Farming among the mountains means abundance in food and basic necessities.

If you entrust a person to take care of your business, it portends a great misfortune.

If you approach a person who is engaged in fortune telling using the I Ching, it portends a disease or illness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Love

Dreaming of Cupid, the god of love, striking you with his arrow is a symbol of love: someone loves you and will soon reveal their feelings. This meaning of sleep applies equally to men and women. If you see in a dream that you have failed in love, then this dream has the opposite meaning: in reality you will succeed in love, get married and be very happy. If in a dream your friends treat you with love, it means that success in business and family happiness await you in the future. Good dream- see yourself in the company of your beloved: you will soon marry your chosen one, you will have many children - they will become a true source of joy and consolation for you. For a pregnant woman, this dream foretells that she will safely give birth to a charming child. If in a dream your love is reciprocated, this means that many loving friends will surround you, they will be ready to help you when necessary and will remain faithful to you for life. This dream predicts favorable weather, a rich harvest and prosperity for the farmer. It promises a sailor several successful voyages. In the end, the sailor marries a rich girl and arranges his life well.

Interpretation of dreams from

If anyone sees himself enjoying love in a dream- anxiety and sadness await him. And if he sees his love broken- joyful news and rejoicing await him.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Sex in a dream?

If in a dream you are involved in group sex- you have to show care and attention to your family and especially to your loved one.

If you dreamed that your loved one was having group sex- disappointment in love and distrust of representatives of the opposite sex await you.

Dream Interpretation 2012

If, not only in dreams, an abundance of signs, symbols, hints with sexual meaning has become noticeable- this firstly speaks of your strong sexual energy, and is a reflection of your strong libido. Remember the law “as is inside, so outside”; first of all, understand yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Do you notice various sexual hints, sexual symbols that surround you everywhere?- this may be a reflection of the subconscious sexual energy bubbling within you. You have a strong libido.

If you see others showing sexual interest in you, but you maintain an outward coldness- this means intense sexual signals are coming from you. Take the trouble to tune into your own inner wisdom and determine the source of these symbols. Listen to yourself and determine what you really want.

Dream Book of David Loff

Dreams about sex and the search for sexual connotations- this is something like entertainment for interpreters. Often you don’t even need to search for long.

Sexual satisfaction, love, flirting, attraction and nightly rendezvous are very often present in the bizarre interweaving of dreams- The search for sexual connotations has long been the main way of studying and interpreting dreams, which is partly due to the significant contributions of Sigmund Freud in this area. However, interpreting the sexual meaning of dreams can present some difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Have sex and achieve deep satisfaction- experience all the joys of love in real life, and not just in a dream.

Feel stiff, tired, dissatisfied- face the problem of mutual cooling and finding a new partner.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

For classes black magic - very typical are repeated plots with a variety of sexual contacts, as well as an abundance of various lustful creatures, and some of them are bisexual (incubi and succubi). This is, first of all, sex with parents (father or mother), relatives, various animals (pig, donkey, wolf, cat, werewolf, etc.). And also same-sex sexual relations (male and female homosexuality) as a general symbol of degradation, spiritual pathology (various energy disorders), self-destruction of oneself and one’s kind (sex with parents) and unity with low animal energies, passions (sex with animals). General strong activation of sexual arousal, desire (in dreams and in reality).

Medieval dream book

Married sex- for good.

Universal dream book

If you dreamed that you had sex- first of all, ask yourself: how did I feel? Were you excited? Upset? Was it nice? Your attitude towards sex in a dream will largely determine your attitude towards it in real life.

Who did you have sex with in your dream?- do you feel desire and passion for this person? Or would you like to acquire character traits characteristic of this person?

If you dream that you or your partner had sex with other people- the dream can be an expression of your worst nightmare. Or do you suspect your partner? What caused your distrust? Is it because of your fear and uncertainty or because of his infidelity?

As scary as it may seem, you may be dreaming about sex with a family member.- but don’t worry: the dream only speaks of your desire to get closer to this person, and does not at all reflect your sexual aspirations.

You may also see lewd sex or pornographic images in your dreams.- There is no need to feel guilty. The dream simply says that you would like to open new horizons. And what better way to experiment than sleep!

Gypsy dream book

Dreaming about others having sex- you will succeed.

If you have sex yourself- you will be completely satisfied with the implementation of your plans.

Erotic dream book

Sex in the air, seen in a dream- means the onset of a period in your life characterized by ambiguity, “suspense,” and uncertainty. At the same time, it indicates that you do not rely on fate and do not give up after another failure, but are actively striving to change the situation for the better.

Dream about sexual relations in the air- may mean your desire to make the connection with your partner more romantic, to elevate it. Perhaps you feel that life puts pressure on you, forces you to immerse yourself in everyday life, does not allow you to express yourself, soar to the heights of thoughts and feelings. Thus, a dream about sex in the air shows your yet unfulfilled desire to do something original, unusual, something that you can later be proud of. In general, dreams about flights and various movements through the air have always attracted Special attention psychoanalysts. This happened because the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, considered dreams of flying to be an expression of the dreamer’s latent (that is, unmanifested, hidden) homosexuality. Particular attention was paid to men's dreams in which the dreamer sat on some objects after a flight.

If they had a convex shape- means homosexuality this person is active in nature, but if the objects were long and sharp, the nature of homosexuality was passive. Nothing lasts forever; these are the harsh laws of life. Everything good and bad has a logical end. But this statement in no way applies to dreams. The desire to eternally enjoy benefits and pleasures symbolizes this dream. Only awakening can snatch you from the embrace of the symbol of eternal pleasure, wrapped in such a simple symbolic form. The reality is much more cruel: the goals of life are not defined, and once defined, they are difficult to achieve. Therefore, the unconscious gives you such a plot solution in the form of compensation for the daily blows of fate.

Hedonism (lust for pleasure)- is the foundation of your worldview. If you don’t always succeed in following your plan, you do not lose your composure, but systematically calculate options for achieving your goal. Obstacles and life collisions have never been serious obstacles, because your determination and perseverance breaks even the steepest thresholds. Time, doing its destructive work, flows unnoticed by you. You are resistant to the storms that sometimes rage in your life. And those little things that are not achieved in reality appear in dreams and bring peace and satisfaction. This is the therapeutic function of dreams, simulating everyday life in completely new images, which are then subject to interpretation by us.

A dream in which you take the leading role during sexual intercourse- is a very favorable sign. It says that you are a self-confident person, capable of choosing the only right goal for yourself and achieving it in the best way. On the one hand, you are not afraid of the obstacles that come your way; you overcome them with ease, because you do not worry and do not give up, knowing that active actions await you. But on the other hand, you don’t waste your energy on trifles, calculating your potential with amazing accuracy and directing it to what you really need. You do not tend to waste your energy on trifles, since you are a very active person and know that you may need it at any moment.

If you feel tired in your sleep after sexual intercourse- such a dream suggests that it would not hurt you to take a break away from work, and possibly family. Most likely in Lately you had to solve many urgent matters, which, falling on you at once, subjected you to a serious test and extremely tired you. But rest assured that your fatigue is temporary and short-lived, in a few days you will get back into shape and continue to solve everyday problems with renewed vigor. And yet, do not risk your health, allow yourself to relax physically and mentally for at least a couple of days.

Anal sex - a dream warns that you are being deceived. Moreover, this is done by the person you completely trust: a close friend or relative. You don’t want to admit to yourself that you have been in such trouble, but this is so, because intuition is one of those qualities that is rarely mistaken in assessing a situation. The only thing is that you don't use it as often as you should. Trusting your feelings is the best way to eliminate ambiguity and suspicion that you have about the people around you. Another interpretation of the dream is quite possible. It just seems to you that everyone around you is deceiving you and there is no such person on whom you can rely. But there are always such people: usually time tests them. Your suspicions are very often completely unnecessary, and yet they are very dangerous for relationships with people close to you. You should not become paranoid, as in this case additional mental problems may arise. The only thing that remains for you is to calm down and wait for the outcome, your friends, real or imaginary, will definitely show their faces, and thanks to the fact that the content of the dream is open to you, you will already be on the alert and will not let yourself be fooled. If a woman has a dream- it is most likely a symbol associated with verbal (verbal) communication. They say that there is no force that can silence a woman. Your passion for verbal expression of your emotions was embodied in such an intimate dream, the content of which indicates that silence can sometimes truly be worth its weight in gold. You shouldn’t spill all your thoughts out: they can become public knowledge, which can damage your reputation. If a man sees this dream- this indicates some conflict with the female gender. This is manifested, in particular, in his belief that when a man speaks, a woman should be silent and listen, listening to every word coming from him. Such authoritarianism may not turn out in your favor, because a woman also loves to talk and demands to be listened to. Patience and endurance are a guarantee of success in love affairs. The unconscious also confirms this in its own form. Show patience and restraint: a man must be Spartan-style in his communication with a woman, who, in turn, must be able to control herself and be laconic, like a real Spartan woman.

Dreams related to ritual sex- have roots in archetypes and mythological thinking of man. They affect archaic ideas that have been repressed from consciousness and are in an unconscious state. It is precisely such foundations that give a person the opportunity to understand others through signs and symbols, through gestures and body movements, bypassing everything that has been developed by culture and civilization over the long centuries of its development. The main meaning of ritual procedures lies in initiation into something, for example, secret knowledge, a secret society, a certain elite that differs from other people in something significant and intimate. It may also mean moving to a new, higher quality. For men, a similar dream- symbolizes the transition from youth to maturity (not necessarily physical), some knowledge that made the dreamer more competent. Perhaps you saw or learned something that gives you an advantage over other people in your circle, or you made acquaintances in high circles. You have probably reached such a high level of self-awareness that you will soon be in complete control of your words and actions. If a woman had a dream with such content- he prophesies for her a quick promotion up the career ladder or a very profitable marriage in all respects. It is also possible that in the near future you will be able to implement your plans.

Dream about marital sex(i.e. sex with your spouse)- can be interpreted depending on the emotions and feelings experienced by the dreamer. For men, a dream about sex with his wife- can mean: 1) upon achieving pleasure - you are satisfied with your family life, you have achieved everything you dreamed of, you have everything you strived for; in addition, you are satisfied with your position at work and among your friends; 2) in the presence of unpleasant sensations or the inability to achieve pleasure - dissatisfaction with the situation in the family, the attitude of your wife and children towards you; fatigue from the daily course of events, a desire to change something.

For women, a dream about sex with a spouse- has the following meanings: 1) in the presence of pleasure - the desire to keep everything as it is, fear of change; pleasure in your position as wife, mother and homemaker; 2) in the absence of pleasure - rejection of the position of wife, mother and mistress of the house, subconscious hysterical urges; desire to change one's situation; feminist thinking, the desire to show men that they have no reason to occupy dominant positions in society. It has long been noticed that partners who are in love or have been married for a long time sometimes see the same dreams. This is mainly explained by mutual understanding between them, the ability to feel each other’s desires. However, sometimes this phenomenon does not find normal explanations. And then the sincerity and frankness of the partners in their relationships with each other become especially important, which will help to find out the reason for the occurrence of such dreams.

Group sex - you cannot imagine your existence outside the group. You do everything in your power to maintain friendly relations and not lose the threads that bind you. Loneliness depresses you, you are real social personality: life outside society is not for you, not because you could not survive alone, but for purely psychological reasons. Your character is such that you constantly need to share your experiences and feelings with loved ones. You are open to everyone who seeks to communicate with you. While you willingly share the most necessary things, you often leave your needs without due attention. Self-sacrifice, so rare in our cruel and evil world, is the norm for you. And even the fact that you are sometimes disappointed in people who do not appreciate the attention you pay to them does not stop your spiritual, selfless impulse to always come to the aid of others. Thanks to your qualities, you easily find a common language with everyone and do not get completely lost even in society. strangers. The experiences caused by sleep are most likely rooted in the fact that the mind does not have time to comprehend your impetuosity, which carries it away in its attempt to come to the aid of everyone.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Sex according to the dream book?

If the plot was about sex- this suggests that everything is good in your personal life.

More interpretations

Group sex, according to the dream book- a reflection of the fact that events await you that will cause a storm of emotions.

Sex with a friend in a dream- indicates that in reality you are connected by something more than just friendship; take a closer look at him, and you will definitely notice it.

You make love with someone with whom you have a warm relationship in reality- in the near future, your life with this person will be filled with joy and happiness, a real exciting adventure of a romantic nature is possible, feel free to agree to the most outright adventures.

Intimate relationships with your true lover- they warn that in real life you will begin a period of mutual cooling towards each other; the severity of sensations in a dream will be directly proportional to your hostility in reality.

Sex with a girl is evidence of some psychological problems, related to the sexual sphere, or it promises you loneliness and lack of demand, but in many ways in the interpretation of such a vision you need to focus on its context.

A dream in which you have sex with some man- promises the successful implementation of everything you have planned, incredible luck awaits you.

If at the same time he has fame and popularity, most likely you cannot come to terms with other people’s successes, you cannot rejoice in the happiness of others, you are offended that all this is not happening to you.

If in a dream you become an involuntary witness of a man making love to someone, your efforts will not be lost without a trace, you will receive a generous reward and universal admiration for your talents.

Having sex with my husband- indicate that your family well-being is not in danger, you will live in love and harmony, you will be comfortable and cozy with your life partner.

If at the same time you feel disgust, this is a sure warning that you should devote more time and attention to building harmonious and trusting relationships in your married couple, otherwise there may be serious discord in it.

Dream about sex with blood relatives, in particular with your sister- as a sign that you will not be alone, in any difficult situation you will certainly be supported.

Intimate relationship with brother- indicate that you are fixated on your personal life, especially its intimate aspect, you attach excessive great importance interactions with representatives of a different gender from you.

Dreamed that you had sex with your boss- it means you are positioning yourself incorrectly, remember your self-esteem, and those around you will begin to appreciate and respect you more.

If such a vision visited a young careerist, this is a good sign; she is guaranteed to receive a more prestigious position, although achieving this will not be so easy; she can count on the assistance of someone who has more life wisdom.

If, on the eve of the wedding, the bride dreams that she made love with someone with whom she has not been together for a long time- this means that subconsciously she is not completely sure of the correctness of her current decision, she doubts the future, and constantly thinks about the past.

Intimacy with a former chosen one - warns that all the i’s have not yet been dotted in your relationship, and you still have to pay for misdeeds and mistakes made a long time ago.

If in a dream you had sex with your ex-husband- it means that you still have some warm feelings for him, he is for you the criterion by which you judge your current chosen ones, if you do not mentally let him go, then only you will be worse off.

For a man, sexual intercourse in a dream with a representative of the opposite sex- is a bad omen, promising boredom, melancholy and disappointment.

If you don’t know this woman at all, it means that you are not sure of what you are doing, you are worried about uncertainty and lack of stability, even your thoughts are a complete mess.

I dreamed that you had anal sex- be vigilant, someone from your inner circle, who does not cause you any doubts, can betray you and use you to realize their selfish interests.

If he's oral- most likely, there is something fundamentally dissatisfied with you in your intimate relationship with your real partner, and this greatly depresses you.

If a representative of the fair sex saw this, this is a warning that her excessive talkativeness can play a bad joke on her, so she should moderate her talkativeness.

A dream in which a woman had sex with her dad- this is a sign that she needs to change her usual worldview, in particular, stop comparing all her potential chosen ones with her dad, otherwise she will never achieve her ideal, and will always be lonely.

If it's group sex- an event will occur that will greatly surprise or puzzle you, you will learn something that you could not expect, and that has never happened to you before.

If you do not want to take part in it, in the near future you will become a real darling of fate, everything will always work out exactly as you planned, you will be successful both in business and in your personal life.

For a woman in this position, such a vision is a warning that she will be relieved of her burden or ahead of schedule, or the birth itself will be rapid.

If in a dream you had sex with a person whom you don’t know at all in real life- most likely, some decisive events will happen in your destiny, after which your life will go completely different.

Also, a vision may indicate that you have put yourself in too strict a framework, which only causes you inconvenience and does not bring any benefit, so try to reconsider your principles.

According to the dream book, sex with your spouse, with whom you are no longer together- indicates that your love fervor for her has not yet faded.

This vision can also warn that relationships with someone you have known for a long time may become closer and more intimate, and you could not even think about it before.

Dreamed that you had sex with your friend- this means that in reality there will be a huge probability that your friendship can develop into something more, you will have to muster all your will so as not to succumb to sudden temptation.

Such a vision may be the result of your long and very close cooperation, in this case you simply do not pay attention to it and try to behave as if nothing had happened, without stopping your usual communication.

For a man to see intimate relationships with his chosen one, with whom he is no longer together- is not quite good sign, promising sadness and melancholy, which, however, will soon be dispelled thanks to a new romantic acquaintance.

If you dreamed of sex with a relative- this means that in any, even the most false situation, you can count on their support and assistance.

If a young man dreamed of sex with his mother- warns that he needs to stop comparing all his chosen ones with his parent, otherwise he will face loneliness.

You see how someone enters into a vicious relationship with their mother - this speaks of your biased attitude towards others, you are afraid to become attached to someone, so that later you will not worry and be upset because of his inconsistency with your expectations and ideal ideas.

Dreaming about sex with someone you know- be careful, avoid promiscuity, as their consequences can be disastrous for you.

If you know this person well enough, you will be able to implement your plans even easier than you think, you will have great luck, everything will work out in your favor.

If you dreamed of sex with a stranger- then, most likely, your future seems very vague to you; you cannot foresee what awaits you tomorrow.

If you dreamed of sex with your girlfriend- be prepared for the fact that events will not turn out the way you planned, you will be very annoyed.

If this activity does not give you the expected pleasure, in real life you will get what you expected, but it will not bring much joy, you will find yourself the subject of universal censure.

A dream in which you had sex with unknown girl which has never been seen- indicates that you spend too much time on love affairs and place too much importance on intimacy.

If in a dream you had sex with a virgin- beware of the collapse of all your plans, you will not only face serious problems, but also suffer from the gossip of others.

Also, a vision can promise you a meeting with a mystery woman, she will constantly be dark and hold back, which will significantly complicate communication with her, but at the same time she will be very disposed towards you

Dreaming about sex with your ex-wife- the dream suggests that deep down you still hope that you will be happy together again.

Also, this vision foreshadows the beginning of a romance with someone who has been nearby for many years, but you could not even admit the thought that you would be connected by something more than friendship.

According to the dream book, gay sex- warns that you will be drawn into some kind of intrigue, you will have to find out confidential information, and most importantly, do not give it away to anyone.

A dream in which you saw lesbian sex- indicates that you will meet a life partner who will treat you with great love and provide you with the most comfortable environment.

If in a dream you made love with a deceased person, you simply cannot come to terms with his loss, and you want to establish at least some kind of connection with him at all costs.

If in a dream you saw sex with a dog- this can be a warning that you should be as honest and noble as possible towards those who trust you.

Threesome in a dream- suggests that lovemaking is like sports training for you, the sensual aspect is completely ignored by you.

If a girl dreams that she is having sex in water- this suggests that she is already completely ready to try on the role of a mother, morally she has already come to this.

A dream in which you had sex with a celebrity- indicates that you strive to live off the merits of others, to enjoy the fruits of success that was not achieved by you.

If such a vision visited a man, this is sure sign that he will receive powerful patronage, allowing him to achieve outstanding results in his work and succeed in life in general.

Video: Why do you dream about Sex?

The article on the topic: “making love between a girl and a girl, dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

A dream in which you made love, according to psychologists, speaks of an internal need for attention from the stronger sex. Several dream books give a description of why such a plot is dreamed of. A young woman who sees herself in a man’s arms in a dream will soon face disappointment in her chosen one in reality.

For a man, such a piquant plot promises well-being in real life. But there is one subtle point here: things will go well only if his sexual partner in his dreams was an unfamiliar woman. If the dreamer made love to his wife, then a quick divorce is likely. Watch from the side as a certain couple merges in a passionate embrace towards success.

Various interpretations of dreams involving lovemaking

Noble dream book N. Grishina says that making love in a dream means disappointment. The same interpreter explains why such a plot is dreamed of, depending on the personality of the partner. If a woman saw the plot, then her life will be filled with significant and joyful events. Coitus with a brother predicts receiving help from relatives in real life.

In a dream, a girl makes love with a woman, according to N. Grishina’s dream book, to participate in some mysterious business. If a girl dreams that she has become a victim of violence, then in reality she will be able to achieve her goal. A sexual relationship with one’s own father promises special treatment from fortune. For some time after such a dream, you will be lucky in all matters.

A representative of the stronger sex in a dream has a sexual relationship with beautiful woman also to great success and luck. If in place of the partner there was a legal spouse, then in reality it will not be possible to avoid a big quarrel with her. Sex with a married woman will make all your desires come true.

According to the same dream book, making love with a guy you know means successful completion of the business you have started. The interpreter also explains why you dream of making love with a prostitute. Expect happiness in reality, which will ultimately be destroyed by a serious illness. Sleep with sister to a powerful influx vitality. If your partner had an unmarried daughter, then in real life you can prepare for her wedding.

To have a sexual relationship with any animal in a dream means wealth. Making love with a deceased person, according to the dream book, means acquiring quite valuable property. See as a partner my own mother- a bad sign. Probably, in reality you will not follow the right path, which will negatively affect your entire life.

Why dream of making love according to the modern dream book

Seeing yourself having sex in the air in a dream means the onset of an ambiguous life period. Some uncertainty will worry you a lot, but your own hard work and optimism will help you overcome this difficult time. According to the dream book, making love with your loved one in front of the mirror symbolizes the desire to receive approval for your actions. If during such sexual intercourse you feel that you cannot achieve orgasm, you should think about your own self-esteem. It is quite possible that it is overestimated.

A modern dream book explains why one dreams of virtual sex in a dream. It turns out that he is a symbol of a false understanding of the current situation. The dreamer may be mistaken about the attitude of the people around him and about his own appearance, and abilities as a lover.

According to the dream book, making love with your husband leads to complete harmony in family relationships. All misunderstandings will disappear and you will enjoy good attitude from the spouse's side. Take advantage of the right moment and discuss with your husband everything that has already worried you. long time questions. This time is perfect for such a difficult conversation.

Sexual intercourse in plain sight public place symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to put his thoughts and relationships on public display. Most likely, this desire is caused by the need to receive wise advice. According to the dream book, making love to a young and very seductive girl in a dream means success with the opposite sex. If you are still single, then don’t worry, a fateful meeting will take place very soon.

The modern dream book says that making love with a man while wearing clothes means that an obstacle will appear in real life. There may also be futile attempts to complete the work started. Having sexual intercourse with one of the famous people in a dream means trying to join the fame and popularity of another person. To a young man This plot promises successful career advancement.

Work out with ex-love according to the dream book, it means the presence of longing for a departed relationship. You probably want to return former feelings back, but this will no longer be possible. Go forward. When you meet another person, you will forget about your past happiness. The dream book also explains why the lady dreams that she is having sex underwater. A similar plot speaks of the dreamer’s desire for motherhood.

Having sexual intercourse with a monster in a dream speaks of your reluctance to obey your superiors. Sex with a representative of the black race, accompanied by positive emotions, indicates an inability to think about the consequences and about the future. If in a dream such a connection caused you suffering, then now you are going through a period of mental tossing.

Why do you dream about sex with your sister?

I want me to see in a dream how I have sex.

I dreamed about my husband, he had sex with a young girl.

I was raped by my master.

I had sex with in a dream ex-girlfriend in the toilet, and some woman caught us.

Why do you dream about sex with your girlfriend’s mother?

In a dream I made love with a Hindu. I did not receive satisfaction. I wonder what this dream is for.

Dream Interpretation Making love, why you dream Making love in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about making love from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And it will help to understand the dream even more accurately moon calendar.

Why do you dream about making love: interpretation of the dream

Why do you dream about making love - to joy, pleasure, successful meetings, general sympathy for your personality, the desire to please your business partner. A dream in which you dream that you are making love is regarded by almost all dream books as positive. Making love in a dream means a quick meeting with your loved one, a romantic date, or a wedding. If you dreamed that you were making love to stranger- an unexpected turn of events that is interpreted as favorable for you.

Why dream of making love in a dream - passionately want to marry a person with whom you have not yet had intimacy. Dreaming of sex with your boss means a reprimand, a promotion, a long-awaited trip in which you will gain invaluable professional experience. Why dream of making love with a friend - a romantic trip that will take place on the initiative of the one who was the leader in love relationships in your dream.

Why do you dream about making love according to the dream book?

to make love family man? A woman dreams that she is making love to her husband - a sign of her fidelity and respect for her husband. A man dreams that he is making love to his wife - to discord in the family, your family relationships may crack. If a man dreams that he is making love to a stranger, this is a positive dream for him. It promises joy, unexpected income, a strong relationship with his wife and the health of his children.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream about making love, dream analysis:

Making love in a dream means dissatisfaction, a quick change of partner, new experiences that you have been sorely lacking lately. If you dream that you are making love, such a dream indicates that in reality you experience a lack of communication with the opposite sex. Making love in a dream means wanting in reality intimate intimacy with a married person.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about making love in a night dream?

making love in a dream meaning of dream. A girl making love to a man in a dream means disappointment in love.

A woman dreams of making love, on the contrary, to a strong relationship, passion and fidelity of a partner.

A man dreams of sex with an unfamiliar girl - to success. With a wife - to discord in the family. With a married woman - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Such a dream suggests that you will soon hear disapproving opinions of friends or acquaintances about your behavior, so try not to compromise yourself in any way - neither in words nor in actions. For family people, such a dream promises frequent quarrels and troubles in the home circle.

If you dreamed that you accidentally caught an unfamiliar couple making love, in real life get ready for unusual and unexpected changes that will bring only good things. Promising acquaintances and profitable deals are quite possible, so try not to lose the opportunity to make new friends and useful acquaintances. If your presence in a dream does not go unnoticed, in reality you are in danger of being exposed. Someone will try to lead you to clean water, unless, of course, you managed to show yourself not at your best. Such a dream also portends minor troubles in business, problems in business sphere. Try to play fair, and then you won't have to risk your reputation.

making love - If in your erotic dream familiar and close people appear, but not you yourself, this speaks of your lack of self-confidence, which is completely groundless and only harms you. It seems to you that everything is falling out of hand and nothing is working out, while others succeed in everything and everywhere. This is a figment of your imagination and, perhaps, a consequence of elementary laziness, which you do not want to start fighting. Look around and see that things are not really that bad, and that you are not that unhappy.

If you dreamed that you were making love with a stranger, the dream suggests that in real life you will encounter unforeseen circumstances that could negate all your plans and ideas. To prevent this from happening, play it safe in advance and take safety measures. Most often, such a dream is a kind of warning, thanks to which you will be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances and easily eliminate and prevent any difficulties in your path. To a greater extent this interpretation relates to the business sphere, but in general, this dream portends good luck and success. If you dreamed that you were making love with a person you know well, you will be able to achieve your intended goal without any complications and good luck will definitely smile on you.

Making love in a dream with your loved one - only joyful and pleasant events, exciting activities and holidays await you. Romantic interests and many temptations are possible, which should not be refused. In all matters you can safely count on success, try to do as much as possible, since during this period of time you have increased efficiency and have a desire to work.

making love - If in a dream you enjoyed sex, and your partner was very pleasant to you, your immediate future should not cause you concern - it is cloudless and serene. The upcoming troubles are small, so you can easily cope with them, and not without the help of loved ones. It is possible that your hopes and dreams are not so vain, so success, happiness and prosperity await you. If sex in a dream was unpleasant to you, and your partner did not evoke any feelings other than disgust and pain, this means that minor disappointments await you. They may be caused by the behavior of some of your new acquaintances, about whom you had a better opinion. Probably something will bother you, you will worry about something and suffer in your soul.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about making love in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream about making love according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about making love from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about making love according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about making love from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about making love in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about making love in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Wed May 31, 2017, 08:08:50

Then, on the street, I reached into his pants, jerked off a couple of times, and brought him inside me. Was very good.

But I am madly in love with another man, Slava.

And the arkashe is under damn fifty dollars! I'm 16. That's it.

Sun May 28, 2017, 14:07:02

Thu November 03, 2016, 12:06:02

Thu March 17, 2016, 15:00:33

A relative interfered (climbing through the window). As a result, we moved to another room.

Sex was when I held my partner in my arms and penetrated her easily and softly. She was pliable and happy.

As a result, when I walked her to the stop, to my surprise, she softly announced that she was waiting for new partners! I returned back in big leaps and... took off, but the dense branches of maple foliage near the house got in the way.

Fri February 12, 2016, 12:54:08

Making love in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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What does it mean to make love in a dream?

Due to the great attention we pay to our personal lives, we often have dreams filled with romantic experiences. Why you dream of making love depends on the context of the dream.

Interpretations regarding dreams that involve sexual intercourse vary. There are several key interpretations of dreams in which the dreamer made love.

  • Desire for attention from other people or their approval.
  • Independence and independence of the person who had the dream.
  • The need for change and new experiences.

Sex with loved ones or people you know

Those people who surround us in reality very often become the main characters in dreams. A dream can either summarize the experiences of the day, without meaning anything specific, or reflect various experiences occurring in the dreamer’s soul. A dream in which a person made love to someone close generally symbolizes an increase in trust between them in reality.

Making love in a dream with your husband is a fairly traditional dream plot. Relationships with your beloved man in the near future will reach new level, will be filled with harmony and warmth. It is during this period that the dream book advises discussing all the issues of concern with your husband. If a man made love to his wife, he should pay attention to his behavior in reality, whether he is behaving inappropriately towards his wife.

A woman’s sexual relationship with a girl she knows in a dream represents the desire for a friendly relationship in reality, and not necessarily with this girl. The dreamer may lack an understanding person in her life, which is what such a dream usually symbolizes.

For a man, sex in a dream with a woman he knows can mean both the desire to win his friend if he is single, and the desire for something new if he is married. When married man If you have a similar dream, the dream book advises you to try to add variety to your relationship, to do something exciting with your chosen one.

Often there are dreams in which the dreamer has sex with ex-boyfriend. The dream book interprets any contacts with a former boyfriend in dreams as a reflection of the remaining emotional connections between the girl and the guy. Therefore, sex with an ex means longing for those positive emotions that once existed in their relationship. You shouldn’t dwell on the past, it’s better to try to get a boost of cheerfulness and fun from communicating with friends or plunge into your hobbies.

The dream book gives almost the same interpretation to men regarding dreams with an ex-girlfriend, but for a man such a dream can also be a reflection of anxiety about his sex life with a new partner.

Sex with strangers or dead people

Sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar man in a dream is surprising, especially among married women. And a dream in which you had to have sex with a dead man is very frightening for girls. But worries in these cases are completely unnecessary: ​​sex with a stranger is a symbol of the new and unknown, and with a dead person is a symbol of the past and proven.

Making love in a dream with an unfamiliar man means that in reality you want to surprise others. The girl wants something unusual, so the dream book advises trying herself in some area of ​​activity that has long been attractive or taking up extreme sports.

If you dreamed something like this married woman, then it is difficult for her to get used to changes in reality, she should organize her impressions and try to develop an optimal strategy for behavior in new circumstances.

When a man has sex in a dream with an unfamiliar girl, in reality the dreamer will experience success with the opposite sex. If the girl was distinguished by unearthly beauty, then in the near future you can count on permission on our own a long-standing problem.

Making love with a deceased person symbolizes the dreamer's desire to acquire those qualities that were either valued by the deceased person during life, or were characteristics of the deceased person's character. Perhaps, if the dreamer cultivates these traits in himself, he will be able to cope much more easily with the problems that now greatly concern him.

In addition, a dream with a recently deceased relative reflects longing for him, a desire to bring the person back to life. If the deceased person with whom you had a sexual relationship in the dream was a long-dead childhood friend, the dream reflects acute nostalgia for the past, the desire to become a child, shed responsibilities and relax. In the latter case, the dream book recommends setting aside more time for rest and entertainment.

Other stories

  • Watching the passionate sex of strangers from the outside is a harbinger of success and independence.
  • Making love with relatives - for permission complex issues The dreamer should turn to family or friends in reality for advice and help.
  • To be subjected to violence means to achieve your goal soon.
  • Sexual relationship with famous person- in reality, you will have the opportunity to achieve a very high position with the help of your talents.
  • To experience the fear of not achieving orgasm in a dream is a symbol of problems with self-esteem. The person relies too much on the judgments and actions of other people. It's worth working on your self-perception.

Making love in a dream, even when causing anxiety, is positive sign for the dreamer. In the coming period, you should gather your strength and boldly realize your dreams.

I dreamed that I came home to a classmate I liked. She opened the door and came up to me and hugged. Then she sat on me and lifted my shirt passionate kisses, but someone interfered with us and tried to open the door. I held her while she got dressed, we went out, and there was her father standing at the threshold, I said hello and that was all

I had a dream about how I had sex with an acquaintance whom I had seen in real life for a very long time, and they also communicated for a very long time and not for long,

At first we studied alone, then we found ourselves next to my parents, on another bed, who were sleeping, I don’t know why I had this dream, so my girlfriend and I are having a rift in our relationship, explain what this means

During sleep we see different dreams. They do not prevent us from getting proper rest, and, nevertheless, contribute to many questions that arise in the morning. Stormy emotions, a surge of feelings and frantic pleasure in real life, we most often experience when merging with a partner.

But how can you find out why you dream about sex while your body is resting? The dream book will help us cope with the thoughts that have arisen in our heads and completely unravel the dream. It is thanks to him that the interpretation of dreams becomes simple and accessible to everyone.

Making love in a dream

A dream in which you indulged in sexual pleasures suggests that you subconsciously want to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. However, there are still many interesting, unexpected interpretations regarding what dreams of making love mean.

For example, if a young woman found herself in the arms of a man in a dream, then in reality she will have to be bitterly disappointed in her gentleman. If a man is hugged by an ardent lady, then the dream book promises him prosperity. True, there is one small but important clarification. Things will go well for a gentleman only if his partner in the dream was a stranger.

But if he passionately squeezed his wife in his arms, then this threatens to aggravate relations in the family, and even divorce. If you watched from the sidelines in a dream how a couple in love hugged, then don’t worry - success in any endeavor is guaranteed.

Intimacy reflects emotionally missing sensations in reality. If you dreamed of having sex in a dream and you got the pleasure you deserve, the dream book indicates that your real relationship is in complete harmony and order. If sex in a dream did not bring pleasure, then behave with extreme caution. You may have moral and ethical problems.

For women, an intimate dream brings many impressions into life, from unexpected and pleasant moments. If a man has received, then he certainly becomes interested in why he dreams of making love, although the answer is quite simple. The dream book shows clear rivalry with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about sex with your ex?

The interpretation of the dream book about what you dream about shows you that you have not yet completely cooled down towards your past partner. In reality you miss him, and in your subconscious you compare him with your new lover. Why dream of making love in a dream with your own husband, then in reality pleasant experiences and a great gift await you.

If you see people you know and are close to you in a dream, but not yourself, the dream book warns that your current partner is not entirely suitable for creating a happy family.

Dream Interpretation sex without love

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - which and which lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/04/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry psychological and emotional characteristics sleeping. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

To give a correct interpretation of the vision in which you experienced love, it is very important to remember your own feelings. The purer and nobler they were, the better. Mundane emotions and carnal desires are much less positive. For example, in a dream it is better to watch sex than to personally participate in it. This is a sign that the implementation of plans is possible with a slight delay.

Why do you dream about love according to Miller’s dream book?

Feeling the love of other characters in a dream, according to Mr. Miller, means successful business management and freedom from everyday worries. If in your dreams you experienced coldness in response to your love, then in reality you will have to make a fateful decision, which will become the main direction in later life.

For spouses to feel the tenderness of their other half in a dream - to boundless family happiness, mutual understanding and good children. Seeing your beloved parents means that you will be able to achieve a high position and prosperity.

An affectionate attitude towards animals in a dream conveys satisfaction with life. This is also a sign that fate is preparing a pleasant surprise.

Love according to the dream book from A to Z

Did you dream that you experienced an incredible feeling of love for your chosen one? In fact, you will be satisfied and happy. The Dream Book from A to Z emphasizes that a violent and even passionate manifestation of love for a certain object in a dream promises success in the current business, inspiration and new ideas.

If you dreamed that you fell in love with a talkative guy, then in real life an insignificant, so to speak, superficial factor will play a fatal role. In your night dreams, did your own husband fall in love with another? Try to add variety to family life, otherwise the spouse will really decide to look for adventures on the side.

If you yourself have fallen in love with another man, then in the real world you probably experience spiritual loneliness, despite a rather busy lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation of Bitches: what does love mean in a dream

The dream interpretation of the Bitch states that love in dreams symbolizes very real joy and pleasure. Did you dream that you were sincerely happy seeing the tender relationships of other characters? Increase your well-being and be able to get rid of some of your household chores. To experience the love of household members - to the kind attitude of others. Showing tenderness and warmth towards parents means that in the future everything will be stable and prosperous.

Decoding according to the dream book of Lovers

Did you dream about your beloved person? You are truly happy and satisfied with your current relationship. If the love of your chosen one does not evoke a reciprocal feeling, then you will decide to change your lifestyle in order to achieve more. A reverent relationship between spouses in a dream actually promises long-term happiness and excellent children that you will be proud of.

Experience love according to the English dream book

If you were hit by Cupid's arrow in a dream, you will soon learn that you are loved. Moreover, the interpretation is relevant for dreamers of both sexes. Did you dream that you were disappointed in love? In reality, everything will happen exactly the opposite. You will fall in love, get married and live happily ever after.

A warm attitude from friends is a sign of good luck. This means that you can always rely on your comrades and, if necessary, reciprocate completely. If you dreamed of your beloved with whom you are walking through a marvelous garden, then you will certainly marry her and have a bunch of children. For pregnant women, the dream promises the birth of a wonderful baby.

A romantic feeling without attachment to an object promises the farmer an extremely fruitful year. After such a vision, a businessman will experience rapid success, and a sailor will get married upon returning home.

I dreamed of love - according to the Esoteric Dream Book

If you happen to fall in love in a dream, then you will soon plunge headlong into a new romance, which will develop into something more. Loving children, old people or friends in a dream means that a very strange incident will happen, which will be remembered for the rest of your life. Did you dream of love for any animal? You are very proud and risk becoming a real narcissist.

In a dream, an all-consuming feeling of love in general, without reference to a specific object, symbolizes spiritual enlightenment. This is an indication that in your dreams you visited another world and probably received some kind of revelation. Ideally, you need to remember this feeling and recreate it in reality.

Why do you dream about making love?

If in a dream you happen to make love with a loved one, then you will be able to achieve what you want. Did a man dream that his wife was very affectionate and wanted to have sex? He will experience constant growth in his career and success in commerce.

If things don’t go beyond foreplay, then be prepared for a serious illness or betrayal by your wife. But sex with a stranger means that you will have to fight long and hard for personal happiness.

Why do you dream about declaring your love?

What does a declaration of love mean in a dream? If you yourself have confessed to someone your bright and reverent feelings, then probably through your past actions you have earned the favor of fate and a period of prosperity and good luck is ahead. But receiving recognition from a loved one is much worse. Be prepared for the fact that your loved one will deceive and betray you.

What does the love of a man, boyfriend, husband mean in a dream?

Did you dream that your husband, boyfriend or loved one truly loves you? This is a sign that boundless happiness, tender relationships and many pleasant moments await you. If he fell in love with another in a dream, then immediately add some zest to the sex life, otherwise you risk losing your companion forever. If you feel the yearning of love from God knows who, then get ready to radically change your life.

Why does a girl dream about love?

If you dreamed that you were driving with your chosen one in the same car, then, despite the difficulties, you will remain faithful to each other to the end. If in a dream you happened to fall in love with a stranger and experience unearthly happiness, then in real life you are terribly alone and suffer greatly from this. But tremulous emotions towards a friend warn of insidious deception on her part.

I dreamed about my first love

In a dream, seeing a person who was your first love means that you will soon decide to grandiose changes. What the outcome will be can be judged by the details of the vision. Did you happen to meet your first love? Fortune is favorable to you, so you can embark on the most incredible adventures without much risk. At the same time, the first romantic feeling indicates that you will soon experience something similar or an event related to the past will occur.

Why do you dream about ex-love?

If love has completely passed, but suddenly reminded itself of itself in a dream, then you have to change in order to adapt to new conditions. If in your dreams you had a chance to experience old feelings with renewed vigor, then in reality be prepared for difficulties in business and constant quarrels with others.

Dream Interpretation - Love: Various Interpretations

Feelings in a dream sometimes play a much larger role than actions. However, it is necessary to take into account specific details in order to obtain a more specific interpretation of the vision.

  • love with a stranger - to difficulties, conflicts.
  • with a famous character - to disappointment
  • nights of love - to great work
  • watching others have sex - to incredible success
  • doing it yourself - to the full implementation of plans
  • mutual love - for family well-being
  • non-reciprocal – to choose between family and freedom
  • fleeting - to short-term but triumphant success
  • platonic - to tears of happiness, selflessness
  • parents' love for doing honest deeds
  • love of husband/wife - to contentment and harmony
  • seeing lovers means defeat
  • if they swear - to financial prosperity
  • dreaming about love - to worry about loved ones
  • love for a friend - luck (for men), surprise (for women)
  • to a friend - trouble (for men), deception (for women)
  • to a celebrity - minor illnesses, secret intrigues
  • to animals - unexpected success in society
  • To wild beast- difficulties in beginnings
  • to livestock - profit received from a dubious enterprise
  • for pets – buying a new home
  • to homeless animals - exposure, revelation of secrets
  • to a dog - you will find a true friend
  • to a cat - get ready for competition in love and business
  • to the cat - blatant ingratitude
  • to the lion - there will be a fight with a dangerous opponent
  • to a stallion or calf - joy, home holiday
  • to the child - prospects that will bring good luck
  • daughter-in-law's love - asks for money
  • mother-in-law - there will be swearing
  • mothers-in-law - suspicions, showdowns
  • rejecting someone's love is suddenly lucky
  • falling in love unexpectedly - loss of confidence, stability
  • adultery - well-being, prosperity, understanding
  • group love - surprise, unexpected news
  • homosexual – fear of inadequacy, desire to know oneself
  • marital sex - it will be good
  • ritual - moving to a new level, gaining secret knowledge
  • sex with a relative - the desire to acquire a quality characteristic of another
  • with a friend - same interests
  • debauchery - to mastering an unfamiliar skill, knowledge

If you happen to make love right in the air and experience incredible pleasure at the same time, then it’s time to introduce a little romance into the relationship or take it to a higher level of development.