of fats, including vegetable ones. Home cooking with minimal salt content is preferable. It is better to replace sweets with dried fruits. If the pregnant woman does not have edema, then she can drink without restrictions, but it is better plain water, weak tea or fresh juices.

Sex in the third trimester

In general, doctors do not prohibit sex in the 3rd trimester for expectant mothers unless there are direct contraindications for this, for example, low placental attachment or the threat of miscarriage. However, it is advisable to use a condom during sexual intercourse, since the genital tract is very vulnerable to infection, and in addition, you cannot have sex if a woman has already lost her mucus plug.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, in the third trimester, a woman is no longer bothered by discharge, except for pathological ones caused by thrush or other problems. A small amount of bloody or pinkish discharge may appear just before childbirth along with the mucous plug coming off.

Tests in the third trimester

In the third trimester, pregnant women undergo tests to prepare for hospitalization in the maternity hospital. This is a standard group of blood tests for HIV, RW and hepatitis, as well as a general blood test. In addition, a weekly urine test is taken. In some women's During consultations with pregnant women, I take a vaginal smear.

Problems in the third trimester

Edema in the third trimester is a classic symptom that can be caused by both hormonal reasons and excess salt intake and poor diet. Treatment of edema is prescribed by a doctor. Another problem is constipation in the third trimester. They are caused by a sedentary lifestyle, general atony of the body and other reasons. To improve the condition, doctors prescribe drugs based on natural fiber.

Real facts about dangerous weeks of pregnancy

Dangerous weeks: truth or myth?

The modern rhythm of life is characterized by forced physical activity, environmental factors, unhealthy diet. And this already carries some danger for a pregnant woman. Any infections during pregnancy, chronic diseases and stress can trigger a miscarriage.

For each trimester, doctors identify their own characteristic critical moments, or dangerous weeks.

"Smecta" for newborns: instructions, reviews, price - in this article.

First trimester

This is the period when the unborn baby’s organs begin to form. And such an important process cannot go unnoticed by you.

The 1st trimester brings nausea, lethargy, and frequent urination into your life.

One of the dangerous periods in the first trimester the process of implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus is considered (this occurs at the beginning of the third week of pregnancy), because nutrients in the egg end, and the embryo needs maternal resources for further formation.

So, the embryo (for the first 12 weeks this is what the future baby is called, and then it will be considered a fetus) has successfully completed the implantation process, it is growing and developing. The future placenta, amniotic sac, and umbilical cord begins to form. These processes are incredibly important - after all, it is with the help of them that the embryo will be able to eat and breathe.

The formation of the spine and heart will begin to occur by week 5.

At 6 weeks there is a possibility of fetal developmental defects. Unfavorable factors can cause heart disease at 3-7 weeks, and malformations of the brain even earlier - from 2 weeks.

The 1st trimester is the most dangerous for the likelihood of miscarriages. After all, the most common reason for termination of pregnancy is hormonal imbalance.

And during the period from 8 to 12 weeks Life in a pregnant woman's body is turbulent hormonal process: the production of male hormones increases, the activity of the thyroid gland is disrupted, and an increase in androgens reduces the production of estrogen. This is what can lead to miscarriages or missed abortions.

Any infectious diseases(especially rubella) in the 1st trimester are extremely dangerous.

Reception not allowed antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

Even some herbs(senna, comfrey, coltsfoot, juniper, etc.) are undesirable.

Statistics show that a quarter of all fertilized eggs live only 4 weeks, and, failing to implant, they die. A woman may not even realize that conception has occurred at all.

It's obvious how much important processes will occur in the 1st trimester in your body and in the life of a small embryo, which by the end of the 12th week will grow to 6 cm.

"Duphalac" for newborns: instructions, reviews, price - in this article.

You can learn about the causes of hypoxia in newborns from this article.

Second trimester

The second trimester lasts from 13 to 24 weeks. In most cases, the second trimester is considered the “golden mean” of pregnancy - toxicosis, lethargy and headaches recede, it becomes possible to engage in some sports and take walks.

By 16 weeks The laying of the fetal organs is completed, and it can feed through the placenta.

However, hormonal changes continue, which is characterized by vaginal discharge. As a result, the possibility of vaginal infection increases. Therefore, all discharge in this trimester requires vigilant attention.

Even minor changes in color, thickness, odor, burning or intensity are potentially dangerous and may indicate:

  • thrush;

Third (3) trimester of pregnancy by week, vitamins and exercises in the third trimester of pregnancy, insomnia, cough

The third trimester of pregnancy begins at week 29 and ends on the day of birth. This can happen from 38 to 42 weeks. The 3rd trimester is preparation for childbirth. This is a very difficult period for a woman, since the growing fetus and uterus put great pressure on all internal organs, squeezing them. Shortness of breath, back pain appear, the woman finds it quite uncomfortable to sleep, as it is very difficult to find a comfortable position. This can cause women to suffer from insomnia.

The woman becomes clumsy and clumsy. Fetal kicks can become very active and sometimes painful.

Physiological changes in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, the expectant mother needs to rest several times a day, as carrying a child becomes difficult and causes rapid fatigue. Due to increased load and weight, pain may appear not only in the lower back, but also in the legs. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, which puts more and more pressure on the bladder, a woman may experience a frequent urge to urinate.

It is during this period that you should begin preparing for childbirth. Go to school for pregnant women and do breathing exercises regularly.

The physiological state will improve slightly after the stomach goes down. This happens approximately 4 weeks before birth. It will become easier to breathe, and your sleep will normalize a little.

Fetal development in the 3rd trimester

The baby's organs become more perfect, and he prepares for independent life. Sense organs are formed, hearing becomes more acute. The baby is able to hear loud sounds from the outside, and also hears the mother’s voice and heartbeat well. Throughout the 3rd trimester, the fetus is still actively moving, but it should no longer turn over. At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, it takes the correct position, with its head down. Thus, he communicates his readiness to be born. It is worth listening carefully to the movements; closer to the day of birth they may become less frequent, but still they should not stop completely.

From 37 weeks, the baby is completely ready to be born.

During the most difficult, final stage of pregnancy, you need to be the most careful.

  • Bleeding. May be caused by a low placenta. In this case, it puts pressure on the cervix and heavy bleeding begins, the blood is usually bright red. It can be triggered by physical activity, a coughing fit, or sexual relations.
  • Placental abruption. It is also accompanied by bleeding, which is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.
  • No movement. A serious reason for hospitalization.

A very sad topic is stillbirth, but it is also worth touching on. If in the third trimester of pregnancy an ultrasound scan of the fetus showed entanglement in the umbilical cord, the doctor may decide on premature birth using caesarean section.

3rd trimester of pregnancy by month - harbingers of childbirth - trimesters | | All about pregnancy and motherhood

Beginning of the third trimester various specialists are defined differently. We will consider the 3rd trimester starting from 25 weeks and up to 38 - 40 weeks. Not every woman's pregnancy is exactly 40 weeks. Typically, it is considered normal to have a baby between 37 and 42 weeks. Therefore, doctors can only prescribe an approximate due date, while the birth itself may occur one or two weeks earlier or later than this due date.

Finally, the home stretch of your pregnancy has arrived. You need to properly prepare for it, since during this period additional troubles may be added to the problems of the 2nd trimester. Perhaps by the 3rd trimester, pregnancy begins to weigh on you, especially if during the 1st and 2nd trimesters you experienced toxicosis, heartburn, constipation or swelling - all these problems cause hormonal changes and constant growth of the uterus. Just try to treat them as calmly as possible.

We hasten to reassure you - soon everything will be over, and you will forget about all the troubles as soon as you see your beloved baby. In the meantime, enjoy an important and responsible period in the life of every woman - carrying your baby.

In the 3rd trimester, your baby gains weight even more actively and learns to see, hear sounds, smell and taste, and even feel touch. Over the past month, a child can gain up to 1 kilogram in weight.

7 month (25-29 weeks of pregnancy)

The beginning of the 3rd trimester is characterized by the active development of the baby’s sensory organs; he not only learns to hear, but also to distinguish sounds. It is believed that from this time on he is able to distinguish low sounds, that is, to distinguish between the voices of his mother and father. Try to talk to him, listen to music - enjoy communicating with your baby.

To properly form the baby’s taste preferences, it is advisable for the mother to carefully monitor her diet for the last 3 months before giving birth, and in addition, after the birth of the baby, do not suddenly change your eating habits, this may negatively affect the feeding of the baby - he may refuse the changed taste of your milk .

At the end of the 7th month of pregnancy, the baby's weight reaches 1300 - 1700 grams, and his height is about 40 cm.

Mom is 7 months pregnant

Due to the enlarging uterus and the growing fetus, the mother’s body is constantly under stress. During this period, back pain may appear - most often from walking for a long time or sitting in one position. To reduce pain, monitor the position of your body - try to stay straight, and do not stay in the same position for a long time. Under no circumstances should you carry heavy things, such as bags from the store; let your husband help you with this. Avoid wearing high heels. Swimming is very useful for strengthening muscles during pregnancy.

Don't forget to walk in the fresh air - not for long, but every day. This will also be useful for your emotional state and for the baby. Positive emotions are not only useful for lifting your mood, but can even promote the production of mother's milk.

8 month (30-33 weeks of pregnancy)

This month, the mother’s belly is growing even larger and faster, the uterus has already risen to the ribs and sometimes it may seem to you that there is not enough air to breathe, and the baby is pushing right under the ribs. By 8 months, the baby usually already assumes a cephalic presentation, that is, turns his head down. If he hasn't done this yet, don't worry, there's still time.

Almost all the baby’s organs at this point are already developed enough for childbirth. And if you have to give birth at 8 months, the baby will be quite easy to come out of, he can even be called prematurely born, and not premature, since the lungs are already capable of providing breathing.

By the end of the 8th month, the weight of the baby can reach 2 - 2.5 kilograms, and the height is 40 - 45 centimeters.

Mom is 8 months pregnant

Another good news at this stage of pregnancy will be maternity leave, provided to women from 30 weeks. According to Russian law, your employer is obliged to provide you with maternity leave, but you can continue to work for some time if you wish.

The closer to childbirth, the more anxiety a pregnant woman feels; she may worry about how the birth will go, fear for the health of the baby, worry about how good a mother she will be. Calm down, these fears haunt all pregnant women, just don’t let them overcome you - communicate more with your child, dad, family and friends, if necessary, sign up for psychological support courses for pregnant women. Remember, pregnancy is a short but bright period of your life, try to spend it with good emotions.

It's time to think about packing for the maternity hospital. You need to prepare all the essentials - a bag for the baby and a bag for mom.

Troubles of 8 months of pregnancy

One of the most dangerous problems of this period is the appearance of gestosis - complications of pregnancy with the occurrence of edema, increased blood pressure and convulsions. During this period, normal weight gain per week is approximately 300-400 grams; if you gain more than 500 grams and at the same time notice the appearance of edema (swelling of the fingers, the appearance of rubber bands on the body), you should contact your gynecologist. There is also a hidden form of gestosis - swelling and increased pressure are not noticeable, but toxicosis or headaches and noise may appear. Timely treatment will help avoid the unpleasant consequences of this disease.

9 month (34-38-40 weeks of pregnancy)

By the end of the 9th month, the baby is ready for independent life, his lungs can breathe, and his digestive organs are able to absorb light, nutritious food - breast milk mothers (breastfeeding rules). You and your child have walked this difficult path and are now ready to meet and hug for the first time.

By 40 weeks, the baby should show signs of full term:

  • weight (depends on many external factors and heredity) - must be at least 2.6 kg, the upper weight limit is about 5 kg;
  • the height of a full-term baby is from 48 to 54 centimeters;
  • fingernails reach to the tips;
  • boys - the testicles should be lowered into the scrotum, girls - the labia minora should be covered by the labia majora.

Mom is 9 months pregnant

If the pregnancy is progressing well, the mother can stay at home until her water breaks, preferably under the close supervision of her husband or other loved ones.

Childbirth is coming soon and the uterus begins to prepare for it, periodically contracting irregularly - these are preliminary weak contractions, you can feel them, usually they are accompanied by slight pain and discomfort.

Approximately 2-3 weeks (for each woman individually - from three days before birth to three weeks) before birth, the mucus plug should come off - mucous discharge, sometimes with a small amount of blood.

How to determine that labor has already begun?

There are 3 main symptoms of the onset of labor:

  1. Appear from the genital tract bloody issues.
  2. The waters are receding.
  3. Contractions begin.

If your water breaks, this is a signal - you need to go to the maternity hospital. Labor will begin within the next twenty hours. By this time, you should already have packed an emergency suitcase with the necessary things and, most importantly, documents.

Try not to worry or expose yourself and your baby to stress and everything will be fine. The happiest three trimesters in a woman’s life are ending.

Video about the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

Happy meeting with your Baby, dear mothers!

Tell us how you feel in the 3rd trimester?

What week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin? How long does the third trimester last?

goodmummy Category: PregnancyNo comments

Pregnant women are often confused and cannot figure out what week the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins and what period of time it lasts.

How to determine the third trimester of pregnancy?

Women's confusion about the definition of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is absolutely understandable, because in fact there are several classifications according to which this trimester falls on different weeks.

However, the principle underlying the separation of the entire pregnancy is the same. So, in the first trimester, the child’s main systems and organs are formed, in the second – he begins to grow and improve, in the third – weight gain occurs.

Thus, during the 3rd trimester, the baby mainly accumulates fat mass. In addition to regular fat, brown fat, which is necessary for the baby in the first weeks of life, also accumulates in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. It is this reserve that will go away first of all, enriching the baby’s body with nutrients.

During the 3rd trimester, already formed organs continue to improve, some systems are endowed with new important properties, which ensures the child’s viability outside the womb.

For example, it reaches its perfection respiratory system, ready to function in our conditions by 36 weeks. If the baby is born earlier, doctors will inject him with a special drug to prevent his lungs from sticking together.

One of the classifications implies the beginning of this period from 24 weeks. Accordingly, its duration is 16 weeks. But some doctors count the 3rd trimester from 26 or even 28 weeks.

In fact, this does not in any way affect the development of pregnancy. This starting point is needed only to better understand what is happening during pregnancy. In addition, these days all doctors monitor a woman’s situation using only weeks in their calculations.

One way or another, the fact remains unchanged that the 3rd trimester in most cases ends with delivery.

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, as previously mentioned, for a greater understanding of the processes occurring in a woman’s abdomen, as well as to determine approaches to different moments. For example, if an expectant mother gets sick in the first trimester, then she is strictly prohibited from taking medications ( complex cases excluded here, of course).

And if this happens in the 3rd trimester, then the situation becomes much simpler, since the placenta is already working at full capacity and partly protects the child from external influences (in this case, medications), as well as from microbes that have entered the mother’s body.

An important stage in the 3rd trimester for all pregnant women is going on maternity leave. After all, by this time the woman had already gained at least 7-10 kg in weight, lost her former ease of movement, and it became difficult for her to take a comfortable position while standing or sitting.

That is, all signs tend to suggest that at this stage a woman should rest more time and work less.

In the 3rd trimester, a pregnant woman gains weight especially actively. Therefore, if she eats too much food, then all the excess will be stored in adipose tissue reserves. Moreover, not only the woman will recover, but also the child himself. To prevent this from happening, you need to be especially careful when choosing foods and try to eat foods rich in fats and carbohydrates as little as possible.

If the baby gains a lot of weight, this can complicate the birth process, and in some cases, cause a caesarean section. Excess weight of the mother can also negatively affect labor, causing the development of hypertension and varicose veins.

How long is the 3rd trimester?

For each woman, the onset of labor depends on the characteristics of her body. Some people give birth a little earlier than the due date, while others, on the contrary, postpone the pregnancy by a couple of weeks - all this is considered the norm.

After all, do not forget that doctors determine the moment of conception only approximately. One way or another, the normal duration of the 3rd trimester is from 12 to 16 weeks.

In order to prevent the last stage of pregnancy from ending prematurely, it is necessary to follow the basic rules - eliminate emotional and physical stress, eat right, spend time in the fresh air, and also regularly visit the doctor.

It is the doctor who will help you get rid of the problem if complications develop. In the third trimester, if certain diseases appear, the doctor may prescribe premature induction of labor.

Third trimester of pregnancy

Different experts draw the line between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy in different ways. The beginning of the third trimester is referred by some to the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, some to the twenty-sixth, and some even to the twenty-eighth.

We will talk about the third trimester of pregnancy as the last 16 weeks: starting from the twenty-fifth week and ending in the fortieth week.

Of course, not all women are exactly 40 weeks pregnant.

A term birth (not in the sense of “very fast”, but in the sense of “delivery on time”) is considered to be a birth that occurs between the thirty-seventh and forty-second weeks of pregnancy.

The difference may be due to many reasons: from an incorrectly established gestational age to individual characteristics woman and fetus. Therefore no one good doctor will not tell the woman that she will give birth on such and such a date, but will set an approximate due date, a deviation from which in one direction or another by a week or even two will not represent any anomaly.

A more accurate idea of ​​the date of birth can give Ultrasound in the last weeks of pregnancy and some signs, the so-called harbingers of childbirth", which it would be good for a woman to know about in advance. We will definitely talk about them in due course.

So, the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, and this means that the mother and the future baby have finally reached the “finish line”.

The third trimester is rarely as cloudless as the second, and you need to be prepared for various problems and treat them as calmly as possible. Most of them are not caused by something wrong with the mother or baby, but because the pregnant uterus becomes large, takes up a lot of space and interferes with normal activities internal organs women.

In addition, by the third trimester, a pregnant woman is simply tired: from a heavy, clumsy body, from constant intestinal problems, from pain in the back and legs, from the fear of imminent childbirth, and from the fact that pregnancy seems endless.

We hasten to reassure the expectant mother: no pregnancy lasts forever, and there is very little time left until the day when she, happy, slender, light, will walk through the park where she is walking with difficulty now, pushing a stroller in front of her, in which she will snore sweetly a tiny creature that looked so much like her or her husband.

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The third trimester has arrived, most of the pregnancy has passed. This is the final stage of pregnancy - preparation for childbirth. During these weeks of pregnancy, a woman physically and mentally prepares more and more for childbirth.

At that time expectant mother a little calmer, because there are many ultrasounds and tests behind us to confirm the proper development of the long-awaited baby.

At this stage, the child is almost formed. Now the baby is gaining weight more actively than before. The baby's movements have become more pronounced and the mother can already distinguish and feel a leg or arm. By the end of the last trimester, the baby will dig less and less. This is due to the fact that he will increase in height and there will be less and less space for him.

I'm glad that the expectant mother can boast of a big belly. Because of this, she becomes less agile. It’s getting harder and harder to bend over. Now fatigue occurs more often. Every 1-2 hours a woman wants to take a horizontal position to rest. This is due to a large tummy, which puts stress on the back. Characteristic for women is swelling of the legs and dilation of the veins during these weeks have a nice wait birth of a baby. Some even buy shoes two sizes larger.

During these last weeks of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges significantly. In the 3rd trimester, possible training contractions. This is a normal physiological preparation of the uterus for the upcoming birth. Frequent urination is also common. The uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which constantly makes you want to empty your bladder.

3rd trimester of pregnancy: fetal development

At that time The baby has grown well and every day is becoming more formed and more prepared for birth. All body systems are improving and completing their formation.

Every mother closely monitors the growth of her child; she is interested in knowing what is happening with her beloved child at the present time.

At the 7th month(in the third trimester of pregnancy) the fetus is ripe. So, what happens in the 7th month of pregnancy:

  • Can respond to taste and sound. When he tastes something bitter or sour, he may react violently with tremors. The same reaction can occur to loud sounds.
  • The formation and improvement of the brain cortex is completed.
  • The child already feels pain.
  • Active period for subcutaneous fat deposition.

8 month

  • The child is less active due to lack of space.
  • Basically it is already placed in the correct position for upside down birth. But the more active ones turn over and change their position more than once.
  • At this time, the baby’s body is already producing urine, since its urinary system has already formed.
  • Lanugo disappears.
  • The cornea takes on color. Characteristic for all children at this time is the light blue color of the eye.
  • The skin begins to smooth out, but the original lubricant is present on it.

9 month

How does a mother change in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

At the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy a woman has the right to leave in connection with childbirth (70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth).

A woman has a lot of time, and therefore the opportunity to relax a lot. Actually, this is what she really wants now. Moreover, this good opportunity walk more in the fresh air.

During these weeks, my mother became quite distant from the outside world. The range of his interests is currently very narrow and understandable only to her. Choosing a crib, clothes, and furniture for the nursery are its main tasks. Many friends simply become uninteresting to a woman in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. To a greater extent, she is open to talking only about her child and childbirth, and she is not interested in anything else. This is the nature of a pregnant woman.

What to watch out for in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period there may be certain changes during pregnancy. Some of them simply cause discomfort, others are very dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus. The reasons for their occurrence are still varied, and you never know what to do to protect yourself from unpleasant health issues. But having information about certain diagnoses, you will be able to notice them in time and take the necessary measures.


Gestosis (late toxicosis) - A fairly common and dangerous disease that only goes away completely after the birth of the child. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of protein in the urine;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • promotion blood pressure.

This pregnancy complication can have a detrimental effect on both the mother and the fetus. The most terrible manifestation of this disease is cerebral edema, which causes a seizure and loss of consciousness.

Very often, placental abruption occurs as a consequence of this disease. It is also dangerous for the woman and the fetus. Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall can lead to bleeding or even fetal death.

In this state, a pregnant woman will definitely be hospitalized. In a hospital setting, she is provided with peace, and all factors that excite and cause tension in a pregnant woman are minimized.

Placental insufficiency

In this case, there is a disruption in the functions performed by the placenta. Usually one, and maybe several at the same time. The most common problem with this disease is bad job respiratory function. As a result, fetal hypoxia occurs. That is, the child experiences oxygen starvation.

Violation of nutritional function leads to delay or arrest of fetal development. Namely, the discrepancy between the height and weight of the child and the indicators characteristic of this period.

Such abnormalities can be seen on ultrasound. Therefore, despite various reservations about the effect of this device on the health of the body, it is still necessary to undergo routine diagnostics.

The occurrence of this situation in pregnant women is most often due to gestosis, previous long-term threats termination of pregnancy, chronic diseases and the like.

In such cases, doctors must prescribe drugs that improve placental blood circulation. Along with this, measures must be taken to eliminate the factors that caused the woman’s condition.


For women at this stage of pregnancy the respiratory process is somewhat modified. A pregnant woman cannot breathe deeply, so to speak. Feels some discomfort about this. This is due to the fact that the fundus of the uterus rises very high. There is pressure on the diaphragm and does not allow the lungs to expand.

This discomfort should simply be endured calmly and not panic. In addition, normal breathing will return to the woman even before birth. About two weeks before birth, when the fetal head descends into the cervix, occupying the correct position for childbirth.

Sleep disturbance

Common problem among pregnant women is insomnia. In the third trimester, a woman is increasingly concerned about both physical and moral factors.

A pregnant woman cannot find a comfortable position for herself, which is why she falls asleep. She is worried about pain in her back and lower back, and her big belly is bothering her.

Frequent awakening at night due to trips to the toilet. After this, it is impossible to fall asleep again.

Labored breathing, especially in summer time years when it is too hot outside also interferes with normal sleep.

Closer to the due date, training contractions can pose a threat to restful sleep.

In addition, the closer to childbirth, the more woman worries and thinks about the birth process itself. She is overwhelmed with emotions. Sometimes an overly anxious state is the most big problem healthy and restful sleep.

To improve your sleep, a woman should adhere to a certain evening preparation for bed:

  1. Before going to bed, take a walk for half an hour in the fresh air.
  2. Take a warm shower.
  3. Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.
  4. Arrange a comfortable sleeping place with special pillows for pregnant women.

And most importantly, do not torment yourself with thoughts and worries about the upcoming birth. After all, everything will go as it should.


Almost every woman sometimes suffers from constipation during pregnancy. This is the effect of progesterone on a woman’s body. It has a relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles. This is impossible to predict, because even women who have never had problems in this part suffer from constipation during pregnancy.

This unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by other symptoms.. In particular:

  • feeling of bloating;
  • feeling of a full stomach;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

To cope with this insidious disease, you must follow certain rules in nutrition and lifestyle.

Be sure to include in your diet:

In addition, you should move more and spend time outdoors. Do gymnastics and swim.


The problem occurs quite often among women. Praise be, it does not contain a threat to the child, however, it bothers the woman enough. This is a violation of venous outflow, which is due to the fact that :

  • Hormones somewhat weaken the vascular network.
  • Delayed outflow from the lower extremities due to compression of the abdominal vessels by the uterus.

To combat this uncomfortable condition, and to somehow preserve the attractiveness of your legs , special events are scheduled. In this case, the doctor will select special compression tights for you, which have a special tightening effect and keep the veins in the desired tone.

In this case, be sure to wear only shoes that are comfortable for you. Don't forget about evening foot treatments. Lie down and keep them elevated (for example, on a pillow) for half an hour. Next, take a cool foot bath.

All these manipulations are somewhat annoying, but during pregnancy the main task of a woman is to keep herself normal and monitor her health.

Sex in the third trimester

During the entire pregnancy, doctors, in principle, do not focus on this in terms of “possible” or “impossible”. They speak specifically only when there is a clear warning. But young parents often ask this question, however, it is often inconvenient to ask their doctor.

Generally speaking, then sex life in most cases it occurs. The exception is various pathologies and threats. Of course, even without a doctor’s instructions, one should take into account the woman’s special condition and adhere to certain boundaries.

If we talk about sexual activity in the third trimester, then if there are no special contraindications, then this is allowed. However, you should be very careful at this stage. In particular, avoid pressure on the abdomen and too deep “male penetration”. In the last months, the fetus has already dropped quite low, and you should be extremely careful in intimate caresses so as not to damage the placenta.

Hygiene in sexual life, of course, is not news, but during this period you should be as careful as possible, especially with new partners, so as not to introduce an infection.

From the point of view of women’s moral perception of sex at this stage, the position is far from the same.

Some women say that this feeling has intensified to a certain extent and their attraction to the male sex has increased.

Other women, on the contrary, cite that all attention was taken by preparation for childbirth and the long-awaited baby. But the woman herself does not consider herself an object of desire. Some categorically refuse intimate life because they consider themselves unattractive and fat.

Be that as it may, each woman experiences this pleasant, but difficult period in her own way. Pregnancy and motherhood- this is a feeling that only she understands. And she herself has the right to decide what she wants at this time and what she doesn’t.

The main thing is not to impose non-existent prohibitions on yourself. And act as your desire and condition allow you. Of course, within the limits of what is permissible and with caution towards your own child.

The gestation period for a child is 9 months, 40 weeks or 280 days, during which mother and baby have to go through a difficult and difficult path before meeting each other. This period is usually divided into trimesters of pregnancy by week, each of which has its own characteristics and symptoms.

Trimesters of pregnancy: how to divide and count In obstetric practice, the entire period of gestation is divided into trimesters. Young women preparing to become mothers for the first time do not always understand the meaning of this term, asking questions - what are trimesters, and how many of them are there in pregnancy?

Don't worry, a trimester is a period of three months, constituting 1/3 of the entire period of bearing a child. There are two ways to divide pregnancy into trimesters by week. In the first, simplified method, the maximum period of gestation (42 weeks) is divided into three equal parts, each of which includes 14 weeks.

The second method is more rational, according to doctors. Here, the calculation is based on 40 obstetric weeks, divided as follows:

  1. I trimester - from 1st to 13th week
  2. II trimester - from 14th to 27th week
  3. III trimester - from the 28th week until the baby is born

The calculation of trimesters is carried out to make it easier and more convenient for obstetricians and expectant mothers to monitor the progress of pregnancy, since each period has its own characteristics and symptoms, covering not just one specific month, but an entire stage.

Trimesters of pregnancy by week: table

Trimesters of pregnancy

In the table you can clearly see how trimesters are divided and how to count them. It shows that the entire pregnancy is divided into three important periods, each including three calendar months. These indicators are the same for every woman, and therefore do not provide for any individual calculations.

The first trimester is the initial stage during which conception and embryo formation occurs. Sometimes during this period the expectant mother does not even suspect that something is brewing in her body. new life. Most often, the first symptoms begin to appear by the 4th week: a woman notices a delay in the menstrual cycle, and her body reacts sharply to the appearance of a small “belly” with malaise and nausea.

The second trimester is considered the calmest and most prosperous period " interesting situation" By this moment, the expectant mother’s body has fully adapted to the fact that she needs to work for two, although the woman’s figure begins to change significantly - a belly appears, shapes are rounded, and overall weight increases.

By this stage, the embryo turns from a “tadpole” into a real person: all the important organs and vital systems are formed in it, it already knows how to move its arms and legs, suck its thumb, bringing immense joy to the mother, who feels the baby’s movements in the stomach.

The third trimester is the most alarming and difficult period. It lasts from 7 months until delivery. At this stage, the woman’s body is actively preparing for childbirth, and the baby continues to actively grow and develop. For the development of the baby, the last three months of intrauterine life are important preparation to independent life, therefore a woman needs to make every effort to create favorable conditions for successful completion a crumb of the final period of formation.

Despite the fact that each trimester brings with it certain difficulties for the expectant mother, they are all wonderful and beautiful in their own way. By going through each section of the path before meeting her child, a woman gains invaluable experience that cannot be bought with money.

Often, expectant mothers experience confusion when calculating the duration of pregnancy, especially when it comes to trimesters. This time period is usually understood as 3 calendar months. However, most often the duration of gestation itself is calculated in so-called obstetric months. The latter differ from calendar ones in that they last exactly 4 weeks. Let's take a closer look at the features of calculating the due date and answer the question regarding what week the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, which precedes childbirth, begins.

How long does the entire gestation period last?

Before naming the date when the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, we will consider the entire process of gestation week by week.

So, according to the entire pregnancy, a normal pregnancy lasts 280 days. In this case, the starting point for starting the countdown of this time period is the last day of the last menstruation. For greater convenience and correct calculation, obstetricians usually divide the entire pregnancy into trimesters.

The first trimester, or as it is also called early fetal, begins immediately at conception and lasts until the 13th week of pregnancy. Implantation occurs at this time ovum into the endometrium, which actually indicates the beginning of pregnancy. The period itself is characterized, first of all, by the formation of the axial organs and systems of the future baby.

The second trimester begins at week 14 and ends at week 27. It is characterized by the maturation and growth of already formed organs.

If we talk about how many weeks the 3rd trimester begins, then this is the 28th week of gestation. This time period is characterized by significant growth of an already formed child. It ends with childbirth, which is normally noted during the gestational process.

What changes are observed in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy in mother and baby?

Having figured out when, or more precisely, how many weeks the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, let’s give brief description this time period.

Every day the child grows, which leads to an increase in the height of the uterine fundus. So, for example, at week 28 this parameter is 29-30 cm, and already at week 36 – 37 cm. This is why the expectant mother often finds it difficult to breathe, shortness of breath develops, which intensifies after physical activity, for example - after climbing the stairs.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the training bouts, which given time are observed more and more often (can be recorded up to 10 times a day). At the same time, a woman must know exactly how to correctly distinguish them from generic ones, because There is always a possibility of premature birth.

As for the baby himself, at this stage all systems and organs are formed and are actively functioning. The only exception, perhaps, is the respiratory system, which begins to work with the birth of the baby.

The lungs are not expanded before birth. In order for this to happen, starting from week 20, a substance such as surfactant begins to be synthesized, which prevents the alveoli from collapsing. It is worth noting that this system matures only by the 36th week of gestation. Therefore, the birth of a baby earlier than the specified period may be accompanied by disruption of the respiratory system.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is no less responsible than the previous 2. At this time, the expectant mother must actively prepare for the birth process ahead of her and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. If a woman notices something strange, or pain appears in the lower abdomen, she must inform the doctor about this.

Despite all the ailments and inconveniences, your third trimester of pregnancy should be held under the motto “Waiting for a miracle.” All troubles will be forgotten as soon as you hug your baby. In the meantime, you need to familiarize yourself with all the physiological and psychological characteristics the last stage of your pregnancy.

Baby development

  1. 7 month.
  • At the 7th month of intrauterine development, your child no longer just hears, but even distinguishes voices;
  • The little gourmet develops taste buds;
  • He already sees something;
  • During this period, it continues to improve nervous system and the baby’s brain, lungs, kidneys, liver;
  • The figure also changes: the head is not growing yet, instead the body, arms, and legs are approaching the correct proportions;
  • The little one gains subcutaneous fat, thanks to this the skin straightens and wrinkles go away;
  • At the end of the 7th month, the baby will already weigh 1700 grams with a height of 40 cm.
  1. 8 month– this is a time of improvement.
  • Your baby already knows how to swallow, suck, write, even breathe;
  • At this time, if you do not eat on time, the child begins to suck his finger, which can be observed on ultrasound diagnostics;
  • The child, in the full sense of the word, is growing by leaps and bounds, every hour he gains more than 1 gram of weight;
  • The little one already has nails on his toes, his ears and nose become cartilaginous;
  • During this period, boys' testicles descend into the scrotum. As you have already noticed, your belly dweller has periods of wakefulness and rest. And you need to put up with it if these phases are clearly opposite to yours;
  • At the end of 36 weeks, the baby weighs 2.5 kg and is 45 cm tall.
  1. 9 month.
  • The last 4 weeks of the 3rd trimester are the most important for both you and your baby. The child takes the correct body position, head down, he noticeably calms down, and judge for yourself, with his parameters you won’t even move much;
  • The baby's skin becomes smooth, and the amount of lubricant on it is significantly reduced;
  • Ahead of you is a meeting with the baby, that's just the exact date It's not that easy to say. The baby can be born between 38 and 42 weeks.

External changes in the third trimester of pregnancy

The changes that happen to you in the 3rd trimester are visible to the naked eye:

  1. Stomach. The belly increases significantly in the third trimester, so it is simply impossible to hide pregnancy at this stage. By the way, your stomach can signal you that labor is approaching. If it has dropped significantly, it means it’s time to pack your bag for the maternity hospital;
  2. Gait. Your gait also changes; it is similar to a duck’s step: measured, calm, with a little sway. The third trimester of pregnancy is not the time to rush, and nature itself has taken care of your safety by increasing progesterone and relaxin. So peace and quiet walks are just what the doctor ordered;
  3. Weight. You shouldn’t look with horror at the scales that give out a new kilogram every 2-3 weeks. During the last trimester you will gain 4-5 kg, because your baby is growing with you.

Psychological changes

  • As you already know, in the last trimester you are at the mercy of progesterone and relaxin, so what happens in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy with your behavior, namely: slowness and drowsiness, is completely justified. But at the same time, you may be visited by anxieties and fears, which can be dispelled by mothers who have already given birth by watching special films and attending a motherhood school;
  • In the 3rd trimester, you may be consumed by the “nesting” syndrome; you will simply be drawn to specialized children’s stores, but do not rush to buy all the things you like, follow strictly the list given to you in consultation. You may simply be wrong with the size, or you may unexpectedly give birth to a girl instead of the boy promised at the ultrasound;
  • Interestingly, by the 38th week, estrogen replaces progesterone, at this time all your thoughts are occupied only with the upcoming birth and preparation for it, and the body is also preparing for this full swing: these include false contractions, preparation of the cervix, and even removal of the plug.

Possible complications of pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy can be a real test, giving you nausea, swelling or heartburn, but the main motivation for overcoming them is that everything is temporary, just like your pregnancy.

  1. Nausea. If you notice that you feel sick only after eating, then you shouldn’t panic: your stomach is simply being strongly compressed by the uterus, and food is pushed out in large quantities;
  • Nausea and vomiting can be signs of poisoning with low-quality products or incompatibility of food ingredients;
  • Another thing is nausea with edema, weight gain or increased blood pressure - all of these can be signs of late gestosis, which can cause premature placental abruption, swelling of the brain or convulsions leading to fainting. Preeclampsia can lead to failure: liver, kidney, respiratory;
  1. Dyspnea. If simply walking and climbing stairs makes you dizzy and short of breath, don’t worry. In your position, this is normal, since the uterus compresses the internal organs, including the diaphragm, which in turn does not allow you to breathe deeply;

This phenomenon is not subject to specific treatment, and already two weeks before birth, as soon as the stomach drops, breathing will become easier, but there are several recommendations:

  • you should not overeat;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • change positions in a lying position more often.

Attention! But if shortness of breath is accompanied by bluish skin or chest pain, then this pathology cannot be ignored - immediately see a specialist!

  1. Heartburn. No matter what you eat, the feeling of heartburn does not leave you? Accept that heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester is a temporary phenomenon and it will soon go away as soon as the uterus drops and stops squeezing the stomach;
  • In the meantime, you can somewhat reduce the discomfort by moderating your gastronomic urges from the area of ​​pickles and smoked foods, removing coffee and soda from your diet;
  • You can try to remove the unpleasant taste with milk;
  • If heartburn really bothers you, use pharmaceutical products, for example, Gaviscon or Rennie, but be sure to read the full instructions for the drug;
  • In addition, you will find many useful tips in the article Heartburn during pregnancy, how to get rid of it?>>>
  1. Edema. If you notice that in the morning your hands and feet are very swollen, or after sitting for a long time you cannot put on your usual shoes, it’s time to figure out what caused the swelling. Swelling in the third trimester of pregnancy is a common phenomenon, but not safe. Read more about edema during pregnancy >>>
  • You need to limit your salt intake and drink clean water;
  • Walk a lot in the fresh air, but don’t forget about rest;
  • If toxicosis or venous networks in the legs join the edema, you need to contact a specialist.
  1. Frequent urination. If you often need to go to the toilet, this is not a sign of illness. The explanation in this case is purely physiological: the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, and a feeling of fullness appears. In addition, your muscles are in a relaxed state, and before you sneeze, do not forget to tense them or sit down;
  2. Constipation. You should not remain silent about this ailment; you need to fight constipation. The weapon is not complicated: vegetables, fruits and cereals, rich in fiber and dairy products. Remember to drink clean water and move. Read more about constipation during pregnancy >>>

As you can see, walking will help with many problems in the 3rd trimester, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits.

Painful sensations

What you should not ignore is pain in the third trimester of pregnancy:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen is not a good sign, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. Your uterus may become toned, but this should not happen in the third trimester of pregnancy before 38 weeks. Pain that only intensifies with a feeling of stiffness in the lower abdomen can be fraught with premature birth;
  • Back pain, especially in the area sacral bones- a common phenomenon. You need to watch your posture, you can wear a bandage that supports your stomach and relieves stress on the spine, wear comfortable shoes, always low-top ones. You can also do special gymnastics, which will be shown to you at courses for pregnant women;
  • Painful sensations can also occur in the legs, especially after a long walk. The explanation is simple - your weight is growing rapidly, and your center of gravity has changed a lot, so you just need to rest more and wear comfortable shoes;
  • Headaches in the 3rd trimester are not uncommon. First of all, this is a reaction to increased blood pressure; there may be migraines from sleep disturbances or worries about the upcoming birth. You can read more about this in the article Headache during pregnancy >>>.

If the pain is tolerable, try not to take pills; you can lie down and put a cabbage leaf on your forehead, use aromatic oils, ventilate the room well, or take a walk in the fresh air. Among the tablets that you can take in your situation, paracetamol is the leader; it is the safest for you and your baby.

Discharge in the 3rd trimester

Transparent or whitish discharge without odor or impurities, in small quantities, is normal for pregnancy. It’s another matter if the discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy becomes abundant or changes in structure.

  1. Abundant clear discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid;
  2. Curd discharge with a sour milk smell is a sign of thrush (read the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  3. Brown discharge at 37 weeks will indicate that your due date is approaching - your mucus plug is gradually coming out, and your cervix is ​​slowly dilating. Before this period, brown discharge is a signal of pathology;
  4. The yellow color of the discharge can be given either by unauthorized incontinence, which is not uncommon in recent weeks, or infectious disease, with accompanying itching or irritation in the genital area;
  5. Pink discharge may only be present just before childbirth; early– this is a pathology: either leakage of amniotic fluid, or placental abruption, possibly even vaginosis;
  6. Heavy bleeding is a reason for immediate hospitalization. There is a threat to life for both you and your baby.

Important! You should be alerted to any discharge that appears along with painful sensations, increased body temperature or severe itching in the genital area.

Colds and other illnesses in the 3rd trimester

A cold in the third trimester of pregnancy is an extremely undesirable phenomenon: your immunity is greatly weakened, in addition, there is a phenomenon such as aging of the placenta, which means its protective functions are reduced and there is a risk of infection of the child, and the list medicines still narrow from the cold.

You need to take care of yourself in the third trimester of pregnancy, what you can and cannot eat is clearly defined:

  • You should not take warm baths or steam your feet if you got them wet during a walk (on this issue, read the article Steaming your feet during pregnancy >>>);
  • You should not take antipyretics, except paracetamol, antibiotics - only in urgent cases and only according to the decision of the attending physician;
  • You cannot use cups or go to the sauna (read the article Bath during pregnancy >>>);
  • You can rinse your nose with saline solution, saline solution, or chamomile decoction. Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used;
  • You can gargle with decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, saline and soda solutions with a drop of iodine (pay attention to the article How to gargle during pregnancy?>>>);
  • You can drink plenty of fluids, but there is a risk of swelling. Among the permitted herbs: linden, coltsfoot, licorice, marshmallow (carefully read the article Herbal tea during pregnancy >>>);
  • Mandatory bed rest; you cannot endure the disease on your feet in order to avoid complications.

Be especially careful just before childbirth, avoid crowded places, try not to contact sick people, because you need strength before the upcoming birth, in addition, if you have a fever or a cold, after birth your baby will be placed in a separate room so that he does not catch an infection from you . So maximum caution and preventive measures will not hurt.

Temperature during pregnancy

The usual 36.6 during pregnancy is extremely rare. So, the usual temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester is 37 degrees. This increase is due to the influence of progesterone.

  1. If the temperature rises to 38 degrees, it needs to be brought down. The most gentle way is to drink warmly: milk, tea with raspberries, linden infusion;
  2. You can take paracetamol once. Aspirin is taboo. It is toxic to your baby and may also cause you to bleed.

Vitamins for you and your baby

Vitamins for mom

During this period, the main problems may be a decrease in hemoglobin, weakened immunity and seizures. It's time to find out which vitamins will be your main helpers in the third trimester of pregnancy:

  • Vitamin C. This assistant is not only responsible for immunity, but also strengthens the vascular system;
  • Vitamin A is taken together with iron for anemia;
  • Vitamin B, together with magnesium, is ideal in the fight against cramps, which often occur in the 3rd trimester;
  • Vitamin K prevents bleeding and is responsible for blood clotting.

Vitamins for baby

As before, your baby’s menu is entirely up to you, so don’t forget about the nutrients for the proper development of your baby:

  1. Vitamin D and calcium are needed for the development and strengthening of the child’s skeletal system;
  2. Vitamin A is needed by the baby’s skin, bones, mucous membranes, and liver;
  3. Vitamin E is needed to normalize the functioning of the child’s pulmonary system.

As before, your menu should be varied, healthy, and varied in terms of vitamin content.

Sex in the third trimester

Psychologically, in the 3rd trimester you are unlikely to often think about love pleasures. Your first priority is getting ready for the maternity hospital and listening to your baby. And doctors don’t really welcome sex in the third trimester of pregnancy:

  • There is a threat of uterine tone and premature birth;
  • By the end of the 9th month, the risk of fetal infection increases;
  • At the end of pregnancy, the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth; its structure is looser and more vulnerable, so there is a risk of injury.

But we are not talking about a categorical ban on sex in the third trimester; if you feel great, heartburn and shortness of breath do not bother you, then measured and careful caresses will not be superfluous.

Examinations in the 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, you will be invited to a consultation every two weeks. Traditional weighing, measuring abdominal girth and height of the uterus and listening to the baby's heartbeat, measuring your blood pressure, and interpreting the urine test taken before your appointment are performed at each examination. But there are other mandatory tests in the third trimester of pregnancy:

  1. Glucose testing. You will have your blood drawn twice: on an empty stomach and after drinking a sweet solution;
  2. General and biochemical blood test and hemoglobin level control;
  3. Vaginal smear at 8 months of pregnancy;
  4. Cardiotocography - measuring the baby's pulse and heartbeat at 32 weeks. In total, this procedure is done 2 or 3 times during the entire pregnancy;
  5. Ultrasound. In the third trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is prescribed at 32-36 weeks.

It is during this period, and, to be precise, from the 30th week of pregnancy, that you will be given prenatal leave and offered to attend a maternity school. Do not refuse this opportunity; group classes will help you cope with prenatal fears and prepare you for meeting your baby.

Ultrasound in the third trimester

Around 32-36 weeks you will be offered to undergo another scheduled ultrasound examination. In addition to the main question - who is there: a boy or a girl (read the article Determining the sex of a child by ultrasound >>>), the specialist will give you other important information:

  • Measurements. During an ultrasound, measurements are taken of the head, abdomen, bones, and internal organs and entered into a special protocol. Next, the proportionality of the body and the correspondence of the sizes with the period of development of the child are calculated. A verdict will be made on the expected weight of the baby at the time of birth. Normal weight at 32-36 weeks is from 2200 to 2700 grams, excess indicates the heroic weight of your child;
  • Physiognomy. The baby’s face, namely the mouth and nose, is subjected to no less careful study. Don’t forget to eat before the ultrasound, otherwise your baby’s hands will be in his mouth and you won’t be able to see his face;
  • Study of the spine. The specialist will carefully examine the structure of the spine and check the structure of each vertebra separately;
  • Structure of the cardiovascular system. Detailed study of the lungs, heart, vascular system in order to exclude developmental defects;
  • Digestive and urinary systems. The doctor carefully examines the stomach and esophagus, liver, kidneys, and bladder in terms of shape and size;
  • Placenta. Attention is paid to the thickness and structure of the placenta, as well as its integrity;
  • Presentation. One of the main points is how your baby lies. His head should already be down, the umbilical cord should not wrap around his body, much less his neck.

You may be scheduled for another ultrasound at 40 weeks if the baby is in no hurry to come out or there is a suspicion of an entangled umbilical cord or a large fetus. In this case, during an ultrasound, specialists assess the risk of childbirth and may send you for a caesarean section.