Hello dear readers! Today in this article we will try to talk about what they are called and how you can protect your life when attacked by intruders. Let's say right away that today few people hope for help from the police when hooligans catch them in a dark alley.

Here you always have to rely on your own strength, but if a person does not have a special one and does not know the fighting technique, then he can simply be killed. Our article is not simple and will help many people learn how to effectively protect their lives in any situation. This applies to both men and women.

Boxing punches

Every novice fighter should know what kind of punches boxers have. All of them can be divided into several types: these are usually direct blows. There are also attacks from the flanks. There are more than 10 of them in boxing. They differ in the direction of movement and length.

Distance always plays an important role. The boxer's punch depends on it. In this case, the hand can perform the movement in different ways. For example, when making a long shot, you will have to straighten your arm completely. When in close combat, the arms are bent. Naturally, the most powerful blows have always been considered.

What kind of blows are there?

If we talk about what blows can be, they can differ in type. For example, you can take the blow " ". It is usually applied to the chin. This direct blow is always done right hand, but there is an option when it is performed with the left hand. When performing it, you need to push off with your right foot and move quickly forward.

The weight is transferred to the opposite leg. This strike can be considered the most effective to date. If you want to defeat your opponent, you need to deal him a knockout direct blow. Here a heartbeat disturbance may occur and the person will most likely lose consciousness. In boxing this is called a knockout.

A boxer's blow to the liver can stop a person's breathing, leading to fainting. As for the solar plexus, it is also always vulnerable and if you hit this place, you can bring a person to loss of consciousness.

If you perform such a blow, it will most likely shock your opponent. He may stop breathing for some time.

The most important thing in boxing is the psychological factor. Some are simply afraid of the enemy, others are afraid to inflict damage on him. In such cases, the boxer's blow usually becomes unclear and movement is constrained. The main tenet of boxing is the ability to distance yourself from what is happening. Here emotions are a bad help. If the boxer is calm, then he can win a landslide victory.

You need to learn how to move correctly, only in this case can you apply. This type of boxer's punch will always be much more powerful if you just stand still. You need to defend yourself with your whole body and the force of the blow always depends on the position of your legs and back.

The force of an impact can always be generated due to the fact that the center of gravity is transferred and the body rotates. The goal should be one - to quickly win. If there is no competent combination of blows and correct technique, and you deliver single strikes, they will be ineffective.

In order to perfectly master all boxing techniques, it is necessary, first of all, to obtain information on how to correctly perform strikes. It is necessary to constantly engage in psychological preparation.

In any situation you must be calm. It doesn't matter how many opponents are in front of you. One strong blow can stun the attacker and cause him to flee.

All students need to remember that victory is not brought to them by a quick and strong blow from a boxer, but if it is done correctly and in a timely manner. Any sport requires strategy and combat tactics. Each application must be applied at a certain time.

If you want to be confident in your abilities, you can buy a course today and start boxing classes. It is safe to say that after you have fully studied all the movements and movements, you will be able to stand up for yourself and your loved ones. You will always be able to protect them.

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One of the most common types of martial arts not only in the CIS, but throughout the world is boxing. Despite the harsh rules that limit this sport, a boxer who masters the technique, in most cases, emerges victorious even in a street fight.

What unites classical boxing and oriental fighting systems?

Due to the presence of various limitations, a good boxer is constantly working to improve his fighting tactics, and the technique of striking has undergone significant changes in the last few decades and today boxing is significantly different from the boxing that our predecessors were fond of.

Before you start practicing punches, it is necessary - they will accustom your hands to the weight. Then it will be much easier for you to carry out training with impacts.

Classical combat is constantly evolving, borrowing much from Eastern martial systems, which, in turn, today successfully use some techniques from boxing and Western martial arts. And although, for example, in Thai boxing, which has gained popularity among our compatriots (has nothing in common with classical boxing), blows are delivered with elbows, hands, feet, good results in Muay Thai can only be achieved by masterfully working with the hands. Therefore, boxers have to thoroughly master the principles of striking before entering the ring.

What unites classic boxing and oriental fighting systems?

All combat systems existing today, although based on basic, classical ideas, are, one way or another, divided into wrestling and fist. In boxing, there are not many techniques of defense and attack, and if the names of defenses do not arouse much interest among fans of this sport, then the situation with the names of strikes is completely different.

Basic punches used in boxing

Boxing punches, names which can tell about their characteristics, are divided into straight, side and uppercuts, and at the same time, each of them has its own several subspecies. The delivery of blows is strictly limited, they can be delivered either to the head or to the body of the opponent, and based on the rules of boxing, strikes can only be delivered with hands protected by special boxing gloves.

Basic punches used in boxing

You can study in more detail using specialized literature or by studying the information presented in sufficient quantities on the Internet.

Direct blow and its variations

A direct blow in boxing is divided into two subtypes. The name of a blow delivered with the hand that is closer to the opponent is a jab (poke). A blow that is delivered with the hand further towards the opponent is called a cross. The jab allows you to calculate the opponent's expected movements and determine his weak points. It is the fastest because it has the shortest trajectory, which allows the attacker to control the distance. By using a jab, the enemy can easily be disoriented by not strong, but exhausting attacks carried out at a fast pace.

A direct attack with a far hand (cross) has a much lower speed, because the flight of the hand occurs along a trajectory with longer. This is the reason why the cross is much more powerful than the jab described above. Direct punch in boxing, title which when translated into Russian sounds like a “cross”, is quite strong, because it is applied after it passes over the opponent’s hand, after which it is executed with the dominant rear hand “through”. Before using this blow, it must be carefully mastered, otherwise there is a risk of running into a counterattack and being defeated.

Direct blow and its variations

Most often, the cross is used by boxers - knockout fighters who prefer to use an attacking strategy. Wherein straight punch in boxing called a jab or cross is only effective when combined with other punches.

Side punches - hook and swing

Strikes that are delivered from a balanced position, as a rule, do not have any subtypes, but due to the fact that the fighter in the ring is most often in a half-turn towards the enemy, there are two types of side strikes. Side kick in boxing called The “swing” is performed with the hand located closer to the opponent. Therefore, he does not always manage to notice it in time due to the trajectory of the blow, which begins similar to a jab and then turns into a side trajectory.

Side punches - hook and swing

Swing became most widespread in the fifties of the last century and is more typical of the English boxing technique. Just like the jab, the swing is applied with the left hand. The swing is a very powerful single strike, because it allows the opponent to quickly counterattack.

The most powerful punch used in boxing is the hook. Although it is very inferior to other types of attacking actions in terms of speed, thanks to its large trajectory, it is powerful and helps to win by knockout. The effectiveness of a hook depends on a competent combination of blows, for example, in cases when the enemy is dealt several direct blows (jab - the name of a direct blow with the near hand in boxing), and then secure the result with a skillfully placed hook.

The name of the straight punch with the near hand in boxing

The peculiarity of this strike is that it does not require a swing to deliver it. The purpose of striking is to “knock out” the enemy and win a quick victory.

Uppercuts (low blows)

One of the most powerful effects on an opponent is the uppercut. There are two types of impact. The classic uppercut is possible at close range, it is applied in most cases with the front hand, while the long uppercut is applied with the far hand and is used at medium and long distances.

Boxing is considered one of the toughest sports, and many prefer it for the opportunity to practice a knockout blow. It is so strong that it will help you defeat your opponent in the ring in a couple of seconds and give a worthy rebuff in a street fight. It is advisable to practice it in sparring, but some exercises can be performed at home. Let's talk in more detail about how to deliver a knockout blow.

How to punch correctly?

Sports, both amateur and professional, are a constant risk of injury if the execution technique is violated. There are 5 main strikes, all the others (about 12) are their variations.

The most common is jab . It is applied with the front hand. The target is the head or body of the sparring partner (opponent). The fist should be parallel to the ground, with your arm fully extended. Protect your face and solar plexus(with the fist and elbow of the far hand, respectively).

The disadvantage of the jab is that it is not as strong as any other. Plus - the ability to keep your opponent (sparring partner) in constant tension, and when defending - keep him at a distance.

Cross applied with the far hand to the body of a partner (opponent) or his head. This is done quickly and along the shortest trajectory. The body needs to be turned around, the weight of the body must be transferred to the leg that is put forward. The attacker's shoulder should be at the same level as the target. In this case, it is better to bend your legs at the knees.

Disadvantage of the blow: when delivering it, you have to take an unusual body position. This means it takes time to work it out. The advantage is its accuracy and the fact that after application it is easy to dodge the enemy’s counterattack.

When applied swing the striking hand must be pulled back and straightened. After this, turn the body around and make a “dive” head down. The hand needs to describe a large radius before it reaches its target (the partner's head).

The downside is that it takes time to grab and actually strike, and the opponent has time to “close” and dodge. The advantage is in the strength that the hand manages to gain while describing the “arc”.

Hook boxers call the main side kick. He will help in the clinch. The target in this case is also the opponent's head or body. When applying, the shoulder should be pulled back, the body should be untwisted, and the arm should be bent at the elbow. It is important that the bend is 90°, otherwise the blow will lose power.

The advantage is its “invisibility”, since it is applied without a swing, strength and speed. Minus: you will have to “work” on the oblique abdominal muscles: you have to use them first.

Uppercut also used in the clinch, at the moment when the opponent forgets to bring his elbows together when defending. It is applied from the bottom up with the front hand (at this moment the weight is transferred to the front leg) or the far one (step forward with the far leg, the weight is transferred to it). In this case, the fist must be turned so that its inner part is facing the attacker. It is aimed at the chin or solar plexus (the goal is to stop breathing).

Disadvantage: it leaves the attacker without protection. The advantage, as in the case of throwing a hook, is its strength and “invisibility”.

How to develop punching power?

The strength of individual fighters is legendary. They become heroes and gain worldwide fame. Some are endowed with remarkable strength by nature, while others have to perfect their technique for many months in order to ultimately defeat the enemy with just one blow. Becoming a puncher is difficult, but it's worth trying. This will require performing special exercises to develop strength. There are a lot of them, and it’s not worth doing absolutely everything in one workout. It is enough to choose those that seem the most effective. For advice, contact a trainer. He will help you measure the load and monitor your technique.

Let's introduce a few effective exercises for strength development:

    push ups;

    barbell bench press;

    kettlebell jerk;

    kettlebell push;

    exercises with a boxing bag;

    paw work;

    exercise with a sledgehammer.

Push ups

Peculiar business card Any professional boxer can be called push-ups on his fists (or fingers) on the bare floor. They acquire this skill not out of a desire to boast about their achievements, although there is something to envy here. This is a necessity, thanks to which it is possible to develop sufficient impact force and at the same time “harden” the knuckles so that they are less injured.

Push-ups can be performed as follows:

    on fists or fingers at a fast pace (in this case, hands should be placed slightly wider than shoulders, and elbows should move along the body);

    on the palms (clap between approaches);

    on one hand (either left or right).


The press is performed while lying down. You can’t stop, so you need to choose a weight so that you can do up to 12 repetitions at an average pace.


The snatch is performed alternately with each hand. The weight of the weight is 24 kg. They will be performed, like push-ups, at a fast pace. The load is placed on the muscles of the legs and back.

In order to push, you will have to work with two weights at the same time. The weight is still the same - 24 kg. Performed at a fast pace.

Punching bag

Do not neglect work on sports equipment. For example, it is recommended to practice powerful blows on a boxing bag:

    stand in a stance and strike a single blow as if you were going to punch a bag:

    strike “two”, apply it with one hand or alternately with each, but be sure the first is weak, the second is stronger;

    swing the bag and strike counter blows; the more powerful they are, the better.

These exercises can be performed both during training and at home, provided that you have a punching bag and its characteristics meet all the necessary requirements.


Boxing paws are called one of the best, universal equipment. With their help, you can well simulate the movement of the enemy during a fight. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a partner:

    the sparring partner keeps the paw down, periodically raises it sharply and moves it to the left or right, up or down; The boxer’s task is to strike the paw, his position is a stance with legs close together (with a lunge);

    the sparring partner keeps his paw at the same level, but constantly moves; The boxer's task is to hit the paw;

    The sparring partner holds a paw in one hand and a rope in the other, which he uses to hit the boxer’s hand if he does not manage to pull it back in time after hitting the paw.


An effective exercise for developing strength is hitting a rubber tire with a sledgehammer. It is often performed by CrossFitters. The goal is to develop strength and endurance. Note that concentration is given no less importance: the exercise is quite complex and, to a certain extent, dangerous. The technique is reminiscent of chopping wood with an ax: the sledgehammer is raised high and pulled behind the head, and then sharply lowered onto the tire. Strikes should be struck in a straight line. It is important to prevent twisting of the spine: this increases the risk of injury.

Setting up a punch in boxing

The peculiarity of a knockout blow is that it is strong, invisible and delivered as quickly as possible. The goal is to hit the enemy so that he has the strength to continue the fight. A trainer will help you place the kick, but if you wish, special exercises can be performed at home. First, let's look at what a knockout blow is. First, disruption (surprise), then acceleration (strength and speed.)


Before striking, the fighter’s head must be cool and all muscles relaxed. His task is to deceive the enemy, to look as if he has no intention of hurting anyone. By the way, you can't knock him out if he's angry. This blow is powerful; when applied, all muscles are involved, since you need to hit not with your hand, but with your whole body. At the same time, you should not allow excessive muscle tension: it may happen that both the speed of the impact and its trajectory change. As a result, the boxer will not hit his opponent, but will fall on top of him.

How to learn to hit sharply? There are several exercises: striking

    after sound;

    after touching;

    on a sheet of newsprint.

After the sound . It is performed as follows: the boxer takes a fighting stance, the partner stands in a place where he is not visible, and makes some sound, for example, clapping his hands. Hearing sound signal, the boxer must deliver a hard blow. His task is to do this as quickly as possible, so that as little time as possible passes between the sound and the impact. If desired or necessary, make it more difficult: alternate between clapping your hands and using a voice signal.

After touching. This exercise is similar to the previous one, it’s just that the boxer strikes not after hearing a sound, but after his partner slightly touches him (different parts of the body) or pushes him more noticeably. You need to throw it away as quickly as possible.

On a sheet of newsprint. The sheet size is 30x30 cm. The partner holds it by the upper corners. The fighter's task is to hit with such speed that the newspaper breaks. This exercise - aerobatics, an ideal worth approaching.


The second component of a knockout blow is acceleration. In other words, speed is important. The distance to the target must be equal to the length of the boxer's arm in order to be able to develop the required speed. Note that there is no need to swing, otherwise the enemy will notice this preparation for striking. This cannot be allowed; as mentioned earlier, the knockout blow must be unexpected.

The following exercises will help you develop speed:

    exercises with a rubber band;

    blows in front of a candle flame.

Exercises with a rubber band it is constructed as follows: it needs to be thrown over a punching bag or mounted on the wall. The boxer stands with his back to the bag (wall), takes the ends of the tourniquet in his hands and delivers single straight blows, trying to do this as quickly as possible.

Beats in front of a candle flame. This is another exercise that helps develop speed (sharpness) and punching power. The boxer must strike an imaginary opponent, but use a lit candle instead of a bag or paw. The fist should stop in front of the flame. You need to ensure that it goes out due to the directional flow of air.

Hand training

There is one more nuance that should not be forgotten: strengthening your hands. It is quite risky for an unprepared person to deliver a knockout blow, since there is a high probability of injury. You need to not only clench your fist correctly (the thumb should be located on top of the second phalanges of the index and middle fingers), but also prepare the back of your hand for such loads. How to do it? Many people have probably watched feature films more than once, where main character smashed several bricks with the edge of his palm or pierced hard surfaces with his fingertips. Only a few succeed and are achieved through many years of hard training. It is also possible to prepare your hands for a knockout blow. Push-ups and bag work will help.

You need to do push-ups first on soft surfaces, and then on hard ones, on the floor. You shouldn’t immediately create an unbearable load for yourself by doing push-ups from the floor. This way you can easily injure your knuckles. Instead of a positive result, the result will be negative. Start small, with light exercises, and then you will be able to “walk” on the floor on your fists, while lying down.

The punching bag is designed specifically for working with gloves. Some athletes make it at home, and if you use the right padding, the density of this projectile will closely match the density of the human body. How to work on a bag? The same exercises as for developing strength will do.

So, a coach will help you deliver a knockout blow. You'll have to work on the hold and proper application. There are special exercises for this that you can practice at home. It is important to remember that you should hit unexpectedly, quickly, powerfully and directly at the target.

Boxing is one of the most popular types of combat sports of European origin. Strikes in boxing, as in any sports fight, are limited by a number of strict rules that are necessary both for the safety of the fight in relation to human life, and for ensuring a more honest, noble victory over the opponent. The basics of boxing are divided into two separate techniques: attack and defense, which are necessarily present in any fight. Using certain boxing techniques, stances and positions, knowing your own strengths and weak sides, each boxer forms his own fighting style, studying each other’s fighting qualities, athletes build specific strategies for each of their fights. It is the strategies that determine their victories, and not the individual blows themselves. Strikes, like the instruments of any fight, have separate names, special purposes, their own special technique of execution and are used in combination with each other.

Before the techniques become clear and accessible to a beginner, the athlete needs to study the main types of punches in boxing and find out what the punches are called. There are four of them in total in the box.

Types of percussion techniques

The jab is a simple technique in execution, one of the main ones in any fight. Its advantage is not so much in strength as in speed, since the jab has the shortest trajectory of movement among other types of boxing strikes. The jab is used as “reconnaissance”, identifying the opponent’s vulnerabilities, and to maintain a distance from the opponent, trying to reach the most convenient position from which they plan to launch the main attack. Among other things, the jab is used for self-defense, slowing down the opponent's advance. The jab is performed with the left hand, the strike is straight, and the arm must be fully extended.

The uppercut is difficult to perform and has several of its own variations: classic, long and body uppercut. This type includes two qualities: speed and strength, making its use very effective for enemy attacks and counterattacks. Many names of boxing strikes already contain a comprehensive explanation of their execution, for example, an uppercut is translated as “chopping from the bottom up.” The classic uppercourt is performed with the front hand, with the forearm positioned vertically at the time of the strike, and is used at close range.

The low blow in boxing is called the “long uppercut” and is used at medium and long distances. The low kick “from the floor” is very effective; it is its starting position, that is, the low blow, that makes it unpredictable for the opponent. The body uppercut differs in that the palm of the fist is turned upward.

Knockout punches

Knockout blows are called knockout blows in boxing that have powerful crushing force: with one swing you can end the fight. The trajectory of the movement of the hands when applied is quite large; they strike once, completing the enemy’s attack. Hook (the name translates as “hook”) is a short side kick in boxing, technically complex, that can work as a winning, knockout blow, completing a well-thought-out combination of other techniques, jabs and uppercuts that have previously weakened the opponent.

The hook is applied with the right or left hand, bent at the elbow 90 or 100 degrees, to the head or body of the enemy. The hook is effectively used at close or medium distances. The hook has a large trajectory, so it is not considered high-speed, but it has powerful force due to a long trajectory, rotation of the body and transfer of the center of gravity. Technically, reproducing this blow is very difficult and requires precision from the boxer, and the effectiveness of its use depends on the correct strategic calculation. Individual unplanned hooks, as a rule, do not bring a quick and easy victory, but a hook used at the right moment can ensure an early victory, requiring a minimum of effort from the fighter.

The cross is a powerful direct knockout blow; it has a long trajectory of the hand, due to which its strength increases. Like the hook, the cross must be combined with a well-thought-out series of other, less powerful, but effectively disorienting or exhausting blows, finishing them with its crushing force, thereby ensuring victory.

The cross is the main technique for performing a knockout. Applied with the right hand, played sharply, with a forward movement of the torso and a simultaneous push of the rear leg, with all the weight transferred to the front leg. The blow is delivered either to the head or to the body of the enemy. This alone may be enough for victory, but, again, its successful use will always depend on the thoughtfulness of the entire battle.

Cheating combinations

As has already been said, punches are just tools for fighting in boxing, but victory is determined by the fighter’s art, his strategy, and agility.

One of the complex and inaccessible techniques for most boxers is the use of feints. Feints in boxing are deceptive boxing combinations - an action aimed at distracting the opponent from the main planned blow. The enemy's unpreparedness to face an effective blow ensures victory. But very few fighters possess the art of using and planning a feint, since successful execution of a technique requires subtle and careful thinking and depends more on the intellectual rather than the physical merits of the fighter.

Within the walls of the “YourRevolution1905” club, we are ready to professionally help you learn to box or improve your level as a boxer. Entire sets of exercises developed by certified specialists, nutritional recommendations, “smart” weighing, classes conducted by a Master of Sports in boxing and much more, all this will help you achieve your goal as effectively as possible. For the most effective and quick results, you can train individually (one-on-one with a trainer) or in mini-groups of up to ten people. Come to our classes and we will help you become the best version myself!