There are a lot of programs that provide access to the remote desktop, but you can connect to your personal computer, which may be quite far from the owner, using one browser. To do this you need to download chrome remote desktop.

Program features

First you need to decide why and who needs the ability to remotely connect to another computer. This is where this utility comes in handy. The need to organize access remotely appears when a person needs to get advice on the operation of a web application or program whose working interface is currently open on the desktop. Or the person himself is a representative of the technical support service and needs to provide advice on issues of the supported product.

Access to a computer may also be needed if a person is far from it. In order not to burden yourself with installing additional applications, you can simply open the Chrome web browser and download the remote desktop application and open all access rights.

For this purpose, one more condition must be fulfilled - authorization in your Google account. After this, select the version of the application that is needed at the moment.

Depending on the requirements of the person sitting at the computer (he must also work in Chrome with the Remote Desktop extension and under his own account), click on start work, and then open access.

The program will generate a key, you need to click on “get access” and enter it. After this, an image of the remote desktop will appear in the monitor browser. It is here that you can make fine adjustments by clicking on the drop-down menu located at the top of the browser.

This method of administering a third-party personal computer will only work with the code that was received for this session. If the current session is closed, the key is obtained again.

To set up a permanent connection to your PC, click on Get Started and then allow remote access. The invented code is entered into a special interface. On the remote computer, open Chrome and log in Google account.

In the standard sidebar, click on the image of the application for remote administration. The computer that was previously available for work will appear in the lists. To start working with it, enter a special code.

If you download the chrome remote desktop, you can successfully work with remote computers.

Surely everyone knows about the remote access program TeamViewer. Also, in my blog articles, I have repeatedly talked about a similar program -. But not everyone knows that you can remotely control a computer using a browser. Google Chrome, if you install a special extension on it.

What made me turn my attention to Chrome? The point is that the same TeamViewer, if I use it often, it begins to suspect me of commercial use and limits the time I can connect to remote computers.
And the developers Ammyy Admin Apparently they can’t come to an agreement with antivirus companies. Therefore, very often different computers installed antiviruses do not allow it not only to run, but even to simply download it from the official website, mistaking it for malware.

In what pros remote access via Google Chrome:

— it is free even for commercial use, i.e. There is no limitation on connection time;
is just a browser extension, not a separate program.

TO cons it can be said that:

- You must have a Google account;
- You cannot remotely transfer files to another computer.

How to use Chrome Remote Desktop?

Launch the browser Google Chrome(if you don't have it yet, install it).

Click the “Settings” button in the upper right corner – select “Additional tools” – “Extensions”:

In the window that opens, we will see all the extensions installed in the browser. Here below click on the link “More extensions”:

We found ourselves in Chrome App Store. Here in the search bar we enter remote Desktop and press the key Enter on keyboard:

The application will be found. Click on the “Install” button:

A window will pop up - click “Install application” in it:

After a few seconds, the “Services” tab will open, and we will see that we now have a new extension in our browser - . Click on it to open:

If you were not logged in before, now you will be asked Sign in to your Google account. Click the “Next” button in this window:

A tab will open in which you need to enter your address Email on gmail. Then click “Next” - enter password– click “Login”:

A window will pop up - click OK in it:

Having logged in, go to “Services” again. To do this, in a new browser tab, click the “ button in the upper left corner Services” or simply write the path in the address bar: chrome://apps

Open the application:

If the application asks for permission to access your data, click “Allow”:

In the window that opens we will see two tabs: Remote support And My computers:

First let's go to the first tab Remote support– click on the “Get Started” button.

We will be offered install additional component for Chrome Remote Desktop – click “Accept the terms and install”:

The file will start downloading chromeremotedesktophost.msi. We wait a while for it to download. When the download is complete, run the downloaded file:

As soon as the component is installed, it will happen access code generation. To give another user access to your desktop, provide them with the generated code. The session will begin after he enters this code.
Don't worry: you don't have to download and install the component on your computer every time. This is done once - only the first time.

After the owner remote computer will tell us the access code, we will see his desktop.

The application also has a second tab: My computers. Using it, you can connect to your computer from anywhere: the main thing is that it is turned on and has Internet access.

In the “My Computers” tab, click the “Getting Started” button:

Click the “Allow remote connections” button:

Come up with pin, consisting of at least 6 digits. Enter it here twice. Click OK:

Now you can connect to this computer remotely from another computer that has a browser Google Chrome and the extension is installed. The main thing is not to forget the PIN code that you came up with, otherwise nothing will work out. Also, in your computer's power settings, disable sleep mode.

That's basically all you need to know in order to use Chrome Remote Desktop. I think you yourself understood, but I’ll repeat it again: all the operations performed above must be performed not on one computer, but on all computers to which you want to connect remotely (or from which they will connect to yours).

I will list all the operations point by point:

- install on your computer Google Chrome browser
- install in this browser Remote Desktop Chrome extension
— sign in to your Google account in the browser
— install an additional component Host for Chrome Remote Desktop
- come up with and enter your pin code on the computer if we connect to it remotely.

Chrome Remote Desktop is an extension for Chrome that allows you to remotely control any computer connected to the network.


To use this solution, you do not need to have any special knowledge in using remote access programs. Easy installation and configuration is one of the most important advantages of the extension! However, there is a nuance - when working, the plugin requires authorization through a Google account. If necessary, you can create one the first time you use the Chrome Remote Desktop extension.


Chrome Remote Desktop installs as easily as other Chrome add-ons. After adding a new plugin to your browser, you should launch it and log in. Confirm all requests for access to personal data and you can safely begin setting up and using it. Chrome Remote Desktop will open a window with two tabs.

The first is called "Remote Support", and the second is "My Computers". By going to the remote support section, you can provide access to your device to another user or obtain the right to remotely use their PC. When assigning access rights, the extension will generate a special access code - without knowing it, it is impossible to connect to the computer remotely.

The second tab provides the user with the opportunity to organize remote access to his PC for himself. But in this case, the computer must be turned on and connected to the network. You can protect your equipment from unauthorized connections by generating a special code.

Key Features

  • allows remote administration;
  • allows you to connect to your device from others;
  • there is no possibility of exchanging files between connected computers;
  • all remote connections are protected by special passwords;
  • To use the extension, you need a Google account (you can create it directly in Chrome Remote Desktop);
  • works only with Chrome;
  • available completely free of charge.

In this article we will tell you what Chrome Remote Desktop is in detail. Let's talk about how to download and install the program, what settings it has. We will also mention the features of use and give detailed instructions.

What is this

Google Chrome Remote Desktop is a utility that allows you to connect to other computers and give users access to the contents of your PC's desktop. Used to configure certain programs or interact with other people.

Let's talk about how you can download the Chrome remote desktop.


Remote computer control Google Chrome is a utility created by the developer; you can download it from the browser’s special online store. Here's what you need to do to install the extension:

  • Open your browser;
  • Click the control icon in the form of three vertical dots;
  • Go to the line “Additional tools”;
  • Click on the “Extensions” button;
  • On the left side of the screen you will see a panel - click on it to open access to the icon;

  • After opening the directory, enter the name of the utility in the search bar;
  • After receiving the search results, click the “Install” button.

That's all! Now you have become the owner of an application for working with other computers. We'll tell you how to set up Google Chrome remote access.


Proceed with manipulations to configure access after downloading:

  • Open your browser;
  • Enter the following text into the address bar – chrome://apps;
  • Click the enter key;
  • In the window that opens, select the utility;

  • Go to the “My Computers” section and click “Get Started”;
  • Click on the “Allow connections” button;
  • Enter your PIN code twice and click “OK”;

  • Select the “YES” button to establish the host;

  • Log in to your user account and enter the PIN code again;

  • You will see the device appear in the “My Computers” section.

That's all! We'll tell you how to use the Gul Chrome remote desktop.


To open access:

  • Login to your browser;
  • Go to installed extensions;
  • Select the utility and click “Get Started”;
  • Select the “Open access” icon;

  • Create a login code;

  • Send the code to the user who will use your PC.

After the user enters the code, he can begin controlling the computer.

To gain access:

  • Open the extension;
  • From the list of computers, select the one you want to connect to;
  • Click on the icon if this is your PC;
  • If this is someone else’s PC, click on the “Access” icon;
  • Enter the PIN code received from another user;
  • Click on the connection icon.

To complete:

  • When finished, click the downward arrow located in the center of the page;
  • Select the Disable button.

Removing a PC from the list:

  • Open installed extensions;
  • Select the utility;
  • Go to the “My Computers” block;
  • Find the device you need and click “Prohibit connections.”

That's all, we hope that now you will not have any problems working in this utility!

Remote access technology allows you to connect to a computer using the Internet or local network for the purpose of administering or controlling the computer in on-line mode.

How does remote access technology work?

These programs were initially designed to provide convenience and optimization of working time for IT specialists who administer local networks, usually consisting of hundreds of computers, which are often located at a considerable distance from each other.

The use of remote administration programs can significantly reduce the time delays required to resolve issues that arise for users while working with a PC, thus reducing production downtime.

There are many software implementations of the idea of ​​remote administration, which differ in the protocols used (VNC, RDP, Telnet, X11, ARD, Rlogin, RFB, ICA, as well as software developers’ own protocols) and management interfaces (console and graphical).

SSH, TLS, SSL and other protocols are used to encrypt transmitted traffic.

As a rule, programs for remote access consist of 2 applications with different functionality:

1. Server application – installed on computers that will need to be administered.

2. Client application – installed on the computer from which other PCs are controlled.

Soon, from the sphere of system administration, these programs gradually penetrated into the user sphere, adding to the set of necessary programs for the average user.

It is worth noting that, having occupied the user niche, programs for remote administration were somewhat modified.

So, instead of the required two client and server applications, there is now one application that plays the role of a client or server, depending on the internal settings of the program.

It also became possible to run programs on the Internet without additional settings.

Chrome Remote Desktop

Step 1. Install and configure Remote Desktop

For this:

1.1 Go to the applications page in the Chrome Web Store.

1.2 Download the application by clicking the blue “Install” button, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen and the “Add” button in the subsequent dialog box.

After adding a remote desktop, an application icon will appear on the desktop, in the Quick Launch panel, and also in the browser itself.

Important! When you launch the application for the first time, you must authorize it by allowing execution next steps: Access a list of computers connected to the remote desktop, access information about your email account, and allow sending and receiving chat messages.

The site also contains articles on the following topics:

  • Google Image Search (Google): How to Find Similar Images

Step 2. Activate a remote connection to your PC

A prerequisite for working with a desktop at a distance is having a Google account. To activate the connection you must:

2.1 Open a new tab in the Google Chrome browser and click the “Applications” icon located under the search bar or use the shortcut on the desktop or quick launch panel.

2.2 Find and launch the Chrome Remote Desktop application. To view the remote connection settings, in the “My Computers” section, click the “Get Started” button.

2.3 Click “Allow remote connections”, download and install the host service for the remote desktop. The service is downloaded and installed automatically.

2.4 After installing the service, enter a PIN code containing at least 6 digits, confirm it and click OK.

2.5 To continue, you must confirm your login to your Google account and enter the PIN code again, after which the configured device should appear in the “My Computers” section.

Step 3. Connect to a remote computer

To connect to computers, you need to check on each of them the presence of an Internet connection, as well as permission to connect from a distance.

There is no need to run Google Chrome on the remote PC. After checking you must:

3.1 Launch the application as described above.

3.2 Go to the “My Computers” section and click the “Get Started” button, then select the desired computer profile from the list of available devices, enter the PIN code specified in the previous step and click the “Connect” button.

To terminate the remote session, you must click the “Disconnect” button, which is located in the drop-down panel at the top of the page.



Easy to set up.

Stable and fast work even with low Internet connection speed.

There is no need to configure a firewall.


There is no possibility to transfer files (unlike analogue programs).

Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop: How to Always Access Your PC