The scandal broke out on the “Meeting Place” program. Live, the guests discussed how different countries fought the Nazis during World War II. Polish journalist Tomasz Maciejczuk went to the provocation. Listening to the Russians, he shouted: “Your grandfathers are red fascists.” Volunteered to explain to the guy who is wrong here using accessible methods Chief Editor PolitRussia portal Ruslan Ostashko. Rising from the bench, he approached the Pole and gave him a side kick to the face.

At the very beginning of the program, our Ukrainian guests reacted very aggressively to the discussion of the topic of our victory in the Great Patriotic War, Ruslan Ostashko told KP. “Their statements caused a storm of discontent among viewers and presenters. I warned that with all our tolerance for their antics, if someone from their bench dares to call our grandfathers fascists, then I will punch them in the face. Immediately, Polish journalist Tomas Maciejczuk intervened in the conversation and said that our grandfathers were “red fascists.” I just did what I promised.

A fight broke out between the men. The presenters and participants rushed to separate her. However, Ukrainian journalist Elena Boyko hastened to cuff the daring Pole. But Andrei Norkin stopped her. He rebuked the provocateur Tomas. The instigator of the brawl only repeated offendedly that Ruslan hit him first, reports the website

I can’t say that I’m somehow proud of this act,” Ostashko admits. - In my place, every normal man would do the same. No one is allowed to insult our ancestors. Unfortunately, most of them can no longer respond to such insults. Therefore, we need to do this. I repeat that every normal man would do this. I am sure that if I had not done this, other men in the studio would have stood up for our fathers and grandfathers. It’s just that at that time I had a microphone, and I raised this topic.

After the broadcast, viewers sided with Ostashko and condemned the Russophobe Pole.

During the commercial break, I opened my smartphone and saw hundreds of messages supporting and approving my actions,” the political scientist said. “I think that not only me, but also many spectators felt that this act was fair. And for a Russian person, justice is much more important than the norms of the law, which I could violate with this act. I also received a huge number of messages from the Poles, who said that they did not agree with Tomas and loved the Russians very much and remembered the feat Soviet soldier. Another well-known Polish expert, Jakub Koreyba, also wrote to me condemning Tomasz’s words.

Ostashko’s action was also supported by the program’s hosts.

Something happened that, unfortunately, had to happen sooner or later,” Andrei Norkin said on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Ruslan honestly warned that you should not insult those who lie in their graves - they cannot answer. Well, let's see how it goes next. I hope this will be a lesson for provocateurs and they will start to think before they say such things.

This is not the first time that Tomas has been hit in the face while on television. Before this, the Pole got into a fight on TVC with the host of the “Right to Voice” program, Roman Babayan.

Why am I not surprised? I thought that this bastard left Russia, but he turns out to be still here,” Babayan wrote on Twitter after learning about Tomas’s new scandal.

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“Your grandfathers are red fascists”: a Polish journalist provoked a fight in the NTV studio.

Another heated discussion on a political talk show in Russia ended in assault.

This time it happened on the set of the NTV channel’s “Meeting Place” program. The subject of heated controversy was the attempt of some participants in the program to prove the identity of the Stalinist and Hitlerite regimes.

Opponents began to exchange very harsh remarks. Finally, the editor-in-chief of the publication Politrussia Ruslan Ostashko warned: “If someone from your bench says again that my ancestors were fascists and fought for fascism, excuse me, I’ll come up and punch you in the face!”

“I’ll tell you,” the Polish journalist said in response. Tomas Maciejczuk. “Your grandfathers are red fascists!”

After that, Ostashko approached the Pole and hit him in the face several times. Matseychuk tried to answer, and the flaring up fight was stopped only by security arriving in time.

Host of the program “Meeting Place” Andrey Norkin personally stopped the Pole who tried to continue the fight.

“He attacked me,” Matseychuk shouted.

“Why are you provoking?” - Norkin asked.

Despite the conflict, the program continued.

“Yes, you’re the one who doesn’t live in the city.”

For Tomas Maciejczuk, the brawl on NTV is not the first “fight” on Russian television.

In November 2016, during a recording of the talk show “Right to Voice” on the TVC channel, Matseychuk said: “Ukrainians also want to live like normal people, and not in the city, like you.” At this moment the leader Roman Babayan stopped the discussion by checking with the Pole whether he understood his phrase correctly. When Matseychuk repeated his definition, the presenter replied: “Yes, you don’t live in the city.” After this, Matseychuk was asked to leave the studio.

The Pole did not want to leave, continuing to exchange opinions in harsh terms with other participants in the program, who persistently advised Matseychuk to leave the room. The two-minute skirmish turned first into a jostling, and then into a full-fledged hand-to-hand fight, in which the former Ukrainian deputy Igor Markov hit a Polish journalist in the head. At this point, the recording of the program stopped.

Career of a guy from Poznan: bandage dealer, Euromaidan volunteer, “Kremlin agent”

27-year-old native of Poznan Tomasz Maciejczuk, in his own words, became a journalist by accident, thanks to Euromaidan. Before the events in Ukraine began, Tomas and his brother hometown sold medical supplies.

At first Matseychuk supplied humanitarian aid at Euromaidan, and then joined in helping the so-called “volunteer battalions” and Ukrainian troops conducting a punitive operation in the Donbass.

In February 2015, Tomas Maciejczuk gives an interview to the German portal ZEIT ONLINE under the title “The truce killed my friends.”

“I have been supporting Ukraine since May last year. I helped various battalions as a volunteer. At first I delivered dressings and medicines for the wounded. For this purpose I collected a certain amount of money in Poland. Before winter, I organized the delivery of shoes and warm uniforms. Now I have also taken on the work of a reporter. I write on Facebook and Twitter about what I see,” Matseychuk says in an interview. During this period, the Pole, together with the Ukrainian army, was in the Debaltsevo area. More precisely, he, together with Ukrainian units, retreated from this settlement.

“There have been battles for the city for several weeks, now pro-Russian troops have occupied the streets. This is horror, soldiers, my Ukrainian friends, are now in Debaltsevo under heavy artillery fire. There is no way out for them. The city is lost. The truce is killing my friends,” Matseychuk reported.

However, the Pole soon came into conflict with Ukrainian radicals. In an interview with the portal in November 2016, Matseychuk explained: he did not see eye to eye with the Ukrainian neo-Nazis who were part of the Ukrainian “volunteer battalions.”

According to him, the turning point was the torture that Matseychuk witnessed at the OUN battalion base in Pisky in December 2014. young guy, accused without any evidence of collaborating with the “separatists,” was beaten for several days, used as a slave, and threatened with rape. When Maciejchuk tried to intervene, his “comrades-in-arms” asked: “Tomasz, are you an idiot?”

“I then realized what kind of people they were. All my illusions about volunteer battalions disappeared,” says Matseychuk in an interview with the portal. “They were ordinary bandits.” Not all, of course. But many of them. But I didn’t start a scandal in front of them, because I was really afraid that if I started to denounce them, they would simply kill me, and then they would say that I died during shelling or exploded on a mine. I heard more than once that, after getting drunk, the militants sometimes began to quarrel among themselves. In such quarrels, it happened that someone died because of the firefight that started, and then the family was informed that he had died in battle.”

Soon relations became so strained that Maciejchuk had to return to Poland. The journalist described his confrontation with Ukrainians on social networks as follows: “This feeling when political prostitutes call you an agent of the Kremlin, because you are for the truth and for European values.”

Russia is calling!

At the end of October 2016, Matseychuk posted a post on his social network page asking whether he should participate in Russian political talk shows. Although visitors to his page were more against than for, on November 1, the journalist posted online a photo of a passport with a Russian visa, advising him to watch one of the Russian TV channels.

Thus, Matseychuk joined the ranks of “combat experts” on Russian political talk shows.

On November 5, the Pole hinted on social networks about “ new job with new opportunities”, posting a photo of the press card. Despite the fact that a number of positions in the photo were retouched, one could conclude that Matseychuk was beginning to collaborate with one of the TV channels on an ongoing basis.

Subsequent events showed that Matseychuk mastered the role of a television “villain” perfectly.

We ended the material dedicated to Mr. Maciejczuk in November 2016: “Tomasz Maciejczuk is a very extraordinary person. So extraordinary that it would be a pity if he no longer appears on Russian television screens. However, something tells me that Mr. Matseychuk, even after the story with “Mr..n.” and the beatings, will not leave Russia.” was not mistaken: Tomas Maciejchuk is still in the ranks of television experts and clearly has no intention of leaving them. At least as long as political talk shows need provocateurs.

On April 26, the NTV channel aired the next episode of the socio-political program “Meeting Place,” dedicated to the upcoming holiday of May 9. Particular attention was paid to Ukraine, where radicals promised to disrupt the celebration of Victory Day.

During a lively discussion, Polish nationalist Tomasz Maciejczuk allowed himself to insult Soviet citizens who defended the world from Nazism. He called them “red fascists,” for which he deservedly received several blows in the face from the editor-in-chief of the Russian online publication, Ruslan Ostashko.

Despite the fact that Ostashko warned opponents of the May 9 celebration about the inadmissibility of insults against the USSR and its former citizens, the Polish provocateur deliberately aggravated the situation by comparing Soviet soldiers with fascists.

However, in terms of provocations based on nationalism, Matseychuk has no equal. He was seen more than once with the UPA flag in Donbass, drank with the militants of the Azov battalion, initiated several anti-migration marches, and today is a frequent guest on political talk shows, where he does his best to vilify Soviet Union.

Photo: vk

Immediately after the release of the program, the incident immediately transferred to social media. Users of the Russian segment of the Internet condemned Matseychuk for his behavior in the NTV studio; people were especially dissatisfied with his position as a “victim.”

“Ostash hit me first. Comments have already appeared that “the Pole was punched in the face.” Look at my face and Ostashko’s face, and then decide who received it from whom. It's all because of emotions. After all, they rushed at me, I was just defending myself,” Matseychuk wrote on his VKontakte page.

However, no one took the Pole’s “heroic excuses” seriously on the Internet. Matseychuk deliberately provoked Ruslan Ostashko into a conflict, so users regarded his status as an “oppressed nationalist honestly defending his position” as a pathetic attempt to whitewash himself.

Well, to Matseychuk’s statement that he allegedly caused more damage to Ostashko in the brawl, most Russians answered briefly but precisely: “After a fight they don’t wave their fists”.

The Russians perceived the statement of the Polish nationalist, discrediting the honor and glory of Soviet citizens who defended the world from fascism, as an insult to the entire Russian people. Therefore, they fully supported Ruslan Ostashko, who answered Matseychuk for all of Russia, and wished that next time the provocateur would come harder.

Today, April 26, the NTV channel aired the next episode of the socio-political program “Meeting Place,” dedicated to the upcoming holiday of May 9. Particular attention was paid to Ukraine, where radicals promised to disrupt the celebration of Victory Day.

During a lively discussion, Polish nationalist Tomasz Maciejczuk allowed himself to insult Soviet citizens who defended the world from Nazism. He called them “red fascists,” for which he deservedly received several blows in the face from the editor-in-chief of the Russian online publication, Ruslan Ostashko.

Despite the fact that Ostashko warned opponents of the May 9 celebration about the inadmissibility of insults against the USSR and its former citizens, the Polish provocateur deliberately aggravated the situation by comparing Soviet soldiers with fascists.

However, in terms of provocations based on nationalism, Matseychuk has no equal. He was seen more than once with the UPA 1 flag in the Donbass, drank with the militants of the Azov battalion, initiated several anti-migration marches, and today is a frequent guest on political talk shows, where he denounces the Soviet Union with all his might.


Immediately after the release of the program, the incident was immediately transferred to social networks. Users of the Russian segment of the Internet condemned Matseychuk for his behavior in the NTV studio; people were especially dissatisfied with his position as a “victim.”

“Ostash hit me first. Comments have already appeared that “the Pole was punched in the face.” Look at my face and Ostashko’s face, and then decide who received it from whom. It's all because of emotions. After all, they rushed at me, I was just defending myself,” Matseychuk wrote on his VKontakte page.

However, no one took the Pole’s “heroic excuses” seriously on the Internet. Matseychuk deliberately provoked Ruslan Ostashko into a conflict, so users regarded his status as an “oppressed nationalist honestly defending his position” as a pathetic attempt to whitewash himself.

Well, to Matseychuk’s statement that he inflicted more damage on Ostashko in the brawl, most Russians answered briefly but precisely: “They don’t wave their fists after a fight.”

The Russians perceived the statement of the Polish nationalist, discrediting the honor and glory of Soviet citizens who defended the world from fascism, as an insult to the entire Russian people. Therefore, they fully supported Ruslan Ostashko, who answered Matseychuk for all of Russia, and wished that next time the provocateur would come harder.

1 Extremist organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

Observer of Ukrainian topics Alexander Rogers reveals, so to speak, some details.

He writes: “Firstly, Tomasz Maciejczuk is, in fact, not a Pole at all, but a descendant of immigrants from Ukraine. His surname is not similar to Polish ones... His native surname is Mosiychuk.”

The expert recalls that in Poland, real Poles call him and others like him “Kurwa Banderovska.”

And for the photo with the flag of the “Right Sector” (banned in Russia), with which Matseychuk published, in Poland they can easily break the “face” (because they remember very well what the Volyn massacre was, and they hate Bandera).

And they would have done this a long time ago, but the “fearless” Tomasz does not appear in his “native” Poland, and is even treated in Russian hospitals.

A. Rogers notes that T. Matseychuk as a journalist is completely unknown in his homeland, and in general, “why did someone decide” that he is a “journalist”? Is he ready to endure beatings and humiliation for a small penny? I remember in the nineties there was this type of income for swindlers - jumping under the wheels of cars and pretending to be victims.

A. Rogers also reminds that Matseychuk is constantly trying to push the topic of an alleged conspiracy between the USSR and the Third Reich on the division of Poland.

In reality, the journalist recalls, Poland, in collusion with the Third Reich, divided Czechoslovakia. Moreover, when the USSR wanted to intervene and send a military contingent to defend Czechoslovakia, the ultranationalist government of Poland prevented this from happening.

You should listen to Igor Druz, who claims: “The impudent Pole got it - that’s good. It’s not good that the puppeteers of this circus didn’t get it.

In pre-Maidan Kyiv (even more so now) Russian social forces were not allowed to speak in principle. There is no you, that's all. And here is a whole cohort of Russophobes on TV, and they receive fees on top of that. Thanks to these shows on Ros-TV, Russophobia received freedom of speech and is gradually becoming acceptable from radical. Overton's windows turn like windmills."

Is it any wonder that a petition has already appeared on the Internet (and then a second one!), the authors of which demand that the Polish journalist T. Maciejchuk be expelled from Russia for offensive statements addressed to Soviet soldiers who liberated the world from fascism. It is noted that Matseychuk more than once allowed himself clearly provocative statements about the role of the USSR in the victory over Hitler's Germany.

The authors of the petition demand the same punishment for another Polish journalist, Jakub Koreyba, who recently called for “the destruction of all imperial scum.” The authors of the petition, mentioning Ukrainian political scientists Vyacheslav Kovtun and Vadim Karasev, American journalist Michael Bohm and other regulars of talk shows on Channel One, NTV and the Rossiya TV channel, rightly note that the disdainfulness of TV channels inviting people to participate in political talk -show of characters like the outright fascist and Russophobe Matseychuk has long caused the indignation of many Russians.