Game - quiz "Sea voyage"

Teacher Pisanova O. V. d/sno.24 "Space" Surgut

Game - quiz

« Cruise»

Target: repeat and generalize ideas about the professions of people related to sea ​​elements, evoke a feeling of joy from collective play, and activate cognitive interest. Create conditions for the realization of ideas about the world in creative activity.

Equipment: an exhibition of drawings, spatially depicting the sea, a ship, a pier, costumes for sailors, a giant, Neptune, and other inhabitants of the seas.

Attributes: binoculars, steering wheel, lifebuoy, rope.

Progress of the GAME:

Leading: Dear guys, you and I have already been astronauts, firefighters, and today we will become sailors and go travel the seas and oceans. We will take our parents as passengers on our ship. During trips We will test our knowledge, ingenuity, dexterity and try to be kind, brave, and attentive to each other. Now let's check if we are ready to set sail.

1 task for children: name it maritime professions(captain, navigator, boatswain, cook, sailor, diver, hydronaut).

2 task for parents: determine the type of ship (sailboat, steamship, motor ship, nuclear powered ship).

Leading: Let's choose a ship to sail on and form a team (distribution of roles).

The leader becomes the captain.

Captain: Ship crew "Brave", get in line!

(The boatswain whistles, the children line up). Now let’s determine the route of our voyage. Navigator, what seas can we sail on?

(The navigator unfolds the map and, together with the captain, reads the names seas: Red, Black, White, Yellow.)

Who knows why the sea is called that? (Children and parents answer, choose the sea on which they will travel.)

At the pier they make an announcement about boarding passengers - parents:

Attention! From the 1st berth the ship "Brave" sets sail on the Black Sea. Be careful when climbing the ladder!

Captain: Let's unmoor, let's finish, start a song!

(Children sing a song "Sailors".)

Navigator: The boat sailed stubbornly into the distance.

Behind the stern there is a trail of foam

There are no shores in sight.

Suddenly the helmsman exclaimed:

The snowstorm is growing in front of me!

She rose from the bottom and is already visible above the water!

Captain: Where did it get stranded in such a deep place? Here comes the mountain (Looks through binoculars.) Yes, this is not a mountain at all, this is a fabulous Giant - the Giant decided to drink the sea. So, in fact, our ship will soon run aground!

Giant: Uff! Now I’ll catch my breath and finish the rest. It's better for you! There will be no sea, you will walk along the bottom, plant cabbage. What's bad?

Captain: What will happen if the Giant drinks the sea and all the seas disappear?

(Children's answer: drought).

Giant: It won’t rain.

Captain: where does it come from?

Giant: From the clouds.

The captain explains. Clouds are born over the seas and oceans. Sun water warms the sea, it evaporates, and the steam rises into the sky, turning there into fog-clouds. The wind will drive them far, far away, and there they will bring rain, snow, water the earth - streams will run again, rivers will flow.

Giant: To listen to you, the Sun would have evaporated and dried all the water long ago. But the sea, you see, has not become shallow.

Captain: What a slow-witted Giant you are! Rivers flow into the ocean and sea and give them all the water.

Giant: Who waters the rivers?

Captain: Streams.

Giant: Ah... now I understand. It turns out like a fairy tale about a white bull. Water from the ocean to the sky, from the sky to land, from land again to the ocean. So without end: the water cycle in nature. Thank you for explaining. I won't drink the sea. Swim on.

Captain: (looks through binoculars). Look at the waves that are rising! Who knows why there are waves at sea? (Children's answers - wind from at different speeds drives water.)

Neptune (appears). But no! It is I who drive them, the king of the seas and oceans, Neptune. If you are so smart, guess my riddles.

So that a strong wave cannot move the ship,

We quickly throw the chain overboard, what do we release on it? (Anchor)

Everyone knows this perfectly well: It’s dangerous to joke with her in the water.

The teeth are sharp as a knife, you better not touch her! (Shark)

So that we can see steamers and ships in the distance.

We will take it in our hands and guide it to the sea. (Binoculars)

Now let’s test your ingenuity and solve problems.

What's extra? Why?

Fox, seal, lion, wolf...

Jellyfish, algae, sea ​​Horse , pollock...

Shipwrights, scuba divers, tractor drivers, fishermen...

Navigator, cook, ladder, boatswain...

Do the math!

There are 5 fish in one aquarium, and none in the second. How many fish are there in two aquariums?

The fisherman caught crucian carp, pike, perch and cuckoo. How many fish did the fisherman catch?

2 dolphins, 3 whales and 4 sharks are swimming in the sea. How many dolphins swim in the sea?

Who is the most dexterous?

Children and parents play"Catch a Fish"- they are trying to put a pencil tied to a thick thread into the bottle.

Who is stronger?

A game for a tug of war.

Neptune: You guessed the riddles, solved the problems, defeated me. How can we surprise you? I will show you the beauty and art of my subjects (claps his hands, Neptune’s artists appear, they perform dances and songs). Neptune is pleased with them.

Captain: Our guys can also dance, sing, and read poetry.

Sailor dance.

Neptune: Well done! It’s good for me to be with you, but it’s time to get down to business and keep order. There are still people who do not know how to appreciate beauty, kill animals, and pollute the seas and oceans. These people do not understand that their lives depend on nature. (Children say goodbye to Neptune.)

Captain: And it’s time for us to go home. We take the helm straight ahead! (Looks through binoculars).

Ours is over travel along the Black Sea. We learned a lot of interesting things, tested our ingenuity, dexterity, knowledge about the sea and maritime professions. We were convinced that it is impossible to live in the world without friendship.

Announcement from the pier:

"Attention attention! Prepare the gangways for the first berth. I announce the disembarkation of passengers from the ship "Brave"!


1. The sea has its own laws, the sea has its own habits...

The sea may be green, with a white ridge on a sharp fold,

It is without a crest, leaden-gray, with small ripples of a goose-like wave.

Sometimes thoughtful, light blue, simply light, and simply blue.

Slightly swayed by a light breeze.

The sea can be blue, and sometimes it is on watch during the day.

You look overboard - and below you, either the sky, or the sea.

But it can also be black, black, rushing, sloping,

Relentless and rebellious, rising, hunchbacked.

2. Have you heard about water? They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean, and in a water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes, creeps into the forest with fog,

It is called a glacier in the mountains, curling like a silver ribbon.

Among the tall, slender fir trees, it is being destroyed by a stream of mudflows.

Your stove is boiling, the kettle's steam is hissing,

It dissolves sugar in tea, we don’t notice it.

We are accustomed to the fact that water is always our companion!

Without it, we cannot wash ourselves, eat, or drink.

I dare to tell you that we cannot live without her!

Always travel, our companion is water!

3. We are all sailors.

Captains bravely navigate ships across the oceans

It’s interesting for them to swim along the blue roads.

Day and night, day and night.

The course is plotted accurately and the anchors are dropped

In the oceans and seas, the sea loves the smart, the brave,

If you can prove your intelligence and courage in action,

You can become a captain.

We guys love the sea, across the seas and across the waves.

We are on combat patrol, today here, and tomorrow there.

The captain will strictly order that the vehicles be given full speed.

Hello blue road, our ship is sailing.

Peak cap and vest, and anchors on the ribbons.

The belts have a large buckle; they were given to the sailor for a reason.



Preparatory group

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the sea and sea ​​world. Instill an interest in the world around you. Bring joy to children.

Expand lexicon, develop children’s speech activity, logical thinking, --- instill perseverance, ability to work in a team,

Cultivate friendly relationships with adults and each other.

Equipment: large soft cubes, shells, 2 easels, pencils, sheets of paper, 2 digital sets, 2 sets of cut-out pictures, balloons, 2 scarves.

Progress of the event:

Educator: We have gathered here today to hold a competition and find out how well you know about the life of the mysterious, extraordinary inhabitants of the sea. Want to compete?

I team - Dolphins

Team II – Starfish

Quiz tasks:

1. Game: Finish the poem."

When we got off the ramp at the port,

Dad said it well:

“This is not a puddle in the corridor for you,

You can’t scoop it out……(Sea)

White cotton wool is floating somewhere......(Foam on the sea)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,

A mustachioed log lies…..(Catfish)

Don't you know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea

A head and eight legs - that’s all I am......(octopus)

He bent his tail into a hook,

His name is……(Seahorse)

Here is the expanse of the ocean

A mountain with a fountain plows through,

Beats the tail, the water boils -

It’s important to swim by……(whale).

2. Draw the answer:

Across the sea-ocean

A living fountain is floating towards us (Whale)

Since the beast has eight legs -

That's right (Octopus).

Transparent water mushroom

Swam along with the wave (Medusa).

There is a horse that doesn't plow

“Igo-go” she won’t say,

Silently, floats in the water,

Hiding in the sea grass, either a fish or an animal.

Who is this? (Sea Horse).

A spider crawls in the sea -

Eight legs, a pair of arms.

There are claws in the hands, fear in the eyes (Crab).

3. Relay race “Whose team will collect shells faster”

Team players line up one after another. At the signal, a player from each team runs to the shells, takes one, returns to his team, and puts it in the basket. The next player runs after him. And so on until all the shells are in the baskets.

4. Which team will pronounce the tongue twister faster and without errors:

The ship was carrying caramel

The ship ran aground

And the sailors for three weeks

Caramel ate broke.

5. Questions for quiz participants:

What is the name of the largest inhabitant of the deep sea with a fountain on its back (whale);

That they throw ships to the bottom so that they are not carried away by the current and waves (anchor);

In which fish do males carry eggs? seahorses);

What is the name of a sea creature with tentacles (Crab);

What structure serves sailors to locate land, brightly illuminating the road with rays of light (Lighthouse);

What is the name of Captain Nemo's famous submarine?

What kind of cabbage cannot be grown in the garden (Sea cabbage);

Name a fish whose nose resembles an ancient weapon (Swordfish);

Name the main fish of the seas and oceans (Shark);

Can fish fly (Yes, there are flying fish);

How to find out the age of a fish (By rings and scales);

How an octopus defends itself from enemies (Changes color, secretes a liquid that paralyzes the enemy’s sense of smell).

6. Who can assemble a whole picture from several parts faster?

7. Game “Around the Reefs”

The captain is blindfolded and must lead the team without touching a single cube (RIF).

8. Solving problems in verse.

Children have cards with numbers and signs on the table, children solve problems and show the answer.

There were five boats at the pier

The wave rocked them merrily.

Fishermen took three boats

To cross the expanse of the river,

How many boats are there at the pier?

Is the wave still rocking?

Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats,

Fisherman Korney caught three perches

Fisherman Evsey, four crucian carp,

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

9. Maze “Help the fish get home”

10. Logorhythmics: Let's imagine that we are fish.

And now we swam together,

You need to do this manually:

Together - one, this is breaststroke, (circles with arms forward and backward)

One, the other is a crawl (arm jerks)

Rocking on the wave, we float on our backs (turns with tilts left and right)

Twist your hands like this and,

swim like a dolphin. ("Mill")

We went ashore on a steep bank (they walk in place)

Turned their heads

We looked left and right (turns left and right)

And we went home.

11. Competition “Blow up the balloons”

Quizzes for schoolchildren with answers. Quiz on the topic: Pisces

Interesting and educational quizzes for primary school and secondary school students school age. Quiz on the topic "Pisces". All quiz questions with answers. Fish quizzes.

Quiz “All about fish”

■ Which sea animal is the most dangerous? Sea urchin. Answer: On pins and needles sea ​​urchin there is poisonous mucus, which, if it enters a wound, causes sharp pain and muscle paralysis.

■ What animal is called the ocean wolf? Answer: Killer whale (killer whale).

■ What are the largest and most voracious fish in the sea? Answer: Sharks and rays.

■ Why is the back of the fish much darker than the belly? Answer: It is more difficult for predators from below against the background of a light sky to notice a fish, and from above - against the background of a dark bottom.

■ Why are coral fish so bright? Answer: They live among coral reefs, which are also very bright and colorful.

■ Why are the inhabitants of the deep sea dark? Answer: In the dark abysses of the ocean, variegated colors are not needed. The fish here are mostly black, but many of them have flashlights and even glowing “fishing rods.”

■ Which fish names are associated with astronomy? Answer: Telescope, comet, moonfish, sunfish (sunfish), stargazer.

■ What fish are called chameleons and why? Answer: Badis fish and flounder very quickly change their color and take on the color of their environment.

■ Which fish live long? Answer: Pike - 100 years, catfish - up to 60 years.

■ What fish have antennae? Answer: Catfish, carp, barbel, carp.

■ Why is the loach called a barometer fish? Answer: The loach senses a change in air pressure, before rain it rushes around the surface of the water and sometimes squeaks.

■ Which fish, when a reservoir dries out, makes a capsule of silt and waits out the drought in it? Answer: Protopter.

■ What fish are raised to fight malaria? Answer: Gambusia.

■ What is the age limit for a goldfish? Answer: In an aquarium for up to 35 years.

■ In needles, like a hedgehog, what is the name of the fish? Answer: Ruff.

■ At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. Answer: Som.

Quiz about the seas

■ Which dog doesn't bark? Answer: Dog fish. She lives in the coastal part of the sea. Dogfish can bite off your finger. The caviar and liver of this fish are poisonous.

■ Who is called an underwater orderly? Answer: Pike.

■ Who flies and not the bird? Answer: Flying fish. In the air, it does not flap its fins and flies like a glider for more than 100 meters.

■ Which fish have been domesticated by humans? Answer: Mirror carp.

Quiz “Amazing fish”

■ Which is the most big fish in the world? Answer: Whale shark.

■ Which is the most big fish Russia? Answer: Beluga.

■ What is the smallest fish? Answer: Pygmy or pandaka goby and small American catfish.

■ Which fish is named after a person? Answer: Carp.

■ Which fish swims faster than others? Answer: Swordfish.

■ Which fish have weapons on their noses? Answer: Swordfish, sawfish.

■ What “electric” fish do you know? Answer: Electric stingray, electric catfish, electric eel.

■ What fish are called tools? Answer: Sawfish, needlefish, hammerfish.

■ Which fish has sharp triangular teeth? Answer: Piranha.

■ Who has eyes on one side? Answer: U adult fish flounder.

■Who has a mouth on its belly? Answer: From a shark.

■ She had a drink in her mouth, she lived under water, she scared everyone, she swallowed everyone, and now she has fallen into the cauldron. Answer: Pike.

■ What kind of fish builds a nest? Answer: Stickleback. The fish makes a nest underwater from thin branches of algae. The stickleback carefully guards the nest and looks after it.

■ Which fox kills fish with its tail? Answer: The fox is one of the sharks. This fish has very weak teeth. The tail is long, like the body. The fox drowns out the fish with blows of its tail.

■ What type of fish appearance reminds chess piece? Answer: Seahorse.

■ What fish hatch eggs in their mouths? Answer: Cockerels, veins, chocolate gourami.

■ Which fish die after spawning? Answer: Salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon.

■ What fish get their food in the air and on the ground? Answer: Pineapple, mudskipper.

See also:
Quiz “All about fish”

Quiz “Dunno and all-all-all”

Quiz “All about birds”

Obzh quiz And the fourth and last one, where questions were asked, was the “Visual Quiz”

The fire quiz dedicated to Firefighter Day starts on April 27 during three days, April 27, 28 and 29, will be broadcast on one of the Kamchatka radio stations

Quiz “I want to know everything”

“Uspensky is a man who manages to do everything”

Quiz on the topic: “ Olympic Games in ancient and modern times"

Quiz by English language for 6th grade students

English Quiz “The Spirit of the Christmas” / “Christmas Mood”

Quiz "History of the Olympic Games"

Questions for the Black Sea competition

1.What is the length of the Black Sea coast within the Krasnodar region? ANSWER: 330 km

2. What names of the Black Sea do you know?

ANSWER: 1). Pont euxinus (Greeks - hospitable sea)

2). Pont Aksinsky (Greek - inhospitable at the beginning)

3). Sugdet Sea (named after the city of Sudak)

4). Khazar Sea (named after the peoples)

5). Russian Sea (since the 10th century)

6). Sea of ​​Pontus (called the Italians in the Middle Ages)

7). The Scythian Sea (in the first centuries AD), the Scythians themselves called “Tana” (dark)

8) Ashkhaena (ancient Iranian)

9) Black.

3. What is the most likely version of the origin of the name of the Black Sea? ANSWER: on the property that metal objects those lowered to a certain depth rise to the surface blackened under the influence of hydrogen sulfide located in the depths of the sea.

4. What is the area of ​​the Black Sea? ANSWER: 413 km2

5. In what year was the first map of the Black Sea published?

ANSWER: in 1817 (in 1842 - the first atlas, in 1851 - sea navigation)

6. Where does the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea begin? ANSWER: from the Taman Peninsula (Kerch Strait)

7. What is the greatest depth of the Black Sea? ANSWER: 2211 km.

8. What atmospheric phenomena(including wind) you know on Black

ANSWER: boron - strong cold wind from the mountains; breeze - during the day from sea to land,

in the evening, at night - from land to sea; tornado - atmospheric vortex; hair dryers -

warm dry wind from the mountains.

9. Why do the bays in the northwestern part of the Black Sea (Odessa) freeze? ANSWER: shallow depth up to 200 m. When cooling, the water is mixed to the bottom. In those areas where the depths are deep, the water serves as a source of heat in winter.

10. Do you know the age of the Black Sea water? ANSWER: 8 thousand years.

11.From What determines the color of water in the sea? What is it like in the Black Sea? ANSWER: from the scattering of solar spectrum rays. Rays different colors have different wavelengths. Red ones are long wavelengths, blue ones are short wavelengths. Red ones are absorbed more in the surface layer of water. On the contrary, short-wave blue rays are repeatedly reflected in the surface layer and enter the human eye. In the Black Sea the water is greenish-blue, off the coast it is green and yellowish-green.

12. What is highest height waves of the Black Sea? ANSWER: 14 m, their length is 200 m.

13. Why is the effect created during the warm autumn period - the glow of the sea? ANSWER: the content of organisms in the plankton of the Black Sea, in particular the night light.

14. What kind of Black Sea algae do you know?

ANSWER: There are over 250 species of algae in the Black Sea. On the surf line -

coralline (algae) Pink colour); cystoseira - at a depth of 20 - 30 m;

zoster (sea grass) - at a depth of up to 10 m; phylloflora - commercial algae, deep.

15. Do oysters, mussels and crabs live in the Black Sea? ANSWER: yes.

16. What Black Sea fish do you know?

ANSWER: There are 180 species of fish known in the Black Sea. For example: beluga, sturgeon,

herring, mullet, sprat, etc.

17. The most ancient animal of the Black Sea?

ANSWER: sea urchin. They lived 500 million years ago, when there were no fish and


18. Are there monkfish in the Black Sea?

ANSWER: yes. It reaches 1.5 m long. Not dangerous to humans, but very

unattractive to look at. Can swallow fish as big as him

19. What is another name for mullet? ANSWER: Sultana.

20. Do fish “cough” and why? ANSWER: not because of a cold, but if the water is dirty.

21. What fish can look in different directions at the same time?

ANSWER: U seahorse and the pipefish each eye rotates

on one's own.

22. Do they drink? sea ​​fish water? And which one, fresh or salty?

ANSWER: They drink, but the water that enters the body is almost fresh, and there is excess salt

secreted in drops from the gills.

Marine themed quiz

Can we hear fish “talk”? ANSWER: Yes. Pisces “talk” at the same frequencies at which human speech and music sound. To do this, you just need to seal a regular microphone and lower it into water.

24. What is the purpose of fish scales?

ANSWER: helps increase speed. You can tell by the scales

age of the fish.

25. Are there sea animals in the Black Sea?

ANSWER: Yes. These are dolphins, the monk seal (in Bulgaria, Turkey - listed in

Red Book).

26. How to explain the proverb “If a seagull lands in the water, wait?” good weather. A seagull wanders along the sand, promising melancholy to the sailor” (storm)? ANSWER: When the weather is good and there are no whirlwinds, it is difficult for seagulls to stay in the air; they land on the water. During the storm strong wind they cannot resist his impulses and flee to the shore.

27. Which Black Sea fish are dangerous?

ANSWER: sea scorpion, sea ruffe, sea cat (sting ray),

Crustaceans include balanus (sea acorns), jellyfish, stone crab.

There are no sharks dangerous to human life in the Black Sea.


Answers to questions are given in brackets!

1. The water in the seas and oceans is salty, but meanwhile they are replenished with fresh water from rivers, and the salinity of the water in the seas and oceans does not decrease because of this. Why?
(Desalination of seas and oceans does not occur, since water from their surface evaporates all the time, but salts remain.)

2. How many kilometers per hour does the ship travel if its speed is 10 knots?
(A knot, as a measure of a ship's speed, corresponds to a mile per hour. A nautical mile is equal to 1852 m. In our case, the ship moves at a speed of 10 knots, that is, 10 miles, which means it travels 18520 m per hour.)

3. What is the displacement of the ship if, at full load, it displaces 10,000 m3 of water with the underwater part of the hull?
(One cubic meter of water weighs one ton, which means the ship's displacement is 10,000 tons.)

4. What types of sailing weapons are shown here (Fig. 6).
(Bermuda, gaff and rack split weapons.)

5. Name the names of these sea knots and try to tie such knots (Fig. 7).
(Sea knots: A - gazebo; B - double gazebo; C - boatswain's; D - long; D - straight; E - fishing.)

6. What does the expression “take reefs” mean?
(Reefs are: a) rocky shoals or banks that barely protrude from the water or are completely covered with it; b) holes or loops on the sail. Ties (reef pins, reef strings) are threaded into these holes, with the help of which the area of ​​the sail is reduced. “Reefing” means reducing the sail area in strong winds.)

7. Why does a rowboat helmsman, by tilting his body in time with the rowers, increase the speed of the boat?
(When the helmsman leans his body forward, he pushes the boat back. But the rowers, resting their oars in the water, prevent this. When the helmsman leans back, he pushes the boat forward, which nothing prevents, since at this time the oars of the rowers are in the air .)

8. The word "drift" is often used in sea stories. Explain it.
(Drift is the drift of a moving vessel from its course line under the influence of the wind. “Drifting” means: on a sailing ship - arrange the sails so that some of them work forward and some back; on a ship with a mechanical engine - move under wind or current with the engine stopped.)

9. How is the depth under the keel of a ship measured?
(Lot. There are navigation and deep-sea lots. Navigation lots include manual, mechanical and electric echo sounders. Echo sounders can measure the greatest depths.)

10. What measure is used to measure short distances in the sea and what is it equal to?
(Cable length equal to 185.2 meters).

11. What is the cooking room called on ships? What is the name of the cook?
(Galley. Cook.)

Quiz game "Sea Tale".

What do they call a "cat" on a ship?
(Four-fingered anchor. They are used to find objects located at the bottom.)

13. What is the name of the front mast on a ship?

14. What duties does the boatswain perform on a ship?
(The boatswain is a person of junior command staff to whom the rank and file of the deck crew is subordinate for ship's economic work. The duties of the boatswain are to organize ship work and keep the ship clean. The boatswain is in charge of the holds, rigging, anchor, towing and mooring devices and accessories, cables, hoists , blocks, etc.)

15. Why are the sides of icebreakers usually inclined?
(This shape of the sides ensures that when they are compressed by ice, the icebreaker’s hull is not crushed, but is pushed upward.)

16. What was the name of the first Russian warship, when and where was it built?
("Eagle", built in 1668 in the village of Dedinovo on the Oka River.)

17. What made the cruiser Aurora famous in 1917?
(October 25 (November 7) at 21:40, the cruiser "Aurora", according to the order of the Military Revolutionary Committee, fired at Winter Palace. At this signal, the Red Guards and sailors began to storm the palace - the last stronghold of the bourgeois government. This historic shot heralded the beginning of a new world.)


18. What planet is installed on the mast?
(Mars. The platform on the mast is called the mars or mars for short.)

19. Which shot is safe to walk towards?
(The shot is a wooden beam placed perpendicular to the ship’s hull at side level. Boats approach the shot and moor for temporary mooring.)

20. Can a duck keep a ship at the pier even in strong currents and winds?
(A cleat is a metal two-horned device for fastening cables. Such a cleat, of course, will be able to hold mooring cables.)

21. Which arrow doesn't fly?
(The boom is a lifting device on ships.)

1. The middle part of the upper deck between the forward foremast and the mainmast following it.

- waist +

- frame

- tack

2. The ability of a ship to straighten, that is, to return to its original position after tilting under the influence of waves, wind, and so on.

- stability +

— draft

- go-ahead

3. The waterproof shell of the ship’s hull, that is, its bottom and sides.

— casing +

- contours

- add-on

4.Horizontal ceiling of the body, flooring.

- deck +

- pie

— drakkar

5. The name of the English squadron battleship, whose name became a household name for the first battleships.

- dreadnought +

— whaleboat

6. The weight of water displaced by the underwater part of a floating object is equal to the weight of the entire floating object, regardless of its size, material and shape.

— displacement +

- waterline

- wake

7. A nautical unit of length equal to one tenth of a nautical mile (185.2 m).

— cables +

8. Separately lying shoal with muddy, sandy, rocky or coral soil, limited great depths, underwater hill.

- bank +

9. A weight that is placed on the bottom of a ship.

Quiz "Sea" (with answers)

Thanks to ballast, the vessel receives the draft specified by the design and does not heel.

- ballast +

10. A device for measuring the depth of the sea from on board a ship. A weight with a hemp rope tied to it was thrown into the water.

11. Irregular flow that occurs at the confluence of two rivers.

- Maidan +

- shallow

12. Deepening the vessel into the water from the lower edge of the keel to the surface of calm water. The draft of the bow and stern of the vessel is measured separately.

— draft +

- landing

- nozzle

13. Steady winds blowing over tropical and subtropical regions of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

— trade winds +

- monsoons

- atolls

14. Several islands located close to each other.

- archipelago +

— glider

- harbor

15. Floating piers, both cargo and passenger, anchored, with gangways (ladders) thrown ashore.

— landing stages +

— southwester

- quarterdeck

Quiz "Blue Planet"

Preparatory group

Today we will talk to you about amazing living creatures - inhabitants of the deep sea. Certainly, The best way getting to know some of them is like going on a journey. But they don't always show themselves to us sea ​​inhabitants, and they live on different continents, and in different depths of the sea. How well do we know them?

Target: to activate the potential of knowledge, skills and abilities of children of senior preschool age in different areas knowledge.


  • maintaining interest in intellectual activity;
  • showing persistence; development logical thinking, attention, communication skills;
  • instilling in children a desire to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, and mutual assistance;
  • activation creative imagination, fantasies.

1 slide

Children are asked to guess the riddle

You can't drink water from it,

Because it's not tasty -

And bitter and salty.

There is water all around,

But drinking is a problem.

Who knows where this happens?

This is the Sea.

Today we are going on a sea voyage. You are ready?

2 slide - video fragment

Slide 3 FIRST TASK Simple question - quick answer:

What seas and oceans do you know?

What do fish breathe? (gills)

What's on seabed? (sand, pebbles, shells, algae, etc.)

How can you travel by sea? (ship, yacht, boat)

What can you use to sink to the seabed? ( Submarine, scuba dive)

Which marine animals have electrical organs? (rays, stargazer fish, electric eel, African river catfish)

Which sea animal can throw away part of its body when in danger? ( Starfish- a new animal grows from any part of the body)

What helps a person breathe underwater? (scuba)

Slide 4: SECOND TASK Mysterious:

You can choose the answer from the pictures provided.

Rumors spread about him:

Eight legs and a head.

To make it more scary for everyone,

He releases ink (octopus)

Don't put your finger in her mouth

Don't fall overboard with her,

After all, in one sitting she

The victim of curiosity will be eaten (by a shark)

Across the sea ocean

A huge giant is swimming

And the captain sees from the ship

A fountain (whale) gushes on the giant

Deep down she is

As if visible in the sky

But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm

Because he can’t (starfish)

What a wonderful horse?

Very strange habits

The horse neither sows nor plows

Dancing underwater with a fish (seahorse)

Everybody's moving forward

And he's the opposite

He can do it for two hours straight

Move backwards all the time (cancer)

THIRD TASK Literal Sea

3 children are asked to form “sea” words from a set of letters

(sea, fish, crayfish, crab, sand, water, whale, shark, jellyfish, wave, etc.)


Slide 5: FOURTH TASK Find 10 differences:

FIFTH TASK Who is attentive :

Collect cut pictures (4 pieces)

Seahorse, octopus, crab, starfish, killer whale, beluga, dolphin

SIXTH TASK - Labyrinth

SEVENTH TASK For consolidation

A flock rushes after each other,

cutting the waves with your body,

First tails, then backs again,

whoever is ahead, swim


He's flat. Different sizes.

Its tail is whip-shaped.

Only one carries the squad

Electricity charge! (Scat)

An umbrella walks along the waves -

What a miracle

What a miracle!

The umbrella is burning

Like nettles.

He looks cute
At least it can be poisonous!
The mollusk has eight legs.
That's bottom...


Who walks backwards?
Who lives in only clean water?
He sits in a deep hole
Usami moves quietly

Whale? Or maybe a dolphin
Black and white giant?
Lives in the oceans
It eats living creatures ravenously.

The front ones are flippers, and the back ones are paws!
There is an oval shell. Looks like a hat!
Knowing no other home other than the sea,
It will give life to its offspring by crawling out onto the sand.
(Sea turtle)

The short body is covered with spines!
Use spikes to skillfully fight enemies.
It is important to inflate like a balloon. And yet...
Sometimes it’s scary, it floats

Giant whale! Toothed whale!
Willful and angry.
A born echo sounder.
Eats shellfish.

(Sperm whale)

Crustacean baby
Changes color. This is too much!
Sea depths colored baby -
She's pretty


Only on the outside the shell is simple,

There is amazing beauty inside,

If a grain of sand falls into it,

The shell turns it into pearls.

(pearl oyster)


What disease has no one on earth ever had? (nautical)

Which animals always sleep with with open eyes? (fish)

What stones are not in the sea?

Quiz "Inhabitants of the underwater world"

To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-20 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep? (they don't sleep at night)

In which fairy tales did the fish help the main character? (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, At the Order of the Pike)

Quiz "Blue Planet"

Preparatory group

Today we will talk to you about amazing living creatures - inhabitants of the deep sea. Of course, the best way to get to know some of them is to travel. But sea inhabitants are not always shown to us, and they live on different continents and in different depths of the sea. How well do we know them?

Target: to activate the potential of knowledge, skills and abilities of children of senior preschool age in various fields of knowledge.


  • maintaining interest in intellectual activity;
  • showing persistence; development of logical thinking, attention, communication skills;
  • instilling in children a desire to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, and mutual assistance;
  • activation of creative imagination and fantasy.

1 slide

Children are asked to guess the riddle

You can't drink water from it,

Because it's not tasty -

And bitter and salty.

There is water all around,

But drinking is a problem.

Who knows where this happens?

This is the Sea.

Today we are going on a sea voyage. You are ready?

2 slide - video fragment

Slide 3 FIRST TASK Simple question - quick answer:

What seas and oceans do you know?

What do fish breathe? (gills)

What's on the seabed? (sand, pebbles, shells, algae, etc.)

How can you travel by sea? (ship, yacht, boat)

What can you use to sink to the seabed? (Submarine, scuba dive)

Which marine animals have electrical organs? (rays, stargazer fish, electric eel, African river catfish)

Which sea animal can throw away part of its body when in danger? (starfish - a new animal grows from any part of the body)

What helps a person breathe underwater? (scuba)

Slide 4: SECOND TASK Mysterious:

You can choose the answer from the pictures provided.

Rumors spread about him:

Eight legs and a head.

To make it more scary for everyone,

He releases ink (octopus)

Don't put your finger in her mouth

Don't fall overboard with her,

After all, in one sitting she

The victim of curiosity will be eaten (shark)

Across the sea ocean

A huge giant is swimming

And the captain sees from the ship

A fountain gushes on the giant (whale)

Deep down she is

As if visible in the sky

But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm

Because he can't (Starfish)

What a wonderful horse?

Very strange habits

The horse neither sows nor plows

Dancing underwater with a fish (sea Horse)

Everybody's moving forward

And he's the opposite

He can do it for two hours straight

Move backwards all the time (cancer)


3 children are asked to use a set of letters to make "sea" words

(sea, fish, crayfish, crab, sand, water, whale, shark, jellyfish, wave, etc.)


Slide 5: FOURTH TASK Find 10 differences:

FIFTH TASK Who is attentive :

Collect cut pictures (4 pieces)

Seahorse, octopus, crab, starfish, killer whale, beluga, dolphin

SIXTH TASK - Labyrinth

SEVENTH TASK For consolidation

A flock rushes after each other,

cutting the waves with your body,

First tails, then backs again,

whoever is ahead, swim


He's flat. Different sizes.

Its tail is whip-shaped.

Only one carries the squad

Electricity charge! (Scat)

An umbrella walks along the waves -

What a miracle

What a miracle!

The umbrella is burning

Like nettles.


He looks cute
At least it can be poisonous!
The mollusk has eight legs.
That's bottom...


Who walks backwards?
Who lives in only clean water?
He sits in a deep hole
Usami moves quietly


Whale? Or maybe a dolphin
Black and white giant?
Lives in the oceans
It eats living creatures ravenously.

The front ones are flippers, and the back ones are paws!
There is an oval shell. Looks like a hat!
Knowing no other home other than the sea,
It will give life to its offspring by crawling out onto the sand.
(Sea turtle)

The short body is covered with spines!
Use spikes to skillfully fight enemies.
It is important to inflate like a balloon. And yet...
Sometimes it’s scary, it floats

(Hedgehog fish)

Giant whale! Toothed whale!
Willful and angry.
A born echo sounder.
Eats shellfish.

(Sperm whale)

Crustacean baby
Changes color. This is too much!
Colored baby of the depths of the sea -
She's pretty


Only on the outside the shell is simple,

There is amazing beauty inside,

If a grain of sand falls into it,

The shell turns it into pearls.

(pearl oyster)


What disease has no one on earth ever had? (nautical)

Which animals always sleep with their eyes open? (fish)

What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-20 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep? (they don't sleep at night)

In which fairy tales did the fish help the main character? (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, At the Order of the Pike)


This quiz can be used as a final event for the implementation of a project on a marine theme with children of senior preschool age. At the quiz, children have the opportunity to show their knowledge gained while working on the project, show ingenuity and intelligence, actively move and compete. To create a fun atmosphere, games and tasks can be accompanied by rhythmic music

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about sea creatures in a playful way; to develop in children the ability to listen carefully to tasks and quickly complete them; cultivate mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: children are divided into 2 teams. Each team comes up with a name and chooses a captain. If desired, children can make themselves badges that reflect the name of the team, or have other decals(identical T-shirts, hats, bracelets, etc.). Teams, with the help of a teacher, come up with short speeches.

Teams enter the hall (group) to a song on a nautical theme. The host welcomes the teams and introduces the captains. The teams exchange chants. The host introduces the jury members and announces the start of the quiz.

1 competition. Warm-up “Sea mysteries”

The presenter asks riddles, alternating teams. Task: guess the riddle and find a picture depicting this to the inhabitants. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

He wanders along the bottom alone.

All eight legs in suction cups,

Who is this? (octopus)

Cleverly collects garbage

The bottom of the sea is cleaned. (crab)

The dome is like an umbrella, transparent,

He knows how to swim, if necessary,

The dome moves and helps you float,

The tentacle bites like a nettle. (jellyfish)

Like a fish in water, waving its strong tail,

But she feeds the children with her milk,

He greets the ship with joy at sea,

He saves people who cannot swim. (dolphin)

Deep down she is

As if visible in the sky.

But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm,

Because he can't. (Starfish)

I'm never in a hurry to go home
Because home is with me.
I have no fear of a shark,
I am a sea... (turtle)

Across the sea-ocean

A miracle giant is swimming. (whale)

The fish is like a flying kite,

Only much more cunning and stronger,

She hides her back and sides in the sand,

Will shock any enemy. (scat)

I'll see the evil one through binoculars and report to the captain,

Everyone knows perfectly well that it’s dangerous to play with her:

Teeth sharp as a knife

You better not touch her. (shark)

Looks so much like a horse

He jumps and frolics too.

Quietly floating in the water

Hiding in the sea grass (seahorse)

2 competition. Game "Sea Shadows"

Goal: development of visual attention.

Procedure: For the competition, captains choose 2 people from their team. In front of them are cards depicting sea creatures and their black silhouettes. Assignment: quickly arrange the cards in pairs, finding their own shadow for each inhabitant. The team that completes the task first receives 1 point.

3 competition. Game - relay race “Sea Helpers”

Goal: development of dexterity and ability to work harmoniously in a team.

Progress: Teams are lined up, led by a captain. Next to the captain is a “ship” (an empty basket), where he will put the “cargo”. On the other end of the line next to the player there is a basket with “load” (balls, cubes, skittles, etc.). Task: at the command of the leader, it is necessary to load the “cargo” onto the ship, passing it along the chain. The team that finishes loading first receives 1 point.

4 competition. Game "Sea Issues"

Goal: development of attention, memory and logical thinking.

Procedure: The leader asks each team a question in turn. Assignment: answer the question and explain your answer. For a correct and complete answer, the team receives 1 point.

Fish, because it has fins and gills)

2.Why do some jellyfish sting? (This is how they protect themselves from enemies)

3.Under what algae at the bottom of the sea does a turtle lay eggs? (Not under any conditions. She lays eggs only on land)

4.Do sharks sleep? (No. They can only breathe while moving. If the shark falls asleep and stops, it will suffocate)

5. Why do crabs need claws? (To defend against enemies and cut your food)

6. Is a dolphin a fish or an animal? (An animal, because it does not have gills, and it breathes air by emerging from the water)

7.What is the name of the ship that transports oil across the sea? (Tanker)

1. Are corals animals or plants? (Animals. They are called marine polyps)

2. Why do octopuses need suction cups on their tentacles? (To keep your prey)

3.Why are crabs called “sea orderlies”? (They clean the seabed by eating the rotting remains of animals and plants)

4.Why do some stingrays give electric shocks? (This is how they get food and protect themselves from enemies)

5.What can whales do, like people? (They can sing, i.e. make melodic sounds)

6. How does a seahorse differ from other fish? (This is the only fish on the planet that has a neck)

7. What is the name of the ship on which scientists go underwater? (Bathyscaphe)

5 competition. Game "Sea Score"

Goal: to consolidate forward and backward ordinal counting.

Procedure: For the competition, captains choose 2 people from their team. Each player is given a photo with sea ​​creature, cut into 10 strips. The stripes are numbered from 1 to 10 (10 to 1). Task: arrange the strips in order to make a whole image. The team that completes the task first receives 1 point.

6 competition. Sport game"Sea Strongmen"

Goal: development of dexterity, strength, ability to work in a team.

Move: Teams line up in chains opposite each other and take hold of the ends of the rope. A dividing line is drawn between them. At the command of the leader, the teams begin to pull the rope. Task: drag the enemy team across the boundary line. The winning team receives 1 point.

7 competition. Captains' competition "Sea Labyrinths"

Goal: development of visual attention, logical thinking, ability to find a way in a maze.

Progress: Captains receive a marker and a card with a sea labyrinth. Assignment: draw a path for your ship in the maze. Whoever does it faster gets 2 points for his team.

8 competition. Game "Sea Memory"

Goal: development of attention and short-term memory.

Progress: A chest with 10 - 15 sea items is prepared for each team. The presenter shows the items to the children of the first team and hides them in the chest again. Task: in 1 minute the team must name the hidden objects. Then the game is played with the second team. The team that names the most items receives 1 point.

9 competition. Relay race " Sea reefs»

Goal: development of speed, agility and ability to work in a team.

Procedure: Teams line up in columns at the starting line. The first participants (captains) have boats in their hands. Opposite the teams, “reefs” (cubes or pins) are installed in a row. Task: at the leader’s signal, players run like a snake between the “reefs”, run around the last “reef”, return in a straight line and pass the boats to the next team member. The team that finishes the relay first receives 1 point.

10 competition. Game "Sea Couples"

Goal: development of speed and intelligence.

Progress: Each team is given a set of paired sea pictures (1 child – 1 picture). Task: at the leader’s signal, find your pair. The team that completes all the pairs the fastest wins. She gets 1 point.

At the end of the competition, the jury tallies the points and announces the results of the quiz. The host rewards the teams and invites everyone to a fun disco.